Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on May 21, 2021


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 16

Matt woke up early in the morning, light was just starting to come through the windows. It took a moment for Matt to realize that he still had his leathers on. Next, there were two sets of light snoring in bed next to him. Looking over Chris had his arms draped around kip who was cleaved to Chris. kip still had the wrist restraints on with his arms being held behind him. Other than the restraints and the cage, kip was naked, just like Chris.

Matt slid off the bed. He opened the windows to let in the ocean breeze. Then he padded into the bathroom to relieve himself. Matt took off the leather cockring jock and wiped it down briefly before tossing it in a basket. Matt kept on the leather halter and gloves. Smiling at his look in the mirror, his cock started to harden again.

Matt walked back into the bedroom to find that kip was awake in Chris' embrace. Chris was still sleeping, it was still too early for him to wake up. kip heard Matt walk in and turned to look up at his Sir.

"Good morning Sir" kip greeted him.

"Morning, sub." Matt replied, then in a deeper voice, "Leave Monkeyboy there and come with me."

With that Matt headed out of the bedroom into the backyard. He could hear kip wrestle around as he attempted to extricate himself from Chris' grasp and get off the bed with his hands still behind him. Matt walked down to the side of the pool, enjoying the sunlight on his bare skin. He knew that he needed to swim some laps to help focus his thoughts on kip's stay.

First though he was going to have to deal with kip's breaking of a rule. When Matt was pounding him last night in bed, kip came before Matt did and without permission. As Matt had studied and experienced before, a sub needed to be firmly reminded of rule violations and resulting punishments to be successful as a sub. For kip this was more than necessary, as self control was one of the issues they were working to strengthen. Just thinking about the sex that they had last night was starting to get Matt hard.

Matt heard a shuffling noise as kip was walking down to the pool side, the cage and restraints making it a bit awkward for him. Matt waited until kip had made it to the course concrete around the pool and nodded for kip to stop.

"Kneal." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" kip replied.

kip started to lower himself, but without the use of his hands he ended up just dropping to his knees. kip made a small discomforting sound as his knees pressed into the concrete. Once down he straightened up and bowed his head. kip missed the smile that crossed Matt's face due to the body positioning without instruction.

"We are going to discuss two rule violations from last night and the consequences." Matt started speaking.

"Yes, Sir." kip answered as Matt paused.

"Do you know which rules were violated? This is an important part of the Dom/sub relationship. The sub should always know what rules are to be followed and what happens when they are not followed." Matt explained after his inquiry.

kip sat still for a moment thinking. Then he lifted his head towards Matt.

"Yes, Sir. I understand the importance of rules and following them." kip started, "I know which rules. I am sorry, Sir. First, I came before you did. Second, I did not ask permission before I came."

"That is correct, kip. Self control can include proper communication as well. Though if you are focusing on the Dom's pleasure over your own, this will help." Matt said, "Now we need to discuss punishments. I like to make the punishment be a learning process when I can. For cumming before I did you will receive forty swats. For cumming without permission, you will be my lap counter for my swimming this morning. I will give you the details you need at that time."

"Yes, Sir." kip said, "I understand, Sir."

"Stand and lean over the table." Matt ordered, "It is time for the first lesson."

"Yes, Sir!" kip replied as he struggled to his feet.

kip took the few steps needed to the table and laid his head and chest on it, leaving his ass exposed in the air. Matt grinned as he walked to the table. Still with gloved hands, Matt rubbed each of kip's ass cheeks. kip was moaning from the touch of the gloved hands on his flesh. kip was caught up with the feeling of the leather, that he missed that Matt had lifted one hand.


"One, Sir! Thank you, Sir." kip replied.

This continued for each of the forty swats which Matt alternated between each cheek. Matt rubbed his hands over the now crimson globes of ass flesh. kip was moaning and groaning as the pleasure and pain were combined. kip was fidgeting somewhat as his dick kept trying to expand, but was being restricted by the cage. Matt reached under and gripped the cage and kip's balls to give them a good squeeze. kip's groan increased, but Matt could swear that kip's hole winked at him.

"Get down from the table and on your knees by the pool edge." Matt commanded.

"Yes, Sir." kip replied and slid off the table.

kip walked to the requested location and dropped to his knees. It was getting easier for him to maneuver with his hands behind him. kip lowered his head waiting for the instructions for the next part of his punishment. kip's arms lowered and brushed the tops of his ass cheeks, he could feel the heat radiate from them.

"I will need to check your cage to make sure it is fitting well enough. Stand up and spread your legs." Matt requested.

"Yes, Sir." kip answered right away.

kip got up to his feet and stood with his legs further than shoulder width apart. Matt walked closer and knelt down in front of kip. Matt ran his fingers around the cock ring portion of the cage, moving it to make sure it was not causing any sores or irritation. Matt inspected the connection to the cage part and the closure next. All appeared to be in good working order and the fit was appropriate. Matt smiled at Mai's resourcefulness and accuracy in her selection.

Matt stood back up and stepped back. He nodded and kip dropped back down to his knees. Matt went to the chair by the table and retrieved a thin leather strap, it was long and supple. He was showing kip how pliant it was before speaking.

"Now for the second part of your punishment. I need to get in my weekend morning swim. I do forty laps, but I need a lap counter to make sure I do the correct distance." Matt said and kip nodded his head in understanding. Matt continued, "You are going to be my counter today. You will stay on your knees and as I return to the edge you will yell out the lap number. You maintain the position the entire time that I am swimming. You will keep an accurate count or you will face another infraction."

"Yes, Sir. I understand, Sir!" kip said quickly.

"Just being on your knees for thirty or so minutes is not quiet enough punishment for the infraction. In addition to kneeling on your knees, I will use this strap to attach to your balls. The strap will then be attached to a 1 lbs weight we use to keep towels from blowing around. Your knees may distract you, but the weight will help you focus on the lap counting." Matt explained.

kip gulped, then "Yes, Sir." he answered.

"Get ready." Matt said.

"Yes, Sir." kip replied as he steadied himself.

Matt bent down and tugged down on kip's balls. After a moment or so, he could wind the strip around the sack. When the strip was secure, then Matt attached the blanket weight. kip offed, he was feeling a sharp tugging, but only a dull pain. Matt was correct, it was keeping his mind focused, as any movement would make the weight shift and the dull pain would spike.

"Are you ready to focus?" Matt inquired.

"Yes, Sir." kip replied.

Matt was still close to kip's face. Thinking now was as good a time as any, he looked into kip's eyes. Matt's hazel eyes were glowing into kip's blue one. kip held the eye gaze for a few seconds before he looked down, missing Matt's grin.

"As we continue, it may get confusing to be addressing others as Sir. For clarity, you can call me Master and only reserving calling me Sir when situations would compromise our training. Others like Chris and Channing, you can address as Sir at all times. It is a clear way to identify who you are addressing." Matt advised.

"Yes, Master." kip said.

Matt rewarded kip with a genuine smile before he bent closer and gave kip a hearty kiss. The kiss was intense and Matt's tongue and mouth dominated kip's. It made kip moan in Matt's mouth. The moan turned into a groan, as kip moved in spite of himself and the weight moved. Matt chuckled as he stood up, showing kip that he was getting excited as his cock was firming up.

"Now, what I need you to do while I am swimming is to yell out the lap number as I get close to the wall. As you will remain on this side, you will only be yelling out even numbers. You will yell, 'Lap 2 Master Matt!, Lap 4 Master Matt!' etc. If you do not say it before I push off to go on for the next lap, that will be an infraction. If you miss-count, that will be an infraction. If you move or lower down from the kneeling position, that will be an infraction. Do you understand?" Matt advised then inquired.

"Yes, Master." kip replied.

Matt nodded as he stood up. He walked by the table and took off the leather gloves and the harness that he was still wearing. After placing them on the table, he walked over to the grass and grabbed his dick and started to pee. Matt could tell that kip was watching him the whole time. Now there was a faint odor of urine around the poolside. Matt looked over at kip again.

"Also if you relieve yourself before I give you leave, that will be an infraction." Matt said firmly.

"Yes, Master." kip answered.

Matt walked back to the edge of the pool. He crouched to do so, purposefully squatting with his backside towards kip, who would see his tight, tan all over ass as Matt moved. Matt smiled as he heard kip grunt, most likely due to his dick trying to harden in the cage and moving which made the weight move. Matt stood up and stepped into the water. The pool at this edge had the water level just over Matt's waist. Matt dipped his head under water and then brushed back the water from his eyes.

Matt took position and kicked off from the wall. He started a light paced crawl stroke to start with. The water felt nice and cool against his skin. Years of swimming gave Matt excellent technique and form. Quickly he made it to the otherside of the pool, he touched it and then did a quick turn, pushing off to go the other direction. Matt was not using goggles like he wanted, so he was not able to look out to notice if kip was moving or not. He would be trusting kips honesty when he was done regarding those potential infractions.

Matt was nearing the starting side as he was about a stroke away, he heard kip.

"Lap 2 Master Matt!" kip yelled.

Matt touched and pushed off, continuing his workout. Matt quickly got into his exercise zone and picked up the pace of his swim strokes. Instead of doing a touch and turn with a push off Matt executed a flip turn, making a small splash at the side of the pool. Matt picked up the pace again, coming in fast to the wall. Just before he started to flip he heard kip.

"Lap 4 Master Matt!" kip yelled.

When Matt kicked off he switched to breast stroke. This stroke had powerful arm sweeps and glides as he moved through the water. Flip turns were difficult with breast stroke, so Matt returned to the touch and turn method. As Matt returned to the starting side, he heard kip.

"Lap 6 Master Matt!" kip yelled.

Matt continued on and as he returned for his eighth lap, kip called out and Matt switched back to crawl stroke. Matt was now alternating between the crawl for four laps, then breaststroke for the next four laps. Matt was increasing his speed more with each set crawl laps and using the breaststroke laps to recover. kip had been counting laps well.

By the time he was on lap 35 Matt was going his full competition sprint speed. When Matt was coming in for lap 36, kip missed how fast and did not yell until after Matt had flipped and kicked off. Matt ticked that in the back of his brain and kept going. Matt finished his last set of laps in breaststroke and he had slowed down dramatically, using the glide strokes to help stretch out with the recovery.

Matt stopped as kip counted for lap 40.

"Lap 40 Master Matt!" kip yelled.

Matt stopped and pulled himself out of the pool. Standing on the edge of the pool, Matt let the water run off his tall, leith form. He was in better shape now than he had ever been. The California living, the cleaner eating and the exercise programs with Chris and Channing were sculpting his physique. Matt could feel kip's eyes on him as the water for the most part was done dripping off.

Matt looked over at kip. He was still kneeling on his knees and the weight was still tugging down on his balls with the leather strap looped under his caged dick. It had been about 30 minutes since Matt started to swim. kip was moving and wincing, doing a low-movement version of the "pee pee" dance. Matt looked and could not see any evidence that kip had relieved himself, which Matt was glad.

"OK, kip. Tell me of the infractions that you made. Honesty is key in being a good sub. If you are not honest and lie, then your infarction consequences double." Matt said after he stood catching his breath some.

"Yes, Master. I made three infractions: I lowered myself twice before I realized it and I did not yell the lap number quick enough on one lap count." kip said.

"Thank you for your honesty, kip." Matt congratulated, then went on "Your consequence for the breaking form will be to stay in position for ten more minutes as you currently are."

"Yes, Master." kip replied.

"The consequence for the late lap count will be ten swats after the first consequence is completed. Then you will be able to relieve yourself. Do you understand?'" Matt asked.

"Yes, Master." kip answered.

Matt walked to the table and put on his harness and gloves again. Then he picked up his phone and started the timer.

"Ten minutes." Matt said.

"Yes, Master." kip replied.

"Oh, you will also be doing me a service, as you are on your knees." Matt said as he walked in front of kip on his knees. "Open."

"Yes, Master." kip said quickly then opened his mouth.

Matt pushed his firming cock into kip's open mouth. As kip's mouth and tongue moved around Matt's cock, it got more and more firm. Then Matt started to push his cock in and out of kip's mouth. The movement from Matt's thrusts were making the weight swing, so kip was groaning around Matt's cock. Matt continued thrusting.

Matt had gone for several minutes with moderate thrusting into kip's mouth, his cock was now fully hard and he wanted in kip's throat. Matt used his gloved hands to hold kip's head steady and Matt started to thrust deep into kip's mouth. kip sputtered which caused the weight to move more and he groaned. Matt used that groan to push deeper into kip's throat. kip tried to pull back, but Matt's hands held kip's head in place. Matt picked up his pace as was thrusting in and out of kip's throat.

kip was groaning and sputtering as Matt was now pumping deeper each time. Matt's balls were slapping against kip's chin in a steady tattoo. Matt could feel his climax building, a low growl started deep in his chest. Matt's legs tightened and his arms seized as his hips continued to piston in and out. Matt pulled kip's head forcefully into his groin as he started to shoot jizz down kip's throat.

kip grunted as he started to swallow as fast as he could. The extra sensation of the throat action during the swallowing made Matt's sensitive cock jerk more, pulsing more seed into kip's belly. Matt pulled back kip's head, ripping his cock from kip's throat and mouth. The last jets of cum were sprayed onto kip's face, covering his eyes and part of his nose before it started to run down. Matt kept a hold on kip's hair as he used his cock to spread his seed all over kip's face before letting go.

kip was kneeling and groaning, his face was flushed and gleaming with Matt's cum. kip was doing his best not to move which would cause the weight to move more. kip took in a few breaths before he could look up at Matt and his still firm cock. The timer on Matt's phone went off.

"Thank you Master." kip said in a husky voice.

Matt smiled at kip. He reached down and unwound the leather strap holding the weight. When it was removed from kip's balls, kip sighed.

"Thank you Master." kip said with some emotion in his voice.

Matt reached down and helped kip stand up. It took a minute for kip to stabilize due to the time spent kneeling. Matt then unbound kip's wrist restraints, taking the time to rub kip's arms and wrists. Matt then sat down on the end of the lounge chair.

"Bend over my lap." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Master." kip said quickly as he lowered his body over Matt's legs.

"How many swats are you to receive for punishment?" Matt asked in a low voice.

"Ten, Master!" kip said quickly.

"Excellent. You will say thank you and count each swat." Matt instructed.

"Yes, Master!" kip replied.

Matt rubbed his gloved hand over both of kip's ass cheeks and then down to massage kip's stretched ball sack. kip was moaning from the rubbing and grunted when his dick tried to firm up in his cage. Matt lifted his hand away and landed the first swat with a loud crack.

"Thank you Master Matt! Swat one!" kip said loudly.

Matt raised and swatted the other cheek next.

"Thank you Master Matt! Swat two!" kip said loudly again.

Matt continued with each swat up to the ninth. kip was replying each time correctly and was clearly turned on, his cage was leaking against Matt's leg. Matt took his time, rubbing both of the redded ass globes before the final swat. It was much harder than the others. kip made a yelping noise and grunted.

"Thank You Sir, I mean Master Matt! Swat ten." kip cried out.

Matt reached between kip's legs and rubbed his gloved finger over kip's cage collecting the dripping pre-cum. Matt brought his shiny finger and rubbed it in kip's crack. kip cooed as the gloved finger pressed against his pucker. Matt pushed the tip of his finger in kip's pucker - kip moaned and wiggled his hips. Matt kept just the tip of his finger in and started to make a circle, he pressed his thumb on kip's taint pushing firmly. kip was cooing again, his cage was leaking more.

Matt stopped and pulled his hand away. He tapped kip's shoulder and when kip turned his head, Matt motioned for kip to get up. kip stood up, leaking a strand to pre-cum from Matt's leg to his cage. kip reached down and captured the sticky fluid and brought it to his mouth, sucking his finger. Matt stood up and pulled kip in for a kiss. kip's lips parted and Matt's tongue pushed in and wrestled around in kips' mouth. kip leaned into Matt's body as Matt wrapped his arms around kip. Matt pulled his mouth back.

"After care from punishments is an important part of being a sub." Matt said, "Tell me what you think of what we have done so far. Your honesty is the key to making true progress."

kip snuggled into Matt's embrace and took a moment to clear his thoughts. Matt smiled and tightened his hug around kip's body.

"Thank you Master." kip started, "So far, I have learned that when I am restricted in some fashion, it helps me to focus better. Like when my hands are restricted, I do not fidget. Like eliminating choices, allows me to concentrate on the available options. Also, some pain is pleasurable, Master Matt."

kip laid his head on Matt's shoulder and he closed his eyes. Matt looked down and saw a much more relaxed face on kip than he had seen since they first met. Matt stroked kip's back while he held the actor. Matt slowed his breathing down and kip started to match it.

"Learning to be a good sub is an excellent way to focus. For you I know that this has been an issue. When you have too many choices it can be overwhelming and stress inducing. It can be difficult to come back down when you spiral out. That is the trap that leads so many people to choices that are bad for them, their bodies and their families. Without something to bring them into check pushes some people to drugs and others to depression that can lead to sucide. So many people do not realize that they are only dampening the reactions, not actually getting solutions. It is sad." Matt was telling kip in a low voice right at kip's ear.

"I agree. I can see now that I was pushing myself to a manic headspace. When I get that deep, it is like I am trying to hold it all together and everything just starts falling apart. I do not want to just mask or hide the problems, I want to work on solutions." kip replied in a calmer voice, "It has been such a long time since I have felt as centered as I do now. Sir Chris is lucky."

kip had a tear drop from his eye onto Matt's shoulder. It warmed Matt's heart that someone he had not known for very long was forging as tight of a relationship as kip was now. Matt just held kip in his arms for a few more minutes. kip was getting himself composed as Matt just held him.

Matt's phone pinged the text notification. Matt reached over and grabbed it. The text was from Chan to both Matt and Chris, he wanted to see since kip was at the house for the weekend if he could do a workout with all of us. He said that the trainer with the production company wanted Chan to take over kip's physical training program. I responded that would be fine, that I was doing a specific training program with kip as well and to come by whenever. Chan replied back that he would swing by in an hour or so. I sent a thumbs up response.

"Well, we are going to get you started with more of your training. Channing is coming this morning for your physical training program." Matt started, "You will be attentive and responsive to Chan as you are to Chris. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." kip said.

"We need to get some food in our systems before the workout. You need more than just my cum to sustain you today." Matt said and chuckled, "It is also time to wake up Sir Monkeyboy."

"Yes, Master." kip started, "Um, Master. There is another need."

kip said as he looked down at his caged dick. Then Matt remembered that kip had not relieved himself. Matt started walking and waved for kip to follow.

"You may use the toilet when we get to the bedroom. In order not to get piss everywhere you will need to sit to pee." Matt explained.

"Yes, Master." kip answered as he followed behind Matt.

"Hands behind your back as if they are bound." Matt said.

"Yes, Master." kip replied as he quickly moved his hands behind him, crossed at the wrists.

Matt and kip made their way up to the open bedroom window doors. The light breeze was making the gauzy drapes billow slightly. The sun was starting to warm up but it was not quite eight o'clock yet. Matt entered the bedroom and kip followed the step behind and to the right. Matt pointed to the bathroom and gave a firm head nod. kip answered with a head nod as well and padded over to the ensuite bathroom to relieve himself.

Matt walked over to the bed, Chris was still passed out asleep. Matt chuckled that he slept like a toddler, his body sprawled out and his limbs askew. Chris' face was relaxed and slightly smiling. Matt reached under the sheet that was covering Chris and grabbed ahold of Chris' soft cock. Chris moaned as he started to rouse and then grunted as Matt tightened his grip. Chris tried to sit up and Matt placed a firm hand on Chris' chest.

"You need to step up your game Monkeyboy. If not you are going to find yourself restricted as well." Matt said as he squeezed Chris' cock tighter. "What do you need to say?"

"Yes, Sir Stud!" Chris said through gritted teeth, "Fuck you are hot in leather and FIRE as a Dom."

Matt released his grip on Chris' member and used his hand holding Chris' chest to ruffle his hair. Matt's cock was starting to firm up, but he knew he did not have time to have fun with Chris and still have kip ready for the workout with Chan.

"Chan is headed over for a workout and then training with kip." Matt said, "You working out this morning?"

"What no rest for the Monkeyboy? Ha ha! Yes, I will workout as well." Chris said as he slid his legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

Matt pulled Chris into his arms and gave Chris a strong, forceful kiss; more powerful than the kiss that Matt gave kip. Chris was caught off guard and then savored how strong it was. It continued for a few moments until kip walked in, hands behind his back and stopped just as he took in the sight of the two kissing. kip's face started to cloud up with a mixture of emotions. Matt saw kip's reaction and broke off the kiss.

"Come! Sit!" Matt ordered.

"Yes, Master!" kip replied quickly as he moved.

kip reached the spot that Matt pointed to right next to Matt's feet. Matt put a gloved hand on the back of kip's head and pushed kip's head to be resting against Matt's crotch. kip took a deep breath in as Matt resumed kissing Chris. kip was settling down and calming as Matt and Chris continued for a few more minutes.

Matt broke the kiss and then slapped Chris on the ass. Chris yelped.

"What was that for?" Chris inquired.

"Just because, that's why." Matt said with a gleam in his eyes. "You need to get ready for the workout. We are going to the kitchen to make smoothies. You want one?"

"Yes, I do. Thanks." Chris replied and gave Matt a peck on the cheek and patted kip's head that was still resting in Matt's crotch.

Chris walked to the bathroom. Matt pulled kip's face out of his crotch. kip still looked like he was not fully handling his emotions, but it was better. Matt used his grip to lift, kip got the message and stood up. Matt looked intently into kip's blue eyes that were still somewhat full with tears. kip tried to look away, but Matt returned kip's face to his own.

"This is something we will work on. OK. Right not when you get that overwhelmed feeling, think back to breathing in my scent. Shift your focus to how your Master smells like, let that enter your brain to help calm you down." Matt said softly, still maintaining direct eye contact.

"Yes, Master." kip answered quietly.

"Now get your shoes and a pair of socks. We workout nude, but you may need shoes for the additional training. Chan is used to nudity. Grab them and then meet me in the kitchen." Matt instructed.

"Yes, Master." kip answered with more enthusiasm.

Matt turned and walked towards the kitchen as kip raced to collect his shoes and socks. Matt opened his phone and sent Mai a text. She responded back right away. Matt confirmed the text and sent a confirmation. He had reached the kitchen and Mai sent her approval and a note that what he needed was being couriered over today. Matt was smiling as he pulled out the ingredients for the smoothies. kip entered the kitchen, set his footwear by the door and came next to Matt. Matt looked and still saw the kip's eyes were cloudy.

"Kneel and suck me while I make the smoothies. Use your time to focus on your Master's cock and scent." Matt said firmly.

"Yes, Master." kip said as he dropped to his knees.

kip put his face in Matt's crotch and took a breath in before he opened his mouth and sucked in Matt's semi-hard cock. kip used his tongue and mouth to suck and caress his Master's cock with slow long motions. Each time he would get closer in kip would take deep breaths, imprinting his Master's scent deeper in his brain - the clean, light musk with hints of chlorine from the pool. kip just continued on what he was doing, blocking everything else out.

Chris came in after taking care of his business in the bathroom, his hair was still askew from sleeping. Matt did not care, he thought that made Chris even more endearing. kip noticed that his Master's cock got more firm, but did not stop what he was doing. Chris walked up and looked down to see kip servicing Matt while Matt was making the smoothies. Chris smiled and gave Matt another peck kiss.

Matt reached down and pulled kip's mouth off of his cock. Truly he was getting close to a climax again, but he needed the energy for the workout. Matt positioned kip in front of Chris' crotch. kip leaned in taking a deep breath and then opened his mouth to swallow the semi-firm cock.

Chris gave an earthy moan as kip went all the way to Chris' pubes and stopped there to inhale Chris' scent. kip was letting the intense musky scent that was more spicy and with an almost sour sweat smell as Chris had not showered after getting out of bed. kip worked Chris tool up to full hardness. Since he was just awake and had not already played, Chris was very horny. The extra rest gave Chris the assurance that he could climax and still workout.

Chris began to moan as kip was bobbing his head up and down on Chris' cock. kip sensed that Chris' need for release was strong, he was working his tongue and suction over the spit slicked cock. Chris began to pant, he reached down and held kip's head still as he started to rock his hips back and forth. kip relaxed his jaw and tried to open his throat as Chris started thrusting in earnest.

Chris started to grunt as his sensitive cock pushed into kip's throat. kip did not gag as he was already breathing through his nose and with each cock stroke. That will the earlier training today made it easier for kip to handle the throat fucking. Chris began to shake as his climax crested. Chris yelled and his cock started pumping cum into kip's mouth and throat. kip was doing his best to swallow all of the cum as it was being shot, but some still leaked out the side of his mouth.

Chris held kip still as the last of his jizz shot out and Chris shuddered. kip kept his mouth wrapped around Chris' cock, but was just holding it not sucking. Chris pulled his cock out, looking down he took a finger and scooped up the extra cum. Chris pulled kip up to standing, placed the cum loaded finger in kip's mouth. Chris then sealed his mouth around kip's and gave him a powerful kiss, tasting his own cum in kip's mouth.

When Chris broke the kiss, kip was feeling slightly weak kneed both from the actions and the emotions of what they had done.

"Thank you, Sir Chris." kip said in a breathy voice.

Chris patted kip's ass, "Good boy. There is some more protein for your breakfast." Chris said with a chuckle.

Matt handed each of them a smoothie. Matt pointed to the floor and kip lowered down and sat by Matt's feet. Matt finished his smoothie and was stroking kip's head as kip was drinking his. Matt heard a contented sigh from kip. Chris caught Matt's eyes and they shared a look.

They finished the smoothies and Chris put the glasses in the sink. That was when they heard the notice that Chan had entered the gate. They started towards the home gym. Matt tapped kip to remind him to bring shoes.

Chris entered the gym to see Chan was setting up the stations for another high intensity interval training workout. It was a mix between cardio, isometric, strength and weight exercises. Matt walked in with kip behind him a step. kip had his head lowered and arms crossed behind him holding his shoes. Chan looked up at Matt in the leather harness and gloves, he whistled.

"Welcome, Master Matt." Chan said with a solid head nod.

"Hello, Chan. You know kip, right?" Matt replied.

"Yes, Sir. He and I have a one on one after our training workout." Chan replied.

"That is great. It will help our program for kip to be here for that. Thank you. kip what should you tell Sir Chan?" Matt said and then turned to kip.

"Thank you Sir Chan. Thank you for rearranging your schedule for my training, Sir." kip replied.

"Good boy." Matt said softly as he tapped kip's shoulder to sit down, "You need to sit and wait for us to be ready."

"Yes, Master." kip said as he lowered to sit on the floor.

Matt let his hand brush kip's hair and then rest it on kip's head. kip leaned closer to Matt's leg. Matt looked at the various stations that were set up. Chan looked over and noticed kip was in chastity. Chan walked over to his bag and brought back a strap.

"Mai sent this over before I left this morning. She said there was more coming later." Chan said, handing the strap to Matt.

Matt nodded as he accepted the strap, "Oh excellent! And it is adjustable. Mai is the best. Thanks Chan." Matt said.

Matt gave Chan a kiss. As Chan was naked like the others, kip was getting a good look at Chan's ripped body and his full cock resting comfortably on heavy balls. Since kip was still next to Master's leg, his view of Chan was right at crotch level. Chan looked down and patted kip's head. kip looked up at Chan's face. Chan saw some hesitation in kip's face.

"Dude, don't worry. We are all here for you. We all want you to be successful." Chan started, "Master Matt here will get your head together with your body. Trust him. Fuck, I would."

"Thank you Sir Chan." kip said, then leaning closer to Matt's leg. "Thank you Master."

Matt and Chan shared a knowing look before Chan separated and walked to the wall with the sound controls. Matt watched the kip's eyes follow Chan's tight ass as Chan walked away. Matt chuckled and moved kip's head to look up.

"This is a belt to help with the cage. It will help stabilize it somewhat while you are exercising. Stand up and I will help you put it on." Matt said.

"Yes, Master." kip said as he stood up.

Matt squatted down and attached the strap to one side of the cage. He handed it to kip to circle around his own hips. Then Matt lifted the caged dick and attached the strap to the other side of the cage. kip let out a soft moan as Matt handled the cage. Matt stood up and walked behind kip. Reaching around Matt lifted the cage again, then moved his hands backward on the straps until they were at the tightening closure in the back. Matt held the straps tight and adjusted the closure until he was satisfied with the lift and compression of the cage. kip let out a few more moans during the adjustments, a longer one when Matt slid a finger down kip's ass crack.

Matt stepped away and looked at his work. He walked around as kip stood still. Nodding that he had the right fit. He motioned for kip to come closer.

"Does that feel ok?" Matt asked quietly.

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master." kip replied.

"Good!" Matt answered as he gave kip a good slap on the ass.

kip gave a yelp and Chris and Chan chuckled from across the room.

"OK guys. I have the circuit setup. You know the drill - each station for sixty seconds for as many reps as you can, then fifteen seconds to move to the next station and on and on." Chan directed. "Monkeyboy you start here, Master Matt next, then kip, and finally myself."

Everyone moved to the directed stations. Chan started the workout playlist and got the music pumping. He walked to his station and got ready.

"Here is the fifteen second start off count." Chan said pausing, "five, four, three, two, one... Go!"

With that the guys started the circuit. Matt and Chan were watching to make sure that kip was moving correctly with each station's exercise. Any corrections were replied with a 'thank you, Sir' or 'thank you, Master' reply from kip. Matt noticed that Chris was quiet during the workout.

Forty five minutes later they were done with the circuit training. All four men were breathing hard, sweat running off their naked flesh. The gym was awash with strong, pungent man sweat that was laden with testosterone. Chan went and retrieved some water bottles, giving one to each of them.

"You will stay and complete the training program with Sir Chan. I expect to hear that you do your best and follow instructions. We will see you both for lunch in about two hours. Be showered and cleaned out by that time." Matt instructed kip.

"Yes, Master. I will behave, Master" kip replied as he turned to Chan. "Thank you Sir Chan for being here to help me."

"Save your compliments for later. You and I have work to do." Chan replied.

"Yes, Sir." kip replied as they walked over to the weight benches, kip following behind Chan with his arms crossed behind him.

Matt turned to Chris who was still quiet and being sulky. Matt walked over, gripped Chris' head firmly and planted a kiss on him. Matt's tongue pushed in Chris' mouth deep and with authority. It took a moment for Chris' surprise to pass and he was kissing back. Matt reached down and grabbed Chris' firming cock and Chris' tight ass cheek.

"You and I have some workout of our own, mister. Did you think that I could not see how quiet and sulky you have been this morning? Did you think that your and my dynamic would change just because of the training? Are you jealous of the attention you are not getting?" Matt questioned quietly but firmly as he made his handholds tighter.

Chris was having a wave of different emotions, all warring across his face. He winced when Matt got to the last question, more so due to the question and not the tightness of Matt's grip. Chris was reflecting, was he jealous of kip. Did he want to be treated that way? He was not sure, but he was sure of his desire for the man holding him.

"Dude, this is nothing that I have experienced before. The Dom/sub part and my feelings towards you." Chris said finally, the last part was very quiet and a tear welled up at the corner of his eye.

"I know Chris. I feel the connection too. I know that I have not felt this way, this quickly before. I love you man. I really do." Matt said as he released his firm grip and turned it into a hug. "If the training is too much, I can turn it over to Mai or someone else. I would not want to jeopardize what we are building over something like this."

"No, do not stop training kip. I can see that he is more calm now than I have ever known him to be. This is less than two days time working with you. Damn, dude. I do not mean to be jealous or anything, but I do like to be the center of your attention. You are coming to mean so much to me. Maybe you can work on me like you are with kip some time?" Chris said.

"You would like that?" Matt asked.

"Yes, Master." Chris said quietly.

"Not now, because you know why, but yes we can do that." Matt said. "Right now though, all I can think about is this hot ass in my hand and how I want to pound it."

"Fuck, dude! You have me leaking just thinking about it. Let's go now." Chris said breaking the hug, but grabbing hold of Matt's hand.

Chris pulled Matt out of the gym and headed straight to the bedroom. Chris took Matt up to the bed, pushing Matt to the middle of it. Chris laid down with his mouth next to Matt's cock and his cock next to Matt's mouth. No words were needed, as each man started to lick and suck the other's cock. Chris was soon bobbing his head up and down on Matt's hard rod, getting it sloppy wet. Matt was teasing Chris' balls and pucker with his fingers as he licked the actor's hard cock.

Chris grunted then moaned around Matt's cock as Matt stuck two fingers in his hungry pucker. Chris was lifting his legs apart wider to give Matt more room to work his pucker and cock. Chris' mouth was wetting and soaking Matt's hard piece, doing a nice job of slowly edging Matt. Matt wanted that ass, he added a third finger and was working them in and out of Chris' hole. Chris was moaning and a shiver went through his body as Matt's fingers brushed his prostate.

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard, dude!" Chris said as he pulled his mouth away from Matt's cock.

"Ride me." Matt said as he lifted his mouth away from Chris' cock, but still thrusting the fingers in and out.

"Yes. Oh Yes." Chris moaned as Matt massaged Chris' gland for an extended time.

Chris pulled his body away from Matt's hand, breathing hard. Matt scooted up and laid on his back in the middle of the bed. Chris reached to the night stand and grabbed the lube. Chris stood up and began to lube up his hole, pushing in as much as he could. Squatting down, Chris used more lube to slick up Matt's cock that was waving in the air.

Chris tossed the lube aside as he stepped over and straddled Matt's hips. Chris lowered down and reached beneath him to grab Matt's cock. Placing the hot cock head at his pucker entrance, Chris lowered down slowly, pausing just slightly as the cock head pushed into his ass ring. Chris groaned as he sunk lower and lower. Matt moaned as he felt Chris' ass lips rest on his pelvis. Chris moved so his knees dropped on either side of Matt, still with Matt's cock solid in his ass.

Chris slowly started to move his hips back and forth, Matt's cock sliding around in Chris' chute rearanging his insides. Chris continued until he started to losen up and relax some. Then Chris lifted his hips and dropped back down. Matt moaned more loudly as Chris continued using more body weight each time and going higher up on Matt's cock before dropping. Chris was feeling sparks of energy each time he dropped as Matt's cock was brushing his gland.

Matt reached up and held Chris' hips just a few inches above his pelvis. Then Matt started to thrust upward into Chris' hole. Chris started to moan even more loudly. Chris was keeping his hips steady as Matt was thrusting up. Matt moved his hands up and latched onto Chris' nipples. Matt started to knead the nipples into hard points as he used them as an anchor for his pounding of Chris' ass.

Chris started bouncing down to meet Matt's upward thrusting, his head thown back and a gurgling moan rising from his throat. Shivers were running through Chris' body as Matt's hands were mauling his nipples and their combined pounding and thrusting. Chris' cock was rock solid and was slapping between his and Matt's abs. The leaking prong was leaving streaks of pre-cum all over, as Chris' cock was flinging to and fro.

Chris began to feel his climax building even though he was not touching his piece. A low growling started, deep in his chest. Chris was pounding down now as hard as he could, trying to force Matt's upward thrusting cock deeper in him. Matt kept a firm grip on Chris' nipples and was savagely tweaking and pinching them, adding a layer more of sensation for Chris' pending climax.

"Oh. Oh. Oh. OH! OH! OHMYGOOOOODDDD! OHHHHHHHH!!!!" Chris yelled as he climaxed.

Matt kept pounding as Chris' body started to twitch and bounce all over. Chris' cock started shooting rope after rope of cum. The first few went over Matt's head, the next few hit Matt's face and neck, then the last ones puddled on Matt's chest and abs. Chris slammed down hard on Matt's pole and dropped his body down on Matt's chest. Matt held Chris' body close as it was still cycling pulses from his climax. Chris was breathing hard, eyes unfocused just riding wave after wave of sexual energy.

Matt moved down and pushed Chris' knees to straighten out Chris' legs. Matt's cock was still embedded in Chris' tight hole. Chris was still moaning while his head was laid out on Matt's chest, his cheek pressed into the leather halter. Each gasping breath in was mixed now with his cum, both his and Matt's sweat and the leather scent. The combination was buring into Chris' brain.

Matt rolled them over so now Chris was on his back. Matt reached under and lifted Chris' legs up tilting his ass up better for Matt's access. Matt pushed his chest forward and lifted up on his toes before he began to pull his cock out and then slam back into Chris' hole. Chris wuffed as Matt dropped his cock deeper in his chute. Matt began to pound away on Chris' ass. Chris was grunting and moaning as Matt was not holding back and was using his full body weight to power his thrusts.

Chris was still recovering from his climax, but was starting to feel another one build. Again he was not touching his cock, just the power and energy from Matt's continued pounding of his ass. Matt lifted Chris' legs higher so they now were resting on Matt's shoulders, folding Chris in half. Matt's speed and power increased with is thrusting. Chris was crying in pleasure as Matt pounded harder and harder.

Chris' arms were somewhat restricted, but he could grip Matt's leather halter. Using his grip Chris pulled his face closer to Matt's. Matt looked down with raw power blazing in his eyes, his mouth wide with huffs and growls. Chris planted his lips on Matt's open mouth, their tongues battling as Matt's cock was raveging his hole. Matt's thrusting took on a more manic pace as he could feel his climax build.

The vibrations of both men's growling was working on Chris' cock that was trapped between their bellies. The pounding went deeper and Chris gasped loudly as his balls pulled tight and his cock was moments away from his second hands free climax. Chris was howling now as boiling cum was shooting out of his cock, splashing rope after rope on his and Matt's joined chests. Chris' body was spasming and quaking as it felt like his soul was shooting out of his body from his cock and been sent further and further with each powerful thust of Matt's cock in his ass.

Matt roared loudly as his cock started to shoot his load deep in Chris' bowels. His cock continued to jackhammer deep into Chris' chute with each pulse of cum. The quaking of Chris' body from his own climax was providing extra stimulation on Matt's sensative member allowing Matt to pump more and more seed into Chris. With a final growling shout Matt made a final thrust into Chris' body, dropping his body down on Chris'.

"Does that show you how much I care for you? Can you feel me - all of me?" Matt asked, then intimately as he stared into Chris' eyes, "I love you."

A sob broke out from Chris' mouth and tears streaked down from his eyes, "I love you too." Chris finally said just louder than a whisper.

The pair kissed deeply, hugging each other tightly together even though they were still intimately joined. Everything else was in the background as they slowly made out in post-climax bliss. Matt was wiping the tears from Chris' face when heard a sob from the doorway. Matt looked up to see kip sunk to his knees against the doorframe, crying and Chan standing a few feet behind kip.

"Damn dudes, that was fucking gorgeous." Chan said softly as he walked up behind kip, putting a hand on kip's head. "We came in grab something from the kitchen and heard the two of you. You were not being quiet and did not shut the door. Fuck it, that was fucking hot. Then afterward, DAMN!"

kip sobbed again, buring his head against Chan's leg. Chan just stroked kip's head slowly. Matt disentangled from Chris, giving Chris another hot kiss before climbing off the bed. Matt walked over to where kip and Chan were. Matt sunk down to his knees in front of kip, putting his hand under kip's chin. kip looked up into Matt's hazel eyes.

Chan walked around them and went to sit next to Chris on the bed. Chan shared a look between he and Chris before they turned back to look at Matt and kip. Chan hugged Chris as they watched.

"Why are you crying like this? kip, what is wrong?" Matt inquired in a quiet voice.

"You, Master. You and Sir Chris are making me cry." kip sobbed again, "You love each other. I do not want to cause a problem with your love. That would be too much if I caused a rift due to my training."

"Oh, oh! kip!" Matt said firmly but softly, "You do not worry about that. The love that Chris and I have will not change or fade because of your training. OK. I know and believe that. Chris does too, now."

"Now look at me. I will never lie to you. If there is a problem like that I will be absolutely honest with you and with Chris. Can you trust me? Will you allow me to continue to train you and help you?" Matt said more strongly.

"Yes." kip replied, then quickly as he bowed his head, "Yes, Master."

Next: Chapter 17

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