Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Apr 17, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental. Thanks for reader, Neithan's comments, to continue hot ideas.

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Chris Pratt's Great Day Chapter 15

Matt was waiting on Chris Pratt to come down to his office. He had just finished with Chris Hemsworth's session and was resetting the massage studio. As it was almost time to head home for the day, Matt turned off the sauna, music and lights in the studio before going into his office. Matt pulled up his computer and began making his file notes for Hemsworth's session.

Matt was finished with his notes when another file was entered on Hemsworth's profile. The counselor for the firm uploaded his notes. Hemsworth was having some major struggles with this upcoming role. The counselor was concerned enough that Hemsworth participation in the project may need to be put on hold or that he will have to decline the role entirely. It would depend on how the actor adjusted in the next few weeks and the next psych evaluation results.

Matt sat back in his chair, almost dumbfounded. This was a recurring role in a major project and for an A-list studio. For Hemsworth to miss out on this role could jeopardize his participation in the rest of the movie series. Matt would have to discuss it with Chris Pratt when he arrived. This was serious for Hemsworth.

Matt shut down his computer and was finishing up when Chris walked through the door to Matt's office. Chris looked at Matt and knew that something was up, Matt did not have the inner peace glow like normal. Chris came around Matt's desk and pulled the massage therapist into a hug. Matt laid his head down on Chris' shoulder, relaxing into the hug.

"Dude, what is up. You look like someone kicked a puppy." Chris said as he enclosed Matt in his arms. "What did Kip do?"

Matt looked up puzzled, "Who is Kip?" Matt asked.

"Kip is what Chris Hemsworth's family calls him. I found out when I met his brothers and they were teasing him." Chris explained.

"Well it is not what Kip did to me. That was hot." Matt explained, "It is what the counselor added to his file. If he can not get himself under control he may lose out of this role and future projects in the series. It is crazy."

"Fuck, dude! That truly sucks, Kip is a great guy. I think he is hot, of course, but this could have major implications on his career." Chris answered.

Matt let Chris hold him for a few minutes. Chris was kissing Matt's head and just holding him. It was nice and comforting. Matt's mind was racing, he knew of something that could help Kip. Matt was not sure if Chris would go for it or if Kip would go for it either. Feeling resolved he decided to bring it up to Chris and test the waters.

"I like this, thank you." Matt said as he looked up and kissed Chris' chin. "I think I know how we can help Kip. It is unorthodox and Kip may not go for it. He may not want to see me after I suggest it, to be honest."

"What do you think can help him? This could be life changing for him in his career. I think that he would want to hear you out for sure." Chris said.

"Well from his profile and from interacting with Kip he definitely gives off some sub vibes. He may need a more dominant situation in his life right now to give him the control that he needs and to work on his self control." Matt explained, "Kip needs to be dominated. If I lived alone this would be easy as I could set up and control the situation. Since we live together it becomes more complicated."

"Complicated how?" Chris inquired.

"Well, he would need to be treated as a full sub that controlled his activities, food, and sexual needs. He would have to be with the dominate almost at all times and to serve his dominate's needs first to work on developing his self control. With a couple working with a sub, it has to be clear that either both of the couple are doms or that one is the dom and the other partner is also a sub. This has to be clear for the new sub - defined roles are an absolute must. What are your thoughts?" Matt explained and then asked.

"Matt I do not feel like either of us is a sub in our relationship, nor do you, right?" Chris asked then seeing Matt nod yes he went on, "You are asking then if I am comfortable with both of us being doms for Kip. Yes, I am OK with this. If this can help Kip I am all in for it."

"I am glad that you are not turned off by this either. It is risky and others might not understand, but I feel Kip may not have any other choice." Matt concluded, then ordered. "Now take me to the shower. I need to be washed."

Chris chuckled before answering, "Yes, Sir!"

"Good!" Matt chuckled back as Chris gave him several kisses on the head and face before sealing their lips together in a deep kiss.

Chris and Matt joined tongues in an aggressive and passionate lip lock. Both men's hands were roving the other's body. Chris was already hard, grinding it into Matt's groin. Matt's cock was plumping up under the grinding and making out. Chris started to walk them towards the ensuite shower, stripping clothes off as they went. Matt reached in and set the water temperature and pressure for them. Chris entered the shower and pulled Matt in with him, letting the warm water soak their nude bodies.

Chris grabbed the soap and began to wash Matt's body while Matt was washing his hair. Chris paid extra attention to Matt's chest, groin and ass. Matt rinsed off and then he was washing Chris' body like Chris did to his. Chris rinsed off his body, now both were cleaned. Still standing in warm water they embraced again, enmeshed with each other and made out for several more minutes. There was a contented glow around each of them as they turned off the water and started to dry off.

Chris redressed in the clothes he had on and Matt dressed in his going home clothes. They were smiling and touching each other in a loving way the whole time. Matt knew that adding Kip to their mix was going to change their dynamic, so he was embracing it as much as you could.

"We should stop by and get food from Mai's before heading home. That way we do not have to cook." Chris suggested.

"Great idea! Mai might be a sounding board from my ideas as well." Matt replied,

"Can you text Kip to see if he can meet us at the house tonight. I think this discussion would be best done in private, away even from here."

"I will just give him a call." Chris replied. Chris fished his phone out and pulled Hemsworth's contact info. He hit connect and the phone only rang once before it was answered.

"Hey Pratt! What is up dude!" Chris (Kip) said with a false cherry tone.

Chris knew the brittle edge to Kip's masked voice, "Hey Kip. Meet me and Matt at the house in about an hour. We are getting food from Mai's and then will be home." Chris said.

"Kip?!? FUCK!!!! I am in trouble now, you do not use that name for fun." Chris (Kip) said.

"You are not wrong there, but Matt has a solution we need to discuss." Chris replied.

"Ok dude I will be there." replied Kip in a less than happy voice.

"See you soon, Dude. We got you. Do not worry." Chris said.

"See you soon." Kip replied.

Chris looked over at Matt's waiting eyes and nodded. When Chris hung up he walked with Matt to the door of the office and headed towards the car. They drove to Mai's and went up to the back counter. Mai looked up and saw the pair, a bright smile passed at them. She said something to her sous chef and then came around to the boys.

"To what do I owe this surprise Matt, because I know that Chris did not suggest coming in." Mai said with her spicy whit.

"Actually he did suggest it and I am glad he did. I want to bend your ear for a moment." Matt replied as he gave Mai a hug and then a kiss on her pro-offered cheek.

"I am surprised then!" Mai said as he punched Chris on the arm and then gave him a hug and kiss.

They gave Mai their food orders and one for Kip as well. Then Mai pulled them over to her chef's table to sit while she put the order into her brigade. Mai returned and sat next to Matt.

"So what has you needing my humble advice?" Mai inquired as she picked up Matt's hand.

"Well, the company has a client who is in dire need of instilling some self control. He is on the cusp of losing a major role and it could cost his participation in the series of movies. I have worked on him today and got him more centered, but others have concerns." Matt told Mai. Then going on, "From our interactions and looking at his file and family history, I think he may need some work with dom/sub situations to be a catalyst for the self control he needs."

"You are talking about Kip, right?" Mai said quietly enough not to be overheard beyond Matt and Chris.

"Yes." Matt said, shooting a look to Chris who shrugged in innocence.

"I got a message from the counselor today before he made the file note. As you have rightly guessed, I get consulted on these types of situations due to my experience in the area." Mai said, "Monkeyboy did not tip me off." Chris harumped and tried to look put upon, just not sucessfully. Mai and Matt laughed at his attempt.

"I think you are correct, Kip needs to be dominated. You are also correct that he would best need it to be from a male, given how he responds to his family." Mai agreed, "I think that you can do it. Were you going to include Monkeyboy too?"

"That was going to be my main question to you. Do you think Kip would respond to a couple that are doms?" Matt inquired.

"I believe so in this case as you would be the lead. You will just need to be clear about authority lines." Mai replied and gave Chris a piercing look, "I think you can keep both in line if you need, but Kip needs to be the only sub you work with at this time."

"Ok, that is what I needed to hear. I just need to get a few supplies to be ready. I did not bring that stuff with me when I came out to Cali." Matt said.

"You need a chastity, some plugs, some restraints, and either a whip or crop?" Mai summarised.

"Yes, exactly. Do you know where I can pick those up?" Matt asked.

"Yes, I do - from me." Mai said with a laugh, "When I got the counselor's note I started to gather those items. I will send it with you tonight."

"Mai you are amazing!" Matt replied as he gave her hands a firm grip and then a kiss on the cheek.

The food came out to the table and also a leather duffle bag. Mai ushered Matt and Chris out with kisses on cheeks and hugs as she headed back into the kitchen and started barking orders. Cooks and servers were rushing as the dinner crowd had arrived. Matt and Chris loaded the bags into the car and Chris drove them home. It was a busy drive, but Chris was holding Matt's hand most of the way home.

When the pair pulled into the garage there was another car in the drive. Chris nodded and smiled at Matt.

"Kip is already here. He has the code to get in. If I guess he will be waiting for us by the pool." Chris said.

"Great, we can discuss what my plans are as we eat. Can you pull a bottle of white wine and I will grab the glasses and utensils we need." Matt advised, Chris nodded. Bags, drinks and utensils in hand Matt and Chris went out to the patio table by the pool.

True to Chris' prediction, Chris "Kip" Hemsworth was pacing by the pool, staring into the horizon. Kip's hands were twitching every now and then. When he heard Matt and Chris come out of the house, he turned and had a look of concern on his face.

"So it is Kip?" Matt asked.

"Yes, that is what my brothers and the rest of my family call me. Usually when I was in trouble. Which was often growing up." Kip said with a forced chuckle.

"Sit and join us for dinner. We can talk as we eat." Matt said in a firm voice.

"Yes, sir." Kip replied as he walked to the table.

Matt and Chris were opening containers and setting them out. Kip helped move things around on the table as Chris poured wine for each of them. Matt smiled and turned his attention to Chris and Kip.

"We have a rule in the house that when we are alone that we are nude. That is something we will be observing now. I am sure that with our banter earlier and the 'kiss' to give to Monkeyboy that you two have at least seen each other naked. Am I right?" Matt said quietly.

Chris grinned and Kip blushed slightly and nodded.

"When I ask questions, I require a verbal response. 'Yes, Sir' is appropriate." Matt advised Kip.

"Yes, Sir." Kip responded, his face again cloudy with uncertainty.

Matt and Chris were starting to disrobe, but Kip was not moving.

"Strip!" Matt said flatly.

"Yes, Sir!" Kip answered and he was pulling his clothes off in a pile. Matt was undressed and let the evening light bathe this skin. He made sure to stand with an authoritative stance after he folded his clothes and placed them on a deck chair. Chris saw what Matt was doing and did the same. Kip looked at Matt and Chris, seeing that they had folded their clothes, he gathered his and folded his own. Matt nodded approval.

"Sit." Matt said, "We will eat and talk."

"Yes, Sir." Kip replied as he sat.

The trio sat and began to eat and drink in silence, letting the light breeze blow around them and relaxing sounds of the pool and backyard fill them. Kip may have been a few inches taller than Matt and about an inch taller than Chris, but his weight appeared lanker on his frame. The sun had kissed Kip's skin but he did not have an all over tan like Matt and Chris did. Seated as they were, the men were only sporting soft cocks - they were about the same size, but Kip's was uncircumcised - the hood still covering his glans. They had finished with the food.

Matt cleared his throat and began, "Kip, you are suffering from a lack of control. You and I worked earlier on getting more centered, but from other team member's observations this will not be enough. I need you to recognize how serious this is - it can lose you this role for this project and future projects. Do you understand that?" Matt inquired.

"Yes, Sir. I do understand. I feel that part of me is out of control. I want to do so well. I know that my family is counting on my, but for the life of me I can not seem to get it together. That stresses me out, which I know then snowballs into my other problems. That makes me upset and disappointed in myself." Kip tearfully replied.

Matt reached out and touched Kip's arm stroking it as the Australian actor had tears running down his face. Matt turned his chair and opened his arms. Kip scooted over and laid his head on Matt's sunkissed chest as he cried it out. Matt hugged Kip's shoulders to his chest and patted Kip's head gently. Kip finally calmed down some, he lifted his head up and looked up at Matt's hazel eyes. Matt stared down into Kip's sparkly blue eyes that were red and puffy from the tears.

Still stroking Kip's blond hair, Matt said, "I have a possible solution. It is not orthodox, but it is a way to both focus you and to work on your self control. To do this method, I will need your full commitment to the process and to me. Is this something that you think that you can do?"

"I really need to. I have so many people relying on my acting. I am willing to try anything. I am getting desperate at this point." Kip replied, "Tell me more."

"The best thing for what you are suffering with now is for someone else to take full control of you. That person would make all of your decisions on what to wear, what to eat, and what to do. With the other person taking those responsibilities, you will just have to follow orders and comply with instructions. This process will allow you to just be focused on the person making those decisions for you. You will be able to free your mind and let go of your any concerns beyond the decision maker. Does this still sound like something you can do?" Matt explained and asked.

"Yes, sir. I believe that this process can work." Kip replied.

"It will be concentrated 24/7 for the first weekend and then it will be modified as time goes on and the need is there. The decision process will also include body decisions. All body decisions including sexual body decisions. Some of the focusing activities will also be sexual in nature. Are you still OK with that?" Matt explained further and asked.

"Yes, sir. I am comfortable with that. I understand what you are saying. If I am correct you want me to be submissive to you. Then you can help me learn better self control and focus." Kip answered.

"That is correct. You would be submissive to my dominance of you. In all aspects of your life right now. I feel that we need to be this extreme to right your situation. Right now I need you to make a formal declaration that you are willing and desire to participate in this relationship as dom and sub. I do not want you to agree if you are feeling coerced into this decision. This decision is yours and yours alone to submit. If you need time to think about it, be clear and tell me." Matt instructed.

"Yes, Sir." Kip replied as he pulled himself out of Matt's arms and slid down to kneel in front of Matt.

"Sir, I am willingly agreeing to be your sub. This is a decision of my own choice. I want you to make me a better man as you are superior to me. I want Chris to be my witness that I am making this decision on my own." Kip said as he looked into Matt's eyes. He continued to ask as he lowered his eyes and head, "Will you accept me as your sub, Sir?"

"Yes, kip. I will accept you as my willing sub. You are willingly giving me control of your life, body, and actions. You will call me your Sir. Others who I deem appropriate will be in dominance over you, but you will be my sub first and foremost. What do you say?" Matt accepted and inquired.

"Yes, Sir! You are my Sir and I will always serve you first." kip replied.

"Good! Right now I need you to show me your obedience. This will also be a focusing exercise. You will suck my cock now and your whole focus needs to be on my cock and my pleasure." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" kip replied as he moved closer on his knees in between Matt's spread legs.

Matt was more than semi hard due to their discussions. kip leaned over Matt's crotch and brought up a hand to position the firming cock. Matt slapped kip's hand away with a hiss.

"No hands!" Matt said flatly.

"Yes Sir!" kip replied as he bent his head closer to Matt's lap.

Matt reached up and placed a hand on the back of kip's head. Before kip could open his mouth, Matt pressed kip's face deep into his trimmed pubes and held kip there.

"Breath in my scent. Your Sir's scent. You will focus on my scent, it will fill your nose and your brain with the smell of a real man. A man who is in control of you. A man that you will obey." Matt instructed as he held kip stationary.

"Yes, Sir!" kip answered muffled as he could with his face forced into Matt's cock.

kip inhaled deeply several times, taking in Matt's light musk. It was a clean, sharp scent. kip tried to let that scent be his only focus as he continued to breath in and out. kip could feel Sir's cock get more firm under his face, but right now he focused on just Sir's scent.

Matt pulled kip away from his crotch, his cock was now fully hard and starting to leak pre-cum. kip opened his mouth and moved towards it, but Matt pulled back on kip's hair. kip got a confused look on his face and was about to open his mouth to ask but stopped short.

"I want you to get the scent of another real man. You will crawl over and bury your face in Sir Chris' crotch. You will need to learn his scent and how it is different then your Sir's." Matt commanded.

"Yes, Sir!" kip replied and he started to crawl over to Chris' open legs.

Chris had been very quiet as Matt and kip had discussed what the plan was to help kip. He had stayed still to keep from being a distraction up until Matt gave kip the last command. This had been highly erotic to Chris who had see parts of Matt's dom nature, but not experienced it completely. Chris was fully turned on, his cock was jutting out almost completely hard. Drips of pre-cum were dropping from Chris' member as kip crawled over.

"You need to ask a Sir's permission before touching or servicing him." Matt guided kip.

"Yes, Sir!" kip answered Matt and then to Chris, "Sir may I learn your scent?"

"You may." Chris said quietly.

"Thank you, Sir!" kip answered as he lowered his head down into Chris' slightly bushier trimmed pubes.

kip took in a deep breath in. Chris' scent was also clean but more peppery. kip focused on breathing in and out, letting Chris' scent go through his brain as he had with his Sir. kip let go of his thoughts and just focused on the now. Some of his physical agitation was calming down. Chris had moved a hand down and was stroking kip's hair in slow easy strokes.

"Enough of the scenting for now. Come here boy." Matt commanded.

kip lifted his head from Chris' crotch, Chris' cock bounced up, flinging some pre-cum on kip's chest.

"Yes, Sir!" kip answered and crawled towards Matt now sitting on a lounge chair.

"Chris, join me on the lounge chair." Matt requested.

"Sir." Chris said with a dip of his head.

Chris walked around the crawling kip and sat next to Matt on the lounge chair. Matt was now fully hard and his cock was pulsing with his heartbeat. Chris settled down and his cock was swaying upward, leaking pre-cum on his thighs. kip settled on his knees in front of Matt with his head lowered. kip was also hard now, his cock head had pushed through his foreskin, glistening from pre-cum. kip wanted to stroke his cock, but thought better of it as he had not been given permission to do so.

"Now you need to get used to the taste and feel of my cock in your mouth. Come and suck my cock." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" kip replied and he moved forward to get between Matt's open legs.

kip came close and opened his mouth. Sticking his tongue out, kip flicked the strand of pre-cum from Matt's cut cock head. Taking a moment to taste the sweet salty fluid, kip put his lips around Matt's cock and took the head in his mouth. kip swirled Matt's cock head with his tongue several times, noticing the differences due to being cut. kip slowly lowered his head and let Matt's cock slide into his mouth. Matt let out a sigh as kip's smooth lips and wet tongue were rubbing his cock shaft. kip had about three quarters of Matt's cock in his mouth when Matt's cock head was brushing the entrance to kip's throat.

kip started to slowly bob up and down on his Sir's hard member. kip was focused on the feel, temperature and taste of his Sir's cock. As kip bobbed down each time, he could smell his Sir's scent, the clean musk. kip was slowly going into the zone where his whole focus was on the hard cock in his mouth and the masculine scent filling his nose. kip's throat was being slowly battered each time as he bobbed downward.

When kip was so focused on his Sir, the next bob down the tip of Sir's cock pushed into his throat. kip sputtered and gagged. He tried to raise off of Sir's cock, Matt used his hand and forced kip back down on his cock shaft. kip relaxed some with the feeling of his Sir's hand on his head. kip returned to bobbing on the hard cock.

Again on the next bob down, kip's throat was invaded with Sir's cock head. kip made gagging noises, but was not able to lift his head with Sir's hand holding him in place. Matt allowed kip to gag for just a moment more and lightened his grip. Matt was mentally noting that they would need to work on his gag reflex. kip made another pass down and Matt's cock head kip's throat, kip tried to go deeper down but only moved a quarter of an inch more. Matt allowed kip's head to come up.

Matt lifted kip's head off his cock and moved it over Chris' turgid cock. kip looked up at the pair of them.

"Sir, may I service Sir Chris?" kip asked and Matt nodded.

"Sir, may I service your cock?" kip asked Chris, who also nodded.

kip opened his mouth and lowered down on Chris' cock. Chris sighed loudly as kip's tongue was collecting some of the pre-cum from Chris' piss slit before slowly working down Chris' shaft. kip was noticing the differences between his Sir's cock and Sir Chris' - both were cut, but there was a slight difference in length and girth. Matt was about a quarter inch longer, but Chris was a bit thicker. As kip lowered more he was now smelling Sir Chris' scent, the peppery musk. kip had to open his jaw wider to accommodate Sir Chris' girth as kip bobbed.

kip got in the zone again, with the repetitive motion and the manly scent. When kip would gag as Sir Chris' cock head would push into his throat, kip would try to stay on as long as he could before coming up. Chris was ready but did not need to use a hand to keep kip in place. kip continued to focus on the meating cock in his mouth.

Matt reached over and pulled kip's head up and off Chris' cock. kip had a dazed look in his eyes, his lips were puffy and his face slobbery. Matt directed kip back to his cock. kip opened his mouth and started to work on his Sir's cock. kip was quickly back in the zone and working down lower each time he would bob on his Sir's cock.

Matt sighed when his cock head pushed all the way into kip's throat. kip was surprised to have his nose buried in the trimmed pubes of his Sir. As a reflex kip breathed in deeply with his nose, allowing his Sir's cock to stay deep in his throat. After a few breaths, kip was able to bob the full lenght of his Sir's cock from his lips to the back of his throat without problems. Matt let kip work a few more times up and down.

Matt lifted kip's head off his cock and again moved it over to Chris'. kip opened wide and got almost down to the base of Sir Chris' cock on the first bob. It only took a few bobs and adjustments of his jaw before Sir Chris' cock head entered into his throat completely and kip's nose was in Sir Chris' pubes. Taking deep breaths through his nose again kip was filled with the peppery musk of Sir Chris.

Matt directed kip to spend a few minutes on each cock before switching between Matt and Chris. It took on a rhythm that kip was picking up and he was moving with very limited direction now. As kip was not even leaving his zone as he made the switches, Matt pulled Chris in his arms and sealed his lips around Chris' in a deep kiss.

Chris began moaning in Matt's mouth, as kip was working his cock and Matt was playing roughly with his nipples. Sparks of electricity were shooting throughout Chris' body, only getting breaks as kip would switch back to his Sir's cock for the few minutes. Matt was slowing bringing Chris closer to his climax, the breaks of oral were in effect edging Chris. Chris was getting louder and more demanding in his moaning, but Matt kept the heavy teasing and kip kept alternating oral.

The next time that kip switched back on to Sir Chris' cock and began the deep, long dicking sucking, Matt broke his kiss with Chris. Matt then lowered his mouth down and began nibbling on Chris' teased nipples. Chris was close enough that the extra sensation pushed him past the point to stopping. Chris balls were starting to churn.

kip was about to move off Sir Chris' cock when his Sir pushed his head back down on the cock in his mouth. kip stayed and continued Sir Chris' cock as he was being directed. Above kip, Matt was now chewing on Chris' tender nipples and Chris had thrown back his head panting in the pleasure/pain mixture that Matt had him at.

Chris was breathing hard, his chest almost breaking from Matt's teeth as Matt was flicking his tongue on the teeth clamped nip. kip worked his tongue, mouth and throat on Sir Chris' cock, staying in place as his Sir's hand was still on his head.

Chris screamed out as he could not hold back any longer, his cum started pumping down kip's throat. kip sputtered as he was not expecting cum to be shooting in his mouth and throat because of the zone he was in. His Sir's hand on his head was reminder enough to stay in place and begin to swallow the jets of hot cum Sir Chris' cock was shooting. Chris' body was shuddering at the intensity of his climax, the last of his cum pumping into kip's throat.

Matt lifted kip's head so only Chris' cock head was in his mouth. kip gently sucked the last drops of cum from Sir Chris' cock until Sir Chris pushed his head back. kip looked up at the exhausted face of Sir Chris with a feeling of satisfaction - he had serviced a real man. kip looked over at his Sir's face to see the approval there - kips heart warmed.

Matt stood up and helped Chris recline back on the lounge chair and stretch out. Matt's cock was jutting down, again dripping pre-cum. kip licked his lips as he stared at his Sir's cock. Matt pointed to the lounge chair next to Chris', who was already dozing off. kip crawled over to it.

"On your back, hang your head off the end of the chair." Matt said.

"Yes, Sir!" kip replied as he crawled on the lounge change and laid with his head off the end.

Matt walked up, turned around, and took a step backward so that he was straddling kip's upturned face. Matt squatted down and placed his crack right on kip's nose. Without instruction kip took in several deep breaths through his nose. kip noticed that his Sir's crack had a more intense scent of the clean musk that was around his Sir's cock. kip let the stronger scent roll through his brain, focusing just on the scent.

Matt spread his ass cheeks apart and moved his pucker over kip's. kip opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out. Matt sighed as kip began to explore Matt's hole with his tongue. kip used his tongue to lick and flick his Sir's pucker, when kip had loosened up his Sir's hole he pushed his tongue in and out. Matt was raising and lowering on kip's hard tongue. Matt threw his head back and moaned as he squatted low and kip worked his tongue in deeper. kip heard his Sir moan and it made kip excited to be pleasing his Sir.

Matt stood up and looked down to the blue eyed blond staring lustfully up at him with a confused look. Matt smiled as he turned around and lowered down again. This time Matt's leaking cock was pointing out headed towards kip's face. kip opened his mouth wide as his Sir pushed Sir's cock past his lips. Matt kept slowly pushing until his cock head was resting against kip's throat entrance. Matt began doing micro pulses, moving his cock back and forth in subtle movements. kip sputtered a few times, but his Sir continued to use Sir's cock head to massage the throat entrance again and again.

Watching kip's breathing, Matt waited and as kip breathed in Matt rocked his hips forward hard and swift. kip gagged as his Sir's cock head and shaft pushed past his throat entrance. kip tried to pull his head back, but his Sir had placed hands on kip's head and neck - holding kip in place. kip started to struggle and thrash, but to no avail.

"Breath through your nose!" Matt hissed as he used a hand to slap the side of kip's face.

kip was surprised at the slap against his face and drew in a breath through his nose. kip started to calm down as he was breathing hard through his nose. When kip was no longer thrashing, Matt pulled his cock out of kip's throat. kip took a deep breath through his mouth. When he went to take another, his Sir pushed Sir's cock back deeper in kip's throat. kip was better prepared and started to nose breath right away. Matt stayed still for a moment, but following another breath in from kip, pushed his cock deeper still until Matt's pelvis was pushing into kip's chin and Matt's balls were tight against kip's nose.

kip tried to stay calm, but after three times of trying to breath in through a blocked nose, he began to thrash again. Matt held in place for another thirty second before pulling out. kip inhaled as soon as Matt's cock cleared, but Matt started to thrust in and out of kip's throat at a rapid pace. kip was struggling, but finally found a rhythm to breathe in as his Sir's cock entered his throat and to quickly exhale as it exited. kip was now able to focus on how his Sir was throat fucking him. He was in awe of the power and strength he could feel in his Sir pounding.

Without realizing it, kip reached down and grabbed his hard cock that had been pouring out pre-cum now that he was excited by his Sir's handling. Like a flash, Sir's cock was ripped from his throat and out of his mouth, kip was stunned as he was backhanded hard enough to throw his head to the side. Then kip's hand was slapped away from his cock. kip was starting to hyperventilate at the dramatic removal of his Sir's cock and the stings from the slaps.

"Do Not Touch Your Nub Without My Leave!" Matt shouted commandingly at kip, the first time since kip had been around his Sir.

"S.S.Sorry!" kip sputtered, "Sorry, Sir!"

The stunned kip was laying with his head off the end of the lounge chair. Matt's raised voice woke Chris up, who jumped up trying to figure who made that noise. He had never heard Matt use that tone of voice or be that loud. Chris quickly realized that it was Matt and he raised an eyebrow. Chris was about to make a smart ass remark.

"Go get the duffle bag!" Matt commanded Chris who stood stunned, "Go Now!"

"Yes, Sir!' Chris said as he rushed up to the house to retrieve the bag as requested.

"You, kneel with your hands behind you. Now!" Matt said in a tight, controlled voice.

"Yes, Sir!" kip said hoarsely as his throat was raw.

kip pulled himself off the lounge chair and he dropped to his knees in front of his Sir. kip's head was lowered so he did not see the look of disappointment from Sir's face. kip could see Sir's legs and feet that were aggressively tight. kip could hear Chris trot back from the house and the sound of a bag being handed to Sir. kip became nervous.

Matt took the bag that Chris proffered. Chris took a step back and stayed silent as Matt opened the bag and began to look through the contents. Matt smiled as he liked the selection that Mai had provided for him. Matt took out some wrist restraints and a larger chastity cage, before he sat the bag down at his feet. kip saw the leather duffle, but could not see what was inside.

"In the water. Now!" Matt commanded kip as he pointed to the pool.

"Yes, Sir!" kip replied as he scurried over to the pool.

Matt was watching kip's body. The shock of the slaps and the verbal barrage had reduced kip's nub from being fully hard, but in order for it to fit the cage it needed to be softer. The cold water from the pool was doing the job. kip was on his knees in the water up to his neck, but made sure to have his hands behind him even underwater. kip waited for his Sir's next order.

"Out!" Matt said in a clipped tone.

"Yes, Sir!" kip said as he climbed out of the pool and returned to his spot in front of Sir.

"Secure his wrists with these." Matt ordered Chris.

"Yes, Sir." Chris responded quickly.

Chris retrieved the wrist restraints which he took and bound kip's wrists behind his back. kip kept his head down and responded to Chris' non-verbal requests as Chris fit his wrists in the restraints. Finished, Chris stepped back to where he was before. Matt nodded to him before he turned back to kip.

"Since you are having problems with self control. I will have to make things more restrictive for you. You will need to learn that your Sir's needs and pleasure alway come first." Matt explained, then stepped forward pushing kip's face up towards his, "You will need to ask permission to touch yourself. You will also need to have permission to cum, and never cum before your Sir unless you have been told otherwise. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir!" kip responded, his blue eyes looking up at his Sir's hazel ones.

"This weekend we are going to provide you some assistance for curbing your desire to pleasure yourself." Matt advised, "Do you know what this is?"

Matt held up the chastity cage, a short metal cage forming a tube for a sub's nub that attached to a cock ring with a small lock.

"No, Sir!" kip answered.

"This is a chastity cage. You will wear it and will not be able to remove it until I say so. It will not allow your nub to fully harden or to be stimulated enough on its own for you to climax. You will still be able to urinate, though you will have to sit down to do so. It locks and I will have the only key." Matt explained, "Do you understand."

"Yes, Sir!" kip replied.

"Good. Stand up with your legs apart." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" kip answered.

kip struggled into a standing position, a little unbalanced due to his hands being restrained behind him. He spread his legs as his Sir had requested and waited with his head down. Matt reached up and patted kip's head.

"Good boy." Matt said as kip smiled at the praise.

"Thank you, Sir!" kip said smartly.

"I am going to put this on you now. During this weekend, any climax you have will be only at my whim and desire. Now stand still." Matt said.

"Yes, Sir." kip answered as he stood still.

Matt knelt down in front of kip. Taking a hold of kip's soft cock and balls, pushing the cock ring on Matt pulled kip's cock shaft through and then popped each ball through. Matt moved the ring from right to left to make sure it was not binding or too tight. Then Matt pushed kip's cock into the tubes forming the cage. It took a moment to stuff the cage and then be able to pull it close enough to the ring's locking dock. Matt lined the closure up and then locked it with the key. kip had made some uncomfortable noise at the indelicate way the cage had to be fitted, but did not speak. The key was on a chain, which Matt put on, the key lay just below the hollow of his neck.

Matt stood up and moved to be face to face with kip. Reaching down Matt gripped the cage and kip's balls, giving them a healthy squeeze. kip let out a groan as Matt manipulated kip's caged nub and nuts. Matt continued until kip started to get aroused, Matt could feel the nub trying to get hard, but could not in the confined space. Matt did not stop teasing. kip started to whimper as he started to have pain from his nub. Matt reached his other hand around kip's head and pulled him into a hard kiss. Matt's tongue invaded kip's mouth, pushing almost back to kip's throat. It took a moment and kip started to return the kiss. kip's groans ceased and he started moaning into Matt's mouth.

Matt broke the kiss and pushed kip back. kip swayed on his feet but kept his footing. Matt still had a handhold on kip's cage, using it Matt began to walk them up to the house. Looking over his shoulder at the unusually quiet Chris.

"Bring the bag up to the bedroom. It is going to be a long night, so be ready." Matt advised Chris. Then he went on, "Do not be too surprised. This is what is best for the client. I get results with my clients."

Chris still had a stunned look on his face as he picked up the bag.

"Dude, remind me not to piss you off. You remind me of Mai when she is mad. That is as close to death as I want to come." Chris said.

"Hurry up Monkeyboy! If you do not I have another cage." Matt shouted.

"Yes, Sir!" Chris called back as he started to jog, passing Matt and kip in his haste to get to the house first.

Matt chuckled. Thinking to himself, yes it will be a long night. The results should be very interesting. Chris has never seen me this way. It will be fun.

"We are going to have fun, boy. You ready for that?" Matt asked kip.

"Yes, Sir" kip said as he struggled up behind his Sir with arms bound behind him and his nub in a cage.

Matt arrived at the doorway to the bedroom. Chris had placed the duffle bag next to the night stand. When Matt and kip walked in, Chris was coming from the bathroom, you could hear the water running in the shower.

"I started the water to get it warm enough. The attachment is ready as well." Chris said as he laid a few towels out on the bed.

"Excellent! The boy should be fully cleaned before we start." Matt said, turning to look at kip, "You will go with Chris who will help you clean up and out."

"Yes, Sir!" kip replied.

kip walked over to follow Chris, but not before Matt slapped kip's ass. Chris put his arm around kip's shoulders and guided kip into the shower. With kip's arms restrained, Chris was going to be the one to clean kip's body & to use the enema wand to vacate kip's bowels. Matt chuckled at that thought, as he opened the duffel and began to set up for later.

About thirty minutes later a naked Chris and a naked kip re-entered the bedroom. Matt had dimmed the lights and closed the outside window doors. There was a low volume, rhythmic music playing with a deep throbbing bass line - it seemed to rumble your insides. The towels Chris had brought earlier were now spread over the end of the bed and up the center.

Chris looked over and saw that Matt was now wearing a black leather cockring jockstrap, leather halter, and leather gloves. Matt's posture was demanding and his more than semi-hard cock was jutting out obscenely.

"Fuck, dude! You are hot!" Chris exclaimed.

"You, sit on the bed towards the end" Matt ordered in a clipped tone as he pointed to Chris.

"Yes, Sir!" Chris replied quickly, looking at Matt with new found lust.

Chris sat on the bed on top of the towel. Chris stared at Matt's body in the leather and the more aggressive stance. Chris' cock started to get firm as he waited for what was next.

kip had been standing just inside the bedroom where he had stopped with Chris after they cleaned up in the bathroom. kip also oogled Matt in his leather, thinking that was hot. He had not been given any orders so he stayed still while Matt ordered Chris to get on the bed. kip observed the fiery look that Chris was giving Matt, it made kip extremely turned on. kip's nub was filling the cage and starting to leak.

"You, get over to the end of the bed. Lay your head on Chris and your knees on the edge. I want that ass in the air. Now!" Matt pointed at kip and ordered in a stern voice.

"Yes, Sir!" kip instantly replied as he swiftly moved to the end of the bed.

kip put his knees on the edge of the bed and then folded at the waist to lean his head on Chris. With his arms still restrained behind his back, kip basically fell into Chris' chest. kip spread his knees apart and pushed his hips up and back to present his ass to his Sir.

"Chris scoot so you can make out with the boy while I inspect your cleaning job." Matt ordered in a less severe voice.

"Yes, Sir!" Chris responded as he shuffled around to align his face with kip's.

Chris lifted kip's face up to his and then planted his lips firmly on kip's. The two began kissing deeply, tongues darting back and forth. Chris stroked kip's head, pulling him in for a closer, more intense make out session.

Matt walked up behind kip's ass, hanging off the end of the bed. Taking his leather gloved hand, Matt began to rub all over kip's ass cheeks. kip was moaning into Chris' mouth as Matt continued. Matt used his other hand to land a solid swat to the upturned flesh. kip grunted in Chris' mouth at the impact. Matt was surprised that it was Chris that moaned when Matt swatted kip's ass - Chris was getting very turned on. Matt then continued to rub and then slap kip's ass cheeks until they had a rosy color. kip and Chris were both moaning with each impact.

Matt used both gloved hands to spread open kip's ass cheeks. Matt marvelled at the dark blond hairs that sparsely lined the crack and ringed kip's pucker. Matt gripped his hands firmly onto kip's ass as he bent forward. Matt opened kip's ass wider still as his face was an inch from kip's skin - kip's pucker was just starting to pull open. Matt blew a stream of air right at the opening. kip's body jolted at the warm air, his hips writhing in Matt's grip. Matt could hear kip moan into Chris' mouth. Matt blew another stream of air, kip responded again.The third time Matt did it, kip whimpered with desire.

Matt flicked his tongue out and started to trace around kip's pucker. The touch of his Sir's tongue to kip's flesh caused kip to buck. Matt gave kip a solid swat which settled kip down. Matt resumed using his tongue to explore all around kip's pucker and crack. kip was moaning and whining into Chris' mouth as his Sir was wetting and teasing his crack, every time his Sir's tongue touched his hole it sent bolts of energy through his body.

Matt started to focus on kip's rosebud now, slowly circling around it with a wide tongue. The volume of kip's response increased as Matt worked. By the time Matt pushed a hardened tip of tongue in, kip was making a high pitched whine in Chris' mouth. kip's body was like a coiled spring with tension as Matt's tongue started pushing in and out of the wet pucker. Matt was getting in as deep as he could, flipping and licking his tongue in kip's hole. Matt worked the hole for several minutes until he felt the muscles start to loosen up - just what he wanted.

Matt pulled his face back and gave kip's ass another swat. kip writhed and moaned at the stimulation. Matt stood up and reached for the lube he had placed nearby. He began to lube his rock hard cock, that was harder than normal due to the cockring jock. When he was fully slicked up, he squirted a large amount on his gloved finger. Matt inserted the finger into kip's rim-loosened hole. Matt pushed the lube in and around kip's hole. kip was moaning so much and wiggling enough that his kiss with Chris broke - both were breathing heavy.

"Move up and let him get in position to suck your cock. Do not let him put it in his mouth yet." Matt barked at Chris.

"Yes, Sir!" Chris replied as he scooted back, lining his turgid cock up in front of kip's mouth.

Matt swatted kip's ass again, "You, arch your back and take a deep breath in." Matt ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" kip replied as he readied himself.

"Breath in, hold it, then breath out." Matt coached, "Continue this pattern. No talking, just focus."

kip started the pattern of breathing as Matt instructed. Matt stepped closer and laid his hard cock in kip's crack. kip just barely controlled his moan he felt his Sir's cock on him. Matt moved his hips in time with kip's breathing, sliding his cock shaft up and down kip's crack. The sexual energy was being wound even tighter in kip's body as this continued.

Matt moved his cock head and placed it right at kip's pucker. When kip did his next exhale, Matt held kip's hips firmly and punched his cock in. kip yelled and sputtered as more than half of his Sir's cock was forced in his hole. Matt swatted an ass cheek and kip settled down.

"Pattern Breath!" Matt hissed.

"Yes, Sir!" kip said from between his tightly gripped teeth.

kip resumed the breathing pattern while his Sir's cock was impaling him. Matt allowed kip to go through the pattern two times. On the exhalation the second time, Matt punched his hips forward going balls deep in kip's hole. kip squealed at the sudden fullness and stinging pain of accommodating his Sir's full cock. kip resumed the breathing as Matt stayed in place. When kip had settled down some, Matt looked up at Chris.

"Have him suck your cock. Do not cum until I tell you that you can." Matt ordered Chris.

"Yes, Sir!" Chris replied lustily as he had watched Matt mount kip.

Chris moved closer and put kip's mouth around his cock. Chris began to push his cock in and out of kip's mouth. kip moaned as he worked on Chris' cock with his tongue.

Distracted by the oral skills kip was using, he yelped as Matt pulled back swiftly, about three quarters of the way out and then pounded back in. Matt started a moderate pace of hard pounding into kip's hole. kip was getting more and more worked up as his Sir was pounding his ass and Chris was pumping his cock in kip's mouth. Matt kept up his pace until he pulled back and his cock head popped out of the tight hole. Matt lined up his cockhead and in a full body thrust, went completely back in, his balls slapping against kip's taint and cage. kip groaned as his Sir started long dicking his hole, Chris was having to hold tightly to kip's head to keep in alignment.

Matt had continued to long dick kip's hole for a few minutes when he glanced up at Chris. Chris was staring at Matt's whole body as Matt flexed and thrust into kip's ass. Chris' eyes locked onto Matt's and it was like a bomb went off in Chris' head. Matt's intense, authoritative gaze met Chris' lust filled and burning love eyes. Matt moved his grip up to hold kip's arms, pulling kip in for a more thorough pounding.

Then Matt leaned forward as Chris did as well, they met in the middle with a passionate kiss. Matt and Chris were both thrusting hard into kip who was doing his best to keep up with the power the two were using. Matt's tongue was commanding and forcing Chris' as Matt pushed in for a forceful kiss. Matt could feel Chris' body start to get close to a climax. Matt kept up his kissing, even as he could tell that Chris wanted to shoot, needed to shoot badly. Chris could not break his kiss with Matt, but he started to whimper as he was so close and he did not want to disobey Matt's command. Finally Matt broke their deep kiss.

"Shoot!" Matt whispered in a commanding voice.

"Yeeesssss, Sssssiiiiirrrrr!" Chris screamed as he started to climax.

Chris pumped harder into kip's mouth as his cum started pulsing out of his cock into kip. kip tried to yelp, but it was flooded out with the torrents of cum that were splashing down his throat. Chris kept thrusting and shooting several more ropes into kip before Chris landed hard against kip's puffy lips. The last of Chris' load was shot into kip's mouth before Chris fell back exhausted. kip was swallowing the cum that Chris had depoisited and was moaning as his Sir increased the fucking pace.

Matt used his grip on kip's arms to raise up kip's chest as Matt started to jackhammer up into kip's hole. The change in position had Matt's cock pummeling kip's gland with each impact. kip made a strangled moan as bursts of pleasure radiated throughout his body as his Sir pounded him.

This position was all that it took to push kip into an anal climax. kip screamed Sir as his caged nub started to dribble globs of cum out. As the cage kept kip from getting hard, the cum did not jet out, only rapidly oozing out as his Sir kept pounding his gland, milking him completely. kip's body was quaking from head to toe and his ass muscles were clamping on his Sir's cock.

"Take my seed, boy! You are mine! I claim you as I BREED YOU!!" Matt shouted as he started to climax himself

"YES, SIR!" kip shouted as he felt the boiling liquid shoot deep in his insides.

Matt pounded his load in as deep as he could, the last forceful thrust in he dropped down into kip's ass and rested, his cock pulsing the last of his seed in kip. kip was overloaded and as they landed on the bed he passed out onto Chris' chest and belly. Chris was so exhausted that he just reached down and held kip to him. Matt pulled out of kip's ass, his cock still hard and dripping with his cum. He staggered back, looking down at the two men that were already in an exhausted sleep.

Matt was breathing hard from his exertions and with the power. He looked up and saw his reflection - the hard predatory gleam in his eyes. He was glad that the two on the bed could not see how close he had come to losing his control. It had been sometime since he dipped this deep in his authoritative side. Matt reached down and unbound kip's restraints. It had been too long he thought to himself as he laid down on the bed and passed out himself.

Next: Chapter 16

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