Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Mar 16, 2021


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 14

Life had reached a new normal for Matt and Chris. Chris' current project was in California and he could come home each night to de-stress in Matt's arms. The local project also meant that Matt was able to go into the office and work with clients. Matt was getting a feel for how the production company was operating and noticed that it was not just any clients that they selected. It was by far a selection of close to ideal male body types - health, focused, and determined. It was wonderful that Matt was able to be centered and helpful to these actors.

Matt was in his office and saw a new notice for a client later that morning. He clicked on the appointment and it opened the client file with the picture. Matt opened his mouth and soundlessly worded 'damn'. He got excited and his dick got firm. Rubbing his jock filling cock, Matt continued to read the rest of the brief. The nutritionist's notes indicated that a strict diet was in place. The physical therapist's notes illustrated the extreme exercise routine that was going on concurrent with the other therapies. Lastly the production note was that the actor would have to trim off close to ten pounds for the upcoming role.

Matt was about to close the file when he saw the latest entry that the actor was facing a severe focus problem. The focus issue was causing the actor issues in maintaining his training and fitness goals. The side note was that he had too much energy but was unable to control it into something useful. Normally they would have increased his exercise routines to compensate. In this case alternative methods were called for.  

With that in mind Matt clicked the confirmation of the scheduled appointment. Nodding his head he got up and started to prepare for the actor's appointment. A standard massage alone was not what this actor was going to need. Matt walked into the massage studio and adjusted the temperature and set up the area for meditation as well. Matt had found when there was imbalance in someone it was helpful to provide techniques that the actor could use to self-trigger relaxation and focus.

Satisfied with the room preparation, Matt went back to the en suite in his office. He took a brief but hot shower to remove any trace of chemical product from his body. When he dressed, Matt chose to wear the natural fiber jockstrap under the woven bamboo top and shorts. He stepped into the studio and confirmed the sauna was heating up as well. Matt turned on the oils before setting down in the meditation area to wait. Matt took position and began his own meditation that focused on his breathing and being centered.

The soft tone that was set for the outer hallway door sounded and it alerted Matt to come out of his meditation. He unfolded from the half lotus position and stood up with more grace than he would have done just three months prior. Smiling Matt walked into the waiting room to find his expected client. Inwardly Matt sighed, this man was hot. The actor looked up when Matt entered the room and Matt was struck with the blue eyes and blond hair on the rugged, chiseled jaw with a light stubble of a beard. The actor outstretched his hand.

"Hi, I'm Chris. You are expecting me?" Chris Hemsworth said quietly.

"Yes, Chris. Welcome. I am Matt, your massage therapist." Matt replied as they shook hands.

Matt used the time to observe the actor. As Chris was not in the "On" mode, Matt could see the restlessness of Chris' eyes and indications of emotional/mental strain. The pause in Chris' voice when he asked if he was expected also was a clue. Matt turned on his own radiant smile, he knew there was some work to be done.

"If you will come into the studio, I will give you an overview of what we can do for you. Also the massage will start with some grounding, meditative exercises." Matt said as he ushered the actor into the massage studio.

Matt paused and made sure the door was secure. He then walked over to the massage table and stood to address Chris. Matt noticed that he was a few inches taller than him and currently close to the same weight if he could guess. Chris stood waiting, his hands moving around almost if subconsciously.

"I am glad that you are here. I know that I can help you." Matt started, "From the brief I know that your next role will include some hefty body modification with diet and exercise. The massage sessions will help with your adjustment and comfort with those changes."

Chris nodded, again still making slight movements.

"I will also be using some meditation techniques that will help give you some tools to redirect your energy and allow you to feel more centered." Matt continued.

"That would be great. The pace and the changes necessary have me feeling out of sorts. I get edgy and irritable at the slightest things. I know that is a problem, I just do not know how to deal with that." Chris said with a slight downcast face, his blue eyes though still sparkling through his eyelashes.

Matt stepped up and gripped the actor by the arm, giving a gentle squeeze. Chris smiled.

"Let me show you where you can change. We will start with the meditation before the massage, but you can wear the robe in the changing area." Matt said as he showed Chris to the changing room.

"I have done some meditation before and clothes just seem to be a distraction to me. Are you comfortable with me in just my underwear?" Chris asked.

"I want you to be as comfortable as you want. Underwear is fine, nude is also fine." Matt told him.

Chris smiled again, "Nude will work best. Thanks. It helps remind me of growing up and spending time with my brothers. We were more nude than clothed when playing in the bush." Chris kicked off his sandals.

"I think that is great. Having good childhood memories are excellent for the meditation work that we will be doing today." Matt replied as he went to step out of the changing area.

"I would be even more comfortable if you were nude as well." Chris said with a slight bashful look, unsure if he was being too forward.

If Matt was caught off guard or upset at the request (which he was not, quite the opposite), his face did not show it. "If that makes you more comfortable, we can do that." Matt said.

Chris' face lights up at Matt's reply. Chris started to undress, taking off his t-shirt first. Matt sighed when he saw the tight chest and abs as Chris' head was covered by the shirt. Matt started to disrobe as well, shucking his massage shirt and shorts throwing them in a hamper. Chris was working on his jeans, sitting down to remove each leg. Chris put his jeans with his shirt into a locker.

Now Chris was standing in his tight black boxer briefs, he looked over at Matt in his jockstrap. Chris' smile got larger. He flicked his thumbs in the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down as Matt had pulled down his jockstrap. Soon both men were glancing discreetly at each other's cocks. They were close in size and girth, the main difference was Matt was cut and Chris was not, his foreskin still covered the tip of his cock. Being liberated of clothes, Matt led the way back out to the meditation area.  

Chris followed behind and when Matt glanced over his shoulder, he could see that Chris was intent on his ass as well. Matt smiled a knowing smile. Yes, I can definitely help you burn off some energy Matt thought.

Matt pointed for Chris to sit on the padded floor, "I will get you positioned and then join you for the exercise. Ideally I would have you in lotus or half lotus, but I am guessing that you are not there yet." Matt said.

Chris nodded. He sat on the floor, crossing his legs, feeling the spongy give to the surface. Matt walked around Chris and positioned Chris' arms and legs. Chris stayed in position well enough. Matt walked in front of Chris and settled down on the floor. Matt did go into half lotus, he could feel Chris' eyes on his body as he situated. Both men were chubbed a bit.

"We are going to go through a breathing exercise together." Matt said in a hushed voice, "I may touch you for positioning or I might have you feel my body for a reference. Is that ok?"

Chris nodded.

"Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and then out." Matt coached in a soft voice. "Listen to my voice and follow my direction."

"Take a deep breath in and hold it for the count of 2." Matt said, "Great, now release and wait to breathe in for another count of 2."

"Nice, let us continue for seven more repetitions." Matt said.

Matt was observing Chris' body as the actor was doing the breathing. Matt could tell that Chris was not taking in the breath deep enough. Chris' shoulders would lift instead of his belly expanding outward for the deeper inhalation. Here was a correction that they would start with.

"Keep your eyes closed. I am going to move your hand and place it on my belly." Matt said as he pulled at Chris' hand and placed it on his skin. "I am going to breath in and out. Feel how my belly expands as I fill with air. This allows my lungs to fully inflate. See how my chest does not rise up, causing my shoulders to lift? The lifted shoulders provide some airflow, but not to the same extent as with my belly expanding."

Matt continued on for several breathing pattern repetitions. He could feel the warmth of Chris' hand on his skin. It was making his cock start to stir. Matt glanced over and Chris' cock was plumping up as well. At least he was not alone.

"Now I am going to return your hand. I will place my hand on your belly to get you to focus on the lifting and falling of the belly." Matt said as he moved Chris' hand back in position, then placed hand on Chris' belly.

"We are going to do the same pattern, but now count to three at the beginning and the end of the breath. Try to keep it a smooth inhale and exhale." Matt said.

Chris started doing the exercise. Matt could feel the warm skin under his hand, the toned abs were firm. Matt made a mental note to add additional stretching of the core to his plans. Fitness enthusiasts who worked so diligently for tight abs that can become too tight and stifle a full breath. Chris was finishing the eighth rep. Matt was satisfied and lifted his hand away from Chris' belly. Chris made a small whimper when the hand was removed and his cock made a slight pulse.

Matt smiled and said, "Nice work, you continue doing the repetitions as I explain the next part."

"We are going to do some guided imagery exercises now. I will have us start with a look inward and then expand outward. To help with this I will be asking you to use your imagination of channels of light flowing throughout your body. Try and keep your eyes closed as we continue, it will help with the visuallation." Matt explained.

"Good. Now as you take the next deep breath in, think about drawing all of the energy in your body to the core of your body. I will return my hand there as a reference." Matt said, Chris got a smile on his face as Matt's hand returned. "Continue with each breath to draw all of the energy to a solid ball right under my palm. We will do this for several breaths."

Chris was taking in slow, measured breaths; making Matt's hand lift and fall as it went in and out. Matt matched the breathing pattern. Matt led Chris is the rest of the guided meditation using the beams of light spreading outward from the core. That core was where Matt still had his hand resting as Chris continued the deep breathing.

The visualized lights were not the only thing spreading outward or upward in this case - Chris' cock was now standing almost at full mast. Matt looked down to see that the pale pink cock head was now exposed with just a little bit of the foreskin around the bottom of Chris' corona. In the low light there was just a glistening of a bead of pre-cum at his piss slit. Matt licked his lips, but controlled himself.

They had completed the meditation portion of the session and Matt was ready to move to the massage section. Matt went to remove his hand and Chris shifted at the same time, causing the back of Matt's hand to brush Chris' hard rod. A brief moan escaped Chris' lips before he gasped.

"Oh Crap Dude! I am so sorry about that. This thing has a mind of its own." Chris said embarrassedly while he was trying to cover himself.

"Chris, no worries man. It happens when we get relaxed and let go of some stress." Matt quietly stated as he pointed to his own groin, "See, I am not flaccid either. I have no problems with the male form in any state."

Chris gave Matt a half smile before he dropped his hands and his cock was jutting outward. The motion caused the drip of pre-cum to start to drop towards the floor. Being bold, Matt reached over and captured the strand, bringing it to his lips to suck clean. He winked at the slightly astonished look in Chris' eyes.

"It is not nice to be wasteful. Right?" Matt said in a more sultry voice. Then returning to his normal voice, "Ok, hop up on the table. Face down. We can do away with draping today."

Chris gave an off-centered smirk and then chuckled as he stood up. He walked over to the massage table and laid down. Chris situated as Matt turned to move the oils in reach, testing the warmth. Matt returned his attention to Chris on the table. It was a wonderful sight, Chris' hard work in exercise and diet made his body toned and tight. Chris' back was smooth from shoulders down to just above his waist where the back dimples were more pronounced. Chris' glutes and legs were also toned and a model for health and vitality. Matt was glad that Chris was face down as his cock was more than just plump at the moment.

"I am going to work on a full body massage that will be a mix of relaxation and deep tissue. I will be doing some range of motion stretching as well. The level of training you are doing can cause some limitations in flexibility. This should help with that." Matt explained as he slicked oil on his hands. "It may be different than what you are used to as well. Communicate if something hurts, goes too deep or is uncomfortable. OK?"

Chris nodded his head and grunted acknowledgement. Matt walked up to the front of the table and gilded his oiled hands down Chris' back. Chris sighed but it quickly turned to a moan sound as Matt worked. Matt started in and got in the zone, focusing on the body below his hands for tension and relaxation. The meditation and breathing exercises beforehand pushed Matt into the state easier and deeper than usual. Subconsciously he noted the knots that he worked out of Chris' back and arms before moving down to Chris' legs and glutes.

Chris was mostly quiet for the back, arms and legs part of the massage, but when Matt started to work on his glutes the tone of his moaning changed. It was more husky and filled with emotion. The change quickly brought Matt out of the zone, so he was now paying closer attention to his work on Chris.

Matt was kneading and working out tension in the glutes when his finger brushed deeper down Chris' crack. Chris gave a deeper moan and a subtle twitch to flex his hips backward. Matt then repeated his brush and took it slower this time. Chris reacted to the change, the moan became almost hungry sounding and the hip flex was more pronounced. Matt kept the same pace, but purposefully dipped his finger tip to pass right over Chris' pucker. Chris gave a lusty cry out and shivered as his hips flexed to expose his crack wider. Matt continued with the glute massage and switched sides, though he kept the downward stroke to tease Chris' pucker each time.

Matt had completed the massage portion he needed to with Chris on his back, but there was a pressing issue that he wanted to address. Matt could tell that the light ass play was exciting the actor, the table was pooling in pre-cum from Chris' leaky cock. The state that Chris currently was in Matt would not be as effective with the massage goals he had in mind.

Matt gripped both of Chris' ass cheeks, spreading them apart. Matt used his fingers edge deeper into the crack. When Matt gripped and spread apart Chris' cheeks this time, the dark pink pucker ringed with blond fur was visible. Matt held the cheeks apart while he leaned over and blew gently over the exposed pucker. Chris whimpered and a shiver went down his spine, his hips tilted trying to open wider.

Matt grinned at Chris' responses. Matt squeezed Chris' ass cheeks again, grinding them down to put pressure on Chris' cock that was still leaking on the table. A lowly moan came out of Chris' mouth. Matt then spread the cheeks wide and leaned in to the exposed crack. Taking the tip of his tongue, Matt traced a circle around Chris' pucker. Chris gave a loud whimper at the touch of the hot, wet tongue on his special place. Matt kept moving his tongue, circling and wetting the dark blond fur. Chris started to breathe heavy as Matt's tongue swiped over the pucker opening. Matt started to flick his tongue tip at Chris' pucker entrance.

Chris was moaning loudly as Matt was wetting down his crack and pucker. A tremor ran down Chris' legs as Matt continued to lick and tease. Ready to take it up a bit, Matt guided Chris' legs to bend and lifted Chris' ass up with Chris on his knees and his face still in the table hole. Chris's balls were hanging down and his cock was slapped up towards his belly. Chris' cock was still leaking, the pool of pre-cum was getting bigger.

In the new position, Matt decided he should come directly on, so he climbed on the table between Chris' opened legs. Matt spread Chris' ass cheeks and pushed his face in the crack. Now Matt was giving a full on rim job: slobbering up and down the crack, licking and nibbling Chris' pucker, and letting his slight scruff scratch the tender inner cheeks. Chris was squirming, moaning and pushing back into Matt's face. Matt pulled the cheeks wider and pushed his tongue into Chris' outer ring. It was tight, even with the play, and Chris let out a hungry groan, that was higher pitched than his moans.

Matt began pushing his tongue in and out of Chris' hole, loosening it up little by little. Chris was panting and pushing back trying to get the tongue in deeper. Matt flicked the tongue inside of Chris' hole. Chris' ass muscles pulsed around Matt's tongue from the stimulation and his cock burped a huge drop of pre-cum. Matt continued to flick Chris' insides, reducing the actor to whining and moaning, along with grinding back onto Matt's face.

Matt pulled his face out of Chris' ass, Chris made a sad noise as Matt's tongue was absent from his hole. Chris was wiggling his ass, trying to entice Matt's face and tongue to return. Matt reached under and pulled Chris' hard cock out, taking his tongue Matt started at the cock head and licked the full length of the shaft. Chris was moaning again, his leg starting to twitch from the sensation. Matt continued to do full licks up and down on Chris' cock. Chris was rocking with shudders as the skilled tongue did its work on his cock.

Matt still licks the full sized cock, swabbing his tongue over the tender bits normally sheathed in foreskin. Chris jumped when he felt Matt's finger begin tracing around his hole. Matt's rimming had left Chris' hole wet and opened, Matt's fingertip was able to slide into the tight opening. Chris let out a long, low sigh as Matt pushed the finger in deeper in Chris' hole. Chris grunted as Matt's knuckles came to rest against Chris' ass lips. Matt kept his finger deep, holding it still, with his other hand he reached down and began to slowly stroke Chris' hard and leaking cock.

Chris began panting as Matt slowly started to move the buried finger in a circle. Matt could feel Chris' inner muscles grip and release on the finger as it moved. Matt had continued with a slow stroke on Chris prick, when Matt started the in and out motion of his finger in Chris' ass he matched the speeds with the jacking. Chris began a rumbling moan that was filled with lust as Matt's fingers picked up some speed. Chris was fighting shivers as the messages from his cock and ass were working him up.

Matt added a second finger in Chris' ass and only got an increase in moaning volume. Matt stayed his jacking hand and used that hand to now rub and caress Chris' inner thighs, glutes, and crack before he settled it on Chris' balls. Chris gave a grunt when Matt tugged on Chris' ball sack, it turned to a coo when Matt's fingers found Chris' gland. Matt chuckled as he felt a pulse in Chris' balls as his fingers began massaging the gland. The play with Chris' gland was opening his ass lips up nicely.

Matt pushed in a third finger into the loosened hole, the extra girth got a yelp with the first push but moaning continued when the three fingers began poking Chris' gland. Chris was thrusting his hips backward to get more of Matt's fingers in him. Matt thrust his fingers in deep and used his thumb to rub on Chris' taint as he made a circular pattern with the buried fingers. Chris' cock was leaking steadily and pulsing with a bit extra when Matt's fingers poked his gland.

Matt pulled his fingers out and Chris gave a whimper at the open feeling. Matt scooted closer to Chris' body on the table, pushing up on his knees. Matt's cock was hard and leaking too, he grabbed some of the oil and slicked up his cock. Lining up his cock head with Chris' hole he leaned forward slowly. Chris feels the heat from Matt's cock and a shiver runs down his spine. Matt stroked Chris' back a few times before holding onto Chris' hips.  

Pushing firmly, but slowly forward Matt began to insert his cock into Chris' pucker. Chris started to groan and his body broke out in a flush as Matt slowly inched his cock deeper. Chris gave a strangled grunt when Matt was fully in and had tugged Chris' hips in closer. Matt stayed still and felt Chris' ass muscles spasm around the invading cock. Matt stroked Chris' back until the ass muscles calmed down somewhat.

Matt repositioned his hands on Chris' hips, pulling about halfway out, then thrust back in firmly. Chris grunted and then moaned as Matt was grinding his hips into Chris' ass again. Matt repeated the pulling out and thrusting back in with grinding at the bottom. Chris was grunting less each time. When Chris did not grunt at all, the next time Matt pulled until just his tip of his cock head was in before thrusting back. Chris only gave a small grunt and then was grinding back against Matt at the bottom.

Matt grinned widely as he started to long dick Chris' hole, pulling all the way out before thrusting back in. Chris was a mess of cooing, moaning and groaning. Matt was picking up the pace of the thrusting and Chris was starting to push back to meet Matt's thrusting. Chris had pushed up on to his elbows and was swinging back with more power now. Matt was enjoying the full strokes in and out of Chris' ass.

Matt reached forward and lifted Chris' chest back to his own. Now Matt was thrusting up into Chris' body. Chris was countering by dropping down to Matt's thrusts, making hard slapping sounds as they met. Matt snaked on hand around Chris' chest and latched onto a nipple. Chris threw his head back against Matt's shoulder and moaned loudly again. Matt's other hand he slid around and gripped Chris' swinging cock and balls. Chris whimpered in Matt's ear as Matt's hand started to jack Chris' cock in rhythm with the thrusting.

Matt could feel Chris' body start to tighten, a struggling moan was turning into a growl as Chris' got closer to his climax. Matt was getting close as well, he increased the power of his upward thrusting. Chris' body started to tremble, Matt could feel Chris' balls draw up as he was jacking the actor. Matt slowed down the jacking, but kept thrusting his cock up hard in Chris' ass. Chris' growl was reduced to a whimper as Matt stopped jacking Chris' cock and had blocked Chris from reaching his hard member. Matt was only teasing Chris' nipples and only holding Chris' cock, though not tightly and not providing any friction for release.

Matt could feel his climax build and get closer, he started to jack Chris' cock again. Chris was on the edge, when Matt's fingers brushed his tender glans on the next jerk of the fist Chris yelled out. Matt kept jacking as Chris started shooting his load. Matt could feel Chris' cock pulse and the movement of sperm up the shaft as rope after rope of cum was shot out. Matt was making sure to pound upward in shorter thrusts just enough to punch Chris' prostate gland as well - he was milking the actor as much as he could. Chris continued shooting eight or nine ropes of cum, the first went further than the massage table.

Chris was quaking in Matt's arms and Matt was ready to let go. Matt's thrusting resumed the full, hard pounding. It only took a few moments and he cried out as his seed started shooting deep in Chris' ass. The sudden fullness and then almost boiling warmth filling deep in Chris' bowel made him gasp and moan. Matt continued plunging his cock up into Chris, his thrusts were still firm - balls slapping Chris' ass. Matt gave his final thrust and just held Chris' body tightly for the final pulses of cum filling the actor up.

Chris reclined his head back on Matt's shoulder, turning they started to kiss. Matt settled back on down to the table, still joined intimately with Chris. With some shuffling of legs Matt then continued to recline and lay flat. Matt's cock popped out of Chris' hole with a trail of cum dripping out. Chris turned his body on top of Matt's as they continued to make out. Chris' cock was getting firm again and he was frotting against Matt's swiftly plumping cock. Matt reached down and grabbed a tight hold to Chris' ass cheeks and pulled them down on the grinding cocks. Chris moaned into Matt's mouth as their tongues were slipping in and out of each other's mouths.

Matt's fingers made their way into Chris' crack and soon found the cum dripping pucker. Chris gave a shutter and moan as Matt's fingers started sliding in and out of the cummy hole. Chris was starting to leak again and Matt could feel their groins getting stickier by the second. Matt plunged his tongue deeply into Chris' mouth, almost to his throat as Matt buried two fingers deep into Chris' pucker. Chris' response was full body, a quiver that raced throughout his limbs and made his cock pulse against Matt's.

Matt pulled his fingers out and lifted Chris' body up and off of his. Chris had a look of confusion as Matt started to get up off the table. Matt offered and took Chris by the hand. Matt then led them to the sauna and then closed the door behind them. Matt pointed for Chris to get up on the bench, Chris complied and turned to face Matt. Matt walked closer, dropping to his knees, now looking right at Chris' firm cock. Matt leaned his head over and swallowed the full cock down to it's base. Chris relaxed back and moaned as Matt began to bob up and down on his rod.

Chris was enjoying the slow and thorough blow job, he was a bit surprised when Matt pulled off his cock and lifted his legs. Matt then dove into the exposed pucker that was puffy from their earlier play and still was gleaming with some of Matt's seed. Matt was rabiddly attacking Chris' hole, now able to push his tongue in deeper. That deeper penetration was making Chris thrash his head back and forth. Chris was moaning like a slut and Matt slopped away at the puffy hole, getting his own load that remained out of the manhole.

Matt lifted his face away from the wet hole and moved his face up towards Chris'. Chris opened his mouth and they began kissing, Chris tasting the remnants of Matt's load and his ass. Chris was expecting for Matt to release his legs down, but that was not what Matt was planning. Matt lined up his hard cock and pushed it in the used, wet hole as they were kissing. Chris hissed then moaned into Matt's mouth as he got used to the cock size and girth. Matt positioned Chris' legs over his shoulders and then he started pumping in and out of the actor while resuming the kissing.

Chris could not reach his own cock as it was sandwiched between them, he instead was pulling Matt's body closer to his as Matt was moving like a piston slowly in and out of his ass. Chris was now shoving his tongue in Matt's mouth as deep as he could and sucking it hard. The slower pace was making the thrusts more intense and Matt's cock spent longer stroking against Chris' gland. Chris' gland was sending shockwaves of pleasure outward through his body with each extended stroke that Matt was giving him.

Chris broke their kiss, "God! I need to ride you. Please!" he pleaded.

Matt nodded as he pulled his cock out as it shined in the low, warm light. He loosened his hold on Chris' body and helped Chris unfold. Matt then sat down and leaned back - his cock standing almost straight up. Chris looked at it and gulped as he stepped up on the bench. Chris straddled Matt's body looking face to face. With Matt's help Chris settled down and slowly impaled himself on Matt's rod. Chris paused as he had Matt fully in him again, Chris ground his hips around to which Matt replied with a lusty moan.

Chris used his hand to hold onto the bench behind Matt as he lifted up and then dropped down on Matt's cock. As Chris became used to Matt's size, he began to speed up, using varying pressures and speeds to work his body on Matt's cock. Matt was starting to thrust upward to Chris' squat, making both men get closer to another climax. The extra pressure of Chris' bodyweight pounding down on Matt's cock was building his sexual energy.

Matt yelled out as he held Chris' hips up and began jackhammering into Chris' hole. After just a minute or so of the rabbit-like pounding, Matt's eyes started to roll upwards and with a husky grunt he started to explode a new load of cum in Chris' chute. Matt was growling and yipping as he pumped jet after jet into Chris' pulsing hole. Chris was trying to grip and release Matt's cock as it shuttled up and down, giving it maximum friction. Spent, Matt dropped his hands holding Chris' sides and reclined back.

Chris was turned on by the frenzied activity and he was at the very edge when Matt dropped down on the bench. Chris stood up and lined his cock head up with Matt's gaping mouth. Matt felt the cock at his lips and sucked it in using his tongue. That was enough to pull Chris' trigger, he yelled and began filling Matt's mouth with his cum. Chris was thrusting his hips as he was shooting his load. Matt was swallowing as he could, but some was leaking out of the sides of his mouth. Chris finished pumping five or six jets of cum into Matt before he calmed down, breathing hard and held his cock on Matt's tongue.

Chris slid his sensitive cock out as Matt lightly sucked any remaining cum as it exited his mouth. Chris gave a shudder as Matt's tongue played with his tender cock head. Chris collapsed down on the bench next to Matt. Matt leaned over and gave Chris a deep kiss, passing some of Chris' seed back to him as their tongues moved back and forth.

The heat from the sauna and the pair's activities was making both Chris and Matt sweat heavy. They reclined against the bench and rested, letting the droplets run off their bodies. Chris had his arm around Matt's shoulder, they lazily continued to make out. Chris explored Matt's body: touching here or there. With their recent sex neither man was fully hard, just nicely plumped. Chris was gazing into Matt's hazel eyes with the long eyelashes flashing with each blink.

"If this is how these focusing and relaxation sessions are going to go. I think I am more than onboard with the process." Chris said softly, his blue eyes staring intensely.

"I am glad you enjoyed it. I am sure other methods work too. The last guy should have been at least helpful." Matt replied.

"Oh my god. No, even without the sex you are leaps and bounds better than that guy." Chris explained, "I had many sessions with him for my last project. All I ever felt like was a slab of fat that he was commanded to work on. It was technical at best. I am so glad you are here Matt."

"Was it really that bad?" Matt inquired.

"He was just short of horrible. I know that Pratt and Tatum would not use him at all." Chris explained, "I now understand why Pratt was so excited after coming back from that Oklahoma shoot. He told me that he found you there. He would not stop going on about it."

"It was kismet. I needed the change and Pratt had the opportunity." Matt said.

"I can see that you two are getting close." Chris said, "Am I right?"

Matt blushed and flashed his eyelashes, "Yes we are. I think closer day by day." Matt admitted.

"I knew that it must have been it, because Pratt was more calm and focused when he was here. That only changed after you got to California." Chris said. "I am happy for you both. Now enough talk, give me another kiss."

Matt turned his head and sealed his lips on Chris'. They made out for another ten minutes before they exited the sauna. They hugged before Chris headed in to shower. Matt checked his phone after he pulled on his shorts and top. He had a message from Chris Pratt.

"Hope you enjoyed working on Hemsworth. He is hot and I am sure you guys had FUN! See you soon. ps do not shower yet. I want to take one with you."

Matt was grinning widely when Chris came out of the changing room showered and dressed. They hugged as Matt led him out.

"See you again soon my friend." Chris said, "Give a kiss to Pratt for me."

Chris swooped in and landed a hot wet kiss on Matt before breaking it quickly and heading out the door. Matt just shook his head thinking wow I am surrounded by hot Chrises. Not a bad thing.

Next: Chapter 15

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