Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Jan 21, 2021


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 13

Matt awoke to the sea breeze blowing the sheer curtains in the master bedroom. On the bed next to him, Chris was sprawled out on his stomach, the sheet only covering part of a leg, leaving Chris' hot body for Matt to view. Chris was lightly snoring and Matt gently ran his fingers over Chris' hair.

They had returned from the film shoot the prior weekend. The project really stretched Chris thin and Chris was not a polite traveler. Matt had to make apologies to several flight staff and a few fans at Chris' grumpy behavior. Their love making the night before was filled with angst and stress that Chris had bottled during the last of the movie shoot. Matt wiggled his hips at the remembrance of the brute force that he was fucked with and then with the power that he returned the favor holding Chris' ankles over his shoulders and plowing Chris' ass with abandon.

The sounds of the ocean let Matt's mind drift. It had been quite a change since he moved out from Oklahoma. Matt now had an exciting and challenging position doing what he loved with an equally passionate team in the production company. He was in better physical condition from the clean living, healthy eating and rigorous physical training. And lastly, Matt had found someone who completed him emotional and sexually, that was something that he had never fully experienced.

Matt felt a muscular arm reach over his nude form and the pull of being moved closer to the actor. As Chris' face moved closer they joined in a slow, passionate kiss. Tongues were lazily passing between each other's mouths, playfully wrestling and teasing. Chris dropped and arm down and started stroking Matt's cock to life. As it was morning, it only took a few strokes to be fully hard. A drop of pre-cum formed at Matt's cock head, Chris scooped it up and sucked it off of his finger before kissing Matt again, sharing the sweet sticky taste.

"Chan is coming today for a workout. We don't want to be late." Chris said with a cheeky grin as he pulled Matt's erection down and let it slap back up to Matt's belly.

Chris hopped out of bed with his own semi-hardon leading the way. He waited for Matt to climb out of bed before he turned and headed towards the fitness facility. Matt whistled at the cute, tight ass marching in front of him. Chris looked over his shoulder and shook his ass without stopping. The pair chuckled as they progressed through the house naked with hard cocks.

As they neared the gym, loud music started pumping with a heavy bass line. Chan was there before them and came out of the locker room, without any clothes on either. Matt still felt surreal that he was with two of the hottest guys and getting ready for a grueling workout. Chan already had the chart up of the series they would be working on today. He came over and traded hugs and kisses with Chris and Matt.

"I hope you dudes did not slack off on workouts while you were in Egypt." Chan chided, "Sex only counts for part of what we do."

Chan laughed as Chris and Matt gave guilty smiles to answer part of Chan's question. The luck of finding someone so willing and available as Babu, the poolboy from the hotel in Egypt, was almost indescribable. That made a happy foursome with Chris, Matt and Tom in the luxury suite. Their athletic sex play had helped keep most of the actors tensions down to managable levels.

"I think that Babu would have been speechless from looking at your body and mute after riding your cock." Matt chuckled.

Chan pretended to be shy, the act though caused all three men to laugh. It was a comfortable time and they all enjoyed their company, humor and all. Chan moved into a starting position and glanced at Chris and Matt to get ready. They moved into position. Chan started the exercises.

Soon all three men had sweat flinging from all parts of their bodies, they were breathing hard and moving with intention. The circuit that Chan had set up had elements of weights, stretching, and cardio. Matt shook his head as he moved through the series, he was matching pace with both Chan and Chris. Matt's body was showing the results in the invested time, with more defined abs, stronger arms, legs and shoulders.

Matt was moved by the exercises, as they wrapped up their workout, Matt continued to move. It had been many years, but Matt had recalled the ballet that he had taken in his youth. His parents were trying to help his coordination as he had his growth spurt early and was willowy. Matt began to move through a series of dance moves, keeping in time with the music still pumping. There were spins and leaps, along with flexibility moves. Matt kept going and began to repeat his dance sequence.

Chan had been watching as Matt moved, when Matt started to repeat, Chan joined in. Chan at times was mirroring the exact moves and then would bring a contemporary hip hop element or modification. Matt repeated the set a third time and now Chan was providing a full on improv of dance elements. They ended, both Matt and Chan were breathing hard. Chris was off to the side clapping.

"That was hot guys. Fuck I wish I could move like that." Chris advised and then lamented.

"You could if you focused more and practiced." Chan chided then chuckled. "Great job Matt. I did not know that you danced."

"Yes, but not for many years. With our training now, I am more limber than I have been in years. It just all came back to me." Matt said a little bashfully.

"Well it looked, fucking great." Chan said as he came in for a hug that ended with a slap of Matt's butt.

"Showers!" Chris yelled.

The three laughed as they walked into the group show in the locker room. The water started and Matt and the two actors started to get cleaned up. Matt had shampoo in his hair, dripping into his eyes. When he leaned his face into the water he felt two pairs of hands soaping up his body. Blinking the water out, Matt saw that Chan was washing his front, started at the top and worked down Matt's chest and abs. As Chan got lower, he dropped to his knees and began taking extra care of Matt's now fully hard cock.

Matt could feel Chris work on his backside. Chris had started on his legs and worked up, hitting his ass to then get his back and neck. Chris stepped closer and pulled Matt back onto his chest. Matt rested his head on Chris' shoulder as Chris was slowly grinding his cock up Matt's crack and was using his hands to tweak Matt's nipples. Matt sighed.

Chan had rinsed the soap off Matt's front and began stroking Matt's cock. When it was fully hard, Chan placed the tip in his mouth and began to suck. Matt gasped as Chan moved down his shaft, swallowing his rod down to his pubes. Chris sunk down to his knees behind Matt. As Chan started bobbing on Matt's cock, Chris was spreading Matt's ass cheeks and dove in with his tongue. Matt widened his legs to give the men more room to work and put a hand on each actor's head.

Chan had been bobbing several minutes before Matt felt Chris' fingers brush his pucker entrance. A shudder coursed through Matt's body as they worked both sides of him. One finger entered Matt's hole, that was quickly followed by a second and then a third. Matt was quivering at the dual sensations.

Chris stood up and removed his fingers from Matt's hole, Matt started to yip, but it turned into a moan as Chris slid his cock into the slicked hole. Chris pushed slow and steady until his pelvis was flush with Matt's ass. Matt was building for a climax, but he wanted to delay. His grip on Chan's head, he pulled the man off his cock. Bending at the waist, Matt lowered his head towards Chan's body. Chan stood up and pushed his cock into Matt's open mouth. Matt used his hands to hold onto Chan's hips, pulling Chan deeper in his throat.

Chris began a slow and steady piston in and out of Matt's hole. Matt was groaning around Chan's cock each time Chris' cock would brush his gland. Chan started matching the pace that Chris had and now Matt was being pounded together by each man. The sounds of the shower, grunts and moans echoed throughout the locker room.

Chris pulled out of Matt's ass, his cock shiny, as Chan pulled his sloppy, stiff cock out of Matt's mouth. Chris steered Matt to the bench in front of the lockers. Matt laid on his back, his head just off the end, and pulled his legs up. Chan stepped up and plowed his cock in Matt's mouth, the different angle meant that Chan's cock was able to slip in and out of Matt's throat. Chris straddled the bench and aimed his cock at Matt's open hole. With a firm push, Chris sheathed his cock deep inside Matt. Matt was moaning around Chan's cock as the men resumed pounding his holes.

Matt could not see, but felt Chan and Chris lean closer together. Matt could hear the two fuckers start to make out, loudly smacking their lips and moaning. Neither actor slowed down the pace, if anything they increased the power of each stroke. Matt was in heaven being spit-roasted by these two studs. The sexual energy was expanding in all three of the men.

Chan had moved a hand down and was pinching and playing with Matt's nipple. The volume of Matt's moaning increased around Chan's thrusting cock, now just barely coming out of Matt's throat before going back in. Chris pushed forward on Matt's legs and his thrusts became more like a jackhammer, right on Matt's gland.  

Matt began to shudder, his cock had been bouncing on his toned abs with each thrust. The leaking pre-cum had pooled on his belly, making sticky strands flinging around. When Chris continued his jackhammer thrusting, Matt felt himself beginning to tense. First his toes curled, then his legs tightened, racing down to his groin.  

Like a lighting strike, Matt started shooting his load. The first few volleys were powerful enough to bounce off Chan's abs and then drip down onto Matt's upturned throat. The next few coated Matt's chin, chest and finally belly. His body was quaking and pulsing with his climax.

The tight pulsing was the final thing needed to set both Chris and Chan over the edge. The hot cum dripping off of Chan's belly down to the quaking throat, gripped Chan's cock head like a vise. Chan shouted as he started depositing rope after rope of boiling cum directly into Matt's stomach. Chan kept pumping his dick, pulling out of Matt's throat for the last few shots to fill Matt's mouth. Matt's body was still quaking and was too much stimulation for Chan, who pulled his tender cock from Matt's mouth, cum dripping down Matt's forehead.

Chris felt the tightening and pulsing on his cock in Matt's chute. He held onto Matt's shaking legs as Matt's cum splashed over Chan and Matt. Seeing Chan start to shoot was enough for Chris. Chris' cock started pouring hot cum deep in Matt's hole. Chris kept a hard pace of thrusting as rope after rope of his cum was buried. After seven or eight jets sprayed out, Chris did a final thrust forward as Chan was removing his cock from Matt's mouth. Matt grunted as Chris landed his full weight on Matt's body. Chris dropped his face and sealed his lips on Matt's puffy, cum streaked ones. They began to make out, Chris able to taste Chan's residual cum from Matt's mouth.

The pair were still joined on the bench when the water turned back on in the shower. A short while later the water turned off and Chan returned to find Matt and Chris still locked in a deep kiss. Chris' cock had softened and popped from Matt's pucker, a pool of cum was building on the bench below them. Chan chuckled as he slapped both their asses, which resulted in grunts from Chris and a moan from Matt.

"I will see you guys later. Glad we could workout after our workout." Chan laughed as he dressed.

Chris still had his arms wrapped around Matt's body, holding them close as he looked up. Smiling his goofy smile, he nodded to Chan as Chan was walking out. Looking down to the man in his arms, Chris smiled again, but this one was with sexual energy. Chris stood up and helped Matt to his feet. Matt was a bit woozy even after the long makeout session following their mutual climaxes. Chris held on to Matt's hip as he led Matt back to their bedroom.

Chris led them directly to the large shower in the master. He sat Matt down on the shower bench and got the water started. Chris then helped Matt up and began washing them both. Matt was quickly feeling revived and it showed, his cock started to stand up. Soon the pair were cleaned up. Chris pulled Matt to the bed, having Matt lay down.

Chris crawled on the bed and nestled between Matt's legs. Bending his head down, Chris swallowed Matt's cock and started to bob on it. Matt had not lost much of his erection, so Chris' actions had him back to full mast. Chris wrapped his lips around Matt's cock and then turned his body so his knees were on either side of Matt's chest. Matt reached up and divided Chris' ass cheeks, diving his tongue in the tight hole. Chris was moaning around Matt's shaft.

Matt worked his tongue in and around Chris' pucker. Soon he pushed a finger in and out while his tongue was working on Chris. Chris was wiggling and pushing back into Matt's tongue and digit. Chris paused his sucking when Matt's fingers brushed his gland. Chris panted but then resumed sucking and licking on Matt's tool.

Chris pulled away from Matt's face and pivoted around, dragging his hard cock across Matt's abs as he leaned down and kissed Matt. Lips still locked, Chris reached back and positioned Matt's hard dick head at his entrance. Slowly and steadily Chris moved back, impaling himself on Matt's cock.

Chris broke their kiss as he sat up, taking Matt's full cock up his ass. He grabbed Matt's pro-offered hands and started to rise and drop on the pole in him. Chris would grind his hips before raising again. Matt began thrusting upward as Chris would drop down. Chris was yelling in passion as they continued.

Chris and Matt worked together for several minutes. Chris' pace increased as his moves became more frenzied. Matt's cock was putting the right pressure on his gland with each drop. Chris' cock was hard and flopping all over between his and Matt's abs.

Matt broke his grip on Chris' arms and grabbed his waist. Now Matt was wildly thrusting up into Chris' hole. Chris had thrown back his head and was babbling as Matt's tool was pounding away. Matt continued to work Chris' hole, Chris almost could not keep his balance, were it not for Matt's grip he would have fallen already.

Matt felt his climax coming on fast. He increased his thrusting power and was pulling Chris' hips down to meet each stroke. This change was enough to send Chris over the edge. His hard, bouncing cock began to pelt the pair with shots of hot cum. As he had reduced control of his movements, his cock was spaying in a jerky manner, all over them.

Chris' internal quaking is what finally brought Matt to climax. He was yelling as he thrust rope after rope of his cum deep in the actor's chute. As his pace was so quick, the six or seven ropes were shot in rapid order, Matt made a final thrust. The thrust did not land well and it caused Matt's grip on Chris' hips to loosen. Chris fell backwards on the bed, his body twitching.

The two laid in bed, just heavy breathing for several minutes. Every so often, one or the other would jerk before settling back. Matt and Chris were exhausted from their tryst, soon the heavy breathing turned into relaxed snores. The breeze floated through the bedroom, rustling the sheer drapes as the pair slept.

In their slumber they rooted around and ended up spooning, Chris being the big spoon this time. It was close to noon when the pair woke up, the sunlight now overhead and not passing into the windows. Chris' eyes fluttered open and he hugged Matt closer to his body. Matt looked over his shoulder and peered up into Chris doe eyed face. The innocence beaming out, hiding the shrewd intelligence and tenacity. Matt relaxed into the embrace as they lay there for several more minutes unspeaking.

Matt looked up and Chris now had a goofy look on his face.

"Food, must have food!" Chris chanted, "I can not live on cum alone!"

"Gods boy, what am I to do with you?" Matt asked and started to tickle Chris.

Chris was jumpy from Matt's quick fingers, laughing he leapt from the bed. He reached down and offered Matt a hand up for the pair to head to the kitchen. Chris was making monkey sounds now as Matt was walking too slow for his taste.

"OK Monkeyboy. Food now." Matt laughed as he slapped Chris naked ass that was being wiggled in front of him. Matt just shook his head and followed Chris thinking, I am so lucky.

Next: Chapter 14

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