Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Dec 28, 2020


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental. Thanks for reader comments to continue hot ideas.

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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 12

Matt was sitting poolside at the El Alamein Crystal Inn working on his tan and sipping on a cold drink. They had been in Egypt for two weeks now while Chris and Tom were filming.

After The trio's arrival and aims to beat jet lag, the actors' pace had been crazy. Matt had never been a part of a project this big and to see what Chris and Tom did on a day-by-day basis was staggering. The readings, rehearsals for lines, rehearsals for movement/action, rehearsals for blocking, and actual filming takes were non-stop. Matt had been striving for any down time that the pair had was spent relaxing and de-stressing.

Matt had put his massage skills to use for both Chris and Tom both on-set and after hours daily. He continued to make notes on things to make that process better in the future. Having the suite with a dedicated room for his work was definitely high on that list. Also having a full duplicate of equipment to leave on set and a portable massage chair were added to the list.

Matt took another drink from his glass, a droplet of water fell from the condensation and landed on his chest. Matt shivered as the droplet started to roll down his dark tan and toned chest and abs. The droplet met its terminus at the white micro bikini he was wearing. While full nudity was frowned upon, a bikini style was acceptable at the public pools at the resort. Matt was pushing this more than slightly as his micro bikini left very little to the imagination and when wet was almost completely translucent.

Matt had maintained the rigorous toning and workout training that Chan had given him. That coupled with watching what he was eating was paying off huge dividends in his physical appearance. When Matt had gotten out of the pool before settling in the chaise lounge chair, he caused one pool boy to spill a drink and a few female guests to stop a conversation and openly stare. Being around the self assured actors, Matt now just took the mishaps and disruptions in stride, flashing a bright smile as he went on.

Chris and Tom were in readings that started after lunch and then followed by a business meeting. They would be busy until a very late dinner. Matt had chosen the little bit of his own down time to relax by the pool. The sun and water were just what he needed. Though he was starting to get close to being too warm again. It was time to get back in the water.

Matt stood up and stretched, his tall frame and toned body made him stand out even though his hair and skin color were closer to the native population. Keeping his dark sunglasses on he walked to the pool edge. He smiled as he could feel the cougar's eyes on his body as he moved. Bending down to place his sunglasses at the edge, he positioned his postier in the direction of the handsome pool boy, Babu, who he had met earlier. It was Babu who had spilled the drink earlier.

Matt then dove into the water and started to swim some laps. With the oppressive dry heat, even being on the coast, swimming laps was Matt's preferred outside cardio. Matt had made it his practice to get up early and do his exercise cardio laps around 5:00 AM. He had to have the production company pull some strings as the pool did not open for general use until 8:00 AM. That way he could be finished and back to the suite before either Chris or Tom were awake. Though Tom was usually up by the time Matt returned.

Matt finished a few laps and returned to the edge by his sunglasses. He grabbed the side of the pool and pulled himself up out of the water. As his chest cleared the water, streams of it were dripping from his body. He continued straight up and out of the pool. As his package cleared the water, the tiny white bikini did very little to conceal his semi-hard cock. The water continued to trickle down his tanned legs.

With the guy's schedule today, they did not have any play time this morning and Matt was feeling very horny. His cock was starting to plump up. The lecherous eyes of the cougars did not make this feeling abate even though those ladies would never partake of what he had to offer. Babu though in his brief linen shorts and top with the dusky skin toned and firm arms and legs showing had caught his eye more than once. The fullness in the pool boy's shorts did not go unnoticed either.

Matt flicked more of the water off of his skin after putting on his sunglasses. He walked to the lounge chair and decided he needed to lay on his stomach and sunbathe as his cock was not showing any signs of going down. He had only been settled a moment or two when a shadow came across his body.

"May I serve you Master Matt?" Babu said in quiet tones.

Matt leaned up on his arms, looking over his shoulder. He nodded to the side table with the sunscreen lotion on it.

"Hello, Babu. Will you put some lotion on my back?" Matt asked.

"Yes, Master!" Babu replied excitedly.

Matt smiled as he laid back down. Babu had hurried to pick up the bottle of lotion and put a large amount of it on his hands. Babu then lowered to his knees next to Matt laying face down on the lounge chair. Babu had been rubbing the lotion to warm it, not wanting to put cold lotion on Matt's back. Matt sighed as he felt Babu's small hands spread the lotion on his skin.

Babu was taking his time applying a thin coating of lotion on Matt's back. Babu had been instructed to take care of the VIIP party to the best of his abilities by the property's general manager. Babu had been serving at the pool for several of the film staff and crew, but he was always happy to see Matt. Matt had been polite to him and gone out of his way to make conversation with Babu. That and Babu was more than a little attracted to Matt. Now being able to let his hands rub and feel Matt's skin was causing Babu's shorts to be even more snug in the front.

"Babu, will you lower the suit's waistband and make sure It is coated well?" Matt asked without looking up.

If Matt had been looking up, he would have seen the gleam in Babu's eyes and the gulp as Babu swallowed. Babu reached down and tried to lift just a part of the waistband up and rub under it, but the suit was so tight that it kept slipping from his slick fingers and snapping back. Each time it snapped back, Babu quickly said "Sorry, Master." with increasing anxiety in his voice. After the third time, Matt leaned up and looked back.

"Let me help you." Matt said as Babu's eyes lowered in shame.

With that Matt put his chest back down, but with his hands by his hips, he hooked his thumbs in the waistband, lifting and lowering it down under his ass cheeks. Babu's eyes bugged out and he resumed putting the lotion where Matt requested, his hands moving more slowly over each taut globe. Babu noticed that Matt did not have any tan lines in this area and that thought made his own cock start to leak in his tight garments.

Babu was now slathering the lotion in a more normal pace, though he would drag a finger along Matt's ass crack. On one pass of his hands, Babu's finger brushed over Matt's pucker. Matt could not help but moan as the soft finger slowed and brushed back up. Babu had to adjust his shorts after that, he was getting too excited. Glancing around he reached down and lifted the waistband back in place, now covering Matt's ass.

"You did such a great job Babu, but now I have a different problem." Matt stated as he lifted his head again, seeing the state of Babu's shorts he continued. "I think that you can help me out with it. I am not sure that out here by the pool is the best place though. Do you have a suggestion?"

Babu's dusky face was now crimson as he understood what Matt was asking. Babu paused a moment as if in decision, but Matt could tell that lust won out.

"There is a private changing room, just off the main entrance." Babu said as he pointed towards an unmarked door. "I would be happy to show you where it is."

"Wonderful, Babu. That is very resourceful." Matt answered as he started to raise up, glancing down at his own excited state he added, "I think that a towel so I do not drip water everywhere might be in order."

"One moment Master." Babu said as he hurried to retrieve a few towels.

Babu returned with the towels and opening one wide and holding it up, Matt used it as a screen to stand with his raging cock, lumped obscenely in the tiny white bikini. Babu helped wrap it around Matt's waist and then stepped back. Matt stepped into his sandals and retrieved his few other items that he brought with him. Babu then led the way to the unmarked door.

Babu unlocked the door with a magnetic card reader, then held it open for Matt to enter the hallway. A few steps into the hall there was an open door, Babu pointed to it and followed Matt inside the door. Matt looked around and saw a wide padded bench against one wall, a tiled shower in the opposite corner and a low cubby shelf with stacks of towels and sliding out storage bins. Babu turned to lock the door behind them.

Matt turned and dropped the towel. As Babu was turning back around Matt had started to pull the white micro bikini down his hips. Babu licked his lips as Matt's cock sprung outward and jutted forward. Matt let the suit drop when it was past his thighs and stepped out of them.

In all of Babu's twenty two years he had not seen a body and cock that made him this excited. His own cock was starting to spurt more pre-cum and the wet circle the crotch of his shorts was getting bigger.

"Think you can help me out with this problem?" Matt asked as he slowly slid his hand up and down on his turgid cock.

"Yes Master Matt!" Babu said as he took the few steps and sank down in front of Matt, eyes locked on Matt's cock.

Babu reached his hand up and wrapped it around Matt's cut cock. As he moved his hand up the shaft towards the tip, Matt let out a moan. A small pearl of pre-cum formed at the tip as Babu's hand neared the corona. Babu leaned forward with an open mouth and his tongue collected the salty sweet offering. Babu swallowed it before opening his mouth and snaking his tongue out again.

Matt sighed as Babu's tongue swirled around Matt's cock head then licked down the under-shaft. Babu opened his mouth and sucked in one of Matt's balls, licking and sucking it. Then Babu switched to the other ball. After slurping both balls, Babu licked back up Matt's cock shaft and collected another dose of the pre-cum pearl at the tip.

Babu then opened mouth wide and swallowed Matt's cock, not stopping until his nose was pushed against Matt's pelvis. Babu began to suck the hard cock in his mouth. The suction was making Matt's cock fill out to it's full length, his cock head started to push against Babu's throat.

Babu started to bob his head on the large cock in his mouth, taking his time to slurp around the cock head each time before pushing his face down again. Matt reached down and rested his hands on the dusky colored pool boy, playing with his short coarse hair, as the boy continued. Babu started bobbing faster, not stopping at the top.

Matt was enjoying the silky lips and tongue on this twenty something pool boy. Matt glanced down and saw that Babu's shorts were sporting a large wet spot in the crotch and they were straining to contain Babu's dick. Matt took firm grip on Babu's head and pulled the boy off his cock. Babu sputtered and looked up at Matt with concerned eyes.

"Have I done wrong Master?" Babu asked with puffy, spit soaked lips.

"No Babu, but I want to see all of you. Partly before you burst and ruin your clothes." Matt said and pointed with his eyes to Babu's shorts.

"Yes Sir. Thank you Master." Babu breathed.

Matt released Babu's head as Babu stood up and started to undress. Under Matt's watch, Babu unbuttoned his linen shirt. He opened it up to reveal a smooth chest with small dark nipples. Babu was thin with some muscles showing but little definition. Babu tossed the shirt aside and then started to work on the closure on the shorts. His task was more difficult at his dick was hard and stretching the fabric. Finally Babu was sliding his shorts down to his ankles. His cock was still bound tightly to his body by a pair of light grey short boxer briefs.

Looking up at Matt, Babu hooked his thumbs in and lowered his underwear down past his knees, then let them droop with his shorts. Babu kicked the shed clothes with his discarded shirt. Now Babu was as naked as Matt, his hard five inch cock was jutting out, dripping his leaking pre-cum. Reaching down Babu collected his drippings and brought them to his open mouth to suck it clean.

Babu started to drop back down to his knees in front of Matt, but Matt's hand stopped him. Matt knew he was too close and if Babu sucked on him right now he would blast cum too early. Instead Matt led Babu to the wide bench, pointing to it he turned to Babu.

"Lay down on your back and lift those legs high." Matt ordered.

Babu's full body blushed under his dusky skin, "Yes Master." he answered with lust in his dark liquid black eyes.

Matt watched as the pool boy laid down and hiked his legs up and out. Matt smiled as he came forward towards the newly exposed ass crack he had been admiring for over a week now. Matt dropped down to his knees and used his hands to spread apart Babu's ass cheeks. A pink pucker greeted his gaze, Matt licked his lips.

Leaning his face in, Matt opened his mouth and his tongue slid around the upturned pucker in a circle. Babu let out a high pitched squeak before he started to moan. Matt's tongue was diving in and sucking and licking the boy's tight starfish. Matt used his hands to pull Babu's ass open more, slipping a finger from both sides to stretch open the tight pucker.

Babu gasped for air as he felt Matt's tongue start to spear in his hole and lick around inside like Matt was making out with his hole. Babu started to thrash about a bit as Matt's tongue started to punch in and out of his hole. Matt felt more than saw that Babu had reached a hand down to his hard spike. Matt reached up and pushed the hand away. Raising his face up, Matt looked into the lust filled eyes as he pushed a finger deep inside Babu's spit-opened pucker.

Babu's eyes fluttered and he moaned loudly as Matt's finger pushed across his prostate gland. Matt's finger tip rolled the little nut around, as Babu started to groan and buck his hips. Matt let Babu ride his finger and thrust it a bit deeper each time Babu's came down.

Matt pushed in a second finger and Babu was twitching as the dual tips massaged his gland. Babu was rocking his hips trying to keep Matt's fingers in his ass to stimulate him as long as he could. When Matt pushed in a third finger and was slowly twisting them when pulling them out, Babu was reduced to a low moaning sound, no longer thrusting his hips.

Matt pulled out his fingers and Babu's hole took a moment before it started to close back up. Matt nodded to himself, Babu was ready. With Babu's legs still up in the air, Matt stood up and turned Babu's ass to be pointed out. One hand guiding his cock and the other holding onto a leg, Matt placed his cock head gently on Babu's pucker. Making small circles with his cock, Matt spit twice to provide the right amount of lube.

Babu's starfish was loosening when Matt's cock head pushed in. Babu gasped at the size, Matt stayed with just the tip in giving Babu time to acclimate. After a few moments, Matt pushed forward slowly and inch by inch slid into Babu's chute. When Matt's pubes brushed Babu's smooth ass lips, he paused again. Babu's ass muscles were clenching and releasing, clenching and releasing, giving Matt's cock a tight, hot massage.

Babu's face had relaxed and his chute was not quivering to the same amount as before. Matt adjusted his grip and pulled his hips back slowly before pushing back in at the same speed. Matt's cock was slowly pulling further back after each thrust. Now just the tip was still in Babu before Matt thrust in, now Matt started to pick up speed.

The long dick thrusting was rubbing Babu's gland in both directions. Matt was now able to put his full weight into his thrusting, pulling Babu's legs closer each time. Babu was grunting and moaning as Matt's thrusts increased in pressure, a trail of spit and tears ran down Babu's cheeks. A look of raw lust beaming out of Babu's eyes as Matt was pounding away.

Matt's breath was starting to get shorter and he knew that he was getting close. He glanced down and Babu's eyes were starting to look vacant and then roll back in his head. That was when Matt felt Babu's spike start to shoot a load. Their belly and abs were soon covered in the four or five spurts of cum that Babu shot out. Babu's ass muscles though were quaking and gripping Matt's cock harder with each thrust.

Matt cried out as he began to climax. The extra friction of Babu's hands free climax pushed him over the edge. Eight heavy ropes of boiling cum coated the insides of Babu's tight chute. Matt leaned as far forward as he could and with a final thrust, felt his cock head still pulse deep in Babu's ass. Matt was breathless at the level of his explosive cum.

Matt recovered quicker than Babu and he pulled back and began to untangle their limbs. Babu sat up, but then slid down to the floor using the bench to support his back. A happy, sated look appeared on Babu's face and in his eyes. Matt had taken a step back to catch his breath, but Babu reached out and pulled Matt's still tumescent cock back in his mouth. Matt sighed as Babu cleaned his fuck tool.

Babu finally allowed Matt to pull back, the cock spit cleaned of all the spent cum. Matt reached down and helped the pool boy stand. Babu's hips were a little bowed and he was gingerly walking to retrieve his clothes. Matt helped him get dressed and look presentable again.

At that point, Matt's cock was not so obscene any longer. He stepped into the mostly dry white micro bikini. He arranged his cock well enough to make it back upstairs. He retrieved his other belongings and walked with Babu out of the private changing room.

"Come up to the suite when your shift is done. I have someone who I want you to meet. I think you will like Tom. He is a great guy." Matt said.

"Yes, Master Matt." Babu said.

Matt had been relaxing up in the suite. After his time with Babu by the pool, he had come up and taken a shower. He came out of the bathroom and into the shared living space, opening up the curtains to see out the waterfront view. He did not bother to dress, just padded around nude in the bright light.

Matt glanced at the clock and smiled. Chris and Tom were due at any moment and if his guess was correct Babu would not be far behind. As if on cue, Matt heard the door start to open. He glanced over his shoulder as he was lounged on the couch to see the two actors walk in. Gesturing to the drinks on the coffee table.

"Come and join me, guys!" Matt said cheerfully.

Matt stood up to greet the men and saw their reaction to his nudity. Chris smiled goofily and he started to shed his clothes like a teenager, leaving a trial of the clothing articles in his wake. Tom smiled as well, then chuckled as he paused to strip and stack his clothes on a table. Matt handed each of the now nude men a cool glass of lemonade. Chris took a large swig of the tart lemonade before he leaned in for a full mouth kiss with Matt. Tom waited and then gave Matt a hug and a more chaste kiss. Matt did not release the hug though.

"I have a surprise for you Tom. One I am sure you will enjoy." Matt said with a cheeky grin. "Something you have had your eye on, I know."

Tom gave Matt a skeptical look and was about to ask more when he was interrupted by a knock at the door. Matt disentangled from Tom's hug and walked to the door, feeling both actor's eyes on his ass. Without even checking, Matt flung open the door to find Babu still dressed in his linen top and short shorts from his pool boy duties. Matt put his hand on Babu's shoulder and pulled him into the suite.

Babu's mouth was gaping when he saw how Matt was unclothed and opening the door, but he stopped when saw that Tom and Chris were also nude and silhouetted in the afternoon sunlight through the windows. Matt smiled as he watched Babu observe both actors, but focused on Tom's body.

Matt led Babu over to the couch where the nude men were standing. When they arrived and Babu still had not spoken or really his eyes ever left Tom, Matt took hold of the linen shirt and started to lift it up.

"Babu, I want you to meet my friends. This is Chris. This is Tom." Matt said pointing to each actor. "I think that you are overdressed at the moment."

Matt pulled the shirt over Babu's head and the boy blushed. Matt reached for the shorts closure, but Babu regained enough poise to undo them himself. Unlike earlier, Babu was now going commando and as the shorts dropped and Babu stepped out of them and his sandals he was now as the other men in the room.

Chris with a hunger in his eyes, "Hi Babu!" he said, then "You are too much." he said as he pulled Matt into his arms with a kiss.

"Hello, Babu. I am pleased to meet you." Tom said in a husky voice.

"Hello Master Tom." Babu breathed in a soft voice, his body started to blush as his eyes drank Tom's body in fully.

Tom stepped forward and planted his lips on the pool boy's open mouth. Tom's arms surrounded Babu's body as their kiss deepened. Tom looked up to meet eyes with Matt, Tom gave him a thumbs up and then turned his attention fully back to the boy in his arms.

Matt grinned through Chris' kiss at Tom, but then stifled a giggle as Chris lifted Matt up and headed towards their shared bedroom. Chris growled as he tossed Matt on the bed and jumped on top of the massage therapist and friend. They started to make out, rolling all over the bed.

Tom and Babu were still standing, lips joined and tongues were passing through each other's mouths. They were within a inch or so of height, but Tom's pale muscled skin was shining next to the dusky toned skin of Babu. Both were starting to allow their hands to explore each other's bodies, caressing taut skin. Tom's hands moved down Babu's smooth back and grabbed hold of Babu's pert ass cheeks.

Tom grunted as he pulled Babu close, their cocks rubbing against one another. Babu whimpered as they were grinding into each other. Babu pulled his face away from Tom's, leaving them both gasping. Babu then started to drop to his knees in front of Tom, kissing the pale flesh of Tom's chest and abs as we went. As he settled on the floor, Babu's eyes were drawn to Tom's hard cock that was jutting out.

A drip of pre-cum formed on Tom's cock, Babu leaned forward and swiped his tongue around the cock head collecting the sticky, sweet substance. Tom's hand rested on Babu's coarse hair as Babu opened his mouth wide and sucked Tom's cock in. Babu did not stop until his nose was resting in Tom's pubes. Breathing through his nose, Babu was intoxicated by the heady smells of Tom's bush. Babu stayed like this as he started to move his tongue around the underside of Tom's cock.

Tom groaned as his tool was being sucked and tongued, deep in Babu's mouth. Tom then gasped as Babu started to bob his head back and forth on the hard cock. Babu was using his sealed lips to hold Tom's cock as he went up and down, sucking hard. As his pace picked up, Babu was unable to keep the tight lip seal, but had opened his jaws wider to allow more of Tom's cock in.

Tom tightened his grip on Babu's head as he started to thrust his cock in and out of the pool boy's mouth. Babu for his part had relaxed his jaw and was allowing Tom's cock head to push in and out of his throat muscles. Tom started to purr as he felt the tight muscles encase his cock head.

Tom now was just pulling out an inch or so before punching it back down Babu's throat. Babu was not struggling too much, but he would gag occasionally when Tom's cock would go deep in his throat. Babu reached behind Tom's toned legs and was pulling Tom's cock in as deep as he could handle by a grip on Tom's ass.

Tom was feeling his climax build as Babu and he worked in coordination to stuff his cock in Babu's throat. Tom resumed growling as he felt the heat rise and focus on his groin. With a yell and grunt Tom starts pumping his hot cum down Babu's throat. Babu pushes back after three ropes of jizz jetted to his belly, the last of Tom's spurts of cream filled Babu's mouth.

As the final thrust pump in Babu's mouth, Tom pulled his cock from the pool boy's hungry mouth. Tom turned and sat down on the couch. Smiling down at Babu who had cum streaks from the corners of his mouth, Tom heard Chris and Matt actively engaged in some sex themselfs. Tom was not sure who might have been on top as they both verse and liked to share fully with one another. Babu looked up with lust still in his eyes as his focus was still on Tom's firm cock.

Tom reached down and lifted Babu's face up, he leaned forward and kissed the cum streaked lips. Tongues swirling around Tom tasted his own seed from Babu's mouth. Tom pulled Babu's body closer together and then pivoted on the couch, laying back and dragging Babu's light frame on top of him. Tom hugged the boy to him as they made out reclined on the couch. Tom's hands made it down to Babu's ass cheeks, spreading them apart. Babu moaned in Tom's mouth as Tom's fingers started to explore.

Babu broke the kiss as Tom's fingers found Babu's pucker and started to circle around it. Gasping for air, Babu dropped his face to Tom's chest, as Tom started to push a finger in Babu's tight hole. Tom's finger continued in until he could feel the little pleasure nut. Babu groaned when Tom's finger began to massage his prostate. Babu arched his back and tilted his hips in an attempt to get more of Tom's finger in him.

Tom slid the finger out of the tight hole, Babu looked up disappointed until Tom brought his hand up to Babu's face and stuck three fingers in his mouth. Babu sucked and wet the three fingers well as Tom gently pushed them in and out of Babu's mouth. Removing the dripping fingers from Babu's lips, Tom returned them to Babu's crack.

This time Babu cried out in pleasure as Tom put all three fingers in Babu's pucker and pushed them in. As the trio of fingers brushed into the pleasure nut, Babu let out a guttural moan that continued as Tom began a slow in and out motion with his buried fingers. Babu lifted his face up to look into Tom's, their eyes locked.

"Fuck me Master Tom! Fuck me hard!" Babu panted in a breathy, but urgent voice.

Tom grinned, "OK, boy. On your back." Tom ordered.

Babu rolled back, scooting until his head touched the armrest and his back was flat on the couch. Tom sat up and pushed up towards Babu, scooping the pool boy's legs up as he went. Tom looked down to see Babu's slicked pucker winking up at him. As Tom moved further up, he pushed Babu's legs higher, tilting the pool boy's hot hole upward. Reaching with one hand, Tom lined up his cock head with Babu's pucker and slowly pushed his hips forward.

Babu had a look of joy on his face as the actor's hard cock pushed deep in his ass, rubbing fully on Babu's prostate. Babu started to gurgle in pleasure as Tom's hips pushed all the way in and ground around before pulling back. The pool boy's tight ass lips were gripping Tom's cock like a velvet vise. The combination of Tom's spit from the finger fucking and Tom's pre-cum were giving enough lube for the cock to start to slide in and out with ease.

Tom allowed Babu's ankles to rest on his shoulders as Tom started to thrust with force. Babu's head was bouncing into the armrest with each thrust. Tom pushed more upward and folded Babu over more. Tom moved his hands to hold onto the armrest above Babu's head for more traction, his tempo increased.

With Tom's head higher he could hear Chris and Matt still at it. With a smile down at Babu, Tom really started to pound into the pool boy's ass. Just as he was focusing on Babu, he heard Chris yell.

"Pound your Monkeyboy's ASS!!!! Breed me stud!!!" Chris bellowed.

"Grab those ankles you slut! I am going to pound us into the floor below!" Matt answered in a loud yell and started grunting with a punctuative body slap of the two in the bedroom coupling.

Tom refocused on the tight ass around his cock and picked up his pace and power. Babu was wordlessly babbling as Tom's cock was pummeling his ass. Tom kept up his pace and the couch started to bounce as they impacted.

Tom snaked a hand down and pinched one of Babu's dark nipples surrounded by the dusky skin. Babu's eyes shot open as Tom began to grind the nipple in his fingers while he continued to pound the younger man's ass. The additional stimulation was starting to overload Babu's body - his legs started to tense around Tom's neck, his muscles in chest and belly began to tense as well. Babu's mouth opened to let out a lusty moan.

Like a rocket going off, Babu's cock that had been hard since Tom had mounted him, began to pulse and shoot Babu's load. A high pitched gurgle and groan came from Babu's mouth as the hands free load sent flying cum over his face and chest. Babu's body began to quake as the orgasm rocked his whole body.

Tom could not hold back any longer, the quaking and gripping of Babu's ass muscles were too much for the plowing cock. Tom grabbed both of Babu's ankles, folding the boy tighter as his thrusts became more forceful and erratic. Tom yelled as his seed began to shoot and coat Babu's insides, the boiling cum pumping deeper with each thrust.

Finally having shot his second load in a short time, Tom collapsed as he thrust hard into Babu's receptive body. Their pulsing and quaking were almost in time with one another. Tom's chest now against Babu's spreading Babu's shot load on them. They both lay panting, trying to catch their breath.

"OH GOD! OOOH GOOOOOD! DUUUDDDEEE, I"MMMM CUUUUMMMMIIIINNNNGGGG!" Chris was screaming as Matt was pounding into Chris' ass.

"IIIIIEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!" screamed Matt as he began pumping his hot cum deep in Chris' ass. After a few more heavy thrusts Matt came to rest, buried as deeply as he could be.

Tom raised his head to look over the couch into the bedroom of Chris and Matt's suite to see Matt's ass crossed with Chris' legs pulling the massage therapist in tighter in the post coital embrace. Tom observed that the two men's lips were tightly mashed together and were kissing in the afterglow. Tom smiled as he reverted his gaze to Babu below him, still intimately joined.

Babu looked up with a dazed look, but opened his mouth as Tom lowered and they began to make out again. Happy noises were coming from the couch as they continued and relaxed in each other's arms after Tom's cock popped out of Babu's hole. They held each other as they drifted off to a nap, which matched the sounds coming from the bedroom as Chris was snoring loudly.

Next: Chapter 13

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