Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Nov 6, 2020


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Chris Pratt's Great Day

Chapter 10

Chris and Matt finally made it to their first class seats on the plane for the longer leg on the flight from California to Cairo. Airport security for the international flight had been long, even with the perks of flying with an actor. Both men had travelled internationally before, but Matt was one who was more relaxed. Chris was edgy and agitated with the lines and waiting. Thankfully they had sent the bulk of their luggage and equipment needed in an express cargo shipment a few days earlier. They only had to worry with a small carryon apiece. Chris dropped his body down in the plush seat once in the plane.

"If you say are we there yet, I will slug you." Matt said as he settled into the aisle seat next to Chris.

"Sorry, I just hate this part dude. The lines and the gawking just wear on me. I will be better when we are in the air." Chris answered as he stowed his bag and leaned back slumped in his seat.

"Just relax or I will make you relax, mister." Matt chuckled as he tipped Chris' ball cap down over the actor's face.

Chris harrumphed but stayed as he was. Matt shook his head while he looked at the actor who was acting like a young person. Matt was excited to be in first class for the whole trip. His travels before had been economy at best, so he marvelled at the wider seats that could recline flat, the extra space and the partition walls that would offer privacy when needed. The flight would be overnight, this would help with the jetlag as well. The flight attendants had already been through and gotten their drink and dinner selections before takeoff. Matt was sipping some white wine while the rest of the plane was being boarded in preparation for takeoff.

The takeoff was smooth and once they were at the proper altitude the cabin crew served the dinner and drinks requested. Matt and Chris both chose the fresh prawns in the citrus salad and grilled summer vegetables. Soon the dishes were cleared and final drinks were served before closing off the partitions and assisting with reclining the seats fully back. The cabin lights were now dimmed.

Chris had been still somewhat sulky throughout the first part of the flight. Matt reached over and took one of Chris' hands drawing it into his lap. Chris tried to snatch it back, but Matt kept a firm grip on it until Chris relented. Matt began massaging Chris' tense hand and arm. The combination of rubbing and then pressing specific pressure points was starting to drain some tension from Chris' arm and off of his whole body. Matt continued to work until he felt the release of the muscles and a sigh from Chris.

"Thanks Dude!" Chris said, "This will be an important shoot for this upcoming film. These on-site action sequences in areas that can be under some unrest put me on edge. The production company has many resources tied to this project as both Tom and I are in it. My nerves get the better of me and I become a bitch to be around. I'm sorry."

"No problem. I can understand the demands of having all that you do be tied directly to things that are not your 100% control." Matt answered as he continued to stroke Chris' hand and arm. "I can not fully appreciate how much extra that you, Tom and Chan take on when you are on both sides of the production. That being said, I do know what I can do to help you manage that stress."

"What do you have in mind." Chris said with a bit of a smirk.

"How about you just find out." Matt said as he reached over and batted Chris' chin aside.

"Ok, Ok. I'm game." Chris said, chuckling, sounding more relaxed already.

Matt reached down to his bag and pulled out a light blocking eye mask. He tossed this to Chris, who looked over and raised an eyebrow.

"Just put it on and lay back." Matt ordered.

"Ok, Ok." Chris said as he complied.

Matt pulled out the light blanket they had been provided and threw it over Chris' body as it was reclined back on the seat. He waved in front of Chris' face to confirm that the mask was on. Happy that it was he resumed rubbing on Chris' arm.

Slowly Matt worked his rubbing further up Chris' arm and moved over to Chris' chest. Matt repositioned to gain more access, during this move he slid his hand down and under Chris's shirt. Matt moved his hands back up Chris' defined abs to Chris' chest. Matt began to lightly circle Chris' nipple with his thumb and fingers. Chris moaned in a low voice as Matt lightly pinched and held the nipple with increasing pressure. Matt then rolled the hardened nipple between his fingers. Matt released the first nipple and moved to the other to repeat the process.

Chris' hips started upward as Matt's fingers worked his nipples. Matt moved a hand down from Chris' chest to his abs. Matt's fingers traced along Chris' constricting stomach muscles in a slow, feathery touch. Chris' hands started to go down towards his crotch, but Matt swatted them away. Matt lowered his hand on top of Chris' lap, feeling the hardness from Chris' cock. Using his finger tips, Matt began to trace all over the hard member, down and around Chris' large balls, and back. The athletic pants that Chris was wearing were starting to stretch as his cock expanded. Chris groaned as Matt's fingers circled around Chris' cock head.

Chris gasped when Matt's hand went up and slipped under the waistband of his athletic pants. Chris was going commando, so Matt's hand was able to grab Chris' cock directly. Still playing with Chris' nipples, Matt began to jack his hand up and down on Chris' covered cock. Matt kept varying the stoking pace and grip strength. Chris got close and Matt slowed down, edging Chris multiple times. Each time the cool down time was a longer duration. Chris could feel all of his energy begin to gather, pulling the stress from his body into the tight sexual tension he was feeling.

Matt started back jacking Chris' cock and he could feel Chris' whole body vibrating. Leaning over Matt pulled Chris' cock out of the athletic pants and swallowed the head. Matt's lips sealed down on Chris' cock shaft and he bobbed one time before Chris exhaled heavily and started shooting his load. Matt kept his lips sealed tight as he sucked on Chris' bucking cock, shooting rope after rope cum directly down Matt's throat. Matt kept still and just sucked on Chris' cock as Chris came down from his climax.

As Chris' cock started to soften, Matt pursed his lips and pulled off of it collecting all the remaining jizz. Matt put Chris' cock back in his athletic pants. Moving his face up to Chris', Matt pressed his lips to Chris' and shared a hot, slow kiss. They leisurely shared the traces of Chris' cum as they kissed. Matt could feel that Chris' body was much more relaxed.

Matt broke off the kiss and lifted the eye mask off of Chris' face. Chris gazed on Matt in the soft light of the enclosed seating partition. The look in Chris' eyes was of sated desire. Chris sighed softly as Matt moved back fully in his own seat. Reaching out a hand, Chris grabbed Matt's and held it tightly.

"Dude, thank you. I needed that, apparently more than I thought." Chris said in hushed tones.

Matt looked over and replied, "No problems. I knew that I could help so I did. Think you can relax enough to sleep now?"

"I am sure I can now." Chris said as he put back on the eye mask.

Matt arranged the blanket over Chris' reclined form. Then he grabbed his own blanket. Matt laid back and dozed off to sleep.

The next thing that Matt heard was a discreet knock on the partition door by the flight attendant with inquiry if they needed help with the chairs. Matt assured the attendant that they were fine. The attendant indicated that the partitions would be closing in the next 30 minutes as they prepared for the final leg of the flight to Heathrow.

Matt gathered up his sleep items and raised up his chair. His movements caused Chris to begin to stir. Removing the eye mask and bushing up his messy hair, Chris began to move his seat up. They collected their spare items and stowed them before the attendant came back to collapse the partition. That complete they were brought the coffee and snacks to enjoy before landing.

Landing and departing the plane were standard. Matt marvelled again at the perks of first class disembarkment which got them ahead of the business and economy class guests. Chris led the way as they headed to a private lounge. Pushing in the door at the lounge, they were checked in and ushered to the back room. As they walked in, they were greeted.

"Hey guys! What took you so long?" Tom said cheerfully.

"Hey Tom!" Matt answered as Chris grunted. "It took a little time to get grumpy off the plane. Ha Ha!"

Chris playfull slugged Matt's shoulder and just smiled at Tom. They traded quick hugs. Matt and Chris followed Tom back to a lounge table where Tom's bag was. They all sat down and ordered drinks and a light snack.

"The flight to Cairo does not board for three more hours. I have already pre-checked and we will be notified if there are any changes." Tom explained. "The suite will be available for us in the next half hour. That way you guys can shower and freshen up."

"Dude that is great. I could use a shower for sure." Chris said as Matt just nodded in agreement.

The attendant came to the table before the food and drinks were delivered and advised the group that the suite was available now and that their order will be brought to them there. The actors and Matt collected their bags and followed the attendant through another back hallway and up a flight of stairs to a row of suite doors. They were ushered into a luxury suite with plush carpets, expensive leather couches, polished dark wood furniture, and intimately low lighting. Their ordered food was arriving as they sat down. The staff left and pulled the door behind them.

"Wow, this is gorgeous. I had no idea that suites like these were here in the airport." Matt said in a bit of awe.

"It is one of a few private clubs that are in some of the international airports. The production company pays a pretty high fee to use them, but when you can use it like this, it is worth it." Tom explained.

"I need that shower." Chris said as he stretched, "You do too dude! Come on."

Chris pulled Matt up from the couch as Tom chuckled. They headed to an open door behind them, leading into a bedroom and a large bathroom. Chris started to shed clothes as soon as he crossed the bedroom threshold, tossing them aside as he went. Soon he was standing naked and was helping pull Matt's clothes off. Matt just shook his head at the help.

As they were now both out of clothes, Chris came up and wrapped his arms around Matt's body, pressing nude flesh against each other. Their faces met and lips pressed together in a kiss. The kiss was a leisure and eroticly charged one. Matt could feel Chris' cock start to stir and the hardness pressed against his swiftly rising one.

"I owe you for the relaxation on the flight. It was so hot and just what I needed." Chris said as he broke their kiss.

Chris lowered down to his knees, taking time to kiss Matt's chest and abs on the way down. Looking right at Matt's cock, Chris opened his mouth and let his tongue slide over the growing member. Matt moaned as Chris' lips sealed around Matt's cock head and started to push down the shaft. Chris made it down to Matt's balls before he slowly pulled back up to the tip. Chris swirled his tongue around Matt's sensitive cock head before bobbing back down. Matt's cock was now fully hard as Chris continued this pattern in a slow, sensual manner.

Matt reached down and pushed his hand against Chris' chest, not pausing until he had Chris' nipple in his fingers. Chris moaned around Matt's cock as Matt began to slowly tease and tweak the swiftly hardening nipple in his fingers. Chris lifted his hands up to caress Matt's legs and butt while he bobbed on Matt's cock. Chris moaned again as Matt's other hand came down and started playing with the other nipple.

Chris pushed them back onto the bed, forcing Matt on his back. Chris stood up and climbed on the bed as he turned around, straddling Matt's body. Scooting forward, Chris sealed his lips around Matt's cock and resumed bobbing. Chris then pushed his hips down and back some, to put his crack in Matt's face. Matt reached up and pulled the two globes of Chris' ass apart exposing Chris' crack. Releasing the ass cheeks, Matt used one hand and swatted Chris' ass, one cheek then the other. Chris groaned, but did not stop his sucking.

Matt rubbed his hands all over Chris' backside, again opening up to expose the crack. Pushing his head upward, Matt leaned in and began to lick up and down Chris' crack, focusing on the pucker. Matt's tongue circled around the pale entrance, flicking along the edges, causing Chris' body to shudder. Matt spread Chris' ass open wider as he began to push his tongue in and out of Chris' hole.

Chris lifted his mouth off Matt's cock as he felt a spit coated finger press against his pucker and slide in. He let out a huge sigh, before sucking back down the cock at his lips, making it as wet as he could. Chris' hands were stoking up and down on Matt's inner thighs and playing with his balls, making Matt moan. Matt added another finger to slide in and out of Chris' hole.

Chris continued spit soaking Matt's hard cock. When he felt a third finger go in and start to push in and out of his hole, Chris growled. Swiftly springing up, Chris lifted his mouth off Matt's cock and pivoted around on the bed. Reaching back, Chris positioned Matt's cock head at his pucker and pushed back. Both Chris and Matt gasped for air as Chris forced Matt's cock all the way in his hole. Grinding his hips down and giving the invading cock an internal massage, Chris leaned his face forward and locked lips with Matt's open mouth.

Chris started to lift up and then force his hips back down, riding Matt's cock. Matt began to push his hips upward to meet Chris' downward motion. Soon a moderate pace of slapping noises were echoing around the bedroom, as the pair continued.

Chris looked up and broke the kiss with Matt when he felt motion above their heads on the bed. Tom was moving closer, now also naked and his hard cock was jutting forward. Chris sat up, still moving up and down on Matt's cock. Tom stepped over Matt's body on the bed and positioned his cock at Chris' lips. With a grunt, Chris' open mouth was having Tom's cock forced into it.

Matt grabbed Chris' hips as Chris lifted halfway up and then Matt began to thrust upward into Chris' ass. Chris used this change to stabilize as Matt was thrusting in his ass and Tom was thrusting in his mouth. Sloppy wet sounds were now getting louder with moans and grunts from the three men.

"Get on your knees and lower that ass down." Matt hissed at Tom.

Tom smiled and held Chris' head on his cock as Tom lowered over Matt's face. Matt reached up and spread Tom's ass apart and began licking and thrusting his tongue around. Tom was back to thrusting his cock in and out of Chris' mouth. Chris had bent down with Tom's move and was starting to drop his hips onto Matt's upward cock thrusts.

Tom grunted and then moaned as the combination of Matt's tongue on his ass and Chris' mouth around his cock set him off. Tom began to pump a load of cum deep in Chris' throat, gripping the actors hair in a tight hold as he pumped away. This set off Chris' climax as the change in position was making Matt's cock to prod his prostate with each hard thrust. Chris' cum was shooting out of him, coating both his and Matt's chests with the hot ropes. Matt yelled out as Chris' ass muscled were clamping and gripping his cock, pushing his climax over. Matt was filling the hot tube with his sticky seed, pushing it deeper with each thrust.

They separated as they recovered from their climaxs. Tom fell back on the bed above Matt's head and Chris rolled to Matt's other side. Matt was content to have an arm over each of the other's bodies as they regained their composure.

"I could not hear the water for a shower and came in to find the two of you at it. Sorry for not being able to just watch." Tom said softly.

"Fuck it Dude. That was hot." Chris said.

"Even hotter with a wicked tongue on this one." Tom replied as he slapped Matt's chest.

"If I had to share, I wanted to get the full benefit." Matt laughed.

"Now I really need a shower." Chris said as he struggled to stand, reaching down to offer hands to both Matt and Tom. "Come on you two."

Chris led both men into the lux bathroom, starting the hot water and pulled them all in to start cleaning each other. There were laughs, touches and kissed as they worked the travel grime and sex from their bodies.

Next: Chapter 11

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