Chris Pratts Great Day

By L Stone

Published on Mar 16, 2020


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are welcome at This story is fiction regarding intimate relations with a celebrity. Other than the public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental. Special thanks to reader Scott for the idea.

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Chris Pratt's Great Day!

Chris wakes up with a jump and somewhat disoriented to feel someone rubbing up and down on the backs of his legs. Belatedly he realized that he was on a massage studio getting a full body massage while he was on location for research on a new project.

"Are you doing alright, Mr. Pratt?" a male voice inquires with a slight drawl.

"I'm fine Matt." Chris replies, "I just dozed off, thanks to your great hands. And please call me Chris. Mr. Pratt still sounds like you are asking for my father."

"Yes, Mr..." Matt replied, "I mean Chris."

"Better." Chris says, then laughs "One more Mr in here and I will make you call me Monkeyboy."

"OK, OK" Matt replies, "I know when to stop."

Matt had been continuing to work out tension in Chris' legs while they were speaking. He noticed that while Chris' shoulders and back had been tense, the legs and he was guessing the quads and glutes were very knotted up.

Matt had been very surprised to have an online appointment set for the late afternoon for one of his 120 minute sports / deep tissue massages with a new client. Being is a smaller city in Oklahoma he did not usually get clients to book that massage option without having come to him for another service first. It did not occur to Matt that the name of Chris Pratt would be the movie actor, though he did chuckle when he first saw the name and thought that would be hot to work on The Chris Pratt. He made sure his private studio was set up and his oils were warm.

The time arrived for his new appointment to show up. Right on time a tall, light brown haired stranger walked through his studio door. He smiled, his green eyes were sparkling. Matt had his iPad in hand for the pre-massage evaluation questions and almost dropped it as the stranger spoke.

"Hi, this is Firebird Massage, right?" the stranger said, "You must be Matt? I'm Chris."

"Yes sir. You are in the right place." Matt said after taking a moment to get his composure. "Glad you were able to find the studio. Right this way."

Matt directed Chris through his waiting area back to his therapy room. He got a chance to look Chris over. Chris was just taller than him at 6 foot and Chris' shoulders were wider. Chris was wearing a solid black v-neck shirt and dark denim jeans - they were both on the tighter side and showed off his toned muscular physique. His smile was electric. It took Matt's breath away.

"There is a changing area right here, please feel free to use the hooks, shelf and hanger if you need." Matt said as he pointed to the left part of the room that had a partial privacy wall. "Directly behind the changing area is a shower and toilet if you need. You can get undressed to your level of comfort and then come back to the massage table."

"I am already showered, so I am ready to go." Chris said as he walked around to the changing area to begin undressing. Matt could see from Chris' shirt come up and over his head and then could hear the sounds of shoes and pants being removed.

"From your sign up, you are wanting a deep sports massage with a focus on relaxation." Matt started trying to stay professional, "Are there any areas that need special attention or that I should be concerned about?"

Looking up from the iPad that he was reading the notes from, Matt saw that Chris was coming around to the table with a small white towel around his waist. Chris' s body was toned and tight. Chris walked closer to where Matt was standing.

It was becoming increasingly difficult for Matt to maintain his composure and his cock was starting to grow in his jock strap. Thinking to himself, thank god this jock is the tight one, I would be swinging free of some of my looser ones. He was glad his top covered down past the waistband of his shorts to help hide his growing bulge.

"I need my upper body just stretched and relaxed, but my legs are tight. I have been on my feet for some long hours the past few days." Chris said while resting against the table. "I am still trying to get use to the heat out here, do you mind if we only drape with this towel?"

"It is to your comfort level. I am fine with that choice, the Oklahoma heat and humidity has claimed more than a few victims." Matt chuckles to cover his awkwardness and trying not to stare too much. He continued, "Why don't you start face down and I can begin with your back and neck."

Matt turned to place the iPad down and start the music, but not before he caught more than a glimpse of Chris dropping the closure of the towel and begin to climb on the table. Matt had to adjust himself in his jock pouch and take a few deep breaths. He selected his relaxing spa music which infused light jazz, new age and classical music selections to lull and relax the mind. He noted that Chris did not indicate any allergies, so he selected the warming almond oil with the hints of jasmine, citrus and a bare touch of mint. He turned back around to find that Chris was now supine as requested and the small white towel was laying just covering his ass.

Matt walked to the top of the table and placed his massage oil bottle down after liberally adding oil to his hands and forearms. Taking a deep cleansing breath he placed his hands on Chris' upper back and began the long flowing strokes. He encountered a few areas of knots of tension, but they were overall not bad. Now in his massage routine, Matt was in a light meditative state, allowing his breathing to regulate and allowing him to be in focus on his client.

The soothing music, the flowing massage and the relaxing scents all worked together to allow Chris to doze off while Matt was still working on his back. Matt noticed that he was sleeping and continued his flow with occasional light snores or mumbles being issued from Chris.

Having finished with Chris' back and neck, Matt retrieved the bottle of massage oil to put back in the warmer and grab his other bottle. He reapplied oil to his hands and arms. He then lowered his hands and began to work on Chris' legs.

Matt is having to work harder to relax the tension spots from Chris' calves, he is including his elbow in places to work out knots. This has changed the massage flow and Chris is no longer so relaxed that he can doze back off. Matt knows that he will need to help distract Chris to have the best chance of a through massage.

"So Chris, what brings you to Oklahoma?" Matt asks as he continues the deep massage.

After a grunt due to Matt' elbow working a new knot, "I am doing some character research for an upcoming project." Chris said, "It is for a period piece dealing with oil workers during the oil boom."

"Well you are in the right area, there are current day oil field workers all around." Matt replied while working another knot out.

"I have been shadowing a few different guys, following their work schedules and riding along with them." Chris advised, "I stay active and work out, but heavy working while being on your feet the whole day is different."

"I can tell from the way your muscles are tight and not wanting to relax." Matt told him.

"Your hands are the first relief that I have had in a week." Chris chuckled, then getting more somber "Well to be honest it has been longer than that since someone has had their hands on my legs."

Matt had moved up to working on Chris' muscled thighs and was encountering some deep knots that he was having to work out. His movements kept bumping and catching the draping towel across Chris' ass. Matt would have to stop and rearrange the towel each time - following with his training and keeping the modesty and comfort of the client.

"This has to go." Chris said as he grabbed a corner of the towel and pulled it off his lower body, "Too many starts and stops. It will take forever if you have to keep restarting."

Matt pauses as he is now starring at Chris' naked ass, it is mostly hairless with just some barely poking out of his ass crack. He is not shocked at Chris' request and actions - Matt has provided nude massage before, even erotic massage. Though those services are not listed on his website, a fact that he had been extremely careful of.

Taking the pause as being offended or embarrassment, "If that is all right with you. If not you can put it back on." Chris said now tentative instead of the confident attitude from earlier.

"No, you are fine. I was just caught off guard a bit." Matt replied as he resumed working on Chris' legs, now having better access and being able to get the deeper knots better. He continued, "Nudity does not bother me at all, I have even offered partial or full nudity sessions before."

"You mean the client nude or the therapist nude?" Chris asked, now sounding intrigued. He paused as Matt got a deep knot in his upper quad.

"Both." Matt replied simply.

"I have to tell you that sound kind of hot." Chris confides, his hips moving a little to apparently relieve from discomfort from laying flat on the massage table. Then he continued, "Having a fit and strong guy rub another down."

"Is this something you are interested in?" Matt inquired, "It is not something that I do all the time nor do I offer it to anyone."

Matt continues to work out the knots in Chris' thighs and is to the point of wanting to work on his glutes, but is trying to delay until this twist is resolved. Chris appears to be making up his mind and has quieted down. Matt switches and starts some long stroking connecting the lower to upper legs. This was allowing him to push closer to intimate areas if that is what Chris decides while still leaving a plausible out for just crossing to close by mistake.

"Yes." Chris says.

"Yes, what?" Matt asks to clarify.

"I want to have a fully nude massage." Chris says, "Both of us fully nude."

"If that is what you want." Matt says as he lifts his shirt over his head, tossing it on his table. This was followed quickly by his shorts. Matt paused as he thumbed his waistband of his straining jock strap. Taking a deep breath he slides it off and it joins his other clothes. He returns to Chris on the table, with the draping towel removed, they are both fully nude.

Matt applies more massage oil to his hand, arms and now his chest as well. He places his hands on Chris' legs and resumes long flowing strokes, including skin to skin contact with the length of his arms and parts of his chest. Matt's hands were not stopping short when going up Chris' legs, he allowed them to go all the way up. When his fingers bushed Chris' upper inner thighs, he heard Chris utter a sigh and observed a twitch of Chris' hips to flare up - opening up for more access. The next few strokes brought Matt's fingers to Chris' taint, the sigh turned into a moan.

Feeling more bold, Matt paused and allowed his fingers to brush Chris' ass crack. This was rewarded with a larger tilt of Chris' hips and a spread of crack. Matt took advantage and slide a finger deeper in the crack. When his finger ran across Chris' pucker, a shiver ran through his entire body. Matt added a few additional strokes with a lingering finger across the exposed pucker.

Matt took this opportunity to widen Chris' legs to the edges of the table. He then added some more oil, before he came to the end of the table and climbed up on to the table between Chris' legs. He ran his hands from Chris'ankles all the way up his inner legs. His fingers ran up Chris' taint and ass crack, a light brush of the pucker, but then continued up Chris' back. The stroke brought Matt's chest to touch Chris' back, Matt made an effort to not directly drag his now hard cock across Chris' ass. Matt pulled back, rubbing down in the same manner of the stroke up. Matt continued several more times, each time the pause at the top of the stroke got longer. Chris had be flexing up his hips each time, pushing his ass more open and up. With the next stroke up, Matt decided to push higher and then dragged his cock along Chris' ass crack.

"Oh fuck! That is so hot." Chris moaned.

Matt settled down and pressed his nude, oiled body against Chris and rested. Matt's cock was not nestled in Chris' ass crack. Chris was making some flexing motions with his hips, rubbing against Matt's cock. Matt was enjoying this, but he wanted to go a bit further. He pulled back and settled back on his knees towards the end of the table. His view was right up between Chris thighs and up his ass crack. Matt leaned forward, rubbing Chris' legs up as he returned, but stopped as his hands spread the ass cheeks wide. Matt leaned in and brought his face in between the opened cheeks. His tongue speared out to Chris' exposed hole.

"Oh my God!" Chris moaned.

Matt used his tongue to tease, kiss, and suck to make all around the hole wet. He swiped his tongue lower to include the bottom of Chris' ball sack. Chris gave a whimper as Matt sucked a ball in his mouth. Matt sucked the other ball in and sucked on it for a while. He slipped his arms under Chris' hips and raised them up. This provides access to Chris' leaking cock. Matt licked from Chris' crack, passing over his pucker then down his balls to slide down his shaft. Matt's lips then closed over Chris' cock head.

"Fuck, dude" Chris exclaimed as Matt positioned the dick in his mouth and swallowed it almost to the balls.

Matt slid his mouth up and down on the hard cock jutting out from Chris' raised hips. He could taste some of his actor client's pre-cum as the dick head moved along his tongue. Matt pulled off the dick and licked back up to the twitching pucker. His tongue and lips were kissing and sucking all around the hole. Matt's tongue hardened and he started to thrust it in and out of the tight hole. He could hear Chris moaning and grunting as he worked.

Matt wanted better access to Chris' hard cock, if he was going to play he was going to go all the way. He pulled back and slid over the side of the table, intending on having Chris flip over. Chris used his hand to catch the dick that was moving over it. He used his grip to bring the massage stud's cock to his face. Tentatively he stuck his tongue out and tasted Matt's cock. Chris flicked his tongue around the cock head and collected the strand of pre-cum that started to drip from the piss slit. Matt flung his head back as Chris opened his mouth and pulled the hard cock in. Chris put his hand on Matt's hip and controlled an in and out rhythm. Matt put his hand behind the actor's head and moved the pace up some. As his cock head neared the back of Chris' mouth close to the throat entrance, he encountered resistance and Chris began to gag. Matt slacked off and pulled out.

"Flip the rest of the way over." Matt told Chris.

Chris complied and came to rest on his back. Matt reaches over and oils his hands again. He stands at the head of the table resting his hard cock right next to Chris' face. He uses his hands to rub and massage the actor's chest. His fingers rub around the hard nipples causing Chris to moan. He continued to work the chest, teasing the hard nips with each pass.

Then he headed lower to the tight abs. His rubbing hands pass close, but do not touch the hard cock pulsing on Chris belly. Matt moves to the side of the table and includes strokes down to Chris' legs and hips.

Matt bent his head over and sucked Chris' rigid cock in his mouth. He open wide and went all the way to the balls, feeling the cock head brush the entrance to his throat. He began to bob his head on Chris' cock, using a hand to support the shaft and to play with the balls.

Chris is moaning while Matt is making him rock hard, almost achingly tight. He gasps as Matt swiftly comes off his raging cock. He feels as Matt climbs back on the table, straddling Chris' abs.

Matt reaches back and positions Chris' sloppy wet cock to his hole. He feels the heat from the dick as he pushed the head past both his ass rings. He looked down and stared into Chris' green eyes as he sank the rest of the way done on the hard cock. Matt comes to rest when he feels the thick pubes covering Chris' balls.

Matt starts to flex his hips back and forth with Chris' dick buried to the hilt. His inner muscles are massaging and gripping the prick. Chris strokes Matt's legs and sighed as he felt the hot velvety glove encasing his member.

Matt then began to lift and lower on the hard dick. He felt the big prick rub his prostate gland. His own cock was hard and was now dripping globs of pre-cum that was being milked out. He was loosing up , so he picked up hs pace. His cock was slapping Chris' belly as he bounced around leaving strands of pre-cum on both of them. Matt leaved back as Chris raised up his knees, Matt grabbed on to them and changed the angle and the power which he was bouncing down with.

Both men were grunting, sweat splattering everywhere as they continued to fuck. Matt changed direction with his upper body, now to be leaning over Chris' chest. Chris began to pound up into Matt's hot and tight hole. Once the rhythm was established, Matt was pushing down to match Chris' push up. The sounds in the massage studio were moans, grunts and slaps as their bodies collided with passion.

Matt looked down and locked eyes with Chris. Staring into each other's eyes, Matt leaned down and started to kiss Chris. Their bodies were moving like a machine and their tongues were wrestling back and forth. Matt paused for a moment in his movements other than his tongue. Chris pulled his arms in around Matt's body and in a twisting move, rolled them over while they were still on the table.

Chris now on top, pulled back and lifted Matt's legs up to his shoulders. He then started to pound his cock into the therapist's ass, leaning forward to open Matt as much as he could. Chris began to long dick fuck Matt, bringing his cock all the way out, then pushing all the way back in.

"Oh hells yeah!" Matt yells a word at a time as Chris thrusts into him. He looked up and Chris was grinning.

Matt became use to the new pace that Chris had set and he began to pulse his ass muscles around Chris' cock when he was pulling out with each stroke. The additional sensation was driving Chris crazy. He dove in and instead of pulling out - stayed for a moment. Leaning back he lifted Matt's legs off his shoulders and twisting them to one side. Chris resumed pounding in and out of Matt's hole. The change in position was making it tighter for Chris' cock as he thrust. Matt took advantage to pulse with a higher frequency on the hard cock in his ass.

"I'm going to cum!" Shouted Chris as he thrust in deeply.

"Breed my ass, man. Do it!" Matt yelled back and began rapidly pulsing his ass muscles.

Chris began to shoot deep in the therapist under him. He pushed his cock as far as he could. Matt's ass muscled were milking his shooting cock, making Chris shoot more and causing his body to quake. His body slumped down covering Matt's, with his dick still buried deep.

Both men caught their breaths, Chris leaned in and joined their lips in a long hot kiss. Hands were exploring and holding each other. Chris began to soften, his cock slid out of Matt's tight hole trailing some cum. They continued to make out in Chris' post climax glow.

"Let's get you in a shower." Matt said as he wiggled out of Chris' embrace.

"That would be good." Chris said as he looked down at his oily, sweaty and cum streaked body.

Matt grabbed the hand Chris outstretched and pulled him up off the table. Still holding his hand, Matt led Chris into the walk-in shower behind the changing area. Matt had it built to be easily able to accommodate 3 or 4 men and had a wide tiled bench build-in at the back of the shower. He started the water and got it steamy before pulling them in the water.

Chris stepped in the warm water and pulled Matt close to him. He leaned in and they began to kiss again. Standing gave each man access to rub and caress more of their bodies. Hands explored pits, chests, nipples and butts. Matt became bold and gripped Chris ass cheeks hard and then spread them open. Due to the position they were standing in, the water was streaming right on Chris' exposed pucker. He began to squirm and the stream of water was teasing his hole. Chris moaned in Matt's ear as Matt played with the water hitting the open hole, stretching and releasing the cheeks to change the sensation.

"Would you fuck me. It has been so long and I need a good dick in me." Chris asked.

They were grinding their cocks into each other. The question was making Matt's semi hard cock expand. His hands still on Chris' ass he pulled his head back to look into Chris' eyes.

"I will fuck you with pleasure." Matt answered, "In the shower or back in the studio?"

"I think in the studio would be good. I do not want either of us to slip and get hurt in the shower." Chris replied.

Matt turned off the water and grabbed a few towels. They quickly dried off and returned to the massage table. Chris walked up and leaned his chest on the table, extending his ass up and out. Matt dropped to his knees and spread Chris' ass cheeks wide. Matt began to lick and circle the hot hole. Chris would squirm each time Matt's tongue would slide in the open pucker. Matt put two fingers in his mouth and got them slobber wet. He continued to soak Chris' pucker with his tongue, but placed his finger tip at the entrance. With a bit more spit right in the hole, Matt slid his finger in the tight hole.

He went slowly and smoothly until he had cleared both rings and had rubbed against Chris' gland. Chris let out a long moan and began to breath deeply as he was adjusting to the finger. Matt started to move his finger in small circles, widening with each circuit. He continued to lick around the hole and sides of Chris' ass cheeks. Soon he began to slide his slicked finger in and out of Chris' ass. Matt took care to make sure he was rubbing the gland each chance. Chris was beginning to push back against the finger. Matt then added the second finger, which Chris responded with a sigh at the extension of his ass rings with the additional finger. Matt was quickly finger fucking the hot movie star with both fingers. He felt like Chris was ready.

Matt stood up and grabbed some of the massage oil. He slicked up his fingers and then his dripping dick. He pushed his oiled fingers back in Chris deep to get the oil slicked in as best he could. Removing his fingers he placed his large cock head at Chris' hole. He let it sit there for a moment before pushing in slowing. He paused just past the inner ring to allow Chris to get use to his size. Watching Chris' breath become more even he began to push in while holding on to Chris' hips.

Chris let out a long moan when Matt's cock pressed and then passed his gland. Matt continued smoothly until his pubs pressed against Chris ass. He reached his hand around and found Chris' hanging prick and began to jack it while Chris was getting use to being filled with dick. After a short time, Chris was thrusting back on Matt's cock. With a hand still on Chris' dick, Matt started to move in and out of the very tight hole. It was gripping like a molten velvet vice. Matt moved further out with each stroke until he was just short of his cock head from exiting the hot hole. Sweat was pouring from both of them again as Matt began to plow into the hot ass. His balls were slapping against Chris' with each hard stroke. It was leading Matt to a very large climax.

"Let me see your face when you cum in me." Chris requested.

Matt pulled his dick out with a pop and helped Chris turn over, placing his back on the table and his ass hanging over the edge. Matt stepped back up between Chris' legs and pushed all the way back in. He was close and now staring into the green eyes and holding Chris' legs wide while plunging into him. Matt felt his climax building deep in his balls, he started growling. The next few thrusts had the sensation building higher and higher. Finally he began to launch ropes of cum in the waiting ass.

"I'm cumming!" Matt shouts as he thrust deep and feels his dick pulse four more times. Matt smiled as Chris was looking lustfully at the massage therapist. Slowly Matt pulled his spent cock out and lowered Chris' legs towards the floor. He pulled Chris to his feet and walked them back to the shower.

"That was hot dude. I have not had that feeling in years." Chris confided as they waited for the water temperature to adjust.

"It was very hot, thanks for letting me cum in you. You have a great ass." Matt replied as they stepped in the water, he gave the ass in question a quick slap.

They were both grinning as Matt started to soap them both up. Hands were still exploring and teasing. They cleaned up and Matt turned off the water. He looked up to Chris holding out a towel for him. He accepted it and they dried off. Matt tossed his towel in the hamper and was going to pass by Chris so they could dress.

Chris stopped him and pulled Matt into a deep, sensual kiss - stirring both cocks up to semi hard states. "Thanks again, Matt." Chris started, "I am relaxed, have my knots worked out and am sated. Great job dude."

"It is a pleasure, I enjoy making people feel good." Matt answered as he finally stepped by.

They dress, Matt omitted his jock strap. He was going to reminisce about this appointment for a long, slow while after Chris left. He turned to see Chris putting his shoes on and stand up. They came together for a hug as Matt escorted Chris to the waiting room.

"This was the best massage I've had. Here is my card that has my cell on it. If you make it out to California give me a buzz." Chris said handing Matt a card.

"Thanks!" Matt blushed, "If your stay is longer or you pass through shoot me an email."

They hug for the last time, Chris gave Matt a peck on the cheek and a jingle of his freeballing junk with a chuckle. Then he headed out the door. Matt sat there for a few minutes, kind of in a daze. Belatedly he looked at the notification that popped up after Chris left. It was his online pay service, letting him know of the $1000.00 tip and a message. 'From Mr. Pratt - not my father though - lol CP'

Next: Chapter 2

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