Chris New Life


Published on Nov 24, 2008


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

My New Life.

Chapter 8

Chris lay on the floor, looking up at the profile above him. His 14 year old cousin, cock in hand cum shots firing from its tip, to his face and chest then the dregs slowly falling in a slimey rope. Chris realised he was now at the bottom of the pecking order, even his little cousin had more power than him. The cum stung his eyes, he closed them for comfort. He saw in his mind's eye Martin's cock, it looked bigger from underneath than when looking down on it, fatter, more threatening, he wondered if all cocks looked bigger this way.

"Way to go bro." Mick called to martin as he came through the door without knocking. Times up and looks like you did good." Mick turned to Chris" OK thank Marty and lets go back to our room we got more to do." With that Mick put out his hand and helped Chris to feet. martin put away his wilting cock. Mick clothed in shorts, Chris naked but covered in cum left martin in his room and returned to their bedroom. " Enjoy that mate. Bet you did." Chris grimmaced a look back to Mick.


Chapter 9

"Mahoney is going to meet us out front tomorrow to go to school at 7.30 you got to be ready, ok. The shit for you to wear is in your top drawer, and you got to take gym shorts and swimmers cause normally on Tuesday we have sport and we might tomorrow as well."

Chris listened to what Mick had said, and agreed, he would be ready in time for tomorrow. He hoped they did have sport or PE as he preferred it to lessons anyway. Mick told Chris he would get his classes tomorrow and they could compare what classes they had in common. He didn't think they would be in all the same classes but he could tell him the good teachers and those to stay clear of. Mick also showed Chris the text books he would get and told him he would give him a guided tour of the facilities tomorrow. Just relax and tomorrow would take care of itself. Chris was overwhelmed with how helpful and pleasant Mick was being to him. He couldn't understand the change of attitude, but he would still be wary of him. Mick told Chris he was going downstairs to watch TV and he should do whatever he wanted. Mick got up, smiled at Chris and went to watch TV. Chris stood up and walked to the window looking at the house next door and to the park adjoining the backyard. He looked back to the window of the house next door and saw Mahoney standing at the window waving to him. Chris waved back, they were only about 4 metres (13 feet) apart. Chris could see him clearly, Mahoney was joined by another kid, a red head, the kid from Maccas. Chris hoped he wouldn't recognise him. mahoney and the red head pulled the curtain and moved back into the room out of sight. Chris decided to join Mick downstairs. He was dressed in footy shorts, no briefs , he did not want to get Mick offside again. As he left his room he was met by peter coming up the stairs

"How goes it cuz, how's it all hanging." pete asked

"yeah really good mate , just gold," chris responded.

"come and tell me about your day and what all you country folk do to amuse yourselves,maybe apart from fuck sheep." Peter laughed at his own comments.

Chris smiled and followed Peter into his bedroom, peter slid the door closed after they entered. Posted in large letters was a sign permanently hanging on the door "Do Not Enter.". Chris took this to be a joke.

Peter lie back on his bed and had Chris sit in the chair next to the bed. Chris told him how he had stayed over at Sinclair's last night and got home too late for shopping today.

"That will piss off the old lady, my man. She hates people not doing what she organises. It's why she is constantly pissed with me, her, and the old man." said peter laying on the bed watching Chris in the chair." What else you been up to since you got here."

Chris told pete about swimming and meeting Michael's friends from school. He told him everything except Michael's domination of him. As Chris was speaking to Peter he raised his right leg from the floor and placed his foot on the chair seat bending his leg so as to rest his chin on his right knee. The left side of Chris' shorts splayed open, and as Chris hangs to the left his cock head fell out the open left leg of the shorts. Chris did not feel the exposure and continued talking to Peter, oblivious to his meat now being displayed as if in the shop window. Peter immediately saw the cock head and some of the length as it dropped from its enclosure into clean space. Given he was lying down his head was at cock height. He could see the head, he could see the piss slit, he could see part of a ball. He was impressed by the the plump head, shaped like a battering ram not a pencil. Peter started to harden. He continued his discussion with Chris. Peter questioned Chris about his friends in the bush. About girl friends, and what they would do to amuse themselves. Chris told him he did not have a regular girl, but he did have one who would go with him to dances and the occasional movie. Peter asked him about the country life, and if you were away from people so often what did you do to relieve yourself. Chris didnot understand initially but prompting from Pete helped understand the question. Chris told Pete he guessed the same as all guys, he and his mates never talked about it, but he was sure they did it.

"Well my man, we all do it , some more than others. Some admit it, most don't."Peter said "I don't know why but guys seem to think if they admit to jerking off then they are different. I reckon anyone who doesn't admit to pulling himself is a liar and a fool."

"I don't talk about it but I guess you're right, everyone jerks off eh." Chris responded to peter thinking about his situation as he spoke. " So like you and your mates you all jerk off and no one puts shit on you because of it." Chris enquired.

"Of course man, got to keep the little head under control to keep the big head thinking clear." peter laughed. "Mate, where guys get into shit is when they get into funny shit, you know doing funny things, that ain't going to work. Blokes get a antsy about that. They might do it themselves but you never admit to being bent."

"No, no, of course not."

"Why you get into funny shit do you. Don't get me wrong, nothing to do with me and it's a lot of fun but man blokes don't go for it." peter advised.

Chris lifted his other foot onto the chair seat and now sat with both feet on the seat. He crossed his arms leaned them onto his knees and rested his chin on his arms. Lifting his leg closed the gap in his shorts and Peter's view of the escapee cock was lost. The boys continued to talk. peter asked how often they had dances and movies in baradine. Chris told him every 3 months there was a dance and about the same for the movies, they would hold them in the Bowling Club.

"So you get to go out about every 6 weeks or so to something special. That's no worse than here."

"Yeah but down here you can walk to the shopping centre and hang with your mates, you can't do that at home, the nearest major shopping centre is 160km (100 miles) away." Chris informed peter.

"So when you do your special night where did you take the girl to try and do something with her." Peter wouldn't let it go, especially after having seen the tackle Chris was sporting.

"Up the park or to the tennis courts, that sort of thing." replied Chris

"So did you do it often." pete enquired.

"Sure, we did." Chris came straight back.

"Really, like what would you do." Peter kept on.

"I don't want to talk about it," said Chris lowering his left foot to the floor again." You shouldn't talk about that sort if thing." The left leg of the shorts again had two legs coming from it, the leg and the cock head.

"Cause you do. When I go out I always try and leave a load, no matter who I'm with." Peter looked into Chris' eyes.

Peter then proceeded to describe in detail to Chris how he would always want to blow his lot, either in them, or on them, but he had to leave his mark. He described what he would do to get this way, how his fingers and hand, then tongue would warm the way for him. peter began to noticeable harden., Chris began to harden, he noticed peter he hardened quickly, he realised his cock was on show and snapped his leg to the floor and pulled down the leg of his shorts to attempt to cover himself.

"That's something to be proud of mate. Don't tell me any girl ever let you near them when that thing was angry. Come on tell me the truth, you would scare them, didn't you, tell uncle Pete." Peter sat staring at Chris waiting for him to reply. Not a word passed between them, peter waited, the silence was disturbing, Chris shuffled in his seat, peter continued to stare into Chris blue eyes.

Chris weakened. " I never did no."

"I reckoned not, cause it was to big." pete asked

Chris didnot reply for a moment then related how the one girl he would go out with and was keen on,the first time she got it out of his jeans, panicked and got up and wouldn't let him touch her. Later times after that he could feel her but she would only give him a hand job through his jeans or shorts and make him blow in his undies.

"Like how often do you jerk that thing off a day." Peter asked

After a delay he answered' Like once a day."

"Bullshit, I do it more than that and I got nothing like that manufacturing spermies." Peter joked.

Chris was embarrassed " Got to go mate, thanks for the chat."

"Enjoyed it man, you need anything, you come see me. That Mick give you a tough time I'll straighten him for you. See ya tomorrow, back to the slave trade."

With that said Chris left Peter's bedroom and returned to his room to get changed for bed. He entered the room, and because it was so warm took off his t, on a pair of briefs as pygjamas and went to the bathroom for his nghtly duties. Chris came back to the room, climbed into bed under a sheet, turned off the light and lay his head down to go to sleep. Michael must still be downstairs watching TV. Chris lie in bed thinking about tomorrow, what MIchael had said he would do, tomorrow would be an OK day he decided. He wished he had got uniform but next week, he would wear his old uniform, he was sure the school would understand. He had never been to a catholic College, he was used to the public school system. He was told the college was more strict, and he had never been to an all boys school before. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

The morning came and it was bedlam with the 4 boys using the same bathroom to be ready for school in time. Peter rushed out the door to be picked up by one of his friends in a car. Martin left at 7.30 to walk to school with his mates, one of whom was the young Mahoney. Uncle John and Mary yelled to the two remaining boys "goodbye see them tonight , and have a good day at school."

"You can't wear those shorts they're the wrong colour, you got to be in uniform or they suspend you." Mick advised Chris "Put the blue shorts on in your drawer. You can wear your blue shirts."

Chris stood naked and pulled on a pair of the blue shorts. "Shit, they're bit small, haven't you got any bigger ones."

"Yeah but you're not wearing them, those ones you got are my old ones. This is why you had to be home to go to the shops. Serves you right."

Chris struggled into the shorts. They were a cotton weave short and held him very tightly around the tops of his thighs, accentuated his rounded muscular arse and proudly diplayed a prominent bulge that without briefs on you could discern the outprint of a cock head and tube hanging to the left. The shorts were low rise, and sat on the cleft of Chris arse and wrapped tightly under his crotch also highlighting a solid set of eggs. Chris presented a picture of a healthy well built exhibitionist. He looked at himself in the mirror and upon the site of his showing started to chub up. He was now more prominent.

"Looks good. Come on. We'll be late." Mick called. The two boys rushed out the door.

They met with Mahoney and Ando just arriving out front of the house. Greetings passed they set off all chattering about the coming day. Whilst Chris was apprehensive about starting a new school he was also looking forward to meeting up with more people like he had already met, it was exciting, it was the start of his new life.

The boys arrived at the school gate and there waiting for Chris arrival was Sinclair. As the two saw each other their eyes lit up with the pleasure of seeing their partner. The two met, gave each a manly hug and then walked in front of the others into the school grounds. Sinclair put his hand to the lower back of Chris and allowed it to slip down over his arse.

"I love a man in uniform and you look really hot in yours." Sinclair said to Chris

Chris blushed and told Sinclair to behave. None of this was lost on Michael. Michael caught up with Chris and diverted him to the admin office to get all of his papers and class rosters. They bid farewell to the others and told them they would see them later in the morning. Chris and MIchael arrived at admin, and entered. Michael introduced Chris, told the admin staff he was Chris cousin, and would familiarise Chris with the campus when everything was signed off. Forty minutes later Chris was exiting the office to go to the library to pick up his text books. Michael led the way. They passed several lads in the corridors moving between classes. Those who knew who MIck was, were confused as to who was who, when they looked at Chris. The striking similiarity was going to cause confusion, both with teachers and students. As they walked along Mick noticed the extended bulge in the front of Chris shorts. When he mentioned it to Chris, all Chris would say was he couldn't help it, it was because he had no undies on and it was because of the walking and rubbing of the fabric on him. The constant rubbing caused him to get excited, he didn't mean to. Mick smiled and informed Chris he was going to be in trouble then because he was never going to wear briefs again.

"That'll be one way for them to tell us apart, you will be the one with the boner all the time." Mick said.

"Yeah they'll know the difference, at least I got a cock worth showing off. Not some pencil dick." Chris taunted back to Mick

"Good, you hold that thought, you reckon it's worth showing around well that's exactly what you're going to do," Mick responded'"I got things to do, you want to be a smart arse I'm not going to be roaming around this joint all day with you. Show me your timetable."

Chris handed Mick the timetable and he picked out where Chris had to be now, and for the following one before lunch break. Chris took him to the classroom and told him he would meet outside the toilets on the ground floor end of next class. Chris entered the classroom, introduced himself to the teacher, was given a seat and moved to take up his spot. He looked around the class and saw two faces he knew already, so felt comfortable.

Lunch break came and Chris rose and moved out of the class and to the toilets where he was told to meet Mick. Chris waited for about ten minutes and was about to leave when he saw Sinclair and Mick walking towards him. As Mick got close Chris told Mick it was about time and he was wasting his lunch break.

"Fuck you, get inside." Mick ordered. CHris glared at Mick but did as he was told. Sinclair followed them into the toilet area."You're getting real mouthy, you forget your place."

"I'm not going to play your game. All guys jerk off so show what ever photos you like." Chris replied.

"True." said Mick and turned to Sinclair pulling some papers from his back pocket."What does this look like to you Sinclair." and with that showed a photo to Sinclair. Before Sinclair could respond Chris barged his way between them to look at whatever was being shown.

"It looks like Chris with cum in his arse." said Sinclair. Chris remained silent

"And this." Mick asked as he pulled another out and showed to Sinclair.

"How did you do that,"Sinclair asked turning to Chris still looking at the photo. It was of Chris sucking himself.

"Want to see some more. I got lots more." Mick said to Sinclair but looking at Chris.

Before Sinclair could answer Chris moved in front of MIck, looked him in the eye but before doing or saying anything Mick said" Remember last time. Next time you'll be coughing your cods out your mouth. Now because you reckon you got something worth looking at strip off."

Chris stared long at MIck but did not attempt to retaliate to Mick's threat but began to remove his clothes. He took off his shirt, his shoes, socks and then slipped off his shorts. He stood before Mick and Sinclair completely naked, his penis already beginning to chub.

"Look at you, hardon already, you're pathetic." Mick sneered."Go on Sinclair you can stay here with him, you and your boyfriend. I'll bring your clothes back later." and with that Mick picked up Chris' clothing and left the toilet block. Sinclair and Chris looked at each other and Sinclair moved to Chris reached out took hold of one of his hands and held it while looking into Chris' eyes. They then moved close to each other, their lips joining, their tongues forcing into each others cavern. The door to the toilet area began to open, the two boys broke contact and rushed to a cubicle and shut the door. The cubicles didnot have doors that you lock and had to be held closed or they would swing open. The boys stood closely cramped in the cubicle. The pressure of Sinclair pushing back against Chris was now fully registered in his penis. It stretched to its maximum. Chris was excited by the situation he found himself in. Sinclair held his hand to his lips indicating for him to remain very quiet. The boys listened but could hear no movement in the general toilet area. They strained for any noise to indicate where the intruder may be.

"Get out here now" demanded the voice. You have one minute. Out there now."

The boys stood frozen in their cubicle.

There was a fist banging on their cubicle door,"Get out here now. This instant."

The two boys were frozen with fear and trepidation. Again the fist on the door. The door was slowly pulled back and the two boys emerged from the cubicle. Sinclair was fully clothed, Chris was completely naked. Sinclair displayed no sign of any physical excitement, Chris maintained his raging hard on. They looked at the person now squatting on one knee before them.

"If you are to go into the cubicles you shouldn't have two sets of legs showing, they are designed for one person. two people means something is going on that shouldn't. Either of you like to explain it to me."

The boys stared at the man before them. Chris had no idea who he was but this was his first day.

"Mr Thomas, sorry, I, err ,err, I came in here when I heard Chris here calling out for help." Sinclair said. Chris stared at Sinclair. Mr Thomas stared at Sinclair'

"Go on. This will be good." Mr Thomas said.

Sinclair now more confident" Well as you can see he has no clothes on."

"Very good Sinclair, that is part of the problem."

"Well sir, by what I understand Chris came in here.." Sinclair was interupted by Mr Thomas.

"Who are you anyway, boy. I haven't seen you before." Mr Thomas demanded from Chris

"I'm Chris Thompson, sir. I started here today."

"Go on one of you tell me your tale," Mr Thomas directed

"By what I understand'" Sinclair continued before Chris could sidetrack his thought out story," Chris came in here to go to the toilet and was set upon by a group of boys who stripped him. He doesn't know who they are because he only just started here and couldn't recognise them. There were a few of them and they were seniors." The boys waited for a response from Mr Thomas to see how the story was going down.

"I see, take him to my office." Mr Thomas instructed.

"Like this sir." Sinclair asked

"Get him some shorts from the gym, then take him to my office, I will talk to you both further. Get going, I've got things to do. If I'm not there when you arrive go straight into my office and wait, understood."

"Yes sir." the boys responded. Mr Thomas turned and left the toilet area. Sinclair turned to Chris "Wait here I'll get you some shorts and we can brush up our story on the way to Mr Thomas' office."

"Who is he" asked Chris

"He is the PE teacher, hasn't been here long, good bloke really. I won't be long. Don't go anywhere." Sinclair smiled at Chris

"Fuck off idiot, get me some shorts."

Sinclair bolted out the door to the gym and Chris returned to his cubicle and closed over the door. Sinclair found Chris a pair of shorts, which Chris had to hold up they were so big, but it was better than nothing. The two boys went to Mr Thomas' office, there was no one there, so did as instructed, entered and waited for the return of Mr Thomas.

Meanwhile the lunch break finished and Michael in company with Ando returned to the toilets in search of Chris. Michael had Chris' clothes with him. Chris was gone, Michael couldn't believe they had disobeyed him, he couldn't get far with no kit. Michael in a fit of temper walked to the rubbish bin and threw Chris' clothes into it.

"If he's so clever he doesn't need to wait for his kit then he can go without." Michael snapped to Ando. "I wonder where he's got to. Let's see him get home."

Mr Thomas arrived back at his office to meet the two waiting boys. "Alright boys I have been speaking to Mr Jackson, head of PE and he believes what has happened to you Thompson is a most serioius offence and we must find who did this to you.."

"It's ok sir, no harm done." said Chris not wanting to create trouble.

"There is harm done. What was done to you is unacceptable. This school has high moral standards and the type of behaviour you experienced will not be tolerated." Mr Thomas, looked directly into the boys faces and said '" Tomorrow morning when all senior classes are underway you THompson in company with myself will tour each class room to pick out those who assualted you."

Chris was aghast. He did not want this sort of intervention, it could only lead him into trouble.

"What will happen to them if I can recognise any of them sir?" Chris asked

"They will be brought before the headmaster and expelled for immoral behaviour and assault." Mr Thomas responded. Chris looked at Sinclair, a worried frown across his face. " You said you're new here Thompson, that right."

"Yes sir I moved from Baradine to here, I live with my relatives." Chris replied

"So would MIchael Thompson be your relative." asked Mr Thomas

"Yes sir, that's who I live with."

"I thought you looked very much alike, explains why you don't know all of the lads here at school yet. Alright off you go home, take an early mark, you go with him Sinclair. See you back at my office at 9am in the morning. Away you go."

"Yes sir, thanks sir," the two boys called, and took off out of the office.

Chris used one hand to hold his shorts up, for if he let go they fell straight to hang off his arse and bulge. The boys went to their lockers, Sinclair gathered some books and they left for home. Sinclair sugested to Chris they go to Sinclair's place where they could think out what to do tomorrow. After the boys arrived at Sinclair's they went straight to the kitchen where Sinclair got out drinks and left over custard creme pie. Chris took his hand off the shorts and they immediately dropped to low on his hips. He did not reach for them again he was safe and out of sight. As Chris picked up the glass of drink in one hand and the plate with the pie on it with the other Sinclair moved behind Chris and helped the shorts over the bulge to fall to the floor. He stood behind Chris admiring his perfectly rounded globes, he placed a hand on Chris' arse cheek then ran his fingers along the crease of his arse. Chris turned to face Sinclair, Chris had reached erection in what was record time even for him. Sinclair moved forward and the two boys embraced, that of lovers. Sinclair was himself straining in his school shorts and without prompting unbuttoned the tab, slipped down the zipper and in a smooth single movement slid both shorts and briefs to the floor. They stood chest to chest, mouth to mouth, genitals to genitals. They kissed longingly with their tongues whilst humping against each other. They forced against each other as if trying to create another orifice. Chris pulled Sinclair to him in a very tight embrace as if a wrestlers bear hug, he held Sinclair against him not letting him move, he began to ejaculate over the body of Sinclair. Sinclair felt Chris release, he felt him tense, he felt the warm fluid between their bodies, he reciprocated, he too released his body fluids, each one holding the other in a breath limiting embrace.

Sinclair rested his head on Chris' shoulder," I love you, I love you so much." Sinclair had tears of release and pleasure in his eyes.

CHris held Sinclair tightly to his chest, "No matter what happens we won't ever let them split us up."

Chris then moved Sinclair back to arms length and when he looked down saw the front of Sinclair's shirt had cum on it. "How you going to explain that. Tell your aunt your father did it."

"Don't call them that I got to think of them as my parents." Sinclair said.

Chris naked, his lower stomach, pubic bush and genitals covered in sperm moved away from Sinclair and started off down the hall. "Where you going" asked Sinclair

"To your fathers's study. Come on we can talk about tomorrow as well, bring our drinks." Chris replied

"Wasting your time it will be locked." informed Sinclair

Chris didnot listen but when he got to the study door Sinclair was right, the door was locked. He returned to the kitchen. Sinclair had not moved he remained leaning against the kitchen bench. Chris entered the kitchen, saw Sinclair now completely naked having removed his shirt.

"You want something to eat." Chris said to Sinclair whilst holding his cock out and shaking it at Sinclair.

"I love a nice fat kebab, especially with hummus." Sinclair laughed as he moved in front of Chris and got on his knees preparing to take the cum covered cock into his mouth.

CHris had again fully hardened, he was about to be sucked for the first time by his love, he flowed copious precum. Sinclair's tongue flicked out across the bulbous head, the tongue found the slit with Chris' juice running from it. Sinclair took it in. Chris leaned back against the bench for support, this was euphoric. His first time, excited, Sinclair administering head the best he knew how, Chris quickly shot his load, most of it missing the mouth but landing on Sinclair's body and the surrounding floor. Chris now fully rested against the kitchen bench, he was emotionally spent. Sinclair remained on his knees masturbating himself with one hand whilst gently licking the oozing dregs from the leaking slit. Both were moaning with sex delight. The boys after some minutes gained their composure, and looked at the mess around them, cum on the kitchen bench, the floor, a shirt and over them. They set to and cleaned the kitchen of tell tale signs. As they were walking down the hallway to the shower, they passed the door to Sinclair's fathers office, Chris wiped his hand over his lower abdomen and got some cum from himself and wiped it over the door handle to the office door. Both boys spent, showered. Sinclair pulled on a clean change of clothes, Chris pulled on the oversize shorts and a t shirt which belonged to Sinclairs father. The two boys sat and discussed their feelings for each other, what had happened to day and what was on for tomorrow.

They discussed the need to provide a name for Mr Thomas and what would be the consequences if Chris could not. Whilst they sat in Sinclair's room on his bed talking, Sinclair reached over and began to fondle Chris through his shorts. Chris again began to respond.

"Leave it will you. You'll wear me out." Chris said to Sinclair.

"I can't help it , I just want to touch you all over." Sinclair responded

"Listen Sinclair I got an idea, I'm going home now, when Mick arrives he'll want to know what happened to me. He's going to want to boss me around so you get over there about 4pm and we'll..."

"Bullshit, I'll come with you now, and you can tell me your plan on the way over." Sinclair interrupted " I want to see that prick really suffer somehow for what he's trying to do to you."

"OK lets move then, I want to be there when he gets home. I reckon I know how to have him fucked all ends up."

The boys stood, left Sinclairs' house and jogged across to the Thompson household. The boys went upstairs, there was no one home, the oldies at work and the others still at school. Chris changed into a pair of his briefs, his shorts and a t. Sinclair ogled his body while he was bare.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 10

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