Chris New Life


Published on Nov 19, 2008


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

My New Life.

Chapter 7

"I won't tell nobody, but they never adopted you."

"Nah, but it don't matter they are really good to me , dad as I call him, just has me do some things with him that helps him emotionally and he gives me nearly everything I want.......including you." Sinclair grinned a cheeky grin and slid his mouth over Chris and began to passionately kiss his love.

Chris broke the kiss," How come you can speak English and not Indian."

"You are a fucking dope, you know that, MIck's right. I went to an English school, doh. there are a lot of them in India. You do know India was an English colony till 1948 and now is part of the Commonwealth. Remember they play cricket. I can speak a dialect of Indian." and with that Sinclair resumed his exploring of Chris' mouth.


Chapter 8

Chris moved his face back from Sinclair,"Let's go to sleep mate I really have had it after today"

"yeah I guess it's been a big day all round eh." and Sinclair lie on his back alongside Chris dropping his hand to rest on Chris' bare stomach.

The two boys dropped off to sleep, naked in bed, each happy with his current lot. They snuggled into each other for comfort. They slept the sleep of the those without a care in the world.

"Goodbye Michael see you tonight," Sinclair's mother called through the closed bedroom door," I'm off to work." Mrs S ignored a greeting to Chris.

"Seeya tonight mum." Sinclair replied.

Sinclair dropped his head back to the pillow and dozed back off to sleep. Chris had not stirred. The slur from Mrs S was a waste Chris slept through it. The boys awoke to a feeling of coolness to their skin, lying side by side, with morning wood. As they opened their eyes they recognised Mr S standing at the bottom of their bed. They did not see the digital camera concealed in his towelling shaving jacket pocket which was loosely tied at the waist. Where the coat flared open they could see Mr S was wearing boxers.

"I got to get to the practice early boys so Chris take your self to the bathroom, do your thing and come down to the study and I'll give you a quick going over." and Mr S left the bedroom.

Chris took some minutes then raised himself from bed and half stumbled down the hall to the bathroom where he completed his morning duties. On his way to the study he called to Sinclair he wouldn't be long. Chris arrived at the study and walked straight in, Mr S was still wearing shave coat and standing next to the desk.

Chris looked at the doc who instructed him to lean over the desk rather than lie on it as it would be easier and quicker. Chris walked to the edge of the desk and leaned onto the desk resting his chest on the desk and supporting his head on his arms.

"I,m just going to check the same as last night Chris, make sure you're OK." the doc assured Chris.

"Please don't do the arse thing again." Chris requested

"Got to mate, it's really important you,re not ruptured anywhere. Won't take long."

The doc spread Chris' feet on the floor giving him unfettered access to Chris'rectum. The doc took the lubricant squeezed some on the exposed anus, which puckered immediately with the cold feel, and some into his hand. First one finger gently probed the gateway for entry and when in gently moved back and forth, more active than last night. A second finger was inserted and a full surge forward was now being used. On the insertion of the third finger Chris cried out in pain, the doc left the finger in place but waited until the hole stretched that bit more to accommodate it. The fingers restarted the probing, deeper in then nearly all the way out. The fingers then made circular movements as if trying to further stretch open the entrance. Chris felt the fingers withdrawn and he immediately relaxed, then some seconds later felt pressure again at his hole but this time it was a lot different to a finger this felt like a blunt instrument. Chris looked back and saw the doc had his penis aimed into his rectum. Immediately Chris tried to stand up from the table and it took all of the doctor's weight on his back to keep him in place.

Chris cried out"You can't do that."

The doc withdrew away from his hole and ran his penis up and down Chris' arse crack, Chris began to harden. The doc moved away from Chris and told him to now lie up on the desk and he would examine his ribs and genitals.

"No shit." Chris declared

"You misunderstood, it slipped out by accident." doc explained

"No more ."

The doc still wearing his shave coat moved to the top of the desk and to Chris'head. The doc reached forward and examined the genitals, one ball then the next, then the shaft, Chris was now flowing precum and beyond his control. The doc released his genitals, stood straight at the head of the top of the desk then reached forward over Chris to examine his injured rib area. In so doing the shave coat enveloped Chris' face and he was covered by the coat but now looking at the underside of the doc's erect penis. The doc had removed his boxers before Chris had got to the study. The doc then bent further forward the sliming cock of the doc came to rest on Chris' lips. Chris moved his head to push the cock to the side from his mouth, it just changed position. Chris moved again and in an effort to move the throbbing leaking 150mm (6 inch) cock from his mouth using his nose and tongue to try and give him breathing room. Chris yelled at the doc from under the coat, to remove his filthy cock off him. The doc moved his hands back to Chris shoulders and held him firmly in place and began to thrust his penis back and forth across Chris' face.

"Everything looks good here" the doc said whilst in his motion. Chris was getting precum rubbed across his eyes, mouth and cheeks. He could not get free. He felt a spurt onto his face, then another and another, the doc moved the coat from over Chris' face and looked down at him and at the same time rubbing the cum from Chris' face into his blonde hair.

"Not a bad hair gell. Now come and stand over here I need some measurements and other data," the doc instructed.

Chris started to object and began to abuse the doctor when the doc turned to Chris and said'" Listen son just cool down, before you get carried away, what if I get my dear wife to ring your aunt and tell her what she saw yesterday. What do think will happen, who do you think they will believe. Now we understand each other move over there and jerk that cock of yours to where it's hard or you are going to suck me."

Chris fumed but knew he had no comeback, everyone seemed to have it over him. He frantically jerked at his cock, the doc moved forward and spread some lube along it and in no time Chris was fully erect and about to unload. The doc called on him to stop, took out a tape and measured the length and girth of the penis, he then took the camera from his pocket and photgraphed the boy and his prick. When done he told Chris he wanted to measure him soft so he had better release his load into the glass he handed him. With the earlier happenings and his now working of his cock Chris quickly arrived at release. The doc photographed this into the glass. He set the glass aside and placed it on the desk and measured the now deflated prick and again took photographic evidence. the doc went to a filing cabinet in the corner of his study, removed a key from under the cabinet and unlocked the cabinet drawers, placed the camera and measurements inside, then relocked the cabinet and placed the key back under the cabinet. The doc then picked up the glass of cum Chris had made, moved across to Chris and tipped it over his head then massaged it into Chris' scalp.

"OK off you run, go have your shower. Understand whenever I call you over here you better come," the doc warned "I got the evidence what you really are like and as I said Mrs Sinclair has seen what you did to our son. Seeya, stud."

The doc left the study with Chris and closed the door on the way out, Chris returned to the bedroom to Sinclair who was lying on the bed, naked waiting for him. Chris walked into the room he didnot say anything just flopped onto the bed, Sinclair could see and smell the cum.

"What ya been doing." enquired Sinclair,"Why you put cum in your hair."

"Your old man is a mongrel bastard, he tried to rape me and when he couldn't he shot his load over me." Chris screamed at Sinclair in near state of hysteria.

Sinclair said nothing but sat and looked directly at Chris. He raised his hand to put it to Chris shoulder but Chris shrugged it away.

"I'm sorry Chris I never thought he would try anything with you."

"You know about him. Put him in."Chris barked

"What and go where, foster home, institution, back to India. Sure. Wake up. I'll play his games just ot make sure I'm ok, he's normally really gentle anyway and it gets me off."

"You let him play with you. Sick guy. What you got ot do for him." Chris asked

"Nothing he usually just givess me a jerk and takes a few photos, sometimes I watch him blow."

"Don't he get no sex from his wife. MInd you she's a bitch anyway." Chris remarked

"Steady she's never done nothing to me, I think they pretty much do their own thing."

"What's with the drawer in his study, is that where he keeps all the photos."

Sinclair responded it was but he always kept the office locked and he never got to see what was kept in the files. He had tried several times but no luck.

"Well we'll keep trying, one day I'll find a way in." Chris assured Sinclair." I'm not coming over here for him to do me though, not again."

"Yeah but like now don't you like being naked and no one to worry you. When I'm at home I never wear my shit, not till they get in, I love it." Sinclair said rubbing his chest, "I nearly got caught once by the guys coming round the back looking for me and I was just coming in from out there naked sunbaking."

"I guess the bare arse bit is cool, yeah I really do like that. I never was bare arsed at home my old man would kick your arse and reckon you were depraved. Shit my mum hasn't seen me naked since I was a baby nobody has. I don't like your guardian touching me, and he ain't your old man ok, not to me, he better not touch me again."

The two boys remained naked as they had when they went to bed last night, both enjoyed the feel of freedom.

Chris lay back on the bed and closed his eyes whilst he gathered his thoughts. What a fucked up place this Sydney is, how fucked up his life had become in no time he thought. He did not know what to do next to try and gain some sense and peace around him.

He lay on the bed eyes closed and felt a hand again gently palming his chest and a soft gentle voice reassuring him he was safe with Sinclair, his one true friend, no matter what. Chris opened his eyes looked at Sinclair alongside him and smiled, they both embraced on the bed, with Sinclair Chris felt he had a soul mate, he stared into the black ponds of Sinclair's eyes.

The embrace was broken by the ringing of the phone. Sinclair jumped from the bed and raced out to answer the phone, Chris watch the chocolate brown body and pert arse cheeks bound away he adored Sinclair, he had never felt this way about anything or body ever before.

With that thought eched on his mind Chris for the first time came to the realisation he was deeply affected by and in love with another boy, he ahdn't thought this before just that Sinclair was a person not another male.

"Aw fuck." Chris screamed aloud but to nobody, " What am I doing." and with this Chris rushed to teh drawers in Sinclair's room in search of some clothes in which to dress and get away from here. This was Sinclair's fault he had never felt for boy's before, Sinclair had made him gay. Chris started pulling clothes from the drawerand throwing them to teh floor until he found suitable shorts and a polo, while both a bit small would do the job. Chris jumped into the clothes and was about to rush ut of the room when Sinclair arrived back with the phone.

"Michael wants you, he says its important."

Chris takes the phone listens but says nothing simply responding Ok and hands the phone back to Sinclair attempts to push past him to leave.

"Where you going, wait I'll come with you." Sinclair says," Wait up."

Chris doesnot wait but pushes past Sinclair out into the hall and towards the front door.

Sinclair rushes after Chris" What, what happened, what have I done."

"Nothing, nothing, I just got to go." Chris muttered.

"Why you rushing away." and Sinclair reached for Chris'hand. Chris pulled his hand to his side away from Sinclair ensuring no physical contact. Sinclair, naked, still stepped in front of Chris "I'm not letting you go until you tell me what's wrong." Chris firmly shoved Sinclair away and in so doing Sinclair fell and hit his head against the bottom of the front door. He did not stir.

Chris stared down at Sinclair lying prone on the floor in front of him ,"Shit, now I've done it." Chris was about to panic believing he had seriously injured Sinclair, and how could he explain that. Sinclair began to moan, and in a groggy fashion attempted to sit up. Chris bent down to Sinclair and lifted him from the floor and with Sinclair's arm over his shoulder and his arm around Sinclair's waist he carried him back to the kitchen to a chair. Chris got some water for Sinclair to sip. Whilst Sinclair was sipping at the glass of water Chris looked down on Sinclair, still naked, tears on his face, shaking as if he were in some uncontrolled turmoil. Chris shook his head and refocused his gaze on the boy sitting before him. He thought to himself, he couldn't walk away from him, they were supposed to be friends, no matter what they had done with each other. maybe that proved they really were friends. Chris squatted alongside Sinclair, put his hand on his thigh and tried to explain his feelings and why he had acted the way he had. It took a while and by the time both boys had finished their admissions to each other about each other they were sitting together on the kitchen floor with Chris supporting Sinclair in his lap and with his head on Chris' chest. Chris had forgotten the phone call from mIchael. Chris was cradling Sinclair whilst coming to terms with the fact he really did feel for Sinclair, he didn't know if it was love , but he did care for him and nobody in future, absolutely nobody was going to hurt him or put him down again, not when he was around. Chris realised he was gay for Sinclair, the deep black eyes, the handsome choc brown kid with the great arse and great personality. He would live with it.

"You want lunch, it's getting late." Sinclair said looking up into Chris' eyes.

Chris looked at the clock on the kitchen wall,"Fuck me I'm late, MIchael will be putrid man. He told me to be home 2 hours ago, they were waiting for me to go shopping for tomorrow."

"Wait and I'll go with you, use me as the excuse." Sinclair voluntered.

"No it's too late, but I do got to go, see you tomorrow at school, you want anything call me."

"Thanks Chris, please ring me later tonight." Sinclair asked.

"OK talk to you tonight." Chris replied as he walked to the front door and opened it to leave, Sinclair following him. Chris opened the front door with Sinclair at his side "Get inside they'll see you."

Sinclair grabbed his prick and shook it at Chris ," Remember this, and jerk off to it tonight."

"Seeya Cochise." Chris called back

""Cochise" Sinlair repeated

"Yeah, the indian." Chris responded.

"Fuckwit. Tomorrow" from Sinclair

Chris wandered off home to see what trouble he was now in with Aunty mary and MIchael for being so late. Michael arrived home to a quiet household. Nobody was home, he flopped onto his bed and closed his eyes. In the stillness of the house, Chris reflected on his parents, his young brother Bill, his home and the mates he had. He wanted to go home , he felt home sick. Chris was woken by noises around him and he opened his eyes and sat up to see Michael and mahoney, the next door neighbour, in the room and talking over at the computer. Chris called a half greeting to eh boys who turned dand looked at Chris, returned the greeting and looked back to the computer screen.

Michael enquired as to why Chris was so late and had missed going shopping as he was told to. Chris explained sometihng unexpectedd had happened and he had been delayed. Michael smiled, walked across the room to Chris on his bed and stared down at how he was dressed. He told Chris it was his loss as they had been getting some uniform and sport equipment for school tomorrow and because Chris hadn't been there he missed out. he would just have to use his old stuff or Michael's cast offs. michael, ignoring Mahoney being in the romm told Chris to stand and drop his shorts. Chris didnot object, stood and pushed his shorts down. As the shorts approached his arse Chris realised he had inadvertently put on a pair of Sinclair's briefs when he got dressed back at his place earlier. Chris stopped undressing and started to speak.

Michael held up his hand'"No just do as I said."

"I can explain." said Chris

"No need, you know the rules. We can worry about all that later." Michael said turning back to Mahoney,' Mahoney, I need a packet of blue tabs for tomorrow, you get them for me."

"For the same money I can. I'll raid the shop stock tonight." mahoney replied'"they for him." and pointed to Chris.

"Yep just to keep him upright and alert." Michael replied laughingly

"Can't wait to see it, I heard he's got one on him." mahoney said,"I'll give them to you in the morning."

"Special show just for you." Mick said."Grab some poppers too."

"Will do see you in the morning, meet you out front about 7.30."

Chris didnot understand what they were talking about but he knew it involved him and he wasn't knew he wouldn't like it.

Michael waved off Mahoney who in turn knocked hands witht he two boys and left the room, Michael returned to sit in front of the computer and stared int oteh screen, he didnot talk to Chris.

Chris left the room and went to the bathroom. When he returned Michael called him over to the computer "You been a bad bad boy Christian. Punched me in the face, didn't come home last night, didn't come home on time today and you're also wearing things you were told not to. O dear, why don't you listen. Believe me you're not going to like your punishment, you brought this on yourself, don't disobey."

Chris moved closer to Michael and lifted his hands as if to grab him around the colloar of his shirt and at the same time saw what was on the computer screen, a collage of photos all showing Chris in his nakedness, masturbating, coveredd in cum, being pissed on.

"if you put one finger near me I hit the send button, now move back and strip off your gear, excuse me I mean your boy friend's gear." Michael smiled cruelly at Chris and waited on Chris to make a move.

Michael knew if Chris did as he directed him this time he had Chris under his control, if he revolts then all is lost and Chris would take control. Michael stared into Chris' eyes, CHris was undecided, so close and yet so far to go, what would he do. Chris held his position and then with a soft sigh accepted what Michael had said. Chris took hold of the his shirt then shorts and briefs and dropped thme to the ground as he disrobed. He stood before Mick completely bare, he made no attempt to cover himself. Michael moved his hand forward to the desk, took u pa plastic ruler and smacked Chris across the knob of his cock. Chris yelled in pain at the sharp sting, and at the same time as if a start tbutton had been pushed his penis began to inflate. Michael slapped his cock head again, again Chris cried out in pain, the penis continued to grow. The large flaring head now seemed to take on a life of its own, bobbing up and down, the tip began to seep.

"Martin, you home, come in here." Mick yelled from his chair

In no time martin bounded into the boys bedroom to the sight of Michael seated at the computer and Chris standing to his side, completely naked and a raging hard on.

"Yeah bro, what's doing" martin asked, an excited air to his voice.

" If I give you 5 minutes with my boy here to punish him what you give me."

"Anything i got you want Mick, you mean I can do anything to him,"

"Yeah anything, just so there's no blood and you don't break nothing."

"I'll give you anything, I'll even be your slave for the week and do for you." martin promised Mick

"OK you take him to your room, do what you want with him, take the camera and get some pics of him." Mick told martin. He then turned to Chris and said" You do exactly what he says, if you don't then it gets worse, everyday all day. Got it."

Chris did not answer just nodded his bowed head.

"You got to do for me all next week. You got five minutes, go." Mick said to Martin

Martin called for Chris to follow him and both boys trailed to Martin's room. martin was so excited he pushed Chris through the door and ran his hand over his arse cheeks. He stood back away from Chris and looked at him. Martin, although he had unfettered daccesss to this hunky boy did not knowwhere to start. His body , his arse, his head, his prick, it was all good stuff. Martin rushed to his bottom drawer and withdrew a tube of lubricant jelly. He was about to squeeze some onto his fingers when he dropped the tube to the floor, grabbed hold of Chris' cock and began to rapidly stroke.

"Take it easy man, that hurts." Chris informed Martin, trying to slow him down. He would be happy if that were the only humiliation he were to suffer. Martin stopped stroking Chris, then told him to lie on his back on the floor, he was still mesmerised by the size of Chris' organ.

"Suck yourself off andcum." Martin directed Chris

"I can't do that." Chris complained.

"I'll tell Mick you wouldn't do what I said

With that in mind Chris put himself in position lying on the floor with his arse raised,feet and legs aimed back over his shoulders. To Chris'dismay he had his cock head in his mouth, he had never done this before. He began to slurp at his own member, taking the precum directly from the tap to the tongue. Martin photographed every move. It wasn't long before Chris had brought himself to the point of ejaculation and as he spurted cum into his own mouth what he couldn't take in fast enough to his mouth ran down his chin and neck. martin photographed from all angles. When Chris was finished he went to return to laying flat on the floor exhausted from his latest cumming. Martin put his hand on his elevated arse which was showing the exposed pink anus. Martin snapped a photo then put down the camera and gently rubbed his hand over the arse cheeks, down into the crack and then onto the hole itself. Chris sucked air, Martin moved his finger to gain entry. He forced against the barrier. It opened slowly little by little , slowly the finger wormed its way in, the activity increased in intensity, Chris was as hard as he had been all over again. martin continued another finger and full strokes in and out , Chris moaned as each inward stroke was delivered with force and driven as deep as they could get in. Chris was leaking cum profusely again over his face. The monster organ was not in his mouth this time, simply pointing at him, as if threatening to take an eye should anyone halt the pleasure. Chris felt a shudder and he again orgasmed firing another load of cum over himself. He was coming off the euphoric high and lowered his arse and legs back onto the carpet. Martin looked at the teenager lying at his feet, his cousin, covered in his own cum. Martin was excited, he had a throbbing hardon from wha the ahd been doing, he was on the edge of blowing his own load. martin poulled down his shorts and released his cock. He fisted it and with several pulls, blew his boy cum onto the body lying below him.

Chris lay on the floor, looking up at the profile above him. His 14 year old cousin, cock in hand cum shots firing from its tip, to his face and chest then the dregs slowly falling in a slimey rope. Chris realised he was now at the bottom of the pecking order, even his little cousin had more power than him. The cum stung his eyes, he closed them for comfort. He saw in his mind's eye Martin's cock, it looked bigger from underneath than when looking down on it, fatter, more threatening, he wondered if all cocks looked bigger this way.

"Way to go bro." Mick called to martin as he came through the door without knocking. Times up and looks like you did good." Mick turned to Chris" OK thank Marty and lets go back to our room we got more to do." With that Mick put out his hand and helped Chris to feet. martin put away his wilting cock. Mick clothed in shorts, Chris naked but covered in cum left martin in his room and returned to their bedroom. " Enjoy that mate. Bet you did." Chris grimmaced a look back to Mick.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 9

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