Chris New Life


Published on Nov 13, 2008


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

My New Life.

Chapt 6

"No thanks, you just want to put it on" Chris smiled back to Sinclair.

Chris had no sooner put on the boxers when he flopped onto the end of the bed, looked at Sinclair and said" I can't wear these home, Mick told me not to."

"What. What shit you goin' on with. What's MIck got to do with you wearing boxers.

Chris lay backwards onto the bed, his feet still on the ground, covered his eyes with his arms and said "MIchael tells me what I can wear and do. If I don't he'll put me in."

Sinclair only half registered what Chris had said for when Chris lay back onto the bed this placed pressure on the boxers, pulling open the fly front exposing a sight of pube and penis. Sinclair stared at the gaping open space and the sight it presented, he began to harden. Chris didn't move , he just lay on the bed, eyes covered, Sinclair stood stil, the only thing moving was Sinclair's growing cock.


Chapter 7

Sinclair sat on the bed alondside of Chris. He saw tears running down Chris' cheeks from under his arms across his face, he was silently crying. Sinclair reached across and petted Chris on the shoulder and then fondled his ears and around his chin and stroked his arms all the while whispering to Chris to let it out, just let himself go, he was with his best friend who would always be there for him.

"Thanks mate, you are my best friend, I need someone to be there for me." Chris whispered

"Always, anything you want." Sinclair whispered back to Chris, and moved close to Chris'ear and gently kissed it.

Chris made no move to get away from Sinclair he remained lying on the bed with his feet on the floor arms still crossed over his eyes. He lay still. Sinclair continued his touching of Chris. Chris felt the bed beside him move, he didnot look to see what was happening, he now had his eyes closed seeking inner peace. Sinclair moved from the bed and removed his boxer shorts. The bed moved again as Sinclair returned to Chris' side. Sinclair reached out and stroked across Chris' chest. He casually brushed his fingertips over the 5 cent sized brown nipples, Chris did not pull away or move in any way. Chris seemed relaxed. Sinclair continued to gently glide his hand over the nipples now taking them more in his fingers and gently kneading them. Sinclair felt the nipples become hard with the small teet standing upright from the chest. He moved closer to Chris, their bodies were touching. Sinclair continued with one hand on a nipple and the other wandering down to Chris' belly button and surrounds. His fingers left the nipple and began stroking the inner thigh, Chris moaned, he was now fully erect, with his pole extending through the open fly extending as if a flag pole had been raised to claim new land. It was strong, it was hard, it was prominent, but Sinclair didnot touch it. He continued to stroke the inner thigh with his fingers brushing against the swollen testes, each touch bringing a squirm of pleasure from Chris. Sinclair moved his fingers to the blonde bush surrounding his final target. He ran his fingers through the hair as he would through the hairs on a cat's tail. His movement was gentle, each touch now brought a groan or movement from Chris. Sinclair took hold of Chris' penis, gently closing his hand to make a fist around this wondrous thing. His hand could not close around it, Sinclair gently moved his hand the full length, resting momentarily when he reached the tip. Precum was flowing, across the head, around the slit, down the lenth, precum was spread as the lubricant. It flowed freely and Sinclair continued to slowly administer his hand action.

Chris had now moved his arms from over his eyes and dropped them onto the bed by his side, in so doing one hand coming into contact with Sinclair's abdomen. Chris did not pull away as previously would have happend but continued to feel his way and explore Sinclairs body. Sinclair stopped stroking Chris' cock and rose from the bed.

"No please don't stop, please." Chris called as he felt Sinclair rise from the bed.

"Shhshh, lift your arse." Sinclair responded and Chris felt pressure on his boxers, and as he raised from the bed his boxers slid down his legs to be thrown across the room.

Both boys were now fully naked, both with copious streams of precum flowing. Chris lay with his eyes closed as if in some dream over which he had no control. Sinclair did not return to Chris' side but lay directly on top of Chris face to face, chest to chest, abdomen to abdomen, cock to cock. The two slid further up the bed, now fully lying on the mattress. Chris kept his eyes closed in some hope of detachment, Sinclair raised himselff slightly with his arms, looked straight at the face of Chris and moved to seal his lips over Chris'. Chris groaned the two moved their faces closer to each other making the kiss forceful and passionate. A tongue went from one to the other searching for quarry. One met the other and the two pushed against each other as if trying to establish dominance. Both were consumed in their embrace. As they kissed the upper body began moving against the lower. Stomachs rubbed together , as did chests as did cocks. Sinclair moved as if trying to fuck a non existent hole. They writhed together, precum freely coated each others cocks. They continued their embrace, feelings neither had ever contemplated could exist. Chris' could take no more and his cum spewed forth in what seemed great torrents. Sinclair continued his sliding action on top, he felt Chris' cum on him and he too lost control and ejaculated his greatest ever load, testifying to his feelings of euphoria. The boys slowly moved their bodies together now glued together by their shared body fluids. Sinclair stopped moving and rested his head against the cheek of Chris, they held each other in a tight embrace. Neither one seemingly wanting to break the embrace for fear they may have to confront what just happened. For several minutes both boys lay in their position, neither moving , neither saying anything. Each one mentally taking note of their feelings and trying to come to terms with what just happened.

"I love you," croaked Sinclair" You're not mad are you."

For a moment Chris didnot answer then " No, thanks for being there for me."

The two rolled apart cum covering each from chest to crotch. Sinclair reached down to his prick and milked and dregs of cum from it. He took his fingers coated in the cum and rubbed them on Chris'lips, Chris did not object. Sinclair took the same fingers and scooped at little more cum from his stomach and drew it across Chris' cheeks and forehead. Chris smiled at him. He reached down again taking some more from his body and raised his hand rubbing cum through the close cropped blonde hair of Chris.

"I now annoint you as mine and declare my undying love for you." Sinclair said as if performing some religious ceremony.

The two lay back side by side holding hands and rested. They lay for some time, Chris looking at the ceiling, Sinclair running his fingers over Chris, both boys beginning to chub again. They lay so long the cum was drying on them. Sinclair felt himself beginning to leak cum again, fingered it away from his cum tap and again painted it over the top of Chris' upper lip. Chris could not see himself but he was now a vision of spent cum from head to matted pubic hair. He lay his head on Sinclair's shoulder.

"No one must know Sinclair, or I'm fucked." Chris quietly said to Sinclair.

Sinclair continued to stroke his fingers over Chris and every so often gather more cum from his or Chris' leaking cock and deposit more cum onto Chris' face. Chris again smiled at Sinclair, not objecting to be painted in their shared cum. Chris was nearly back to his fully erect self.

"What's going on between you and Mick, " Sinclair asked as he continued his finger movements.

After some time and cajoling by Sinclair Chris told him the full story of what had happened in the bush, why he was in Sydney, his good behaviour bond, and the videos Michael had of him and his threats of releasing them to the school and to adults. He explained how this would see him in reformatory so he had no choice but to go along. He hadn't meant to hit mIck and knew that would cause shit yet to come. Sinclair suggested telling his parents for help and Chris reacted saying he must never tell anyone as it would only cause more shit than he was already in. Michael would get square, so tell no one. Sinclair promised it to be between them.

Chris asked Sinclair for directions to the bathroom Sinclair responded" What you want to wash away our love paint."

"No, I want to have a piss." Chris quipped back, " I'll never wash this off." and laughed

Sinclair took Chris to the door and directed him down the hall to the toilet. He watched as his naked lover walked down the hall, and admired the body before him, he couldn't imagine how lucky he was the way things had worked out. He watched Chris get to the toilet and he re entered \his bedroom and pushed closed the door. He thought to himself he was jealous of Michael for having videos of Chris , he wished he did. He lay back on his bed gently pulling on his penis, he was at peace with the world. He closed his eyes reliving the past hour. He hardened to his full length. He continued his slow stroking, precum oozed from his tip, he moved it to his lips.

He was violently stirred from his memories by the sounds of yelling and screaming. He bounded from his bed as Chris threw open the bedroom door and bolted into the room. He was closely followed by this screaming woman. Sinclair's mother, his folks were home. He had forgotten about them in the moment. She had met Chris in the hall as he left the toilet and she entered the hallway on her way to see her son. Chris flustered had pushed past her in the hall to get into Sinclair's room. He was naked , he had touched her. The two boys stood before her, Mr Sinclair appeared at the door, what was all the fuss. His eyes fixed on the two naked boys standing side by side at the bed. mrs Sinclair was in uncontrolled rage. The boys moved to grab the sheet to cover themselves

"No, stay as you are. Joan go to the kitchen and make a pot of tea. I'll be down after we talk this through." Joaned went to respond" Do as I say I will handle this. Now please go to the kitchen."

The two boys stood closely together, Sinclair had lost his erection however Chris retained a semi erection which could not be missed. His prick was thinking for itself again. Mr Sinclair moved to within a metre ( 3 feet ) of the boys and looked at them. Sinclair started to tear up. The dried cum was obvious of each boy.

"Enjoy yourselves did you. My son and his alternate mate.' Mr Sinclair said.' I hope you didn't make any mess in your bed although looking at you most of the mess is on you."

Neither boy answered they stood with their head bowed. The only head not bowed was that of Chris' cock.

"That's a very impressive appendage you have there lad." Mr Sinclair observed," I don't recall ever seeing a penis of that proportion on any of my patients."

Chris looked at Mr Sinclair then across to Sinclair not understanding what was just said.

"I didn't tell you dad is a doctor and also doctor for the local football club." Michael Sinclair explained. " Sorry I hadn't got round to discussing parents. You know what I mean"

"So you two have been exploring, nothing dangerous I hope." Doctor dad asked " So what brought this on?"

The doctor sat on the bed and pointed for the boys to do the same. Chris again went to cover himself but the doctor told him to stay as he was and then pointed to a spot on the bed alongside him to sit. The boys obeyed. As the boys discussed what had happened and the lead up to everything the doctor dad dropped his hand on Chris' thigh and was gently and slowly moving it back and forth along his leg. At the same time he allowed his fingers to fall down his thigh so when he got to the top of the thigh the fingers would come into contact with the ball sack and the side of the penis, it had the desired effect. Sinclair watched as his father spoke and stroked. He had never seen his father with others like this before. Sinclair had a feeling of jealousy towards Chris but also trepidation. His dad only ever did things between them, never so anybody else would see his display of physical contact with his son and definitely never an outsider.

Mr S rose from the bed slapping Chris on the thigh. "I'll go and explain it to your mother.Look guys I understand, when I was at school I had a few meetings with guys from school until I sorted my self out. Its what boys do. Just make sure you're only ever with someone you know and it is always safe. Nothing goes inside if its not covered, understood. What you're doing is not considered acceptable but I do understand, I just hope I can make your mother understand it si part of a boy's sexual development"

"Thanks dad." Sinclair replied

As Mr S rose from the bed he noticed the imprint of the sneaker on Chris' ribs and bent to inspect it, and as he pushed his finger to the bruised area Chris withdrew from the pain.

"What happened here." asked the doc

Before Chris could make any excuses Sinclair told his father the whole story, getting stripped at the pool, making Michael's nose bleed, Chris being assaulted. Before he could tell who assaulted Chris , Chris stepped forward and said he didn't know the kids who did it. The doc asked to see his injuries. Chris stood and showed his side to the doctor, he didn't tell him the rest.

"And he got kicked in the cods and up the ring." added Sinclair.

"really," said the doc, "well we need to have a look at them because injuries in those places are easy to incur and can be dangerous. Let me get changed first then you can come to my study and I'll have a look."

Chris objected but the doc would hear nothing of it, calling back he would give him a call in half hour or so to come down to the study. Chris glared at Sinclair, he didnot want all this trouble.

The doc went and spoke at length to Sinclair's mother explaining to her whilst it wasn't desireable what the boys had done, it wasn't unusual and lots of boys experiment at that age and do so until they sort out their sexuality. Mrs Sinclair thought they were deviates but expressed you could expect nothing else from men, willing to take any sex any where they could get it. The doc just nodded his head and further explained this tryst may last one day or how ever long but not to harp at their son about it as it would only drive him underground with his actions. Always better they knew what he was doing so they could at least talk to him. Better they invite the partner not shun them. Fully involve the partner in any family activity, treat them as an accepted member of the family. Make it understood their actions were acceptable. Reluctantly Mrs S agreed and added

"I don't want them openly doing things in front of us, or making any mess anywhere. I don't approve of homosexuality it's not Christian" and with that resumed preparing dinner. Mr S went to his bedroom and changed into a pair of shorts and a t.

He called to Chris to come to his study. Chris left Sinclairs bedroom and sheepishly found the study and entered but stayed at the door.

"Come in come in I am a doctor you know, whatever I'm going to see of yours I've already seen it before."

Chris moved from the doorway to the centre of the room.

"Ok strip off and let's have a look at you." the doc instructed.

Chris had borrowed a pair of shorts from Sinclair and although not his size did at least fit him reasonably. Chris hesitated as he pushed the shorts to his lower hips.

"I've already seen what you got remember, and you look a lot better without all that juice over you."

Chris pushed the shorts over his rump to drop to the floor. He bent to pick up the shorts showing the doctor a clear view of his puckered hole.

"OK hop up here and let me inspect you."

Chris climbed onto the desk in the doctors office and lay rock still. The doctor inspected his ribs and expressed concern they may be cracked and enquired as to any discomfort when he moved about or when he took deep breaths. Chris told the doc there was only the odd shooting type pain but it was feeling better than when it was first done to him. Next the doctor instructed him to role over onto his stomach and lie with his head cradled in his arms. Chris did as instructed. The doc then took hold of Chris 'ankles and spread them further apart leaving a gap between ankles of about 60cm(2 feet) . The doctor questioned Chris about what was done to him whilst at the same time slowly running his hands across Chris taut butt cheeks. Chris could feel himself starting to grow and the pressure of his body lying on top of his erection sandwiched between a hard desk top made Chris start to move about trying to relieve the uncomfortable feeling. The doc could feel Chris squirming through his hand on his rump and asked what the trouble was. Chris tried to explain it wasn't important but he was just a bit uncomfortable down there. The doctor acknowledged what Chris said, walked around behind him and between his legs reached forward under his crotch, took hold of a handful of genitals and pulled them out towards him thereby releasing Chris'package from the table and now clearly exposed and hanging out between his legs. The doc held them for a minute or so then released his hold. Chris was quickly growing to his full mass. The doc noticed and simply patted the prominent knob looking at him. The doc moved over the top of Chris' two round cheeks and pulled them apart. He saw the bruise on the butt cheeks from the kick, he saw the puckered pink hole, he saw the few growing hairs around the hole. The doc sprang an erection. He reached into his desk drawer and without drew a tube of lubricant, at the same time explaining to Chris he was going to make an internal examination of his rectum. He explained to Chris this was necessary as severe force could cause internal rupture which would have severe consequences. The doc did not pull on a glove but squeezed lubricant over the puckered hole, and over his left hand fingers. The feel of the cool gel on the hole caused Chris to tighten his hole but at the same time feel an exhilaration, his cock leaked precum. The doc noticed the emission. Chris' tightened his hole body. The doc did not reach deeply into the morass but chose to slidein and out in the first 50mm (2 inches). After some time the doc sensed Chris was relaxing and informed him he needed to go a touch deeper to ensure everything was sound. The doc inserted his second finger and pushed deeper, Chris tensed and moaned, he had lost all self control. The doc continued to drive the two fingers deeper into Chris until finding his target, the hidden nub of sexual stimupation. Each time he pushed the button Chris groaned and thrust his body back against the invading fingers, tightening his anal muscle against he intruders. Precum was now a constant flow. The doc made several more pushes against Chris' prostate and declared it required ongoing monitoring. Chris was no longer listening. The doc withdrew his fingers, squeezed some more lubricant to his hand and gently applied it to the exposed cock and balls. Chris was in an elevated sexual state and had no concept of what was happening around or to him.

"OK Chris roll over onto your back and we can wrap this up, lets have a look at your genitals and just make sure you have no ruptures or burst blood vessels there".

Chris finally responded to the doc's instruction after the doc bent to his ear and again repeated himself. Chris was fully erect but showed no inhibitions now, he lay exhibiting his organs not with his usual modesty but without thinking simply swamped by lust. The doc took hold of his testes and rolled each ball in his fingers, each ministration causing Chris to tighten and throb. The doc then took hold of Chris' cut penis, circling his knob with his fingers and simply working his glans. He was impressed at the organ in his hand. He had never seen anything the like of it on any age male, and he had seen many. He moved the penis foward to look at the prominent blue vein running the length of the shaft, a wonder on one so young. The balls withdrew up to the sack, the legs straightend, the penis locked solid and then as if in slow motion jet after jet of cum was propelled from Chris' straining aching penis, releasing a load unimagined possible by the doc. The front of the doc was covered in cum, his cock strained within his shorts. He pushed his hand to his crotch as if seeking relief, he knew he could not do more tonight with his quarry.

"Ok Chris you look like you may be ok, I will give your parents a call tell them you're staying here tonight and we can review you again in the morning. If you choose not to stay here I would have to recommend to them you go to hospital."

"You can't they mustn't know what happened." Chris excitedly said

"You got to tell them something." the doc said.

"Can't we tell them I'm just staying over."

"OK, but I do need to re examine in the morning, I'm still concerned about your ribs and rectum. Do you want me to call your folks or do you want to call."

"No I'll do it, they might want to talk to you after. What will MrS say."

"Don't you worry let's call your parents."

The doc reached across the still naked boy, picked up the phone from the desk and handed it to Chris to ring home. Within five minutes both Chris and Mr Sinclair had spoken to Chris' aunty Mary and he was right to stay the night but to make sure he was home by mid day because they had some final shopping to do for school on Tueday."

"OK Chris off to bed you go, see you in the morning." Chris reached to get his shorts and pull them on," Leave them there you won't need them, I think you and Michael would soon have them off anyway" The doc smiled, smacked Chris on the rump, opened the study door. See you in the morning."

Chris did not hesitate, pleased to leave the doc with his obvious erection standing in his shorts, ignored the rump slap, smiled then raced out the door to Sinclair's bedroom to tell him he was staying the night. Chris burst through the bedroom door, catching Sinclair by surprise, sitting on the net, in front of his net cam chatting and slowly pulling on his cock. Chris entered, Sinclair stopped what he was doing as if a rabbit caught in the headlights and trapped.

"What you doing?" Chris questioned surprised at what Sinclair was up to.

"Ah, um, I was just, talking to a mate of mine.'Sinclair explained. The net cam continued on, Chris was unaware it was operating.

Chris moved close to Sinclair to gain a better sight of the screen, he began to read the text. As he stood reading a message appeared on the screen "Fuck man who owns the cock. Show me who. Hot man"

In a pop up an onscreen appears someone jerking off.

"Fuck Sinclair you are twisted man." as Chris moved behind Sinclair out of camera line.

Sinclair closed the screen without signing off, looked up at Chris, then at his state of dress and focused on his penis. "How did your exam go, what did dad do."

"He was ok." Chris explained," he just looked where I got kicked."

"Nothing out of the ordinary.' Sinclair probed

"No all cool, just said I had to stay the night, which I am and he'll have another look tomorrow just to make sure nothing ruptures."

"OK, good, so you right to stay." Sinclair cautiously asked

"It's cool bloke. Your old man told me to come up here like this cause he said you would only get me naked anyway."

"Lets go to bed, I got things I need to do." Sinclair grinned.

"Yeah and I'm fucked" replied Chris

"Not yet." said Sinclair and moved to the side of the bed and pulled down the sheets, he was naked and showing wood.

"I got to go to the bathroom, you got a toothbrush I can use." Chris asked

"I'll do it with you."

Naked, hand in hand the two boys moved down the hall to the bathroom to complete nightly ablutions. They had no thought of being caught, their feelings for each other were well known. At least at home Sinclair could be comfortable. The boys completed the tasks. Sinclair reached down and attempted to take Chris by the penis and lead him back to their bedroom.

"I can find my way. Wait will you." Chris said. As the boys reached the bedroom and climbed into bed together, both naked, both satisfied, Chris rose on one elbow looked at Sinclair and asked" Mate tell me to but out if you want but there's something I don't understand.'

"There's lots of things I don't understand, especially tonight and how easy we got out of it, I couldn't believe the old man's reaction. That was cool. He was good for you with the exam"

"Unfucking believeable, he was really understanding. Wish my folks were that understanding"

"What do you want to know." asked Sinclair

Chris pulled the covers off the two boys and said" Look at our skin right, I'm pretty tan but where there's no sun like I'm pink, look at my dick, but you you're dark brown and where the sun don't shine you're still coffee colour including your dick."


"Both your oldies are dead white, like man you just so different to them, even your looks. Who you reckon you take after."

Sinclair pulled the covers back over them snuggled into Chris and explained to him his background and how he came to live in Australia, in his current situation. He explained he was born in India with Mr Sinclair's brother his father and his mother was a native of India. Four years ago they were travelling by car when they were involved in an accident and his parents were deceased. His uncle arranged for him to come to Australia and be his guardian and had looked after him ever since. He explained Mr Sinclair was very good to him, very warm and sensitive showing him care and attention whereas Mrs Sinclair was more stand offish and whilst she was good to him she never expressed any love for him. Mr Sinclair would hold him and instigate physical contact and close emotion, Mrs S was more a distant relative. That's why the dark skin, nobody else at school knows and Sinclair explained this was between just them. He snuggled into Chris and ran his hand across his chest to gather the feel of those pert nipples. Chris lie on his back allowing Sinclair access to any part he desired.

"I won't tell nobody, but they never adopted you."

"Nah, but it don't matter they are really good to me , dad as I call him, just has me do some things with him that helps him emotionally and he gives me nearly everything I want.......including you." Sinclair grinned a cheeky grin and slid his mouth over Chris and began to passionately kiss his love.

Chris broke the kiss," How come you can speak English and not Indian."

"You are a fucking dope, you know that, MIck's right. I went to an English school, doh. there are a lot of them in India. You do know India was an English colony till 1948 and now is part of the Commonwealth. Remembere they play cricket. I can speak a dialect of Indian." and with that Sinclair resumed his exploring of Chris' mouth.

To be continued.

P.S. I'm not trying to confuse issues but my cousin with whom I'm staying is Michael and Sinclair (his surname) is also Michael, that's just the way it happened.

To those of you who have responded thank you for your positive encouragement it is most gratifying. Should you wish to comment or ask any questions I will endeavour to answer in a timely fashion.


Next: Chapter 8

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