Chris New Life


Published on Nov 11, 2008


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

My New Life.

"What the fuck you doing." Chris snapped as he drew away from Sinclair and breaking Sinclair's touch. "I'm not queer. You got it wrong." Chris looked down and saw Sinclairs prick pushing out from his crotch. "I'm not a bitch." and with that jumped to his feet, his swimmers drooping onto his hips exposing the top of his pubic bush and only being held in place by the jutting package they encased. "What happened to the cord off my cossies." Chris stood confused, staring down at Sinclair. Chris was surprised more than angry. He had not understood how this just happened. Tears welled in Sinclairs eyes, he was lost.


Chapter 6

"I'm sorry Chris, please don't leave me. I can explain." Sinclair pleaded

"Look I like you, but I'm not gay Sinclair. I want a soul mate like you do,but not a fuck. OK."

"I'm sorry can we talk it over. You're just the most understanding person I ever met. I really need you. I feel so lonely. I trust you, you trust me don't you."Sinclair asked.

"We can talk after let's go for a swim." Chris replied.

Sinclair looked up at Chris then rose to his feet and followed Chris to the pool. The boys stood at the edge then dived in towards their mates. Chris had forgotten about his swimmers not having a tie cord and as he hit the water the force of entry slipped his speedos straight off his legs. He surfaced treading water naked, looking around for a sign of his swimmers. Mahoney saw this happen and yelled to the others who all broke into gales of laughter. Chris remained naked and could not see his swimmers. He was becoming embarassed and when that happened he became hard. Sinclair surfaced near him and Chris asked him for help in finding his speedos. Sinclair immediately dove under the water to search but also to spy close up at Chris. In no time Chris was surrounded by the eleven boys he was swimming with. They weren't looking for his swimmers but playing grab arse with him with what was turning out to be very humiliating for Chris. The penis with the mind of its own that loved to be on display decided it was showtime and quickly inflated to its entire length. Chris had boys grabbing at his length, his balls and playing with his arse. He attempted to cover himself while continuing his search but there were to many of them, and they were determined. Chris was soon back into shallow water and surrounded by the others. Sinclair stepped in front of Chris to be his protector telling the others to leave him be, and help find his swimmers. The mob overpowered Sinclair and stripped him of his swimmers as well. The diving hands then grabbed for Sinclairs' bits. The boys were now in the most shallow part of the pool with the water just below their waists. Looking through the water, the view was distortrd but clear, both boys had erections. Sinclair moved behind Chris and with his back against the wall of the pool. The group of boys continued their physical handling of Sinclair and Chris. Sinclair stood directly behind Chris imploring the others to leave them be. Ando who had Sinclairs' swimmers threw them out onto the concrete pool surrounds. Sinclair did not leave his position behind Chris. The boys soon realised Chris was not built like any normal teen and whilst some threw what they believed were funny remarks others tried to get their hands on the cock that now had them fascinated by its sheer mass. Comparisons were drawn between Sinclair and Chris all inferring Sinclair to be built like a little boy with a pee wee pecker. All the time the boys kept grabbing at Chris and Sinclair. Chris stepped back to avoid the hands of the others and in so doing moved back into Sinclair. Chris felt Sinclair's cock pushing at his butt cheek. He moved slightly to avoiod the feel and felt presure at his crack. He went to move forwardd the hands grabbed for him, he moved slightly back and felt a stronger prodding from Sinclair. Sinclair was in a daze. The object of his love was giving him the opportunity for close personal contact. Sinclair moved closer to Chris and pulled him back to himself and fell back against the wall. Chris could feel Sinclair's length in his arse crack. He was panicking, he was being sexually assaulted in front of everyone, he had to react, he had to stop this.

Chris violently lashed out with his fists striking at anyone in range.He caught one, then another. There was blood in the water. The activity stopped at the sight. Chris looked about and there was Michael with blood streaming from his nose. The others looked to see where the blood was from. THey too saw MIchael.

Michael stood holding his nose as blood ran through his fingers. He looked at Chris and snarled," I'll fucking get you, you prick. You'll pay for this."

"Mick I'm sorry truely I am, I didn't mean it for you. Mate please I'm sorry." Chris pleaded.

" You stay there and fuck with your new boyfriend. When you want your clothes back they'll be in the change room." Michael ordered

"But what about now, we'll get seen in here and when we get out." Chris was beside himself.

With blood still dripping from his bleeding nose Michael said,"Stiff shit for you. When you want your stuff back see me in the change room." and with that Michael left the pool and headed into the change rooms. The other boys all followed Michael's lead.

The two remaining boys in the pool looked at each other," What do we do now?" asked Sinclair.

"What were you trying to do to me, fuck you're sick, are you insane, trying to pork me in front of the others. I told you I'm not gay. " Chris said to Sinclair," Now look at the shit we're in." Chris looked to the doorway of the changerooms. If they waited a little while the people would have nearly all left and they could make a break for it he reasoned. He looked across to where they had been lying earlier and there was none of their gear there. Michael had taken it all. Sinclair pointed out to Chris some of the boys from their group of mates leaving the change rooms. Another ten minutes and they would all be gone. Chris and Sinclair moved to the deeper end of the pool where it would be harder to see them exposed. As they came to a halt at the end of the pool in the deep end Sinclair again bumped into Chris, this time his thigh.

"Keep that thing to yourself would you." Chris admonished Sinclair as Sinclairs chubbing penis rubbed into the bare thigh. Chris reached down and grasped a firm hold of Sinclair's cock ," You keep banging me with this thing and I'll break it off I swear " but he didnot release his grip , it was the first time he had ever touched a penis that wasn't his own. The chubbing penis quickly became a rigid throbbing erection in his hand, and still he maintained his grip. He had sensations running through him he had never experienced before. His own prick burst into life. Sinclair reached down and took hold of Chris' straining penis, he turned to face Chris and in his other hand hefted Chris' balls. The two boys were treading water in the local pool whilslt being naked and holding each others throbbing cocks. Chris came to his senses realising what this would do to him if reported. He let go gof Sinclairs' cock and went to swim away. Sinclair had not released his grip. Chris forcefully broke Sinclair's grip and swam to the shallow end of the pool and the side nearest the changerooms. Sinclair followed.

The boys looked at each other and without a word but in unision heaved their naked bodies out of the pool onto the pool coping and sprinted to the dressing rooms. They rushed through the door to the privacy of the mens public dressing rooms and showers. There sitting on a bench was Michael with Ando. Chris was hoping they would have left by now, anyway.

"Is your nose OK MIck?" Chris enquired

"You could have broken it you fuck wit." Michael replied.

"I'm really sorry mate but I was only trying to stop everyone grabbing at me and shit. It wasn't meant for you." Chris explained.

"Yeah I know it was an accident, but its just something else for you and me to settle." said MIck, "Now you two lovers go in and have a shower."

"We weren't going to shower, just change and go home." Chris answered to Michael's direction.

"Fuck you're thick. Do you want the videos brought out." Michael stared down at Chris

Chris or Sinclair didnot respond.

"Didn't think so, so go and have a shower and while you're at it jerk each other but don't cum"

Sinclair went to say something but Chris grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the showers. "Where are our towels,' asked Chris

"I'll bring them in, now move, I ain't got all day." Michael ordered.

The two boys moved into the shower room which was a large open room with eight shower heads protuding from one wall. The boys stood together, turned on the shower and let the water wash over them. Sinclair began getting hard at the moment being with Chris. Chris turned to Sinclair and looked at him. The sight of Sinclairs thickening cock was enough for Chris' independent thinking member to bound into life. In no time without either one touching the other both were standing facing each other with raging hard ons. Sinclair was mesmerised by

the mass of Chris' member and Chris absorbed at the sight of Sinclair naked before him. He looked to Sinclair's face and into those eyes, he had thoughts flooding his mind, thoughts he had never countenanced before. Thoughts he knew to be wrong but ones he could not get from his minds eye. He reached forward and took Sinclair's cock in his hand. He was about to explain to Sinclair this was the first time he had ever done this sort of thing, click. It was Michael on his mobile phone, a photo of him holding Sinclair by the swollen cock, god. He looked at Michael who returned his look with smile. He moved closer to the two boys and snapped another photo. Chris let go of Sinclair's cock and turned to face MIchael. He was exploding with humiliation, and a loathing for MIchael that he would do this to him.

"You low piece of shit, just fuck off and leave us alone. Get your jollies off some other poor bastard, leave us alone."Chris screamed at Michael and raised his hands as if to attack him.

Michael was totally focused on Chris and the abuse did nothing to deter that focus. As Chris raised his hands as if to attack Michael, rather than step back MIchael stepped forward to Chris. He was now less than a metre (3 feet) from Chris, Michael stared directly into Chris' eyes, his concentration did not wane. Chris returned the fixed stare so when Michael kicked out his foot at Chris' genitals Chris was too busy staring into MIchael's eyes to have time to react. The flailing foot found its mark striking Chris directly on his cock and pushing his testes in their sack hard into crotch bone. Chris fell to the floor in screaming agony, hands holding his damaged wares. Michael moved a step closer and again lashed out at Chris striking him in the left ribs, leaving an immediate red welt of the sneaker imprint.

"Leave him , stop it , please stop," wailed Sinclair

Michael looked at Sinclair, then back at Chris lying huddled on his side on the wet concrete shower floor, groaning, tears in his eyes and his hands cradling his bruised aching genitals. Michael moved to behind Chris, drew back his foot and delivered another kick to the exposed arse crack, trying to reach the hole. Chris yelled again in pain.

"You might be bigger than me but I can beat the shit out of you anytime I feel like, I can beat any kid in our grade. Don't test me again or I tell them I was protecting myself from a rage attack and off you go." Michael looked across at Ando ," Piss on him." Ando looked at MIchael with a look of astonishment ,"I said piss on him, or do you want some."

Ando moved close to Chris who still lay on the floor holding his damaged parts. Ando pulled down the front of his shorts, the front of his briefs and dropped his cock out. Sinclair stared at Ando's cock, it was uncut and nothing any more than he had. He wondered how they got off saying he had a pee wee when the others were no bigger. Ando started to piss, the yellow stream playing over Chris' head down his chest to his hand covered crotch. Click, click. More photos. When Ando was finished, he took hold of his uncut penis by the foreskin and shook it vigorously to get off stray drops and tucked himself away. He turned and smiled at Michael.

"Let's go. Your shit you can have back is on the bench there." Michael said to Sinclair, then to Chris," See you at home, don't be real late I got stuff for you to do later."

Michael and Ando left the changeroom showers and left for Michael's place.

"Shit, you gave him some. Hope we don't get into any trouble over it." Ando said

"No problem, it had to happen, sort out the pecking order. He can't say nuthin' I got him covered. Lets think what we want to do tomorrow".

Sinclair helped CHris to his feet and leaned him against the wall of the shower. Chris had tears streaming down his face, he was a defeatedd person. He felt he had no self worth, now he had been pissed on and he couldn't even stop that. Sinclair turned on the warm water and began to gently rub his hands over Chris body in an effort to clean him of Ando's waste. Chris did not object he simply leaned against the wall and allowed Sinclair to do his ministrations. Both naked, both taking what comfort they could from the moment. A young boy of about 10 or 12 came into the change room calling back to somebody outside he wouldn't be long. He ventured into the shower and saw Chris and Sinclair naked together under the one shower, Sinclair with a strong erection bobbing in front of him as he moved his hands over this other boy. He stared at the size of the cock hanging limply between the legs of the larger boy. wow. the young lad got under a shower nozzle and went about his shower, washing from his body the chlorine water, all the time never taking his eyes off the two kids just down from him. He didn't know the big one with the big cock but he knew the other one was called MIchael Sinclair, but they only ever called him Sinclair. They went to the same school, he thought he was grade 9. He would have to have a look on Tuesday when he returned to school. The boy finished, took his towel and dried himself and left. Sinclair could hear the kid excitedly describing to someone what he saw in the shower a moment ago and then heard girls giggling. He heard the kid say he recognised one of them.

The boys finished under the warm water no more good could be got from its healing feelings. They looked at the gear Michael had left for them to wear home. If the kid didn't take it then Michael had not left much. How could they wear this home, they'll come to everyone's notice. They can't go home just dressed like this. Sinclair's parents were out for the day and couldn't come and pick them up and Chris had no one he could call. The boys looked at the bench with the clothes left for them, there wasn't enough for one let alone two and it was a good twenty minute walk. Sinclair helped Chris into the changeroom and sat him on the bench seat. Chris was not walking freely, he ached at his balls, he felt as if he had a broken rib and his anus felt bruised. Chris sat with his head bowed to his chest trying to recover, Sinclair sat alongside him in support. Both boys sat naked, Chris wasn't thinking of his state of dress and Sinclair was inspecting Chris caring about his injuries not his sexual presence. The boys sat for some time, when Chris stood, looked at Sinclair telling him it was time to leave. Chris moved to the bench with the clothes left on it for them to wear. He lifted the clothes and inspected what they had, one pair of yellow hipster briefs and one pair of boxer briefs. Neither of these bits of clothing belonged to either Chris or Sinclair. Both pieces of clothing looked to small for them. Chris tried to pull on the boxer briefs but they were too small and would not stretch enough to let him get them up to cover his arse. He pulled them off and passed them to Sinclair who with some difficulty got them on. Chris took the yellow hipster briefs and pulled them on. They would be too tight for Sinclair, they were most definitely too small for him, but they would at least allow him to pull them up to at least cover his aching genitals. As Chris struggled into the briefs the dark red welt of the imprint of a sneaker showed clearly on his rib cage. Chris winced with the pain of movement. Before they left they looked in the mirrors. Sinclair although dressed in very tight boxerbriefs resembled a model for underwear, his dark skin, black hair, noticeable bulge with a perfectly rounded arse, looks ok. Chris appeared to be wearing his little brothers briefs. The hipster briefs had a 10mm (.5 inch) side and were high cut leaving nothing to the imagination, even after Chris' efforts to dress his cock to point at his left hip, he was unable to squash his balls between his legs , they were too sore, and therefore made a most prominent bulge, the briefs fabric showing strain at the side seams whilst trying to hold in so much flesh. Chris look was not suitable for the streets, he looked suitable for porn photo. Sinclair convinced Chris to go to his place as it was closer, quieter streets to travel and Chris could then get dressed in some of his clothes to finish his journey home. The boys set off for home Chris walking to the side and rear of Sinclair in an effort to hide himself.

The trip was going well, the boys came across no pedestrians out walking and few cars passed them. About ten minutes into the walk a car drove past and the boys saw the brake lights come on then go off and the car moved on. The same car again passed them, this time very slowly with the driver clearly visible through the open passenger window and obviously staring at them. The car again passed went to the next corner and turned left and disappeared. The boys continued talking but had spotted the car, neither one raised the issue. Minutes passed and the same car as before pulled alongside the kerb and stopped just ahead of the boys. They kept walking. The driver exited the car and sat on the front fender. As the boys drew level with him he called them over to him. Reluctantly the boys moved across to stand before the driver. He stared intently at them. His hand moved to his crotch and he rested it there gently squeezing, gently kneading what was obviously a growing member. The driver appeared to be about 50 with a beer gut accentuated by the elastic waisted pull on shorts he was wearing. He asked if they needed help being out on the street dressed like they were. He offerred them a lift if it would help them get over their problem. He ogled the lads standing before him. He now sported a most prominent rod pointing in his shorts. He again said he would like to help them and reached forward to Sinclair.

Chris grabbed Sinclair's arm and pulled him back behind himself, moved forward to the driver, stared straight into his eyes and sneered at him "Fuck off you old homo before I beat the fuck out of you."

The driver dropped his arm to his side looked at Chris, smiled "I bet you could, let me suck your dick and I'll drive you home."

"Fuck off homo," and with that he took Sinclair by the arm and pulled him forward to resume their journey home pushing past the driver who dropped his hand onto Sinclair's arse as he passed. Sinclair spun around, but said nothing and continued on with Chris. They heard the car start behind them and drive past with the driver blowing the horn as he passed. Chris showed his middle finger to the air. The boys walked on, and with no further aggravation soon arrived at Sinclair's house.

As they walked up the front path Chris noticed the house was a large single storey place. The grounds were large for a house block with well maintained grounds. The place seemed well to do. Sinclair opened the front door into a large foyer and invited Chris inside. The house was quiet, Sinclair's parents were still not home. Sinclair guided Chris into the kitchen area and got two cans of drink from the fridge. They drank without speaking. When he was finished Sinclair moved to Chris' side and looked at the bruise that was now clearly visible. He told Chris to sit and he would get some bruise ointment for him. As Chris sat he was clearly uncomfortable as pressure of him sitting was placed on his anus. Sinclair came back and put some ointment on his palm and gently applied it to Chris'side. Sinclair started to harden with the touch of Chris and was soon very obvious in his boxer briefs. He finished applying the ointment and took Chris to his bedroom to pick out some clothes for him to wear. Whilst Sinclair was digging in the drawer for clothes, Chris looked around the room. Sinclair's parents were obviously well off given the way the large room was furnished including a king size bed and the desk and computer. Chris looked at the wall hangings, pictures of high divers and swimmers in action, one of a gymnast, one wrestling and some bmx and cross country bike racing. All showed young men in action. The effect was to make the room feel like a sport centre. Chris waited for Sinclair to find him clothes for even though Sinclair had seen him pissed on, had showered with him, had seen it all Chris still wasn't comfortable being nude in front of others. Sinclair looked in the mirror above the drawers and saw Chris' reflection, standing in his hipster briefs, the strange tan lines accentuated by the light, staring at the posters on the walls whilst waiting for Sinclair.

"Here." Sinclair threw a pair of boxers to Chris, they were the largest underwear he had. Sinclair watched in the mirror as Chris removed his briefs and bent to remove them from around his feet and pull on the boxer shorts. Sinclair noticed a blue bruise in the cleft of Chris' arse when he bent to put on the boxers."That's got to be sore" Sinclair said pointing to Chris'arse." Sorry if they're a bit tight for you, the boxers I mean."

"No problem. Yeah, it is, really sore to sit on." Chris replied.

"Do want some cream for it."enquired Sinclair.

"No thanks, you just want to put it on" Chris smiled back to Sinclair.

Chris had no sooner put on the boxers when he flopped onto the end of the bed, looked at Sinclair and said" I can't wear these home, Mick told me not to."

"What. What shit you goin' on with. What's MIck got to do with you wearing boxers.

Chris lay backwards onto the bed, his feet still on the ground, covered his eyes with his arms and said "MIchael tells me what I can wear and do. If I don't he'll put me in."

Sinclair only half registered what Chris had said for when Chris lay back onto the bed this placed pressure on the boxers, pulling open the fly front exposing a sight of pube and penis. Sinclair stared at the gaping open space and the sight it presented, he began to harden. Chris didn't move , he just lay on the bed, eyes covered, Sinclair stood stil, the only thing moving was Sinclair's growing cock.

To be continued

P.S. I'm not trying to confuse issues but my cousin with whom I'm staying is Michael and Sinclair (his surname) is also Michael, that's just the way it happened.

To those of you who have responded thank you for your positive encouragement it is most gratifying. Should you wish to comment or ask any questions I will endeavour to answer in a timely fashion.


Next: Chapter 7

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