Chris New Life


Published on Nov 4, 2008


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

My New Life.

Chris did as he was told and proceeded to walk along the street with his dick on display. Inwardly he found what he was doing erotic, exhilarating and exciting and his penis became engorged and showed itself in full erection unmistakeably poking out and slightly up from the open fly of his shorts.

Michael looked at Chris," That surely is one slab of meat. We got to get together you and me so we can get to know all about each other."

Chris didn't reply he continued walking alongside the Michael on their way home. One block to go.

They walked on a while, "You like to swim." Michael enquired of Chris

"What I've done of it I loved it but we ain't got no pool or anything at home like you got here. I never been to the beach, I never seen the ocean, but I want to try surfing."

"Well you should enjoy tomorrow, here we are home, leave it out, upstairs and strip off." Michael directed.


Chapter 4

"Stand over in front of the window and strip off your clothes then just give yourself a slow jerk until I tell you to stop," Mick ordered

"Somebody might see me." chris objected

"Doh. It will only be the Halliday boys." Michael told Chris

Chris stood in front of the window and removed all of his clothes. He took hold of his already inflated penis and began to masturbate himself. Within seconds the first of the precum started to flow. It turned into a steady flow with each time Chris' hand reached the top of his stroke he took the precum in his fingers and smoothed it over his cock head. Chris' cock became fully erect to its length and girth and Chris began to quicken his stroke, lost in his actions and turned on by his public display.

"OK enough. That'll do and from now on you always sleep naked."

Chris stopped his jerking and moved to and got into bed. When under the covers he continued to stroke his cock.

"Oh and from now on you don't cum unless I tell you to, understood, no playing with that sausage and cumming unless I say. If you do you will be severely punished and just to be sure, you don't wear undies anymore either, unless I pick them out for you. You better understand or you'll pay bad. OK hand off it."

Chris acknowledged Michael's instruction and rolled onto his side and watched from his pillow as Michael got stripped to his briefs then struck his hand to his

genitals and gave them a stretch then got into bed.

"Even with what happened I still had a good night tonight MIck, thanks for making me go. It was good to meet the blokes. Goodnight" Chris called

"Yeah, goodnight. See you in the morning." Mick returned.

Chris woke to the bright morning sun streaming into the bedroom. He took a moment to adjust to his surroundings looking around the room in which he lay. Thisis his first morning in new surroundings. Chris realised he was in the room by himself, Michael's bed was empty. Chris moved his hand to his throbbing morning wood, slowly fingering his bulbous knob. Chris reflected on what had occurred since his arrival in Sydney yesterday, wondering how things had got where they were so quickly. He realised his trouble was a direct result of his uncontrollable sexual urges expressed through his penis. Chris had long been self conscious of his appendage but he was beginning to hate how he was built because of the trouble it brought him. Chris was believing his penis had its own mind and would make him feel and do things even when he knew he shouldn't. It was if the devil was living in his crotch. Chris realised his nudity. This was the first time he had ever slept naked, always conscious of never being seen naked by anyone. He recalled what Michael had ordered of him and immediately snapped his hand away from his penis realising he was again leaking precum. Chris lay in his bed a while longer wondering how he could convince MIchael to start all over again and give him back the video of him blowing his wad, after all every boy jerked off. The longer Chris contemplated his position the harder his penis throbbed and the more precum flowed from its tip. Chris rose from bed went to his drawer and took out a pair of footy shorts and an old t to wear after showering. He didn't take any briefs with him.

Chris went into the shower turned on the water and stepped under the warm water. He leaned against the wall letting the water wash over him feeling the stimulating rejuvenation a warm shower brings. From habit Chris wrapped his hand over his penis and gently massaged his glans, his penis bobbed with each heartbeat. Chris threw his head back against the wall closed his eyes and let the feeling overcome him. It took but a moment and Chris moaned a deep low groan as his balls tightened, penis pulsed and a wave of extreme pleasure overcame Chris. Cum spewed forth from the tip of Chris' penis each pump shooting cum out onto the shower glass and then sliding to the floor tiles, Chris' hand was engulfed in cum, he moved his fingers to his nose and inhaled his scent, he moved his fingers to his mouth as his tongue shot out to taste the thick milky fluid hanging to his hand. God it was so erotic, he truely loved masturbation, he loved the steel feel of his penis with the cover of velvet, the feel of his finger exciting his glans, his balls tightening in their sac, it was his release , his sexual pleasure. This was when he loved his penis in its might, it brought him such pleasure, a pleasure that was his alone, he didn't have to share it, and it was his to do in private, nobody would ever know his private moments. Chris finished his milking, licked clean his hand, finished his shower and made sure there were no tell tale signs of his activity and turned off the shower and stepped out and dried himself. He pulled on his footy shorts and his t, brushed his close cropped hair, checked the mirror and left the bathroom. Chris returned to the bedroom, gathered his dirty clothes, put them in the dirty clothes basket and went downstairs to see where everyone was.

Aunty Mary was in the kitchen just finished cleaning up from breakfast. She informed Chris to help himself to everything in the fridge as she and Uncle John were in a rush to get to church. They would be home in about 3 hours and Mick had told her you two were off swimming with mates. With that Uncle John walked into the kitchen, said goood morning to Chris and hustled Aunty Mary out the door to the garage and into the car to get to church. Chris found some cereal and put it in a bowl added milk and sat down to eat. As he put the first spoonful to his mouth Michael walked in with one hand behind his back. He smiled at Chris and watched him eat. Chris looked up and noted a strange smile on Mick's face.

"Morning mate, you were gone when I got up this morning." Chris informed him, feeling uncomfortable under Mick's gaze." Aunt says we're off swimming today, beach I hope."

"Unfortunately we won't get time to go to the beach , so just down to the pool, maybe next week." Mick replied,"Oh and I hadn't gone anywhere I was with you the whole time. You got undies on?"

Chris got a perplexed look to his face ,"Cause not you told me not to."

"Take your shorts off then, show me." Mick ordered

"What if someone comes in like Pete or Martin?" Chris asked

"I told you what to do and what not to do, and if you didn't do as I said you would be punished, didn't I, you said you understood."

"I have done exactly what you said," Chris had stopped eating, rose and pulled down his shorts showing his flacid penis hanging between his legs.

Mick noted Chris was larger flacid than his cock was when he was erect. He couldn't believe not only its length but also how fat it was with such a pronounced head. He noted as Chris stood in front of him Chris had begun to chub up with his penis beginning to obscenely inflate. Chris sat again but did not pull up his shorts. He resumed eating his breakfast.

"That your second breakfast."

"Nah, I only just came downstairs." Chris replied and pushed away his now empty breakfast bowl.

"So what was the cum you had, your starter." Mick looked at Chris

Chris stared, eyes the size of saucers and mouth open, wondering how Michael could know.

Michael moved over to Chris and took his hand from behind his back, he was holding his video camera. Mick opened the side viewer and turned the recorder to play and held it for Chris to see. The scene opened with Chris stepping into the shower and then him masturbating, the cumming and the consuming, and then the clean up. Chris was mortified. He looked at Michael with questioning eyes, how could he have this video.

"So this isn't you. Looks like you. Your face, your horse cock, well" Mick snarled

"Please Mick I couldn't help it. How did you know."

"I told you not to. I told you I would know, and we agreed you would be punished. Who should I show this to, seeing as how you're not gay you eating your cum will be easy to explain? Mick sat at a kitchen chair with Chris standing before him, his penis half inflated.

"Please Mick I won't do it again, I couldn't help it I didn't understand." Chris pleaded

"Crap. You didn't even think about what you were told, look at the tape, you're cock mad Chris, your brain is in your cock." Mick spat out." Now you will learn. Take off the t shirt and stay that way till I tell you to pull on your gear."

Chris dropped his eyes as tears started to run from his eyes, he was caught and now there were two tapes Mick could show. The first tape he could explain, everyone jerks off but the second one with him eating his cum, he couldn't have others know he did that, that's really sick. Chris stood and removed his t shirt and stood before Mick. Mick raised his video and recorded the event, and as he did Chris started to respond his penis swelling to another erection. Through the view finder Mick saw a well muscled beautifully formed tan torso with an attractive handsome face looking back at him, and of course the horse cock bobbing and twitching framed by blond pubic hair at his crotch. Mick felt his own prick begin to harden. He knew he wasn't gay, but he reckoned Chris was. Mick got off on control.

"You can go and do anything you like now, just be about if I call for you. We will go to Maccas for lunch then onto the pool." MIck instructed Chris and turned and to leave the kitchen with Chris standing naked plus his erect member. Over his shoulder he called" Don't think about putting on any shorts or trying to hide yourself."

Chris stood flabergasted at what had just happened, how could he have videoed him in the shower, did he have a camera secreted away somewhere. Chris sat to reflect on the tape he had just seen. He thought through the whole tape. He realised it was above him, always looking down. He had to work out how MIck recorded this, it may help him later. Chris raced upstairs to the bathroom and examined every wall and the ceiling, nothing, there was nothing to indicate how Michael had videoed Chris in the shower. Chris sat on the side of the bath his genitals hanging between his legs and on display. He felt exasperated there had to be a way Michael had got he recording.Chris searched but could find no way Mick could get the tape he had. The only opening in the ceiling was the light and the other was the exhaust fan. There was no way he could see where Mick had a camera secreted.

Mick walked into the bathroom" This where you got to, go down and watch TV. I got some shit I want to do here." and with that he moved back into the bedroom and sat at the computer. Chris followed him from the bathroom to go downstairs and watch TV," Stay naked Chris, you hear. You got to be punished yet."

Chris went to the rumpus room and lay along the lounge, grabbed the remote and controlled the TV. He began watching ESPN sport and at the same time his hand automatically dropped to finger his penis, his other hand he lay along his left thigh. Chris' genitals fell to his right groin. Chris half watched the TV and began administering a gentle massage to his genitals, which unrealisedd to Chris started to seep precum. From the tip of his prick to the leather lounge a string of clear sticky goo gently fell, forming a growing puddle of precum. Chris dozed off his adventures of the previous day draining him. He slumbered, and while he slumbered he relived the past day. He dreamt of the boys in their wet briefs, the sight of cocks in various states of arousal, and the sight of Sinclair having his clothes rent from him, all around making fun of his outstanding erection, all 5 inches (125mm) of it, and Sinclair racing away embarassed. He dreamt a pleasant dream.

Chris could hear voices, coming ot him. He concentrated on what they were saying, he couldn't make them out, he concentrated more. He stirred from his sleep, he was dreaming. He cracked open his eyes, he saw before him a shadowy outline, he opened his eyes fully. It was no imagination or dream he saw standing before him, two figures, Martin and another lad. They stood before him, staring at the display Chris was inadvertantly putting. Chris quickly moved to a sitting position on the lounge. He remembered his nakedness and dropped his hand to his crotch, only to find a very extended penis, the top wet from the copious amounts of precum now streaming from it.

"What are you doing'" Chris excitedly asked

"Good dream, mum's goin to be pissed you got stuff all over the lounge." Martin said, the other kid laughed aloud and pointed at the puddle on the seat squab." What yer doin guy, having a jerk." with that Martin turned to the kid and said" This is my cousin Chris, he's big on jerking that monster of his, ain't ya Chris."

Chris went to stand to push past the two boys but they made no room for him and he flopped back to the lounge.

"How big's that thing." the boy asked looking at Chris

Chris did not respond and looked to Martin to tmake way for him.

"Well, how big is it, come on Chris you must have measured it." Martin asked.

"It's way bigger than mark's." The boy intoned.

"This is Paul Halliday and Mark is his brother, they live next door." Martin told Chris, "So what does it measure."

"I don't know I never done that, that's gross." Chris answered indignantly.

"Well I'll get Mick to tell you to measure it. Chris here is Mick's boy," Martin informed Paul Halliday.

Chris flushed red and this time stood with force and pushed dhis way past the boys moving ot the stairs.

"Great arse as well." Paul added, " Jerk off for us you were anyway."

"Fuck off!" Chris yelled as he strode up the stairs, quickly pursued by the boys.

"You can see it gangling between his legs from here." Paul said, "You going to tell the others."

"See what Mick says, OK. Main thing is Paul we get to have fun with him isn't it."

Chris dashed into the bedroom and shut he door behind him. Michael who was sitting at the computer printing off some things just looked up at the flurry of activity. The boys came bursting through the door almost immediately following Chris. Mick centred his gaze of Chris' crotch then looked into his eyes and smirked at him.

"This is just the beginning, you ok boys, what can I do for you." Micahel said

Chris covered his genitals from view and snapped at Michael " I ain't doin none of this shit no more , I don't care what you say. Everyone jerks off. Fuck you."

The boys stood open mouthed they had never heard anyone speak to Michael like that before. Michael stared back int oChris' eyes and said" Firstly don't ever speak in that tone ot me again. Second before you get to carried away have a look at these few photos I"ve printed off of you, and thirdly take your hand away from your cock." With that Michael threw 6 photos he had just printed off the computer to Chris for him to inspect.

"All boys might jerk off, but look at the one with cum in your arse, look at the look on your face as you cum, look at you sucking cum off your fingers, look at you with your fingers to your nose sniffing your cum. All boys might jerk off but they don't do these things. Oh, and they don,t have a good behaviour bond on them either. Look at them and when you understand your position then you come over here and get on your knees in front of me. Up to you if you don't all the videos are posted to facebook and the school site for start back Tuesday."

Chris was looking at the photos as Mick spoke, tears began to run down his cheeks, he felt he was a defeated sole, Mick was right boys do jerk off but they don't the other things. The two boys, Martin and Paul stood by and watched proceedings. Chris moved in front of Michael and got on his knees and looked up at him.

"I'm really sorry MIck, please don't show them round. I'll never live it down and I could never live inside." Chris was shaking from fear of the situation and what could happen.

"You're going to be punished. What do you reckon boys?" Mick turned to the two younger boys ," What do you reckon we should do with him."

Martin responded," We want to know how big his cock is, and Paul wants to see him jerk off. We asked him and he told us to fuck off."

"Did he just, you go get a tape measure from Mum's sewing and he'll do those things for you know, won't you Chris." Mick directed.

Chris remained kneeling in front of Mick and martin raced off to get a tape.

Paul blurted out as Martin returned," Should make him do more now cause he was so rude to us all."

"When he's done tihs can I do some things to him," asked Martin.

"As long as you don't break anything on him or make him bleed you can do anything you like to him, and he'll take it." Michael looked down at Chris as he said it. Chris did not move or respond. " Right Chris start jerking we wantto measure this monster."

Chris stood and fisted his penis. With the three boys sanding by watching him Chris felt humiliated but excited by what was happening. In no time his penis began to rise to its fully glory. Chris achieved full erection and continued jerking, he closed his eyes, and stroked, precum again began to flow. His situation caused him unexplained excitement, his knob took on tis full character and looked like a great red billiard ball on the end of a very thick cue. Michael called enough as he did not want him blowing his load before they measured him. Martin stepped forward with the tape measure and attempted to measure but found himself busy rubbing his finger in the leaking precum. Paul grabbed it and the nthe shaft and began to fist it, Chris groaned, and Michael snatched thetape away from him and said he would have to do it, instructing Chris he better not get any sticky shit on him. Michael took hold of Chris' shaft and pulled it down to eh horizontal position, Chris groaned again at he touch. Michael the nlaid the tape along the top side of the shaft and took measure, from pubic hair to tip of knob 205mm (8 and a quarter inches). He the ntook the tape, and holding the penis in position wrapped the tape around it, the girth was exactly 150mm (6 inches ). Micheal releasedd the penis, which through handling had got harder and slapped back against Chris' stomach. Chris again moaned at the attention as his prick was handled.

"Lie on the floor, and jerk off. Don't blow on the carpet only on you." Michael ordered, and as Chris did MIchael retrieved his video camera and proceeded to record the event. The boys watch keenly as Chris took hold of his now straining and profusely leaking prick and began to masturbate to ejacualtion. Within the minute strong jets of cum flew from the end of the monster organ. Cum coated his chest face to his hair and at its end of six strong shots the balance slowly seeped from the end and lay around his hand and onto his navel. Chris lay exhausted on the ground, emotionally and physically spent and covered in his juice. The two boys looked on in awe at the display that had just taken place before them. Martin stared down on Chris, his cousin, wow, what can happen.

"Now get up and get that cum off your body and rub it all over your arse and through your pubes then lick your fingers." mick directed and continued to video, " then rub this all over your prick and balls and put some up your arse." and handed Chris a tube. Chris looked at the tube and noted it was a muscle gel. He looked at Mick and went to say something but Mick responded by cocking an eye back at him and shook his head. Chris did as told and rubbed his cum over his arse and pubes and in so doing began to stiffen again. He then scooped the balance from his body with his fingers and sucked them clean. Chris took the top from the tube and looked to Mick who unsympathetically watched and recorded. Chris took the gel on his fingers and covered his balls and cock with the material. Chris experienced an immediate coldness and while like this he put some on his finger felt back to his rectum and inserted his finger covered in gel. The same cold feeling occurred. The cold feeling was followed some 30 seconds later by an intense burning feeling and Chris screamed in pain as the burning of his genitals and rectum intensified. Whilst Chris was writhing on the ground in pain Michael told Martin to go and get a tray of icecubes from the refrigerator. Michael handed the icecubes to Chris who took them and held them against his prick and balls, he got some soothing relief. Mick told Chris to bend over and for the boys to insert several icecubes into Chris rear tube. All boys stared in amazement at MIchael's direction, but Chris lay on the ground and drew his legs up as the boys took icecubes from the tray and turns of trying to insert them into Chris' burning ring of fire. The boys could only giggle as they watched the puckered hole twitching at the feel of the ice being held to the entrance and then forced into the chasm. Chris began to relax.

"Don't disobey me again. You two, do as your told or it could happen to you." Michael warned "OK must be time for lunch. Lets get dressed, off to Maccas then the pool. See you boys later. Nothing to anyone OK. It could happen to you."

The two boys nodded in agreement and left the bedroom. Michael went to the drawers to select clothes for himself and Chris to wear for the afternoon. Chris stood with water running down the inside of his legs from the melted ice cubes at his gentials and in his rectum. It would be a long time before he would forget this humiliation. He stood there naked, but his nakedness was not what concerned him it was the fact of the strange feelings he got when he was humiliated.

to be continued.

Next: Chapter 5

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