Chris New Life


Published on Jan 12, 2023


This story contains sexual and physical acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation and violence. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction. This story is not intended to influence how you conduct yourself. Some of the behaviour undertaken in his story is totally unacceptable and should not be copied. This is fantasy entertainment not realism.

For clarity I have included a summary below the most often mentioned charcters. Others will be added as and when required.

Chris Thompson 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High School. Bill Thompson 13, grade 8 , Hills Boys High School, brother to Chris

John Wong, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High , next door neighbour to Chris James Wong, nearly 17, grade 11, Hills Boys High, brother to John Tim Wong, 13, grade 8, Hills Boys High, brother to John Alexandra Wong, 15, grade 10, Ladies College, twin sister to John Wong, wanted by Chris

Max Rose, 25, maths teacher, Oakhill Boys High, next door neighbour to Chris and Bill Thompson Ron Ford, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High, back neighbour to Chris and Bill. Sarah Rose, married to Max. Scott Au, 18, grade 12, Hills Boys High, boyfriend of Alexandra Wong

Michael Thompson, 15, grade 10, Oakhill Boys High, cousin to Chris and Bill and tormentor Martin Thompson, 13, grade 8, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill Peter Thompson, 17, grade 12, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill

Chapter 19

The boys were walking up the street to the Thompson house. Bill dressed in t shirt and blue footy shorts, clearly his junk bouncing around unrestrained underneath the shorts. Chris with Ron's pair of nylon footy shorts. His brown torso bare. His nipples standing proud. His erection had substantially subsided and was now just a fat chubby cock bouncing around over a pair of apricots. Light blue shorts the outline of what they are covering clearly visible. Ron Ford, dressed in t shirt and a pair of briefs, not visible because they were covered by the t. A likely mob of very athletic, good looking lads. Max Rose, the school teacher and next door neighbour of the Thompsons was standing out the front of his place watering his front lawn. Max was bare chested and in a pair of tattered torn shorts. Max noticed the boys walking up the footpath and had watched them intently for the past 100 yards. As the boys got near his property he called to the boys to engage them in conversation. Bill, unaware of the disturbing contact Chris had had with Max, stopped and freely began to chat with Max. Max had not met Ron Ford. He specifically looked at Chris and asked him how he was going forcing Chris to answer him. If Chris hadn't he would have to explain to the others why he ignored Max. Max then asked Chris who was the boy standing with him who he did not know. Chris introduced Ron Ford to Max, telling him he was the neighbour who backed onto them and that they were on their way home from his cousins place. Bill told Ron that Max was a maths teacher at Oakhill Boys High.

Ron "That's the school your shit head cousins go to isn't it." He directed to Chris. Chris didnot respond.

Bill "Hey yeah that's right they do don't they"

Max "Who are your cousins, what grade they in."

Chris "No, don't they go to the other one."

Bill "No it is Oakhill. Fuck Chris you should know you were there last year."

Chris "Oh yeah, that's right they do don't they."

Max "OK so it's not a state secret is it , who are they."

Bill and Ron looked to Chris waiting for him to answer. Before he could utter a word a light turned on for Max.

Max "I bet I know who your cousin is. Michael Thompson, right. I should have known. When I think about it he looks more like you than Bill does, you could be twins. He's got two other brothers at school too I think but I don't teach them, just MIchael."

Bill "Yeah that's right there's MIck and young Marty and the older brother Peter."

Max "I don't know Marty and I think from memory Peter is a bit alternative but Michael's a good guy. I think you'e a bit tough calling them shitheads Ron. Obviously a bit of competition between the families is there, and right now they're ahead, yes."

Chris "Well we better be going."

Max " You guys want to come in for a coke or a game of one on one."

Chris "Nah we gotta go. Later."

Max " How come you're all dressed so differently."

Ron 'Just beeen mucking about man, is all, gotta go, seeya."

Max " OK seeya boys, remember anytime you want basketball come over or if you need any help with your maths come over no problem. That's you as well Ron, any of you blokes."

Ron "Yeah thanks Max, I might take you up on that I'm terrible at maths, only person worse than me I know is him ( pointing to Chris)"

Chris smiled. "Seeya later max we'll keep in mind what you said."

With that the boys left the neighbour and arrived at the Thompson house.

Chris "You coming in Ron."

Ron "Yeah, I'm not going home in just my t and undies remember you're wearing my shorts."

The three boys went to the rear door of the house and entered. Still the only ones home, they ran upstairs to Chris's bedroom. They flopped down on Chris's bed.

Ron "He seems like a good bloke eh."

Bill "Yeah I like him and he is always friendly and really good at basketball."

Chris "Sure a real great bloke. what a day, shit. I never want that again."

Ron "You going to tell me what has been going on. It's all a bit sus to me."

Chris "Tomorrow mate. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow

Ron "I'll keep you to that, now give me my shorts back so I can go home."

Chris got off his bed, standing in front of the two boys, and pulled off the shorts he was wearing. He now stood before them naked. He handed the shorts to Ron. Ron stood and pulled them on.Both Ron and Bill stared at the large member hanging before them. Chris saw them staring at his cock. He began to fill. His cock quickly began to engorge. Ron and Bill stood staring at this thing before them.

Ron "Fuck Chris that is one big piece of meat, like man that has got to be so uncomfortable, shit. Is it always fucking hard."

And still it continued to grow. At the site of his brothrs cock swelling so to did Bill. With only shorts on it soon became obvious he was sporting a hard on of some proportion.

Ron "Fuck Bill you too,you're like peas in a pod. Just because he 's got a boner doesn't mean you need one. And how big is your thing as well."

Bill got harder. His cock now pointing straight up to the elastic waist band and forcing it away from his body.

Ron "I'll talk to you later guys. Oh, while I think of it lie on your bed Chris." Chris not thinking lay face down on his bed. "OK so what have we got" Ron read what Mick had drawm across the top of Chris 's arse. In capital letters "MAN HOLE" with an arrow pointing down. "I think I would try and rub that out man or you'll cop all sorts of ribbing at school. Gotta go seeya tomorrow at the bus ." As he was walking down the stairs he yelled back," You two better do something about all that wood. And I expect an explanation of all the shit today."

Bill "Want me to help you try to wash that off your arse. I think it might be hard to shift."

Chris thought for a moment and realising it would be better if he had someone ot assist him " Yeah would really appreciate it if you could help. I don't want tht guys at school to see this."

The boys moved into the bathroom, Bill had Chris get into the shower and wet himself down then went about scrubbing at the writing on Chris with a nail scrubbing brush. As Bill pushed and pulled at Chris's rump whilst he was scrubbing away Chris found it all very stimulating and as Bill would place his hand on a butt cheek and hold it firmly whilst he scrubbed it harder Chris began to squirm with the excitememtn building in him.

Chris " Stop, stop for a minute. I gott take break."

Bill "Fuck you are hopeless, how can you get off with someone scrubbing the skin off your arse."

Chris "I just need a break is all," Chris thought for a moment "Bill, how you going to get the end of your cock clean on that pen shit."

Bill hadn't thought of his cock head being coloured with the same ink Chris's arse had been written on. "I'm going to get you to suck it off big brother, just keep sucking until it 's all gone."

Chris "In your dreams. How does it look now" Referring to the writing on his arse.

Bill "Wait I'll go get some peroxide from mum's bathroom, that should bleach some of the colour outr as well."

After a lot of scrubbing and rubbing of Chris arse the writing now took on a very faint look to it. Whilst still visible the writing was now not clearly visible in its meaning. One would have to stand close and stare at length to decipher what had be written.

Bill "Ok my turn , you going to suck this off for me. I helped clean you up."

Chris "Fuck off. I'm not sucking your cock. Just because what happened today doesn't mean I'm gay or anything you know. It's just we got caught up by MIck. What we need to do is think what we're going to tell Ron about today because tomorrow he's going to be asking."

Bill " Listen brother you may not realise or admit to it but you're gay alright."

Chris " Hey I'm not the one who blew my lot cause my brother's dick was rubbing on my arse, I'm not the one who kissed his brother on the cheek, just remember all that little bro. I know who the cock whore is."

Bill " Hey man I admit I love someone playing with my cock I don't give a fuck who it is as long as it gets me off. I jerk this little baby ( he says grabbing his crotch ) as many times a day as I need to."

Chris " That's really off Bill you need more self control."

Bill "Fuck off, I wasn't the one to cum because there was a carrot up my arse. I gotta get cleaned up so if you;re not going to suck me clean then fuck off and leave me alone." Bill turned his back to his brother and went to his bedroom. Chris pulled on his shorts and wandered back to his room.

Over dinner and later in the night whilst the boys sat and watched TV with their mother there was little conversation between them all.

Mother " You boys are very quiet this evening."

Chris "Just a hard day is all." Bill smiled at his brother's comments.

Mother " OK. Oh, I saw Max Rose from next door as I arrived home and i was telling him your dad and I are going away next weekend and asked if he could suggest any sitters for you boys."

Bill "Mum, christ we're big enough to look after ourselves now we don't need any sitter."

Mother "Don't use the lords name in vain William and yes you might be old enough to look after yourselves for one day but definitely not 2 nights over a full weekend. So I either find a sitter or I'll speak to your Aunty Marie ( Mick's mother) to see if you two can stay there."

Chris "What did Max say. Did he suggest anything."

Mother "No he said he would make enquiries for me."

Bill "When is dad getting home ."

Mother "Friday night. You know he is away Monday comes home Friday. and before you say anything I know its not ideal but its a good job with prospects and we need the money."

Chris "I bet he gets sick of being away by himself at night all the time., I know I would hate being on my own every night."

Mother " Well that's changed a bit for him now he has had his promotion."

Bill "What promotion."

Mother "He's now area supervisor, and its his job now to take the young salesman out and teach them and show them how to run a sales area. He says he has a few very good and committed fellows. The boss is very happy the area has never run better. Your father has a way of relating to people, always has had. "

Chris "he always seems grouchy I reckon , sometimes he just stares at you as if he is trying to look through you."

MOther "He's not grouchy Chris it's just his way. If you recall at harvest time, shearing time and whenever we were short handed it was always the same young lads from town that would come out and sign on for work with your dad. Once they get to know him... "

Bill "Maybe I don't know him yet." Bill laughed '"I'm going to bed."

Chris "Me too."

Next morning the boys showered ,dressed for school , ate their breakfast and walked to the Wong's place next door and met up with James, John and Tim and walked to the bus stop where they met with Ron Ford as well. Whilst they were waiting at the stop Alex Wong walked along in company with two of her girl friends. As she got to Chris she smiled freely, passed a small wave and as she passed said a quiet "Hi.". Chris gave a little wave back and a returned the wave.

Bill "Calm boy, you forget which team you bat for."

Chris "Get fucked shithead. I know where I bat, not like you everywhere."

John Wong "Hey guys cool it not so early what's brought this on."

Ron "Just a bit of angst hanging over from yesterday I reckon, but Chris is going to tell us all about it at school aren't you mate.

Chris "Yeah later, sure."

Bill "I'd like to hear that. get his version then I'll tell you mine later ok Ronny." Bill smirked at the group then centred his line of vision on Chris.

Ron 'Fucking brothers, you're worse than a load of shielas (girls).

The boys rode the bus to school everything going smoothly. The bell went for their first class. They split off for their classes. Ron sat alongside of Chris as usual and did his usual of speaking during class. he was fortunate they had easy going teachers for the first three periods. The bell for morning break sounded and the class broke for recess. Ron pulled Chris aside as they were walking from the class

Ron "OK Christian tell me all about yesterday."

Chris tried to make excuses but Ron held him back in the classroom until all others had left. He told him there was now no one to hear him and he had no excuses so to tell the tale without interuption. Chris hummed and hawed for some time and began the tale from the very beginning. He told how he had been sent to Sydney by the courts, how Mick had taken it on himself to dominate him and how he had caught him masturbating one day and photographed him and threatened to show the photos around the school. He explained that in an effort to appease Mick and not have the photos made public Mick had coerced him into other acts which were also videoed and photographed and Mick now had a full dossier on him committing acts he was ashamed of and if made public would make his life impossible to lead at school or socially. He explained how MIck kept humiliating him and that was why he had no body hair, including pubic, of any kind. Mick did anything to him that would humiliate him in front of others.To put it simply he was stuffed. He also told him how Mick had photos of Bill jerking off and Mick had agreed if Chris performed five sessions for him then all of the photos and videos of him and Bill would be returned . That's what led to the fuck up on the bus and at Micks place yesterday. Ron sat shaking his head in wonderment at the story he had just heard. He asked many questions and in the main Chris answered them all as honestly as he could without implicating himself as doing anything willingly. Chris was very careful not to portray himself to his friend in any way as being gay. He needed to keep Ron as his best mate. Ron and John Wong. By the time Chris had finished telling his story to Ron, the bell for the the end of recess sounded. The boys resumed their seats and waited for the next lessons to resume. Ron kept asking Chris questions about different things he did not understand and this continued on into the first class after recess. Unfortunatley Ron was not very good at whispering and at different times the boys sitting at the desk in front of Ron and Chris would turn around and look at them. Chris became flushed as he did not want anyone else in the class to know the story of his humiliation by his cousin.

Mr Rankin ( Geography teacher) "Alright Mr Ford share with the class what is so important you cannot keep quiet and you continue to disrupt those around you."

Ron Ford looked blankly at the teacher at the front of the room. He was one of the five new teachers to join the staff from Teachers College this year and Ron did not think much of him. He had watched him since start of term and thought him to be like a student himself. He was definitely was no taller nor much heavier than a grade 10 student. What a runt. There were two of them he had for lessons, this bloke and Tom Jones, and not the singer. Ron smiled to himself. Fuckwits.

Mr Rankin "Well Mr Ford I'm waiting for an explanation."

Ron "Ain't gone none sir, just a bit chatty today is all."

MR Rankin "Well seeing as how you don't want to learn you can stay where you are and Mr Thompson you come down here to the front and sit alongside young Western."

Chris "But sir."

MR Rankin "Move it Mr Thompson, now."

Without further ado Chris picked up his lesson books and his back pack and moved from the rear of the class room to the very front , directly in front of the teacher. He hated this spot , he had been seated like this at his old school and kept getting into trouble. Chris slumped in alongside Western, who nodded a hello and welcome. Chris ignored him. The teacher recommenced the lesson. Chris turned around and looked at Ron,. He rolled his eyes and pulled a stupid face, Chris laughed aloud. The teacher spun around from the class board, fire in his eyes.

Mr Rankin "So who is the cretin who is disturbing things now."

Chris "me sir, sorry sir, I just thought of something really funny."

Mr Rankin "Share it with us then Thompson, come on ."

Chris "Nah it wouldn't be funny to anyone else, sorry sir I'll be silent."

Mr Rankin "See me after last class this afternoon Thompson you are on detention. Now do I have everyone's attention."

Chris "Aw sir give us a go I got a heap of stuff to do this arvo."

Mr Rankin "Be there, no excuses, or you'll be there every afternoon next week. Now let us continue."

Chris now focused his attention on the teacher at the front of the class. The class was boring and Chris's attention wandered from what the teacher was saying to him analysing the teacher and the boy , Western, sitting alongside of him. He noticed the teacher was a fellow of slim muscular build and reasonably short. He looked far to young to be a teacher. He looked more like a senior. He had mousey colour hair cut very short, blue eyes, and a tan skin. He had a sporty type look to him. He was wearing a light blue polo over a pair of cotton chinos. Chris could pick out the outline of the briefs the teacher was wearing. From the back, the way the outline was on Rankin's arse he had to be wearing bikini briefs. They looked really high cut to Chris, given the outline of the outer edge of the briefs being close to his arse crease. When Mr Rankin turned around to face the class Chris focused his attention on the teacher's crotch. Chris thought he could discern a bulge at the front but could get no idea of how big. Chris then glanced his eyes away from his teacher to the boy sitting next to him. Western was watching the teacher intently it seemed or he was mesmerised with boredom. Western was slight in build, not as tall as Chris and was of average looks. The boy was wearing a white school polo and dark khaki cotton shorts. He had both hands pushed into his pockets and was gently playing with something. Chris reckoned he was fiddling with his jewels. The teacher turned back to the whiteboard.

Chris "Enjoying your game." Western didnot acknowledge he was being spoken to. " You playing pocket billiards, Western"

Western snapped his head to look at Chris and withdrew his hands from his pockets. He now showed a swelling in his crotch. He had indeed being shining his organ. Chris found himself also with an erection straining at his crotch. His cock was forced down the leg of his khaki shorts. Chris felt down the leg to ensure his cock was not poking out the opening in the leg. He rubbed his hand along his shorts leg feeling the shaft pushing back against his stroking hand. Chris looked at Western and smiled. His eyes again travelled to Western's crotch, Western looked at Chris. He could see the outline of the massive tube erect along the leg inner leg. Western now smiled and nodded at Chris. He slid his hand onto his right knee and Chris moved his left leg across to come in contact with the right leg of Western. Chris felt Western's hand slip onto his left knee. The wandering hand then moved up the leg along the inner thigh. Western looked at the teacher out the front of the class, all the time his hand moved to Chris' crotch. Chris did not move but allowed the hand to invade his crotch. The hand took firm hold of the outlined tube. Chris made no sound but looked to the ceiling and thrust his crotch into the searching hand. He lifted his left hand over the top of Western's right hand and dropped it onto to the swelling in Western's crotch . Both boys sat in the front row of the class with a hand ful of the others cock. Chris took a firm hold of the other boys cock and started a milking squeeze motion of the cock. Chris watched his hand working the now hard cock restrained within Western's shorts. The more his hand worked on Western the more Chris became excited. Chris could feel the head of Western's cock. He took a firm grasp and milked. Western returned the hand action to this great penis throbbing in Chris's crotch. On the leg of the shorts a large dark wet spot was becoming very noticeable. It was getting a shiny appearance to it as the precum soaked through the material. The grip of Western was tight but the thing he was holding was so large he did not how best to handle it. The boy sitting at the desk to the right of Chris was intently watching the hand action of both boys. He too was mesmerised whilst fiddling in his own crotch. Chris remained focused on Western'crotch, Western holding onto Chris looked back to the class whiteboard where Mr Rankin was writing. As he was about to look away again to Chris he noticed Mr rankin turning towards the class. Western withdrew his hand from Chris's crotch. As Rankin turned to face the class full on and his eyes settled on the boys sitting in the front row in the front desk. Western threw his arm into the air.

Western "Sirrrr." Chris froze then snapped his hand back onto the desk. He looked up and saw Mr Rankin staring down on him with a steely glare.

Rankin "Yes Western what."

Western "No it's alright now sir, everythings good."

Rankin " You think so, I don't, you and your friend alongside of you take yourselves down to Mr Horn's office and explain what you two were doing. I will follow you down at the end of this period."

Western " Mr Horn but why sir. I wasn't doing anything. It was..."

Rankin "Enough, Mr Horn is the class master and responsible to discipline this class. And don't lie to me Western or it will be worse, now go . Both of you."

Both boys rose from their seats, put away their books and left the classroom and headed to Mr Horn's office. On the way they stopped in the corridor.

Chris "What are we going to say. What do you reckon Rankin saw."

Western " He saw you grabbing hold of my cock, so I'm in the clear. "

Chris "You can't tell him that or I'll get in the shit all round."

Western "Keep your voice down or someone will hear us. Hey you're the one who was holding my stuff."

Chris "Come on Western you can't tell him that."

Western "I told you keep your voice down, here come on let's go to the toilets and work it out there."

The boys went to the toilets on the ground floor of the building very near Mr Horn's office. This way Western reasoned if they got caught in there when they should be in lessons then they had an excuse for being on the way to the class master's office and they needed to take a toilet break first.

Chris "Well what are we going to say."

Western "Look you even got a wet spot. Have a go at your shorts man. Horn sees that you're cactus."

Chris "So think of something."

Western "Hey dickwad you're the one got caught handling my junk, so I can say you attacked me." The whole time Western was talking to Chris he kept his focus on Chris's crotch and the large mound that was so obvious there.

Chris "You gotta come up with sometihng, like I dropped my pen or sometihng."

Western " What if I tell them a button from your shirt pinged off and you grabbed for it before it got lost on the floor."

Chris " yeah and it just happened it poinged into your lap and I grabbed without thinking. That sound great , we go with that eh. Thanks mate."

Western " No problem, now all you got to do is get that fucken great thing out of your shorts and let me watch you jerk off."

Chris " Don't be stupid let's go to Horn's office. I ain't jerking off for no one."

Western "Either jerk off now and here or I'll tell thme you grabbed my junk. I mena it."

Chris let out a sigh and started to unzip his shorts fly.

Western "No pull them off anmd lift up your polo."

Chris began to argue but Western reminded him they were running out of time so hurry up .

CHris dropped his shorts to his ankles and lifted his polo up and held it under his chin. He was now bare from the neck to his ankles. Western stood staring at the bare boy before him.

Western "How come you got no pubes. You shave thme off. Fuck how big is that thing."

Chris ignored Western and wrapped his hand around his shaft and began to quickly run up and down. As always with Chris beong on show and with little stimulation Chris quickyl filled to his fullest and within five minutes and to Western's encouragement and lewd comments blew a load onto the washroom floor. Chris finished milking himself shaking the last remaining sticky dribble from his cock end. He bent down and raised his shorts. His cock only lost some of its turbidity, his penis was still clearly inflated. Chris glared at Western not happy at having been bribed to perform for him. The two boys left the washroom and went to the door of the class master Mr Horn and knocked.

Horn "Yes, come in."

Both boys entered and stood before Horn. Neither uttered a word both waiting for Horn to address them first. Horn sat behind his desk staring at the boys standing on parade before him. It was obvious to Horn both boys had a swelling at their crotches. Thompson would be described as more than a swelling, clearly being an erection. My god , he also noticed a prominent wet spot on the front of Thompson's shorts. This immediately stirred Horn's suspicions, him having been a teacher of adolescent boys for so long. Horny little creatures rarely able to control their urges thought Horn. Horn recalled at that thought how his surname had brought him to be the brunt of schoolboy humour when he was a lad at school, Horny Horn and then as he got bigger Big Horn with the little Horn etc.

Horn "Well why have you boys been sent to me."

Both boys went to speak. Both ceased. Chris then told Horn how they had been sent to him by Mr Rankin. As he was doing so Mr rankin appeared at the doorway and then entered. Horn asked the boys to explain why Mr Rankin had sent them to him. Chris explained about hte button coming off his shirt and how when he grabbed for it he accidentally ended up in Western crotch as he grapsed the button. Thsi movemtn caused disruption to the class.

Horn "If what you say is true Mr Thompson which button was it off your shirt. He is telling things as you know them Western."

Western realising they had not taken a button off Chris's shirt and therefore could not back up the story replied " No sir."

Horn "Well tell me your version."

Western "I think Chris was only mucking about but he lent over and grabbed hold of my penis through my shorts sir."

Horn "Is that right Thompson do you like playing with other boy's equipment do you. Is that why you had an erection when you came in here. Get all hot for it do you."

Chris "No sir that's not right I was going for the button sir."

Horn "Well then show which button had come off then , go on."

All of a sudden Chris realised he had backed himsrlf into a corner, he looked at Western who grimaced back at him then back to Mr Horn.

Chris "I can't sir. "

Horn "So you admit you sexually assaulted Western here by grabbing hold of his privates."

Chris "Well not sexually assault sir all I did..

Horn "It is sexual assault Thompson because it was a sexual act upon somebody else. So that's what you did didn't you ,.You grabbed hold of Western's privates through his trousers."

Chris "Yes sir." He bowed his head."I'm very sorry sir , I was only playing about."

Horn "This is very serious Thompson. I'm disappointed. You did such a good job when you stood in as model on the physical health class and then for the physical development study. I will have to think on what actions we need to take. Come back to me this afternoon after last period."

Chris "I've got to see Mr Rankin for detention this arvo sir."

Horn "What's your last period this afternoon."

Chris "PE sir."

Horn "Immediatley at the conclusion of that class you come to me and when I am finished with you, which will only be five minutes you can go see Mr rankin for his detention. Do you understand."

Chris "Yes sir I do sir, I'm sorry sir."

Horn "Remember what I said directly after last class, do not hang around the locker room talking, you come to me then onto Mr Rankin now go back to class, both of you."

Both boys left Horn's office squeezing past Rankin standing in the doorway. When they got into the corridor they began to walk back towards their class and as they got opposite the washroom door Western grabbed Chris's arm and pulled him in. The boys stood in the middle of the washroom area standing fronting each other staring at each other.

Western "Sorry Chris I was going to back you up until I realised you still had all your buttons still on your shirt."

Chris "Yeah, i guess I fucked it up. I forgot to pull off a button." Chris was downcast.

Western "Last class before lunch has already started how about we skip going back until after lunch ."

"Chris "Yeah might as well. I don't feel like doing much school shit, I wish I knew what Horn was going to do."

Western moved forward to be within a foot (30cm) of Chris. He moved his left hand out and put it on Chris's shoulder and looked into his eyes, "I wish I could help somehow." He sympathised. Chris just nodded his head as if accepting Western felt for his predicament and understood. The boys stood before each other Chris looking down on the smaller boy with the brown hair and dark brown eyes. The two boys moved closer, Western put his head on Chris's chest. Chris didnot move away but left the head where it was and nuzzled his face into the brown mop of hair. Chris brought his hand up and ran it through the mop top. He allowed his hand to fall down Western's back and rest on the elastic waist band of his shorts. Chris continued to move his face on Western's hair, he moved his face to the hair and lightly kissed it. Western remained still. Chris allowed his hand to creep inside the waistband of Western's shorts and move inside the briefs he was wearing. His hand now rested on the rounded arse cheeks. His finger lightly running between the cheek crease. Western snuggled into Chris. Western brought his right hand to rest gently on Chris's crotch. He moved his hand over the very prominent bulge. Chris's finger sought more refuge at the entrance to Western's anus. Chris moved his hands to Western's shoulders and gently applied pressure to them. Western knelt before him. His face aligned to the swollen crotch. Western moved his hands to the waist band of Chris's shorts and slid them down to the floor. Without any need of manual stimulation Chris's great cock bounded free from the shorts and stood out from his body by ten inches (250mm) and at a forty five degree angle. Looking directly at Western was the mighty one eyed rod leeking its milk waiting to be taken. Western moved forward and hungrily took the cock head in his mouth. It caused his jaw to open wide to be able to chew on the monster. Chris slowly began to move back and forth. Western worked his tongue over the cock, up , down , over the head, into the eye. There was no hair to get caught in his teeth. This was without doubt the largest cock he had ever taken. He loved the steel hardness and the velvet feel. He was so taken with this god. His god. He loved cock and now he had someone who would supply him. Regularly. He was sure Chris would be nice to him. Be a friend. He moved his hand to support the apricots hanging below this great shaft. Chris was now holding the back of his head and moving in and out. He could feel this thing pushing into his throat, he would never be able to take it all. He had been able to take his brother but he was no where near as big as chris. He felt the balls in his hand draw up in the scrotum. He felt the shaft twitch and bob involuntarily. Blast, blast then another. He only came half hour ago and he was going again. Western did not pull back but retained the still hard cock in his mouth and gently licked his way around it. He cleaned every portion his tongue could reach. He gargled the cum in his mouth and then swallowed. It was like honey. He thought he had never tasted sweeter. Western ran his hands down the front of Chris's thighs and looked up into the face of his new best ever friend. Chris smiled back at him . He had lent onto Western's shoulders for supprt as he came. He was spent but it was the most pleasureable sexual experience he had had. For once there was no one trying to humiliate just someone taking him because they wanted to. He was wanted for him. Chris bent down and pulled up his shorts. the two boys moved to the wash basins and washed up . As they were preparing to leave the washroom the bells for lunch break sounded. Only this arvo to go to find out what Horn was going to do. He didn't feel as bad now he had established himself with Western. All the trouble coming would be worth it . He gave great head. He wondered who would give the best Western or himself. He much preferred to be getting than giving. The two boys looked at each other , Chris bent forward pecked Western on the lips lightly and moved to the door to go out into the playground. As they walked through the door Chris heard the squeak of an opening toilet cubicle door behind him. He realised there had been somebody in the toilets the whole time they had been there. They hadn't thought to check for anyone being there. Fuck it. His mind started racing again. He didn't know whether to go back and confront who was their or get away as quickly as possible. Western was also aware of their blunder. They looked at each other and bolted through the door to the playground

To be contd.

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