Chris New Life


Published on Jan 6, 2023


This story contains sexual and physical acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation and violence. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction. This story is not intended to influence how you conduct yourself. Some of the behaviour undertaken in his story is totally unacceptable and should not be copied. This is fantasy entertainment not realism.

For clarity I have included a summary below the most often mentioned charcters. Others will be added as and when required.

Chris Thompson 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High School. Bill Thompson 13, grade 8 , Hills Boys High School, brother to Chris

John Wong, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High , next door neighbour to Chris James Wong, nearly 17, grade 11, Hills Boys High, brother to John Tim Wong, 13, grade 8, Hills Boys High, brother to John Alexandra Wong, 15, grade 10, Ladies College, twin sister to John Wong, wanted by Chris

Max Rose, 25, maths teacher, Oakhill Boys High, next door neighbour to Chris and Bill Thompson

Ron Ford, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High, back neighbour to Chris and Bill.

Sarah Rose, married to Max.

Scott Au, 18, grade 12, Hills Boys High, boyfriend of Alexandra Wong

Michael Thompson, 15, grade 10, Oakhill Boys High, cousin to Chris and Bill and tormentor

Martin Thompson, 13, grade 8, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill

Peter Thompson, 17, grade 12, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill

Chapter 17


Ron Ford was concerned for Chris' well being and was dirty with himself for not sticking up for Chris more. He was now convinced something really bad must have happened to have him sitting in a bus naked pulling himself on view. Fuck what a cock he had. He should have pulled that other kid on and not listened to Chris. Chris was too peaceable a person, he was too soft. Chris wasn't home, anything could be happening to him. As his concern continued to taunt him he heard music in the Thompson house behind. He looked out of his window and saw movement in an upstairs room. Ron dashed from the house, climbed the back fence and ran to the rear sliding door of the Thompson house calling out to Bill to gain his attention. Bill heard the commotion downstairs and jogged down the stairs to see Ron excitedly standing at the door. Bill had changed out of his school uniform and pulled on a pair of nylon footy shorts. Bill enquired of Ron what all the excitement was about. Ron relayed the event in the bus on the way home. He described what the other boys looked like. It wasn't difficult with one of them , he looked like a slightly smaller version of Chris. He didn't mention Chris masturbating just that he was naked. Bill immediately recognised who Ron was talking about. He tried to tell Ron there was no problem as it was their cousin and he would only of being having a joke with Chris. Ron was not buying this story. He wanted to know where the cousin lived so he could go over there and make sure his friend was alright. After much tooing and froing the boys agreed to go together to Mick's house at least to give Ron peace of mind. Ron had already decided no matter what happened when they got there he was going to bash Mick for what took place on the bus. No one spoke to him like that. Fuck him.

Martin "This is the biggest I could find mate, will it do."

Mick "Yeah that should hit the spot. NOw Chris you come here and choose which two bits of paper you want. This is for your punishment remember"

Without a word Chris moved in front of Mick to chose two pieces from the four Mick was holding. Mick put the other two in his pocket.

Mick "Do as I say and I won't need them will I. Now let's have a look at what you've chosen." Mick noticed while he was talking to Chris Ando was moving slowly out of the circle." Come over here Ando so you can see close up. Depending what he's picked , you might be involved yet."

Bill Anderson, under the attention of all in the room, and with his cock at half mast moved alongside of Chris at full mast and facing Mick. Martin and Mahoney stood facing Chris and Ando alongside Mick. Mahoney with the camera always at the ready.

Mick "OK we all ready, let's get this show on the road. I hope it's my favourite."


Chapter 18

Chris opened the first piece of folded paper and read what penalty he had to perform as his first act. He read it to himself. He did not move to say anything or show it to anyone. He just stood and stared down at the piece of paper.

Mick "Come on read it out for everyone."

Chris "I can't do this , no, I won't."

Mick "Now come on Chrissy, you can do it and what's more you know you will, because if you cause any trouble then I'll add another to your list."

Chris "Please Mick I can't it's degrading."

Mick "Come on last chance, you're going to do it no matter what."

Chris "No please Mick I can't."

Mick "OK hold him here boys while I go up and send some emails out. I'll be back." and with that Mick made to leave the room.

Chris panicked seeing Mick walking out of the room and made a dash to get out of the garage. The other three boys took hold of him and threw him to the garage floor. He lay at Bill Anderson's feet looking up at him from the floor. From his viewpoint looking up he could only see a pulsing shaft above him and a set of large hairy balls hanging between a pair of solid thighs. Mick stopped in the doorway and looked back.

Chris "Sorry Mick I lost my head I'll do whatever I got to, I will I promise."

Mick "Yeah I know and now you got another penalty." Mick walked back into the room and stood alongside Ando looking down at Chris" OK so what does your note say you got to do."

Chris "It says I got to rim Ando."

Ando "Why me, I ain't no fag. Pick Mahoney."

Mick "Cause you're already bare, you'll love it you know you will. Come on over here and kneel down on the towel here, then Chris can get at your ring."

Ando moved onto the towel and knelt doggy style on his hands and knees.

Mick "OK Christian come here and go to work on your friend."

Without complaint or utterance Chris moved behind Ando, kneeling, he placed his hands on Ando's butt cheeks and spread them apart to show a brown hole puckered looking back at him.

Mick "Get to it Chris, five minutes should do it, then you and your boyfriend can get onto something else."

Ando "He ain't my boyfriend, you fucken know that."

Mick "Shut up and let him start. Get on with it cuz."

Chris bent his head forward and buried his face into Ando's butt cheeks. His tongue slipped out until he could feel skin. Chris pulled back in not wanting to get into Ando's anus. He was trying to stall and waste time.

Mick "Come on time doesn't start until you get your lizard tongue on the brown spot my queer cuz."

Chris decided he had no option and slid his tongue into the valley of the butt cheeks. He slid his way down to the lips of Ando's anus. He pushed his tongue forward at the feel of the opening. Ando yelped and moved forward.

Mick "Stay still Ando how can he get there if you move away, be fair." Ando looked at MIck and hung his head and eased back onto Chris' probing tongue.

Chris again forced his tongue at the clenched hole. It was not dirty tasting and not as unpleasant as he had imagined. He pushed and probed and soon had made his way into the first half inch between the sensitive rim. Ando ,as he felt the tongue rubbing against him and forcing onto his sensitive nerve endings began to moan loudly at the pleasure he was experiencing. Mick's young brother Martin stood mouth agape watching the act going on before him. He began to rub himself through his shorts. Mick watched his brother smiling then looked across to Mahoney who looked directly at Mick and smiled whilst nodding in recognition at Martin's actions. Ando continued to moan at the invading tongue as it found more entry into his hole. He felt the tongue in his hole , he pushed back trying to get it further into him. His cock stood erect under him. Ando had forgooten about those around him, he was now only responding to being tongue fucked. He dropped his head and pushed back harder, then again.

Ando "Oh get in there push it in fuck you." Ando lifted his head looking to the ceiling and closed his eyes, he was euphoric," Get in , ah, push fuck you." Chris forced his tongue as deep as he could into Ando's hole. He felt Ando's hole seize onto his tongue, Ando released a deep groan and then loosed a load of cum onto the towel on which he was kneeling. He continued to gasp and moan.

Ando "Ah fuck, ah, jesus, ah". Ando panted and fell forward onto the towel lying on his stomach his arse cheeks facing upwards with signs of saliva around the arse valley. Chris remained on his knees looking down at Ando. Chris looked at his throbbing erection standing at 45 degreess from his groin. He was losing copious amounts of precum.

Mick "Well done Chris, but lick up Ando's cum off the towel there's no use wasting it."

Chris without reaction bent down and sucked up the spent cum off the towel. His cock continued to bounce and throb. He looked to Mick who smiled down at him.

Mick "OK let's get onto the next one. What is it mate."

Chris "I don't know what I did with the other one."

Mick "No matter I know. Come over here and kneel in front of me. Marty pass me that carrot."

Martin moved across to the work bench and picked up the carrot they had brought in earlier and returned to Mick but at the same time tried to cover his crotch so nobody could see he had a boner.

Mick "Getting you off little bro is it. I can see you got a show on there." pointing to Martin's crotch.

Martin blushed a bright red and Mick and Mahoney laughed heartily at the young boy's embarrassment. Ando was meanwhile sitting back on his haunches recovering from his earlier orgasm and watching events. He squatted naked, seemingly oblivious of his state. Were someone to look across at him they would see a naked lad with his balls and cock hanging between his legs watching the actions unfold now before him.

Mick "Here Chris, you're going to fuck yourself with this." Mick then held out the carrot in front of Chris " and before you say anything you either use this carrot or a real cock up to you."

With a defeated look on his face Chris reached forward and took the carrot from Mick. He looked at the vegetable in his hand, it was about 10 inches long ( 250 mm) and about 4 inches ( 100mm) around.

Chris " You can either dry fuck yourself or put some of your precum on it, but you got to fuck yourself until you cum, ok."

Chris didnot say anything , just nodded with his head. All of the boys now stood around over Chris watching intently as he began to coat the carrot with his precum. Chris was kneeling on the towel preparing to move the carrot to his ring.

Mick "Don't kneel mate, here lie on your back and put your knees back over your shoulders that'll make it easier for you."

Chris got off his knees and lay on his back. He lifted his knees back towards his shoulders. There was now a clear view Chris's arse and his now exposed ring. He moved the carrot towards his ring. The tip of the carrot touched him and he flinched. He knew he had to relax to get the thing into him, but this was the first time anything had ever ventured into this space, and it was going to be a carrot. Chris was tense. He moved the carrot again to his hole but he couldn't get it passed the tightly held lips of the anus.

Mick "Gotta calm down man otherwise I'll get in for you."

Chris "No man leave me I'll get there."

Mick looked across to Ando and martin, standing side by side. Ando was naked and watching Chris had made him hard again. Mick noted Martin had a lump at his front as his 13 year old cock had swollen at the goings on around him. Chris continued to feel at his hole with the narrow point of the carrot without success. Chris continued to probe with the vegetable so several more minutes.

Mick "Come over here Marty." At the direction of his brother Martin moved across to be alongside of his brother, they stood looking down on Chris lying on his back before them." Jerk off and blow in his face mate."

Martin "What in front of everyone. No man.'

Mick "Do it man, get that cock of yours out and jerk off over your cousin or you can suck him."

Martin "Pleae Mick don't do it to me."

Mick "You got a boner, he needs to relax so blow in his face. Come on do it."

Without further argument Martin moved in close to Chris and dropped his shorts, pulled out his very erect cock of about 4 inches and tried to privately jerk off as directed by his brother. Mick was watching Ando while Martin did this. Ando moved in closer to martin and focused on the young boys cock whilst Martin prepared to jerk it. Mick was now convinced Ando was as queer as Chris, more so. As this was just happening the front door bell sounded.

With only Mick and Mahoney the only ones now dressed Mick told Mahoney to go to the door and see who was there. He told him if it was any of their mates bring them in otherwise, piss anybody else off. Mahoney passed the camera to Mick and went off to answer the front door which was some way from the garage where they are.

Mick "Ok Marty get to it, start jerking."

Without question Martin moved across over Chris again and began to feveriously stroke his cock. This was the first time he had ever jerked off in front of anybody and his first experience with other boys. Ando continued to be consumed watching Martin pull on his cock. In no time Martin squirted four shots of cum onto the boy below. Martin then allowed the dregs from his cock as he squeezed the last of his efforts from its end to dribble down onto Chris's face. Martin now pulled up his shorts and moved back to stand between Mick and Ando.

Mick "Marty put some of your cum on that orange dick>"

Before Martin could move Chris reached to his face and took some of the cum and spread it over the carrot and returned it to his hole. He placed the tip at his hole and as he gently pushed out as he pushed the tip of the carrot against himself and the carrot entered into the hole. Chris now slowly and gently began to move the invader slowly in and out until he was getting its full length into him. As he pushed the vegetable cock further into his hole he began to feel pressure on his go spot. As he moved it in and out so he began to put from his mind where he was, just getting the feeling of the pressure being thrust against his most sensual spot. He continued to fuck himself. The onlookers stood open mouthed at the display going on before them. Chris continued to work the carrot in and out of his arse. His cock lay up his stomach freely running precum, pooling on his stomach and running down his sides. Chris was oblivious to his surroundings lost in the moment of his actions. Mahoney returned to the garage, Mick looked up from Chris to the doorway, smiled and held his finger to his lips signalling no noise. They all averted their attention back to the centre of the garage and the main act taking part. A grunt , a groan , a further loud moan, Chris clenched his eyes shut, he pushed the carrot in its full length into him, squeezed his butt cheeks together, let out a great moan threw his legs out straight trapping the carrot in his arse then blew massive globs of cum up onto his chest and face. Shot after shot. Seven in all. Chris's body was covered in his own cream. The last remnants of the arse fuck dribbled from his cock to his belly button. His cock was spent but it did not weaken, but retained its full length, still bobbing at his groin as if looking for more action. When he was finished his orgasm and had recovered he was able to open his eyes and take in the surroundings. He lay on the floor, a group of boys looking down on him. He closed his eyes momentarily, aware he had shown his sexuality. He would never convince them now he wasn't gay. All there would know what he really was, no matter what he had tried to convince himself and others. He was a sexual deviate, he would never be able to convince these boys he was anything else. They mustn't tell anyone what they had seen, he would be banished by all who knew him. He opened his eyes again and looked at the boys leering over him. He noted MIck with a great grin spread across his face gently swinging a camera around his wrist on a strap. He looked alongside of MIck and there was a naked Ando, with his fingers very gently handling his prong. Alongside him was martin, god he wished he hadn't been here to see this , it would be even harder to convince him, being young, not to say anything to his friends about what he had seen. Standing alongside Martin was Bill. Bill had his mouth agape, staring intently down at Chris, but otherwise with little expression on his face. Alongside Bill was Mahoney. Chris opened his eyes in shock. Bill. His brother Bill was in the audience and had seen the floor show. What could he say to his brother. How could he explain. Fuck what was he doing here. Chris felt physically sick. He jumped from the floor and stood in front of Bill. He pulled the carrot from his arse and dropped it on the floor. He tried to speak to Bill but found it impossible to utter a word. He stood naked in front of his younger brother, cum streaking his face and body. He looked pleadingly at Bill. Neither brother had words to break the moment. Chris cock remained to attention.

Mick "Well Billy boy what do you think of your big bro now. A real stud isn't he. Bet you didn't realise he was such a goer."

Bill looked across at Mick , then back to his brother but was unable to say anything. He turned to Mick " You made him do this didn't you. You grabbed him off the bus. Ron told me so."

Mick "Wrong little cuz. Your brother was the only one on the bus naked and jerking himself. He was the one who came here. There's no bruises on him. Ask him if he was forced to do it or he chose to. Go on."

Bill " Well Chris did he make you or what."

Chris Remained silent for a moment then," He made me, I would never do this otherwise. You know me better than that don't you. I ain't never done anything sexual with anyone."

Bill returned a glare to Mick then turned back to his brother," Get your gear we're going, Ron's out the front waiting across the street, this guy (indicating mahoney) wouldn't let him in."

Mick "Too bad he could have seen Chris in action to. No matter. What you just said Chris is a crock of shit and you know it. We better have a little chat just us two. While we doing that think about this Bill , your brother was enjoying himself when you walked in, there was no one holding him was there, he was all by himself. And while I'm at it what about the great lump in your footy shorts, they don't hide anything."

Bill "Fuck you dont you worry about me, I ain't like him. "

Mick "Come over here for a minute Chris while you and I have a quick talk. The rest of you stay here and watch Ando jerk himself for a few minutes."

With that Ando snapped out of fingering his cock and went to leave the room to gather his things.

Mick "No you play with that hairy stick while me and Chris have a chat.'

Ando didn't argue and stood amid the others pulling on his length. Mick took Chris to the corner of garage" Up to you , you still got one more penalty to serve or you can go and I send everything I got , including now the carrot to everyone I can, your call. You got to face it guy."

Chris glared into Mick's face knowing he meant every word he said." I'll do whatever you say."

The two moved back to the garage centre with the others. Ando stopped his penis play. He stood with his erection standing from his groin. Chris stood naked and he stood with his cock straining from his groin, like a sentry on duty ready for any action.

Mick "OK Chris now tell your brother the truth about yourself."

Chris " Mick made me do everything and if I don't he'll send photos of me doing shit out to everyone."

Bill "Doesn't mean you got to get so wrapped up in this shit."

Chris "When I start I just get really overtaken and forget what I'm doing. My cock does it's own thing. I can't help it."

Bill "That's bullshit you're a fag, my brother the cock sucker."

Mick "That's right Billy boy that's exactly what he is. To prove it to you he'll even suck you off."

Bill "No one's putting their lips around my cock, I ain't gay."

Mick "tell you what Bill, you pull off your kit and if you don't get a hard on then nothin will happen to you and I'll give you photos I got of you pulling yourself off, I took them when you first stayed here. If you don't then I'll print them out and post them around your school. Your call. So up to you."

Bill stood glaring at Mick and then to Chris.

Chris "He's got the photos mate I saw them, that's why I was doing this to try and get them to protect you. I know what he's like."

Bill "OK but I get the photos."

Mick "Sure I'll give you photos but first you got to strip off."

Bill "What about Ron, he's waiting outside for us. We've been a while already. He's going to want to come in and get us soon. He said he would."

Mick "Is he Chris's boyfriend,"

Bill "No, definitely not, he's dead straight, he's Chris's mate is all. He was worried about him after he got off the bus today." Bill looked into Chris"s eyes,"he cares for him as a freind I'm not sure how he would feel if he knew he was a queer."

Chris "I'm not queer, I'm not."

Mick "Stop the shit Chris, you're as bent as a three dollar bill. Ha a joke, a bent Bill. Righto Bill drop your gear."

Bill looked around the room, Chris stood alongside Ando, both naked, Chris with his erection not softening at all and standing proud with its 10 inches(250mm) and bare whilst Ando stood with his chubbed cock surrounded by black pubes. Next to them was Martin, eyes agog but saying nothing then Mahoney fully dressed, showing no sign of any excitement. Mick stood at the head of the circle. There was a noticeable bulge and what appeared a damp stain in the front of his shorts. Bill pulled off his t shirt and then slipped his nylon footy shorts down his legs and stepped out of them. All of the boys stood watching intently as Bill placed his hands to the waist band of his briefs.

Mick "Come on Bill get 'em off. Marty pick up his briefs and hang onto them. Ando go stand in front of Bill and start to work your cock."

Ando "Aw shit Mick I don't wanna be doing this."

Mick "Fucken do it. Get in front of him and start jerking your rod."

Ando moved across in front of Bill fisting his cock and began to slowly masturbate himself. Martin moved alongside of Bill waiting for his briefs. Bill slid his briefs down his legs and stepped away from them. He now stood before the group fully naked, his penis not flacid as he had hoped for but well chubbed. As Bill focused on Ando before him masturbating himself his cock began to fill. Martin bent down and took possession of Bill's skimpy briefs.

Mick "You can keep them marty, go get me a marker pen from the laundry." Marty turned grasping the briefs and ran from the garage.

In no time with his brother standing before him with his straining erection, Ando in front of him jerking of what was now a fully inflated erect 6 inch (150mm) cock Bill's cock became fully engorged. It began to bob up and down as Bill's heart pumped. Mick smiled.

Mick "So much for you not getting a stiffy. Come on you two Thompson brothers come stand together. Pretty impressive for a kid young Bill, must run in the family. He's as big as you Ando."

Ando "yeah and bigger than you." Mick glared at Ando.

The two brothers moved away from the rest of the group and stood side by side. Mick moved forward and stood Bill in front of Chris. He then moved Chris forward so his penis which was pointing up from his crotch at a 45 degree angle came into contact with the top of Bill's arse. He now pushed BIll back onto the stiff prong and Chris forward further mashing his cock into the arse crevice of his brother.

Mick "Reach around and start massaging your brothers cock Chrissy." Bill went to step away " Don't bother." Chris reached forward with both hands reaching around the waist of his brother standing in front of him. He placed one hand onto Bills cock and the other to his balls.he began to fondle Bills balls whilst he firmly stroked his brothers now straining rod. Chris was taken by the actions of handling his brother and was profusely emitting precum, running down into the arse crease of Bill. Bill pushed back onto his brothers cock lying along his crease. He started to move up and down, massaging the cock behind him all the while being masturbated by his brother. This was the first time the brothers had ever done anything sexual between them. Bill took no notice of the onlookers watching as he was grinding his arse onto his brothers cock whilst being stroked. Ando watching what was going on before him began to beat his meat furiously as he became overheated by the action taking place before him. Bill grunted, groaned moaned, gutteral sounds were coming from Bill as his brother kept on with his ministrations. Bill threw his head back, closed his eyes he was on the cusp of cumming. He loosed his load. He had never orgasmed like this before. He left his load go into the envelopping fist of his brother. Chris held Bill's balls which he had felt draw up into his scrotum before he ejaculated. Chris now gripped the cock tightly as the white goo ran down out of his fist over his fingers.

Mick " Put your fingers in his mouth Chris." Chris looked at Mick and went to move whilst pushing his fingers to Bill's mouth. "No stay where you are , just feed him his cum, suck them clean Billy boy."

Bill, leaning back against against Chris for support after orgasm, freely took the fingers in and began to suck away the cream. Chris held Bill tight, his stomach to Bills back with Chris's cock still firmly embedded along the arse cheeks of his young brother. Bill dropped his head backwards to rest on Chris's shoulder, Chris turned his head and moved slightly forward and kissed his brother on his cheek. With the feel of his brothers face to his lips Chris lost all control and began firing cum up and arse crease and up Bill's back. Chris held Bill firmly to him. Ando at the sight of what happened before him shot a load onto the floor in front of him. Four solid spurts of cum. Mick looked across at Ando milking the last drops from his cock onto the concrete floor of the garage.

Mick "Bill you better clean that mess off your brothers and cock don't you reckon." Bill moved away from Chris and turned and looked at the front of Chris and noted the cum that was stuck to his front, he was about to reply when "and Chris you better clean off the back of little bro there."

Without saying a word Chris moved to the back of Bill and began to lick his freshly deposited cum from his brothers' back, arse cheeks and arse valley. At the feel of Chris's tongue running up and down his arse crease Bill started to harden again. C hris remained hard losing only the super hard pulsing of previously. When Chris declared himself done Bill turned , glared at Mick, and licked down his brothers'front lapping the cum from his brother's deposit between them. When Bill had cleaned Chris's stomach down to the butt of his cock he stopped and stood up as if finished.

Mick "Got to finish the job Billy boy, look there's gunk on the cock and balls that needs cleaning. Got to finish and before you can think of going. And you Ando go get your clothes from my room, don't get dressed though." With that Ando ran from the garage up the stairs to retrieve his belongings.

Bill got on his knees before his brother and licked clean his cock and balls. Chris's cock returned to its fully hard and erect condition.

Bill "Don't you blow on me you fag."

Mick "Are you kidding yourself you already drank some of his juice and you're the one who let his brother jerk him off. Gayboy. Is your old man gay as well. I'll have to find out if it runs in your side of the family." With that Ando returned to the room with his clothes. " Clean up that cum you shot on my floor fag. Use your undies." Ando didn't question, he bent down with his briefs and cleaned the floor of all splooge."Righto put them on and make sure you wear them to school tomorrow."

Martin had been standing at the side of the room holding onto the indelible laundry marker pen Mick had sent him to get.

Mick "Bill and Chris the fags. Big cocks big fags. Thanks for today we got some great photos for your album."

Bill "I'm not like Christian I'm not a fag. I just get horny."

Mick "You're standing there, alongside your brother, there's three people here naked, and they're all arse brokers, all gay boys, thats Chris , Ando and you fag boy."

Ando " I'm not....."

MNick "Shut up Ando, you are a fag we've known for ages, we watch you but Mahoney and me will talk to you later. You Billy boy , come over here." Bill walked across the room and stood in front of Mick. "To prove a point watch this." Mick directed at Bill. He reached forward and gently stroked Bill's exposed nipple gently running his finger over the nub then circling around the nipple to take it between his fingers and gently tweek it. Bill's cock sprang to attention."My case rests. Look at yourself fagboy. Here Chris come and suck your brothers cock."

Chris moved in front of Bill , knelt down and moved forward hungrily taking his brothers 6 inches (150mm) into his mouth. He took to the task with enthusiasm bobbing up and down on his brothers rod. He ran his tongue over the head, into the piss slit,around the very sensitive circumcision scar. BIll placed his hands on Chris's head and moved forward to enable his brother to take him fully into his mouth.

Mick "OK enough you two fags, you can work out who is the boy at home. Bring that pen here Marty. Bend over Chris."

Chris stood before Mick and bent over as directed. Mick moved behind him. Chris could feel a cool feel and pressure as Mick did something to his arse. He then called Bill across to him. Bill stood in front of Mick,. Mick smiled then looked at Chris.

Mick " Chris take this and colour in your brothers cock head." Chris looked at Mick "Just do it or it gets worse." Chris moved back to Bill took his penis in his hand, which quickly regained its erect state. Chris then coloured the head of Bills cock with indelible black pen.

There was a heavy banging on the front door. Martin left to answer the door.

Mick "Alright my little poofs, you lot can go home now, not you Ando, but the Thompson fags."

Chris "I got no clothes to wear, can you lend me shorts please Mick."

Mick "Fuck off fag I ain't letting a poof in my shorts." Mick smiled at his comment. Meanwhile Bill pulled on his t shirt and footy shorts as Martin had taken his briefs."Righto fuck off you two."

Bill clothed and Chris naked moved from the garage into the kitchen then to the front foyer, where they heard raised voices. Standing at the door was Ron Ford , who had been patiently waiting for Bill and Chris to appear and was now sick of waiting. Ron forced his way past Martin and into the foyer where he saw Bill and Chris. One dressed and the other naked. His eyes settled on Chris, standing before him naked, with a near full erection. He could not help but focus on this thing protruding from the completely bare crotch of his friend. He noted there was not a hair on Chris body to be seen anywhere and then this humongus organ standing out.

Ron "Come on get dressed Chris we got to go."

Chris "I can't i got no clothes and MIck won't lend me none. I can't walk home like this , I'll have to hide until its dark."

Ron "We ain;t waiting around here." Ron stood thinking for a moment then looked at Chris," This is what we going to do, I'll give you my shorts to wear and I'll keep on my shirt over my undies, we'll be right."

Chris "You sure, I don't want you to get into any strife. But I want to get away from here."

Ron "OK you take my shorts then you can explain it all to me later." With that Ron slipped off his shorts and handed them to Chris. It was then they heard Mick's voice.

Mick "THis isn't a meeting hall fuck off fags. Oh look it's the king fag. Get out of our house." With saying that Mick flung open the front door and pushed Chris, holding the shorts but still naked outside onto the front porch. Chris fell face down onto the front lawn.

Ron "Whats drawn on your arse."

Chris didn't answer, he rolled onto his back and pulled on Ron's shorts.

Chris "Lets get out of here."

Ron "OK let's go home. You fuck face I'll be back to see you."

Mick "Anytime fag, bring your bum boys with you."

Ron made to return and front Mick now. Chris took him by the arm and pulled him away. Ron looked at Chris before him standing in his shorts, he noticed this most prominent bulge on his friend.

Ron "Doesn't that thing ever go down."

Chris blushed. "Sometimes once its hard it can take two hours it just does what it likes."

Ron "What did he do on your arse."

Chris "I don't know he just did it."

Ron "why did you let him do that."

Chris "It's a long story isn't Bill, he knows."

Bill "Bullshit I know fuck all. I do know you and me are going to have a good talk when we get home."

Ron "I think you can both sit down and tell me what is going on."

Bill "I'll let Mick tell you all, what I got ot say with him is between just us brothers."

Ron "OK lets drop it until we get home." With that he clipped Chris across the back of the head and trotted off down the street. The two brothers increased their pace and kept up with Ron.

As they ran side by side Chris's cock bounced freely and obscenely up and down in his shorts. Bill looked acrooss at him. Great looks, great body, reasonably intelligent and a fag.

Bill "I'll tell you brother we going to get a few things straightened out when we get home. Today isn't the last time you're going to suck my cock , trust me."

To be contd.

Next: Chapter 38: Christian and William Thompson 19

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