Chris New Life


Published on Nov 13, 2023


This story contains sexual and physical acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation and violence. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction. This story is not intended to influence how you conduct yourself. Some of the behaviour undertaken in his story is totally unacceptable and should not be copied. This is fantasy entertainment not realism.

For clarity I have included a summary below the most often mentioned charcters. Others will be added as and when required.

Chris Thompson 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High School. Bill Thompson 13, grade 8 , Hills Boys High School, brother to Chris

John Wong, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High , next door neighbour to Chris James Wong, nearly 17, grade 11, Hills Boys High, brother to John Tim Wong, 13, grade 8, Hills Boys High, brother to John Alexandra Wong, 15, grade 10, Ladies College, twin sister to John Wong, wanted by Chris

Max Rose, 25, maths teacher, Oakhill Boys High, next door neighbour to Chris and Bill Thompson Ron Ford, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High, back neighbour to Chris and Bill. Sarah Rose, married to Max. Scott Au, 18, grade 12, Hills Boys High, boyfriend of Alexandra Wong

Michael Thompson, 15, grade 10, Oakhill Boys High, cousin to Chris and Bill and tormentor Martin Thompson, 13, grade 8, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill Peter Thompson, 17, grade 12, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill

Chapter 16


Ron reached forward as if to get hold of Mick, MIck stood and so did Bill Mahoney. MIck" Fuck off bum boy and go home and play with yourself and dream of your big cocked poofy mate.."

Ron " I'll take your back pack Chris to your place OK." and with that Ron walked to the front of the bus and got off. As the bus left Ron stood on the footpath staring at the back window of the bus as the boys at the back held up their fingers giving Ron the bird. Ron stood on the footpath seething. He then got cranky with himself for not staying on the bus and going with Chris. He didn't because he didn't want anyone to think him gay. He was Chris' friend, maybe his best friend he should have gone with him. Ron walked the several hundred metres to his place. He went to his room and pondered what he should do. He looked out of his window up at the rear of Chris' house and the rear bedroom windows. He wondered what would happen to his mate.

Meanwhile the naked Chris travelled on with with his companions towards MIck's place.

Mick" OK stop with the playin with your cock. Thought you didn't know him to well."

Chris " I didn't want him involved."

Mick " So you lie to me. and if he didn't already know you were a fag he does now. I still think you're a couple, he's too close ."

Chris " He's not really he's just a true mate>"

Mick " Well I'll get to see him when I come to visit one day and we can sort out our talk from today. I'm going to look forward to that."

Chris " Please Mick leave him out of this, I'm doing what you want"

Mick " Are you having me on. You lied about your briefs and I find out you're wearing them. You lied you hardly knew him and I find out he lives next door and he's one of your best mates and probably your rooter. Chris you got a lot to pay for and today is goin to be your day."

Chris" Please Mick things just got cocked up is all."

Mick " They certainly did. By the time this arvo is over you'll know what is cocked up and what isn't, you're in for some new experiences my dear cuz." With that Mick threw Chris his polo shirt "Now pull this on and see if you can make it cover you. Nearly time we got off."

Chapter 17

The boys entered Mick's place through the back door and into the family room.

Mick "OK Chris I think the first thing is take off your shirt and get up to my room."

Chris without any argument, knowing it to make matters worse, obeyed and climbed the stairs to Micks room and entered, sat himself on the bed and waited for Mick and the others. He peeled off his polo and sat naked. His penis began to fill with the expectation of what was to come. Chris willed it to subside, but as usual his penis ruled with a mind of its own, one Chris invariably followed. The cock got larger. And larger and soon it was fully extended at a forty five degree angle from his groin and pointing its one eye to the ceiling. Precum began to flow, first in small drops appearing at the eye then as Chris waited in expectation increased to a steady flow of clear serum dribbling down the side of the throbbing penis. Chris refrained from touching himself as he knew he would bring himself off. He heard voices in the hallway.

Mick " OK come stand on this towel in front of me." Chris moved in front of Mick." Don't stick that thing in my face, I'm not going to touch it." Chris dropped his head and looked at the floor. He also saw his cock standing from his groin. Mick removed the lid off a tube he was holding and put on a disposable pair of latex gloves.

Bill Anderson, " Give me a pair too mate." and Anderson reached forward to take a pair of gloves from Mick and put them on. Both boys then squeezed cream from the tube onto their fingers and began to apply it to Chris' body. Mick working on the front and Bill Anderson applying cream to Chris' rear and back. They applied the cream to his chest, stomach, back, shoulders, arms, under arms, legs front and back, arse cheeks and between the mounds, and to the crotch area.

Mick, "We'll leave that five minutes then you can go have a shower under the cool water. You should be smooth as a baby's bum again after this."

Chris didnot respond. Bill Anderson stood with a wide grim on his face. Mick noted that while applying the cream Chris's cock bobbed up and down as he was touched and the constant flow of precum now running freely from his cock. He also noted how Bill Anderson had taken a lot of time applying the cream to Chris' arse and how Bill's shorts now had a very prominent bulge in the front of them. I knew it, Mick thought to himself. Bill Mahoney stood next to Mick, most dispassionate about the whole affair, seeming to enjoy being able to bully someone but not responding to any sexual provocations. "Righto into the shower Cuz. You go help him clean off Ando.. Make sure he is completely cleaned off . I don't want to see any hair. Go on."

Ando, " I'll get wet."

Mick, " You're a cat. Strip down to your undies you'll be ok Chris is the one under the water. You just got to make sure it's all off. If it isn't shave him. Go."

Grudgingly Ando did as instructed , knowing if he argued with MIck he would be in Mick's bad books. "Come on Chris let's go get you done."

Mick "When you're finished bring him out here."

Chris and Ando went into the bathroom. Chris got under the cool running shower and Ando stood on the outside. After several minutes of showering Chris had not removed all of the cream and Ando was forced to move to the edge of the shower and attempt to rub off the cream without getting wet. As he reached in through the shower screen Chris moved under the water spray and the water was diverted towards Ando and his shirt was drenched.

Ando "Fuck you Chris I didn't want to get wet."

Chris " Like I give a fuck you weirdo."

Ando " Well fuck you then." and with that Ando pulled off his shirt and slid off his shoes, socks then shorts leaving him only in a pair of very brief yellow bikini briefs. Ando moved back to the shower enclosure and ordered Chris to turn his back towards him. Chris did as told and stood with his back to the open shower door and Ando. He felt Andos' hands start to rub down his back to his arse and Chris moved forward away from Ando.

Ando ," Stay still shit head... don't move away."

Chris moved further into the shower enclosure. Bill Ando followed him. The water continued to spray down on them.

Ando, " Bend over."

Chris " What, I'm not..."

Ando " Do as you're told or I tell Mick."

Chris bent at his waist with his bare arse facing towards Ando. He felt Andos' hands running over his hard glutes. He felt a hand slip between his mounds and into the arse valley. He felt the hand running up and down in his valley. He felt the fingers running across his most private part, his anus. The hand stopped in between the mounds with a finger gently roaming around his hole. Another hand was gently massaging his right arse cheek. The shower continued to play on them. Chris went to speak but was silenced as a finger pressured his hole. He felt force on his anus, he felt more pressure as the digit forced against his hole, looking to gain entry. The finger got between the lips of the anus not yet forcing entry. The finger tip went past the first barrier and softly worked within the doorway to Chris' arsehole.

Mick " Come on Bill we're waiting here I ain't got all day."

Ando " Yeah coming." he yelled and to Chris ," Later you, say nothing." The two stepped from the shower turning off the water . Both boys were wet. Ando's bikini briefs were now transparent. Ando had a boner, clearly every line and crinkle visible through the wet cloth. The cut of the circumcision clearly showing with Ando's pointed cock head discernable. The boys towelled off, and walked back to Mick's bedroom, Chris naked and Bill Anderson with the towel wrapped around him. Ando stood directly behind Chris.

Mick "What's with you Ando. You and the towel."

Ando " Nothing I was wet."

Mick reached forward past Chris and grabbed the towel from Ando's waist. It was now clear Ando had a roaring erection and his cock and pubic visible through the briefs. Mick took hold of Ando's arm and dragged him in front of Chris, both Chris and Ando now fronting each other. Chris penis had softened slightly. Now with him on show again and as he looked down at Bill Anderson before him, his cock began to fill to its fullest again. Within the minute both Chris and Ando had erections stretching to their fullest.

Mick " You look all smooth again dear cousin, that's much better don't you reckon Bill." Bill Anderson didnot speak but nodded his affirmation. Mick then turned to Bill Mahoney " Grab that camera out of my top drawer Mahoney and take a few snaps of the boys here."

Ando. " No ,,no .. not me, I don't want my photo taken, not with him."

As Bill Anderson was talking Bill mahoney moved to the set of drawers and removed the digital camera. He raised the camera and started to take photos.

Ando. " I fucken told you no ya cunt, now stop." and with that he moved to push past Mick and grab the camera from Mahoney. As he got to MIck's shoulder Mick took hold of him and tackled him to the bed.

Mick " Calm yourself, these are just for us mate. You look good in your tighty yellows, especially with your hard on. Ando struggled to free himself. As he rolled onto his stomach and began to raise himself on his knees still supporting Mick on his back he felt a hand at his arse then his briefs being dragged off his rump. Mahoney stood to the side of them happy snapping. A tearing sound was heard and Ando felt his briefs fall away from his body. He realised he was now naked and with Mick on his back. Ando flopped back onto the bed face down, MIck lying on his back, Chris stood at the bedside, naked, hard and saying nothing. Mick got off Ando and moved across to Bill mahoney who was still happy snapping.

MIck " Come on Ando calm down and come over here to me."

Ando "I don't want to be photographed. I'm not getting set up like your fag cousin."

Mick " Well you have been photographed and when we're done I promise you can have them all back , now come over here to me. If you do as I want I got a little surprise for you."

Ando "You promise I get the pics back."

Mick "Sure when we're done. Now get over here." Chris remained standing still passively watching proceedings , his cock had gone off slightly.

Ando raised himself from the bed, turned and walked over to Mick. Mick and Mahoney had a large grin on their face. Bill Anderson was completely naked before them. This was the first time they had seen Ando with a hard on. Mick noticed how much dark pubic hair Ando had. Now he understood why Ando had such hairy legs and had some hair on his chest. They also noted Ando had a reasonably large set of cods with them hanging well between his legs. Set above that was an erect cock of about six inches long ( 150mm) and really thick at the butt but tapering off to the head, a bit like a rocket. Circumcised, good piss slit with precum visible. All in all a good package. Mahoney took some more photos.

Ando "Stop that will ya."

Mick " Calm down mate, told ya I'll give them to you later." Mick turned to Chris who had said nothing but had been watching Ando and his cock was now straining and bobbing of its own accord. "Let's have a close inspection of you." and with that Mick performed a close inspection all over Chris' body. On the several hairs that had missed treatment and on Chris testes themselves Mick took a razor and shaved away any lingering scraps of body hair. Chris was again completley bald except for the hair on his head and his eyebrows.

Mick "Come here Ando stand in front of Chris." Ando complied without question, not sure what would happen but not wanting to upset Mick again. Mick looked at Chris.

Mick "Seeing how you disobeyed me and you also lied you are going to be punished. I got four punishments for you and you get to choose two of them. Ando also has to get something because you got him wet and all turned on. While you were having a shower I wrote them out on pieces of paper. To start come here and kneel in front of Ando and blow him. Make sure you do it right, if he ain't happy then I'll think of something else."

Bill Anderson's mouth fell open in surprise he never imagined this would happen to him. He couldn't believe his luck. Mick had been watching Ando and decided he too was gay, what better way to expose him as a fag.

Chris " No Mick don't make me, you never made me do stuff to others before they always do it to me, please mate, please don't make me do this."

Mick "Fag you got till I count ten to start giving this boy the best head job he ever has had. One..two.. three..four.."

Chris on his knees before Ando and with a cock directly at lip level stared at the penis before him. He did not want to take this thing into his mouth. If he didn't he knew what MIck would do, but he resisted. He heard Mick counting down , he bent forward and took hold of the straining erect cock in his hand. Ando flinched at the feel of the hand. First time another person had ever taken hold of his cock. Mick counted eight.. nine.. Chris moved his head forward and still holding the cock in his fingers moved his lips to the cock head. His tongue moved out and swiped across the head. Ando sighed. The tongue came out and washed up and down the shaft. The tongue again washed over the cock head. Ando could feel the coarse texture of the tongue. He was more sensually aroused than ever before in his life.

MIck "Suck it come on."

Chris inched further forward and took the head and two inches of shaft into his mouth. He closed his lips around the shaft and with his mouth well lubricated with saliva moved his tongue over the cock head and upon feeling the piss slit planted his tongue firmly into it and wiggled the end of his tongue forcing it deep into the slit. Ando let forth a cry of uncontrolled excitement. Chris could feel the cock tensing in his mouth, he could fell it bobbing, Bill Anderson took hold of Chris's head a hand either side and held it. Chris could taste precum. He knew what was close. He pulled off the cock.

Chris "Don't cum in my mouth, you hear me. Pull out..."

Before he could finish Ando took hold of his head and pulled him back onto his cock. Chris resumed his sucking this time moving up and down the shaft.

Ando "Watch the teeth cunt." and with that he smacked Chris across the back of the head ," Do that again and I'll reef your balls."

Chris continued his sucking action on the straining cock . Ando took a tight grip on Chris' head. He held it still and stopped the up and down action. He pulled the head into his crotch, forcing his cock further into Chris' mouth then throat. He held him firmly. He shuddered, let out a loud groan, threw his head back and proceeded to shoot his wad into Chris mouth. Chris felt the invasion of fluid, he attempted to get his head away but was held too tightly. He managed to get his head back slightly taking the shooting cock head from his throat to his mouth. Ando was now groaning as if he was suffering. Chris tried to force the syrup from his mouth using his tongue pushing past the invading cock, he could not get past it. MIck grinned. He watched the event. He noted as Ando shot his load, how Ando's arse cheeks were tensing in and out as each wad would have been released into the oral cavern. He watched Andos arse cheeks clenched tight as he experienced this life changing event. He watched Chris gagging on the seminal nectar from Ando.

Mick "Don't you spit that cream out Chris I'm warning you. Keep it in your mouth I want to see it. Don't spit it out or you will suffer."

Chris could hear Mick's raised voice instructions. He wanted to spit it out. He wanted to punch out Ando. He knew he had to obey Mick. He held the fluid in his mouth. He felt Andos cock deflating slightly from the rock hard spear it had been. He stopped his ministrations to it. He let it lie in his mouth. Ando continued to hold his head in his hands. Ando looked across at MIck and smiled.

Ando "That was fucking awesome man, just fucking awesome. You should try it Mahoney. You too MIck, just unbelieveable."

Ando slid his cock from Chris's mouth. It dropped betwen this thighs, now only half rigid. Chris continued kneeling on the floor mouth full of cum.

Mick " Stand up Chris , give me a look in your mouth." Chris stood in front of Mick and opened his mouth for MIck. Chris felt violated by what had happened. It didn't show in his cock, which was now standing so firm and erect from his groin with a near scarlet colour head, The blood was pumping so hard to feed the excitement in his cock. Mick looked in Chris mouth and could see it full of cream coloured syrup lying on the tongue and over the white teeth and into the mouth cavity. "Come here Ando." Bill Anderson looked askance at MIck, not sure what was coming next then decided he should do what he was told. He moved in front of Mick and alongside Chris. "OK as part of your punishment Chris I want you to french kiss Ando here." Chris was unable to speak with his mouth full.

Ando "Piss off I ain't kissing no faggot."

Mick "Yes you are , you do as I say. Now get in and give him a good hearty kiss, both of you."

Chris didnot complain just turn and faced Ando ready to kiss him. Ando after a moment of contemplation, deciding it better to do as he had been told turned to Chris. Initially their faces slowly came together and lips briefly touched.

Mick "Do it properly, get into it or I got other things to follow."

The two boys fronted each other. They brought their faces together , their lips made contact , their bodies pressed harder against each other. Chris put his arms around Ando, and moved his face deeper onto Ando's lips pressing against Bill's face. Ando getting the feel of Chris, took Chris in his arms and pulled Chris into him. The boys face to face, torso to torso, cock to cock mashed against each other. Chris already straining, Ando began to inflate again. Chris pushed his tongue to the lips of Ando. He allowed entry. Chris ran his tongue against the tongue of Ando, against his teeth back to his tongue. He explored every crevice his tongue could reach within Ando's cavern. Their tongues met. The exchange of body fluid was shared between them. Both could taste the deposited milk of Ando. They mashed their lips to each other, they forced their bodies to teach other. They ground their cocks into each other. Chris took a firm hold of Ando, with his cock mashed between them and facing upwards against their stomaches Chris loosed his load. spurt after spurt released from his cock to the void between their bodies. When he was done Chris, still holding Ando slumped onto his shoulder. Chris felt euphoric. He was spent but he had had his first kiss with someone outside his family. This kiss was sexual. It felt to Chris unbridled passion. Both boys felt the sticky fluid now between them. They pulled apart looking into each others eyes. Ando was erect again. Chris moved his hand to take hold of the organ. Ando let him hold his shaft. Recognition took hold of his actions and Ando pushed Chris away.

Ando "Let go fag. You see him Mick, you see him. He's a fag."

Mick "Sure we saw it all Bill, every last bit." Mick and mahoney stood looking at the two naked boys before them both with firm erections and their midriff covered in cum.

Ando realising what the others were looking at became every defensive,"What you make me do that with him for, he's shot all over me I gotta have a shower."

Mick "Sure in a minute, but first I reckon we better finish this off in the garage I don't want cum all over the carpet in my room. Bring that towel off the floor Ando."

Ando "I'll just have a shower then come down."

Mick "No you come down now." Ando looked at Mick and then nodded his head and went to head out the door. "Where you going now Ando."

Ando "Just to the bathroom to get my clothes."

Mick "Get them after when you have your shower. Let's go. Bring the camera Mahoney."

Mahoney "Sure Mick I got some good shit so far."

Mick mustered the boys from his room and along the hall and down the stairs towards the garage. As they reached the family room the rear door slid open and in walked Martin, Mick's younger brother.

Mick "Hi marty, just home mate."

Martin "Yeah, shit mate what's the go. Hi Mahoney. Chris you ain't got no smaller. Hi Ando. What's going down brother."

Mick "Just Chris came over for a visit and Ando decided he wanted to be part of it."

Bill Anderson moved to cover himself behind Chris. He didnot want to be seen naked by a 13 year old and have him spreading gossip around school.

Ando "Mick I got to have my stuff mate, no shit come on I can't be seen like this." Ando appeared as a cat caught in head lights he had no idea what to do or say to cover the situation he now found himself in. He continued to stand directly behind Chris whose erection, unlike Ando, had not wilted.

Martin moved closer into the room and as he got closer to Chris "What's on his gut. Man is that what I think it is. You,re dirty man."

Chris didnot respond but feeling Ando so close behind him allowed his right hand to slip to his side then behind him and took hold of Ando's cock. He forcefully took hold of it, squeezed it and then pulled on it. Ando first feeling the hand didnot respond then the alarm in his head went off and he stepped away from Chris into the open.

Ando "You sick shit leave me, don't touch me up."

All eyes moved to Ando.

Martin "You got gunk on you too. What were they doing Mick. Small cock compared to Chris eh."

Mick "Just some fun between the boys. We're going into the garage you can come too if you want."

Ando "Everyone has got a small dick compared to Chris even you gob." (Looking straight at Martin). I ain't going in there with him, I ain't going anyway."

Mick " First up Martin knows what happens here stays here and if he says anything he answers to me and secondly, and most important, you Ando will do exactly what you're told. Both you and Chris are in the same spot, do as you're told or go public. Oh, we got some great shots of you and Chris upstairs. Now get your cum covered body into the garage, both of you."

All of the boys filed from the family room through the internal access door into the large vacant garage , both parents cars being at work. They moved to the centre of the garage and stood in a circle looking at each other waiting on instructions from Mick.

Mick "Mahoney go over to the work bench there and get some plastic cable ties, the large ones. Marty go in and get from the fridge the largest carrot in the crisper." Marty looked at Mick and bolted into the kitchen.



Ron Ford was concerned for Chris' well being and was dirty with himself for not sticking up for Chris more. He was now convinced something really bad must have happened to have him sitting in a bus naked pulling himself on view. Fuck what a cock he had. He should have pulled that other kid on and not listened to Chris. Chris was too peaceable a person, he was too soft. Chris wasn't home, anything could be happening to him. As his concern continued to taunt him he heard music in the Thompson house behind. He looked out of his window and saw movement in an upstairs room. Ron dashed from the house, climbed the back fence and ran to the rear sliding door of the Thompson house calling out to Bill to gain his attention. Bill heard the commotion downstairs and jogged down the stairs to see Ron excitedly standing at the door. Bill had changed out of his school uniform and pulled on a pair of nylon footy shorts. Bill enquired of Ron what all the excitement was about. Ron relayed the event in the bus on the way home. He described what the other boys looked like. It wasn't difficult with one of them , he looked like a slightly smaller version of Chris. He didn't mention Chris masturbating just that he was naked. Bill immediately recognised who Ron was talking about. He tried to tell Ron there was no problem as it was their cousin and he would only of being having a joke with Chris. Ron was not buying this story. He wanted to know where the cousin lived so he could go over there and make sure his friend was alright. After much tooing and froing the boys agreed to go together to Mick's house at least to give Ron peace of mind. Ron had already decided no matter what happened when they got there he was going to bash Mick for what took place on the bus. No one spoke to him like that. Fuck him.


Martin "This is the biggest I could find mate, will it do."

Mick "Yeah that should hit the spot. NOw Chris you come here and choose which two bits of paper you want. This is for your punishment remember"

Without a word Chris moved in front of Mick to chose two pieces from the four Mick was holding. Mick put the other two in his pocket.

Mick "Do as I say and I won't need them will I. Now let's have a look at what you've chosen." Mick noticed while he was talking to Chris Ando was moving slowly out of the circle." Come over here Ando so you can see close up. Depending what he's picked , you might be involved yet."

Bill Anderson, under the attention of all in the room, and with his cock at half mast moved alongside of Chris at full mast and facing Mick. Martin and Mahoney stood facing Chris and Ando alongside Mick. Mahoney with the camera always at the ready.

Mick "OK we all ready, let's get this show on the road. I hope it's my favourite."

To be contd.

Next: Chapter 37: Christian and William Thompson 18

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