Chris New Life


Published on Oct 2, 2023


This story contains sexual and physical acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation and violence. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction. This story is not intended to influence how you conduct yourself. Some of the behaviour undertaken in his story is totally unacceptable and should not be copied. This is fantasy entertainment not realism.

For clarity I have included a summary below the most often mentioned charcters. Others will be added as and when required.

Chris Thompson 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High School. Bill Thompson 13, grade 8 , Hills Boys High School, brother to Chris

John Wong, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High , next door neighbour to Chris James Wong, nearly 17, grade 11, Hills Boys High, brother to John Tim Wong, 13, grade 8, Hills Boys High, brother to John Alexandra Wong, 15, grade 10, Ladies College, twin sister to John Wong, wanted by Chris

Max Rose, 25, maths teacher, Oakhill Boys High, next door neighbour to Chris and Bill Thompson

Ron Ford, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High, back neighbour to Chris and Bill. Sarah Rose, married to Max. Scott Au, 18, grade 12, Hills Boys High, boyfriend of Alexandra Wong

Michael Thompson, 15, grade 10, Oakhill Boys High, cousin to Chris and Bill and tormentor

Martin Thompson, 13, grade 8, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill

Peter Thompson, 17, grade 12, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill

Chapter 15

The boys after the sound of the bell signalling an end to lunch moved to the gym. After about ten minutes Mr Jackson, the PE master , stood before the asembled boys and explained again what the intent of the examination was and how at regualr intervals during the year students would be examined , meaured and then monitored for physical development, growth and attributes associated with boys attaining and passing through puberty. He reiterated all students had been committed to this study by their parents and it was being undertaken by the Depts of Health and also Education. It was not an option for a student to withdraw. The study would go for two full years with an option to extend an additional year. He then introduced the doctors who would be undertaking the examination for the day. There were four medical participants, one older, about 35 who was the team leader, three student doctors, two male and one female. Additionally there would be three school pupils used as assistants.

There were a total of 48 boys for the study, 12 each from grades 8, 9, 10 and 11.

Jackson," Alright boys please go over to the wall and strip off to your briefs, put your things in a pile then return to line up behind one of these desks."

The boys obeyed Mr jackson's instruction, stripped to their undies then returned to line up behind one of the three desks placed across the gym floor. Behind each desk was a screened off area which the boys could not see into as a curtain used as an entry was pulled across to block vision.

Doctor Martin- "Alright boys before we start the exams we need for you to take a clip board and pen from the assistants here and go sit down and fill in your name, address, class and any other details asked on the form. Some of the questions may seem private to you but you still must answer each individual question as your answer will be later reviewed by the examining doctor. OK let's get started."

To be contd.

Chapter 16

The boys sat against the wall filling out the forms as requested. The questions all seemed reasonably straight forward and simple. Name , address, contact number, date of birth, school, grade, academic studies, sport pursuits, hobbies.

Dr martin " OK boys when you have finished your form line up behind a table, in no particular order and then we can get going. So you understand the format , you will be briefly examined today, and your form taken from you. In three weeks we will return here to undertake further examination, but this will only be done once all details are entered into the computer. OK lets start."

The boys lined up behind tables as they completed their forms. Ron and Chris stuck together and lined up behind two senior boys. The seniors ignored them and Ron and Chris spoke between themselves.

Dr Martin " Alright keep the noise down, and we can get this finished. When your exam is finished you can go and get dressed and leave for the day. An early mark."

A general noise of agreeement went through the group of boys at the sound of an early mark. The inspection quickly moved through the group of lads. Questions were related entirely to ensuring the form was correctly completed. As the boys left the exam point they returned to their clothes and redressed and then left the assembly hall for home. As soon as Chris and Ron completed their exam they dressed and ran from the school ground excited to be away from the place an hour earlier than usual. Because they were leaving early there were no school buses yet available so they could either walk home or catch a bus for the general public. They decided to catch a normal bus as they wanted to get home and play Wi Sports. Chris' dad had just brought it home and the boys were taken with the tennis competition they played on it. Both boys were very competitive and would not give a point to the other. The bus arrived and the boys boarded , showed the driver their bus passes, and proceeded to take a seat. As they walked up the aisle of the bus Chris noticed three lads sitting at the very rear across the back of the bus. CHris dropped his head and turned and sat in the first seat available. As Chris stopped abruptly to take the nearest seat Ron walked into the back of him.

Ron F " Shit Thomo what you stop like that for."

Chris did not respond but ducked into the seat and lowered his head as if searching for something in his back pack. Ron sat next to him.

Ron F" What's wrong with you, what you looking for."

Chris " Nothing, I'm just looking for something."

Chris spoke quielty to Ron looking straight ahead so as not to show any profile.

"Hiya Chris long time no see. Mick says to come back and join us." It was Bill Anderson, a boy Chris went to school with when he lived with his cousin Michael.

Chris " Oh hi Bill, I didn't see you. What you doing on this bus."

Bill Anderson " We got sport today and we finsihed early, lucky eh."

Chris " Tell Mick I'll give him a call later."

Bill Anderson " No, Mick said to come back and say hello. He wants to catch up with his favourite cousin."

Chris not wanting to draw any extra attention to himself on the bus because of Mick rose to get past Ron who was sitting next to him but Ron got up also as if to join Chris going to meet Mick.

Chris " No you wait here mate I'll only be a minute. Chris winked at Ron. Be back in a minute."

Ron returned to his seat and Chris walked back up the aisle with Bill Anderson to join his cousin Mick and his friend and neighbour Bill Mahoney."

Mick" Hello cuz weren't you gonna say g'day."

Chris "I didn't see ya mate. How you doin'."

Mick " Yeah real good dear cousin of mine. What you been up to."

Chris " Nothing of any importance. Same hole, just school and then some shit later you know."

Mick " You haven't forgotten our agreement and your instructions have you Chris."

Chris " No mate I been doin' everything you have told me."

Mick " I just thought you may have forgotten seein' as how I haven't seen you for weeks, you know, and you know I got to be able to trust you don't you."

Chris " Sure MIck you know I won't do the wrong thing."

Mick " Yeah cause you know the consequences if you were to ignore something don't you. You remember the photos don't ya."

Chris "I know the arrangement, another four visits to you and I get it all ain't that right."

Mick "That's right but you got to do everything you been told or the deals off aint it. And maybe I send some pics to your school or post them on the notice board or around some public shithouses. You know what I mean."

Chris " I swear MIck I'm playing square with you. I won't do anything to jeopardise anything."

MIck " Good, so sit in the corner there next to Ando."

Chris looked at Mick, then nodded and pushed past them to take a seat up in the rear left hand corner of the bus, seated next to Bill Anderson then Mick.

Mick " Remember cuz the first rule was that you could not wear any undies ever or else."

Chris got a look on his face suddenly remembering he was wearing a small pair of briefs supplied to him by Mr Horn for the sex instruction class earlier in the day.

Mick " You aint wearing no briefs are you Chris, you wouldn't be so dumb would you?"

Chris thought quickly about his situation, he knew if he told Mick he was wearing briefs Mick would react poorly and he would have to pay. They were very small briefs and might not be noticeable under his shorts. He decided to try and bluff his way out of trouble.

Chris " No Mick no briefs, not when you told me not to." Chris could not look Mick directly in the eyes as he lied to him.

MIck " Good 'cause I would hate to have to punish you, both for wearin briefs and then lying to me."

Chris "I'm going to have to go mate its coming up to my stop." Chris rose to move back with Ron. He pushed past Bill Anderson and then was squeezing past Mick. MIck reached and took hold of the hems of the short legs Chris was wearing and pulled them down. Chris froze still. His shorts were at his knees. He remained with his back to Mick. Mick placed his hands on his hips and turned him around to face him.

MIck " I should be lookin at your cock right now but all I can see is some little boy briefs."

Chris " Mick I can explain."

Mick " Don't bother" Mick reached out and took hold of the waist of the briefs and dragged them down CHris' legs. Chris now stood before Mick only covered by his polo shirt. "Take your shirt off, now."

CHris remained standing where he was but reached down and pulled the polo over his head. He knew if he objected Mick would react worse than he had already and CHris would face unimagineable humiliation. Chris now stood at the rear of the bus between Mick and the back of the vacant seat in front , naked to the knees. Mick reached forward and flicked the knob of Chris' penis with his finger. Chris winced with the pain. Mick did it again then flicked Chris on his teste. Chris uttered a pained groan. But he began to fill.

MIck " You're going to pay for this. Take your shorts and briefs off."

Chris " I can't not on the bus."

MIck " Last chance ,do it or I send out pics, up to you."

Chris " Please MIck, I can explain."

Mick " Don't talk just strip off or fuck off and pay the price. Everyone will know you for the fag you are. Everyone , everywhere."

Chris slid his shorts and briefs off and handed them to Mick. Mick opened the window of the bus and threw the briefs out the window."You disagree or don;t do as I say and I'll throw the rest out ."

Chris " Please MIck I'll do anythin you say but I can explain it wasn't my fault."

Mick " It's never your fault you fucken wimp" and with that he threw Chris' shorts out the window as well. " Whine again and I'll toss the rest , shoes the lot." Chris nodded. "Now sit here next to me and give that sausage of yours a rub up, let's get it hard eh."

Chris sat on the bench seat between Bill Anderson, now moved to the corner and Mick. Chris only had his NIke's on. The boys watched as Chris began to work his rod.

Mick " Come on get with it. What about your mate, he your boyfriend."

Chris " He's a school mate, that's all."

MIck" So you two close, like as in buds. He going to your place for a bit of a play is he. He's a good looking dude."

Chris" We ain't close. I only know him at school that's all. I'm only with him cause we left class at the same time"

Mick 'So you aint like close homey buds. Bet you got something with him. Is he a fag too."

Chris " Really Mick leave him be he ain't nothing to do with me I only just know him true." Chris continued to work his fist up and down his now swollen rod.

Bill Anderson "Fuck that thing is a monster eh."

Bill Mahoney" Its starting to dribble already. Like it's running out of it. This get you off Chris man."

Mick " He's a fag and loves showing it off. So you reckon your mate is only a school bud."

Chris " Yeah mate. I hardly know him."

Mick" OK cool we should leave him alone eh, seeing as how he is not one of your close buds. Like he isn't going home with you now."

Chris " No, no. We're only travelling together is all."

Mick " Good cause I would hate to think you were telling me fibs about your relationship with him. Terrible not to meet your boyfriend."

Chris " He ain't my boyfriend, he's just a school mate is all."

Mick " So he don't know you're a fag and has never seen your great schlong, that what you saying."

Chris " Of course not. not gay."

Mick " You are, maybe he's not, maybe. Keep working your donger"

As Chris and Mick were talking Ron had been sitting in his seat by himself and occassionally turned around to see what Chris was up to. He was surprised when he turned around and saw Chris sitting without a shirt showing a bare top. Mick and Chris and the other two were in discussion. Ron recognised where they were on the bus route. He rose from his seat and walked back to the group of boys on the back seat. Chris saw Ron coming and immediatley stopped jerking his cock and was about to push it between his legs in an attempt to hide himself.

Mick ' No keep going. Time for your friend to see his school chum, or is that school bum."

Chris glared at MIck but said nothing. Ron walked to the group and began speaking before he got to the back seat. " We got to get off in two stops Chris, you coming." Ron continued to walk to the rear of the bus. He got to the rear and stood, mouth agape, staring at Chris sitting naked on the back seat with his near 10 inch (250mm) cock straining from his groin and Chris with his left hand slowly stroking it with the gloss of precum glistening from the tip of the great nob.

Ron " What you doing for fuck sake, Chris stop, we got to get off. Come on put on your gear>"

MIck " He's a horn dog aint he. Bet you and him have some good fun. You ever seen him like this before."

Ron looked at Mick, did not answer him then back to Chris," Come on mate let's go home. Stop that, do it when you get home, come on I'll take you."

Mick "Oh. so you know where he lives, I thought you were only school chums. You want to go home and jerk him off"

Ron glared at Mick " No, I'm his mate, I live right behind him." then he directed to Chris" Come on mate let me get us to your place eh."

Mick " Chris tell your mate you're coming to my place and he can come to if he wants, he will enjoy himself guaranteed."

Ron " No Chris come with me, we got to get off."

MIck " Well Chris I think you should come to my place what do you think."

Chris " I've got to go to Mick's Ron, I'll talk to you later I can explain, really I can."

Mick " You don't got to, you choose to. Oh and Ron the reason he's like this is because he's a raging queer, and I bet you are too."

Ron." Chris come with me now, we got to get off our stop is coming up, come on."

Mick " Go on stand up Chris , do it , now." Chris stood showing himself with a raging hard on and totally naked. "So smart boy how is he going to walk home like that. Now fuck off and we'll get you and him together another day."

Ron " You fucken cunt, I'll have you next time I see you. Count on it."

Mick " Come to my place now and you can have a go now, and after I flog you we can watch you too make love together you pair of homos."

Ron reached forward as if to get hold of Mick, MIck stood and so did Bill Mahoney. MIck" Fuck off bum boy and go home and play with yourself and dream of your big cocked poofy mate.."

Ron " I'll take your back pack Chris to your place OK." and with that Ron walked to the front of the bus and got off. As the bus left Ron stood on the footpath staring at the back window of the bus as the boys at the back held up their fingers giving Ron the bird. Ron stood on the footpath seething. He then got cranky with himself for not staying on the bus and going with Chris. He didn't because he didn't want anyone to think him gay. He was Chris' friend, maybe his best friend he should have gone with him. Ron walked the several hundred metres to his place. He went to his room and pondered what he should do. He looked out of his window up at the rear of Chris' house and the rear bedroom windows. He wondered what would happen to his mate.

Meanwhile the naked Chris travelled on with with his companions towards MIck's place.

Mick" OK stop with the playin with your cock. Thought you didn't know him to well."

Chris " I didn't want him involved."

Mick " So you lie to me. and if he didn't already know you were a fag he does now. I still think you're a couple, he's too close ."

Chris " He's not really he's just a true mate>"

Mick " Well I'll get to see him when I come to visit one day and we can sort out our talk from today. I'm going to look forward to that."

Chris " Please Mick leave him out of this, I'm doing what you want"

Mick " Are you having me on. You lied about your briefs and I find out you're wearing them. You lied you hardly knew him and I find out he lives next door and he's one of your best mates and probably your rooter. Chris you got a lot to pay for and today is goin to be your day."

Chris" Please Mick things just got cocked up is all."

Mick " They certainly did. By the time this arvo is over you'll know what is cocked up and what isn't, you're in for some new experiences my dear cuz." With that Mick threw Chris his polo shirt "Now pull this on and see if you can make it cover you. Nearly time we got off."

To be contd.

Next: Chapter 36: Christian and William Thompson 17

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