Chris New Life


Published on Sep 4, 2023


This story contains sexual and physical acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation and violence. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction. This story is not intended to influence how you conduct yourself. Some of the behaviour undertaken in his story is totally unacceptable and should not be copied. This is fantasy entertainment not realism.

For clarity I have included a summary below the most often mentioned charcters. Others will be added as and when required.

Chris Thompson 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High School. Bill Thompson 13, grade 8 , Hills Boys High School, brother to Chris

John Wong, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High , next door neighbour to Chris James Wong, nearly 17, grade 11, Hills Boys High, brother to John Tim Wong, 13, grade 8, Hills Boys High, brother to John Alexandra Wong, 15, grade 10, Ladies College, twin sister to John Wong, wanted by Chris

Max Rose, 25, maths teacher, Oakhill Boys High, next door neighbour to Chris and Bill Thompson Ron Ford, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High, back neighbour to Chris and Bill. Sarah Rose, married to Max. Scott Au, 18, grade 12, Hills Boys High, boyfriend of Alexandra Wong

Michael Thompson, 15, grade 10, Oakhill Boys High, cousin to Chris and Bill and tormentor Martin Thompson, 13, grade 8, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill Peter Thompson, 17, grade 12, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill

Chapter 14

"Still, they wonder why they attract perverts, they're advertising to be molested."

"Enough of that tell me about your day." Max held his wife into him. He was half hard.

"Yes and what else do you want. Max you are so much a man. You and your thing." sarah smiled back at Max." Come with me." and she led Max towards the bedroom.

"is this my reward for you coming home early." Max raised his eyebrows to Sarah and followed.

Chris arrived home from Max's and ran upstairs to his room. He threw himself on his bed and silently cried, tears rolling down his cheeks. He questioned himself about how he attracted people to continually believe him a willing homosexual. Was their something overt about his mannerisms that said he was a gay. He wasn't he knew that , he loved Alexandra, gay guys don't like girls they go for guys. He lay looking at the ceiling. What a shit day this had been, he couldn't face more days like this, emotionally he wasn't up to it. people he should be able to trust, teachers, friends, his brother, and now his neighbour who he thought was a good guy, all hitting at him. Fuck.

To be continued

Chapter 15

Chris lay on his bed not focusing on anything in particular just the way the day had gone, the tears had dried on his cheeks. He was stilled dressed in his boxer swimmers and bare chested , the way he had been with Max. He moved his fingers of his left hand across his right nipple , then his left. He ran his hand down his chest to his stomach and then below the waist band to where his pubes should be. He liked being bare it made his cock seem even more majestic. He decided tomorrow could only be better. He got up to go have a shower and hopefully improve his mood. He walked into the bathroom, stripped off his swimmers, turned on the hot water and when it began to run hot adjusted it and stepped under the shower rose allowing the water to hit his head, run down over his body and course off his extremities. He looked down at his unadorned cock, the water was running off the end of it as if he were pissing in the shower. He focused his attention to his penis. Like all good servants when summoned his cock began to fill, and Chris continued with the water coursing over him watching whilst his penis filled to its full bulk. He gently massaged the head, closed his eyes and continued to gently run his palm over the cock head. He felt a tightening in his scrotum, he hefted his cock and took a full grip and began to vigourously rub up and down its length. He turned and leaned his back against the wall and to the shower rose, he closed his eyes, and lost himself in his euphoria. He blasted his cum across the shower recess to run down the glass partition. His ejaculation was strong, it was volumous, it felt wonderful. Even with all that had happened, Chris loved to masturbate, he loved the feel his penis gave him as he reached his climax. He longed for the sensation, he was addicted to the feel of the tightening of his balls, the feel of the cum surging up his shaft and then the titilating feel as it blasted from his slit. He only wished he could have this feeling all of the time, not just the three to five times a day he exercised his organ. He loved its feel, he doted on the exciting thoughts that flashed through his mind, the constant nagging to his sub conscious of the need to feel his cock and how it responded by him living in a constantly erect state. Chris finished his shower , washed the cum streaking the glass partition and turned off the water and stepped from the shower and dried himself. He had no underwear with him,he had become accustomed to not wearing any, so wrapped a towel around his waist and returned to his room. He went to his drawer and pulled on a pair of boxer shorts. They flared at the fly so he pushed them down lower on his hips relieving the pressure on them, he felt comfortable in them, they were one of his favourites.Silky and slippery. He took a book and lay on the bed and started to read.

"What you doin."

Chris looked up to see his brother Bill. "Nothing just reading."

"I thought you were coming over to the Wong's, that's what John said."

"Ah, got held up with shit then the guy next door was talking to me for a while." Chris lied.

"OK got to go shower ready for dinner, back soon."

"Hey, before you go, you ever seen the kid who lives behind us here, that guy Ron Ford."

"Yeah I spoke to him a few times over the fence he seems ok to me, why," Bill responded

"Just I never seen him and now he sits with me in class and I didn't know he was our neighbour,"

"Fuck you're hopeless you go around with your eyes shut man, you in your own little world. What you dream about all day."

"really I never seen him. John reckons he's odd."

"Sure like John would know. Like he isn't the most straight ruler in the drawer. How could he reckon some guy is odd. Fuck I reckon Ron as normal as most around here."

"What you mean John isn't the most straight ruler, what you mean by that, what's he done to you to say that."

"Nothing man, don't over react. Both you and him are so uptight, like up your own arse sometimes."

"You're talking shit, go have your shower."

"You wanna shower with a friend and save water." Bill grinned at his brother.

"Fuck off devo." Chris responded and Bill, grabbed at his crotch pushing it forward towards Chris, then left to go have his shower before dinner.


The rest of the week proceeded as a week should. Chris and Bill went off to school with the Wongs each day. Chris sat with Ron Ford each day and the two began to get to know each other. Chris didnot see Max Rose again and did not miss him. The weekend came and went. The boys did family things. They mixed with the boys around the neighbourhood and in particular Ron Ford, who hopped over the back fence and began mixing socially after school with the Thompson and Wong boys. By Monday morning and time for return to school Chris had settled down and begun to feel what it was like to lead a normal teenage boys life without the harassment he had suffered previously. Of course he did like most teenage boys his age and directed some of his energies to his masturbation. In Chris' case it was more than most because he did it more often, loving it more than most and the obsession with his cock more than most.

The boys arrived at school for Monday morning and filed into class. Chris and Ron Ford sitting together at their desk and discussing the past weekend activities. Part way through their chat Mr Horn, their class master and english teacher, walked into the room. He stood on the dias waiting for the class to come to order, which they did in short time. Chris gave his full attention to the teacher, particularly after last week where he was so humiliated by him. Although, since that episode he had not so much as uttered a word to Chris, except to call on him in class several times to answer questions. Chris was wary of him but was believing the episode to be past them. English class finished the boys stayed where they were for their next class. Ron and Chris continued on their chat about the weekend activities. Both boys were becoming close mates. Each boys' personality a balance for the other. Chris, steady , average ability, reserved to inward, Ron exuberant, smart, continually moving. Both boys were about the same height of 5 feet ten, but Chris had the heavier muscular build, whilst Ron was more athletic in stature. Where Chris was blonde with tan skin and blue eyed, Ron was brown haired, tan skin with deep brown eyes. Chris' hair was very tightly cut where Ron's was unruly and mop like. Ron continued his chatter as the next teacher entered the room, Mr Masters, 35 year old history teacher. Mr Masters did not care if a student learnt from him , he did not care what the student did during his class as long as they did it quietly and did not cause any disturbance to those who wanted to learn, that he would not tolerate. He employed different methods of discipline to other teachers. Ron continued his babble even after the teacher had commenced his lesson. As he chattered away in Chris' right ear he made a remark to Chris about Mr Masters having bigger man tits than his mother did. Chris found this highly amusing, causing Chris to break into a loud laugh. Mr masters immediately stopped the class and spoke to Chris.

"Thompson you find something funny, if it's so humorous tell all of us."

"No nothing sir, it was nothing really."

"So you have interrupted me and the those who want to learn for no pertinent reason, is that what you're saying."

"Ah, probably sir, I'm sorry sir."

With that the teacher then approached six members of the class asking them if they were enjoying the lesson before being rudely interrupted by Thompson. Of course all six answered they were, not wanting to offside the teacher. He then asked if there were any who weren't involved in the lesson when Thompson interrupted. No hand rose to signify any dissatisfaction with the lesson, Masters waited a minute for any dissenting hands and dramatic effect and as he was about to speak a hand rose in the back corner of the room.

"Me sir I wasn't. I mean I wasn't involved in the lesson. I mean , I know it was a good lesson but at the time."

"Ah yes Ford because you were the one who caused the disruption aren't you. Well at least full marks for your honesty, unlike some of these other simpering children, unwilling to have the courage of their actions."

"yes sir," responded Ford

"Ah but this doesnot excuse you or Thomspon. Look how much time as now been wasted because of you two." Mr Masters looked around the room" Your choices are, the two of you can bend over my desk and each student can take a whack at your exposed backside or you can stand in the corner for the balance of the lesson and report to the class master at recess, your choice."

The two boys looked at each other, it was a no brainer. " We'll go stand in the corner sir." With that both boys rose, moved to the front of the room, and stood face into each front corner. The class snickered. Mr masters continued the lesson.

"Now class ignore those fools let's move on. You two in the corners remember Mr Horn at recess."

"Yes sir," from the corners from each boy.

At recess the boys reported to Mr Horn as directed by Mr Masters earlier.

"Ah been expecting you two. What were you doing."

The two outlined why Masters had sent them to the class master for discipline.

"Your choice Messrs Thompson and Ford, which do you choose the first or the second."

Perplexed the boys looked at Horn and Ford responded<" Don't know what the choices are sir,"

"True so pick choice a or choice b, quickly now."

Chris answered " I pick number one."

"And you Ford,"

"Ah I,m not sure sir,"

"Come on, or you can have both"

"I'll pick number one sir,"

"Good, thankyou for volunteering. I need you to report to me here Tuesday after school for your instructions for Wednesday. Understood."

"What did we volunteer for sir." Chris asked

"A class participation. and now that you mention it I'll have you take a permission note home to your parent to have it signed. Come and collect it from me after lunch today."

"Participate in what sir." Ron asked

"A health class and study. Make sure you collect the permission letter and you better return it here signed tomorrow if you wish to avoid my wrath."

"What sort of health class sir," Ron asked.

"Enough Ford, you chose one, which I might add has far less pain involved, so live with your choice, now be off, see me after lunch for your permission note do not forget."

"Yes sir," both boys answered. and walking away muttering between themselves,wondering what this is all about.

After lunch the boys called back to Mr Horn's office and picked up a sealed envelope each addressed to their parents," Return it here signed tomorrow, no excuses."

"what if they won't sign it ," asked Chris

"Then it shows your parents aren't interested in your school development and I shall treat you accordingly and you will be corporally punished for your class disruption with Mr Masters. I might add the second option is not a good one. Go, and return with them signed tomorrow."

"Yes sir." The boys left for their afternoon classes.

Both boys took the envelopes to their parents for assent signatures for the boys to participate in a health class and study. The health class involved the boys being available as class aids in the health class presentation to grade 8 students this coming Wednesday. The presentation is a one off to all 8th graders to prepare them for the body changes they have begun and will continue to experience as they move into puberty. The class aid will be required to present supplied facts, answer questions from the group, model physical development and differences and generally assist the presenting teacher. This presentation is the first time it has been done and is being run as a pilot with the approval of the state Education Board and The School. The presentation is for this Wednesday as school sport doesnot commence until the following Wednesday. This then led to the second part of the letter, Participation in a Health Study. A select group of boys had been chosen to be examined and their physical size and attributes recorded. Over the course of the next three years the boys would be monitored and examined and further studies made of their development at regular intervals. This study was part of a combined school, education board and board of health study to track teenage development and to be included in a wider study for the state. In bold type at the finish of the letter was a note stating - Parental approval meant the students acting as class aides would take and adhere to total direction by the instructor and be required to undertake whatever action was required by the instructor in the Health Class. In the Health Study the participant undertook to participate for three years and would perform and follow all directions given by the study leader. In the case of the Health study ongoing results would be available to parents and any abnormalities observed during the study would be discussed with the particiapting student and parent. The letter was to be returned to Mr Horn , class master. The letter also noted the willing participation of the student would be noted on their school record and count towards future references as a school achievement.

Each boy when he gave the note to their respective parent was cautious about what the letter really meant. In the case of both boys the parents thought participation would be beneficial particularly as it provided free medical examination and benchmarking of physical development and the very real advantage of the school recognition of achievement. Both sets of parents signed their permission for the boys to participate. Chris had tried to talk his parents out of giving their assent but Chris's father noted Chris could use all of the help he could get at school and this could only assist in his getting through. The fact that his young brother was in grade 8 should only give him more confidence about what sort of boy he would be presenting to and he should appreciate the practical learning experience being made available to him. No, Chris most definitely must participate and do so without any murmur of complaint. Not one word did his father want to hear of any complaint or whinge. Matter closed.

The following day the boys returned their permission notes to Mr Horn. "Ah thankyou Ford, thankyou Thompson I'm sure you'll be wonderful examples for your young colleagues."

"What do we have to do sir." asked Ford

"Well, at recess tomorrow come to my office and we will go to the classroom where the display is on."

"What display, how's it going to work sir." Chris asked

"I want both of you here in your PE gear end of recess tomorrow when we will then go to the classroom where the instruction will take place. We are splitting grade 8 into four groups. Each group will have at least one class aide, in our case two. The instruction will last for an hour and a half."

"Who are the other class aides sir" Ron asked

"I don't know Ford. I was asked to take and supply for a class and I have. Two fine specimens," Mr Horn grinned focusing on Chris," I'm sure you will enjoy the experience. If nothing else you will find it memorable." as Horn was about to dismiss the boys he said" Oh and after lunch tomorrow instead of sport which does not commence until next week you will report to the gymnasium for the health study. "

"Do we need anything special for that sir," asked Ford

"No just bring yourselves in PE gear. ..Oh and while I think of it so you're not freaked out tomorrow during the presentation of the health class and the undertaking of the health study we will have a visitor or two from other schools watching our pilot programme. So we want it to go without a hitch. Understood."

"Where they from sir." Ford asked

"Around local Ford, of no concern to you. The likes of Pennant High, Muirfield, Oakhill and such. Don't be late tomorrow and be scrubbed and well rested."

"Yes sir," the boys replied and left to go to their other classes.

"I wonder who the others are in this ," Ron enquired

"Don't know , I don't like this at all. I really don't. I might be sick tomorrow." Chris said

"You fucken better not, leave me by meself. We'll be jake don't worry. It'll be a breeze." Ron smiled threw his arm over Chris' shoulder and the two returned to their class.


Wednesday end of recess. The two boys knocked on the staff room door for Mr Horn. He met them at the door and directed them into the room and each to bundles of folders. "Each take a bundle of these folders and take them to room 36 on the top floor. I'm going to get our mob of eighth graders from the assembly hall. Place a folder on each desk then stand at the front of the room and wait for me.. Understood."

"Yes sir," and the boys took the folders and moved to room 36 and distributed the folders. While waiting for the boys to arrive both Chris and Ron took a folder and began to read from it. The folder contained both words and photos. The presentation was split into 10 chapters plus a Q & A at the back. Everything was centred on the changes brought about by puberty. The physical changes, muscles, bone, hair, deepening voice the development of sex organs. Character changes, character traits caused by sexual tensions, thoughts centred on sex, disposition changes, character impacts, masturbation and the feelings of exultation and guilt. What is acceptable behaviour. Chris studied some of the photos, he couldn't believe how explicit they were. In the Q&A section there were suggested questions for participants to the lecturers and places to write their own and the responses. Written also in the place for the response to the question was a place for the participant to write their own feeling or response.

The class arrived and was told in a very gruff voice by Mr Horn to take their seats quickly and quietly. There were 40 students in this group. Mr Horn told the group to sit quietly, to leave the folders on the desks at the moment and unopened. Mr Horn introduced his two assistants for the morning. He went on to outline the presentations. He explained that as they went through the presentation his two assistants would be the practical demonstrations for what they were discussing. He warned against little boy snickering when he used words like penis etc. He informed the class as his two assistants had been good enough to volunteer to assist him with this presentation, he did not want stupid childish prattle as the assistants stripped to show something that illustrated what was being explained. The same would go for the last session which was Q &A . Any question was allowable but it had to have relevance to the session. Lastly at some time during the presentation visitors form other schools may enter and leave the room watching the programme. Students were to ignore their presence and stay involved with the lesson. This lesson was different to the sex lessons they had had in 7th grade. This was about them and the changes they were now experiencing and others that would come. This lesson was a one off for the year. Did they all understand, to which all of the class yelled a resounding yes. A general low hum of expectation went around the room.

Chris was horrified and glared firstly at Mr Horn then across to Ron Ford, who was also standing in a state of stunned amazement. They both heard the statement about stripping and being the practical demonstrations. Mr Horn didnot return their glare , he continued with the class. Mr Horn directed the class to open their folders and began to work his way through the opening pages. The book firstly touched on the psychological changes before getting to the physical. During this time Mr Horn had used the boys to hand out separate pages for insertion into their folders. Horn had exacted lively discussion from the group and had Chris not been so concerned about what lay ahead would have been enjoying himself. As he stood looking around the room hearing Mr Horn but looking now more intently at the boys in the class he noted his brother and his friend Tim Wong sat second row, middle from the front. He tried to close his mind to the idea of his brother being in the class, he did not want him to witness him suffer any humiliation, which he was sure would come. Ron Ford was now feeling more comfortable as the two had not been called upon to actively demonstrate anything except their deeper voice. To do this Mr Horn had called on two younger boys to stand and call for a friend on the other side of the room, he then directed Chris and Ron to repeat their words, he called on the class to recognise the deepening timbre of the voices explaining this was brought about by puberty, and for the class to remember these two assistants were themselves not out of puberty yet, they too were still developing, but more of that later.

The session now moved onto the physical changes that the boys could expect to take place within their bodies. Mr Horn called for a volunteer to come from the class to come and stand between the two bigger boys to provide an example to the class of physical changes, the now and the after. Eight hands climbed into the air as volunteers.

"You'll have to take off your shirts and do as the assistants do." Mr Horn warned. Four of the hands slowly were withdrawn. Mr Horn looked around the room, trying to find the most suitable among the volunteer younger boys.

"Righto you boy, up you come." Chris moaned. "What's your name lad."

"Bill Thompson sir. I'm his brother." Bill said pointing to Chris.

"Well class this is perfect, this will give us the opportunity to look at someone from the same gene pool, and directly compare what changes have taken place. Young Thompson could be imagined to be the size that his older brother was at the same age. Isn't that right Thompson." Horn asked directing his question to Chris.

Chris staring holes into Bill," Yes sir, the same size thereabouts."

"OK let's get on. Alright the three of you stand over here and remove your shirts." Mr Horn arranged the three boys in front of the class, Ron Ford on one side, Bill Thompson in the middle and then Chris to the other side. The three boys pulled their polos over their heads.

"Alright class the first thing you will notice is the difference in height." Mr Horn stood behind the boys and placed his hand on their heads. indicating the differences. The class then discussed the changes to take place for them. During this discussion Mr Horn stood behind Chris and Bill allowing his left hand to come off Chris's head and sit on his shoulder at the base of his neck. The hand slowly massaged Chris's shoulder and neck, Horn's right hand stayed on Bill's head slowly crunching around in his hair. Chris started to feel uncomfortable with the hand movement and felt conscious of becoming aroused. The hand came off his shoulder to the small of his back and whilst the class was guided by Horn in their discussion Horn moved his hand around the back of Chris with it resting on his waistband of his shorts. Occassionally a finger would slip into the elastic band. Chris started to move his weight from one foot to the other. Chris began to feel more agitated, he could feel himself starting to become firm.

"Now look at the shoulder development of these boys." Mr Horn pointed out, and at the same time began to run his hands over each boys shoulders. Seemingly to the class pointing the developing features like muscle etc, but to the assistants they could feel the light pervasive touch, a sensual feel over their bodies. Mr Horn went to each boy individually, From the back he ran his hands across the top of their shoulders talking to the class. He moved to the front of the boys, then standing to the side of Chris allowed his hand to move from Chris's shoulder down over his pec to his nipple region. His finger lingered there. Horn then moved his hand to Bill's chest and nipples. He felt both boys then across to Ron and did the same to him. He pointed out to the class the larger nipples of the older boys. How they were no longer little nubs. How when handled they stood out from the body. He continued to fondle the boys nipples. Chris and Ron were both now standing erect in stature and erect in shorts. Bill joined them with his erection. Between the three it was obvious all boys were excited by the handling being given by Mr Horn. The class recognised the boys state of excitement. In the case of Chris it was very obvious, given his penis bulk and having no under wear on. He had complied without thinking with Michael's direction to never wear underwear. The class begn to murmur as the swollen crotches of the three boys was obvious. Snickering began to be heard around the class.

"Turn around boys." Mr Horn directed the three boys out front. The boys turned showing their backs to the class. Mr Horn remained where he was . He too could see the prominent bulges on his models. Mr Horn went on to explain of muscle development in the torso down to the waist region. He had the boys raise their arms, he had them stand side on, he had them bend showing the flex of the torso and controlling muscles. A knock at the door caused Horn to stop with the demoonstration and call for the person at the door to enter.

"Sorry to intrude, I've been in another class watching their progress, I'm Max Rose from Oakhill High."

"Yes, yes, by all means come in and make yourself comfortable." Horn said to his visitor. "Just a little more and I was going to have a five minute recess before going on with the secong half."

"Sounds good to me," replied Max Rose, speaking to Horn but with his eyes fixed firmly on the three bare chested lads on the dias. At the sound of Max Rose voice Chris's head snapped to the sound. Just what he didn't want was to be ogled by Rose, he had had enough from him already.

Mr Horn moved to the front of the boys who still had their backs to the class, and continued on with his talk. He continued to run his hands over the boys as he pointed out the differing features of the boys, particularly the young versus the two older boys. The swellings of the boys didnot decrease and for Chris a wet spot became obvious on the front of his shorts. Being white they were now translucent, the pink head could begin to be seen straining against the fabric. Horn also had noticed. Horn then instructed the boys to lower their shorts to the crease of their buttocks. At first the boys didnot move but Horn told them not to be shy as after the break they would be down to their underwear for the final session. He also made a joke of the fact that their buttocks were no different to others in the class nor for that matter anything else just maybe a bit larger a present. He then moved to the front of Bill and standing in front of Bill and looking over his shoulder to the class, dropped his hand to the front of Bill's shorts, a view blocked by Bill's body and as he brushed his hand across the front of Bill's crotch declared that not everything on the older boys may necessarily be larger. He smiled into BIll's face whilst Bill shuddered at the feel of the hand. Horn then went on to show how the buttocks joined the body and the curve it created.

"Alright class a five minute toilet break, anyone back late will be locked out for the final session." the boys in the class bounded to their feet and rushed from the class to take their break none wanting to be back late. "Alright you boys," said Horn directing to the boys on the dias you can have a break as well, you will be required at the commencement of the next session to strip to your underwear."

Chris went rigid with fear "But sir I haven't got any."

"What you're not wearing any," said Horn staring at the wet spot in the front of Chris shorts," You dirty little boy." Horn smiled," Well you will be required to lose your shorts so if you have nothing on that's your problem Thompson isn't it." Max Rose sat smiling, also glaring at the tell tale wet spot. "Oh and young Thompson I can't use you any further today as I don't have a permission note from your parents, shame really, I think you have a lot on show and to offer." Horn grinned."Away you go back in five."

The three boys bolted from the class room and Chris indicated they should go to the downstairs toilets away from the other children. The three met in the open area of the washroom, none wearing their shirts, all bare chested.

"I got to get some undies," Chris uttered urgently to the other two.

"Don't you wear them." asked Ron

"Too long a story now to tell but I got to have undies or I'm gonna be standing with my stuff on show to the world, especially that devo Max Rose."

"What he's ok I reckon," said Bill," always willing to spend some time with you at least not like other adults."

"I'll tell you later , right now I need undies."

"Why not get Bill's he don't need them now." suggested Ron

"Yeah good idea, how bout it bro."

"What about me I got no drip catchers then," Bill replied.

"Come on I need them real bad," Chris begged," I'll repay you."

"How you gonna do that." Bill asked

"Anything you want, ok, just hand them over we're running out of time."

"Righto, you're a witness Fordo, anything I want for the use of my undies."

"Yes, yes , agreed, come on quick."

Bill slipped off his shorts and then lowered his undies, his cock bouncing free and slapping him on the stomach. "Hey I'm ready to go off now," and he shook his cock at the other two. They shook their heads at him. Chris rushed across picked up the boxers and held them against him.

"Since when did you start wearing boxers." he asked Bill

"They're my only pair, I just grabbed them today, you're lucky day I guess."

Chris shucked his shorts and his now semi erect penis flopping into the fresah air. He pulled on his brothers boxers and dragged them up his legs and over his backside. " God they're tight. I can hardly move in them."

The two other boys stood looking at Chris before them. The boxers were tightly encasing his buttocks, pulling tight on the fabric and then to the front the fly was flaring open showing bare skin through the fly opening. "How come they're so tight Billy, you're not this small,"

"Yeah I know I got them off Timmy Wong when I went swimming the other day, and haven't given them back to him yet."

"You're wearing another guys boxers, you're weird Bill." exclaimed Ron Ford.

"Hey so are you pee wee dick," Bill responded to Ron

"I bet my dick is bigger than yours any day, you gay." Ron replied

"Enough you two we got to get back come on." and with that Chris pulled his shorts back on over the borrowed boxers and the three boys raced back to the classroom.

Everyone was seated when the boys returned,"Already to proceed gentlemen." Mr Horn said to the boys.

"Yes sir," they answered

"You get sorted Thompson,"

"Yes sir all under control."

"Ok otherwise you could use these." as Horn said this he tossed a pair of briefs on the desk. "I found them after you had gone." Chris looked at them wishing he had them on rather than these very tight boxers. "Alright boys lets return to the dias and get started again."

The two boys took up their positions standing side by side facing the class. The wet spot was still slightly noticeable at the front of Chris's shorts.

"OK so a quick recap, come here Ford." and with that Mr Horn quickly ran through what the boys had been shown to date. " Now the next stage. Ah that's right before I do , I was asked a question at the break by one of you about boy's nipples, are they sensitive and do they have anything to do with sexual feelings." Horn looked around the class," They most certainly are sensitive and they do respond with manipulation as do other parts of the body. They transmit feelings through the body and can be used as a barometer as to excitement levels being sexually experienced at the time. If I forget to come back to this remind later towards the end before we start Q & A and you'll understand what I mean. "

Horn put the two boys together and turned them with their backs to the class again. He then went on to explain the different physical structure of each boy. One heavy build, shoulders, arms, calves, thighs and what the thigh must join into the glutes or to the boys the backside. Take note of how they are in the same place obviously but of different shape and size. He compared the boys together , had each hold their legs together so the class could see how much heavier Chris was in the legs than was Ron. This in turn showed why different people had different size and shaped backsides, your legs must join the body and where they join must accommodate the size of the limbs. He told the boys to remove their shorts. Dutifully both boys slipped off their shorts, there was a snicker around the class. Mr Horn then pulled on each boys underwear until the top half of their butt cheeks were exposed. Ron Ford moved his hand to hold his waistband of his bikini briefs but Mr Horn pulled them down no lower. It was a bit of a struggle to lower Chris's as they were stuck on his backside. Mr Horn then had the two boys bend over backs to the class. He emphasised the difference in the two backsides before them , how one was larger than the other and more rounded even though both were well muscled. He ran his hands over the bare skin of the exposed behinds gently letting his fingers fall into the crease with each passing. Both boys became excited at the fondling of their arses. Mr Horn then put his hand on Chris's back and bent him over further , this action initially caused the material to split and then having gone lower than half way caused the boxers to slide off his glutes now leaving him bending to the class showing a completely bare arse. The class gasped then erupted into laughter.

Chris stood up, his boxers split from seam to seam and hanging below his arse whilst at the front they were kept in place by his cock pointing through the gaping open fly. Ron Ford still bending had his head turned looking at Chris standing with his cock pointing out from his body and to the sky. Max Rose stood at the front and side of the room admiring the show before him. He wondered at the organ on exhibition, how could a fifteen year old lad be so well developed. God he was hung.

"Control yourselves. You've all got one. As you're now bare and all have seen you, you might as well remain as you are for the moment." Horn held Chris in place. Chris was wanting to bolt from the room. His way was blocked by Max Rose, he knew he would be enjoying this the perve. Mr Horn waffled on some more, told Ron Ford to stand then had Chris bend over still with his arse to the class and grab his ankles. Horn then proceeded to tell the class how it was necessary for hygiene in the anal area, how with most boys at Chris age and older they would be growing some hair in their anal area and finally in the case of self pleasurement and gay sex the anus was used as a place to give and take pleasure. He explained this was done by several methods, one as simple as lightly exciting the lips of the anus my moving a finger over the opening to the insertion of objects, anything, inanimate objects, dildos, fruit etc , to digits to finally another persons penis. This was activity not considered in the mainstream but acceptable if not forced upon another. With this explanation Mr Horn held apart Chris's cheeks showing clearly to the first several rows Chris's brown anal ring. The students craned their necks for a better view. Mr Horn then took a pencil and gently placed the rounded end into the lips of Chris's anus."There that may give you more of an indication of what I'm talking about." Horn said to the class. Chris had tears running down his cheeks. His face felt on fire. It seemed the ultimate humiliation. His cock throbbed at its fullest, freely running precum dribbling from his cock slit to the floor. The more Mr Horn played with his arse the more agitated and excited Chris became.

"Righto you can stand up again MR Thompson, you've done your bit for a while, pull up your shorts too lad."

Chris stood upright facing away from the class and pulled up his shorts. It was no good, the boxers had split so badly that his arse was still greatly exposed and his cock forged its way out of the open fly. Mr Horn moved to the front of Chris whilst still speaking to the class. He looked down and saw the exposed erect cock, he saw its serum leaking its way to the floor. He swept his hand across the front of Chris but seeming to the class a theatric gesture. The sweeping hand bashed into Chris's erection on its way past causing Chris to groan at the impact and pull back slightly. The hand swung back the other way again colliding with the rock hard canister. Again Chris reacted. Horn moved across to Ron Ford and turning him to the class now to exhibit his front. Chris stayed facing away from the class. "Well Ford your turn to show the class what you're made of eh." Ron Ford stood before the class in bright red cotton bikini briefs. The rear panel just minimalist but a full panel that covered most of his rear, the sides were about half inch wide ( 12mm) and the front a meagre little triangle of material with brown pubic hair showing above its top.

"Stand there Ford for the class to drink in how you look compared to them and then we can move forward."Horn then looked across to Chris, he moved to the desk and took up the briefs he had brought in earlier. "Here Thompson I think it would be better if you were to change into these out of your current disaster." Chris reached out and took the briefs and was about to make for the door when called back by Horn" No you don't need to leave , keep your back to the class and pull on the briefs here. You've already exposed your little tuche to them.

Chris holding the briefs continued to the door " Thanks sir but I got to squirt right now." and with that made it to the door, cock pointing out, got to Max Rose and said"Excuse me sir."

"Certainly Chris you need any assistance," and smiled. Chris kept on through the door and ran to the toilets.

When Chris got to the toilets he stood in front of the washroom mirror and viewed how he would have looked to the class. He knew he would cop a load of flack over this. He just knew it. He stripped out of the torn boxers and held up the replacements given to him by Horn. They appeared to be normal hipster type briefs. Chris pulled them on, they were the same as he would normally have worn. He contemplated masturbating before returning to class but decided against it. He moved to the door then out into the corridor. He turned and rushed straight back into the washroom area, loosing his cock from its confines and standing in front of the mirrors and wildly jerking at his cock. It soon became loaded and with his humiliation driving him on Chris fired seven wads of cum onto the mirror and washroom sink he was standing before. He removed the dribble from his tip, loaded his bulky cock back into the briefs, looked at the cum streaking the mirror and lying on the sink and surrounds. Fuck it he thought look what they have done to me, they can have it as my calling card. He rushed back to the class and Mr Horn.

Chris reentered the classroom where Mr Horn had been explaining to the class about development of sex organs and how they are of different size but achieve mostly the same result for their owners. He was kneeling in front of Ron Ford to his side and gently running his hand up and down Ford's thigh. This had resulted in a most prominent display in the front of the bikini briefs. Ron Ford was totally embarrassed by what was happening and was staring at the ceiling willing his erection to go away. His penis was so erect it was forcing the waistband of the briefs away from the body of Ron, and someone standing next to Ron could look down and clearly see into the basket left on display by the forced away material. At the front of the red briefs was a large wet spot obvious to all sitting in front of Ron Ford. It was unmistakeable. Ron Ford knew himself Horn had to stop this massaging of his legs and the accidental touching of his bikini clad balls or he would soon shoot his load. Horn moved Chris alongside of Ron their shoulders touching. Chris looked down at Ron's groin, he could see the butt and part of the length of cock forcing away the covering material of the briefs. The cock looked quite thick to him and maybe he reckoned up to seven inches long. The brown bush of pubic hair was clearly visible. Chris began to be excited by the sight before him. Even having just loosed a load Chris felt his cock beginning to swell again. He looked away from Ron, he sneaked a look back again, then again, and soon focused on the part exposed dick next to him. He was getting off on Ron Ford's humiliation. He thought to himself he really was sick but then looked again. He was excited. Horn then moved his hand to Chris's thigh explaining to the class to note how it was a larger muscle than the boy next to him. He explained if they kept looking they would see what he meant when he said organs can be of different size but still service their owners well. He drew attention to the two organs before them in briefs, and whilst both were effective for their owners one was obviously larger than the other. He stressed this did not make one more of a man than the other no less it was how things were. Chris quickly joined Ron in gaining a straining erection. The younger boys in the class sat open mouthed as the two boys before them exhibited large cocks, much larger than the audience had ever dreamt they would have. Horn continued to slowly run his hands up and down the two boys thighs. Chris now had another wet spot on his briefs. Horn pointed out to the class how both boys were in a state of sexual arousal, although he wasn't sure why. He said this was obvious to all due to the straining fronts of their briefs and also the wet spots caused by seminal discharge. He announced to the group of open mouthed boys how some lads could be excited sexually by different things. It wasn't always a girl who caused young boys to be erect as they knew. Some lads would be erect at the thought of a girl, others for no known reason and some like here with boys around them.

"Ah this brings me near the end and before our questions and answer period I need to finish off about nipples. Remember what i said earlier. Well to demonstrate how it works I want two volunteers please."

Only one set of hands was in the air, Bill Thompson. "Understand who ever comes up here will not be getting undressed or anything just an experiment on the two here."

Bill Thompson left his hand in the air, several others crept up. Horn ignored BIll telling him he had already had a turn and then chose two other boys from the class. He brought them onto the dias in front of Chris and Ron, both of whom still had erections but not straining as much as before.

"Alright to show you the effect and how you can exact pleasure from nipples I want you lads to go to the front of a boy each." Horn instructed. Each chose then moved one in front of Ron the other Chris. "Alright describe to the class what you see in front of you, are either boys nipples standing out or anything else." The class murmured and snickered.

The first lad described how the nipples were slightly raised, the body was tight and the boys penis was sticking out some. He could also see pubic hair and a little bit forming from the navel down to the you know what. The other boy described much the same except there was no hair anywhere to be seen and when saying this pulled the briefs away from Chris's stomach to look into the groin area but he did have a massive thingy. Chris was blushing burning bright red. Ron stared at the ceiling.

Horn then directed Ron and Chris to stand still and not react to the boys in front of them. He then instructed the boys to move forward and begin to play with the boys nipples. He told them to use both hands and they should do anything that came to mind to them. Very soon both Chris and Ron had screaming erections, their nipples were totally erect and were begging for the boys to stop their fingering. Horn called a halt to proceedings and asked the boys to again describe the boys before them. They both described how the nipples were very hard and pointed, how they were a darker colour than before and how both boys were very, very hard down there. It was also noted the wet spot on both boys had considerably increased. One of the boys noted on Ron he could see the spunk starting to come out of his undies.

"OK boys thankyou , take your seats again. Now class does that answer your question about nipples."

"Yes sir " the class answered as one.

"The next brief session is Q&A where you can ask questions of our demonstrators here today. These questions are to relate to what you saw here today and relate to your looming puberty experience. . Ford and Thompson stand here facing the class. OK who wants to start."

"Why haven't they both got pubic hair sir."

"Maybe you can explain Thompson."

"Ah.. it was shaved off your sport, like swimming but I just took it too low that's all."

"There's a likely tale class but let's move on." Chris sat his face turning bright red from being caught out." Understand boys, some, young gay men in particular completely shave their body of all hair. Not all gays do and not all who do are gay, but as generalism." Horn added

"How big are their penises sir."

"That's none of our business now boys, but it could be said that one is large for a male and the other is quite outsized, far beyond what one could expect to have develop."

"Does your dick get bigger by piulling it sir."

"No, maasurbation may give you relief and pleasure but it does not increase penis size."

The class remained quiet for short while. "Any other questions."

"How often can you masturbate sir." called a class member.

"There is no set number of times but let's ask our demonstrators. Ford , Thompson, how often do you masturbate ." Max Rose leaned against the wall and smiled at the question to the boys.

Chris," I do sometimes do it."

Ron," Yeah me too."

Horn," I know you do it the lad asked how often. So."

Ron,' Couple of times a week,"

Chris still blushing," Me too."

"Would they do things to themselves like you said sir with things in their bum."

Horn," They may do, but that is their business. This period is more for you to ask questions you can't ask at home or from adults about things concerning your body and what is happening to your feelings now. Don't ask me the questions ask the boys directly."

The class went quiet no one was willing to address the boys directly.

A student in the front row." Chris when you were looking at him (indicating Ron) before, you got a real stiffy. Do you always get stiff looking at boys."

Chris felt like shrinking against the wall." I sometimes get a er.. an erection when I am embarrassed., if you know what I mean. No I don't get stiff looking at other boys, it happens by itself." and as he answered with all eyes on him Chris could feel his cock beginning to fill to its fullest again. While they waited for the next question Chris reached full erection and could feel his cock forcing against the briefs material pushing it away from his body, creating a large viewing gap. His cock head was squarely pushing out against the cloth. The outline of the massive mushroom head was clearly outlined and as precum leaked to form a wet spot so the material became more transparent. Max Rose moved closer to take advantage of the scene. There was a general rumble of comment through the class.

Chris heard several comments including one from the front desk,"He's queer" and then "what about his bro."

As Horn was about to ask if there were any more questions the bell sounded for finish of lessons and start of lunch. Horn addressed the class, 'Alright boys there is no sport today so after lunch return to your home rooms for the afternoon and Thompson and Ford you go to the gymnasium for your medicals. OK class give our demonstrators a round of applause for being good sports this morning and assisting with your lesson. Class dismissed."

HOrn," Thompson, Ford thanks for your cooperation assemble after lunch in your PE gear in the gym and Mr jackson PE master will take it from there." Chris was happy Horn would not be involved this afternoon, and he liked Mr Jackson. As the boys filed past them leaving the classroom for lunch again comments were being passed about Chris in particular, most relating to the size of his cock and him being a poof.

The two boys bolted from the classroom and to the toilet and then to join their friends for lunch. While at lunch they asked around to see how many others they knew would be involved in the medicals for the afternoon.

The boys after the sound of the bell signalling an end to lunch moved to the gym. After about ten minutes Mr Jackson, the PE master , stood before the asembled boys and explained again what the intent of the examination was and how at regualr intervals during the year students would be examined , meaured and then monitored for physical development, growth and attributes associated with boys attaining and passing through puberty. He reiterated all students had been committed to this study by their parents and it was being undertaken by the Depts of Health and also Education. It was not an option for a student to withdraw. The study would go for two full years with an option to extend an additional year. He then introduced the doctors who would be undertaking the examination for the day. There were four medical participants, one older, about 35 who was the team leader, three student doctors, two male and one female. Additionally there would be three school pupils used as assistants. There were a total of 48 boys for the study, 12 each from grades 8, 9, 10 and 11.

Jackson," Alright boys please go over to the wall and strip off to your briefs, put your things in a pile then return to line up behind one of these desks."

The boys obeyed Mr jackson's instruction, stripped to their undies then returned to line up behind one of the three desks placed across the gym floor. Behind each desk was a screened off area which the boys could not see into as a curtain used as an entry was pulled across to block vision.

Doctor Martin- "Alright boys before we start the exams we need for you to take a clip board and pen from the assistants here and go sit down and fill in your name, address, class and any other details asked on the form. Some of the questions may seem private to you but you still must answer each individual question as your answer will be later reviewed by the examining doctor. OK let's get started."

To be contd.

Next: Chapter 35: Christian and William Thompson 16

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