Chris New Life


Published on Jul 17, 2023


This story contains sexual and physical acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation and violence. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction. This story is not intended to influence how you conduct yourself. Some of the behaviour undertaken in his story is totally unacceptable and should not be copied. This is fantasy entertainment not realism.

For clarity I have included a summary below the most often mentioned charcters. Others will be added as and when required.

Chris Thompson 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High School. Bill Thompson 13, grade 8 , Hills Boys High School, brother to Chris

John Wong, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High , next door neighbour to Chris James Wong, nearly 17, grade 11, Hills Boys High, brother to John Tim Wong, 13, grade 8, Hills Boys High, brother to John Alexandra Wong, 15, grade 10, Ladies College, twin sister to John Wong, wanted by Chris

Max Rose, 25, maths teacher, Oakhill Boys High, next door neighbour to Chris and Bill Thompson Ron Ford, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High, back neighbour to Chris and Bill. Sarah Rose, married to Max. Scott Au, 18, grade 12, Hills Boys High, boyfriend of Alexandra Wong

Michael Thompson, 15, grade 10, Oakhill Boys High, cousin to Chris and Bill and tormentor Martin Thompson, 13, grade 8, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill Peter Thompson, 17, grade 12, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill

Chapter 13

"Yeah well fuck you too." Bill called after Chris.

Next morning , first day of school for the year. The Thompson brothers would be entering their new school, ready to make new friends, ready for the new challenges.

As Chris dressed in his grey shorts, white shirt, socks and black shoes for school he was in a quandary if he should wear briefs or not. He did not like the idea of first day at school and roaming around commando but what if Michael's friend should find out he was wearing briefs, that would be too much trouble to contemplate. He decided on no briefs. Both boys ate breakfast in silence, neither ones eyes never left Chris's crotch region.

"OK seeya later " Bill said as he left the room." Seeya John."

Chris looked at John staring at Chris's crotch area, "Do you want to talk or do other stuff."

With that John looked up at Chris," I ain't gay Chris I just wanted to shoot some shit with you and ask you some stuff is all."

"Good because I ain't gay either so neither of us should have a problem."

Chapter 14

"I know you aren't gay but some weird shit has happened lately."

"Things aren't what they seem John trust me."

"Hey, I don't mind if you do bat the other way nothing to do with me."

"Stop it willya. I've had enough of everyone telling me what I am and am not.for fuck sake, what do you want." Chris said in exasperation.

"How come you got no hair on you." John asked

"You got none either so what you on about."

"Hey, I'm asian we got no hair on us. I got pubes though. You ain't." John bounced back

"For your info I got shaved down for swimming, to get in the team that's all, I just took the razor to far down so decided to take it all off. Satisfied."

"Yeah mate I just wondered. If anyone says anything I'll tell them, that's all."

"Why would anyone be talking about my pubes for fuck sake its got nothing to do with anyone but me."

"Yeah but you know how guys talk, then it gets out of hand."

"This is bullshit anything else you wanna go on with."

"No, don't get bent mate I was just asking. How did it go in class today."

"Tell me who this Ron Ford is willya. I got him sitting next to me in class but I never saw him anytime in the playground. What you know about him."

"You know him, I pointed him out to you before."

"I don't remember him, it's like he is on some sort of go juice, he is so wound up."

"Mate he is strange, you never see him around, just at school."

"Who is he." Chris asked again

"He's the kid I told you about , the one who lives behind us, right there." John said as he pointed to the house backing onto the Thompson rear yard.

"Bullshit, you mean he's a neighbour," Chris queried

"Sure, he never mixes with any of us."

"I've seen him sort of skulking around the joint but I didn't recognise it as him. I only seen him a bit through his window"

"Yeah, he sort of spies on you from his room there, you see him looking at you through the window. Weird mate, really weird."

"I'll ask him tomorrow what his game is."

"Want to swim or something."John asked

"Yeah let me get changed." and with that Chris jumped up off his bed across to the set of drawers and withdrew a pair of boxer swimmers. He pulled off his shorts and then pulled on the swimmers. John watched him the whole time. He liked the sight of a firm set of arse mounds." Lets go."

"Don't you wear undies." John asked

"Nah, prefer to go commando, I like hanging free." Chris lied.

"With a donger like yours wouldn't you be better with something to hold it up."

"No I don;t need anything. Let's not talk about cocks ok. I might think you're gay."

"Mate all boys have got one, just no one would have one like you."

"Enough OK."

"Don't you get embarrassed by how big you are."

"It's not my fault how big I am. I don't go around showing it to guys, you just happened to see me because of my fuckwit brother."

"But still, there's something there, you always got a solid mound out front no matter what you wearing. Look at it now."

"You're exaggerating man, come on. leave off with the cock shit." and Chris lightly punched John on the arm as he left the room." Come on," he yelled back to him," Let's swim."

As the two boys reached the back door and were leaving the Thompson place and about to go into the Wong household Chris said," How about we call around and see our rear neighbour and introduce ourselves. Let's invite him for a swim."

"What call on Ford, I bet he doesn't answer the door. Bet ya. You go. I can't be bothered."

"Seeya in a few minutes then."

As the boys were about to split and go their separate ways a car pulled up at the footpath and a very large guy got out and walked towards the boys. "Hi John how ya doin." the visitor called out

"Oh hi Scott, good man and you." John responded as the visitor stood in front of the two boys.

"Great mate, who's your mate here." the visitor asked

"Oh, Scott this is my mate Chris, Chris Thompson. Chris meet Scott Au." John responded

"Cool good to meet you Chris." Scott reached out with his hand to shake hands on being introduced. Chris responded to the hand jesture and put forward his right hand. Scott took hold of Chris' hand and took a very firm grip. Chris winced at the pain into his hand. "You're just the man I want to talk with. Hey, John you go along and Chris will join you shortly." Chris tried to withdraw his hand but Scott retained his hold on the hand, pulling it slightly towards him making Chris unsteady on his feet.

"Let go." Chris said

"Hold on we just got to have a chat. Go on, Chris will see you soon John, away you go." Scott said

John hesitantly began to walk away from Chris and Scott Au,"Go on mate he'll be there soon. Promise." John looking back continued into his place and disappeared from sight.

"Let go of me fuck ya." Chris demanded

"Now , now big boy you just stand and listen to me for a minute." Scott warned

"Fuck off I done nothin' to you, I don't even know you." Chris replied

"Well you gonna know me. Now listen to what I'm going to tell you." Scott still retaining his hold on Chris's hand, pulled him very close to him so their faces were only inches apart then snarled," Alexandra , she's my girlfriend, not yours not nobody elses, mine, you hear me."

"She can see who she likes." Chris snapped back,"She's my girlfriend too."

"No she ain't, she thinks she likes you, but you're just a novelty to her."

"Yeah because I'm more her age and better looking."

"See you don't want to listen. So I'll tell you again. Stay away from her. You go near her again and I swear you will be sorry , really sorry."

"I'll see her when I want and do shit with her when we want."

"You've been told don't go near her. Oh, and if I hear you've flashed your cock at her again, even if by accident I'll kick your nuts so hard they'll get caught in your throat. You got it."

"Don't bully me, wait till I tell Alex what you been sayin'>"

With that Scott, who was six feet three (188 cm)and towering over Chris by 6 inches (150mm)and outweighed him by a good 40 pounds (20 kgs) of muscle grabbed hold of Chris by the throat and shook him violently. Chris with the breath shaken from him was becoming like a rag doll. Scott then released one hand from Chris's throat and backhanded him across his head. Chris saw stars. "You say anything to her about this or go near her again and I promise you, you are going to be in a world of big hurt, you got that."

Chris in a groggy state replied," Fuck you."

"You better listen, no more chances, you got no brains but you got balls so feel this as a warning." and with that Scott, with the free hand he had smacked Chris across the head with, punched a full blow into Chris's groin catching him on the penis and forcing it back onto his balls. Chris let out a moan of pain and Scott released his hold on Chris allowing him to fall to the ground. Chris lay on the ground moaning in a foetal position. "Don't go near her, this is just a warning it will only get worse." and with that Scott got back into his car and drove off leaving Chris curled on the footpath.

CHris lay in great pain on the footpath unable to move as each time he moved he felt as if his nuts were being dragged inside of him. He lay, tears running down his cheeks. His balls throbbed, his head felt woozy and he had a really sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was like being hit by a truck. He lay hurting, feeling very sorry for himself.

"What's wrong son, are you alright. What's happened." Chris could hear someone alongside of him. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He winced away from it by instinct. "What happened to you." He felt hands touching him , examining him for injury." Let's have a look at you. Can you move.." As the hands attempted to sit him up Chris let out a pained sound, the tension on his body of trying to move hurt his balls. His hands continued to cradle his cods. Cradling as if protecting from furthr assault. He felt the hands on his hands, " Move them Chris let me see what has happened." He felt hands pulling his hands from his crotch, he tried to resist but had lost the will, he allowed his hands to be placed alongside of him." Lets see." Chris lie on the grass footpath in his blue swimmer boxers, bare torso, allowing someone to handle him. " Where are you hurt. You got to tell me before I can move you," the voice intoned.

Chris turned his head now to the voice, he recognised Max Rose, next door neighbour and a teacher at another school. Chris had played hoops with him before , he liked Max. He could trust him. "I copped it in the nuts I don't think I can move."

"Ok, let's do this gently. First I'm going to sit you up , then when you're sitting we'll see about how we go the next step.,OK son," Max said to Chris as he gently stroked Chris's shoulder.

Once Chris was sitting, even though bending pulled at his nuts his head felt clearer. "Is anyone home at yor place," Max asked

"No, mum won't be home until six from work, but Bill is over at the Wong's"

"I don't think Bill will be able to help just at the moment. Seeing as how there is no one at your place I will take you to mine, if it's too far for you to stumble then I can carry you,"Max smiled

"it might be too far and I think I'm too heavy." Chris said in a scratchy voice.

"Listen I'm going to bend down in front of you and I want you to get onto my back, holding me just below my throat. No arguments"

"But I think..."

"I don't want you to think I want you to do as I say, the only thing I want to hear from you is you need me to put you down because the movement is hurting you too much ok."

"You sure I'm really heavy."

"It's ok I've done this sort of thing in life saving practice so trust me I'm nearly a doctor." Max smiled again and moved around to the front of Chris." OK climb on board." Chris moved slowly forward and mounted Max's back . When Max felt the weight on his back he slowly stood, Chris lying forward onto his back with his legs wrapped around max's waist. As Max started to walk forward he moved his hands back behind him and under Chris's backside to support its weight. Max had his hands open holding each arse mound in a hand apiece. Chris moaned slightly at the jarring movement and the pain it was causing to his genitals. Max kept his hands in place on Chris's arse. He could feel the firm arse mounds through the thin boxer swimmers. Max found the movement of the arse in his hands as erotic and quite stimulating. As they reached Max's place, Max asked," I think it might be better if we lay you flat on the floor to start with until we determine what damage is done, alright with you buddy."

"Sure Max I'll be ok, I just need to relieve some pressure I feel on my gut right now."

"It will feel better when we get you down on the floor and the elastic off your stomach." Max assured Chris

Max took Chris in through the back door and laid him on the family room floor on the thick floor rug. He grabbed a pillow off the lounge and put it under Chris's head. As Max laid Chris out straight on the floor Chris groaned again at the pain from his groin.

"Listen mate you've obviously taken a really severe clout to your testes. I think.."

"I'll be ok really I just need to rest them." Chris croaked

"Listen to me Chris , that is a very tender and delicate part of your anatomy, and not to mention very important. We've got to determine what damage may have been done to you."

"I'm going to be ok really I just have.."

"Listen no argument this is what has got to happen, we got to examine you for any injury. Don't interupt until I'm finished, this is not for discussion. We can either contact your mum at work and she can come examine you herself and see if she thinks you need medical assist or, I can take you to the doctors or I can call an ambulance for them to take you to the hospital. Which is it."

"No please I don't want all that especially mum."

"We got to see if you're injured Chris, it's my obligation even as a teacher to ensure you receive the appropriate treatment." after a short pause where neither party said anything," Would you rather I have a look at you and examine you to see if there is a need for hospital or whatever."

"No really I don't need anyone.."

"Chris someone is going to examine you so the choices are doctor, hospital, your mum or me. Thats it , your call. Which is it to be."

"I'm feeling better really."

"You didn't listen, you choose from doctor, hospital, your mum or me and probably the hospital, the doctor and your mum will want to call the police after ."

It flashed through Chris's mind what had originally started all of this, him being naked and getting hard in front of Alexandra and her girlfriend the other day. He couldn't explain any of that to his parents. He sucked on his bottom lip for a minute," Really max I don't want.."

"Chris, Chris ,Chris what is the choice one, two, three or four your call."

Chris thought again for another minute,"Would you do it then , but please don't tell anyone."

Max walked behind Chris lying on the floor as Chris asked max and smiled," Sure mate tell you what to make sure it's completely private for you I'll take you into the study. Just give me a minute and I'll go get it ready for you. Hang on only be a minute."

"Ok sorry Max don't want you going to any trouble."

"Not a problem my friend, just give me a minute." and with that Max took off into the body of the house and up the hall to the study. Max grabbed a travel blanket and laid it over the carpet, then took a pillow off the sofa and laid it at the end of the blanket. He then went to his desk , opened a drawer took out an eye ball video camera and plugged it into his computer on the desk. He turned the computer on, zoned in the video to where he wanted it recording and then turned off the computer screen to show black. He left the room and went back to gather up Chris.

"Righto, want to travel the same way as you got here on my back."

"No if you support me I think I can sort of walk to where we got to go."

"Great, ok, up you get," and helping Chris slowly to his feet ,"you right , just lean on me," and putting his arm under Chris's armpit and across his back supported and walked him to the study." Ok here let me help you lie down , thats the way, just put your head on the pillow, comfortable ... good. Listen just another minute Chris I'll just go change quickly out of my work clothes from school into something that will allow me to kneel down easily without tearing the knees out of my trousers. Won't be a sec." and with that Max took off for his bedroom and changed .

Chris was lying flat on his back head on pillow just looking at the ceiling. The pain had started to ease and was feeling a lot of relief from when they first entered the house.

"Ok that didn't take long. Let's have look then." with that Max knelt down alongside of Chris and put his hands to Chris's stomach and started to feel around, gently poking and prodding. Chris looked at him and saw he was now only in a pair of footy shorts and no top. He could see why Max had no problem carrying him for whilst Max may not be overly tall, about five feet ten ( 176cm) he was very powerfully built in the shoulders and arms.

"I feel a lot better now, the pain has gone pretty well," Chris advised

"Good mate, but we still need to make sure nothing is too bruised, battered or broken ok." and max continued on with his examination. With the prodding of the fingers into his stomach Chris felt ticklish and began to laugh and squirm. Max did not relent. "Can you just raise your bum a minute so I can slide your shorts down just a little." Chris nodded and lifted his backside from the rug. Max held the hem of the shorts and pulled them slowly down so the elastic waist band slid down as far as the base of Chris's cock. Max continued his gentle feeling around the boys stomach and around to his side. He then told Chris to lie with his arms lying back over his head , which Chris did without thought. Max noticed Chris had no hair under his arms, but was sure the boy had entered puberty. "Everything seems to be ok so far." Max said. "You got a solid blow to your cods mate."

"yeah I did, you know that's the third time today. That's why they're so sore I reckon."

"The third time what do you mean." and as he was speaking Max slowly ran his fingers under the waistband of the shorts, gradually lifting the elastic then slowly putting back in place. Chris was oblivious to the movement.

Chris then explained how he had been hit in the genitals at school while playing, then kneed by Bill this arvo accidently then punched in the cods by a big kid. And no he didn't know who the kid was. He just wanted it all to all go away. Max continued his gently rubbing of Chris' stomach. He then slowly pulled on the shorts to lower them a bit more. The elastic became lodged on the butt of Chris's cock. Max could see the base of his quest. He noticed there was no pubic hair, he would see it now if there were any. He looked at the stomach, arms and legs, not a sign of any.

"Chris I'm just going to lower your shorts a bit more." Max prompted to Chris " Just so I can feel if there is anywhere tender."

"No , no it's ok now, I'm alright."

"Mate I got to look."

"I don't want to take me shorts off."

"But I got to feel that everything is ok."

Chris didn't know how to respond for a moment then said "Well feel them through me shorts then, but I ain't taking them off."

Max thought for a moment,"Ok I realise you are embarrassed by someone seeing and handling your kit, so how about I do it without seeing them ok. I'll just feel around them and make sure there aren't any lumps and the cord isn't damaged thats important." Max was now bullshitting Chris hoping Chris had no idea what he was talking about.

"How you gonna do that."

"Well, I can examine you by feel, by just lightly taking hold of your testes from up your shorts leg, but I won't be seeing them , so you can stay modest...OK."

Chris thought for a moment, "OK just a quick touch then because I'm feeling a lot better."

"OK Let me tell you something my friend I'll feel a lot better after having done this too." he then looked at Chris who lifted his head,"Just knowing that you're alright." With that Max moved so he could slide his hand up the left leg of Chris's shorts. He eased the leg wide open with his wrist as he slid his hand in also pushing back the fabric. Chris shuddered , max felt the end of a penis hitting the back of his hand. He moved his hand side to side, enough to roll the penis around on top of the hand, his hands then still pushing back the fabric felt the sack of nuts it was seeking. Without wasting time or allowing Chris to change his mind or move Max took hold of the sack in his hand and gently hefted it into his palm. He held it cradled in the palm for a minute. He could now also feel the penis sitting on his upturned finger tips. Max continued to hold the bag of nuts, gently weighing them in his palm. The penis above them was growing rapidly and had entered the daylight as its length and girth quickly increased. Chris could feel his cock expanding, he could not stop its surge.

"OK that'll do." Chris began to move to free himself of Max's hold.

Max did not move his grip, : "Just let me feel behind each one Chris to ensure the cord is attached." as as he spoke he took each individual cod in his hand completely encasing it and feeling back to the gristle and gently tugging forward several time on each one. Chris was now totally erect and his cock had forced back the fabric of the shorts leg and was now standing in the open in full view of Max. As he held onto the cod, Chris reacted to the warm hand sensually holding him, began to run precum from a now bobbing, pulsing cock. He made to sit up and brought his hands round to force Max's hands off him and to pull his shorts leg back as cover. He tried to stand but with max holding him as he was it was not possible without having max tear off one of his stones.

"Please Max I got to go." Chris entreated.

"Max smiled at Chris," They feel all good and everything looks really healthy." He moved his hand from the ball sack to the head of the cock, "and you've definitely a good blood supply here." He moved his hand to hold the shaft." You are a very developed young man." and he gently stroked the shaft.

"Please Max I got to go. Let me go."

"We got to talk young man about several things, I think." Max said softly

"Let go of me" Chris repeated whilst Max took a firm hold of the now wet shaft.

"Stop whining, we're going to talk."Max eyed Chris. This, referring to the throbbing shaft ," suggests you like what's happening." He continued to stroke up and down. He bent forward and kissed Chris firmly on the lips. To get away Chris moved his head backwards causing to him to lay back onto the floor. Chris now had his head firmly trapped between the floor and Max's lips. Max tried to force his tongue between Chris's lips. Chris held firmly shut. Max lightened the pressure, Chris opened his mouth to speak, Max lunged forward again slipping his tongue into Chris' mouth. The tongue forced itself into contact with the other tongue, they danced within Chris' mouth. Chris could feel the invading tongue reaching far into the back of his throat. he felt a hand massaging his right nipple. He felt a hand stroking his penis. He was in a state of shock and delirium. He loved the feeling but hated it happening to him. Max forced harder onto him. Chris felt the hand massaging his nipple , he felt the hand stroking his penis, now he felt the body on top of him and a hard object being pushed into his side. Max was groaning. He grabbed hold of Chris's cock and nipple grasping both tightly in a vice like grip. His body was taut.

"Max where are you, you home." a short pause."You in there love." Max froze in his position. He lifted his head off Chris and still holding the boy firmly to the floor he released his grip on his nipple, released his grip on the penis and took hold of the ballsack.

Max looking directly into Chris's eyes placed a finger to his lips signifying silence then whispered to Chris" Shut up or I'll tear your nuts off I swear." Chris with fear in his eyes nodded his head to agree he understood. "I'm here love, be right out." With that Max raised himself off Chris and then reached down pulling the boy to his feet. Max then moved to the sofa and pulled on a t shirt laying there. He looked at Chris" Follow me , i was showing you some maths equation understand." Chris didnot answer but nodded ascent. The two walked out of the study and down the hall to the kitchen."Hi love you're home early today."

"Yes, I had an early finish , I had to see a client out this way so called it a day after I had finished." Sarah Max's wife moved forward to kiss her husband." Oh hi Chris I didn't realise you were here." she said to the boy hidden by max and partially concealed in the hallway.

"OH, Chris came over to get me to explain a maths problem, didn't you buddy." Chris didnot respond.

"Don't let me disturb you then."

"No it;s ok we're done for now. See you later Chris.'

Chris turned to walk out of the house, "Goodbye Chris." Sarah called

Chris turned looked at Sarah, glared at Max" Goodbye Sarah." and turned back to leave.

"Seeya Chris." max said."Make sure you call over tomorrow we need to discuss today"

Chris didnot respond but kept walking to the door. Sarah stood with max watching him go." I don't understand these boys today, they're so aloof and sullen . Why do they wear their shorts so low I can see half his back side. They're so exhibitionist."

"That's todays youth my dear, I guess I'm used to it , working with them all day." Max took Sarah in his arms and gave her a hearty welcome home kiss. "It's a time of raging hormones for them and they're unsure of themselves and their real identity,"

"But still, look at Chris, seems a well brought up kid, but look at how he treated you just now after having helped him. Hmff, look athte dressof him the way he came to visit, Jesus talk about no modesty and obviously little morals."

"I think you're too harsh of him dear, you're too used to dealing with solicitors and the like. You lot don't see what I see every day. Chris is a very nice boy really. Gentle."

"Maytbe so but would oyu have ever gone visiting with no shirt on and your shorts worn at half mast on your bum. God I could see most of his.. well you know.. what was holding them up."

"he didn't start out like that but I think the elastic in his shorts is probably near perished and lost its holding power." Max excused for Chris

"Still, they wonder why they attract perverts, they're advertising to be molested."

"Enough of that tell me about your day." Max held his wife into him. He was half hard.

"Yes and what else do you want. Max you are so much a man. You and your thing." sarah smield back at Max." Come with me." and she led Max towards the bedroom.

"is this my reward for you coming home early." Max raised his eyebrows to Sarah and followed.

Chris arrived home from Max's and ran upstairs to his room. He threw himself on his bed and silently cried, tears rolling down his cheeks. He questioned himself about how he attracted people to continually believe him a willing homosexual. Was their something overt about his mannerisms that said he was a gay. He wasn't he knew that , he loved Alexandra, gay guys don't like girls they go for guys. He lay looking at the ceiling. What a shit day this had been, he couldn't face more days like this, emotionally he wasn't up to it. people he should be able to trust, teachers, friends, his brother, and now his neighbour who he thought was a good guy, all hitting at him. Fuck.

To be continued

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 34: Christian and William Thompson 15

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