Chris New Life


Published on Jul 7, 2010


This story contains sexual and physical acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation and violence. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction. This story is not intended to influence how you conduct yourself. Some of the behaviour undertaken in his story is totally unacceptable and should not be copied. This is fantasy entertainment not realism.

For clarity I have included a summary below the most often mentioned charcters. Others will be added as and when required.

Chris Thompson 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High School. Bill Thompson 13, grade 8 , Hills Boys High School, brother to Chris

John Wong, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High , next door neighbour to Chris James Wong, nearly 17, grade 11, Hills Boys High, brother to John Tim Wong, 13, grade 8, Hills Boys High, brother to John Alexandra Wong, 15, grade 10, Ladies College, twin sister to John Wong, wanted by Chris

Max Rose, 25, maths teacher, Oakhill Boys High, next door neighbour to Chris and Bill Thompson Ron Ford, 15, grade 10, Hills Boys High, back neighbour to Chris and Bill. Sarah Rose, married to Max. Scott Au, 18, grade 12, Hills Boys High, boyfriend of Alexandra Wong Mr Horn, 23, english and biology teacher, Hills Boys High. Form head for Chris Michael Thompson, 15, grade 10, Oakhill Boys High, cousin to Chris and Bill and tormentor Martin Thompson, 13, grade 8, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill Peter Thompson, 17, grade 12, Oakhill Boys High, brother to Michael, cousin to Chris and Bill

Chapter 12

"Yeah well fuck you too." Bill called after Chris.

Next morning , first day of school for the year. The Thompson brothers would be entering their new school, ready to make new friends, ready for the new challenges.

As Chris dressed in his grey shorts, white shirt, socks and black shoes for school he was in a quandary if he should wear briefs or not. He did not like the idea of first day at school and roaming around commando but what if Michael's friend should find out he was wearing briefs, that would be too much trouble to contemplate. He decided on no briefs. Both boys ate breakfast in silence, neither one speaking to the other for the morning. THeir mother realised their was some tension between them but what to expect , they were brothers.

The boys independently walked to the bus stop and met up with the Wong brothers at 7.45am. All engaged in bubbly conversation to be expected on the first day of school, all except Chris, he was not forgiving any othe others for what happened yesterday.

Realising Chris was not talking John Wong moved across to Chris" Sorry mate about yesterday, I really am it went to far."

"Trying to get in with him are you." yelled Bill at John," Bet you wish you had a dong on you like him rather than your tiddler."

"Get fucked." John Wong repleid," You're a devo."

"What you on about ." asked Chris

"Never mind." John replied," As I said sorry about yesterday. Really I am mate."

All the boys were in a group talking, with some pushing between John Wong and Bill when the bus arrived. The boys boarded to start their first day. The boys moved to the rear seats of the bus and took their positions, Tim Wong sitting with Bill and James and John Wong sitting with Chris. Let the day begin.

To be continued

Chapter 13

The bus moved along the route picking up students on its way to school and as those that got on were friends of the Wongs so they were introduced to Chris and Bill. Each time it was explained how they were new guys and had just moved to Sydney from the bush, and that the boys were their neighbours and friends. By the time the boys arrived at the school gate the bus was packed with students and the Thompson boys had met many of those on the bus. On arrival the bus halted and the driver called for all to offload "for their was knowledge to be had".

Tim took Bill to meet with his mates that were gathered in a part of the school ground where they always met at and John and James did the same with Chris. Bill and Chris had still not spoken as a result of the day before. The boys were introduced to more of the Wong friends. By bell time the boys had a long list of boys to remember. The bell for assembly rang and all the school boys formed in grades in the quadrangle where they were then directed to areas to be allocated their home rooms and classes for the year.

In the allocation of classes Chris was allocated the same Biology class as John and also had the same PE class but they were the only classes the two had in common. John Wong was in higher clases than Chris being a more accomplished student. Basically just plain smarter. The boys looked through their timetable and what rooms they would be in. By the time they had completed orientation for classes the first two periods of the eight period day were complete. They were directed to move to their third period for the day and then continue on with their published timetable from there. The boys parted Chris heading to his english class on the top floor of the building. This class room would be the one he would use for most subjects. Chris arrived at the class room and it had not yet started to fill. He looked around the class and but could see none of the boys he had met with John Wong so moved to a desk at the back of the room. The room was simply set up, 4 rows of desks across the room, five rows deep with three aisles, one between each row of desks. Each desk was a double, to be used by two students, with each student having their own chair. The classroom had seating for forty students and then had vacant space behind the last row of desks allowing standing space for about 20 students. At the front of the class the teachers desk was set on a dais and behind the teachers desk were three large white boards. The door to the class room was at the front side of the room and led out onto a very wide hallway and verandah. All in all it was a very well appointed room.

Not seeing anybody he knew Chris moved to the far back desk in the right hand corner, the one next to an outside window. He had a view over the football oval and cricket nets. He settled himself and got out a book and pen ready to begin lessons. As he sat more boys entered the class, some looked at him but not recognising him sat with or near their friends. The noise in the class room was deafening. Each boy yelling out to their friends wherever they were placed in the room. As time progressed a young man, seemingly not much older than the pupils and not much bigger entered the room and stood before them. He stood for several minutes but the class didnot respond to his presence, but continued on with its chatter.

"Quiet, quiet down ," he called

All to no avail the class continued on in general disruption.

The young man moved onto the dais and in a booming voice yelled,"Shut up , shut up now and take your seats." The class went completely still. Be it from being told to "Shut up" or the loud voice or the fact it was coming from a diminutive person, but the class did as directed.

The man turned to the centre white board and wrote on the board " HORN" and said" I am Mr Horn, I am your english teacher and for those of you taking biology, your biology teacher. For your information your home room is based on your english class so this room you are currently in becomes your home room and as I am your english teacher I am your home class master. Are there any questions." Mr Horn was about to continue when a student burst through the doorway.

He looked at the class and then the person standing out the front of hte class," Shit , sorry sir I couldn't get my stuff together I was...."

"What's your name boy."

"Ron sir," the boy answered.

"Your surname lad, your surname."

"Oh, ah.. Ford , sir Ford. Ron Ford sir." the flustered boy said.

"Alright find a seat and go sit in it and don't let me hear from you for the rest of the lesson."

"Sir, yes sir."

The boy looked around the class, he could see several vacant seats but didn't like who his partner would be at two desks and at the third he sort of recognised the face but wasn't sure, he knew he didn't really know who it was though. He stood looking at the vacant seats trying to make his mind up which one to sit at.

"Well move boy, it's not hard, sit where there is a vacant space, any vacant space, any apart from the one between your ears. Move."

"yes sir," and the boy made the snap decision to sit with the boy he didn't know rather than the ones he knew he didn't already like. He hustled with his back pack to the rear of the room and plonked himself alongside Chris. Holding his hand out he said" Hi I'm Ron Ford. How you doin'."

Before Chris could reply," Shut it Ford, or you'll be staying back with me. Sit, be seen and not heard. Class take out your dictionary, your novel and your exercise book so we can begin." There was a general rustle and movement in the class as the students followed the direction.

As Chris lent over to get his books from his back pack he felt a bare leg rub against his leg. He sat up straight to see what was happening. He saw the boy sitting next to him, his leg against his, as he bent over to the side of the desk to retrieve his books. The boy had a cover of light brown hair on his legs and it felt funny to Chris as it rubbed against his bare leg. Chris didnot move his leg. The boy continued rummaging in his back pack and after several minutes came back to the upright position, his left leg however still against the right leg of Chris Thompson. Chris did not respond but got his books prepared.Mr Horn from the front of the room began giving instructions to the class about what he wanted to happen during the lesson. At the same time Ron Ford was talking to Chris.

"You new here, I haven't seen you around here before."

Chris didnot answer but looked straight ahead at the teacher who at the sound of the noise coming from the back of the room was staring straight at Chfris and his partner.

"Shut up." Chris hissed out of the side of his mouth.

Ron Ford continued to chatter away.

"Ford, shut it." Ford looked up at the mention of his name. "If you continue to talk in my class you and your mate next to you will have my company this afternoon and every Monday afternoon for the next month, up to you."

"Oh. sorry sir, just getting back into the swing of things after holidays, you know how it is. Just so excited to be back in the halls of learning with teaching gurus like yourself." Ford responded

"Come out here, are you the village idiot son."

Ford stood and went to the front of the class to front the teacher. Standing head to head it was difficult to discern who was pupil and who was teacher the two were so similar in stature. Mr Horn and Ron Ford were identical in height, five feet nine inches (173cms) and but Horn was heavier than Ron Ford's 147pound (67kg). Even the skin colouring and hair tones were the same, the only difference being the facial features to say they weren't twins. The two stood staring into each others eyes, neither one blinking or looking away. After about a minute still staring into Horn's eyes Ron Ford began to smile. He continued to hold the teacher's gaze. Horn raised his arm and dropped his hand on Ron Ford's left shoulder. Ford didnot flinch. Horn didnot say anything but began to tighten his grip on the muscle across the top of the shoulder. His fingers tightened around the muscle and squeezed harder. Still they held each others glare. The class was totally silent. The grip tightened, and then tightened further. Ford was who was still holding the teacher's eye, began to wince under the pinching grip. His shoulder was starting to throb and the nerves twitch. Ford unable to take any more pressure buckled at the knees and went onto his knees before the teacher. He was now on his knees head bowed before the teacher who had still not loosed his grip. Ford began to squirm and struggle to break the teacher's hold.

"Let him go. let him be." was yelled from the depth of the class. Mr Horn continued to hold onto the pupil. " Pick on someone your own size." The teacher turned his glare back to the class. Ford began to silently cry, tears running down his cheeks. He struggled to break the hold. Christian stood from his chair and yelled," Fucken let him go ya prick. I'll report you." Mr Horn focused his stare onto Chris, he continued holding the shoulder of Ron Ford but had loosened the vice like grip." I said let him go." Others in the class now chimed in "Yeah let him go." The bell sounded for the conclusion of the period and start of recess. As the pupils began to put away their books the teacher spoke," I will not stand for rudeness or impertinence in my classroom. Remember that class and our time together will be beneficial to you, otherwise it will be torturous, believe me. Now homework for tomorrow is to complete the set we were interupted in today, class dismissed. You ( pointing to Christian ) stay behind I wish to speak to you." The rest of the class filed from the room. Mr Horn had by now released his grip on Ron Ford's shoulder but he remained kneeling in front of the teacher. Christian moved to the front of the class to meet with the teacher. The room was now empty save for the teacher and the two boys, Chris standing before the teacher and Ron who was kneeling. Chris looked down at Ron Ford, but his eye was not met by Ron, he seemed to be looking elsewhere. Chris followed the gaze of Ron , it was on the crotch of the teacher before him. The was a most noteable lump behind the distended fly of the teacher's trousers.

Chris was brought back to reality by a firm poke to his chest,"Don't you ever, ever, raise your voice to me in my class, ever. You remember your place in this zoo."

"You had no right..."

"I have whatever rights I like in my class and you remember that, and if you think you can get away with your foul gutter language to me then you are in for a surprise."

"You're not allowed to manhandle us, I don't..."

"What's your name boy."

"Thompson, Christian Thompson."

"Sir, Christian Thompson sir, you refer to me as Sir. Understood."

"Yes sir."

"Ford get up. Now both of you listen. You are in my English class, I am your class master, you had better keep your nose straight for the rest of the year or it will be a long year for you. You Ford brought this on yourself through your ignorance, rudeness and impertinence and you Thompson through some twisted desire to help your little bum mate. Well I will be watching you both over the coming time. You need English to get through your certificates. You comply with my rules or else. Understood."

"Yes sir." Ron Ford replied

"But sir you still aren't ..."

"OK Ford you go to recess I need to speak to Thompson for an extra minute." With that Ron Ford looked at Chris, Chris nodded to him to go, and Ford let the room for the playground. Chris was now alone on the top floor of the building with the teacher,Mr Horn.

"You don't want to understand do you Thompson, you will do as you are told, you are not in charge here I am. You do not tell me what I can and can't do."

""Even though you're the teacher you can't" and with that hands grabbed at Chris around the throat and pushed with back with force against the white board.

"Don't you dare threaten me."Horn spat at Chris

"I didn't I was only saying you can't beat us up." Chris croaked"and get yout hands off me."

With that he was slammed against the wall again some of the wind being knocked out of him with the force of the collison. "Listen to me you twerp, understand who is in charge here." Horn snarled at Chris whilst holding his shirt by the collar and Chris back against the white board.

"Let me go, fuckya, let go of me ya cunt." Chris screamed into the face of Mr Horn.

Without hesitation Mr Horn raised his knee and ploughed it directly into the groin of Chris forcing it's way into the basket of fruit. Chris let out a pained groan and his knees weakened as he was about to fall to the ground. The teacher holding him by the shirt only stopped him from doing so. Mr Horn released his hold on the shirt and Chris fell to the ground, groaning and in a foetal position. Where Chris had wrapped his legs to his chest and with the squirmishing Chris's elastic waisted shorts had come down and were riding low on his hips. With Chris now with his knees brought up to his chest Mr Horn looked down to see the cleft of Chris' two mounds. The teacher now moved towards Chris' legs reached down, took hold of the elastic waist of the shorts and lifted Chris by the waist band. Mr Horn applied the lift pressure standing from the angle of Chris feet and this had the effect of lifting Chris waist and legs from the ground whilst also pulling his shorts towards his ankles. As the shorts slid down his legs with the pressure of being lifted Chris waist and legs fell back to the floor and he now lay on the ground with his shorts suspended around his elevated ankles and feet held by Mr Horn. Mr Horn let go of the shorts and Chris's ankles now dropped to the floor. Chris now lay on his side knees to his chest, shorts at his ankles.

"STand up Mr Thomspon. Stand up now."

CHris looked at the teacher and took his hands from holding his battered genitals to put them to the waist of his shorts. He was about to pull up his shorts before he stood.

"NO, I said stand nothing else.You will learn to do what I say when I say Mr Thompson, remember I'm in charge here not you. Do not touch your shorts." and whilst saying this he lashed out with his foot kicking Chris's hands off the waist of his shorts."Well stand Mr Thompson , now,,if you know what's good for you."

Chris looking into the eyes of his school teacher slowly brought himself to his feet. He stood before his teacher , shorts around his ankles, his polo shirt hanging down covering most of the bared genitals. ONly the head of the cock was hanging below the hem of Chris's shirt. Chris had his hands covering his crotch area.

"Very good Mr Thompson, good to see you are beginning to get the idea of what discipline is founded on. I tell you do, me teacher you student, me boss you slave. Understand do you."

For a moment Chris didnot answer, he glared at the teacher, Chris remained silent, then "I'm not a puppet I'm allowed to think for myself."

"True Mr Thompson, you are allowed to think for your self I encourage it. You are only allowed to act in my class after I direct you to do so. THat's the process you are missing at the moment."

Chris remained standing in front of the teacher with his hands over his groin. He watched the eyes of Mr Horn. He could see Mr Horn looking him up and down. Horn walked slowly around Chris,. Chris stood his ground looking straight ahead at the white board hands still covering his genitals. He could feel the air circulating around his cock and balls and also his arse. He kept looking straight to the front. He heard the teacher saying something to him, he wasn't listening he was thinking his own thoughts.

"Well Mr Thompson, see your ignoring me again. I think boy you are flagrantly disobeying me."

"Sorry sir, i didn't hear you."

"You mean you were ignoring me, I said clasp your hands on your head."


"Just do it, just clasp your hands on your head.....NOW" Horn roared from behind Chris

Chris moved his hands from in front of his crotch to the top of his head. This had the effect of him raising his arms and therefore his polo shirt rode up higher on his body to accommodate the movement. The shirt rode up an inch (25mm) showing more of the nicley rounded mounds.

'Turn and face me Mr Thompson leaving your hands where they are."

Without comment Chris turned to face the teacher, he could feel more open space and air around his cock, it began to swell. Horn locked his eyes on Chris then slowly moved his eyes down the torso of the lad. When he reached the exposed and swelling cock head , he stopped and focused.

"Enjoying this are you Mr Thompson, you like to exhibit yourself."

Chris blushed, his cock was now way past half hard and was beginning to poke out at right angles from his body as it continued to swell with blood. "No sir, I don't like it at all. You could be in trouble for this ."

"You think so do you. Let me remind you you are the one who is standing in front of me with an erection, I haven't touched you. I haven't said anything at all to you suggestively sexlike. I didn't tell you to drop your shorts or under pants. Where are they by the way, your briefs or whatever. Well."

"I'm not wearing any sir."

"And why can't I see any hair on you lad.... take off your shirt. I am concerned you are involved in perverted sexual behaviours. Go on take your shirt off now. I am your class master as such responsible for you."

Chris faltered for a moment then complied. He slipped his polo off and dropped it to the floor. His cock continued filling to its maximum, now standing at a 45 degree angle from his groin. The eye of his cock looking straight up at his teacher who stood before him mesmerised. Chris tried to cover himself with his hands.

"Put your hands back on your head." Horn surveyed the now naked boy standing in front of him. He marvelled at the specimen before him. Nicley toned and well tanned body, good muscle development, great thighs, developing pecs, magnificently rounded glutes, tight stomach to lower abdomen down to my god, what a set of organs. He had never seen anything the like of it. "You are a very well endiwed lad aren't you Thompson."

"Yes sir. Can I get dressed now sir."

"You have no body hair Thompson , I know looking at you you have reached puberty, so tell me., why."

"I er.. I.. um..I.."

"Are you a pervert Thompson. Do you have funny thoughts while you shave yourself. Do you have odd sexual fantasies...well do you. Do you wack that organ of yours while you dream your fantasy Thompson, you and your mate Ford. "

"I don't have fantasies sir, I don't, I never done anything with Ford. Can I get dressed please sir."

"That's getting better, the please sir. You can dress yourself after you tell me why you don't wear any briefs, why you have no body hair and looking at that thing of yours why if you don't have strange thoughts is it dribbling stuff from it now."

Chris snapped his hands from off his head to his cock and wiped the leaking precum off with his fingers. He looked at Mr Horn who was standing in front of him with a seemingly know it all grin on his face. "I never wear briefs sir because they cause me chaffing, and I got no hair cause I was getting ready for swim season. I am going to try out for swim team with the school and I wanted to be ready." Chris stopped talking and looked straight at Mr Horn, " Honest sir, that's why." He then stopped and looked at Mr Horn waiting to be dismissed.

"And the other bit, if you hate all this why are you discharging so much fluid from your penis. Mmmm. and why are you so hard. Excited are you."

"I don't know sir truly I don't. I always get like this when I get embarrassed. I can't stop it sir. I wish I could."

"As your class head THompson we may have to have some meetings to discuss your predilection for erections under stress."

"Whatever you say sir. Can I get dressed now please."

"You've learnt your lesson"

"Yes sir most certainly."

"Good then off you go. Remember Thompson you do what I say when I say no questions asked."

"You're not the only one to say that to me sir."

Chris reached and pulled on his shorts then reached for his polo shirt. Whilst he did his erection forced the front of his shorts out obscenely. A large wet spot appeared on the front. He pulled on his polo, tucked it in then realised he had a wet spot"Oh shit." he said

"That's why we need to talk. now off you go. Don't test me again or it will be all the worse for you. Remember, what I say when I say."

Chris raced from the room and straight to the nearest toilet block and open stall. He rushed in slammed the door behind him, dropped his shorts to his ankles and fisted his cock. He stroked slowly then gradually built his pace. He lent back against the closed door of his cubicle facing the toilet pan. He stroked, stroked , stroked, in his minds eye the scene in the classroom with Mr Horn, him naked before him. He loosed his load. It blasted from his cum hole shooting splooge across the cubicle onto the back wall, then onto the toilet pan, the bowl then the floor. He drained the last drops from his cock, he had his eyes shut, he could see Ford, he could see Mr Horn. God it was only recess he had most of the day still to go. He pulled up his shorts, turned , released the latch on the cubicle door and went to the hand basins where he washed and went out to find John Wong. He hoped the rest of the day would be less stressed. As he found John Wong and explained he had been kept back by Mr Horn the warning bell for the cessation of recess began to sound. John informed Chris Mr Horn was new to the school this year and was probably trying to make a reputation for himself. Chris reckoned he would do it. The final bell sounded and the two boys went off to their respective classes promising to meet in two periods time for lunch.

The rest of the day went as it should and Chris met up with John Wong at the school gate and started for the bus stop.

"You wanna walk home so we can talk," John as ked Chris

"Why man, thats fucken heaps of walkin'."

"Yeah but I really want to talk to you man."

"What about."

"Ah. Like you know your day today and other shit we got to get cleared."

"OK listen let's ride the bus. Do our homework then you come over to my joint after and then we can shoot the shit, how about that."

"Yeah but I want to talk without Bill being around."

"OK you're calling it , once he gets home he'll get changed and shoot over to your joint anyway. We'll have the place to ourself mum won't be home from work till six, so she reckons. What's on your mind you sound so serious."

"No nothing really just I got some things to talk about without little ears hearing thats all."

"NO problems. Hey here's our bus let's go man."

The boys joined the others, they boarded the bus for home. The boys all jostled and joked on their way home. All except Bill and Chris, Chris was still not talking to Bill because of the day before. When the boys arrived home they let themselves in, got drinks from the kitchen then went upstairs to their bedrooms. Chris was still ignoring Bill even when he spoke to him. When Chris got to his room he threw his backpack under his desk, went to the chest of drawers, took out a pair of white footy shorts then proceeded to take off his polo and threw it to the laundry basket and then took off and folded his shorts for tomorrow. He stood naked in front of his mirror looking at his body. He saw what MR Horn saw, he liked what he saw. He was proud of his look. He was proud of his member even though it caused him some problems smetimes. He took hold of his package and hefted it several times in his hand and smiled it felt good. His penis started to chub at the motion. Chris released his bits and pulled on his shorts, picked up a book and flopped down onto this bed to finish reading what wasn't done today.

Without knocking or being invited Bill turned up in Chris's room. He stood at the foot of the bed watching his brother read. Chris was oblivious to Bill's presence. Chris reached down and scratched his balls but continued reading. The movement focused Bill's eyes on Chris's crotch and Bill standing at the foot of the bed could see up the leg of the flared open footy shorts. Looking out at himm from the left leg opening of Chris's shorts was the anaconda cock. Its eye clearly fixed on Bill. Bill stood and studied it, in some expectation , as if it would spring out and grab for him. He continued to watch this thing lying there in the light seemingly watching him for any movement. He coughed to get Chris's attention.

Chris looked up but did not move just gently laying the book on his bare chest."Fuck off."

"You're gonna have to talk to me sometime."

"You're my brother and we're supposed to support each other, yesterday you only helped make things worse for me."

"I didn't mean for it to go like that honest."

"Do you reckon I wanted Alexandra to see me with a hard on standing there, well do you."

"NO I know you were embarrassed and I'm really sorry but shit I did it without thinking you know me.. i would never do anything to hurt ya." Bill kept looking from Chris's face to his open shorts leg and the watching eye.

"I guess you only meant it in fun but next time think first . How am I supposed to get Alex back and stop that slag of her girlfriend putting it about that I flashed them."

"It will all get forgotten, give it a week it will be just gone into history. really."

"Righto, you're forgiven." and with that Chris sat forward put down his book and reached his arms forward to Bill. Bill responded by moving forward and was going to hug his brother but as he bounded onto the bed his knee landed straight into the genitals of Chris. It was a full weighted blow of direct hit. Chris let out a blood curdling scream of pain. His hands shot straight to his groin to cradle his injured parts. Bill was shocked by what he had done and stood mumbling over and over "I didn't mean it Chris I didn't mean it. Sorry I'm so sorry." Chris had thrown his head back and with tears running down his face was moaning in pain.

Bill with all good intentions moved to Chris and slowly edged up the left leg of Chris's shorts fully exposing Chris's shaft and ball sack. Chris lay moaning in pain his head thrown back trying for the pain to subside. Bill staring at the injured organs reached forward and gently took the ballsack in his palm and supported its weight. Chris moaned with what Bill took to be relief. Bill reached with his other hand and placed the shaft in his palm and supported it. Bill was now supporting all of the weight of Chris's genitals. He did nothing with them except support them. Chris moaned with relief mumbling "Thank god, oh thank god." Bill sat over his brothers crotch supporting the injured genitals. He kept his hand steady with the ballsack. His left hand supporting the shaft was not well placed and he moved it with the shaft still held to another position, it twitched. Bill moved his hand slightly again, and again the shaft uttered an involuntary twitch. Bill still supporting the balls made an extended movement of his left hand , the shaft again twitched and seemed to be filling. He continued supporting both balls and shaft in right and left hands, the shaft continued to fill. It was now self supporting, but Bill held onto it. It continued to fill, it began to run clear fluid, Bill felt it dribble to his hand. He smeared it back along the shaft but didnot withdraw his support. It was now at its length, running copious fluid, Bill holding it from poking to the sky.

"I came straight up." John Wong said from the door to the bedroom." Shit sorry guys I didn't know"

NO.. no.. wait." Bill cried as John made to leave the scene before him."IT's not what you think."

"You don;t know what I think ." John said

"I reckon I do " Bill replied. He was still holding onto the shaft.

Chris had opened his eyes and sat his head forward but in exasperation at the way day had gone let it drop back to the pillow. He for the moment was passed caring what was going on. He lay with his eyes shut seeing in his minds eye the current situation ,him lying on the bed with his cock and balls out, an erection, his brother sitting on the bed holding his balls, his balls in one hand and his erection in the other and then his neighbour and friend and walking in and seeing this , then with his brother saying it was not what it seemed. Bullshit, what a bullshit day.

" Let go of my cock Bill. John come in and sit down. Thanks for trying to help with the pain Bill."

John stood at the door not knowing wha the should do.

"Oh for fuck sake John come in, you saw it all yesterday, nothings changed ."

"Yeah but Bill wasn't jerking you off yesterday."

"He wasn't jerking me off now either. Fuck me. Listen Billy how about you piss off next door me and John got some talking to do. OK mate."

"Sure bro if you say so. You coming over later."

"Maybe. Sit down John" With that John Wong sat on the end of the bed and Chris pulled down the leg of his shorts to cover his private area. There was still the problem of a leaking erect shaft but Chris was willing that to go away and crossed his legs to try and disguise his problem or at least divert immediate attention aweay from it. John Wong's eyes never left Chris's crotch region.

"OK seeya later " Bill said as he left the room." Seeya John."

Chris looked at John staring at Chris's crotch area, "Do you want to talk or do other stuff."

With that John looked up at Chris," I ain't gay Chris I just wanted to shoot some shit with you and ask you some stuff is all."

"Good because I ain't gay either so neither of us should have a problem."

To be continued

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 33: Christian and William Thompson 14

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