Chris New Life


Published on Jun 11, 2010


This story contains sexual and physical acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation and violence. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction. This story is not intended to influence how you conduct yourself. Some of the behaviour undertaken in his story is totally unacceptable and should not be copied. This is fantasy entertainment not realism.

Chapter 11

Chris put his head back and slowly began to stroke his cock. As expected precum quickly flowed. Chris having been so excited for so long was close to his peak and with one more stroke began to unleash a gush of spurts of cum from his pulsing cock. It shot onto the dashboard, onto the steering wheel, into his lap and over his hands. There was cum everywhere, Chris experienced one of his greatest releases.

"Shit look at that blow."

"Look at the size of it, shit."

"See it squirt out, man. by brother Mikey never does it like that."

then Chris heard

" You kids fuck off from there, go on piss off."

Mick was returning to the car.


Mick got to the car and saw the cum on the interior of the car," Can't leave it alone old mate can ya, clean your shit up." and he passed Chris his shorts to clean up the splooge off the car. " Unfortunately Jamies not at work today so have to make it another day. I'll show him a pic of you and he can meet up with you at school."

"Please don't show him a nude photo or me doing stuff, please Mick."

"I'll see, depends how nice I want to be and how nice you going to be." Mick looked around the parking lot, there were no people he knew there at the moment. He looked to his brother Peter,"You want your cock sucked before he goes."

"Where, here. You're kidding, I do if we go where we won't get seen."

"Nah here or nowhere my brother."

"Fuck off I ain't taking no more risks. The truck driver was enough." Peter said.

"OK Christian got that shit cleaned up get the bike out back of the ute and you can fuck off home. Remember I'm gonna have someone watchin' you all the time." and with that Mick opened the door showing Chris sitting in the car naked.

Chris quickly pulled on his cum stained shorts, got out of the car and grabbed his bike from the rear tray. "Seeya Chris, give you a call during the week, go on piss off." Mick smiled

Without a goodbye Chris jumped onto the seat and started pedalling for home, pleased his humiliation was over until next time. Chris was not concerneed about his shorts being covered in his cum, he would use the excuse it was from playing in the park, nobody would recognise it as cum by the time it dried. Chris arrived at his driveway and was met by Alexandra and a girlfriend leaving the Wong house. He ran his hand over his closely cut hair on his head.He tried to spruce himself up.

"Hi Alex," he called out

"Oh hi Chris, you been out riding." Alex answered and she and her girlfriend walked across to Chris who was sitting on his bike, one foot on a pedal the other on the ground. "You look very athletic sitting there."

Chris taking the compliment, blushed as Alex looked directly into his eyes. Chris cast his eyes down his bare torso down to his short covered crotch then back to Alex again. He could feel a rising in his groin, he would have to change his pose if it continued. "I've been over at my cousins."

"OH where is he at," Alex asked.

Chris noticed Alex had not taken her eyes off his but the girlfriend had her sights firmly focused on his swelling crotch, it continued to grow. He now dropped his foot from the pedal to the ground and stood straddling the centre bar with both feet on the ground. This effectively stopped his shorts leg flaring open. Problem was because the seat was set high and with his both feet on the ground the centre bar of the bike passed between his legs and pushed up whatever was to hang between his legs, accenting the now very extensive mound and unfettered tube running to the left of the cntre bar. It was obvious Chris had an erection to anyone standing talking to him. It was obvious this erection took on large proportion. It was obvious the end stop of this erection was topped with a very large nob. The outline now very clear through the nylon footy shorts.

"He lives next suberb over, pretty close," he stuttered out.

Chris was very embarrassed. The more embarrassed he became the harder he became, the less penis control he was able to exert. "I got to be going in and get my stuff ready." Chris said to the girls trying to find a way to politely escape from centre stage. Alex moved across to Chris and placed her hand over his which was holding onto the handle bar.

Alex let her attention wonder to his crotch,"You going to come over later for a swim, I'll be home within the hour. We can swim together if you would like." She looked back up at him and smiled

"Sure, should be ok by then, I just got some stuff to do, got to get inside just now but I'll see you later sure." Chris babbled, his penis now straining for release whilst freely running precum. Chris was close to losing control and losing another load, "Please not in front of the girls." he prayed."Seeya girls, gotta go." and with that Chris bolted up his driveway and the side of the house to safety. He thought he heard giggling. He rushed inside and straight up to his room, shut the door and sought relief, his hand diving inside his shorts and grabbing hold of his now aching penis, two swipes and he had release. His hand inside his shorts was coated with his juice. He opened his eyes and coming down off his high, he was standing in front of his window and when he looked out looking back up at him was his neighbour from behind, Ron Ford, staring straight back at him. Chris moved away from the window. Chris went to the bathroom and cleaned up. He returned to his bedroom, sat on his bed and thought about the situation he was in with Michael. The last thing he needed was to have somebody spying for Michael. He thought that at least once the other kid was known to him he could watch out for him, which was easier than having to worry which of the one thousand five hundred students at his new school could be the spy. Chris busied himself around his room and got all of his things he would need for school together. When finished he sat on his bed then decided he would go next door to the Wongs, maybe Alex would be home by now and he could be with her.

Meanwhile after Chris' rapid departure Alexandra Wong and her friend nattered and chuckled about the meeting they had just had with Chris. Both girls had picked up how nervous Chris had been in their company. Both girls had thought it most humorous how Chris had behaved with them. They began shrieking with laughter when they talked about his growing mound at his crotch and exclaimed wide eyed to each other about if each other had noticed the outline of the tube running along his left thigh and the big lump and outline of a circumcised cock head at the end of that tube. Alex's friend declared she would not want that thing anywhere near her, by the look of it. She compared it to a horses cock. Alex told her she was exaggerating and it was unfair to say those sorts of things. She did say Chris seemed to be built considerably bigger than her current boyfriend who was two years older than Chris.

"How do you know how big your boyfriend is" girlfriend asked

"Because when we been out a couple of times he got horny and put my hand on his cock wanting me to do something with it."

"Did you."

"Only once, I punched him in the nuts when he tried to force my head down to suck him."

"Would you do it with Chris," the girlfriend asked

"I don't do it with any of them." Alex replied

"Yeah but would you want a boyfriend with a donger that big and trying to put it in you."

"I wouldn't let any of them put it in me no matter how big or small." Alex answered, " They can only ever think with one head at a time and when the little head gets up the big head stops working. No boys I know can control themselves."

"Well obviously Chris can't the way he blew up." \ "None of them can."

"How about we go back to your place and go swimming with the boys. Let's have some fun with them." girlfriend suggested

"Yeah ok, but we get them to make fools of themselves we don't do it ourselves."

"Not a problem, I'll do it, just watch how they react." girlfriend said to Alex," Come on let's go by my place so I can get my swim suit and then on to your joint, ok."

The girls went on their way and then returned to the Wong house to change and go swimming. The Thompson boys, Chris and Bill, and Alex's three brothers were all in the pool when the girls arrived home.

The boys were busy jumping around and swinging off one another. They were all engaged in a rough house game of tag and Marco Polo. At the time Marco Polo was being played by Bill and he was blindfolded, a new twist to their game. The blind fold was their swimmers pulled over the head of who ever was "in", leaving the Marco Polo naked. As the girls were about to exit to the back yard and the pool Bill had caught Chris and he was now to be Marco Polo, and he was arguing with Bill and Tim Wong that he should not have to take his shorts off just close his eyes. None of the boys agreed. They swamped Chris and dragged his shorts off him and handed them to him as his blind fold, which he pulled over his head. the boys spread themselves around the pool and the game recommenced. The boys calling out Marco Polo and the blind folded Chris using the sound of their voices to try and trap them. The girls had stood inside and watched what was happening and when Chris had started off as Marco Polo they carefully and unobtrusively walked out to the pool. The girls stood on the edge of the pool watching the boys play. Through the water they could see the distorted outline of Chris' cock floating around at his groin semi inflated. Through the water it looked massive and the girls giggled to each other about what they could see. The boys saw the girls and as Bill was about to say something Alex held her finger to her lips indicating for them to be quiet and not tell Chris they were there watching him. Bill nodded and smiled. He felt emboldened by the girls being there and would do something he had never done before, hell he had not seen his brother naked for years. He had neve ever touched his cock. He took the lead from that and swam underwater to his brother and when within striking distance reached out and grabbed hold of his brothers cock. Chris yelled for who ever it was to stop doing that. The cock began to creep up in size. Again Bill swam at his brother and again he grabbed hold of the expanding cock, the other boys moved closer and leered at the cock on show under the water . None of them had ever seen anything the like of it. Bill enjoyed the feel of his brother whilst being in awe at how big the thing was.

It was like a dawning to the boys when John Wong, who was the same age as Chris said," You haven't got any pubic hair, where is it." it was really the first any of them had taken note of the bare unadorned cock previously having been overwhelmed by its bulk. They all now focused on Chris' bare crotch, girls as well. "How come Chris, haven't you reached puberty yet."

Chris reached to take the shorts from his head to confront the other boys but was too slow with Bill grabbing them and throwing them to the side of the pool. Alex Wong caught them and stood at the side of the pool with Chris' shorts in hand waiting to hear the outcome of the pubic hair, her and her girlfriend, who was straining, looking into the water at what Chris had on show.

As Chris reached his arm up for the shorts John asked" You got no hair under your arms either, how come. You just bald or something."

Chris now could see all around him. He could see the boys in the pool but who were now climbing out to sit on the poolside staring at Chris. He could see the two girls looking down on him from the pool edge. He moved his hands to cover his crotch, and looked sheepishly at Alex who held his shorts.

"Can I have my shorts please Alex ," Chris said in a deep voice , far deeper than his normal voice.

"Why haven't you got any body hair, even John has got some," asked Alex," Do you shave it off."

"Thats what the gay guys do don't they, shave all their hair off." the girl friend commented.

CHris kept his hands firmly in front of his crotch,"I don't shave and I'm not queer. I'm not, you hear me."

"Yeah well you got no hair on you and thats what the gay guys do." repeated girl friend

"I'm not gay," Chris shouted ,'I',m not."

"So you reckon but looking at you , well you know," girlfriend teased at Chris.

"I'm not I'm telling you. I'm not."

"Yeah sure you're not. Look at you , got a good body, always in shorts, flashing yourself about,' girlfriend laughed as she spoke.

With her words spoken, in exasperation Chris yelled at her while removing his hands from his crotch and thrusting his groin forward at girlfriend," Yeah well get a hold of this and see how queer this feels to you." He looked at Alex,"I'm not queer and give me my shorts."

"Come and get them," Alex taunted

Chris without thought made his way to the pool edge and lifted himself from the water and stood on the pool coping, water draining from his body, that running down his front channeling its way to his crotch and along his tube before leaving his body in a seeming spout from his cock head. He stood before Alex completely naked on show to all, his body shaking in anger at his humiliation. His penis at its full length of 9.5 inches (238mm).As he reached for the shorts in Alex's hands she threw them over his head to her girlfriend. Chris glared at Alex then spun around to face the girlfriend.

"Come get them Chrissy, before your bald dicky starts to wilt."

Chris fumed. He looked down at his cock, he realised his situation, he was bare before everyone, it was began to pulse. He felt humiliated, he didn't know what next to do, his cock was enjoying itself, he began to leak precum, a small line of slime beginning to hang from his slit. He strode the several paces towards the girlfriend, as he was an arms length away she threw his shorts back to Alex again. He grabbed for them as they sailed over his head. The others watched in bemusement. The boys were feeling sorry for Chris but also enjoying the fun. Bill was staring at the size of the member on his brother. He had no idea your cock could get that big. Bill knew he had a bigger cock than anyone else he had seen but now, wow. Bill stared at thet discharge hanging off its end. The cock pulsed more slime dribbled from the opening and like a treacle string fell towards the ground. Everyone was watching.

Chris turned to face Alex,"Please Alex, please give me my shorts."

Alex stared at Chris and smiled, looking at his crotch.

"Please Alex," Chris pleaded, his cock now standing at full attention from his groin, precum dribbling from its end and pointing at a 45 degree angle up towards Alex's face.

"How can you have an erection now, especially with everyone here. How can it be so big. Look at what it's doing , that's yuk." Alex asked

"Just let me have my shorts, I'll do anything you want. Please Alex."

"John or James can you get them off her."

The two elder Wong boys stood watching Chris. John, same age as Chris and James Wong, older by 18 months, were mesmerised by the size of the cock they saw before them." Please guys I'll do anything if you help me."

Without notice John Wong dived at his sister knocking Alexandra into the pool where he wrested the shorts from her grasp. He left Alex spluttering in the pool and he dragged himself from the water and handed the shorts to Chris," Anything you said, remember."John reminded him

"Yeah, yeah , I know and I mean it." and with that Chris pulled on the shorts over the straining member and turned and left for home.

"See you in the morning about 7.45 " John called after Chris.

Chris didnot answer but kept walking for home. Bill watched his brother leaving and ran to catch up with him," See you guys tomorrow," Bill called back to the Wong brothers.

Alex got herself from ther pool and went across to her girlfriend."Well that turned out a bit different for the afternoon."

"Sure did, what do you think of him now." she aked Alex

As she was about to answer John butted in ," What you two did was wrong, I wouldn't blame him if he never spoke to either of you again."

"Yeah but you still don't know if he's gay or not being bald and all, because a lot are if they got big thingos." girlfriend reminded them.

"You're a fuckwit," John directed at girlfriend," and so are you Alex for hanging about with her."

"It was only fun." Alex replied

"Bullshit you humiliated him. Don't be surprised if he doesn't talk to you ever again".

Bill chased after the departing Chris. "Wait on mate, I'm with you."

"Why didn't you help me, I'm your brother."

"Jesus Chris it was only fun."

"Bullshit, it might have been fun for you but it was fucken humiliating for me. You know that. You're a real shit head for starting all that."

"Get yourself fucked. I don't have a donkey kong for a cock, I ain't the one who is bare all over. Are you gay, do you shave really." BIll shot back at Chris.

"You wait when you need help don't call me." and with that Chris broke into a run and entered their house where he ran upstairs to his bedroom.

"Yeah well fuck you too." Bill called after Chris.

Next moring , first day of school for the year. The Thompson brothers would be entering their new school, ready to make new friends, ready for the new challenges.

As Chris dressed in his grey shorts, white shirt, socks and black shoes for school he was in a quandary if he should wear briefs or not. He did not like the idea of first day at school and roaming around commando but what if Michael's friend should find out he was wearing briefs, that would be too much trouble to contemplate. He decided on no briefs. Both boys ate breakfast in silence, neither one speaking to the other for the morning. THeir mother realised their was some tension between them but what to expect , they were brothers.

The boys independently walked to the bus stop and met up with the Wong brothers at 7.45am. All engaged in bubbly conversation to be expected on the first day of school, all except Chris, he was not forgiving any othe others for what happened yesterday.

Realising Chris was not talking John Wong moved across to Chris" Sorry mate about yesterday, I really am it went to far."

"Trying to get in with him are you." yelled Bill at John," Bet you wish you had a dong on you like him rather than your tiddler."

"Get fucked." John Wong repleid," You're a devo."

"What you on about ." asked Chris

"Never mind." John replied," As I said sorry about yesterday. Really I am mate."

All the boys were in a group talking, with some pushing between John Wong and Bill when the bus arrived. The boys boarded to start their first day. The boys moved to the rear seats of the bus and took their positions, Tim Wong sitting with Bill and James and John Wong sitting with Chris. Let the day begin.

To be continued

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 32: Christian and William Thompson 13

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