Chris New Life


Published on Oct 24, 2008


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

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This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

My New Life.

Michael held Chris's cheeks between his hands and repeated," You do whatever I tell you to do whenever and wherever no questions or I'll show my dad your dad and the coppers up to you."

"No please, I'll do everything you say. I swear on my grave."

Michael replied" More likely in your cell. Remember it will only take once and I show the tape around." Michael reached down and took hold of Chris's still bare cock, again it began to involuntarily lengthen. Chris had forgotten about being naked.Chris moaned with the feel of Michael's hand. This was the second time in his life someone other than himself had held his cock, twice in one day. It was a sensational feeling, one Chris knew was wrong, it made him lose all control but it made him feel like never before. He didn't know what was happening to him, firstly how he could become so excited when somemone embarrassed him and secondly the stimulating feelings when his cock was touched and looked at by someone.

" Lets go have dinner then I'll pick something for you to wear tonight. And now we need to clean any of your cum off the bed covers. Get a washer"


Chapter 3

The boys finished dinner and returned upstairs to prepare to go out for the evening. Both Uncle Bill and Aunty Mary were very lax with their parental control over the boys and were happy for the boys to do whatever as long as it kept them occupied and out from under their feet.

Michael and Chris entered their bedroom. Michael went to his drawers and took out a pair of boardies and a t to wear this evening. Chris went to his drawers but before he could select anything he might like to wear Chris told him to sit on the bed and wait, he, Michael would select his outfit for tonight. Chris complied immediately, Michael noted his obedience. Michael stripped off his outer wear at his bedside, took a clean pair of briefs to change into after his shower and began to leave the room. Chris watched Michael strip to his briefs. Michael was a well muscled youth just not as big as Chris. He noted Micheal wore very brief tight undies. He found himself, for the first time, interested in another boys body and how he looked. Chris noted how the briefs Michael wore accented the shape and size of his genitals. Chris shook his head to bring himself back into concentration. Chris was amazed how much he and Michael resembled each other. Michael was watching Chris' reaction but he too thought Chris could be his near identical twin looks wise only bigger in the body and more muscled.

Michael stopped and turned and looked into Michael's eyes " Strip off your gear and wait on the bed until I finish my shower then we'll get your clothes."

Chris looked mortified" What if someone comes in?"

"Just do it , go on, now!" Michael stood watching.

Slowly Chris stood and began to remove his clothes, when he got down to his briefs he went to turn away but Michael told him to face him. Chris did as he was told and as soon as he stood naked facing Michael his penis began to quickly fill to its length.

Michael said," Now sit on the bed if someone comes in start to slowly jerk off."

"What if it's your mum or dad?" Chris panicked

"You don't listen, I told you nobody comes up here except us, the oldies bedroom is downstairs. The only time mum comes up here is to clean up and she always calls out first. Just do as i say."

Michael obeyed and sat on his bed, his penis forcing at full length and girth itself into the air from his crotch. Chris could hear the shower running and hoped Michael would not be long. Some minutes passed when their door flew open and in walked someone Chris did not know. Chris true to his instructions took his prick in his hand and slowly stroked its length in front of the new comer. Chris was scarlet in colour from embarrassment.

"Don't let me interupt, I'm Peter. They said downstairs you were up here getting ready for tonight. Going out for an interesting night. Shit you do look like Michael you poor bastard. You look more like him than me and Martin do.Easy to mix you two up."

With that Chris stopped his ministrations, stood and stepped forward to shake hands with Peter, offering his hand.

Peter stepped back half a step and said" Look mate I know we're cousins, but thats the hand you were jerking with so you know. Like its not normal for someone to be standing in front of you with their fucking monster sausage sticking out wanting to shake your hand. Know what I mean. No offence."

With that Michael entered the room from his shower and in his jocks and saw the two boys standing facing each other. "So you two have met. Let him get through his first weekend bro before you start trying to fuck him."

"Shut up Mick.You're a sick twisted bastard."

"Sensitive Pete so sensitive. You know you and your mates are fags and do each other. It must run in the family with the oldest boy. You're the oldest in your mob aren't you Chris." Michael teased.

"I'm not gay, or queer or anything. I never dun anything with a bloke or want to." Chris exclaimed, still standing in front of the others naked, but with a softening appendage.

'yeah funny that. you're the only one standing here naked stroking his cock. You were the only one to blow your lot over Martin today, and you're not gay, sure."

Peter looked at the other two in amazement at what was being said. Michael turned to Peter and said" Well we got to get dressed we're going to Bakers to play some tunes and maybe have a drink and a smoke."

"I might call in later," Peter replied," See you guys after. Nice to meet you Chris. Guess I'll be seeing a lot more of you around the place. Although there can't be much more to see surely" Both Michael and Peter chuckled at the remark and Peter left the room for his bedroom up the hall.

Michael went to Chris' wardrobe looking for something suitable for him to wear. He didn't want to show Chris to his mates looking like a country bumpkin. Michael scoured drawers and wardrobe, nothing that resembled a set of boardies or trendy shorts or jeans, no new t's only straight polos. Shorts were like footy shorts, jeans were 501s and trousers were moleskin.

"Jesus Chris is this shit all you got. What did you used to wear out.?"

"That stuff, we all did." Chris responded.

"If we don't find you something better you'll be going out naked."

Michael then went to his drawers and selected a pair of his boardies and a t which he handed to Chris to put on. Chris looked at them and held them to himself to see if they would fit. Michael told him to put them on and then have a fashion parade. Chris moved to get a pair of briefs from his drawers but Michael told him to put on the shorts and t. Chris did as directed and looked at himself in the mirror. Chris was a full size at least bigger than Michael and the clothes held Chris tightly. The t gripped tightly to his upper body accentuating his build. The boardies clung tightly to Chris'body framing his muscular pert arse. At the front the material contoured around the very prominent bulge making clear the long fat pliable tube with dominant cut head which Chris had dressed down his left thigh and the testes which appeared as two large eggs being at his crotch. The clothes were tight and left little to imagination but were highly suggestive with the goods they covered. Michael looked at Chris and told him they were ready to go.

"These things are really tight. They should be bigger, can I get some undies on to help?" Chris requested," I'm worried they might split and being white you can nearly see through them"

"You look just right. If you damage those clothes you will replace them understood. You split them and you take them off, get it." Michael instructed. Chris nodded he understood.

The boys left the house and walked the several blocks to John Baker's place. On the way to their destination Michael explained who would be there tonight and what they were like. Mick told Chris John Bakers parents had gone away for the weekend to their holiday house on the Central Coast and they would have the house to themselves. Tonight they would listen to music, drink a few beers and have a smoke or two. He also told Chris to remember to do every thing he told him to do or his first day at school would see all these blokes here tonight looking at a video, and don't forget. Chris nodded.

"I never had a smoke before and I don't want to get caught with beer or I will be in trouble with the law and you know what that means." Chris explained

"Look Chris I do know what it means especially if they were to see you jerking off in public so you do what I say. A smoke won't hurt you and you've had drink before. Just relax, enjoy yourself. You never know, Baker sees you in those shorts you might spend most of the night with him."

"Is he gay?" Chrisi asked

"Never done anything to me, but he is definitely oversexed, jerks off all the time down the storm water on the way home from school. There's him and Ando, both of them can't keep their hands off their cocks. Just play it by ear."

"I'm not gay MIchael, really I'm not. I keep telling you I never done anything or wanted to do anything with any guy." Chris reinforced to MIchael.

"This could be an all enlightening experience for you."

"What do you mean. I ain't doin nothing with no one and no one's doin anything with me." Chris said

"You'll do what you're told, now stop whining we're here."

The boys walked to the front door and entered and went through the house out to the rumpus room and spa and pool area. The music was playing, there were about 12 boys spread around the room and patio all talking and bouncing around drinks in hand. Michael grabbed beers for Chris and himself and set about introducing Chris to the guys. All of the guys Chris met were enthusiastic in their greeting and Chris began to feel comfortable with the group. Several asked if Chris was the lost twin as the two looked so similar. How do we tell you apart they asked.No sooner did Michael and Chris get into a group with 3 others when another kid called Bob Gee came up and offerred all of them a smoke. Michael accepted on behalf of Chris and showed him how to inhale and hold to get value from the experience. After Chris got over the coughs he began to enjoy the experience and freely accepted more beer. The night moved on and the boys consumed more beer, spirits and weed. About 10pm there was a large splash and two of the boys had fallen into the pool. They didn't get out but continued to frolic around and soon had some others stripping to their briefs jumping in. The skylarking continued when somemone decide to depants a kid called Sinclair. In no time Ando and several others had set upon Sinclair and stripped him of his briefs. They then started to assault his genitals diving at him and grabbing his arse and genitals as they came into contact with him. In no time it was declared Sinclair had a hard on and was dragged from the pool to show off his wares. He was of average build, tanned skin with a clear costume tan line. Sinclair had little body hair but a trail starting to lead from his navel to his dark tan pubic bush which surrounded an erect cut 5 inch prick over little plump balls. Sinclair got really embarrassed at being naked in the group and ran inside to find some form of cover. Half dozen boys were now in the pool,pushing, shoving, ducking each other and playing grab arse. The boys were continually getting in and out of the pool and with their briefs being wet and some very transparent it was easy to see their equipment. Some were beginning to harden as a result of their frolic with the other boys. Chris stood staring at the boys and in particular their bodies and what he could see through the underwear.

Bill Ando sidled up to Michael and Chris and said to Chris" You just happy to be here or do you see something that's got you excited?"

Michael and Chris looked at Ando and Michael enquired," What are you on about Ando?"

"I couldn't help noticing your country cous here arming his weapon." Ando responded

Michael and Chris looked down at Chris' crotch and it was very obvious Chris was developing an erection as it outlined in his shorts. Chris was shocked and hadn't realised his reaction to watching the boys was on show. He moved to shelter behind Michael. He couldn't understand his physical response to the near naked boys.

"Step out and show it off Chris no one here has got anything like it." Michael instructed.

Chris stepped into the open for those who were looking to see the outline of his now near fully erect penis. Ando just gaped open mouth at the display before him.

"Give us a look, get it out." Ando asked

"Maybe you can try it out later" Michael replied " Don't you reckon Chris, have to wait and see."

The night wore on with more drink and weed being consumed. Gradually the boys began leaving. It had been a good night with no complaints from neighbours and no fights. The half dozen boys who were left moved inside the house away from the pool. They gathered around the pool table and began playing Kelly pool. They used numbered balls and each player got a secret number, the winner of the game was the person who sank their ball first, if another player sank your ball you continued playing trying to sink everyone elses ball to null and void the game. Each person put $1 in and whoever sinks their own ball first takes the pool. After the first half hour everyone was still holding except John Baker, and he had run out of money. Michael said who ever runs out of money can keep playing but they got to put in a piece of clothing until they're naked. Again all kept playing and a hour later Baker was down to his jocks.

"I've had enough of this I want to go to bed man I feel wasted," declared John Baker

"You're just worried about having to flash when you lose," Ando said

"I don't care about that I goin to bed the party's over it's 2am." Baker announced and with that he bent forward and pushed the pool balls to one end of the table with his cue." I got to clean up here in the morning you blokes want to go to the pool or beach tomorrow, look for tits."

"Give us a call when you're finished and we can work out what we going to do for the day. I know we got to get some shit for school start back on Tuesday," Michael responded.

With that the remainder of the the boys left to make their way home, saying their goodbyes and agreeing to talk tomorrow.

Michael called to Chris to wait at het front door for him as he had sometihng to tell Baker before he left. Chris stood at the front door waiting for Michael and said goodbye to his new friends as they left. For so late and an October night it was unseasonably warm still. Five minutes passed and Michael appeared and motioned for Chris and him to leave for home.

"What you talking to John about," Chris enquired.

"Fuck all to do with you, and I needed to take a leek. You enjoy tonight, few beers were OK, yes."

" It was good, they were all good guys. I liked them." Chris replied

"I could see that the way your cock got hard watching them, you reckon you're not gay. You just don't know it." Michael answered.

"I should have had a leek before I left too, I,m busting." Chris informed Michael

"Not a problem, have a piss here." Michael directed

"Someone might see me." Chris said looking around

"I told you what ever when ever, so do it now, and for answering me back you can leave your cock out walking the rest of the way home."

Chris moved to a bush at he front garden of one of the houses, took out his penis and began to piss. A strong stream flowed from Chris and the noise seemed loud in the still of he night. Nobody roused. The flow of the piss, the exposing himself in public and the taking hold of his penis in his hand started his penis to harden. He finished his leek, gave his penis several good shakes and turned to Michael penis in hand and a begging look in his eyes.

"pleae Mick, this is how I got into trouble last time." Chris pleaded

"Leave it out and let's go. You got off real light tonight, its time you understand completely who's the boss. I thought you might have had it out at the party but maybe next time. I'm going to print off a few photos from the video just to remind you of why you're where you are. Now come on. Get your hand off it."

Chris did as he was told and proceeded to walk along the street with his dick on display. Inwardly he found what he was doing erotic, exhilarating and exciting and his penis became engorged and showed itself in full erection unmistakeably poking out and slightly up from the open fly of his shorts.

Michael looked at Chris," That surely is one slab of meat. We got to get together you and me so we can get to know all about each other."

Chris didn't reply he continued walking alongside the Michael on their way home. One block to go.

They walked on a while, "You like to swim." Michael enquired of Chris

"What I've done of it I loved it but we ain't got no pool or anything at home like you got here. I never been to the beach, I never seen the ocean, but I want to try surfing."

"Well you should enjoy tomorrow, here we are home, leave it out, upstairs and strip off." Michael directed.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 4

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