Chris New Life


Published on May 3, 2010


From: christian lee Subject: Christian and William Thompson

This story contains sexual and physical acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation and violence. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction. This story is not intended to influence how you conduct yourself. Some of the behaviour undertaken in his story is totally unacceptable and should not be copied. This is fantasy entertainment not realism.

Chapter 9

"No I don't, that was a one off, don't mention it again. I'm warning you." John intoned

"Yeah you reckon, tell you what let's go tell Greg and Chris you jerked off in front of Tim and I jerked off on your face, see what they say."

"Don't talk shit."

"No don't you talk shit, you going to be a smart arse then let me tell you you will do whatever me and Tim tell you or the story is out, eh Tim."

"I couldn't do that he was only being..."

"Ok as you like but you better do as I say or I'll tell them you ate my cream, how bout that."

"Please Bill let the whole thing drop."

Chapter 10

To be continued.

Bill winked at John and said" Its your cock that won't drop. Tell you what just to prove who is now the boss I'll give you a choice of telling Chirs and Greg you ate my cream, or you can suck off Tim or you can jerk yourself off and eat your cream for us, what do you reckon."

"I can't do that gay shit, you know what happened was between us."

"Yeah and it'll stay between us if you do as I say otherwise the world will know John Wong is a poof who likes to play with little boys and eat other boys' cream."

Without a word John droppd his hand to his penis and began the task of jerking off again in front of his brother Tim and Bill Thompson. He looked at Bill with absolute loathing, Bill smiled back at him.

"That's the way, good boy. You watch how he does this Timmy, because you going to have to do this later." Bill advised

Meanwhile over at Max's the boys had called a halt to their game of shooting hoops. All were covered in sweat having played shirtless. The two boys had hand prints across their chest where the next door neighbour Max had been overly exuberant in his attempts to block either of the boys from scoring a hoop. The game had been very physical, just as the boys liked. Just as Max liked, he had taken the opportunity to get his hands in contact with both boys as often as he could. He never took his eyes off the boys, he watched their every move delighting in seeing the bounce at Chris' crotch as he ran for the ball and the sleek body of Greg Wong covered in a sheen highlighting his muscalature. Max had developed a semi hardon and was pleased he had chosen to wear briefs for this encounter with the boys. His crotch was obviously bulging to anybody who took time to look. The boys informed Max they were exhausted and were going home and that they would see him another day. As the boys left walking up Max's driveway to their homes Max stood and watched the bodies of the departing boys. He watched the firm mounds of arse moving beneath the shorts going away from him. As the boys got to the top of the drive Max waved and raced into his house, he needed relief.

" I gotta get some shit ready for school tomorrow," Greg informed Chris ,"and I got a driving lesson coming up, I might see you later otherwise tomorrow morning out front at eight ok."

"Yeah done mate, seeya either this arvo or in the morning I got some shit to do to." Chris slapped Greg on the shoulder and the two boys parted to go to their respective homes. Chris had noticed the swelling Max had but did not mention it to Greg being self conscious not to let Greg know he looked at people's crotches. He reckoned Max must have a pretty good weapon the way his shorts were sticking out. He wondered if Greg had noticed, he wondered if Greg had a big or little cock, it didn't seem as big as his what he saw of it up Greg's shorts earlier.

Chris went into the house, there was nobody home, his mother must have gone out and Bill must still be over at the Wong's. He went upstairs to his room and started to get his things prepared for first day back to school tomorrow. He pulled down his backpack , pulled out his shorts and generally was getting his things together. Start of a new school year at a new school.

Greg Wong walked into the house saw his mother in the kitchen and said hello to her. They spoke briefly about where he had been and she informed him his brothers were upstairs with Bill Thompson from next door. Greg grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and took off for the steps to the boys dorm room. He bounded up the stairs and into the collective bedroom. He could see bare legs, obviously coming from someone lying on a bed with their feet on the floor,poking out around a privacy partition that was erected in the large room to give each boy some privacy from their brothers. Greg did not say anything but moved to the partition.

"There you go wasn't that easy. All you got to remember is to do what you're told ." it was Bill Thompson's voice.

Greg walked around the partition to see his brother John lying naked on his bed, hands by his side with a half erection lying across to his right hip. At the bedside was brother Tim and Bill Thompson. At Greg's entry all boys looked open mouthed to the intruder.

"What's going on for fuck sake, what you doing John." Greg said at an excited volume.

All boys were struck dumb for the moment unable to respond to Greg's question. Greg looked at the scene before him. John Wong lying on his bed completely naked, with half an erection nestled above a plump sack holding two balls each the size of a small walnut and topped with jet black pubic hair and looking up at the two standing alongside of him. He noted what appeared to be a white substance in the pubic hair.

"What are you doing I asked."

"I was , I was just ....the two of them were..." stuttered John

"We were at him to show us how to jerk off. Me and Tim. " Bill answered to Greg

"That's private stuff. You know its wrong to do things like that." replied Greg aimed at John

"We didn't know," said Tim, who was standing at the bedside now shaking

"It's wrong to play with yourself, you've been told that by dad enough times."

"Here we go again," said Bill " Don't tell me you don't jerk off."

"That's private for a person, not something you talk about or put on show."

"For fuck sake Greg all John was doing was showing me and Tim here how he jerks off. You want Tim in high school talking shit not knowing anything about it ."

"it looks more than that. If I tell dad you been up here exposing yourself to young boys dad will flog you. You know he hates homosexuals. It's evil"

John had still not moved from the bed and now moved to a sitting position on the bed, but still naked.

"I didn't make them watch, I was just showing them like Bill said." explained John

"It's really sick John to do sexual stuff with other boys, you know that."

"I did nothing."

"Well you better not have. I won't tell dad this time but I'm not going to have a pedo for a brother. I got two years left at school and I'm not having it said there goes the poof's brother."

"Aw fucking chill will you, he didn't do anything wrong. You jerk off, don't deny you do." said Bill forcefully

Greg looked directly into Bill's eyes,"What I do in private is my business and definitely none of yours." He then turned to John," Get yourself covered, oh and clean the junk off yourself you disgust me.. remember what I said, I hear anything about you to do with this sort of thing again I'll tell dad. Believe me, then see what happens." With that Greg turned his back and strode out of the bedroom and back downstairs.

John flopped backwards onto the bed, his cock flopping to a central position lying at his crotch facing up towards his stomach." Fuck, fuck, I'm in deep shit."

Tim said"I gotta go to the toilet." and hurriedly left the room.

Bill moved close to the bedside next to John's head, reached down and took hold of John's cock and loosely began to stroke it."What the fuck you doing, stop, Greg might..."

"Bull shit it's cool he won't be back for a while." and he continued to stroke the growing member.

John smashed Bill's hand from holding his cock," Leave me be, this is your fault. If it wasn't for you none of this would have happened."

"You're only shitty because you got caught, otherwise you're a cock hound. " John started to interupt."Before you go on," Bill continued," I reckon you need to understand what Greg just said,he hears anymore about you doing sex stuff with us young boys and he will tell your dad, what do you reckon he would say about what you done with us already. eh, think about that."

"You wouldn't"

"I fucking would, and just to prove it kiss this." and as he said this he pushed his shorts and briefs down freeing his swollen penis. He moved close to the bed arching his crotch forward," Kiss it I said or I go talk to Greg right now."

John looked into Bill's eyes, then to the eye of the straining six inch (150mm) penis, then back to Bill

"You're a prick Bill you know that."

"No this is a prick," Bill responded shaking the now fully erect cock at John," Now put it in your mouth and welcome your new best friend and no teeth."

John looked at Bill then moved forward and slowly consumed the head of Bill's cock into his mpouth. Once implanted in the warm cavern John began to swirl his tongue across the head of the pulsing cock. Bill tilted his head back and closed his eyes in pure delight. John was not very active on the cock head in his mouth just gently running his tongue across the head and sinking it deeply into the eye of the invading cock. Bill moaned and grabbed hold of John's head, thrusting his hips forward further pushing the cock deeper into John's mouth. Bill tightly held onto Johns head as he loosed a load of cum into the mouth. John realising what was happening tried to get off the length of meat but was unable to do so and his mouth filled with the other boys cream. It began to leak from the sides of his mouth. He spluttered pushing back at Bill's hips, Bill withdrew his length. John continued to cough and splutter not wanting to consume anymore but having nowhere to spew the remaining spunk. He swallowed.

"You cunt. I oughta kill you." John coughed

"Get over it, you love it, look at your cock."

John looked at his straining rigid cock poking from his crotch and the precum that was freely flowing onto this thigh.

"For someone who hated it, your little John isn't agreeing withh you." Bill looked down at John on the bed. He sat on the bed alonside of him. He placed his hand over John's weeping cock and slowly began to stroke him. John moved a hand to cover Bill's stroking hand but didnot force it away. He lay back on the bed allowing Bill to continue his ministrations. Bill took hold of the sack with his other hand and gently rolled it in his fingers whilst long stroking John's rod. John moaned deeply within his throat at the feel of what was happening. He felt the hand lubricated with his oil moving sensually up and down his aching rod, he felt a hand firmly holding his nuts. He felt a finger running between his balls and his arse, he felt something rimming him, the movement and touch sending him into blissful excitement. He felt a finger tip just poking into him, through the lips of his anus. He had never felt anything there before. The invader poked at the entry , it prodded, it found entry through the tight muscle trying to hold it out. He felt the hand stroking his penis, slowly up and down, he felt the wiggling digit in his anus slowly moving back and forth. He could no longer control his feelings , he uttered a load deep groan from within. He commenced to shoot his sperm, it shot freely from him. The stroking hand stopped and directed the penis towards John's face. The ejecting sperm landed on John's chest , then stomach and reduced to a dribble. The hand continued to milk every last drop from the rock hard penis, the finger stayed within the anus, slowly stroking inside, John continued to moan. Bill turned his head to a noise behind him, it was Tim, he had returned from the toilet and witnessed what had taken place.

"Don't let Greg see you."

At the sound of the voice of his brother John recovered from his feeling of euphoria and back to reality. He looked around him, Bill holding his cock and a finger up his arse, Tim standing at the foot of the bed having witnessed all that took place. John sat up using both of his hands to knock Bill's hands away from him, the one holding his cum covered cock and the one invading his arse. He looked at Tim.

"I'm sorry Tim I couldn't help it I just couldn't help it. When he touched me I go all off and lose control." John quietly said.

"He had his finger up your arse and you liked it." Tim exclaimed.

"I couldn't help it, really ,I didn't want to let it happen."

"You're covered in cum , it's all over you, yuk. That's really dirty John."

"Leave him be. He's a cock whore that's all." Bill said to Tim. "Come over here."

Tim moved closer to Bill. As he got next to Bill, Bill reached up and putting one hand around his neck dragged Tim down onto the bed with John."Lick his chest."

"NO , no way," Tim struggled to break free. BIll heldly tightly to Tim's neck . Tim was no match physically for Bill. John had not moved.

"Remember you agreed to do whatever I said for a month for our bet well now lick his chest or I'll stick my finger I had up his arse in your mouth." and with that dragged Tim's face down onto John's chest.

Tim would not stick out his tongue to lick at John's chest so Bill moved his other hand to take control of Tim and pushed his face across the chest and stomach of John causing Tims face to become fully smeared with his brothers cum. Where Bill had cum on his hand from jerking off John that was wiped onto Tim's black hair. Bill rubbed his hand across the torso of John gathering up any left over cum onto his finger s then rubbed it into the hair of Tim. Tim's face was now completley covered in his brother's cream. Tim started to cry.

"Stop it you woose, it's only your own brother's cum. You won't die, now put some on your finger and suck it or I'll stick this bum funger in your mouth as well."

Tentatively Tim moved his hand to his face and gathered some cum now mixed with tears onto his fingers and moved them to his mouth. The fingers lingered at his lips for a moment.

"Go on do it."

The fingers entered his mouth and he slowly sucked at the fingers cleaning them.

"That tastes awful."

"Get used to it because you're going to taste more."

"I ain't "

"Oh yes you is or I tell Greg you been eating your brothers cum and you jerked off in front of us."

"Don't he'll think I'm queer like John."

John's head snapped to look at Tim." I ain't queer."

"Yes you are you just got to accept it." Bill advised" Get over it."

The three boys sat looking at each other in the room, no one had moved. Tim's face and hair coated in cum, staring at John, Bill with another bulge in his crotch and John now sitting on the bed but still fully naked.

"Boys do you want afternoon tea." the call came from Mrs Wong downstairs.

The boys jumped off the bed."Down in a minute mum." called John. With that he grabbed Tim," into the shower you and me quick." and the two boys disappeared out of the room into their bathroom. Bill stood, looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. He heard the water of the shower start, he moved across the room to the window and looked down on the neighbour behind and across to his house next door. He could see Chris in his room at the corner of the house, he appeared to be gathering things around the room. Whilst standing at the window staring to the back neighbour he saw movement in the rear window of the house behind. Looking up at him was a lad who looked reasonably big, he assumed this must be the boy Ron Ford he had heard about but never before seen. He raised a hand and waved to the boy. The other boy stood looking at him for a short time then returned a timid half wave then disappeared from the window. The shower turned off and within minutes the two boys Tim and John came back into the room. Tim dressed as before and John naked. John went straight to his drawers to pull on a pair of shorts.

"Let's go, be careful what you say we been doingg if mum asks, ok."

"Be calm man, be calm, it's all good." Bill replied." I won't tell your mum you like dick." Bill grinned.

"Fuck you."

The boys left the bedroom and went downstairs. They met Greg who was coming from watching TV towards the kitchen to also get afternoon tea.

"We good." John said to greg

"Sure just remember what I said, no more" Greg put his arm over John's shoulder and the two continued into the kitchen. Bill followed on the other side of John with his left hand resting on John's rear and one finger poked into his shorts in the proximity of his hole.

As the boys reached the kitchen Bill asked to be excused as he had to wash his hands. He looked at John and Tim as he said" You never know what you might you might pick up on them during the day." Mrs Wong agreed and directed him to the laundry where he could wash up.

Meanwhile Chris had collected all of his things together he thought he would need for tomorrow, first day at his new school, both for him and Bill. He had everything laid out on his dressing table and on the floor, clothes ready to don and books ready to pack. As he sat on the bed happy with his afternoons efforts his mind reflected on Max next door. Chris liked Max, he was fun to be with, very athletic and generally a nice bloke, one who seemed you could talk to if you needed. He had already offerred to coach any of the boys in maths if they needed it. It might be handy having a maths teacher live next door. He lay back on the bed, he closed his eyes. His mind went straight to Alexandra, the Wong boys sister. Chris really liked her. She was great looking, real sporty type. She was dainty small and seemed to smile a lot. He loved the way her black hair framed her face. Her eyes were so dark as to be intense. Chris thought she looked like a perfect little doll. He had seen her in shorts and a half top. Although she was small in stature she had perfect legs joined onto a really nice formed backside and even though they were small Chris had noted she had nicely rounded breasts. He moved his hand to his crotch as he felt a swelling beginning to take place. He rubbed through his shorts several times and he was hard,. He stood, pushed down his shorts freeing his erect rod which bounced clear of the elastic waistband and slapped him on the stomach. He gripped his prong, his hand would not encircle it, and he began to stroke. He looked at his cock, he recognised it was very large. He had had comments to that effect. He knew he was bigger than anyone else he had ever seen. Sometimes people said some cruel things about his hose but looking down at it now and stroking it , he loved it s bulk. He liked the feel of its heft, when he held it it had a weight to it, he stroked more. Precum started to seep from his slit. He stopped stroking for a minute, kicked free his shorts from his ankles, took off the tank singlet he had just put on, moved in front of his bedroom miror and resumed stroking his cock. He watched himself in the mirror, he watched his hand slowly sliding up and down the shaft , spreading the ever leaking precum to lubricate the motion. He looked at his muscled torso, good he thought for a 15 year old, bigger than most. He noted his tan that covered his body the only white area being that covered by his speedo. He turned to view his back and arse. He looked at his firm mounds and tensed them showing the muscles contained therein. He turned back to the mirror, let go of his rod and struck a muscle pose tightening his stomach muscles and his biceps. He watched his rod bounce up and down from his crotch, he was impressed with the package he saw. He was just starting to get back some pubic growth. He decided if he liked what he saw then so too would Alexandra. At the thought of her his cock bobbed uncontrolably, the flow of precum increased. It now began to run freely, Chris flopped backwards onto his bed. He moved his hand to his cock to resume his stroking, the phone began to ring. Chris took several strokes, was going to ignore the phone but decided not to. As nobody else was at home he jumped up from the bed and bounded downstairs to the phone, still naked.

He had one hand on his straining member and picked up the phone with the other,as he spoke into the phone" Hello. Thompson residence." his hand slowly worked up and down his shaft.

For a moment there was no sound then " HI cuz, what you up to."

Chris stopped stroking immediately, he knew who it was , cousin MIchael." Hi Michael."

"You could sound a bit happier to hear from your loving cousin mate. How are you , I've missed you."

"Yeah not much just getting ready for school tomorrow."

"You know I was lying here and I thought about you, so here I am calling my long lost."

"Thoughtful of you, but I'm a bit pressed right now, you know things to do still."

"Yeah well, but listen my friend I need to see you, this arvo."

"But I'm busy right now."

"That's ok come over anytime you like I just thought it might suit you better now when there is no one else here, seeing as how you get embarrassed so easy, and everyone will be home later. Up to you but you're coming over this arvo."

"But I can't, really."

"OK remember our deal, this is visit number 2, you know what happens if you don't do as you're told."

"I'm on my way."

"Good boy, just a pair of shorts will do no use being over dressed is there. Seeya when you get here." The phone then disconnected.

Chris stood, holding the phone, no longer holding his cock, his cock had drained of its excitement. He replaced the phone in the cradle and went upstairs to pull on his shorts. As he left for Michael's place Bill came through the back door.

"Where you going mate."

"Just out for a while, over to cousin Michaels"

"I'll come with you."

"No next time mate he said he wanted just me to come he had something for me. Be back soon."

Chris hopped onto his bike and peddled furiously towards MIchaels he couldn't wait for his five visits to be over so he could finish this torment.

To be continued

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 30: Christian and William Thompson 11

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