Chris New Life


Published on Mar 25, 2010


This story contains sexual acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

This story follows from Chris - A New Life. Chapter 1 has a brief summary to give a flow to the story.

Chapter 7

"That's what cum pigs do." declared Mick."Righto Chris your shorts will be in the last cubicle in the toilets."

"But how will I get there like this>" Chris asked in terror.

"Up to you lucky. That's where your shorts will be if you want them." Mick and his mates left Chris at the booth and went into the toilets. They emerged a few minutes later," Seeya real soon cumdog." Mick called to Chris.

Chris remained seated at the booth contemplating how he would get from his booth to the toilets to retrieve his shorts.

Chapter 8

Chris watched as his tormentors left the toilet facility. He waited several minutes until he thought the toilets would be free and pulling his t shirt as long as it would go to cover his arse and holding his bag of stationary across his front he bolted to the toilets. He went to the last cubicle and true to MIck's word there lying on the cistern was Chris' shorts, no undies. Chris pulled on his shorts then sat on the toilet and regathered himself. He didnot believe anybody noticed he was bare in his sprint from the restaurant to the toilets. He stood, and moved back out into the crowded room. No one took any notice of him. Chris relaxed, things had gone better than he had feared they might. He went to his bike , unlocked it and started for home. He was not happy with having met MIck but things could have been way worse. He would not wear any under clothes in future, just in case.

Meanwhile at home Bill and Tim went to Bill's place leaving Tim's older brother John mowing their lawn. They told him to come over to Bill's when he was finished. As the boys walked through the door Mrs Thompson told them she was going out for an hour or two and and to get their own lunch. The boys saw her leave then went upstairs to Bill's room. They stood in the room looking out the window onto the adjoining neighbours. They could see John mowing the rear lawn, they could see Max the school teacher next door wandering around the yard in a pair of raggedy footy shorts and they could see into the places behind them. They both noticed the curtain move in the house directly behind. Bill looked at Tim.

"Don't worry he's a real nerd." Tim said

"What's he doing."

"Just watchin' he does it all the time." warned Tim,"I see him from my window, he's always looking up at our place. He's dead set weird."

"Fuck him." Bill said,"What you want to do."

For an hour the boys played Play station. Bill telling Tim how much better a player he was than anyone. The boys tired of the game and looked for something else.

"Any ideas." Bill asked

"Your hopeless. What about a game I heard some of the older kids talkin about Truth or Dare."

"Can you play that with only 2"

"I think it would better with more."

"How about a swim." Bill asked

"Sure, sounds good to me."

"Let's go." Bill called

"Get your swimmers first." Tim reminded Bill.

Without hesitation Bill pulled off his shorts and t shirt and stood in front of Tim naked. He moved to his drawers and rummaged through them looking for his swimmers.

"I wish I looked like you." Tim remarked to BIll

"You can't you're Chinese."

"You know what I mean, I wish I was as big as you all over."

Bill turned from his drawers and taking his penis in his hand loosely gripped it and shook it towards Tim,"You can have some anytime you want. I'm always happy to share with a mate." The penis began to harden. He lightly stroked the shaft and it continued to respond. Tim sat on Bill's bed watching Bill urging his penis to its full length. Bill continued to slowly stroke up and down and whilst doing so moved in front of Tim. Tim reached out and took the head of the erect penis in his fingers. He lightly rolled it in his hand. He loved the feel of the pulsing shaft. He bent closer to look at the clear liquid beginning to seep from the eye of the cock. Bill moved in close to Tim , his thighs now touching Tims knees. The straining piece of adolescent meat standing from the crotch at such an angle to be looking directly at Tim.

Bill reached forward and put one hand on Tim's shoulder. "Say hello to little Thommo." and as he said this he exerted pressure on Tim's shoulder pulling him forward towards the flame red cock head. Bill initially went to pull back but then allowed himself to be brought forward. His face was inches from the eye. He stared into the eye of the cock as if expecting some utterance. The eye glared at him allowing more fluid to stream from its opening. He moved forward and the cock head rested on his lips, then moved to his cheeks leaving a slime trail acrosss his face. It moved back to his lips and sat there.

"Go on, just a little."

Tim did not answer but left the cock head on his lips , he could feel the clear liquid as syrup on his lips. Bill eased his hips forward, he eased back, he eased forwards again. The slimey head entered into the warm cavern. Bill felt the tongue washing the underside of his penis, he felt it scrape across the bull head of his cock. He threw his head back and closed his eyes. He was gentle with Tim, he slowly moved back and forth slowly gaining further territory with each movement. He wanted this feeling to last forever. He felt teeth grate along the shaft, he winced but quietly asked Tim to cover his teeth. His could feel his explosion building. As much as he was trying to delay, the inevitable was not far away. He felt Tim forcing his tongue into the eye of his cock as if seeking more fluid, the tongue lapped at his glans. His testes tightened in their sack, he blasted four shots of cum into the unsuspecting mouth of Tim. Bill had pulled back as he shot his load. He filled Tim's mouth with his milkshake. Tim, unsuspecting and not knowing what to do or what in fact this was, tried not to swallow the invading fluid. Some escaped him and ran down the back of his throat. Some trickled from his lips and ran down to wards his chin. Some remained in his mouth sitting on his tongue and coating his teeth. He looked at Bill with a concerned look. Bill didnot know if it was terror or fright but he withdrew from his friends gullet and sat alongside him on the bed. The shiney slimey cock still poking up from his crotch.

"Sorry mate I couldn't help it. It won't hurt you."

Tim looked at him, still with his look of displeasure. He had to swallow what was in his mouth or spit it out. Bill put his cupped hand to Tim's mouth, and Tim spit out what was in his mouth. Bill looked at the mixture of spit and cum in his hand, he looked at Tim, then raised his palm to his mouth and sucked the fluid into his mouth.

Bill smiled at Tim. Sitting alongside each other on the bed Bill rolled over to Tim and lay him flat on hisback and proceeded to lay on top of him. Bill could feel Tim's little cock straining under him. His own cock which had never fully deflated began to rise again. Bill lay over Tim and looked down on him. He smiled at Tim , Tim looked deeply into Bill's eyes as if he was filled with trepidation. Things were happening Tim could not explain and knew nothing of. Bill bent forward and his lips met those of Tim. Bill passionately kissed Tim, forcing his tongue into the lips of Tim. Tim was overcome with fear, he kept his mouth tightly shut. Bill continued his oral forcing and reached down and slid his hand between his naked body and the clothed body of Tim. He took hold of Tim's straining cock. Tim tried to get up but Bill was to strong for him. As Tim tried to protest he unclenched his mouth and Bill's tongue slipped into Tims mouth. Tim could feel it probing at his teeth , wrapping it self with his tongue and when it slid under his tongue and lapped at its underside Tim felt so much pleasure he knew he was doing wrong and experienced a wild and exciting sensation shoot from his crotch, like nothing he had ever experienced before. He moaned as the feeling overcame him. Bill continued his oral and manual ministrations. He had felt the shudder from Tim, he drove his tongue deeper, he gripped the smaller boys penis harder. He slipped his hand inside the shorts and under the briefs, he took hold of the small but very rigid cock. Tim lay for a moment feeling the aftershocks of his euphoria. God it was sensational. God. Oh god what would god say. He would be dammed forever. He tried to rise. Bill stayed ensconced. Tim tried to force Bill off him. Bill raised his head and chest and looked at Tim.

"What's wrong mate, you liked that I know"

"It was wrong , it was sinful." Tim began to cry.

"Bullshit guy, it's what us guys do, thats why god gave you a cock."

"We're not supposed to touch ourselves and look what I just did. I gotta go home." The tears began to flow freely. Tim pushed at Bill to get him off and to get Bill's hand out of his trousers.

Bill realised he could not have Tim go home in this state, there would be questions what was wrong and he knew what they had done would come out. "I'll get off you if you promise not to try and run away and sit here on the bed and listen to me."

For what seemed an eternity there was no answer. After a deathly prolonged silence a squeaky voice said he would stay and listen but Bill was not to touch him. At this Bill sat up and sat himself alongside of Tim. Thighs were touching, one in shorts, one naked. This upset with Tim had achieved a softening of Bill's rod as it now lay in his crotch in a chubby state. Bill looked across at Tim, he could see the upset on his face. He moved a hand to Tim's cheek and began to stroke it. Tim pulled away, as if repulsed by the touch," You promised not to touch me."

"Sorry mate, I wouldn't hurt you for the world, what's got you so upset."

"What we did was wrong. God doesn't like us doing those things."

"That's bullshit. All guys jerk off, including your dad, including the priest, everyone."

"They wouldn't. My dad wouldn't. Greg doesn't , John doesn't. You got me to do something really evil I shouldn't talk to you. The priest says to avoid sinners and temptation."

"Aw come off it, you reckon your brother greg at 16 doesn't jerk his pud and what about John, at 15 you reckon he leaves it alone. Mate I'm telling you all the kids at school told me about it , all guys blow their horn."

"Well Greg or John don't I never seen them do it and I know they wouldn't."

"Hey, I haven't seen Christian jerk off either, I ain't seen his cock, but I bet he pulls on it."

"Thats in your family not ours. I gotta go."

"Hang on. Shit. Tell you what I got a bet for you. If I can show you an older guy jerking off would you believe me."

"No, because you can find some other sick dip shit to do it don't mean it's right."

"What about if it was greg or John, would you accept what I was saying then."

"Maybe, yes, I guess. but they aren't going to let you...."

"Don't you concern yourself. Here's the deal you and I go on as normal for now, and if I can get you to see either John or Greg jerking between now and school starting next week. I win the bet and you also agree it's ok to jerk off."

After some hesitation Tim agreed to the bet then asked what would he win when he didn't see John or Greg doing it.

" Seeing as how it's such a big bet I reckon the loser should be the slave for the other for the whole term."

"What does that mean like doing your cleaning up and all that shit."

"Whatever the winner tells the loser to do is what they gotta do. You gotta swear on it."

Tim hesitated while he thought through the bet. "Come on, if you're so sure how pure your family is then take the bet and swear to honour the bet if you lose." Bill goaded.

"OK fuck you, I'm in, you got to start of school next week to show me Greg or John pulling their penis. If you do then I'm you're slave for the term and will do everything you ask of me."Tim put forward his hand to shake on the bet. Bill repeated the bet conditions and swore himself to be Tim's slave for the term if he couldn't show Greg or John jerking their cocks. The boys firmly shook hands.

"Until we settle the bet you're not to touch me." Tim repeated.

Bill bounced off the bed next to Tim, still naked and pounced on him. The boys wrestled about on the bed with Bill finally lying on top of Tim as they both caught their breath.

"Your things poking me in the ribs again." Tim scowled

Bill chuckled,"It likes you." He raised himself slightly and looked down and could see his cock again hard and poking into Tim's chest. Precum again started to flow, Bill lowered himself onto Tim and slid up and down on the boy's torso. Tim protested while Bill became excited. Bill could feel himself building again and rather than distress Tim by blowing on him again he rolled to the side of Tim and dropped his arm across Tim's chest holding him down on the bed.

Tim looked down, "You got your slimey shit all over my shirt."

"It's ok it will dry ,just a present for you." Bill smiled.

"You got a bet and I got to go home for a while." Tim said to Bill. "If you want to swim later come over. No funny shit though."

"I promise, alright I probbly will come over after I get some lunch. It's ok for you, you already had a sausage." Bill smiled. Tim didnot respond just glowered at Bill, turned his back and went home. Bill followed Tim down the stairs then going to the kitchen to get something for lunch. Tim left by the front door. Bill had watched him go concerned, he may have gone to far for Tim's sensibilities. Bill did not want to lose his new friend. Apart from anything else it would be very hard to explain to the rest of the family.

Bill stood at the kitchen bench preparing himself a sandwich. He had followed Tim downstairs without donning any clothing. As he stood at the bench he would thrust his pelvis forward then back with his arse causing his penis and balls to flop wildly with his actions. His right hand came down andhe stroked a long movement on his dick. His left hand felt under his ball sack them up his shaft, Bill slowly worked on his cock whilst he prepared his sandwich. He took a cheese slice from the pack and rolled it around his erect member. He removed the slice and removed the centre from the slice of cheese then slid the cheese slice onto his penis all the way back to this pubic hair. He rubbed across the penis head and gathered the now leaking precum. He wiped it onto the cheese slice. He stroked his cheese adorned cock. He turned from the bench with his hands full holding butter, cheese and spread to return it to the fridge. Bill froze in his steps, he gaped at the body standing in the doorway. He went to speak but nothing came out, he moved to cover himself with his hands but they were occupied.

"How did you get in."

"Through the back door, you said to come over when I was finished"

Bill's cock began to deflate, the cheese slice held its place but was in danger of slipping off.

"You having that for desert."

Bill moved to the fridge and fingered the door open. He slid the things he was holding onto the shelf and shut the door. He turned back to his visitor the cheese slice no longer decorated the shaft. " He attempted to speak but nothing was forthcoming.

"You going to eat your lunch."

Bill picked up the plate with the sandwich and moved towards the stairs," How long you been there."

"I saw your dance and stuff." chuckled John

Bill looked at John ,"You wanna come upstairs to my room."

"Sure." John followed Bill up the stairs watching the bare buns move before him.

Bill got to his room and as he entered put the sandwich on the dressing table and picked up a pair of shorts.

"Bit late for that don't you reckon, I seen everything you got, and you have got some." John remarked.

Bill continued to slip on the shorts, as they got to his knees Bill was pushed backwards, falling prostrate on his bed. "Take em off, let me watch you." John directed.

Bill looked at him and noted a swelling in the shorts John was wearing. "I'll leave me shorts off if you do something for me."

"How you going to make demands when you're the one who was flopping his cock around with a cheese slice on it. That'll make a great story to the guys."

Bill realised his position, he needed a comeback, a change in who had the upper hand. "I'll tell you what you do me for what I'm asking and nobody will know you got a cocksucker in your family."

"I don't believe you."

"I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not, you do as I ask and I won't tell the guys I meet at my new school, our school that we have cocksucker in our midst. Your call."

John stood for a while and considered the position, he didnot think Bill was bluffing, he summised it had to be Tim as he was the one always with Bill and he did not know what Bill wanted in exchange for his silence. "What you want me to do."

"Jerk your cock in front of Tim."

"Fuck off are you mad, I'm not putting on a exhibition in front of my brother."

Bill rose from the bed and slid the shorts up his legs over his arse cheeks and pulled them into position. He stared at John the whole time as if to dare him to try and stop him. Bill knew he had control of John. John was concerned what may come out about Tim whatever he had done. John couldn't believe Tim would suck cock, but Bill seemed to confident in his position. John knew what the implications for his brother would be at school were he to be known as a cock sucker. Someone Tim's size would be easy prey to any half arsed bully and he had a long time still to be in the school. A bad rep would stick with you for years John knew.

"I'll tell you what John you can get out of your shorts and put an exhibition on for me."

"Fuck off."

"I'll even make it interesting for you, let's compare cocks when they're up and the smallest cock has to blow the other. What you say."

"No way you're a sicko."

"Yes way or I won't worry about you jerking off in front of Tim I'll just put it about about my cock sucker neighbour. Think about it. Anyway you'll enjoy it, you got half a dong now, look at your shorts."

John stood not knowing what to do, he wanted to hit Bill but that would not stop the tale telling. John looked at Bill and then pulled down his shorts. The t shirt he was wearing fell clear and covered John's crotch still showing a protrusion poking under the shirt.

Bill smiled"Take off your shirt too."

John moved his hands to the hem of his shirt and raised it up his body and halfway over over his head. Bill could now see the bright yellow bikini briefs John was wearing and the outline of a cock straining to be free. John continued raising the shirt not able to see Bill staring at his straining bulge. He pulled the t shirt free from his body and threw it onto the bedroom floor.

"If we're going to compare then you better get stripped as well." John said gruffly

Without compunction Bill slid his shorts off over his feet and kicked them across the room.

"Keep going." and as Bill said this the opening sound of the electric garage door could be heard. Bill was taken by surprise forgetting about his mother's return. He looked at John, looked at his crotch, looked at the outline of the covered cock, looked at the now prominent wet spot in the yellow briefs. Both boys grabbed at their shorts and pulled them on. John sat back into the student chair at the desk and Bill plopped onto the bed. They sat silently for a prolonged time when the silence was broken by John.

"Listen mate you can tell who you like whatever but I ain't going to put on any show for you."

"OK with me I'll tell the world about your cock sucker brother."

"Well think about it. First up , if you're willing to make up shit about Tim then if I drop my shorts then you can have that over me and secondly if you tell shit about Tim then everyone will know you're a homo who gets kids to play with your cock. Think about it."

Bill didn't respond for a minute but sat on the bed considering John's response, then ," I only said that cause Tim doesn't know nothing about guys jerking off, and I wanted to show him."

"So he didn't suck your cock."

"If he did, do you reckon I would tell you anyway, he's my mate." Bill questioned.

John smiled at the response," Yeah well I was thinking you were a real prick and not a true mate but if you only did what you did to help Tim then ok I guess. I know you're younger but you got to be careful what you say about blokes. Shit like being a homo would get around school and stick forever. Fuck me , it would be impossible to stay there I reckon."

"How you going to tell him about jerking off being ok."

"Don't worry I'll do it. If he says stupid stuff at school about jerking off they'll reckon he's a little mummy's boy."

"Yeah he needs to know about it all before school starts." Bill smiled to himself, mission accomplished," and if not a mummy's boy then a religious nut."

"I'll tell him, promise. You going to come over for a swim."

"Sure let me get me swimmers."

"Bill I'm home." came the call from downstairs

"OK mum, I'm going next door to swim OK." Bill called back. Bill faced away from John, pulled down his shorts and pulled on a pair of boxer swimmers." let's go man."

The two boys left the bedroom raced downstairs, through the kitchen saying hello to Mrs. Thompson then into the Wong's place to the swimming pool.

Meanwhile Chris was riding home and as he arrived so to did Alexandra and a girl friend. Chris stopped his bike at the driveway of the Wong house and alongside Alex the girl, he was so besotted with, and her friend. Chris, left on foot on the pedal and the other leg to the ground. He tried to adopt a cool pose for the girl.

"Hi Alex. what you doing."

Alex smiled at Chris "Hi Chris, we just got back from town. Oh this is my friend Susan."

"What were you doing in there." Chris asked of the two girls who were standing slightly in front and to the left side of him. He lent back on the seat of his bike to adopt a pose of being confident.

"Having a look at clothes , and met some friends for coffee." Alex was looking straight into Chris' eyes while she spoke to him. She was impressed at how bright his light blue eyes were and how fetching they were. Alex smiled at Chris as she spoke,"You settling in ok."

"Yeah getting to know my way around and a few people."

"Good. It must be hard moving into an area and starting anew. You know without friends and that."

Chris's attention never strayed from Alex. He was besotted by her. He watched the rise and fall of her chest as she spoke, he watched the turns of her mouth as she spoke , he watched the body expression as she spoke. He felt somehow touched by this girl's charms. He became aroused by her movements. His arousal begaan to express itself. Chris began to harden. He was wearing shorts without briefs, his length was seeking daylight. As he watched with an intensity Alex's expressions, without prompting his penis began to lengthen. The head of his cock found its way to sunshine, Chris unaware continued his pose. The length continued to seek freedom and pushed forward up the left inside thigh of Chris. Chris continued his small talk with the girls wanting to extend his conversation with them to as long as possible. Susan was the first to notice the flaring cock head creeping forth from the left open short leg. She noted the girth of this invading monster. She noted the bright flaring head. She elbowed Alex to take note. Both girls stared at the size of this thing creeping from the crotch to whom they were talking. Neither had seen anything the like of it. Susan started to giggle. Chris continued his pose on the bike not realising by adopting the stance he had on his bike he had exposed himself to the girls he was talking to. The girls atttention went from Chris' face to his crotch. They were mesmerised by the size of he intruder. Alex was confounded by the sight and was torn between not looking and wanting to make a full study. She had never seen the like of this organ. Even her boyfriend was not like this. Chris made it to half full extension and in so doing felt his penis force itself free from the confines of his shorts. He followed the line of sight of the girls to whom he was speaking . It was to his crotch. He looked down at himself and saw himself now in full erection and sticking directly from the left leg of his shorts and pointing at the two girls. He turned a scarlet colour and raised his left leg in an attempt to trap the organ and push it from sight, The girls realised what he was doing and began to twitter among themselves. Christian blushed. The converation faltered. The girls departed , Christian remained sitting on his bike with a full erection trapped between his legs. God that girl had powers over him. Christian started to consider what he had to do to get Alex to go out with him. He was sure she would not hold the indiscretion of inadvertant exposure against him. He didn;t do it on purpose. it was really because of her.

Chris rode on to the driveway at his place and was called to by Max next door holding a basketball in his hands.

"hiya buddy want to do some one on one."

"Hi Max I got to have some lunch I'm starving then maybe"

"Cool guy, come over whenever, I'll be ready."

"I'll see if I can find the others."

"Whatever, if it's just you and me so be it I reckin we can make a match of it ."

"Seeya soon Max."

To be continued.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 28: Christian and William Thompson 9

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