Chris New Life


Published on Mar 1, 2010


This story contains sexual acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

This story follows from Chris - A New Life. Chapter 1 has a brief summary to give a flow to the story.

Chapter 6

Max suggested another drink or would they like to see around the place. Chris declined. Chris was uneasy about the friendly neighbour. Max moved to the two boys putting his hand on their shoulders'" Come over anytime you like. If you ever need help with anything like school work just give me a yell. You want to come over and do some gym work tomorrow."

"That'd be good eh Chris." Bill agreed

"Not sure yet what we're doing yet, but we will if we can." Chris assured

"Yeah good guys, just call over whenever. Come ready for action. I'll be here."

The boys bid their farewell and left for home.

"He's a good bloke don't you reckon." Bill asked of Chris

"Yeah he's good."

"Big muscles, all that working out pays off. That's how I want my muscles to be." Bill declared.

With that Chris punched Bill in the arm giving him a dead arm" Well wus you've got a lot of work to do little fella." and with that he ran towards the house and into the family room to his mother."

Chapter 7

Next morning after rising, breakfast, shower and customary morning jerk offs (not together) the boys went about their separate ways for the day. Bill was going next door to play with Tim. He had thought about returning the briefs Tim had inadvertantly left in his room the day before but decided to make them his new cum rag. Chris was to ride his bike to the large regional shopping centre to buy some more stationary for school. He told his mother he would only be home by lunch. Bill dressed only in footy shorts and sneakers ran next door to meet up with his new mate. Bill had felt a strong attraction to Tim from their first meeting.

Chris dressed in shorts and t hopped on his bike and left for the centre, he was in no hurry but as he was going alone did not expect it to be a fun morning. Bill met Tim downstairs in their family room, the boys talked about what they would do for the day. Bill followed Tim to his room upstairs. Bill was looking forward to the day. Tim's eldest brother Greg was having a driving lesson, John had to do the lawns for the weekend. BIll had Tim to himself all morning. Upstairs Tim dropped his clothes into a pile and went to his drawers looking at what he should wear for the day. He stood naked with his back to Bill whilst he looked into the drawer. Bill moved behind Tim and reached over his shoulder into the drawer and picked out a pair of cotton shorts. His other hand massaged Tim's rounded arse cheek. He ran his finger along the crack of the two mounds, he left his hand stay. He moved his fingers deeper into the crevice, there just wiggling his fingers to excite Tim's hole. Tim bent slightly at the waist and pushed back onto the hand. He rocked back and forth. The boys moved into a position to further their pleasure, Bill standing directly behind Tim dropping one hand to reach around and take hold of the small parcel of genitals, the other he selected his index finger and began to gently probe the lips of Tim's anus. Tim began to softly moan at the minstrations Bill was supplying. Bill pushed the erect penis in his footy shorts into the arse cheeks of Tim. Bill heard noise on the steps and someone enter the dormitory style bedroom. Bill moved away immediately to sit on the bed. Tim remained for the moment naked and disappointed. John stuck his head around the corner of the dividing partition and told the boys he would see them after he had finished his chores. He saw the bare arse of Tim but took no notice , having seen it before. None of the Wong boys had ever had any sexual encounter with the other, but they were accustomed to seeing each others bare arse occasionally, it couldn't be avoided the way the bedroom was laid out. Tim pulled on the shorts, remained topless as was Bill. Tim moved across in front of Bill still seated on the bed, Bill parted his legs to show the obvious erection he was sporting. Tim reached forward and took hold of the shaft through the nylon material of the shorts. He moved his hand slowly around stroking up and back . A wet spot clearly showed through the material. Bill stood and dropped his shorts to his ankles. Tim again took hold of the rigid 6 inch shaft. Precum ran from the eye of the dick. Tim moved the fluid around the shaft. Bill fell back onto the bed. Tim followed him and continued his stroking of the now straining cock. Tim bent forward and lapped at the escaping clear fluid, his tongue zipping in and out contacting the rounded cock head picking up the sweet pre cum of his friend. Bill closed his eyes and he zoned out as the experience overcame him. He felt a warm sensation envelop the head of his cock. He felt the slurping of a tongue on the underside of his penis, the warm sucking sensation sent him over the top. He felt his balls tighten and as Tim took a deep suck on Bills penis he exploded into the unsuspecting mouth. Tim knew what was happening but unable to contain all of the fluid. Some leaked from the side of his mouth whilst he swallowed the rest. Bill let out a cry of exhaltation. He opened his eyes to see Tim looking up at him from his penis, small black irises, a small mouth with ample lips surrounding a still hard sensitive erect penis with a dribble of cum running from each side of the mouth. Tim smiled withdrew from the penis and moved to Bill and kissed him on his lips. Bill could get the taste of his cum on the tongue of his friend. Bill slumped back to the bed. Tim slid his head down to the level of Bill's penis , slid his hand to the penis and gently massaged the tube. Tim studied the penis and balls with deep interest as if he was to be tested later. Tim was hard in his own shorts. Nothing like the hard muscle he had just been working on. The muscle he was absorbed with. It was the most beautiful large cock he could imagine. It was on his friend and he had access to it at any time. The continued to stare intently at the shaft, the blue vein, the rounded head, the surrounding hair, the hanging sack, it was all perfect.

"You're special" Bill uttered ,"You want me to get you off."

"Nah, I like your thing." Tim continued to massage

"Go steady, it's a bit tender right now."

"Sorry. I just want to keep on holding it. How come it's so big and hard but so soft."

"That's the way cocks are." Bill responded," You reckon it's big."

"Lots bigger than mine. I know that. Bigger than any I seen on any other kids."

"You reckon. Shit cool. Yours will grow yet. Is it bigger than John's"

"Dunno cause I ain't seen his except in briefs but I think you look bigger."

"What about Greg am I bigger than him."

"Same, I haven't seen him either."

"Give little Bill a kiss and tell him how much you love him."

Tim smiled and bent forward and gave a long wet kiss to the head of Bill's cock. Bill shifted on the bed at the feel of the wet lips again on his penis. Tim rose from the bed his cock still poking out the fabric on his shorts and left for the bathroom.

Five minutes later he returned no longer with an erection."I had to clean my teeth."

"I would have got you off, you know , anything you want." Bill reminded Tim as he stared into the two black pools for eyes of Tim.

Tim squirmed for the moment. He did not respond except to look to the floor.

"What is it ." asked Bill

Some time passed neither spoke."Well." Bill asked again.

"I don't know I just don't want you looking at my puny cock compared to yours. I want to be your friend."

"You fuckwit. You are my friend, I didn't pick you cause how big your cock might be. We're mates. Next time you drop your strides as well and we get off together."

Bill bent down redressed and pulled on his sneakers. The boys left the bedroom and went downstairs into the front yard. John was mowing the lawn. "You wanna go over to my place."Bill asked Tim.

"We're going to Bills," Tim called to John and with that both boys galloped off next door.

Meanwhile Chris arrived at the shopping centre and locked his bike into the stand. He thought before he started his shopping he would get himself a drink as he was hot from the ride over. Chris went to the McDonalds where he got himself a large coke and sat in the open seating section to complete his drink. He sat and watched the passing parade of people. He saw several kids go past he knew from his time in Sydney before. Several were younger, some older. Chris hadn't been thinking when he decided to come here. This was the regional centre for the district and he could bump into people he knew. While this was going through his mind he heard his name called and looked up to see a guy he knew from his grade last year. The boy came across and started ot chat to Chris. He talked about what had happened and why had he left, what he had been doing and generally chit chatted. This was not someone Chris had been terribly involved with previously but he was a friendly nice guy. By the time the guy had gone Chris felt good about the day. He had enjoyed his talk with the boy. The boy had not raised anything that may have embarrassed Chris. Chris looked at the list of things he needed to buy. He stood from his chair and moved into the general stream of people. He was intent reading his list when a hand landed on his shoulder. It was John Baker one of Michael's friends and a boy who had been involved with MIchael at one time during one of Michael's humiliations of Chris.

"Hi MATE, WHAT YOU DOIN' HERE." Baker asked.

"just some shopping."

"No I mean what you doing back in Sydney, I thought you went back to the bush. You couldn't handle the big smoke. you back to stay."

"yeah we moved from the farm after Xmas, I just got to get some more books for school."

"You're not coming back to Redlands Where you going to school."

"Oakhill." Chris answered already sorry that he may have given Baker to much info for his well being, although Mick already knew.

"Cool, we play them in our sport zone., you know"

"Yeah so Mick told me>"

"OK so Mick knows you're back."

"Sure I saw him the other day."

"Great. Hang on a minute>" and with that Baker took out his mobile phone and called someone.

While Baker was on the phone Chris said to him," Gotta go John seeya round." and without waiting for a response from Baker walked off towards the shops he needed to go to. Chris was kicking himself for having bumped into Baker. He was a mate of MIck's not his. Chris continued on to do his shopping with the intent of getting his things and getting to hell out of there. As he was walking past the sport store he got way laid looking firstly in the window , then he went into the shop and looked at the boogie boards on display. From there he went and looked in the home gym section imagining what he would like after having seen Max's home set up, his next door neighbour. Chris walked out of the sport store into the department store, bought his books and headed back towards his bike. He decided to stop on the way out at McDonalds, have a drink then go on his way. So he wouldn't be seen by anyone passing he chose to sit inside towards the back of the store in a booth. Just as he sat with his coke in hand he heard his name agian.

"Chris my man good to see you."

Chris shuddered at the sound of the voice. He looked up he saw John Baker and with him Bill Anderson, another of MIck's cronies and MIck himself.

"Aren't you going to ask us to sit down."

"Sure man but I'm just bolting this down then I'm on my way."

"Chill cousin. Be socialable. Sit down fellas." Mick directed to his other two mates."We haven't had the pleasure of Chris around for a while."

"Yeah I've missed you Chris. Nothing exciting happens when you're not here." Bill Anderson said."How you hangin'."

Chris ignored Anderson's comments.

"Thanks Bill. That reminds me Chris how are you hangin', free I hope." Mick stared into Chris' deep blue eyes. He could see them darting about , he knew he had Chris. Chris went to speak but Mick cut him off. " I would hate to think you didn't take notice of what I told you the other day." Chris did not answer but looked at the table. He lifted his head to speak. "Come on Chrissy tell your cuz you took notice of what you were told."

"Mick because I was coming here I thought I better wear some undies.I wouldn't normally cause you told me not to. It was only cause I was coming here."

"Why is here different to anywhere else Chris. What is special about this place."

"I just. Well there are so many people and you .... well... you never know what might happen."

"You're right there, you never know what might happen. What do you reckon Baker what should I do to punish this boy."

"Fucked if I know, make him get naked."

"No please , no I might get seen." Chris pleaded

"Well that my dear cousin is the idea. You get to do sometihng you don't want to do so next time you learn a lesson."

The boys sat quietly at the table , Baker and Anderson smirking waiting for Mick to make a decree, Chris with his eyes down cast.

" I'll tell you what you can do. First up Ando go get him another large coke." and with that Ando shot across to the counter to get what the was told. When Ando returned with the coke he handed it to MIck who placed it in front of Chris." Now cousin, first off take off your shorts and undies.'

"What here."

"Yes, unless you would rather move from this booth to an open table out on the floor."

That said Chris raised his arse slightly from the seat and slid off his shorts and briefs and placed them on the seat next to him.

"No, no. Pass them here. Doh, I'm not that dumb. Baker go over to that seat and look back and come tell what you can see."

Baker rose from his seat moved across to a seat across from the booth and looked back at the booth. A great smile came over his face.

"Spread you legs" Mick ordered Chris

Chris obeyed splaying his legs open. Chris felt the air around his cock and balls.

"Sit forward on your seat" Chris slid forward. " Start to jack your cock." Chris put his hand to his hardening penis and very slowly began to move it the length of the shaft. He achieved full erection. Mick signalled Baker to come back."Well." he asked Baker

"Everything. You can see his prong, his balls hanging and when he jerks you see the lot."

"Ok, we're going to sit over there," Mick said indicating another seat to the one Baker had just been sitting at." When I give you the nod, you jerk off till you cum. Got it. it you don't, you go home naked and I send out some emails."

Chris went to argue but knew it was futile," Can I go after I do it."

"Maybe, maybe not. I might get you to do it say twice. When you blow you blow into the coke cup and save it." and with that the three boys left and took up positon at the other table.

Chris sat nervously at the table with his legs held together to obstruct any view of him below. His penis stood at ninety degrees from his crotch looking to strectch its head over the table so its eye could have a better view. Chris waited with trepidation hoping nobody would sit at the opposite table. As Chris was living in hope four young boys of about ten or eleven sat with an adult. The kids were talking excitedly to the adult. The adult rose from the table and went to the counter to order. The boys continued to speak animatedly between themselves. Chris was looking at the table of boys then across to Mick then back again. Mick motioned for him to jerk off. Chris slowly began to run his hand along his shaft. He pulled his shaft from being perpendicular to horizontal in an effort to be less obvious. Chris quickened his stroke wanting to blow his load before anyone realised what was happening. Chris was now in full long stroke of his cock, he had precum oozing from his slit. The adult returned to the table with the boys'food. They all grabbed at their portions and continued their talk. Chris took the coke container from the table and lowered it to in front of his cock. One.. two.. three... four... five... six shots of cum into the cup, Chris stroked off the dribbling cock to remove any leftovers. He placed the coke cup back on the table. The table of boys continued their meal. No one had seen Chris. Chris closed his legs to hide his crotch, Mick indicated to him from his table he should keep them open and resume stroking his cock. Chris followed MIck's order. He spread his legs allowing his nuts to fall from his body and swing in their sac. He commenced stroking his cock which again began to respond. Chubbing up, chubbing up, half hard, nearly there, full erection. Chris was frustrated at how quickly his cock would respond to seemingly no stimulation. The table of boys finished their meal, stood and took their rubbish to the bins and left the store. Chris stopped his working. He sat back in the padded seat awaiting Mick's next direction. While he sat he thought. He waited another fifteen minutes when three teenage girls sat at the target table. MIck smiled. He signalled for Chris to slide forward in the seat and open his legs. Chris complied. Chris looked across to where Mick was sitting, he determined MIck couldnot from where he was sitting see under his table. Mick signalled for Chris to jerk off again. Chris resumed his hand massage of his cock. It responded by quickly standing fully erect and leaking more precum. Chris taking a risk continued to move his arm as if stroking himself so MIck would be satisfied. He pulled his t shirt over his erect and straining penis. His balls would be on show but the girls if they looked would not be able to see his straining rod. Chris didnot understand why but he was as hard as he had ever been, he did not know if it were the public display or the subterfuge that had aroused him so. He took the cup from the table and held it in front of his crotch. To all intents and purposes for MIck he had fulfilled his directions. He placed the cup of coke back onto the table and slid back in his seat. He left the t shirt hiding his cock but would slide it off as soon as MIck made a move.

Mick returned to the table , " OK you did as I told you. You were lucky." Mick looked at the cup of coke." OK drink up."

CHris didnot question the command but picked up the container and quickly drained it, holding it aloft for the last pieces of slime to slide off the side wall of the container and onto Chris' tongue. " Aw fuck he just drank his own cum. That's disgusting." Baker announced watching Chris. Chris felt humiliated by Baker's declaration.

"That's what cum pigs do." declared Mick."Righto Chris your shorts will be in the last cubicle in the toilets."

"But how will I get there like this>" Chris asked in terror.

"Up to you lucky. That's where your shorts will be if you want them." Mick and his mates left Chris at the booth and went into the toilets. They emerged a few minutes later," Seeya real soon cumdog." Mick called to Chris.

Chris remained seated at the booth contemplating how he would get from his booth to the toilets to retrieve his shorts.

To be continued.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 27: Christian and William Thompson 8

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