Chris New Life


Published on Feb 17, 2010


This story contains sexual acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

This story follows from Chris - A New Life. Chapter 1 has a brief summary to give a flow to the story.

Chapter 5

"OK seeya soon mate, remember no undies anytime anywhere and you flop out and jerk off or whatever when ever I tell you or the deal is off, and you come when I ring and I got six more goes at you. No excuses. The flop outs and jerk offs are extra to my six challenges. They're reminders who's boss and just to keep me interested. Now go on and fuck off."

Chris did not respond but began his trip home. He rode at a very steady pace as if speed got to fast his shorts would blow open and when he moved his legs to peddle his cock came into open view. Chris was becoming excited at the thoughts of his public exposure. He continued his ride home focusing on what he and Mick had discussed. It was a high price to pay but it got him and Bill free from mIck. He thought about the degradation in store for him.

Chapter 6

Chris arrived back at the house and entered through the garage door. He went straight to his bedroom to change into another pair of shorts, the ones he was wearing were ruined. He went to the drawer took out a pair of footy shorts and pulled them on, he did not put on briefs. He sat on the edge of his bed thinking about what had happened to day with MIck. How would Mick know if he wore undies. He decided it was too big a risk, either he might know someone or maybe turn up himself at any time to check. He wouldn't put it past him, he was an obsessive prick. Chris stood in front of his mirror looking at his body. Completely smooth. He lifted his arms, nothing. His legs and arms, not a sign of a hair filament. He was as smooth as a glass figurine. He hoped it would start to grow back quickly for when he went to school next week. What would he tell the other kids.

Chris stood at his window and looked down into the yard and at the boys playing in the pool. Bill with his tan skin and John and Tim with their brown skin. They all glistened as the sun reflected off their wet bodies. The asian boys were not big builds as he and especially Bill but more athletic he thought. They were quite handsome boys different to how he looked, somehow more special, more exotic. His penis began to swell in his shorts, it pressed against the fabric, Chris angled his hardon to the left to aim at his hip The swelling dragged at the elastic waist band. Chris rued the constant hardons he kept getting. While he stood watching the boys, hating his cock's independence a wet spot formed through the light nylon fabric. The nylon was non absorbent, liquid could be discerned on the outside of the shorts. Chris held off the desire and urges to release his tensions. He placed both hands on the window sill and stared at the boys below. He watched Bill intereacting with the others, nothing he was doing seemed out of the ordinary. Chris was convincing himself Bill was not gay and he would never have posed for the photos. He decided that after he completed the first challenge the photos of BIll would be the first he would claim back. At least that way there would be no record of Bill doing anything and no threat to his good name at school. Chris decided to go down and join the others in the pool.

Chris ran across the yard and jumped into the pool causing a water bomb. The others began splashing Chris as he surfaced. The boys laughed and rough housed for a further fifteen minutes and decided to get out and rest for a while. The boys climbed out and went to lie on the grass area adjacent to the pool. They lay on their towels drying in the sun. Three boys had on shorts and whilst the outline of their wares could be seen as the wet fabric adhered to the outline of the genitals, it was John in his white briefs that could be clearly seen. John showed he had a short stubby cock. It was surrounded by black bush. His circumcised cock head clearly visible through the white wet now tranparent material. Bill kept continual sneeky looks at John's outline. John lifted his arms above his head to stretch, both Chris and Bill noted the patch of black under arm hair. It seemed strange to them for the rest of John's body was completely denuded of air. Chris reflected on his own baldness. Maybe John shaved his body Chris thought. Meanwhile John was stealing glances at the wet crotches of Chris and Bill, sure he was misinterpreting what he was seeing. The baskets outlined by the sticking material could not be what he thought. The boys rolled onto their stomach and talked about the coming commencement of school and what the new boys would experience with the pupils and the teachers. As in as all schools some really good, some really bad and a lot of average in the middle. Bill was now fully erect. He could feel in himself the need to cum approaching. He had to relax. He had to divert his mind. Tim lay close to Bill. Bill looked acrosss at him and smiled glancing towards the face, then the lips then along the body to the small rounded mound of covered arse. Bill's imagination was rampant. He was leeking profusely. He ground his crotch into his towel. He turned his head to see who else was near and watching. No one, Chris and John were lying looking at each other and talking. Bill raised himself on one arm and rolled to his side faced toward Tim. Bill released his penis from the confines of the leg of his shorts, his penis sprang out looking directly at Tim. Tim did not move but stared at the large round cock head confronting him. Without notice and without touching the cock spewed forth four shots of white cream. Bill had his fist in his mouth to stifle the sounds. The cream fell to the edge of Bill's towel and the grass. Bill rolled off his hip and hovered between lying on his stomach and his side. The cock was still visible to Tim with a stringy pearl of liquid stretching from its eye. Bill smiled at Tim, Tim returned the smile and pretended with two small movements to hump his towel. Bill reached onto his towel and picked up some of his cream onto his fingers. He moved them to his lips and sucked the cream from them. Tim studied him as he did so. Bill reached down and took another finger full, he held it out to Tim. Tim looked at the finger coated in cum, looked into Bill's face and then back to the finger. He looked to the others, he bent forward and licked the cream from the finger, allowing Bills finger to rest on his tongue. Bill removed his finger felt down to the towel and then grass and took up the remainder. He slipped his tongue out to Tim and wiped his finger across its width spreading it with his juice. Bill slipped his tongue back into his mouth and smiled at Tim. Tim returned the smile pretending at the same time to pick his teeth as if having completed a meal. Bill squeezed his cock head with his hand and slipped it back undercover of his shorts. He then bounded to his feet.

"Last one in has to be Marco Polo." Bill called. The other three boys bounced to their feet and ran for the pool. John became Marco Polo, a type of blind mans bluff played in the pool. It involved feeling around the pool and responding to the sound of the boys voices. When the blind man thought he had someone cornered he would grab for the cornered person, if caught the nthe trapped person took a turn as Marco Polo. The game called for much grabbing and snatching at. There was lots of fun and joviality. Half an hour after the game commenced the boys had had their appetite for actvity sated and climbed from the pool. As they walked across the grass away from the pool a basket ball came bouncing over the fence and into the pool. The boys were surprised by the ball. John turned and jumped int ote hpool to retrieve the ball. He climbed out holding the ball. As he rejoined the other boys a head appeared over the fence of the Thompson's other neighbour.

"Hi guys you see a ball come over your way" the neighbour asked

"Sure mister." replied Chris

"Hey, I'm Max your neighbour, ok, not mister Max."

"Yeah we got your ball Max." Chris replied

"Great it bounded off the ring, I only just bought a new ball hoop." Max informed them. While Max was talking to the boys they all stood dripping water where they had just exited the pool. Max's eyes settled on John, the outline of his chubby cock clearly visible."Any of you guys play ball."

"I never have "Chris responded

"Nor me," said Bill

"We have<" said John

"Want to come over and play 21." Max asked

"Better not, we're not supposed to talk with strangers." Bill told max

"I ain't a stranger mate I'm your new neighbour. How we going to get to know each other if we don't talk to each other."Max asked

"We got to get home." John told the group

"You want to Bill." Chris asked

"OK if you reckon." Bill said

"I'll go tell mum where we goin'."

"Cool, see you in 5, just come down the side and round the back, remember to bring the ball with you." Max joked

The Wong boys gathered together their clothes and returned home. Chris and Bill went in and told their mother where they were going. She told them to be home in a hour or so and to be good boys and do as they were told.

The boys didnot put on shirts but ran next door clad in the nylon shorts they had been swimming in. They ran down the side of the house and to the back door of the house where they called out for Max. Max appeared at the back door and came out to greet the boys. He held his hand out to each in order to shake hands with each boy. He felt the grip of each boy. He firmly shook each hand testing the strength of grip. He was impressed with the two boys. The boys told Max their names. Max started off the game of basketball showing the boys how to hold the ball, moving them into position, showing them how to shoot baskets. Max used a physical method to his coaching of the boys. Having his hands on their shoulders, on their backs , torsos, on their thighs, wherever he needed to show them how to play the game. Max said they should practice shooting baskets and also some dribbling before they started on defence. After 40 minutes of practice Max asked them if they wanted to stop and have a coke or juice. Both boys running in sweat agreed to a drink. Max invited them into the house for their drink. As they got to the door Max stretched and pulled off his perspiration drenched singlet. The boys followed him into the house. The boys watched Max's broad back lead them. The group went into the family room. Max showed the boys two stools to sit at while he went to the fridge for their drinks. The boys looked around the room while they waited. The house was very modern, clean and quiet. The boys looked at each other and just raised their eyebrows. In front of them was a very large flat panel TV. There were also some photos of Max now and when he was younger hanging on the walls. There were photos on the sideboard of Max and a very pretty young lady. Max returned to the boys carrying their drinks, he had changed out of his cut offs and into a pair of tattered footy shorts.

"Had to change guys, the other shorts were too sweaty. Now tell me about yourselves. How old you are , what about school and what do you like to do." The whole time Max spoke to the boys Chris noted he never moved his eyes off them , it was like he was trying to look through them.

The group sat around telling each other about themselves. Matt learned of their likes and dislikes. He listened intently as each boy outlined his story. Matt studied each boy whilst they spoke. He noted their build their physical development, impressed by the size for their age. He noted that Bill had some hair in his arm pits and a light dusting on his arms and legs. He noticed Chris was completely smooth, he wondered how a boy so developed could be so smooth. He noted the tan chests of the boys and the darker nipples of each boy, how they were perky in the way they stood out. He noted what seemed a slight swelling around Bill's nipples giving the impression of small breasts. A sign of puberty in action. His eyes had dropped to the crotches of the boys. He could discern some considerable bulk in both but could not get any idea as to how much. He would work more on that. He told the boys he was just married to his wife who was called Sarah. She was at work at the moment. He told the boys of his interests in football, basketball and swimming. He told the boys he worked out in his home gym every afternoon. He was a maths and economics teacher at a school in the district. Without being asked he volunteered he was 24 years of age. While he was speaking the boys studied him, particularly Chris. He noted he was about 6 feet 2 inches tall and about 190lbs. He had a very well muscled body and large shoulders,strong arms. He was very tan and had a light covering of chest hair with a line running from his navel into his shorts. Chris looked at the crotch and noted sizeable bulge. He could not see the outline of a cock but he thought he could a ball. It looked pretty big to him. He looked at Max's legs. The leg of the shorts had ridden up high and it showed him to have large thighs moving down to well muscled calves. All in all Max was a good looking man.

The boys finished their drinks and put the empty glasses on the counter. Bill stood as if to go and looked around then turned to Chris and said"I'm finished, you."

Chris was about to stand when Max stood and walked over to Bill and placed his hand on his shoulder and guided him towards the rear of the house," Have a look at my gym before you go in case you want to come in and use it." With that Chris rose and joined the other two as they walked to the rear room. Max opened the door and ushered the boys inside, the boys stood looking at the equipment, Max's wrist continued resting on Bill's shoulder with his hand lightly brushing Bill's chest. It was subversive enough for Bill not to realise the finger tips brushing across his right side chest. The boys were impressed by all of the gym equipment in the large room. There were sets of free weights and several machines. One wall was completely covered in mirrors. There was also a punching bag and speed ball set up. Chris moved forward to have a closer look. Max told Chris to lie on his back on one of the benches and above him were a set of weights. Max reduced the weight on the baqr and told Chris to attempt to push the weights to a full arm extension. While Chris lay trying to push the weight Max positioned himself at Chris' feet and knelt down, it afforded him a view up the leg of Chris' shorts at least partially. As Chris strained to lift the weight he moved his leg slightly and it allowed Max to see a large bulbous circumcised cock head. It looked very large. Max thought it to be a distorted view. Bill took Max's place standing at Chris' feet. Max moved to Chris' head and told Chriss he would spot for him. He explained this meant he would stand over Chris and support the bar when Chris lifted it mking sure it did not fall on him. As Chris took the basr and attempted to lift Max moved close with his crotch positioned directly over Chris' line of sight as he looked to the ceiling. Chriscould see up the leg of Max's shorts, he wore no briefs. He saw a hose like cock head with what appeared to be a lot of skin on it. It looked big but he had never seen anything like it before. Chris averted his eyes away. Chris stood and said it was time they went home.

Max suggested another drink or would they like to see around the place. Chris declined. Chris was uneasy about the friendly neighbour. Max moved to the two boys putting his hand on their shoulders'" Come over anytime you like. If you ever need help with anything like school work just give me a yell. You want to come over and do some gym work tomorrow."

"That'd be good eh Chris." Bill agreed

"Not sure yet what we're doing yet, but we will if we can." Chris assured

"Yeah good guys, just call over whenever. Come ready for action. I'll be here."

The boys bid their farewell and left for home.

"He's a good bloke don't you reckon." Bill asked of Chris

"Yeah he's good."

"Big muscles, all that working out pays off. That's how I want my muscles to be." Bill declared.

With that Chris punched Bill in the arm giving him a dead arm" Well wus you've got a lot of work to do little fella." and with that he ran towards the house and into the family room to his mother."

To be continued.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 26: Christian and William Thompson 7

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