Chris New Life


Published on Feb 3, 2010


This story contains sexual acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

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This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

This story follows from Chris - A New Life. Chapter 1 has a brief summary to give a flow to the story.

Chapter 4

"OK you can get dressed now you and me got some things to talk about snd I don't want to look at your cock."

Chris went to the pile of clothes and as he picked up his briefs Mick said," Don't you listen I told you that you are never to wear briefs again. Nothing, got it no briefs , no boxers, no g nothing, if you leak cum then it will be in your pants. Now get dressed." and with that Mick went across to Chris took the briefs from him and ripped them into pieces and handed them back to him."I ever catch you anywhere with briefs or anything else on I start sending shit out and you go naked."

Chapter 5

Meanwhile whilst Chris was with Michael, Bill at home finished his lunch and told his mother he was going to his bedroom for a little while. She told him she was going to the shopping centre and asked if he had wanted to go with her. Bill declined and went upstairs to his bedroom. He was there about ten minutes when he heard his mother call she was going and would be back in about 3 hours or so. Bill thought about what Mick had told him about going without briefs and how it would cause his cock to get bigger by its weight hanging down. Bill didn't know if it was true but liked the feel of not having to wear underwear, he liked the free feeling. He liked the feeling of his cock rubbing against his clothes as he moved. He got boners without touching himself, but he did that anyway, all the time. Bill slipped off his shorts, slid down his briefs and stood and looked at himself in front of his mirror. He started to harden, he wrapped his hand around his shaft and began to slowly stroke up and down concentrating on running a finger around the cut between his shaft and his glans, the nerve endings set him on fire. Bill quickly grew to his full size of 6 inches. He had never seen another boy's cock but by looking at Chris in his briefs knew he wasn't anywhere as big as his brother. He couldn't wait for his cock to grow to the same size as Chris. He didn't want to be embarrassed when with other boys, by having a tiny weenie. He rubbed his finger through his blossoming pubic hair, it was still sparse but growing quickly. Precum started to run from his cock, Bill fell backwards onto his bed and continued stroking his cock. He massaged his precum over the full length of his shaft. Bill never got to stroke for very long, his cock was a fast action ejaculator. A minute after falling to his bed Bill shot 4 shots of cum from his cock. He had developed well enough, his cum was not the thin watery cum of most 13 year olds but a firm white syrup. The cum fell to Bills stomach and dribbled down the shaft as the last drops oozed out. Bill took his cummy hand and moved his cum around his bare stomach, then lifting his fingers to his lips and sucking his cum from his fingers into his mouth. Bill held the cum in his mouth while he savoured the silken liquid lying on his tongue. God he loved the taste of his cum. It was only by accident some months ago Bill got to taste his cum, now he was addicted to it. He never blew his load without after consuming his body juice. That was his second load for the day. With the remnants of cum still on his stomach and wearing only his t shirt Bill left his room and went into Chris' room. He had decided to look for the envelopes Chris was holding, after all one was for him. Bill walked around the room unconsciously pulling at his penis while he looked in drawers, the wardrobe and under the bed. No sign of them. Bill flopped onto Chris' bed trying to think where Chris may have hidden them. Lying on Chris' bed and pulling on his cock stimulated Bill and he was again erect. He took his hand from his cock and took hold of his balls, balls that had grown from peanut size to walnuts. He dragged at his sack stretching the sack to its full limit. He took his other hand and rubbed his finger around his anus. He moved his finger up and down his crack gently pushing his finger at the soft pink opening. The tip of his finger pushed in, Bill slid it in further, closing his eyes at the sensation. He moved his hand from his balls to his prominent brown nipple. He softly stroked his finger across the nub of the nipple, he pushed harder on his finger driving it in to its hilt. He groaned, he opened his eyes and while still pleasuring himself looked around the room. Bill felt this as erotic, performing these acts on his brothers bed. Fluid again flowed from Bill's not long spent penis. Bill stopped his ministrations, stood and went to the head of the bed, picked up Chris' pillow and wiped his cock clean on his pillow slip. The thought of Chris lying his head on a pillow with Bill's cum was a turn on for Bill. He was surprised he had never thought of it before. He felt really excited. Bill gave up on the idea of finding the envelopes and returned to his room. Bill pulled on his shorts no briefs and decided he could call back over to his next door neighbours, the Wongs. He liked them and he would be going to school and in the same grade as Tim. Tim must be smart because he was younger than Bill but would be in the same grade.

Bill went to the Wong's and knocked on the front door. Mrs Wong opened the door and told Bill to come in. She told him in future rather than going to the front door, he should go around the back to the sliding glass door, as he would be there quite often. She told Bill to go on up to teh boy's area, that they would either be in their activity room or their bedroom. Bill gallopped up the stairs, sitting in the activity room watching TV were Greg and John. Bill wanted to see Tim. He was in his bedroom. Bill went in and saw him lying on his bed, just in a pair of shorts.

"Hi mate what you doin'," Bill asked

"Nothin much just been reading."

"You want to come out and play or over to my place., I'll show you around my room."Bill suggested

"Yeah ok." Tim bounced to his feet and the two boys left the bedroom and said goodbye to the other two as they walked through the activity room.

"Where you going." asked John.

"Over to Bill's" Tim replied

"OK when Chris gets back give us a call and I'll come across." John said.

The boys went downstairs and told Mrs Wong where Tim was off to.

"You can't go visiting without a shirt on, go get one."she instructed Tim

Before Tim could move Bill replied,"It's ok Mrs Wong, he doesn't need one. I'm going to take mine off to, it's too hot. We might even go for a swim after eh Tim."

"Well alright but don't you muck up and be home for dinner."

With that the two excitable boys ran from the house and across to Bill's place. Bill took Mrs Wong's lead and led Tim to the back sliding doors telling him to come around that way and just come in.

Bill led Tim upstairs to his room. The two boys entered the room and flopped down on Bill's bed. Bed started to laugh.

"What's wrong with you,"asked Tim

"Did your mum say don't muck around or fuck around." Bill joked

Tim punched Bill on the arm. It didnot make much impression. Tim was 6 inches shorter and 40 pounds lighter than Bill. Whilst Tim was mentally developed physically he had a lot of growing to do. He looked a little boy and one would take Bill to be twice Tim's age. Tim looked more an eight year old, all the Wong boys looked very young. Bill obviously was very matured for his age. In response to the punch of Tim's Bill turned towards Tim and pushed him onto his back on the bed. Bill began to remove his shirt, and while it was over his head and his arms were caught up in the sleeves Tim pounced on Bill and started wrestling with him. He bounced up onto Bill's chest and started to tickle Bill's ribs. Bill was extremely affected by tickling as was Chris. Both boys could not control themselves when being tickled. Both could be tickled to uncontrolled tears. Bill started to buck and yip about aas Tim continued his energetic tickling. Bill is crying out for relief and for Tim to stop. Tim continues to bounce around on Bill's chest. He slides forward with his crotch nearly covering Bill's mouth. Unknown to Bill or Tim this body contact had caused Bill to become very erect, he begins to seep precum, he is becoming excited by the bodies writhing together. Bill becomes aware of the feelings in his crotch. Tim continues the tickling. Bill is pleading for Tim to stop. With no briefs on Bill feels his penis break free of the leg of his shorts, he can feel the air around his penis, he knows he is uncovered , open to whoever were to look. He is embarrassed by his actions, but feels strangely excited because another boy is there whilst he is erect and his penis on show. Bill bucks his body to displace Tim from his chest. Bill achieves an unseating of Tim and he falls backwards, his crotch still at Bill's chin but his body falling back. Tim throwss his arms behind him for balance and to stop his fall. On hand falls on Bill's right thigh the other directly to Bill's cock. Tim unconsciously takes hold looking for balance. He feels this thing in his hand, he feels we, sticky. He turns his head and sees he is holding Bill's very large erect penis. He releasess his hand immediately but continues staring at the large organ protruding from his new friend's crotch. Bill lies there saying nothing. Tim looks back at Bill and Bill has a sickly grin on his face. Tim slides from Bill's chest and heads for the bedroom door. Bill senses Tim is leaving. Bill leaps from the bed and catches Tim at hte door as hewas about to enter the hallway to the stairs.

"Stop Tim, where you going." Bill asked,"I didn't mean it. It just happens." Bill took Tim by the shoulders and looked into his eyes, Tim could do nothing to get free of Bill's hold.

Tim stared into Bill's face for a moment " I thought you were going to fuck me."

"What, me shit no. I never would do that . It just gets hard itself." in desperation Bill said." I only ever jerk off. I never even seen another cock and this is the first time anyone ever seen mine. I didn't mean for that to happen"

"It's really big." Tim said

"Really, I am bigger than you." Bill asked

Tim just looked at Bill as if he were the village idiot. "With my little look I think you're bigger than John and possibly Greg. I think."

"You seen your brothers with a hard cock."

"Sure, haven't you. I hear John jerk off at night. He doesn't know but I do. How big is Chris, is he like you."

"Truly I never seen his cock hard or soft. How did you see your brothers."

"In their bedroom or in the bathroom. You don't get much privacy in our place. You can be in the shower and someone want to go to the toilet they just walk in on you."

"You want to show me yours." Bill asked

"I'm only little. I haven't hit pubert yet. Dad says I'm a late bloomer."

"You discussed this with your dad. I could never talk about these things in the family."

"Shit that's no good. We talk about everything at home. No ones worried about being ashamed, you got to be able to get answers and knikw things."

"You please show me your cock you seen mine."

Tim thought about it for a while then said ,"OK but don't make fun of me." and with that Tim slipped off his shorts and briefs. He stood before Bill completely naked. Bill was mesmerised by the slight shapely form before him. He thought it the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he sprang to attention, his rigid pole pushing out the front of his shorts. Tim stood with his boy frame on show. His perfectly formed face with its blue black hair, black eyes and eye brows. His small chest completley smooth with a fine brown skin with two small nipples like small dark brown buttons sitting on his chest. Bill's eyes dropped to Tim's stomach, flat and smooth, to his crotch. Before him was a perfectly smooth crotch with a small penis of about 2 inches sitting on top of a little purse holding two peanuts. Bill followed on looking at the two slim brown legs, he moved forward and turned Tim around. He looked at the lads back and then down to his small round arse cheeks. All completely smooth. Bill moved forward and very gently smoothed his hands over Tims rump. Tim flinched at the feel of the other boys hands and stepped slightly away. Bills hands followed and he allowed a finger to trace betwen the cheeks down the boys arse crack. Bill was profusely leeking cum from his cock, the front of his shorts were wet.

Tim turned "Show me yours."

Without hesitation Bill slipped his shorts off. His rigid pole sprang free of teh elestic waistband and slapped hard against Bill's stomach. The penis stood from the body at a 45 degree angle. The head of the cock scarlet red with excitement. Shiny fluid leaked freely from the tip of the penis. Tim noted the size of the penis, the heavy large balls and the orange pubic bush growing around the genitals.

"Fuck that thing is big. It's bigger than my dad I reckon." Tim announced more out of surprise than anything else. He had seen other boys but not this big.

"You reckon I'm bigger than your dad," Bill repeated

"Yeah, but you're bigger than him anyway, Greg is taller than dad.>" Tim responded, his eyes never leaving Bill's penis. He watched the cum dribbling from the tip of the straining penis.

Bill reached down to gather the leaking cum. At the feel of his hand on the head of his cock Bill could retain control no longer and exploded in the greatest release he had ever experienced. As he started to cum Bill threw himself onto his bed allowing the cum to shoot up onto his body. Bill groaned as each shot left his body, his balls were wrapped tightly in his crotch. For Bill the experience was erotic, for Tim it was his first time seeing a cock shoot cum. He watched intently. He moved closer to get a clear view of what cum looked like. Tim's cock had got hard and was now two and a half inches. Bill opened his eyes and standing right next to him was his little idol. He noted the small erect penis. Without a word Bill reached to his stomach and took a handful of his pooled sperm. He reached forward with his cum coated hand and massaged it over Tim's erect cock. Tim shuddered at the feel, it excited him, it scared him. He went to step away but Bill held his cock in his hand and pulled him closer to him. With Tim now standing right next to him Bill leaned over and took the cum coated cock into his mouth. Tim went weak in the knees and went near to falling over. Bill pulled him onto the bed and took up his sucking action. He removed his mouth , scooped more cum from his own body and smeared it over Tim's cock. Bill placed his lips over Tim's cock and slowly worked his cock with an exploring tongue, pushing it into the small eye of the junior cock. As Bill continued his oral working of Tim's cock he felt Tim's body go tense, Tim moan and quiver his body spasm then completely relax. Tim moaned, he felt spent. Tim had experienced his first orgasm. He felt the magic hiscock could deliver. While Tim lay next to him Bill wiped any excess cum still on his body with his fingers and placed them into his mouth and sucked on them . The cum was cold but it was still good. Bill looked at the boy lying next to him,he was in love. He felt he never wanted this moment to finish. He let his eyes feast on the totally smooth small brown body laying next to him, how he wanted to lick it all over, hold it, never let it go. Bill was besotted.

The moment was broken by a voice calling from downstairs "Bill, Tim you there." "Bill, Tim anyone there." John was calling from the back door.

The two boys sat up, both grabbed for their shorts and pulled them on. Bill bent down and kissed Tim on the lips. Tim didnot respond for a moment then thrusting his arms around Bill's waist returned the kiss. Both boys then ran downstairs to meet John.

"Good day mate. Want to go for a swim." Bill said welcoming John.

"Sure but I'll have to get my swimmers." John said

"Don't worry just swim in your undies." Bill advised

"Won't your mum crack up." John asked

"Nah she's used to me and Chris in undies it's all we wear around the house."

"Really, that's interesting " said Tim. Bill smiled.

"I'll get us towels." Bill said as he went back inside "You blokes go get in."

Bill returned and joined the other two already in the pool horsing around.

While this was taking place Michael and Chris had been discussing MIck's demands. Mick stated what he required from Chris for the return of the discs containing photos and vids of Chris and also Bill. Mick told Chris there were five discs and if at any time Chris reneged on the arrangement then all bets were off and without discussing it MIck would send the remainder out for public airing. Chris agreed he understood and would comply with the demands without dispute. There were five discs, they agreed on six more meetings and challenges and at the completion of each one disc would be returned. There was to be a challenge mid way without the return of a disc. Chris agreed with Mick that he would respond when he received the phone call from Mick a challenge was on. Chris saw this as his only way of getting out of the grip of Mick at last. He wouldn't have worried except that he had now moved into Sydney and Mick knows a lot of people with whom he and Bill will go to school.

As they shook hands to seal the deal MIck said to Chris,"Righto before you get on your way here's the balance of your punishment, you up for it."

Mick didnot consider disagreeing ," Whatever you say"

"OK take off your shirt give it to me, hand me your shorts."

Chris without hesitation removed his shirt and slid off his shorts and handed them to Mick. He now stood naked before MIck. Mick moved towards him and ran his hand over Chris chest, over his nipples, down his stomach and onto the now denuded pubic area above Chris' cock. Chris' cock started to harden, he stood before Mick with a full erection again. Chris felt his face burning with humiliation as Mick berated him.

"You are a real gay aren't you, I'm not interested in your cock but as soon as someone is around, you spring a boner, no matter who it is. What a cock dog. All I was looking at is how smooth you are baby boy. Smooth as a baby's bum eh." with that Mick picked up a knife from the bench and cut both legs of Chris' shorts, on the outer leg to the elastic waist band and the inner leg to the crotch seam." Now you can ride home in these."

Chris pulled on the shorts. Any movement at all the legs flared open completely exposing Chris. Chris did not say anything but mounted his bike to leave. His shorts flopped open to expose him, he didnot try to hide himself from MIck.

"OK seeya soon mate, remember no undies anytime anywhere and you flop out and jerk off or whatever when ever I tell you or the deal is off, and you come when I ring and I got six more goes at you. No excuses. The flop outs and jerk offs are extra to my six challenges. They're reminders who's boss and just to keep me interested. Now go on and fuck off."

Chris did not respond but began his trip home. He rode at a very steady pace as if speed got to fast his shorts would blow open and when he moved his legs to peddle his cock came into open view. Chris was becoming excited at the thoughts of his public exposure. He continued his ride home focusing on what he and Mick had discussed. It was a high price to pay but it got him and Bill free from mIck. He thought about the degradation in store for him.

To be continued.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 25: Christian and William Thompson 6

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