Chris New Life


Published on Jan 22, 2010


This story contains sexual acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

This story follows from Chris - A New Life. Chapter 1 has a brief summary to give a flow to the story.

Chapter 3

Just as Chris was leaving the meals area the phone rang, Chris picked it up and to his surprise it was Mick. "I was going to ring you tonight, I told you."

"Yeah I know I changed my mind, I want to you to come over here this afternoon about 2pm." Mick ordered. " I haven't heard from your little cum shooting brother yet either, he hasn't rung me."

"He won't be either I'm handling all of this for us. He doesn't need to be involved." Chris replied

"So you think. You be here this afternoon and we can discuss all this shit. Seeya then." and with that Mick rang off. Chris stood holding the phone , he knew he had to go to Mick's place or MIck would do something that the brothers would be sorry and suffer for later.

"Who was that." Bill asked as he left the kitchen.

"No one you need get involved with. Let's go for a ride." and with that Chris moved to the garage.

Chapter 4

Chris pressed the auto door opener and as the garage door started its journey up he realised both of them were only wearing briefs that they had worn down to breakfast and the sound of excited young voices filtered in through the opening door.

"We better put some shorts on." Chris suggested to his brother and they took off for their rooms and to clothe themselves. Chris again watched Bill in his briefs bound ahead of him up the stairs. He ogled the well developed shoulders and thighs and the rounded arse cheeks. Chris thought to himself his brother was growing into an attractive lad the last few months. For a boy of 13 he was matured beyond his years. His voice had become deeper and lost the screechy tone. He could see why the photos showed a boy so well packaged, and yes he could remember some pubic hair he was sure, he must check on the photos later.

The boys wheeled their bikes out of the garage, they noted in the driveway next door 3 boys standing together in a group and they appeared to be in a lively discussion. The boys were in each others faces , throwing their arms in the air and generally seemed to show little interest in what each other was saying. Each was trying to overtalk the other. Chris and Bill continued to wheel their bikes down their driveway. As they came level to the group of lads next door the boys stopped their talking and turned to look at Chris and Bill. Chris felt like he must not have been wearing any clothes the way they were being stared at. Chris and Bill stopped wheeling their bikes and returned the stares of the others.

"G'day I'm Chris and that's my brother Bill we just moved in," Chris addressed to the group.

For a moment there was no reply then," Hi. I'm Greg, that's John and he's Tim."

The two groups of boys moved across to the boundary line and started to talk amongst themselves. Chris and Bill asking questions about the area and getting what information they could who lived in the area. For the others they were interested in where Chris and Bill came from, what school they would be going to, were there more than Chris and Bill and what ages they were. They then talked about swimming and what other sport the boys played. The boys told Chris and Bill their surname was Wong. This made sense to Chris as it was obvious their new friends were of asian extract. The boys all had very black hair, a semi oriental shape to the face and the brownish colour skin. In their own way they were very attractive boys.They all had exceptionally white teeth, they looked perfect. None of the boys had a heavy build. Chris was having difficulty judging how old they were and even after being told he thought they all looked considerably younger than what they claimed. When Greg lifted his arm to point in the direction of the school Chris noticed he had a thick thatch of black underarm hair, far thicker than his so believed he was older.

Greg Wong was about 5feet 8 inches maybe 125 pounds, lean build, black eyes, black very short hair. He had black eyebrows. Chris thought he was a good looking boy. Greg told them he was 16 years old, going into grade 11 this year and would be going to same school as Greg and Bill, actually all of the boys would be going to the same school. Greg would turn 17 very soon and had his driver's learners permit. John was 15 and would enter grade 10 the same as Chris. He was also a twin having a sister who went to the ladies college. He stood 5 feet 5 inches about 110 pounds and also had black eyes, pitch black hair and brown skin. He looked athletic but not robust. He was very bright and talkative. Tim was the quietest, a younger carbon copy of his brothers John and Greg. He was 12 years old. He stood 5 feet and about 80 pounds. He did not participate in contact sport but loved gymnastics, which the school had introduced. All boys were dressed in light cotton shorts and singlets. After 2 hours of chat and laughing the boys invited Chris and Bill into their house for a drink and to meet Mrs. Wong, Mr Wong being at work.

The boys met Mrs. Wong who was a caucasian Australian, this surprised Chris and Bill at first but then Chris realised why the boys had the appearance they did. Mrs Wong was a small woman but did not take any back talk from her family. Chris was told Mrs.Wong was the boss in the family. Mrs Wong told the boys she would be going over to meet Mrs. Thompson later in the morning. Whilst the boys were in the kitchen talking to Mrs Wong a girl came down the stairs and walked into the kitchen and introduced herself to Chris and Bill. Her name was Alex as in Alexandra. She was 5 feet tall and very slight. She had the black hair and black eyes with light brown skin tone. She was John's twin. She was the elder by 30 minutes. Chris could not help but stare at her, he had never seen something as beautiful. She looked like a porcelain geisha doll. He straightened himself up , puffed out his chest, tried to flex his arms and introduced himself and Bill. Alex didnot spend much time in the kitchen talking, as she was meeting a friend of hers out the front of her home and going to the shopping centre. Chris watched her leave. He felt a strong pulsing at his crotch. He looked down and saw the large swelling and the sight of the tube poking down the left leg of his shorts, and whilst still covered there could be no mistake at what the swelling was. Chris moved closer to the table to hide his crotch from view of the others. He felt his face burn red with embarrassment. Chris slipped his hands into his pockets balling his fist to swell out the material and using the other one to hold down the tube.

Greg asked the boys if they wanted to go upstairs to their rumpus room or outside in the yard. Bill said to go upstairs. When the boys got upstairs they were taken into a large room which was fitted out with a flat panel tv, sound system, dvd and games. There were lounges and bean bags strewn around the large room. In the corner was also a computer atop a desk. Both Chris and Bill were surprised how large the house was. The boys settled into bean bags and while talking to each other drank their drinks. Chris asked Greg questions, not very subtley about his sister Alexandra. Greg told him not to get to keen as she was going out with a guy who was a real sport jock and 17. Chris tried to respond until Greg cut him off saying the guy was also Chinese and that was something he could never be. Chris said that didn't matter as he was aussie and that was as good. Greg just smiled then told him again he was wasting his time. He told Chris the guy taking her out was a Ken Au and he would be in grade 12 at their school this year. The topic changed to those others who lived around them and Chris found out that in the house on the opposite side of them to the Wong family lived a young married guy and his wife , no kids. He seemed ok always wanting to chat, throw a footy around or wrestle a bit. Greg said he was always really friendly. Behind the Thompson's there were kids of varying ages and both girls and boys. Chris asked who lived directly behind him thinking of the place where he saw movement in what he thought was a bedroom. Greg told Chris the guy was their age in their year and a real brainiac. Never mixed much, was always reading and always topped his subjects at the end of the year. Greg also thought he was a bit weird. When asked why he explained that at any sport or PE event he never wanted to compete and always lagged in the locker room behind everyone else. Just strange. Ron Ford, very strange. The boys chatted a while longer and Greg took Chris to the bedroom and showed him the sport photos of gymnasts and trampolinershe had on the wall in his area. Chris was impressed with the room and how it was set up. It was set up dormitory style running across the back of the house. It was divided into three by two partitions, but there were no doors. Each area was very large. In the corner of the room overlooking Chris' room was where Tim had set up his bed and section. Chris looked from Tim's window at where his room was but with the curtain over the window he couldnot see into the room. Chris felt more comfortable knowing he could not be seen in his room. Greg would not show Chris Alex's room. Time passed and Chris realised he had to get going or he would be late getting to see Michael and that would only cause heart ache. He told Greg and the others he had to go and he would see them tomorrow. Bill left with him but on the way down the stairs Chris told him he could not go with him. This was a private meet. He would fill him in later. Bill turned around ran back to the other boys and told Tim he would call over later after lunch.

Bill sat down for lunch and Chris set out on his bike for Mick's place. He left extra time as he had not travelled over the route before and he might get lost. Forty minutes later he arrived at Mick's place. Chris stood his bike at the side of the house and went to the front door. Chris did not knock straight away as the memories came flooding back to him about his time in this house. Chris thought about not going in, just leave. He would but he was sure what Mick would do, not just to him but also Bill. He had thought about Bill and decided Bill must have been involved with Mick inadvertantly. Bill had never shown any sign of being interested in other boys. They had never seen each other naked but they were always in briefs around each other and he had never seen Bill staring at him. He had looked at Bill, and he knew he wasn't gay. Then he thought of Alexandra, he would do anything to be her boyfriend. He was still standing at the door contemplating when the door opened. It was MIck.

"How long you gonna wait to knock cuz. I saw you arrive. Come in." Mick smiled." Gee I missed ya, all my entertainment gone. My favourite cousin."

"Yeah sure. Let's get to what you want so I can get out of here." Chris snapped.

"Not so fast Crissy boy. You caused me a lot of trouble the way you just walked out no notice to anyone. My olds blamed me for you leaving. They reckon I must of give you a hard time or not introduced you to my mates or some shit."

"No you were just great. Treated me real good, sure." Chris sneered in return.

"That fucken Rob Lancaster told me when I fronted him that he knew what I was doing to you, he was going to fuck me up if I didn't let you go. Well for your info I got him too, but that's a story for another day. Let me tell you though he's not happy with you either now. So you got no allies over this way. Should be good on the footy field." Mick laughed as he told Chris.

"What you want."

"Come upstairs I want to show you something first just to set the scene before we start the festivities for the arvo." Mick directed.

Chris followed MIck upstairs to MIcks bedroom. He entered, nothing had changed. The bed Chris used to sleep in was still in the room. It was if Chris was still there or had never been there. Chris knew he had , he had vivid memories of things gone on. His humiliations. Mick walked over to the computer on the desk. Chris followed him, Mick revived the screen. Chris noted an email ready to go, addressed to Chris's best mate John Livingstone in the bush. It had an attachment to it. The text read "In case you're missing your mate Christian here are some reminder action photos for you to remember him by and pass on to his other mates. I've got more to follow if you like. Regards his cousin MIchael." Michael diminished that email and backed behind it was another email to Ben and Rob Lancaster saying much the same thing as the one to John Singleton.

"Got the drift."

"Yeah so you going to blackmail me, what do you want."

"You're right, just so you understand what is at stake if you don't go along with everything I say. Oh I forgot to mention I got some ready to send out with your brother covered in cum to so think of this for both of you. The pair of Thompson cum eaters. You understand."

Yeah, yeah so what you want. You're a fucken mongrel and I'll get you one day."

"Threats. Mate hard for you to threaten anyone when you got no aces in your hand. Me I'm holding them all."

Chris stood in front of MIck his fists balled at his side. He knew he wanted to flatten Mick but also knew if he did anything Mick would send out those and more emails and MIck was better at fighting than him anyway.

"Now, you know the rules get your fucken clothes off when you're in the house.. Now. Throw them over there. Come my little gayboy."

"I'm not gay. Where's everybody."

"The rents are at work and won't be home till 6 and Peter and Martin are out at the moment. Why you want them to see you. Strip. Oh you mightn't believe it but you are gay right to your toenails"

Chris hesitated. Micheal lifted his hand to the mouse on the desk. Chris removed his t shirt and shorts. He stood before Mick in his briefs the front of which were grossly distended by a large erection they were trying to contain.

"Come on I seen it before." and as Chris lowered his briefs his engorged cock sprang free from its confines making a most audible slapping sound as it bounced off Chris lower abdomen." Fuck has that thing got even bigger. Look at you. You love this so much you're already iron hard. Look you got juice leaking already."

Chris stood before MIck, his erection straining, the large bulbous knob with the eye of the cock weeping fluid, humiliated as Chris was he was also excited. The cock stood out from the body at a 45 degree angle showing a heavy blue vein running the length of its underside. Chris made no attempt to cover himself, he knew it was futile. Precum started to fall in a stringy drop to the floor. MIck looked at the clear cock juice as it flowed and fell.

"Get down and lick up that mess you're making. Then catch the rest in your hand. Look the pubics are all back as well."Mick moved across to this drawer and withdrew a plastic bag from the drawer. He took out the contents saying," I thought you might have all your hair back. You've let yourself go since you left here. You've forgotten all the rules. Remember number one was no hair only on the head, two was no briefs ever and three was you were to be naked whenever you were in the house and especially upstairs here. And of course the golden rule , you were to do everything I told you. You broke all of them . I'm heart broken but you'll have to be punished I'm really sorry Chris but how else do you learn respect."

Chris went to say something but stopped himself before he uttered any words. He felt this rising hatred of MIck and he didn't know how he was going to control himself.

"Tell me Chris, your little brother how often you and him play with each other. You like to rub your fingers through his little pubic patch do you. You hold his nuts and play with his schlong. He as big a cock hound and gay as you."

"I'm not gay neither is Bill. I got a girl friend and I never seen Bill naked only in them photos you sent. I don't know anything about his pubics or anything else."

"He jerk off all the time like you. Remember how you liked to knock yourself off in school, up the back of the class. Flop your cock out for Mr Lancaster."

"He doesn't do it , and I only did that cause you made me."

"Yeah like I made you get that screaming horn you got now. I made you run precum like a leaking tap."

"I'm not gay. You're the one who is gay. You're a screaming queer. You get off making others do stuff." Mick defended.

"Really have you ever seen me with a hardon, no. You haven't ever seen my cock. Look now I got gear on, you got a a hardon on. Anyway enough of that lets get started come over here."

"Aren't we going to discuss things first. That's what you said you wanted to talk out some things."

"And so I do mate, but this bit is going to be your punishment for breaking all the rules and after that you and I can discuss the return of all the discs with your vids and photos on."

"What about those of Bill, I got to have them as well."

""Yeah well I got something in mind for all that but right now bring you and that fucking great donger over here and lie on this towel. That thing has grown hasn't it."

"Some." Chris replied as he moved towards Mick and lay face down on the towel. He heard Mick remove something from the plastic bag.

"I got this this morning for you. I'm going to do your back first then roll you over and do all your front. No arguments OK. Time for talking shit is over."

Chris nodded his head in compliance, knowing he had no options. "What is it you putting on me, it won't stain thye skin will it."

"Nah it won't stain, its a new formula, hair remover for men. Hm a good thought for later though"

Chris went to get up but felt a hand placed on the middle of back," Now ,now remember what I said sooner you get this over with the sooner we get onto the other shit."

Resignedly Chris lowered back onto the towel, he felt a cool cream be spread across his shoulders, down over his back, over the cheeks of his arse, then fingers probing down into his crack and rubbing the full length. The hands continued on on down over the the rear of his thighs, then calves. The complete back of him had been covered in removal cream.

"Righto stand up and I'll do the front. Spread your legs"

Chris stood as directed , his penis standing erect and pulsing was now flowing, the feelings built up with Mick rubbing his hands over his rear especially when the fingers rubbed up and down the crease of his rounded buns. Chris was near to losing control.

"I'll do the bit between your arse and your balls first." MIck knelt in front of Chris, "And don't poke my eye out with that thing." Mick chuckled as he reached between Chris legs and with fingers full of cream rubbed it to the sensitive area behind his balls.

CHris groaned at the touch of the cool creamy liquid being applied, his cock erupted blasting shot after shot of cum. Mick could not react fast enough and as he moved to dodge the flying cum caught some on his face and hair. The rest shot over his shoulder onto the bedcovers.

"You sicko, you'll pay more for this." MIck yelled as he touched the warm cum running down his cheek.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't help it, please MIck"

"Lick up your mess you twisted shit."

Chris bent down to lick up the mess as directed by Mick. Chris had misunderstood Mick and he bent to the side of Micks face and attempted to lick his cheek. Chris' tongue slipped along MIck's cheek picking up some of his cum and spreading some further across Mick's face.

Mick felt the tongue on his cheek and when he realised what was happening exploded in fury threwing a hard punch to Chris' stomach. Chris buckled over in pain.

"Now stand still while I put the rest of this on you." Mick snarled, leaving the remnants of cum on his face and the globs still in his hair.

MIck took material from the tube and began to spread the cream onto Chris' chest and work his way south muttering to himself the whole time. He covered the arms , the arm pits, every inch of skin on the torso down to the pubic area and genitals where he meticulously ensured all areas were cream coated. This action caused Chris again to become erect.

Mick looked up at Chris" You mess on me again with that thing spitting out shit I'll put you out in the street you homo prick." Mick continued working his way down Chris legs to his feet.

When Chris' body was fully covered MIck looked at his watch making sure to leave for enough time for the cream to work effectively. He hoped the product was as good as it was supposed to be. The manufacturers claimed the new improved formula completely removed all hair permanently after three applications in all but the areas most thickly effected with hair. In those areas it would reduce hair population to a very sparse manageable level to all intents and purposes seeming bald. Chris started t osquirm telling MIck he was feeling a burning sensation to his skin. Mick set about the task of removing the cream and hair. Mick wiped Chris over with a smooth cloth and it seemed the hair was dissolving before their eyes. Mick told Chris t ogo and have a cool shower to renove any trace of cream or hair. Chris obediently went into the bathroom and showered. Mick looked at the cloth with what seemed melted hair, the results looked better than he had hoped for. As he picked up the the tube of cream any other evidence at what had taken place Martin Micks youngest brother appeared at teh doorway.

"How you doin' bro." Martin asked" What ya up to."

"Nothin' much got a friend of yours here. He'll be out in a minute."


"You'll recognise him when you see him don't worry." Mick joked.

As they were talking Chris walked into the room from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He saw Martin, tightened his grip on the towel and moved forward to say hello to his youngest cousin. As he came into range Mick reached forward and grabbed hold of the towel and whipped it away.

"We're all family here no need to be shy Chris Marty's see you all before."

Martin stood and ogled the perfectly smooth body before him. As Chris stood before him Chris began to harden. As aflag steadily going up a flag pole so did Chris' erection rise into the air. Martin stood staring.

"Fuck. I'd forgotten how big that thing is. Love the no hair look Chris." Martin quipped.

"Looks good don't he."Mick mused

Martin moved over close to Chris, he lifted his hand and slapped it onto the end of Chris' cock head. Chris winced with the blow but the strong erection took the slap simply bouncing down then back up to its proud position. Martin repeated the action. He grabbed and used it as a lead on Chris and pulled him around the bedroom.

"I can't get my hand right around it, fuck it's big. Jeez its got cum coming out of it" Martin said to Mick as Martin felt his hand go slick and looking up at Mick

"Yeah I reckon its got even bigger." Mick replied.

It was then Martin noticed the dried cum in Mick's hair.

"What you been doin bro, you been blowin' him."Martin smirked

Mick took that badly,"I ain't no fag."

"Yeah well why you got cum in your hair. You blew Chris didn't you. He did, didn't he Chris, he blew you."

Chris didn't answer but it amused him to see Mick embarrassed by his little brother.

"Fuck off Marty, me and Chris got lots of things to discuss. Say good bye to your cousin but you'll be seeing more of him won't he Chris."

"OK cock sucker, see ya later Chris look after that cock of yours." and with that Martin went off to his room.

"OK you can get dressed now you and me got some things to talk about snd I don't want to look at your cock."

Chris went to the pile of clothes and as he picked up his briefs Mick said," Don't you listen I told you that you are never to wear briefs again. Nothing, got it no briefs , no boxers, no g nothing, if you leak cum then it will be in your pants. Now get dressed." and with that Mick went across to Chris took the briefs from him and ripped them into pieces and handed them back to him."I ever catch you anywhere with briefs or anything else on I start sending shit out and you go naked."

To be continued.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written. I try to answer all emails.

Next: Chapter 24: Christian and William Thompson 5

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