Chris New Life


Published on Jan 8, 2010


This story contains sexual acts between brothers,boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

This story follows from Chris - A New Life. Chapter 1 has a brief summary to give a flow to the story.

Chapter 1

The tight restraint of the briefs was uncomfortable and Chris flicked the band of the briefs back allowing the head of his cock and shaft free to point up to his stomach. Chris watched for movement in the house behind oblivious to him slowly massaging his cock with his left hand. He continued to watch for movement from the bedroom behind. He rolled his hand over his cock head massaging his leaking precum, feeling an excitement building from his ministrations. Chris was so intent on watching the window behind he was unaware of any other activity around him.

Chapter 2

Chris was becoming excited through his palming of his cock. Chris pushed down his briefs and dropped them to the floor of his bedroom. He turned and walked from his room to the boy's bathroom, intent on having a shower and at the same time releasing the pressure now built in his engorged penis. Chris took no clothes with him to the shower, he was comfortable being alone in the house. While Chris had been standing at his window watching the place behind from his window and palming his erection Chris was unaware of the sets of eyes watching him from the back corner bedroom of the 2 storey house next door.

In the meantime Bill and his mother had been to the shopping centre buying clothes for Bill and Chris return to school. Bill tried on the clothes for the right fit and those for Chris were chosen by mum having warned CHris that anything that didnot fit would not be returned because he would not go with them shopping. She did not know Chris did not go with them because she had announced after shopping the intention to call into the relative's place where Chris had previously stayed , and Chris had not wanted to confront his cousin Michael who had taken enormous delight in humiliating him, physically and sexually.

Mother and Bill arrived at the other Thompson's house and were met at the door by Bill's aunt and their youngest lad, Martin. Martin was the same age as Bill. They had not seen each other in the past 6 years, so after meeting raced off upstairs to Martin's bedroom to talk about all things of interest to young boys. The boys talked and joked for some time. Martin found it difficult to believe he was a little senior to Bill even though they were both 13. Bill was the bigger lad both in height and in build. After playing around for some time Martin asked Bill if he wanted to go next door to meet his friends. Bill agreed and both boys bounded down the stairs, telling the parents where they were off to and into the next door neighbours. Martin introduced Bill to the Mahoneys, one Bill's age and one 2 years older. The boys sat around in the backyard next to the pool. After half an hour Martin suggested they all go for a swim. All boys agreed but Bill said he couldn't because he had on his good clothes and he couldn't get them wet. The boys told him to strip off to his undies that you be ok. The three boys jumped into the pool, only removing their t shirts. None of them got changed as they were all wearing nylon footy shorts. Bill stood for a short while watching them then decided to strip down to his briefs and jumped into the pool to join the other boys.

The boys frolicked about for a while, Bill enjoying the freedom of no clothes and being able to romp in a pool, without worrying about being told to quiet. He had never been in a private pool before , he was looking forward to using the one at his place. it was not something many people had in the bush. The boys played water polo and rough housed, grabbing and pushing each other under the water,jumping on each others backs, there was lots of body contact, something Bill was not used to. As a result of the play Bill found himself to have a very strong erection, and was doing whatever he could to avoid anyone seeing his very stretched briefs. Just as Bill was becoming really conscious of hiding his erection he felt someone swim between his legs and a hand grasp hold of his rigid penis and not release but attempt to pull him forward tugging on the exploded prick. Martin came to the surface yelling to the other boys Bill had a stiffy and to get him. Before Bill could react the other boys moved forward and pounced on Bill and whilst attempting to pull his briefs off tore the thin cotton fabric from him leaving him completely bare. Bill was in shock, the other boys groped and pulled and played with the bared genitals. Bill was super excited. Bill could feel he was pulsing in his cock. He tried to control any urge he could feel coming on to ejaculate. With the other boys crawling over Bill he could feel hard pricks pressing into him through nylon shorts, all of the boys were sexually excited. The boys decided to pull Bill from the pool and sit him on the pool coping. Bill struggled to stay in the pool and maintain what he had left of his modesty but against two 13 year olds and a 15 year old he had no chance and soon found himself lying on his back pinned to the pool coping. Bill could feel the heat of the sun beaming down on his stiff cock. He could feel the heat of the sun on his balls. He could feel hands touching him up. He could also feel how close he was to ejaculation and began begging the others to free him before he made a mess of himself. While he was begging for release he heard another voice enter the melee of sound. He did not know who it was but looked and saw a lad who looked to be his brother Chris but seemed marginally smaller. He looked at the boy who was holding a mobile phone and aiming it at Bill. Bill's attention was again diverted as he felt a hand around his 6 inch straining erection, he felt his balls tighten to his body, then the feel of sperm moving along his pulsing tube to burst from the end of his cock. The foreign hand aimed the streaming cum towards Bill's stomach and sparse pubics. Bill was spent after 4 or 5 cum shots. He felt the hand milking the last of his cum from his cock. He closed his eyes and laid his head on the pool coping, not looking at those around him. He felt a hand wiping slime on his chest. His eyes remained closed, he was so embarrassed. No one had ever seen him with an erection before let alone jerk him off and watch him cum. Bill wished the ground would open and swallow him, he felt tears begin to squeeze from the shut eyelids. He wasn't listening to what was being said around him, he could only hear a general chatter noise.He was still being restrained by the boys. He heard a silence, then a grunting sound. He felt a warm gooey substance landing on his face. Bill opened his eyes to see an erect prick over him with a long string of cum falling from its tip to his face. He felt a stinging sensation in his eyes where the gooey substance was lying across his face. He recognised the older Mahoney boy holding his half erect penis over him. He looked to wards his feet and noticed the teen who looked like his brother was still pointing a mobile phone at him and realised the boy was taking photos of him. The boy with the softening penis walked across to Bill's pile of clothes, took up his shorts and walked back to Bill. They allowed Bill to sit up. Bill brought his hand to his face and wiped the boys cum from his face. He reached forward to the boy for his shorts. The boy took the shorts, found the front area and wiped his prick clean of dribbling cum. He reached down and pushed them into the cum Bill had blown onto this own stomach. Bill's hands were covered in cum from his face, his body in his own cum and his shorts in his and the other boys cum on the front of his shorts. The boys allowed Bill to get up, commenting to him what a huge cock he had for a guy his age. Martin noted Bill's cock was bigger than the older Mahoney. They all agreed Bill indeed did have a great cock. Martin commented to Bill his cock was bigger than his brother MIcheal. He then introduced the boy standing with the mobile phone taking photos to him, Michael Martin's brother, Bill's cousin. Michael didnot like the comparison of Bills cock being bigger but the others dared Michael to prove his cock was bigger. Michael did not accept the challenge. Bill rose and pulled on his shorts. The front was covered with drying cum. His chest was covered in drying cum. His face and hair had drying cum. Michael passed Bill his shirt and told him to wipe himself with it. Bill hesitated, but then complied underatanding he had no choice. He could not meet his mother with cum all over his face . He hoped if on his clothes it may not be as recognisable.

After Bill was dressed the boys gathered around him and joked and talked with him making him feel better about what had happened. Whilst Bill felt very embarrassed and humiliated the interaction of the other boys made him feel that what was done to him and what he did was all normal and only harmless fun. They went into the Mahoney house and had drinks. The boys again commented on the size of Bill's cock for a boy his age. Bill felt strange others had seen his cock but proud that they all were saying how big it was. Bill had calmed and was willing to interact with the boys again believing what they had told him. When they finished their drinks the boys moved back to the Thompson house. The boys went to Michael's bedroom and sat around talking and joking. The longer they sat and talked the better Bill felt, starting to put out of his mind what had happened. While they were sitting there Michael downloaded his phone photos onto this computer. He did not let Bill see what he was doing. Michael pulled up a file and proceeded to print off some photos. Michael took two envelopes placing several photos in each envelope. He then addressed an envelope to Chris and sealed it. He also sealed an envelope for Bill. Michael handed the envelopes to Bill explaining to him he wanted the envelope for Chris to be handed to him and that Bill must not open it and that when he got home and after giving Chris his envelope he could open the one for him. He suggested to Bill he not tell Chris that Michael had given Bill an envelope also. While Bill was looking down at the envelopes Michael reached down and took and firm hold of Bill's cock through his shorts. Bill was now without briefs. Michael smiled at Bill and asked how he felt going commando. He left his hand on Bill's cock. Bill started to expand again much to his surprise. Michael moved his hand on Bill's crotch to resemble a stroking motion, Bill bounced into a full erection. The other boys laughed and called Bill a real cock hound. Bill couldn't wait to get home to take care of himself again. Bill told Michael he liked the feel of going commando. MIchael suggested he should do it all the time, because without briefs to hold his cock up Bill's cock would hang down and under its own weight would grow even bigger. Bill believed what Michael told him and said he would do it. His mother called for Bill to go. Bill stood , looked at his front. He used the envelopes to cover his crotch. The front of his shorts were badly stained. He said goodbye to his relatives and his new friends and promised to ride his bike over to see them on a regular basis and rushed downstairs to leave with his mother for home and to deliver his envelope to Chris, and to take care of business.

On the way home Bill talked to his mother about his cousins and how he had a really interesting day and would ride over to see them on weekends. He asked if he might even have some sleep overs. His mum thought that was a good idea. Both he and Chris could do that , she liked family to be close. She knew they had some fences to mend after Chris had walked out on his aunt and uncle before without discussing it or notifying anybody. He hadn't spoken to them since he left.

Whilst Bill and his mother were away for the day Chris had roamed naked around their new house all day. He felt very comfortable in the new home. Tomorrow he would go out and investigate what was around him. He thought his mum and brother would be home soon so should think about getting dressed.

To be continued.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written.


Next: Chapter 22: Christian and William Thompson 3

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