Chris New Life


Published on Jan 5, 2010


This story contains sexual acts between brothers, boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

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This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

This story follows from Chris - A New Life. A brief summary is hereunder to give a flow to the story.

Chapter 1

To begin, Chris was sent to Sydney to stay with relatives due to him getting into trouble at his home in the bush. He went to stay with his aunt, uncle and three cousins. The middle aged cousin, Michael, did not accept Chris readily into the home and decided he would dominate him. He achieved some of his dominance of Chris by photographing him masturbating himself. From there Michael continued to add to his library of incriminating photos and videos and increased his humiliation and demands of sexual degradation of Chris. Chris was unable to accept anymore of Michael's actions. Michael was demanding Chris undertake gay actions and Chris would not accept he was gay, he believed himself to be like all normal 15 year old boys. After being befriended by a boy named Rob Lancaster and bolstered by the support of Rob Lancaster Chris returned to the relatives house where he was staying , packed his belongings and caught a train back home to Tamworth in the country. He did not tell his relatives he was leaving nor his family he was returning home. He arrived on a Monday afternoon suitcases at his side at his parents home. He explained to his father and mother he was unable to get along with Michael but did not tell them why. He was too embarrassed what he had been forced to do. When asked if he had discussed his leaving and returning home with his uncle before he left Chris informed his parents that his aunt and uncle had left all of the boys, him and his 3 cousins, at home for 3 days to fend for themselves. This was enough to convince Chris' father Chris should stay at home as he was not receiving the proper adult guidance young adolescents required and not be returned to the uncles.

Chris arrived in Sydney at the beginning of October and returned home end October. He had endured one month of absolute torment, humiliation and degradation. He looked forward to rejoining his friends. Where the boys in Sydney seemed to be obsessed with sex his friends in the bush never referred to each others bodies , never discussed sexual matters and were modest in their ways. In all of the time Chris had spent in Tamworth school nobody had ever grabbed at his privates or seen him naked. His friends rarely ever referred to his sexual organs as being oversized or him being well hung. Chris was well regarded as a successful sport person most capable at rugby league football and athletics. Chris was a sport achiever. He was only an average student and struggled with maths.

Chris returned to school and finished out 5 weeks and then broke up for the summer holidays. He also learned on his return home his father was leasing the farm they owned and was taking up a job in Sydney and all of the family would be moving to Sydney in the January. Chris' dad had to take up his new job in February and Chris and his brother Bill would start school in February also. Chris was initially devastated to learn he would be returning to Sydney and leaving his friends in the bush.

Chris' dad travelled to Sydney and had purchased a home in the north west suburbs of Sydney, several miles from the relatives with whom Chris had lived. He had no wish to ever see his cousin Michael or Michael's friends ever again. January arrived and the Thompson family had packed their belongings and moved to their new home. They were excited but also full of trepidation. The home was a large two level home with pool on a large block of ground, usual in this part of Sydney. Each boy, Chris and Bill, would have their own bedroom with a shared bathroom for the two boys. Both boys rooms were upstairs and faced to the rear of home, overlooking their yard,pool and neighbours next door rear yards and those behind. On one side their was a 2 level home into which they could look to the upstairs windows. On the other side of their house was a single storey place which they looked down onto. To the rear were three single storey homes which they looked down onto. Only the other 2 level housee could see into their backyard, whereas they could see into tall the others.

Chris' dad was a large fit athletic built man having just left the farm. He had a mop of unruly blonde hair and dark tan skin from his exposure to the sun. His mother was a small built woman who was devoted to her family. Brother Bill was 13 years old and would be starting in grade 8. Bill was a large framed boy with no fat on him. He was well developed for his age. He was blonde haired, blue eyed and tan, a copy of his father . His hair was unruly. Bill was a capabler student but not a gifted athlete as his brother Chris. Bill did love playing football. Bill had entered puberty and was experiencing all of the feelings common to his age. He was also sexually well developed for his age. Bill had both pubic and armpit hair to match his development. Bill like his father and Chris was circumcised. Bill stood 5' 6" and weighed 120 pounds. He had never seen either his father or Chris naked. He was a chronic masturbator. His penis flacid was 4inches and 6 inches erect. Brother Chris was 15 years old and would be going into grade 10. Chris was a very well developed lad with a muscular frame. He looked the true sports person. He stood 5'10" and weighed 140 pounds. Chris was a copy of his father and younger brother, blonde hair but worn very short, blue eyes and dark tan skin. Chris had a very quiet nature though of impressive bulk for his age was more submissive in his dealings with others and would take their direction rather than disagree, always willing to be one of the group and not centre of attention. Chris' only aggression was on the sporting field, otherwise he accepted direction generally without question. Whilst brother Bill was very well developed sexually for a lad his age Chris was over endowed. Chris was embarrassed as to the size of his genitals. He believed it was his extrordinary size that caused his problems when he stayed with his cousin. Even when dressed in any sort of clothing, jeans, trousers, shorts, swimmers it was obvious that lying in Chris' crotch was a large endowment. It could not be disguised, there was always the mound. In addition Chris had no control over his penis as it regularly swelled to full erection without provocation. Chris generally would sit or cover his crotch to avoid people's notice. He often took steps during the day to masturbate in an effort to reduce his erection problems. He too was a chronic masturbator. He believed he did it through necessity not pleasure. Chris penis flacid was 7 inches and 9 inches when erect. More impressive the diameter of his penis was 5inches and his testis were the size of large hen eggs about 2.5 inches long.

The Thompsons moved into their new home in Sydney moving the furniture into place and then stowing away their personal items. The boys had no idea who their neighbours were or if there were any their age who with whom to play. The first night they had a simple bbq and all went to bed early, tired from the move. The next morning Chris rose, stood at his rear window and looked out into the backyards of the homes behind. His eyes settled on the movement in the window of the house directly behind him. He could see directly into a bedroom and saw a body raising from the bed. As he continued to watch he felt to his crotch and realised he had a major erection, clearly visible through the briefs in which he had slept. Chris decided to return to his bed and take due care of his erection, his first jerk off for the day. Chris massaged his erection to ejaculation catching the spent cum in a pair of his briefs. Chris finished his jerk off, wiped away the excess slimes, retucked his penis into his briefs and returned to the window. Chris stood at the window dressed only in briefs and as he looked down to the visible bedroom behind he saw a person standing in the window looking back at him. The person looking back at him appeared to be a boy about his brothers age, 13. Chris raised his hand and waved a greeting , the boy returned the wave then turned and moved back into the room out of Chris line of vision. As Chris was standing at the window his bedroom door opened and his brother walked in. Neither of the boys knocked on each others door before entering. It was something they had never done. Most of the time doors were never shut. Bill was dressed in football shorts and no shirt. After a morning greeting both boys went downstairs to get breakfast. When they got to the kitchen they greeted their mother and father for the morning. Chris' mum suggested maybe they should make sure they did not walk around dressed only in briefs or less as they were now in Sydney. Chris' dad told them not to worry about what they wore as they were in their house and could do what they liked and dress how they liked, and that they would not change their ways just for city people. Mum just shrugged her shoulders mentioning Sydney people were different to them. She returned to the stove where she prepared scrambled eggs and toast. From the time Bill saw Chris this morning he had been stealing glances at Chris' crotch and the bulge it showed particualrly the length of tube laying across to the left hip. Bill was obsessed with his own dick but wanted to look at others and compare how he was was built to others. He had never had the chance to see other boys cocks. Ater breakfast the boys were told they were expected to go shopping with their mother for their new school uniforms. They had been enrolled in an all boys school just a 20 minute bus ride from their home. The school had a good reputation, with success in both academia and sports. Chris was expected to improve his results going to this school. Bill was excited about going to a new school. He also would not have to have hand me down uniform from Chris as he had at teh previous school. All he had to get now was hand me down casual clothes and underwear. Their mother informed them after egetting their uniforms they would call across to the relatives place and say hello. This was to Chris' cousins place, the place he had left. Chris did not want to go, he did not want to see Michael, not just now anyway. He thought of excuses and put them to his mother. After some discussion it was decided Chris could stay at home , but he would have to put up with whatever was bought for him and not to complain about it when they got it home. Nothing would be changed. Chris agreed, the others got changed and left for shopping , leaving Chris to his own devices. Chris' dad said he was going to his new office and would call into the relatives place later in the afternoon. Chris waved goodbye to them all and when they had gone returned upstairs to his bedroom. He stood at eh window and saw movement again in the bedroom of the housee behind. Chris stood to the window and watched, he felt his penis begin to grow within his briefs. The tight restraint of the briefs was uncomfortable and Chris flicked the band of the briefs bsack allowing the head of his cock and shaft free to point up to his stomach. Chris watched for movement in the house behind oblivious to him slowly massaging his cock with his left hand. He continued to atch for movement from the bedroom behind. He rolled his hand over his cock head massaging his leaking precum, feeling an excitement building from his ministrations. Chris was so intent on watching the window behind he was unaware of any other activity around him. Christian Thompson

To be continued.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written.

Next: Chapter 21: Christian and William Thompson 2

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