Chris New Life


Published on Oct 20, 2008


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

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This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

Chris' New Life - 2

Michael had now decided on some actions he would take with his new roomy, his cousin. He smiled satisfied he would get Chris into his web and control him, it might just take some time. His father called out to Michael and his young brother Martin, come downstairs it was time to go to pick up Chris.

Michael thought to himself" I can't wait, let's get this on the road."


Chapter 2

Chris was only minutes from arriving at the station. He looked down at himself, at what he was wearing, he hoped he wouldn't be too out of place. Chris was wearing older clothes,his jeans and jocks, even his shirt was bought at the beginning of the year. In the meantime he had grown and filled out some. His shirt was blue denim and held him tight across his chest and accented his lean body. His jeans were faded 501 Levis with the button fly. When not under pressure the buttons would pull open to accent the bulge when under pressure and with his cock lying down his leg as it did so often, like now, the outline was clearly visible through the thinning fabric. His jocks were always tight as his mother used to buy them and she bought according to his waist measurement not how much pouch room he needed. He didn't have any new clothes as he only got clothes every January as replacement like a new issue for those worn out. Chris's dad was successful but a spendthrift, he did not believe in waste. The only time you spent money to buy clothes was to replace not keep up with fashion. Unfortunately for Chris all of the clothes brought with him would have fitted him better when he was smaller, including his school clothes. He knew he would get more in the coming January, 4 months away. He had filled out considerably this year, particularly with him working on the farm and also his extra training for football. He was one of the best built and athletic boys in the school. The bus arrived at the depot everyone commenced disembarking. Chris rose from his seat and followed the man down the aisle who had been earlier showing his penis to Chris. As they approached the door to exit everyone crowded up and came to halt whilst waiting for those in front to clear the doorway. Chris came up onto the man in front and within seconds of being at the man's back felt something rubbing at his crotch, he moved back but it was too late he was becoming erect again. The man in front turned and apologised and at the same time looked at the extending bulge and this time took a firm hold of the outline of the penis in the jeans. Chris gasped and took a big step to the rear but he was now fully hard and the bulge in his jeans could not be missed. The buttons on the fly strained to open. The man moved to the exit turned winked at Chris and got off the bus. Chris followed and retrieved his 2 suitcases from the luggage hold. He looked round for someone to meet him. Coming towards him were 3 people, a man who looked for all the world like his father only softer in the body but still a big man, he guessed this to be Uncle Bill. He moved forward and introduced himself with a hand shake to the uncle then met his two cousins. Michael could have been his twin, the same facial features, the small ears and nose with light blue eyes, blonde hair and tan skin. He was the same height as Chris, about 175cms ( 5 feet 9ins) but not as big a frame or muscled. Chris estimated Michael would weigh 60kgs(130lb) about 5 to 10kgs (10 - 20lb) less than him. It was uncanny how alike they looked. Chris looked more like Michaels brother than Martin did. Martin was as nearly as tall as Chris and Michael but much lighter, he looked like a string bean. He had a real wirey look to him. Where Micheal had very short hair much like CHris martin had long scruffy mousey brown hair that looked to be never combed. All 3 were wearing shorts, polo and flip flops. Uncle Bill took one of my suitcases and we moved to the car for the trip to my new home. We got in the car and started for home, Martin in the front with his father and me in the back with Michael. We talked about all the things happening around the farm and how everyone was. While travelling Michaels leg continued to rub against Chris and even with the conversation Chris found himself rock hard, his penis was at it again, out of control. He dare not look down at his crotch or move to shift his cock as it might bring attention to him, attention he did not want. Chris was not aware but Michael noticed from the corner of his eye the firming outline of a cock in Chris's crotch. MIchael was taken aback by the size of the outline and resolved he knew what he wanted to do to Chris.

They arrived at the house, and took Chris in to meet Aunty Mary. After the formalities Michael and Martin took Chris and his things up stairs to the bedroom he was to share with Michael to settle in. Michael showed Chris where to store his things and then to the bathroom the boys used accessed through the walkin robe. Michael explained to Chris, all of the boys used this bathroom the parents never did, the toilet was also in the bathroom and they never locked any of the 3 doors in case some one had a rush need for the toilet. Chris said he understood as he and his brother Bill had the same set up but they tried not to use the toilet when someone was in the shower. Michael said that was the case here to but sometimes it couldn't be helped. Michael said to Chris he would get used to things over time. MIchael gave Chris a towel and said he might like to clean up and change after his trip and before dinner. Michael then left Chris to unpack and went downstairs. As Chris stowed his things he thought how friendly everyone was especially Michael who was so trying to help him settle in. He decided the future looked good. When he was finished unpacking he took his towel and went to the shower to spruce up. Chris hopped into the shower and let the warm water cascade over him, he closed his eyes and lent his back against the wall, his penis again started to harden to its full girth and length, this was when he would normally seek relief and masturbate. He fought against doing so on his first day in the house and would get the lay of things first before doing so. Chris finished in the shower stepped out and towelled off. He then realised when he had stripped off in the room and wrapped the towel around him he had forgotten to take a change with him. He moved his penis to point up to his belly button and wrapped the towel firmly around his waist. The outline of his penis was clearly visible through the damp towel, he looked into the bathroom mirror and viewed his appearance. He had a really well muscled physique, good tan and apart from his appendage making such a show he was pleased with what he looked at. Chris opened the bathroom door that adjoined their bedroom through the their shared walk in robe, thought no one was around, took hold of the towel and scurried to the bedroom. He burst into the room in the throes of removing the towel when he saw MIchael and Martin sitting on the beds with their backs against the walls knees bent up in front of them chatting. Chris stopped removing the towel as it was about to fall to the floor and held it clasped together one handed to his side. He did not want to be naked in front of the others. He was used to his privacy, his brother Bill had never seen him naked, ever.

Martin and Michael stopped talking and looked directly at Chris as he entered the room. Chris could feel both sets of eyes settle on his crotch. MIchael then commenced to chat to Chris about the what they could do in the evening after dinner. He suggested to Chris going to his mate John Bakers house where his mates were going to hang and play some tunes. It was only casual so he only needed to wear shorts and a polo or singlet. It would be a great chance to meet some boys from his year before school started in two days time. After all it is saturday night.Chris would have preferred to rest but didn't want to be seen as unfriendly or ungrateful and said to Michael he would do whatever he thought best. Michael declared it the plan and that they could leave straight after dinner and walk to the hang out. Chris continued to stand in front of Michael and Martin while grasping towel together. Had he let go the towel it would fall to the ground. Michael nor Martin made any move to leave the room to give him any privacy. Chris could feel his penis beginning to harden further as he thought about dropping his towel in front of the others. The penis continued to grow and now it was not pointing up under the towel but straight out and was completely obvious. The more embarrassed Chris became the harder and stronger and longer and thicker his cock became until it was fully extended. Michael and Martin openly gaped at the sight in front of them. Michael looked at Chris and smiled then nodded at the huge protrusion in the towel.

Michael said " it happens to us all."

Martin replied " Yeah but not like that, how big is it? Give us a look."

Chris flushed scarlet " I'm sorry it does it all the time, I can't control it. I didn't mean to offend anyone." Chris had flash before him his suspended charge of exposure and did not want any problems with people thinking him a deviate and reporting this to Uncle Bill who would contact the police.

"Don't worry we can talk about it later, just you and I." Michael said "Let me ring and organise tonight." and he reached and took his mobile phone to ring his friend John Baker.Chris hung his head and sat on the bed with Martin, his cock stillobscenely tenting his towel. Chris could feel the precum starting to run. Please no. Martin moved to Chris and appeared to be consoling him when suddenly he bounced up and pounced on Chris and began to wrestle him. The impact of Martin landing on Chris caused Chris to fall backwards onto the bed and loose control of the towel, it fell open exposing full view of Chris's genitals while Martin lay shirtless across his chest trying to tickle him. The activity of the bare chested boy and a naked boy rolling together caused Chris, whilst unaware of his full exposure, to have a throbbing leaking cock.Michael on the bed opposite had a front row seat to the frolic and stopped the call to his friend and grabbed his video from his drawers next to him to record the romp. He had never seen a cock and balls so big. Martin continued to roll around slipping from Chris' chest to his waist and felt Chris's cock poking him in the ribs. He could feel something sticking to him. Martin took his one hand from grappling with Chris and grabbed hold of the very erect straining penis.

Chris uttered a gasp,a moan then yelled," Please no."

Martin started to stroke the profusely leaking cock while saying to Chris "Fuck Chris this thing is massive." Chris began to moan.

Chris reacted to being stroked, using his full energy to stand and toss Martin to the floor. When he stood he looked down to Martin at his feet, he noticed copious amounts of precum leaking from his cock towards the floor onto Martin's chest. Chris fisted his cock to take control of the flow and at the same time noticed Michael recording the happening. Whatever it was that caused Chris to react but it was enough to make Chris explode, his cum firing from his cock, one, two ...five ..six great shots, blasting cum into the room and onto the floor and Martin. Michael captured it all, vision and sound. Chris was mortified and slumped onto the bed and laid back with his eyes closed, tears started to run from his eyes. Chris was still naked, he was not thinking past what had just happened. He would never be able to explain this, ejaculating in front of his cousins, he would be in all sorts of trouble. His cock softened to lie as a chubby on his left thigh his balls clearly visible hanging between his legs. Michael continued recording, no sense wasting an opportunity. Michael noticed while Chris lie on the bed how the only hair Chris had was under his arms and a blonde red bush of pubic, looked nice. Martin got off the floor his chest and stomach covered in cum. He did not wipe it away but sat on the bed next to Chris trying to talk to him. Chris was devasted by what had just happened and rolled onto his stomach burying his head in his arms and began to cry. Michael had not moved and with Chris rolling over and with his legs spread the way they were Michael could see Chris's balls, which appeared hairless and the fat cut knob of a cock looking at him.Michael moved the video onto zoom. Martin was leaning over Chris on the bed trying to talk to him. While leaning over him some of the cum on Martin's chest began to run because of the body heat and dripped onto the bare arse of Chris and into his crack.Michael couldn't believe his good fortune and intimated to Martin without speaking to scoop some offf his chest and drip more onto Chris arse crack. Martin hesitated at first, then smiled and fingered the cum from his body to fall onto Chris's arse. Michael continued the video, moving in close to show the cum hanging in the arse crack. It looked like the aftermath of being well fucked. Martin took his hand and gently began to massage the spent cum over Chris' arse cheeks allowing a finger to slip into his crack. After several moments Chris realised a strange feeling and rolled over sat up on the edge of the bed. He made no attempt to cover himself. He pushed his handout at Martin to push him away. Martin patted his leg and got up and stood in front of Chris. Chris had dried tears on his cheeks and now cum off his arse cheeks on the bed cover. Chris began to cry and mumble at the same time. The boys could not make out what he was saying. Michael stopped the video and got up and moved beside Chris on the bed and spoke gently to him.

"Look Chris, don't worry about this , you and I can discuss it all later." Michael suggested.

Chris blubbered" Please don't tell on me I don't want to go to gaol. If they find out I'm in deep shit. Please Mick don't tell. Make Martin promise to keep quiet , please. I'll do anything please don't tell or they'll send me away."

Michael couldn't believe his luck. He said to Chris" Don't you worry about Martin, you do something for him later and he won't tell. Remember later you said you'll do anything so I'll hold you to that."

Chris looked at Michael and repeated" I will Mick I'll do anything just get me out of this OK. I just can't control my cock."

Michael indicated to Martin to leave the room. When he had he took Chris by the arm and got him to stand and looked directly into his face. He looked into his eyes and said, "You do whatever I say, whenever I say, no questions and I'll be selective who I show my video to, OK."

"No Mick, you can't show anyone. Please."

Michael held Chris's cheeks between his hands and repeated," You do whatever I tell you to do whenever and wherever no questions or I'll show my dad your dad and the coppers up to you."

"No please, I'll do everything you say. I swear on my grave."

Michael replied" More likely in your cell. Remember it will only take once and I show the tape around." Michael reached down and took hold of Chris's still bare cock, again it began to involuntarily lengthen. Chris had forgotten about being naked.Chris moaned with the feel of Michael's hand. This was the second time in his life someone other than himself had held his cock, both times in one day. It was a sensational feeling, one Chris knew was wrong, it made him lose all control but it made him feel like never before. He didn't know what was happening to him, firstly how he would become so excited when somemone embarrassed him and secondly the stimulating feelings when his cock was touched and looked at by someone.

" Lets go have dinner then I'll pick something for you to wear tonight. And now we need to clean any of your cum off the bed covers. Get a washer"

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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