Chris New Life


Published on May 28, 2009


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

My apologies for the great lag between Cht17 and 18, I will attempt to be more regular with each chapter.

Chris - New Life.

Chapter 17

The week continued with Mick, Chris and dave lester all undertaking their challenges each day. Dave Lester continued to be concerned he would be found out masturbating in the playground toilets each lunch time but so far only the group knew what was happening. Sinclair continued to try and be accepted by Chris. Every free moment they had out of class during the day Sinclair spent with Chris. Chris accepted sinclair had no choice in what he did and was softening his attitude and was accepting Sinclair back as his friend.

During the Thursday Mick had his group of friends about him and was making plans for the weekend telling them his parents would be away for the weekend. The boys were coming up with different ideas of what they could do "while the cats are away the mice will play".


Chapter 18

Chris sat with the group of boys listening to what they were planning for Friday,Saturday and Sunday. He knew in his heart over the weekend without parental control he would suffer humiliation by Mick and his mates. Chris knew he had to avoid being in their company whenever he could. He also knew he had to go to Sinclair's place as instructed by Sinclair's father earlier in the week. Chris hoped by arriving at Sinclair's straight after school today Dr. Sinclair would still be in surgery and to busy to spend time with him. Chris rounded up Sinclair and told him he was coming home with him to hang about for a few hours. Sinclair was delighted. Sinclair only wanted everything to be as it was before their break up, back with his love. Sinclair was still besotted with Chris and would do anything he could to keep him. After class the two boys set off for Sinclairs. Chris did not tell Mick he was going to Sinclairs for the afternoon. He was sick of being told what to do by him, particularly as it was always to his detriment.

The boys arrived at Sinclairs, nobody else was at home. Sinclair got drinks and a sandwich for each of them and they went back to Sinclair's room. As soon as they entered the room Chris flopped on the bed and lay on his side, leaning on an elbow whilst he ate his afternoon snack. When both were finished Sinclair got up out of his chair and moved across next to Chris and lay on the queen sized bed. He reached his hand out to Chris and placed it on his thigh. Chris moved slightly causing the hand to fall back to the mattress.

"What's wrong, can't I touch you." Sinclair enquired

"No its ok, I just want to lie here and talk for a while." Chris answered.

"OK what do you want to talk about." Sinclair asked as he rose from the bed and began to strip out of his school clothes. When he was down to his briefs only he turned back to Chris "Well talk to me go on."

Chris had been watching Sinclair and although Chris did not consider himself to be gay, he did not avert his eyes from the browned body standing before him in his white under briefs, showing the outline of a very rounded pair of ass cheeks and a bulging crotch. " Your sun tan is just so good." Chris commented

"You being a smart arse." Sinclair replied."You know I'm half INdian so I got a good start." As he said this he pulled down the rear of his briefs showing his arse cheeks and the tan line running just below the start of his arse crack.

"Are you comanche or sioux." joked Chris

""Fuck wit." replied Sinclair as he threw himself at Chris and the two boys rolled around on the mattress trying to attain dominance over the other.

Even though Chris was considerably bigger and stronger than Sinclair, Chris finished on the bottom with Sinclair sitting with his arse on Chris' chest, his knees pinning Chris shoulders to the mattress, and his covered crotch resting on Chris chin.

"Get off, get your balls out of my face." Chris called.

"For someone your size you're hopeless at fighting." said Sinclair.

"I let you win." Chris retorted

"Yeah sure," Sinclair said as he reached back and grabbed a handful of Chris' genitals. He felt Chris had an erection happening."Come on sexy boy." Sinclair continued to work Chris cock through his shorts.

"Don't, leave it alone." Chris cried. Deny all he liked as soon as the hand landed on his cock Chris went to a state of excitement and his cock engorged to its full size. Precum began to leek and wet the front of his shorts.

"Have a look at you, you got a boner a swamp spot and you only been here no time. You love being jerked off don't you."

"I fucken don't, stop playing with me. It does it by itself." Chris came back as he struggled to shake Sinclair off his chest. As he did Sinclair took another grasp and got hold of his balls and gave them a twist and as Chris complained "Stay still or I'll rip them off." Chris stopped his squirming about and Sinclair continued his ministrations to Chris cock through his shorts.

Minutes on Chris groaned and ejaculated into his shorts, the wet spot grew to a very large unmistakeable unmissable dark wet patch. Chris let his head fall back onto the bed and closed his eyes.

"You go off quick mate, I hardly touched you." Sinclair commented

"You shouldn't do it at all."

"We done more than that together and you liked it." Sinclair reasoned

"Yeah but we shouldn't and I don't want to do those things, OK. You can that's up to you, I'm not going to judge you but I don't want to do that stuff any more." Chris said.

Sinclair stood in front of Chris in his white briefs his erection clearly visible. Sinclair ran his hand up and down the front massaging his straining member behind the cotton. He then reached his fingers up and pulled down the elastic waist band and tucked it under his balls, which had the effect of lifting and highlighting his balls and straining brown 5.5inch cock topped by a thick black pubic patch.

"Suck this for me Chris," Sinclair said as he moved right up to Chris, now with his crotch level with Chris' mouth as he sat on the bed.

"I just told you..:" Chris was interupted by Sinclair.

"Yeah, yeah well I got photos of you showing you do this so get here and do it man, come on be a mate."

Sinclair stood in front of Chris slowly pulling on his cock, massaging the precum around his cock head.

"Come on mate, just between you and me. I won't show no one if you do me I told you that. You know I love you."

"Well you got a funny way to...." and as Chris was talking Sinclair moved in close and dropped his cock onto Chris'lips. Chris flicked his tongue onto Sinclair's cock head then around and over the piss slit. Precum seeped from the excited cock. Chris took the head into this mouth. He slowly began to work his tongue over the shaft. Slowly up and down Chris worked Sinclairs' shaft taking the full shaft into his mouth. The mushroom shaped head feeling the back of Chris's throat. Chris continued to slip the cock up and down in his mouth, Sinclair brought his hands to the rear of Chris' head and held it in position and without notice erupted into the slurping open mouth. The white syrup filled Chris' mouth. He did not swallow but held it in his mouth not knowing what to do with it. He did not want it inside of him. Sinclair flopped back down on to the bed alongside of Chris, his head back on the bed, his eyes closed, he was euphoric, it had been so long between him and Chris. Chris bent forward over Sinclair and allowed the cum in his mouth to dribble from it onto Sinclair's black pubic patch and up into his navel. He took Sinclair's hand and massaged it through the spent cum and rubbed it over Sinclair's mid section.

After several minutes he lifted his head and looked at what Chris had been doing," Aw shit look at the mess I got to shower guy."

"I got to get going Sinclair seeya tomorrow."

"OK no hard feelings man." Sinclair said and as Chris stood "Shit have a look at the front of your shorts man you can't wear them home it's too obvious what that is."

"No no hard feelings I guess, you got something I can wear."

"I'll find you something but I'm not as big as you so it will be a bit tight whatever I come up with."

Sinclair hunted around his drawers and pulled out a pair of white running shorts. As he handed them to Chris he could see the outline of Chris'still swollen cock in the cum soaked shorts.. "For someone who doesn't like doing things you sure pump up quick and go off quicker."

"I don't like it you know that but I can't control my dick it has a mind of its own."

"Listen Chris you keep saying that but it;s time you were honest with yourself." Sinclair said

"Before I came to this place when back home I never saw another guys dick, never did and never wanted to."

"Even though you didn't see them doesn't mean you was not gay and like cock. You just didn't realise it before. You;re gay man nothings changed just now you been exposed to dick and you react to it." Sinclair reasoned

"That's bullshit." Chris screamed at Sinclair," YOu lot are trying to make me gay." With that Chris threw the shorts Sinclair had given him and he rushed from the house, his eyes running tears.

Chris ran with all his effort towards his home, to get away from Sinclair and what Chris thought Sinclair represented. Chris arrived at the park at the rear of the house. He stopped, lent against a tree and took a breather. It was now he began to think of the spot he was in, the things that had happened to him and the future. He floppedd at the base of the tree sweat running freely down his body, his shirt and shorts wet as they soaked it up from his body. His shirt stuck to his back as he leaned against the tree. He sat on the ground, leaning with his back against the tree knees bent and raised towards his chin staring across the park to the rear of the Thompson household, his current home. He could see several groups of kids playing football and others just generally playing in the park. They were to far away to determine who they were. He could see the toilet block and change sheds not far from him to his right. Two kids ran from the toilet and back to join the group playing football. it didnot hold his attention. Meeting everybody at the station on arrival came to mind. He recalled how his father told him it would be a new start for him. He remembered why he had been sent to Sydney in the first place and how he begged his father not to make him come. He thought of how he had been treated by the family since he arrived. He thought mostly of MIchael and how he had gained control of him through some photos and videos. He dropped his head to his knees, closed his eyes and saw how every day he had to strip naked when upstairs because MIchael commanded it so. He thought of school, Mr Lester and everything that happened to him there. Even that was no longer a refuge for him. He had tears run down his face when he recalled the email with the photo Mick had sent to his best mate John Singleton back home in the bush. He worried even everyone at home would think him a raving cock maniac. He now focused on the coming three days when his aunt an uncle would be away leaving him at the mercy of Mick and the humiliations that were sure to happen. Chris sat at the base of the tree sobbing seeing his life before him. He felt he was in a spiral and could see no way of gaining control again and restoring his diginity. This coming weekend he decided would be the most degrading time of his life and he did not want to face it. He didn't want to go on but he didn't know how to gather himself. He felt a rage surge through his body and saw in his minds eye what he would like to do to MIck. He was bigger and stronger than MIck, he was bigger than most but even though he had tried before he was eaily beaten in a fight. God even Sinclair had held it over him this afternoon and he was one of the softer boys in his grade. He would not acept what Sinclair had said, he was not gay, he did not like being humiliated. In frustration Chris punched himself in the genitals, sayimg to himself at the same time if it were not for his cock he would not be in the trouble he's in. He groaned in pain at the impact. He would not do that again. Why couldn't he control his cock, why did precum flow so freely and in such volume, why was the thing so much bigger than everyone else's. They made him feel like a freak and he felt denigrated by being put on display at Mick's whim. He couldn't go on. How to stop it?

Chris had been sitting at the base of the tree for over half an hour, he had stopped sweating and now just sat with his head resting back against the tree, eyes closed thinking on his dilemna. He had no thought of what was happening elsewhere just how to handle his situation both now and in the future.

Suddenly, the now became the very now when he heard a voice growl at him,"What are you doing homo waiting for some little boys in the toilets over there." Chris opened his eyes and saw a kid he had seen but did not know and the bully Lancaster from school. The lad he had had the run in at school with, the one involved in the detention. The same lad Mick warned Chris to stay clear of because he was a bully.

"Fuck off Lancaster." Chris snapped back

"What are you up to, waiting on a boyfriend yeah." lancaster retorted

"Go back to your own bit of the world Lancaster leave me alone."

"Just what I was doing Thompson, I live on the other side of the trees through there." Lancaster explained unexpectedly. Lancaster's tone had not been aggressive to date just snide.

"Well don't get lost on your way." Chris chipped back at Lancaster

This remark took away the smirk from Lancaster's face and he bent forward and dragged Chris by the shirt front off the ground. He held Chris firmly against the tree and stared into his eyes.

"You're a smart mouth aren't you." Lancaster said

Chris emotionally spent gave no thought to his situation and spat at Lancaster then said" You been in the toilets with your little mate."

Lancaster strengthend his grip around Chris' collar and pushed him harder against the tree. He stared into Chris' eyes " Now you pay."

Chris snapped his leg forward trying to knee Lancaster in the groin but he was standing to close to him and Lancaster felt the movement coming in his leg and turned sideways to take the impact to his thigh. Lancaster brought his left fist crashing into Chris' abdomen. Chris let out a huge groan, raised his both legs in reaction and as Lancaster released his grip on Chris , Chris slumped to the ground at the base of the tree. Lancaster looked around, there was nobody in the immediate vicinity to see what was happening.

Lancaster reached down and took hold of Chris again and dragged him some 10 metres (33 feet) to a park table and bench and threw Chris to the ground again. Chris moaned again. He attmepted to raise himself off the ground and as he got to one knee he was again punched very firmly to the side of his head. Chris crashed to the ground in a semi conscious state.

"Fuck Lancaster don't kill him." Lancaster's mate called to him

"Fuck him, take his shirt off him." Lancaster instructed.

Lancaster's partner moved to Chris and manhandling him removed his shirt only tearing several buttons from the cloth. Lancaster then bent down and hoisted Chris up and laid him across the bench seat, feet on one side head and arms the other . Chris didnot resist, he lay across the bench not able to move to defend himself. Lancaster took Chris' shirt and proceeded to tie his two hands on one side of the bench together and passing the shirt under the bench tied the hands to the ankles on the other side of the bench. Chris now lay across the bench his abdomen and chest on the bench the rest hanging either side and trussed to together by Chris' shirt. He began to stir, he could see a fog in front of him. As he attempted to move his arms and stand he realise he was unable to get off the bench.

"This is your fault homo for being a smart arse." Lancaster said to Chris

"Fuck you turd face." responded Chris

"He's got a mouth don't he." said lancasters mate

"Sure has, see how he feels about this." and with that Lancaster moved forward took hold of the waist band of Chris'shorts and dragged it down to his ankles. Chris now lay naked on the bench shorts around his ankles restricting his leg movement and tied by his shirt.

"He's got no undies." Lancaster's mate said

"Reckons he doesn't wear 'em, that's how you can pick a homo." Lancaster replied all knowingly

"I always wear undies, I ain't queer."responded the mate

Chris looked up from his position how he was tied ,"You're both mental quadraplegics, not a brain between you." Chris lay on the seat his arse exposed to the world, at least his dick wasn't on display he thought.

"Yeah well you work out who the dumb shit is," and with that Lancaster moved across in front of Chris. Chris heard a sound of clothes and looked up to see Lancaster pulling down the waist of his footy shorts and pulling out his cock. Chris watched Lancaster's cock hanging there staring back at him with its one eye. Chris felt himself begin to harden. Lancaster proceeded to piss over Chris' face , head and neck. Urine ran down his back. Chris could see the piss streaming from the slit in Lancaster's cock. He was mesmerised, he could not look away. He felt himself hard against the bench seat. He continued to watch Lancaster as the flow stemmed to a dribble and the last drops. Lancaster tucked himself back into his shorts.

"Seeya Thompson." Lancaster said to Chris as he put his arm on his mates shoulder and they both turned to leave.

"You can't leave me here it's getting dark." Chris cried out

Lancaster turned back and saw Chris struggling to break free but could not.

"What can I tell the coppers when they find me like this" Chris directed to Lancaster

Lancaster stopped, looked at his mate and then turned and walked back to Chris. "All you got to do is call one of your homo mates when you see them going into the toilets, get them to release you."

"What if the coppers come around first " Chris asked

Lancaster stood for a while thinking about the consequences to him. Because it was getting dark there wouldn't be many people around to see and release Chris, but he didn't want to give into Chris and release him.

"Bad luck for you," Lancaster replied and turned his back again as if to walk away.

Chris continued to struggle to get free but with the shorts around his ankles and the shirt tied so tightly nothing would shake out.

"Please Lancaster I'm sorry alright, sorry I was a shit head. Please release me." Chris pleaded

"Tell you what Thompson, I'll come back in an hour and if you're still here you can tell me what you will do for me if I untie you., ok."

"Please Lancaster don't leave me like this , let me go, I'll do anything for you." Chris whimpered

"Well if you'll do anything now just think what you will do in an hour. Seeya if you're here when I get back. By the way if you tell the coppers I did this to you i guarantee you will not understand the shit storm you're gonna be in." Lancaster turned and began to leave.

"Please Lancaster don't leave me like this." Chris begged

"Seeya in a hour or two." and with that lancaster and his mate turned and walked off into the wooded area. He left Chris lying trussed across the bench his piss drying on Chris' head and body.

Darkness was closing fast. Chris could raise his head and look across the park to the rear of the Thompson household, he could see lights on in the house. The night lighting flicked on in the toilet block across to his right, but there seemed to be no one around. Chris lay across the bench his body naked, his arse in air for anyone interested to share.

After about 30 minutes Chris began to relax and his mind stopped being absorbed by his immediate situation but went back to focusing on the coming three days Friday through to the Monday he didn't think he would able to sustain what he was sure lie ahead for him. A hour passed and no sign of Lancaster, what would Chris offer him to release him. Chris scanned the area nobody in sight. The lights on the oval and the perimeter of the park showed no body out walking this evening. Chris lay on the bench considering his predicaments, he searched for solutions. His life was really cocked up. In the half darkness from the lights Chris lay waiting for lancaster when he heard sounds coming from the path that led into the wooded area. Chris thought Lancaster is coming back. He heard voices, then general movement, then laughing and voices again. The voices were not those of Lancaster, they sounded female. Chris began to grimace at being found like this. The voices came nearer.

Chris saw three people come out of the trees and walk towards the toilet block and towards him. He dropped his head wanting to become invisible. Clearly the voices belonged to girls. The girls walked past the toilet block and continued towards Chris, animated in their discussion. They were about 5 metres( 15 feet) from Chris talking and laughing together whilst they walked slowly to start to cross the oval. Chris looked up and in the light could see two teenaged girls and what appeared to be a younger boy. he didnot recognise any of them. He then heard the pounding of footsteps coming from the trees from where the other three had just emerged. The footsteps sounded heavy and were quick. He looked to the path from the trees and saw Lancaster break into the opening. Lancaster dressed only in shorts , t and sneakers was jogging and headed directly towards Chris. The three unknowns to Chris heard Lancaster's movements and looked to see wha the noise was.

As Lancaster neared Chris and the group one of the girls raised her hand and waved and called," Hi Rob."

Lancaster broke stride and called back " Hi Sharon what you doin'."

Lancaster and the group changed direction and began to walk towards each other. They came together and began to chat. Chris could hear the conversation, but no one had looked over to where he was. He willed Lancaster would not bring the others to where he was. For what ever reason, maybe with the thought of the humiliation he would face should others see him like he was, he felt his penis begin to harden against the slats of the bench. Chris moved himself around to make himself more comfortable and in doing so was able to get his penis to poke between the seating slats. This relieved the pressure on his penis by stopping it being crushed between his stomach and the slats and it now poked down like a divining rod to the ground. The group continued talking when they turned and began to follow Lancaster over to where Chris was bound. Chris by this time was fully erect, and as he watched them approach he felt his penis begin to throb. As the group approached the others realised someone was lying on the bench seat. The girls turned excitedly to Lancaster pointing to the body on the bench. Lancaster feigned dismay at the discovery and said they should go and see what it was about. As the group got closer to the bench the young lad noticed this thing hanging down between the slats of the bench, he pointed it out to one of the girls, his sister. She stared at the hanging object and as they got closer could see what in fact the object was. As they got to the bench she nudged the other girl who bent down and looked under the bench.

"Please untie me." Chris pleaded.

"Don't touch him," said Lancaster" He might be a deviate, you never know I should call the police."

"He's exposing himself, look under the bench." one of the girls said

"Jeez it's a whopper," said the young boy.

The two girls kneeled on the ground staring at the now straining erect penis poking through the slats and were whispering and laughing between themselves.

"Come on girls you shouldn't be looking at boys things." lancaster smiled to the girls

"Doesn't hurt to look Rob, its like window shopping, got to look around before you buy."

"If that's the reason you want to look, then you can look at mine." Lancaster said as he placed his hand on his waist band of his shorts.

"I don't want to buy one that big,"the other girl replied. "There's so much of it I couldn't handle it all."

"You want to try and handle mine." Lancaster asked

The young boy still kneeling and staring at the hanging appendage said"It's all wet at the end and dribbling."

"Please let me go, please," cried Chris," Please stop staring, Lancaster please untie me."

"You know him Rob," the girl asked

"Yeah I think so, I think he goes to our school." lancaster replied

Chris went to shout at Lancaster but decided he would not give him an excuse not to release him. He lay looking at the group. He looked directly into the face of the young boy," Please untie me."

"Can I get a stick and give him a whack on his thingy." the boy asked

Lancaster responded " No way, you don't do things like that. Better you lot get on your way and I'll look after this kid here."

"What are you going to do." asked the girl

"You get on your way and I'll release him and get him home, he looks like he's been assaultled."Lancaster instructed,"Go on, you lot get going but don't tell anyone, we don't want the guy here being anymore embarrassed do we."

After some discussion among them the three said their goodbyes and went on their way, every so often looking back to see what was happening at the bench.

Lancaster moved close to Chris and knelt beside him,"Sorry about that, the girls weren't meant to see you. Did you have any other visitors."

"No thankfully not until they came along. Please release me now. I'll do anything you want, anything."

""So you agree to do anything I ask when I ask." lancaster said.

"Yes anything ." Chris replied

"Thats what you say now . How long that going to go on for." Lancaster proded

"I will I swear anything for while ever I'm at this school." Chris responded," Even if it's another 3 years"

"OK you better have learnt your lesson, this wouldn't have happend if you didn't have a smart mouth." Lancaster told Chris as bent to begin to untie him." Believe me though if you go back on your word what happened now is nothing, I'll come get you."

"I swear, you got my word. I'll do whatever you tell me to."

Lancaster continued to untie Chris' bindings and released and helped him sit up on the bench from his prone position. Chris sat on the bench with his penis sticking straight up from between his thighs.

"Hell that is one monster of a weapon fag boy." Lancaster commented" Pull your shorts up. I don't want to look at that thing."

Chris stood cock distended, bent and pulled up his shorts, he took his shirt, shook it to straighten it out and dragged it over his body.

"I just noticed you got no pubic fag boy why is that."

Chris dropped his gaze from Lancaster then mumbled"They got shaved off."

"You shave your pubics, fuck me man, you are out there."

"I didn't shave them it was done to me." Chris again mumbled his reply.

"What, who did that to you."

Chris could hold it in no longer. He wanted some control back in his life, he could see no way of getting that but he all of a sudden thought if he told someone, someone not close, but someone who might listen to his side of things. Just like in the confessional, which he had thought of going to but did not have the courage. Over the next hours the two boys sat on the bench as Chris described in detail to Lancaster what had happened to him since he arrived in Sydney from the bush. Lancaster for the most part sat silent and listened occasionally asking questions to clarify something or a question about somebody. When he was finished his tale Chris felt emotionally exhausted but as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulder. He did not know why as everything was still the same except an extra person knew the sordid details. Lancaster asked him about his life in the bush and what his interests were. What he did at school, what sport he played, about his friends male and female. Chris told Lancaster the lot. Lancaster told Chris he had heard he was a very good footballer, and active swimmer and water polo player. Chris told Lancaster of his sport representations for country versus city , the teams he had played, he laid his life out, how felt about everything. He even told Lancaster about wanting to cut off his cock because of the trouble it caused him. By evening end Lancaster knew the full story of Christian Thompson. He then outlined to Lancaster his concerns for the coming weekend given what had already happened to him and the talk he had heard.

Rob Lancaster reached out and put his arm around the shoulder of Christian Thompson and pulled him close to him, Christian had tears rolling down his face, at last he had someone who had listened to him, he felt at last to have a mate.

"Listen Chris, I don't know what I'm going to do about all this yet but for now you go home tonight and get some rest. Tomorrow I'll see you at school, you can stay at my place ove the weekend and I'll have something sorted after that."

Chris looked up and into the other boys' face," Lancaster thanks for listening but I..."

Rob Lancaster interupted him," To start with I won't call you fag boy, so you call me Rob. You go on home I'll see you tomorrow, and remember your earlier promise to me that you would do everything I told you to, well part of that is that I'm telling you to stay at my place over the weekend. I'll speak to Mick, he'll understand after I explain to him."

Chris stood from the bench, Rob's arm falling from his shoulders," Thanks for listening see you tomorrow Rob" Chris smiled a genuine smile for the first time in what seemed a long time

"See ya Chris you leave it to me, I'll fix things tomorrow. Seeya mate."

With that Chris turned and scampered off across the oval to the Thompson household, he knew he would be in trouble for being late. Rob Lancaster remained sitting on the bench looking after his new charge running across the oval. He sat a pondered his actions for tomorrow and the future.

To be continued

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written.

Next: Chapter 19

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