Chris New Life


Published on Feb 25, 2009


From: christian lee Subject: Chris - New Life - Chapt 16

This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

Chris - New Life.

Chapter 15

The three boys walked into the house. Mick called out to see who was home. No reply. He walked into the kitchen and on the bench was a note to all of the boys saying dinner was in the fridge and that the parents had gone out to a BBQ at the club and would be home at 11. Call them at the club if they needed them.

Mick looked at Chris,"Righto drop em, mum and dad aren't down here."

Chris did as he was told and took off his speedos leaving him naked. ANdo stood and stared.

"What's going on." Ando asked

"Oh. Chris doesn't like to wear clothes so when we're home, upstairs he's always bare, and downstairs when the oldies are out he roams around downstairs like it as well.'Mick explained

"that's not quite right." Chris interjected.

"Looks great to me'" Ando said

"Let's go upstairs," mick suggested and the boys moved to the stairs.

Mick took the lead and climbed the stairs. Chris was standing back to let Ando go before him but ANdo stopped pointed to the stairs and said" No, no, you first." and allowed Chris to move in front of him. As Chris climbed the stairs in front of Ando he felt the intense stare of Ando, and when they were half way up the stairs felt the light touch of Ando's hands on his taut mounds. Chris did not look back but continued on his way. Ando too was developping an obsession.


Chapter 16

As they got to the top of the stairs the phone rang, Mick answered, it was Chris' father. Chris went to the phone and spoke for some time to his father, then his mother and then Bill his young brother. After an hour and with Chris with tears in his eyes now feeling home sick for the family he rang off from speaking to home. He walked back into the boy's bedroom, Chris was in no mood now he felt depressed. He sadly longed to be at home with his mum and dad and Bill and his mates, his fair dinkum mates, not these using wankers, he thought. I'd never be in this shit at home, these pooftas are manipulative pricks, all of them. They're all fags, all of them, even the straight ones. Chris was upset. As Chris walked into the room Ando started to make a comment.

Chris heard Ando but didn't give him time to finish it was something about his cock he knew," Shut the fuck up, you say one more word and I'll smash you." Chris glared at both Mick and Ando, and moved to within striking distance of both boys with his fists clenched.

MIck knew if Chris got stirred enough he would take on both boys, he would lose but he would still take them on. Mick put his hand on Ando's shoulder and said to him," Talk to you tomorrow mate about the beach eh. You, me ,Chris and some of the others. Talk to you in the morning." Ando took the hint, said his goodbyes and scooted off home.

Chris lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. He got up off the bed and went to his drawer and pulled on a pair of briefs. He went and lie on the bed. Not a word passed between the two boys. Mick went downstairs to watch TV leaving Chris to his thoughts. Mick realised Chris was on the brink of exploding, no use in pushing him to far.

When Mick came back upstairs to bed, it was late everyone was now home. The bedroom light was on but Chris was out like a light gently snoring. Mick moved across to where Chris slept and lightly lifted the bed sheet. He saw Chris was sleeping in the briefs he had put on earlier, Mick knew he had to do something about this or he would lose control of Chris. Mick went to the computer and opened his files, it was time to print out some material. Chris had a short memory about what was on disc involving him. For the next hour Mick reviewed files and printed some graphic photos. He searched further and sent a download of a short vid to his phone. A productive night he thought, and yawning got up from the computer and went to the bathroom. Mick spent some time in the bathroom, using the toilet, washing up and cleaning his teeth. Mick came out of the bathroom, went to his bed, stripped off his shorts to his briefs and climbed into bed. It had been a big day and within minutes Mick was asleep.

Next morning Chris was up early and went downstairs. He had intended going for a run around the adjoining oval but the family were all downstairs, except MIck who was still asleep upstairs. Chris decided not to run but sat and chatted with the family. He told them of his call from home and how he had felt very homesick. Uncle John said he understood very much how he would feel. Uncle John suggested that not the next weekend as he and Aunty Mary would be away from Thursday to Sunday evening at a sales conference, but the following weekend what if he could talk Chris' father into either coming down for a visit for a few days or at least allowing Bill to come and stay. Chris' eyes brightened at the very suggestion and asked if he would really speak to his dad for him. Uncle John promised he would speak with him this evening. He also mentioned as everyone was at the table, except Mick and he would be told when he came down, all of the family was to be home for lunch today and then the afternoon as several members of Aunty mary's family were coming today for a BBQ and they would be required to entertain the kids.

"How many are coming?" asked peter

"There's uncle warren and aunty kay with their three, uncle peter and aunty rae with their two and uncle jason and aunty kate with their mob."

"Jesus dad with our mob that's about twenty all together." Peter exclaimed.

"Don't blaspheme, " Uncle John said," That would be about right, as far as I know they're all coming."

"Why do I have to be there. The only one about my age is Jason and he's a dead set..."

"Enough Peter, you will be there , just like everyone else." Uncle JOhn demanded.

Mick wandered into the kitchen as everyone was finishing breakfast. Uncle John started to tell him about the visitors for the day. Chris rose and excused himself and went back up to his room. Chris entered the room and decided he would send an email to a mate of his in the bush. He did not have an addresss set up but used Mick's. When Chris sat at the computer and moved the mouse on the pad, the black screen came to life. Chris sat staring at the files before him, they were files of him, photos and vids. Chris could not imagine how this was available to him because Mick had everything password protected. Mick had been using these files and forgotten to shut them down when he finished Chris decided. Chris moved quickly through the file deleting all photographs and videos. He then searched for more incriminating evidence of him, nothing he could find. Chris deleted the rubbish bin and then shut down the computer, he did not send his email. Chris went and lie on his bed fully dressed in briefs, shorts and T. Chris knew the argument would come when Mick entered the room and saw him.

Some half hour after Chris Mick arrived back in the room. Mick looked at Chris lying on the bed reading, he shut the door.

"That's not how you're to be dressed remember." Mick demanded

"Fuck you.' Chris replied.

"OK just to refresh your memory look at this, and with that Mick took his mobile phone from his pocket and called up vids. Nothing happened. He again tried, nothing appeared on the screen. He must have mucked up the transmission. He would send it again he thought.

Chris lay on his bed waiting, nothing, except mumbling at his mobile. He then went to his backpack and pulled out several prints. " You like these." Mick said handing them to Chris. CHris looked at them carefully and tore them up. "You can rip up as many as you like I only printed them for you, I'll do some for the guys at school eh."

"Fuck you," Chris repeated and arose form the bed holding the scraps of torn photos and moved to the door.

"You walk out and I'll show everything on you I got." Mick warned Chris

"Fuck you, go ahead do what you like." Chris snarled back at mIck , and then left the room. He then remembered he had to ring Sinclair by this afternoon or he would be in trouble with him. Chris went to the phone downstairs and called Sinclair.

Mick dashed to his computer, turned it on, put in a password, the computer came to life. He then went to his files and selected a file and it requested a password. He entered the password and the file opened. Mick dragged the mouse over a file and double clicked, the file opened, it contained nothing. He completed the exercise again, and again, and again none of the files contained material, it was lost, what had happened. It was Chris he knew that, but how. Meanwhile Chris was explaining to Sinclair on the telephone why he couldn't come over to his place this afternoon as he had been instructed,he had to be home to meet the visiting relatives. He would contact Sinclair later if there was a chance of meeting him otherwise see him at school. Sinclair agreed with what Chris was saying but also that Chris should not think when he saw him at school tomorrow he could take violence against him. Chris rang off. While Chris was on the phone, Mick went to his drawer and took out a plug in with his back up files. he was not losing them again like he did before to Sinclair. This was his insurance. Mick opened the files, selected several photos of Chris jerking off and a short video of him jerking and blowing his load over himself and attached them to an email to a person Chris had sent emails to before in the bush, someone Mick knew to be a mate of Chris and sent it off to him asking him to look at the attached and reply.

Mick then ran downstairs and saw Chris walking into the back yard.

"What did you do, smart arse." Mick snapped

"Exactly what you would have done." Chris answered

"You got no right to touch my shit." Mick hurled at Chris.

"Just listen to yourself you fuckwit. I got every right to protect me. From now on you need to watch your back," Chris warned," I'll have you."

Mick's eyes stared deeply into Chris, his face reddended, he was about to erupt. Mick launched forward at Chris knocking him to the ground. The two boys continued to roll about and wrestle on the ground with a punch being thrown by either party as they got the opportunity. Blood ran from Chris' nose. More punches from either boy. Chris whilst being considerably bigger, stronger and better muscled did not have the fighting ability of Mick who was landing the more telling blows. The noise from the melee was heard in the house and Uncle John ran into the yard and broke the two boys apart. He asked for an explanation from either boy as to what happened. Neither would comment. Uncle John threatened them with lock down.

Mick spoke," It's between Chris and me, a misunderstanding, eh Chris. I'm sorry."

Uncle John looked at Chris "Is that right ,"

"Yeah that's right uncle, I'm sorry too." and with that Chris pushed forward his hand to shake with Mick. Mick took the proffered hand.

"Righto you blokes keep a control on yourselves, no more fighting OK. Us Thompsons are lovers not fighters" Uncle John said, then turned and went back to the house.

As Chris went to say something Mick held up his hand,"I think you're in for a surprise, I reckon over the next 12 hours you should get an email from your mates at home." MIck smiled, " But rather than me try to explain it to you go and have a look at the last message you sent to your mate Johnny Singleton." Mick looked directly at Chris,"Then come and talk to me." He looked directly at Chris again deeply into his eyes," SOrry I punched you, I don't want to hurt you, but you got to understand." and with that he walked into the house.

Chris followed him into the house and rushed upstairs to the bedroom and the computer. It was turned on, where Chris had previously turned it off. He rushed to the screen and brought up Outlook. He went to the sent box. He saw the email to Johnny Singleton, under Micks name but signed off by him. He read the email, he opened the attachments. He sat staring at the screen, speechless. His mind whirred. How did he have this, Chris checked all the files. How would he explain this to his mate Johnny Singleton. How would he talk him out of showing or discussing it with others. He was on overload, he couldn't think. Chris slumped at the desk his head in his arms. He tried to think of a way forward. Whatever happened Johnny Singleton would know Chris liked to play with cum and cock. How would he explain the photo of cum over his arse. Chris shook. He prayed John would ring him, or maybe he should ring him now, that's what he could do.

While Chris was in his state of confusion MIck entered the room and looked at Chris with his head nestled on his arms lying on the desk.

"You got it now, I'm not fucking around, next time it will be a general broadcast. I didn't do it this time because I didn't want the whole school to know my cousin who lives with me is a faggot. But I will." Mick directed to Chris. " Now strip out of your gear, upstairs you don't wear anything remember."

Chris stood from the desk, a defeated soul. He moved to the set of drawers and pulled off his t and slipped his shorts and briefs over his hips, down his legs and stepped out of them. He bent picked them up and folded them and returned them to the top of the drawers.

"Face me." Mick told Chris

Chris turned and faced Mick. His body on show. Mick stared at the flacid penis that hung from the bare lower stomach. As he focused on it, without any outside intervention the penis began to inflate, lengthen and girth begin to swell. Chris hung his head. One head bowed the other began to stand to attention. It was uncontrolleable.

"I like it without hair man, looks imposing. Have a look at it, you only got to get naked and it starts to get hard. You get off on this don't ya."

"I don't I hate it," Chris rebutted." I don't like people looking at me and I don't like being made out I'm gay."

"Bullshit Chris. have a go at you, look you got precum starting to leek. You love this. oh and you are a fag. Face the facts. You get bare you get hard, you see something gay or someone touches you you blow your wad. Not like once or twice but you keep doing it." Mick replied to Chris. " You just get off on it admit it."

"I don't, please stop." Chris said, he moved his hand to his penis and felt the smooth liquid seeping from its tip, why was he excited.

"Tell you what I 'll do for today with all the visitors you can wear shorts that I pick for you and a t but no briefs ok. Hows that for saving you from getting embarrassed in front of everyone."

"Thanks MIck. Please don't send anymore messages to anyone," Chris pleaded

"I won't need to will I because you will be a good little boy from now on won't you." Mick responded sternly.

"Yes I will, whatever you say." Chris answered.

"Given you got two hours before you got to be home here for lunch with the relo's why not shoot over to Sinclair's and see him." Mick suggested

" Nah don't have to going to see him at school tomorrow." Chris informed Mick

"Ah good the pussy 's coming in again is he, worked out he can't hide. I better ring the guys and tell them we won't be at the beach." Mick went to walk off to the phone but turned and said to Chris," Given it's so hot we might be able to get them all to go to the pool this afternoon, or at least the kids, what do you reckon."

"Yeah that would be good, better than hangin' here in the heat," Chris responded.

"Great idea," peter called from the hall as he passed their room," I'll suggest it to dad now see if it tracks." and with that Peter bounded down the stairs calling for his father.

Peter spoke to his dad who agreed it might be good for those kids who wanted to go to the pool after lunch while the oldies sat around , had a drink and talked. He told Peter he would ring those coming and suggest they throw in their swimmers.

Chris thought on what Mick had suggested and told Mick he would call across to Sinclair's place now and get their chat over and done with.

"Good I was going to suggest that again to you. How long to walk to Sinclair's from here you reckon." Mick asked

"Ten to fifteen,"Chris replied

"OK well to see if you're fair dinkum about doing what you're told from when you leave here you got 8 minutes to ring me from Sinclair's house." Mick said

"I'll have to sprint the whole way, in this heat." Chris complained

"You got it."Mick replied'Now let's see what you can wear." and with that Mick went to the dresser and sorted through clothes for Chris to wear to Sinclairs. He picked out a white nylon athletic singlet and a pair of white nylon running shorts that belonged to Peter some years earlier. "These will do you."

Chris put the clothes on without complaint. Once dressed he commented the singlet was tight and the shorts were a bit short.

"Yeah but you got plenty of leg room with the slits in the sides the way they are." Mick told him" You better get going, don't be late back. You got 8 minutes to ring me."

With that Chris bolted down the stairs and out through the back yard and acrosss the adjoining park. With only eight minutes he had no time to waste. He arrived at Sinclairs and knocked on the door. Fortunately Sinclair opened the door and started to talk to Chris but Chris just asked to use th ephone quickly. He rang Mick.

"Well done, all sweaty are we." Mick asked and then chuckled," See you back here for lunch, don't be late."

Chris put he phone down and turned back to Sinclair. Sinclair looked closely at Chris. He was a lather of perspiration, his clothess were wet with sweat. The white fabric had become somewhat transparent. Sinclair stared at Chris, trying to see through the clothes comletely. The boys stood in the entrance foyer for several minutes, no words passing between them.

"Hello Chris , nice to see you." Mr Sinclair said as he walked passed the boys."How have you been, I haven't seen you since I can't remember when."

"Yeah hi," Chris responded." I can."

"What was that son." mr Sinclair asked

"I said I can remember the last time we met." Chris shot back

"Oh I see, tell you what make sure you see me before you go I got something I need to show you. It's a bit of a surprise for Michael here. Nice shorts, hot are you" he said talking to Chris and referring to his son. Mr Sinclair went to his office.

"Let's go to the games cabana, you want to go for a quick swim." Sinclair asked

"nah, I haven't got long I got that lunch I told you about."

The two boys moved from the house into the back yard to the pool area and the cabana. Sinclair took drinks from the fridge and they lay back opposite each other on the large bean bags spread on the tiled floor.

Chris immediately confronted Sinclair about why he had turned on him and supported MIck. Sinclair asked Chris about the bruises on his face and then explained to Chris Mick had also assaulted him to get back his files. He said he didnot give him backc the dvds only the files. The boys argued heatedly for a short while.

"It doesn't matter Chris, Mick has got them now so there's no use you picking at me. He beat me so I gave them to him. You're a lot bigger than me and look what he did to you."

"You're a pussy Sinclair, you put me right back in it. Now I can't get away from him." Chris complained

"I just want us back like we were, I really love you Chris." Sinclair declared

"Fuck off you got a funny way of showing how you like a person. You turn on me then tell me you love me." Chris lamented."It's over Sinclair. Your as bad as your old man, fucking devious. I'm out man, you just want to use people."

"You look sexy with your shorts like that." Sinclair said to Chris

"Leave it Sinclair, you don't need to think you're ever going to get any closer to what's in them, trust me." Chris avowed.'You had your chance and burnt your bridge."

"I think you're forgetting things , but come over sit with me so we can get together, no one will bother us."

"That's the trouble I'm remembering everything, I going." Chris said as he went to stand and leave.

"Before you do Chris please just wait a minute I got something for you, I'll just go get it from my room. I got it ready for you for Monday, please wait." and with that Sinclair bounded up and shot back into the house.

Chris sat waiting for Sinclair to return concentrating more on what Mr Sinclair wanted to see him about.

Sinclair returned ot the cabana and handed Chris a large brown envelope. He didnot say anything for a moment then "You want to reconsider your position. If you don't get up and walk out if you do come over and sit alongside of me ."

Chris opened the flap to the envelope and removed the contents. There were 4 photos 10inch X 8 inch. All showed Chris in compromising situation. Chris quickly worked out Sinclair had returned Mick's files but not before copying them. Chris stared back at Sinclair. He looked deeply into the black pools that were Sinclair's pupils. He was beautiful.

"I love you Chris and I don't want to hold you this way but I won't let you go. I'll do this if I must." Sinclair said in very hushed tone, "Please try if we can't get it together after making the effort then ok." Sinclair sat again on the bean bag and patted a position alongside of him for Chris. Chris stood staring down at Sinclair, he moved a pace closer and now stood directly in front of him, staring down on him. Sinclair subconsciously lowered his eyes from meeting Chris to Chris' crotch, then to the slits in the side of the shorts, and then up the leg. Sinclair didnot move his stare from up the leg of the shorts. Chris became aware of what Sinclair was staring at, he began to harden. Quickly, what was wrong with him. Sinclair seeing the thickening in the shorts moved his hand forward and slid it into the leg of the shorts. Chris went to back away but on the feel of Sinclairs finger s touching his cock head held his ground, thrust his hips forward and moaned. The little head was again over ruling the big head. With the split in the leg of the shorts as pronounced as it was for athletics and the legs so short, as Chris expanded his cock forced its way into the open pushing up the left leg opening of the shorts. Sinclair continued to run his fingers around the pulsing bright red cock head smoothing a now silky fluid over the glans. Chris thrust his head skywards.

"No no stop. Please stop," Chris cursed "I got to go, I must. I'll see you at school."

"OK but you will be with me tomorrow won't' you." Sinclair asked

"yeah I understand what you did and why it just shits me is all" Chris stood with his hands over his front willing down his now excited penis. He had reached full extension.

"You want me to get rid of that for you." Sinclair asked andwent to get on his knees.

"No , no I haven't got time and you doing that just makes it harder." Chris said" Got to go." with that Chris patted Sinclair on the shoulder, looked into his eyes and smiled and took off for the door.

"Not going without saying goodbye are you young Christian, come into my office." Mr Sinclair said just as Chris was reaching for the front door.

"I'm really running late for visitors Mr Sinclair can I see you another day." Chris asked

"This will only take a minute i told you I have something for you." Mr Sinclair reminded Chris

"Oh ok then," Chris said keeping his hands shielding the protruding front of his shorts.

"Sit there for a minute while I get it for you." Mr Sinclair said indicating for Chris to sit on the side of the examination table in his surgery. Chris did as directed. Mr Sinclair walked back into the surgery from his office and handed Chris a brown envelope. " I got this for you, for old time sake."

Chris took the envelope and removed the contents, he stared at the photo. It showed Chris lying on his stomach, naked, his face looking back at his arse and just the tip of a cock oozing cum lying between his arse mounds. "Thought you might like a keepsake, I got plenty more if you recall. Come and see me for an examination next week." Mr Sinclair told him. He moved over to Chris and dropped his hand on a chubby cock. He moved his hand and lifted the short leg exposing the cock head. The cock bounded to full erection, Mr Sinclair bent down and kissed its tip then swiped his tongue over the piss slit, Chris moaned. Mr Sinclair stood straight "Well you better be going. see you during the week."

Chris jumped down from the exam table and bolted out the door, his excited cock leading the way and bobbing out of his shorts leg. On the way home Chris reflected on what had happened at the Sinclairs. He then reflected on what Mick had said to him. Why did he get hard whenever his cock was in the open or being looked at. Why did he get hard whenever it got touched by who ever. Why did he leak cum all the time. He always had an erection, he could not control it. Maybe Mick was right , he got off on it. Maybe he was gay. He turned and sprinted for home, he was running late. He couldn't get over the fact that all of these people having incriminating photos of him, all threatening to expose him. How did he ever get himself into this. More importantly what was he going to do to get out of it. He continued his sprint for home. He held tightly to the photo given to him by Mr Sinclair. Chris knew this photo was taken the last time he met Mr Sinclair in his office and surgery.

Chris arrived at the house, there were cars parked up the drive and there were kids running around everywhere, he hoped he wasn't too late. Chris walked into the house perspiration running from him from his sprint home. As he entered he was met by Uncle John who took him and introduced him to the visitors. Chris knew none of them as they were from Aunty Mary's side of the family. He met the three sets of parents and the young kids running around the yard, 4 lads Chris guessed to be aged from nine to twelve and two girls who seemed about 11 or 12 years old. Chris told Uncle John he would go upstairs and shower for lunch.

"OK mate but remember you're going swimming after lunch so don't get all dresssed up." Uncle John advised

Chris excused himself and rushed up the stairs to the bedroom. As he entered the room he saw Mick and martin in the room and also two other lads about MIcks age sitting there talking. Mick introduced Chris to his cousin and his cousin's mate. He also informed Chris Peter was in his room with two more, both cousins, if he wanted to say hello. Chris took the hint and walked down the hall to Peter's room and walked in to say hello and meet the visitors. peter introduced Chris to his cousins, one male one female. The male was about peter's age but the girl looked younger more like fifteen. Chris then excused himself saying he had to take a shower before lunch. Chris returned to his room with MIck and company and went to his dresser to get clean clothes.

"Mate you hop in the shower and I'll find you something, we'll be called for lunch soon." Mick told Chris

"Thanks mate, just shorts and t eh," Chris said knowing there was no use in debating anything with Mick in front of visitors or he could find himself with nothing. Chris moved into the bathroom which could be accessed directly from both peter and Micks bedrooms and from the hall.

Chris put himself under the shower and relaxed for the first time in the day. The warm water helped ease some of the bruises he received from his earlier brush with Mick. Chris stood under the water allowing it to cascade over his body. The feel of the falling water striking him from the shower brought him to an erection. He ran his soaped hands over his body, around where his pubic hair used to be, along his stretched shaft. He leaned his head back against the tiles, feeling the water , feeling himself. Chris finished soaping, rinsed his body and stepped from the shower and dried himself. Mick had not brought him any clothes. Chris finished drying himself, wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into the bedroom.

"Sit down mate, sorry I didn't think you would be so quick, you normally take a lot longer taking care of things." Mick smiled,"I'll get you something." Mick went to his dresser and pulled out a t and another pair of athletic shorts. They were in school colours.He threw them to Chris "there you go mate, pull them on."

Chris grabbed the shorts and went to leave the room to change." You're right pull them on here. We've all got one." Mick directed.

Chris stood where he was, pulled on his t then dropped his towel and pulled on the shorts. These were shorter in the leg than the pair he had just taken off. "They used to be my cross country shorts," Mick announced."They'll do to go to the pool won't they. Sit over here mate and shoot some shit." Mick patted a spot on the floor next to him and opposite the other boys and the door, which was open to the hallway.

Chris sat and the boys engaged in conversation, asking about school , sport, girl friends all the things cousins would have in common. Chris was involved in the talk as they questioned him about what it was like living in Sydney and how he was fitting in and making friends. While they were talking Mick closely watched those sitting opposite. He watched where their eyes were looking. He noted that one of his twelve year old cousins had focused his attention on looking at Chris crotch. Mick didn't know if aything was on show so leaned over to Chris and whispered in his ear for Chris to bend his right leg and lean his chin on it. Chris not thinking why, did as he was instructed. As soon as he raised his right leg to the bended position he felt the left leg flair open. He felt his cock drop forward. He sneaked a look at the boys sitting opposite. he noted one lad staring at his crotch, he knew he must see his cock head. At the thought of it he started to swell. The conversation became stilted. The boy staring at Chris' crotch elbowed his friend sitting next to him to draw attention to what he was staring at. The more they stared the more excited Chris became. Chris went to move his right leg but Mick elbowed him and shook his head when Chris looked at him. Chris was now fully erect and it was becoming obvious there was a thin slimey line of precum hanging from the tip of the cock to the floor. The two boys and Martin sitting opposite kept grinning at each other.

"You don't like undies." the visiting cousin asked of Chris

Chris coughed stalling for time to think of an answer." No they get too tight around my nuts." Chris now knowing he had their full attention was excited to his limit. The head of his cock started bobbing up and down with tension, each heart beat being transmitted through the shaft. Precum freely flowed, Chris was close to an ejaculation, unhanded. He could feel his balls drawing up into their sack against his body. While sitting there Peter and the two cousins walked down the hallway and stopped in at the boy's bedroom. Peter didn't notice Chris as he was standing behind the other two but the boy and girl cousins did see. The girl could not take her eyes from the pulsing member. She didn't know this was how big boy's penises were, her brother wasn't that big she was sure. They were called from downstairs to come for lunch, and they started to move off. Chris bounded to his feet and went to the bathroom. He arrived in time to hang his cock over the wash basin and began to ejaculate, strong jets of cum directed to the plughole. The cream coloured cum lay on the basin stuck to the bowl. Chris panted after he had finished, Mick stood at the door watching him.

"Told you , you love it, you get off on dropping out your schlong." Mick laughed, " Come on let's get lunch and then we can get to the pool."

The older girl who had witnessed Chris at his hardest said to her brother on the way down the steps, " You're nothing like that."

"What," he answered

"Your dick, yours isn't as big as that." she replied

"Piss off, it could be." he shot back

"Bull, I've held yours it's nothing like that."

"What are you giving him a hard time about now," peter enquired of the two cousins

"Oh nothing, just how he is such a little boy sometimes." she sniggered in response.

Eventually they all arrived out in the rear yard and gathered around in groups for lunch. The young ones sat together and the oldies sat in their group. The oldies at the outdoor table and chairs the kids on the grass with their legs crossed and lying around. Chris arrived from the bathroom with Mick and very quickly positioned himself away from the older girl cousin, Pam. He did not want her eyeing him up again. She was too intense. Pam on the other hand was looking to sit near Chris again. Chris buried himself away amongst the really young kids, he was safe with the ten to twelve year olds.

At the completion of lunch Peter called those wanting to go to the pool to get their gear and meet out the front in five minutes.

"Come on mate let's get our stuff," Mick said to Chris. "Come on Martin you too, get the others moving."

The group of young ones left for the pool, three girls 11 - 15 years, seven boys 9 - 17 years plus peter, Mick martin and Chris, 13 in totoal it was a big group. On the way the group chatted and played about with the young ones telling everyone how they were going to throw them in the pool. Chris walked with the younger lads he felt less threatened that way.

To be continued

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written.

Next: Chapter 17

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