Chris New Life


Published on Feb 16, 2009


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

Chris - New Life.

Chapter 14

The group travelled on and were nearing home. Nothing had been said. Lester continued to look at Chris' crotch on a regular basis trying for a look at the penis. He was totally obsessed with the lad. He knew his judgement was flawed but he could not restrain himself. He was dreaming of the boy. He kept looking at the pubic hair showing above the top of the speedos. He could clearly define the outline of the bulbous cock head. He had also been wondering what the other boys would look like given how good they looked in their speedos. They were about ten minutes from home.

Lester was going through a mental battle with himself. He knew he was risking his career if this got out. To have the boys was worth it.He was hard within his shorts and was himself leeking precum. He was scared of the outcome, but he had to have them. He couldn't lose, Chris was only a lad of fifteen. He kept going over it in his head, he knew Chris had a much bigger cock, that's what he wanted to swing off. That's what he dreamt of feeling. He was sure Chris' balls could not be as big as his and no way could he shoot the volumes of cum he himself could.

"OK you got your bet." Lester announced.

Mick smiled, he lent over to Ando " Got him." then he said aloud "When do you want to measure."

Lester replied ,"OK this is the condition. We do it now."

Mick was overjoyed." Sure where do you want to go to do the thing." Confident they could not lose. He had sucked Lester in. This would be a first having a teacher under control. Chris was bigger than him everywhere. Lester is a mug.

"My place now." Lester replied.

"Let's go brothers." Mick said to his compatriots." Drive on slave Lester."


Chapter 15

In the minutes remaining before arriving at dave lester's apartment Lester kept running through in his mind the actions he was about to undertake. How could he get caught. No way unless the boys said something. He would get incriminating photos of them to stop that. He knew he shouldn't, he couldn't control himself. Lester knew he was allowing the little head to over rule the big head. He would be openly admitting he was gay, and admitting it to three fifteen yearolds. He began to doubt his decision, what if they talked to any of their mates he was a shot duck. Their was conversation in the car, he didn't hear it he was too busy thinking of what he was about to do. They arrived at the apartment complex and drove in under the building to park the car. The four bundled out of the car, three dressed in shorts and t one dressed in speedos. They moved to the elevator but thne decided to take the stairs to the ground floor. As they walked single file up the stairs Ando followed Chris and paid close attention to the sight of the mounds in front of him. Ando was getting excited.

On reaching the ground level they walked past the pool complex where there were several people swimming. No one took any notice until they heard a voice calling out "Thompson, hey Thompson over here."

All four looked to the direction of the voice. It was Mick who recognised a lad about his size of a bit bigger waving his arms at him.

"What number sir, I'll just go talk to him for a minute." Mick said to Lester

"Number 4 and don't say anything why you're here." Lester intoned.

"Fuck off you reckon I'm stupid." Mick replied.

The three moved around to the ground floor apartment, MIck went across to the fenced pool enclosure to speak to the lad who was calling him. It was a boy Mick went to school to end last term, when he with his parents moved into the new apartment building. He told Mick he had been there about a month. He informed him he now went to St Gabes and that it was ok but not as good as Oakhill. He missed a lot of his friends. Huskey was the lad's name, he was a year older than Mick and had been in the same grade having been made to repeat a grade previously. He was a big lad and as MIck remembered very good at rugby. While the boys chatted freely about all sorts of things Mick eyed Huskey looking over his taut, muscley body. Mick was quite taken with the lad before him, what he wouldn't like to have him do. Huskey asked him what he was doing at the apartment block to which Mick replied they had come over to visit their student teacher Mr Lester, that he was a decent guy and met him at the beach.

"Who was the guy in the speedo," Huskey asked ," He looked like a fag."

"Fuckwit, that was my cousin." Mick responded.

"Sorry mate it 's just it looked a bit revealing if you know what I mean."

"Problem is Huskey he's got something to show not like you." Mick taunted back,

"What you going to do at the teachers," Huskey asked

"Blow the breeze, shoot some shit, you know." Mick said

"Can I come over when I finish here." Huskey said

"Sure, give a good knock on the door eh." Mick advised

"What number is he." Huskey asked

"Number 4, so come on...."

"Really" Huskey interupted Mick. "We live opposite him and I saw him the other arvo jerking off in front of his sliding door, he was going for it." Huskey told MIck

"Man it's cool he's only young like us, you jerk your tube still I bet. He's really a good guy." Mick said "I got to go Huskey seeya after."

"Yeah righto seeya after," Huskey replied as Mick walked back to towards where he thought number 4 would be. He had been speaking with Huskey for about fifteen minutes. When he entered the apartment the three others were sitting around having a cold can of coke. MIck explained who the lad was, and tha the lived opposite Mr lester. Ando recalled Huskey as well although he never had as much to do with him as did Mick. Mick asked Mr Lester if he could have a cold drink. Mr Lester said he would take the opportunity to go to the toilet while he was up and get MIck a drink at the same time. While Lester was away Mick had withdrawn from his pocket a little eblue tablet, semi crushed it, and slipped it into the top of the can Lester was drinking. The other lads were unaware of MIcks move. Some minutes later Mr lester returned with a drink for Mick The four of them sat around, in a very tense atmosphere. Mick felt he had to lighten things somehow.

"This is shit, all sitting up like this," Mick said," How about we sit around on the floor at least we can fuck around a bit and have a joke." All the boys looked at Mr lester, they were not used to being in a teacher's home, even a student teacher.

Lester nodded and slid off the chair he was sitting on and moved into the more open family room area which had a scatter rug spread over a tiled floor, a casual lounge suite and chairs and the TV and stereo. From here they had a view through the large glass sliding door to the gardens and pool enclosure.

"You're right Mick this is far more relaxed." Lester said " Come on boys set yourselves down here." and he patted the rug upon which he was now sitting. The three boys took their drinks and moved down onto the rug. The only one not trying to get close to Chris was Mick. He watched as both Lester and Ando took up positions on either side of him without making it obvious of their interest. Mick smiled to himself.

"well to be fair to Chris he's sitting in cossies and we're all dressed up so I reckon we need to get like him." Mick suggested. "It's not like we ain't going to be getting more gear off sooner or later, eh." Mick was also stalling for some time waiting for the the magic pill to kick in. Mick stood up and pulled off his T and dropped his shorts, leaving him in his speedos.

"I got a better idea, " said Lester " How about we take a quick shower, and I got two, to get the sand off us. It's starting to make a mess on the floor." and he looked where MIck had just dropped his shorts.

"Yeah fair enough, I'll go with Chris and Ando and you go sir. Meet back in five in undies or cossies." Mick said,"Lead us to teh showers."

Lester stood, disappointed he would not be with Chris but still tossing in his mind what was about to happen with the bet. Lester led the way the Thompsons going to one shower and Ando reluctantly following Lester. He too wanted to be with Chris. Chris and MIck both stripped from their gear, turned on the shower, and when it warmed slightly hopped in together. There was no sexual play and the boys were out in minutes. Both pulled their speedos back on. Lester got in the shower and thought Ando would wait for him to finish however Mick had said two together so he walked in on Lester and joined him in the shower cubicle. Whilst unintentional in their contact, as a result of showering together both developped very erect hardons. Lester eyed Ando and was impressed by his naked form. Not as muscled as Chris but with a lithe swimmers physique, dark hair and a pubic bush covering his very straining 150mm(6 inch ) cut cock resting on plump stones Lester felt he could devote himself to Ando as well as Chris. As they dried and pulled on speedos for Ando and a bikini pair of briefs for Lester, Lester began to realise how he was slipping into a devotion of boys. In his profession this was playing russian roulette, at some stage he must lose. He had to stop himself. Ando walked in front of him back to the family room. Lester watched the boys arse moving, Lester was straining erect and beginning to leak precum, it would soon show on the front of his briefs he knew unless he did something to stop this madness. His penis was now so erect. Lester had never felt more excited. His 165mm (6 1/2 inches) of cock was aching from the intense feelings he was experiencing. As the two walked through the door to join the others it was obvious they both had straining cocks.

"What have you two been up to," Mick snickered

Quick as a flash, too quick, Ando answered "Nothing."

Mick looked at them both, then at Chris,"Well we better get started doing something we didn't come here just to fuck around." He paused " Oh, yes we did. so let's start. How you want to do it sir."

"Please don't call me sir here, only when we're at school ok, call me dave." Lester said to the boys,"I don't know I've never done this before." Lester kept his hands covering his crotch. Chris was watching both Ando and Lester and seeing the outline of their hardons was causing him to harden as well. His swelling was happening quickly and the result was about to engulf anything any of the others could do.

"It was your idea sir, I mean dave." Mick said

"It wasn't, I didn't suggest this wager you did," Lester said realising the position he was now being put in.

"Don't know Dave we're here in your apartment, with you guys sitting there hanging onto boners. Come on stop shitting around and let's get doing." mick replied forcefully.

"Look guys a change of plans how about we just have a coke then go for a swim in the pool." Dave Lester suggested

"That's no fun. Shit I reckon I got you on toast Dave, you're about to become my slave." Mick said "I need some excitement. Looking at your cocks you lot are excited."

"I go along with no slave shit but we got to do something more than swim." Ando added, " I can swim at home."

"OK, OK what do you suggest but I can't do slave stuff, I'm a teacher for god's sake. I could get in a lot of trouble for this."

"Don't worry yourself," Ando said.

"Yeah you would be shit just for being here now with us., like this." Mick suggested.

"I know but if I got to be doing stuff for 21 days I'm bound to get found out." Dave Lester said

"Fair enough, so you're willing to do something but just not for so long."Mick said

" I got to be able to pick my moment." Lester said," It's a big trick for us all."

The boys sat looking at each other for several minutes when Ando said,"What about doing a dare and a challenge."

"How's that going to work," said Mick

"I dunno, bit like truth and dare I guess but you get one thing to do straight away and something else to do for five days, say Monday to Friday." Ando suggested

"How does that sound, dave, we're going to something with some excitment to it so this could be the best choice for you." Mick asked

"Yeah, ok so how does it go." Lester agreed

"The game goes for eight hands, that's enough for a dare and a challenge each, but one person can win more than one dare and one challenge. " Ando informed them

"Yeah so how does it start and what do we do." Mick enquired along with Lester, Chris sat quetly by knowing he had no say in anything.

"We sit around, pack of cards in the middle, the each person cuts the cards, the person with the lowest card reaches for a dare. You do this four times until all the dares are decided, then do the same for the challenges."

"How do you know the dare." Chris had to ask

"Easy, we get eight pieces of paper and each person writes a dare on one and a challenge on the other. Then you get the four dares and screw them up into a ball and put them in a pile, and do the same for the challege, then as each person wins a dare they pick up a ball of paper with the dare on it and do the same for the challenges. Simple yes." Ando asked

"Lets think it through," said Dave

"OK, and the dare is straight away and the challenge is over 5 days that right." Mick asked

"You got it , simple eh." Ando responded.

"And no slave stuff." Dave lester added.

"No,no but you might have to do something every day for the five days, but only one thing not a full day or week of stuff all the time." Ando explained

They sat around all staring at each other waiting for agreement. MIck was first and the others then agreed. Dave Lester was last trying to think what the catch could be.

"What if someone refuses to do the dare or challenge." lester asked

"Well before we start we all stand together in a group in the nude and have our picture taken, then if someone doesnot go through with the deal then the picture of them with the others cut out gets published. Dave and MIck can hold a copy each." Ando suggested.

After some debate they agreed individual photos would be better. Each stood and had their photo taken on mick's phone and he then sent a copy across to Dave Lester.

"Go get the cards and some paper and pens Dave." Mick said to an unsure but very stiff Lester who along with the other boys was completely nude as a result of the photo.

The boys waited on Lester to return with the pens etc, and thought of what they could write as a challenge and a dare. All had straining penises. The three boys needed no chemical assistance to be on the edge of sexual explosion. Ando had taken to sitting crossed legged on the floor his 150mm ( 6 inch) cock poking into the air from his crotch. Lester returned with the playing cards and the pieces of paper and pens. The boys studiously wrote down a dare and a challenge each and screwed it up into a ball. Dave Lester took longer, knowing what he would like to have happen particularly with Chris, but any would be acceptable. All of the participants sat naked on the floor in the family room cross legged and in a circle.

"Let the games begin," Lester called and placed the cards in the middle of the circle."Who wants first go."

Mick reached in a took the first cut, he turned it over, it was a six. The rest of the group oooed at him. Dave had a go then Ando and finally Chris. When all of the cards were compared Lester had lost. He sat stunned. The group chided him to take a dare. Lester reached in a took a ball of paper, one to him.

"Aren't you going to show us," said Chris

"No we can wait to the end of the dares." Lester said

"OK but what if someone wins the same dare twice or challenge," Ando asked

"Then the person who wrote it can write another one." Mick answered. All agreed.

The game continued the tension and excitement grew within the group and the room.

As each person drew a card and turned it over the others would ooh or ar depending if it was high or low. At the completion of the games for the four dares they tallied up the winners.

Mick had won one dare, Chris had won one dare, Lester had won two dares and Ando had won none.

MIck read his" Kiss everyone's cock head." Mick was not happy but said he had to do it

Chris read his "Shave off your pubic bush." Chris was mortified. The others laughed and rollicked loudly.

Dave read his "First one, jerk off in front of everyone. I can't do that, hell."

"yes you will. calm down and the second one," Mick said

Dave read his second dare ,"Shave all of the hair off your body except your head." Lester was mortified. "What if someone sees me." dave said in a shocked tone.

"Well they will won't they, but you still got the hair on your head." Ando grinned. "that was my one"

"Go get the towel, shave creme and razor dave." mick directed "lets do this".

Dave returned with bowl of water, washer, towel , shaving creme and razors.

"OK Chris you can go first, lie down here." Mick said as he took the gear from Dave," Seeing how it was my dare I get to do the shave."

Chris without a word lay on the floor, Mick took the creme and rubbed it vigorously over Chris' genitals. He stopped rubbing as Chris began to raise his arse as Mick knew Chris was close to loosing a load, and he wanted that for later if he could. Mick took the razor and very carefully stroked it across Chris lower abdomen down to his crotch to the but of the penis. With great care he made sure he shaved every last hair from the region. He thentook Chris' plums and gently ran the blade over them removing any hairs showing. Finally he took hold of Chris'great length by the head holding it between his thumb and forefinger, and in long careful strokes ran the blade up and down the length of the great phalanx. Chris didnot move a muscle scared any movement would mean a slicing of his greatest joy. The others stood leaking precum watching as MIck carefully removed all of he hair then cleaned away any shaving creme or loose hairs. Mick himself was on the verge of ejaculation. When completed he told Chris to get up and go look in the mirror to see the new him. When he stood, being completely bare only made the schlong forcing from the crotch seem even larger. The cock head was pulsing with tension. Precum was dribbling from the tip. Long streaky strands held from the tip as they made their way to the tiled floor. Dave would have some cleaning to do when they left.

"OK Dave lets have you then." Mick ordered

Without complaint Dave lester lay on the floor and presented himself to his students to shave his body hair. Chris returned from the bedroom with a smile, it didn't look as bad as he thought it would. The boys commenced to lather Dave lester from neck to toes. They gave particular attention to his balls and cock.

"Stop, stop, I will blow you keep doin that." Dave called out in despair.

"That'd be no good, then you mightn't be able to do your second dare and we would have to publish." Mick called back, taking the razor in his hand and beginning the shaving process. Mick completed the shaving of Lester down to his nipples, he went around and continued down to the crotch. He then went back and very carefully taking one nipple at a time between his fingers and gently pulling it from Dave's chest ran the razor around the area. He moved to the next. Dave had brown nipples slightly bigger than a ten cent coin. They contrasted well against the naturally tan body. Mick then moved to the crotch area. He repeated the process he had done for Chris.except when reaching the balls Mick gently cradled each stone in his fingers as he went about his task. The others hadn't noticed but by now Dave and Mick were staring into each others eyes, a relationship was being formed. Mick could feel his leaking precum gathering on his thighs where his straining 150mm (6 inch) cock was depositing its slime. Mick finished shaving the full front of Dave.

"OK roll over'" Mick said slapping Dave on the chest. Dave Lester without complaint rolled onto his chest exposing his arse mounds. Dave Lester had a dusting cover of black hair on his arse which thickened onto his legs. Ando took the razor claiming it to be his turn. Mick told him to be careful and not cut him or he would get the same treatment. Ando took the shave creme and ran it over the arse mounds and down his legs. Ando then released another great glob of shaving creme in the middle of Lester's arse crack. Ando then pushed his handfull of fingers into the crack and moved his hand back and forth massaging the crack until his fingers rubbed acrss the sensitive hole he had been seeking. dave Lester sucked air and forced his anus back against the probing fingers. Ando applied more pressure against the hole. Again Dave moaned and raised himself from the floor and forced back onto the fingers. One finger slipped into the opening, it began to swim its way deeper into the canal. Moans, grunts, a second finger. More reaction from lester as he moved onto the fingers, he grunted, moaned, tensed his body,he let forth a muffled scream. He flattened onto the floor as if spent. Ando continued his ministrations, Lester lay taking the fingers, gently moaning. Chris took up the razor an shaved the lower half of Dave Lester right down to his ankles. When complete Chris moved forward placing a hand on each mound pulled apart them apart and exposed the sight of Ando's fingers at home in Lester's anus. Ando removed his fingers, Dave Lester groaned, he felt empty, he wanted the invader to return. The boys kept the mounds parted a they cleaned all hair they found. They shaved between the scrotum and the anus. Dave Lester was now as bare as the day he was born, save for the hair on his head and eyebrows. They wiped off the shaving creme they wiped the hair away and rolled him onto his back. On the floor where dave had been lying was the evidence where Dave Lester had ejaculated, on the floor on his abdomen, over his still erect cock.

"You dirty boy," Mick said," You still got to jerk off yet, you better be able to. Clean that thing up I'm not kissing it with all that snot on it." Mick complained " Alright you others line up."

The boys, all with erections moved in front of Mick, Chris was first with Ando behind him. Chris inwardly smiled at the thought Mick had to kiss his cock. As MIck took hold of Chris cock, Chris felt a pushing into his arse crack.

"Fuck off Ando. That ain't part of it." Chris turned complaining to Ando.

"Just trying mate, stay cool."

"Stand still I don't want this thing smacking me in the face." Mick said to Chris. Mick bent forward and kissed Chris' cock head. The feel of the moist lips on his cock caused Chris to push forward at Mick as his lips contacted the cock head. "Fuck off, its only a kiss nothing else."

Chris moved from in front of Mick and then Ando then Dave Lester moved into position to receive their prize.

When Mick had finished his dare "OK Dave jerk off time and you better have some cum left."

Without waiting Dave fisted his still erect penis and started to masturbate himself. The three boys stood in front of him, their first time watching an adult jerk himself to ejaculation. Lester lay on the floor and straightened his legs and with one hand working his cock and his other hand on his nipple Dave Lester quickly brought himself to a climax. The climax was not spectacular but a simple three good shots then a fourth and then just dribble from the piss slit. dave Lester lay on the floor holding his penis, eyes closed, exhausted.

"OK lets have a drink then start the second half." Mick said. "Before we start Chris come here we might as well finish our job on you like we did Dave,"

"That wasn't part of the dare," Chris said

"It don't have to be, we got our arrangement remember , and I reckon you will look great done like Dave."

Without argument Chris moved back onto the floor where Mick took the bowl of water and washed it over Chris' body then applied shaving creme to his chest, torso, arms, legs and arm pits. Dave Lester stood over Mick while he performed his shave duties, his cock swollen at the scene before him. Mick also had a hardon which Chris got to see close up as Mick lent over him to shave his parts. When they were finished the front they rolled him over to complete the rear. The creme was applied from the neck, down the back, across the pert buns and down the legs. MIck shaved the whole area.

When he was complete Dave Lester said,"You missed some." and with that performed exactly what had been done to him. His fingers slipped into Chris arse crack and sought out the anus. The mounds were parted to reveal a puckered pink hole. The creme lubed finger forced at the door, Chris tightened his hole , he wanted nothing in there. lester continued to push, the tip entered, the finger slipped in. Lester quickly worked his finger in and out. each time the finger was fully inserted Chris groaned loudly and whimpered as the finger was withdrawn. Chris without notice climaxed, the group knew because of the sounds Chris made, and the collapsing onto the floor in surrender.

They rolled Chris over and Mick said," Just as well you called off the cum bet he beats you hands down, look at all that." Mick was right Chris had again loosed a major flow of sticky white fluid." Let's have a drink." With that Chris went into dave's kitchen and came back with four cans of beer. Dave Lester did not object, Mick had seemed to have taken control. They finished one can, then another, and on their third can commenced the second half of their game, this time for he challenges.

The cards were shuffled, the cards were split, as before with each draw came the oohs and ars of the high and low cards. At the end of the four hands, the players took stock of who had won what. All agreed before opening their challenges it had been an exciting game to play and they probably should do it again. They discussed the prospect of playing again and agreed next Sunday afternoon would be dare and challenge day. With that out of the way they opened their challenges, all of which had to be performed during the next week.

Ando led off stating that he was obviously a good player as he again had not won a challenge, just as for as hadn't won a dare. Mick opened his challenge, "Every day in at school you have to do one class with your cock out."

"That means I can pick any class doesn't it." Mick asked

"Yeah, you just got to go through a full class each day with your cock hanging out, so if someone looks they'll see ya." Ando replied, this being his challenge.

"Ok i can do that." Mick replied

Chris read his challenge," Jerk off every day in a class."

"He does that now," quipped Mick

"I fucken don't you bull shit artist." Chris replied punching Mick in the arm.

Dave lester had again won two challenges, " Don't wear any underwear to school for the week."

"That's not so bad," Ando added in.

"Guess not." Dave responded.

Dave read his second challenge," Jerk off every lunchtime in the playground toilets."

"I can't do that," Lester said

"Cause you can, just join the rest of them in there jerking off." Ando put in.

"Let me know when you're going so I can watch." Mick said to Lester," We could get quite an audience."

"Don't bother or I'll follow you around for when you do your flasher bit." Dave reminded Mick

The group had no sooner finished reading the challenges when there was a loud knocking at the front door.

Dave Lester panicked,"Everyone into my bedroom quick." and with that he ushered the three boys into his bedroom. When he walked back out he noticed their clothes lying on the floor and quickly gathered what he could see and threw them into the bedroom as well. The boys sorted through the things and picked out what was theirs, Chris' maroon speedos were missing, as were Ando's shorts leaving him with only briefs to put on. Mick not knowing who was at the door threw Chris his briefs to wear and could only pull on his shorts.

Dave returned to the bedroom," It was your friend you spoke to earlier, he said you said to call in."

Dave Lester in his hurry had only pulled on a pair of shorts and his half hard cock was clearly showing through the light nylon fabric.

"He's waiting for you at the front door." Lester informed Mick

"You didn't invite him in," Mick asked

"No, definitely not, I didn't know how you lot would be dressed for callers." Dave replied

"Well I better go see him." Mick said and as he walked past dave Lester going to the front door gently patted the prominent outline in the shorts. "Very nice, very nice shorts." Mick said to dave.

Mick met Huskey at the door and invited him in. Huskey wasn't sure at first telling MIck his welcome when the older bloke opened the door wasn't very friendly. Mick told him he didn't realise it was him and to come in everything was fine. Mick took HUskey back into the family room and they squatted on the floor.

Huskey pointed out the family room door and told the group," That's where I live right there, right opposite. See you can see into our place from here like I can see in here."

"Should make for interesting viewing," Mick replied to Huskey but for the room to hear." Anyone for drinks."

All of the boys said yes to a drink and while Chris was at the fridge in the kitchen getting them Mick introduced Huskey to the others. He took particular attention when introducing Dave Lester given he and Huskey were neighbours. They all sat around on the floor chatting and speaking of nothing in particular. The boys were now drinking their fourth beer and the effects were beginning to show. All had a very relaxed manner. Ando sat talking the whole time massaging his half hard cock through his briefs. Chris was lying on his side and the weight of his cock and balls was pulling the front of the briefs open. Mick sat alongside of Huskey which when they looked directly opposite them to Dave Lester sitting could clearly see his cock head up the flared open shorts leg.

Huskey snickered and bent over to Mick and whispered,"You see what I can."

Mick nodded his head and smiled. "Stick around you could see anything."

Huskey continued to stare at the open leg of dave's shorts. The site excited him, he grew a mound at his crotch.

"Hey Chris you better give me back my briefs," Mick said," Can't have you stretching them with that thing of yours."

Chris rose which refocused Huskey's attention. He could see the outline of Chris through the thin briefs. Chris started to look around for his speedos. He bent to look under the lounge, his arse in the air.

"Give them back to me now, you can find your shit after." mick ordered

Chris did not argue , he stood and pulled off the briefs. He stood on display not a hair anywhere on his body except his face and head, everywhere else completely bare. His cock and balls looked even larger without the framework of pubic hair. He no longer cared, he got on his knees again and looked under the furniture for his speedos

"Hope you can or you'll be walking home naked." Mick told him.

"He's got no pubic hair but have a go at his cock." Huskey exclaimed.

"Control yourself Huskey are you gay or something." Mick chided

"No of course I'm not." Huskey replied indignantly

"Your sure I heard rumours that's why you left Oakhill." mick shot back

"I left cause we moved that's all." Huskey defended

Meanwhile Chris continued his search on his knees. Each time he would bend lower to see under furniture Ando was there staring between the buns, it was obvious Ando now had a raging hardon. Ando picked up his shorts from the floor to put them on and when he held them to slip them over his feet Chris' spedos fell to the floor.

"They must've have been caught up in my shorts,"Ando said "Too bad we found them eh Chris."

The group returned to their sitting position on the floor and continued casual chat for an hour. It was now getting late in the afternoon, some of the effects of the drink was wearing off, the boys decided they should go home.

Huskey stood to go and said to Lester," Good to meet you Dave, catch you again eh."

"Yeah Huskey now we know each other call over anytime you like.' dave replied.

"Thanks a lot. Maybe we can have a swim together sometime. Seeya fellas." Huskey said as he opened the door and left for home.

'You going to drive us home Dave," Mick asked of lester

"Shit MIck I shouldn't I've had a few drinks," Lester replied," Ar come on I might be ok it's been a while."

the boys gathered together their things and when they got to the car Mick told Ando to get in the back back with Chris and he would ride in the front with dave. They got in the car and headed off to the Thompson house. Chris was looking out the side window when he felt a hand on his right thigh, it was Ando. Ando looked at Chris, he said nothing, nor did anymore than just rest his hand on the smooth thigh. While this was happening Mick had dropped his hand onto Dave's left thigh and when Dave looked across at Mick the hand moved closer so the tips of Mick's fingers were just resting on the genital mound of Dave Lester. The journey continued in silence. Mick slowly moved his fingers down onto the growing swelling at the crotch of Dave Lester. Ando had moved his hand to rest on the speedos at the hip of Chris he was not game to venture further, he did not know what the response from Chris maybe. Ando's fingers gently played on Chris' hip, the action caused him to develop. Ando watched the outline growing within the speedo. All to soon the boys arrived at their house. Mick withdrew his hand and patted dave on the forearm thanking him for the ride home. Mick exited the left door, Chris swung the seat forward to get out he was in a crouched position when he felt Ando close behind him, there were fingers at his speedo covered ring. He said nothing but continued to get out of the car. All said their goodbyes and told Dave they would him on MOnday.

The three boys walked into the house. Mick called out to see who was home. No reply. He walked into the kitchen and on the bench was a note to all of the boys saying dinner was in the fridge and that the parents had gone out to a BBQ at the club and would be home at 11. Call them at the club if they needed them.

Mick looked at Chris,"Righto drop em, mum and dad aren't down here."

Chris did as he was told and took off his speedos leaving him naked. ANdo stood and stared.

"What's going on." Ando asked

"Oh. Chris doesn't like to wear clothes so when we're home, upstairs he's always bare, and downstairs when the oldies are out he roams around downstairs like it as well.'Mick explained

"that's not quite right." Chris interjected.

"Looks great to me'" Ando said

"Let's go upstairs," mick suggested and the boys moved to the stairs.

Mick took the lead and climbed the stairs. Chris was standing back to let Ando go before him but ANdo stopped pointed to the stairs and said" No, no, you first." and allowed Chris to move in front of him. As Chris climbed the stairs in front of Ando he felt the intense stare of Ando, and when they were half way up the stairs felt the light touch of Ando's hands on his taut mounds. Chris did not look back but continued on his way. Ando too was developing an obsession.

To be continued

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written.

Next: Chapter 16

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