Chris New Life


Published on Feb 5, 2009


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

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This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

Chris - New Life.

Chapter 12

The boys gathered around and Peter and Chris dropped their shorts. Both boys' boners sprang out of their confines. peter looked at Chris and knew he was beaten but took hold of his cock and jerked on it trying to coax more length. Chris gave his schlong several long slow pulls. Peter measured at 180mm (7 1/4 inches). Peter watched intently as the ruler was placed along the top of Chris cock and at the end showed it to be 220mm long (8 3/4 inches).

Both Martin and peter stood staring at the oversized cock. Martin reached out and went to feel it. Chris eased away.

"Let him feel it he just lost to you. i reckon you might have him hold it a fair bit during your week with him." Mick said all happy with himself for sucking in both brothers on a sucker bet."Well, all happy. You boys lost. we'll let you know when your week commences."

The other boys agreed saying a bet was a bet, but Peter said nothing was to be said to anyone outside of this four. They all agreed. peter and Martin then left for their bedrooms, Martin through the bedroom door and peter through the interchange door with their shared bathroom,

When they had gone Mick and Chris smiled at each other, that had been easy. Mick reached out and turned off the bedroom light leaving the room in darknesss except for the light coming in through the window from the moon outside. Chris pulled off his shorts and got into bed, he knew Mick wanted him naked. He said goodnight and lay on his side and watched Mick undress in the reflected light from outside. Chris couldn't work out if Mick was gay or just sadistic. He watched Mick strip naked, drop his hand and give himself a quick loosening tug then crawl into bed. Big day tomorrow Chris thought he had to face Mr Lester. He went to sleep dreaming of his hand on mr Lester's cock. Chris thinks he likes him.


Chapter 13

The four boys rode on the school bus for the last day of the week. They were seated with their friends. Chris sat next to Mick as he had been instructed on the rear bench seat across the rear of the bus. Seated in front of them were many of the boys from the junior years like Martin. It was odd but few senior students rode the bus at this time they usually caught the later one. Michael was often the oldest on the bus and when he was he took pleasure in dominating the younger boys. Surrounding Mick were his mates, includng mahoney, Ando and John Baker. Chris had not seen Sinclair since he was betrayed by him. Sinclair had not been at school. Chris had not wanted to see him or contact him.

On arrival at school and before the boys entered school premises Mahoney took Mick aside. Mick told the others to go on without him that he would catch them at the lockers. Some days earlier Mick had asked Mahoney to get some supplies for him. Mahoney couldn't always oblige MIck immediately but did what he could. Mick never complained given he never paid Mahoney for the goods. Mahoney did it to stay in tight with their group, which was headed by Michael. mahoney handed Mick two white paper bags, one containing Viagra and the other a bottle of poppers. Mahoney's father was a pharmacist. Mahoney had stolen the goods from his father's shop. Mahoney believed he would never miss them. Mick took the bags and pushed them to the bottom of his backpack. The two boys entered the school and went to their lockers. Chris had gone to the gym changerooms to get his PE shorts with his locker key in the pocket. Chris met the boys back in front of the lockers. Mick told Chris to meet them at the cafeteria after he got his gear, they were going to have a drink and wait for class to start. The others moved off with Mick and Chris opened his locker and organised his books for the periods before recess. On the way to class Chris stopped off at the toilets. He walked in there was nobody else there. Chris stepped up to the stainless steel urinal and because he was alone opened the fly and released the top tab on the waist allowing them to fall open, the shorts fell slightly and rested on his arse mounds. Chris withdrew his cock, gave it a freeing tug and just as he commenced his piss a senior he recognised from swim team stood beside him. The senior opened his fly and as he was taking out his cock to piss looked across at the boy next to him, he saw this chunk of meat laying in the boys hand. He did not take his eyes from Chris cock but stood alongside Chris holding his uncut cock as if to piss and gently pulling on it. Chris interest peaked because he had never really noticed an uncut cock before. He looked across at the boy next to him, who smiled and attempted to reach across and take hold of Chris' cock. Chris reacted by elbowing the senior forward into the urinal trough. The senior fell against the stainless steel sheet in the back of the urinal getting his shirt wet with urine. As he was starting to curse Chris pushed away his cock and still zipping up left the toilets and went to the cafeteria where he told Mick. Mick said to point the boy out to him when he saw him. The lads sat talking in the cool of the cafeteria. Mick got up and got Chris and himself a drink. They sat and chatted with their friends. The bell sounded for the start of lessons.

Mick and Chris had a double of English then a chemistry lesson before recess. They set off for their English classroom, Chris hoping Mr Lester would be there. The boys sat in their seats, Chris alongside Mick at the rear of the room. As they sat Chris felt himself getting an erection. There could be no reason, he wasn't thinking of anything except the homework he didn't do. Erect he became. His erection was so strong being trapped and held down by his shorts his penis was actually aching. Chris hoped it would soon pass. Mick knew what was happening he had doped Chris' drink. He looked at Chris crotch, he could seee the tube forcing down his left thigh. Mick nodded at Chris recognising his problem and as Chris was about to respond Mr Booth entered the room. The room quietened, the teacher said good morning to the class, and instructed them to take out their homework from last night, for as he told them yesterday that would be the basis of the lesson today. Mr Booth asked those who had not done their homework to stand. It took several minutes but Chris and two others stood. Chris tried bending slightly to disguise his hardon. Mr Booth asked for any reason why the boys should not be punished. All boys offerred excuses including Chris telling Mr Booth about his locker problems. Booth waved it away as he did the others. He told the three boys to report to him after school for a dose of the cane or they could take detention. Two of them chose detention, Chris informed Booth Mr Lester already had him on detention this afternoon.

Booth replied" Good, well Mr lester can learn the fine art of administering capital punishment. Stand up straight when I speak to you." Chris stood poker straight and those in view could clearly see the outline of his hardon showing through his shorts. As with all of Chris erections , as soon as he became erect he started leaking precum. A wet spot was forming at the hem on the left leg of his shorts directly at the base of the swelling. "Sit down all of you, make sure you see me this afternoon." The pronounced swelling in Chris' shorts was not missed by Mr Booth.

Chris sat again, his penis now throbbing with pain from being so confined. He pulled out his books. He slid his hand down to the front of his shorts and undid the waist tab and the zip. He raised his arse off his seat slightly and allowed his shorts to slide slightly from his waist. The front of his shorts flared open. He put his hand in and pulled out his penis releasing it into the open. Both Mick and Chris looked down at the angry flared cock head staring back at them with one eye as if ready at anytime to take revenge on anything or one. Chris then lent forward in an attempt to cover what was bare at his crotch. From where other students were and the teacher out the front they would never know what Chris had let loose. The lesson progressed and at the end of the first period the door opened and Mr lester entered. He walked across, said something to Mr Booth and then took position up leaning on the side wall half way along the classroom. After he had been there for several minutes he then slowly made his way to the rear of the room and looked straight across at Chris. He looked at his crotch. He could see the penis standing erect from his crotch reaching up his stomach its head poking above the desk top.

Mick didn't realise where Lester was, he leaned across to Chris and said," Write your name on the desk with your precum."

Chris looked at him but knew better than to argue, and began harvesting the fluid as it oozed out of the one eye. Chris had no shortage of writing material, as soon as he took some away to write it was replaced with more, it flowed like a leaking tap. What Chris had written was clearly showing on the desk top. The seminal fluid contrasting with the dark timber stain of the desk. When Chris finished his name he applied a second and then third coat to his work. It was easy to read what was written and it easy to work out what it was written with.

"Mr Thompson come out here and read the next verse please." Mr Booth ordered.

Both Thompsons froze in their seats. Mick knew it couldn't be Chris to go so he stood and walked slowly to the front of the class. As he moved forward so Mr lester moved alongside Chris. Chris lent forward against the desk to hide his crotch. Mr Lester moved to Mick's chair and sat down. He looked straight ahead for the moment then at what Chris had been writing on the desk. He slid his right hand across into Chris' crotch and took hold of the steel rod. He slowly moved his hand around the knob massaging precum over the head ,around the glans, Chris shivered with excitement. Without warning and whilst Mr Lester had his hand over Chris'cock, Chris erupted. He slid down in the seat trying to get control, but this only gave full vision to what was happening, he bit his lower lip so as not to make alerting noises. Some cum shot above the desk but most was caught in Mr Lester's hand. Mr Lester withdrew his hand, leaving Chris dribbling cum to run down his shaft. Lester then opened his right hand and scraped it against the edge of the desk to remove the cum. Left in front of where Mick would sit was a mass of cum on the desk top. Mr Lester then took his hand and wiped it on Chris' left leg and sock. Chris took hold of his cock to gather the cum running down the still erect pole. Mr Lester smiled at Chris and moved back to lean on the wall as if nothing had happened. When Mick finished his reading he returned to his seat and another pupil was called to read. When Mick got back to the desk and saw the mess in front of him he was disgusted. He glared at Chris.

"Clean this up you sicko," mick snarled

" I got nothing to clean it with." Chris protested.

"I don't care if you lick it up, or wipe it over yourself get it off my desk." Mick snarled," Seeing as how you like cum so much you'll get some over the weekend."

Chris couldn't tell Mick about Mr Lester. That would make all sorts of complications. There was 10 minutes left for this class before the boys moved to the chemistry lab for their next lesson and Chris was still rock hard and he was still bare. Chris knowing he had to clean off the desk, removed his sneaker and scooped the puddle of cum on the desk into the waiting sneaker, Chris then put the sneaker back on, he knew it would dry soon. As the end of the class was nearing Chris pulled his shirt out over the waist of his shorts aimed his penis upwards and redid the waist tab and rezipped. He was ready to move to the next room. He looked at the desk top and there was his name clearly spelled out in precum. He wet his finger and erased the name Chris leaving only Thompson on the desk top. The lesson ended with a reminder for the three boys who didnot do their homework to see him in their home room after school. The boys picked up their books and moved to the chem labs for the period before recess. Mick and Chris again took up a work bench at the rear of the class. In front of them was Mahoney and Anderson (Ando). As soon as they were settled Chris undid the tab on the waist of his shorts to give his still straining hardon some freedom. Chris was aching from his penis being so hard for so long. He pulled his shirt over the waist band to conceal his exposed cock head. The lesson started and all pupils became engaged in the chemisrty experiment set for them to complete in the lesson. Mick was so involved in the experiment he did not seek to torment Chris during the lesson. The bell sounded and the boys filed out of the classroom for recess.

During recess arrangements were made for Saturday and the beach. Mick told the others two could join him and Chris as Peter was going to drive them there. John Baker and Ando elected to go with Mick. Any others who wanted to go they would meet out there.

Friday afternoon and Chris went to his homeroom with several others who were being detained on detention. In all there were six boys, three including Chris for Mr Booth and three younger students who had mucked up on Mr Lester earlier today. Mr Lester entered the room. Lester read the attendance roll and marked off the names. Lester told them to take out their English books and to work quietly for the next half hour. All boys were spread around the room so one could not speak to the other. Mr Lester after getting the group working moved behind Chris, put his hands on Chris' shoulders and began to gently massage, sinking his fingers deep into the young lads muscle tissue. Chris loved the feeling and quickly hardened to his full length in his shorts. CHris sat with his head tilted back and eyes shut as Mr Lester continued his shoulder and neck massage. Chris was floating with the erotic feel of Mr lester's fingers playing over his body. Chris' imagination was working overtime as was his leaking of precum onto his shorts.

The door opened and in walked Mr Booth. Mr Lester immediately withdrew his hands from Chris' shoulders and made out he was rresponding to an enquiry from Chris. Mr Lester walked to the front of the class to speak to Mr Booth. He told Booth what work he had set the boys. Mr Booth interupted the boys from their work telling them to look to the front of the class. Mr Booth took a pupilseat at the very front of the class facing the blackboard. He called for Thompson to bring out his book and read to the class the chapters he had been studying. Chris slowly got to his feet adjusting his very rigid hardon to point upwards and covered by his shirt which hung over his waistband. Chris went to the front of the class and stood at the side of the teachers desk where Mr Lester sat and directly in front of Mr Booth. As he was about to commence Mr Booth instructed him to present himself properly and tuck his in shirt and stand up straight. Chris looked to Mr Lester and then back to Mr Booth.

"Hurry up lad, don't make your situation worse you are yet to receive your caning. " Booth snapped

Chris placed his book on the teachers desk, and proceeded to tuck in his shirt. He put the shirt between his cock and the shorts to soak up the precum. When Chris took up his book again and stood straight and looked out to the class it was blatantly obvious to all who were observing Chris what he had going on at his crotch. Chris started to read trying to put out of his mind the show he was giving the others present. There wass a tittering among the other students all aware of the grand penis tube outlined in Chris shorts. The younger boys leaned acros the desks to comment to each other. Chris could hear the commotion and what was being said and tried to ignore the noise.

Mr Booth interupted Chris' reading "What have you been doing up the back there Thompson."

"Nothing sir just my reading." Chris responded

"Really well it doesn't look like nothing Mr Thompson it looks like you have been very busy."

"No sir, just reading." Chris stuttered.

"Come forward to me Thompson." Booth commanded

Chris stepped down from the teaching dias and stood directly in front of Mr Booth. Booth focused on the swollen crotch before him.

"You Mr Thompson, it looks to me like you are a dirty little boy. Don't deny things to me Thompson I am neither blind nor stupid." Booth directed to Chris , looking directly into his eyes as he spoke.

"No sir." Chris answered.

"Alright Thompson seeing as how you have interupted the class already, I might as well cane you now. Do you want this on your hands or your backside."

Chris thought about his options, he knew if he took it on the hands he would be wrapt over the tips of his fingers and then they bring the cane back up from underneath and hit you on the finger nails, and that really hurt. It had happened to him in the bush. Then he thought his back side at least was bigger and a bit padded.

"I'll have it on my arse please sir."

"Your backside Thompson no need to be vulgar."

"No sir, on my back side please sir."

"Alright move over here and bend over the edge of the desk. Before you do drop your shorts, briefs only." Booth instructed.

"Sir,....I'm not.... I'm not wearing any briefs." Chris splutterd

"Really, you are a dirty little boy aren't you, why not Thompson, tell me why." Booth probed

"Well, I just don't sir," Chris answered quietly, " I never do, sir." The other boys all listened intently as Chris was being humiliated by Mr Booth. Again more snickering among the boys in class.

"Well you better leave your shorts on, we don't want you flashing these young lads here," Booth said with a huge grin "Bend over the desk and let me get this done"

Chris lent across the desk and held the oppposite corners. He was spread eagled and his rump was a good target. Mr Booth was expert at yielding the cane and delivered 4 swift hard blows to Chris' behind. When he was finished Chris had tears running on his cheeks, but he did not cry out, but he was now as hard as he had ever been.

"As of Monday Mr Thompson you will sit directly in front of me in my lessons, right in the front row.. Do not forget, because I won't and next time either wear briefs or it will be on your bare backside.' Mr Booth nodded to Mr lester, "Have a good weekend boys see you MOnday." and left the room.

Mr lester moved and had turned Chris to face him away from the boys in the class."OK boys you are all dismissed. I don't want to see you back in detention again." Chris went to move to gather his things but Mr Lester put his hand on his shoulder and halted him from moving. "I'll give you a ride home Chris, you might find it a bit uncomfortable walking or travelling on the bus in your condition." Mr Lester looked at the crotch of Chris' shorts as he said this and could see the very prominent outline of an erect penis. " I'll see you in the carpark."

Chris left walking with a stilted gait to his lockers, Mr lester watched him go. Dave Lester realised he was besotted by this young lad and it would only bring him trouble. He had to stop the obsession. The two met in the carpark at Mr lester's MIni. Lester openedd the door for Chris to slide in. Chris gingerly put his backside on the seat and turned his legs into the car and shut the door. He winced with the movement.

"Feeling sore, are you."Lester asked

"Feels like he tried to cut me in half." Chris answered

"You're lucky he didn't do it to your bare arse, aren't you. I believe he's done it before." Lester informed him.

"He's a fucking sadist. I'd like to take to his arse." Chris spat out.

"Well you just got to control yourself. What have you got planned this weekend.' Mr Lester asked

Chris told him about the plans of going to the beach, where they were going and the boys who would be there.

'It will be great, too bad you don't surf or you should come." Chris said

"Well I do surf but I don;'t think you boys want a teacher around you on your weekends." Lester replied

"THe guys reckon you're ok, at least you're not old like Booth." Chris informed Lester

"Well I'm glad I'm ok, I'm 21. Mr Booth isn't old either you know he's only 25. He's a nice guy when you get to know him." Mr lester told Chris

"Fuck him, I don't ever want to get to know him." Chris said.

"You need to rub some creme on your backside where the bruises are when you get home." Lester instructed Chris. "If you haven't got anything you can come to my place and get some."

"We'll have something at home but thanks for the offer. You live near here."Chris enquired

"I live on the other side of the shopping centre in the large unit complex near St Gabes."

"Hey cool, that's real nice there. Pretty flash places." Chris said smiling at Mr lester.

Lester pulled up out the front of Chris house."Here you are , remember the creme. You live here with your cousins right." Mr Lester asked

"Yeah, thanks for the ride." Chris replied as he slid out of the car and walked stiffly up to the front door.

Mr Lester didnot move but remained watching the boy walk onto the front verandah. As Chris stepped onto the verandah the front door opened and out stepped a well built young lad, very tanned and wearing only a pair of briefs or swimmers. Mr Lester watched as the two boys went inside the house.

"Who was that." Martin asked

Chris explained the story of Mr Lester driving him home as it wasn't too far from where he lived and Chris said how nice a teacher he was. Both boys went upstairs to their rooms. Chris walked into his bedroom and went to his drawer to get out a soft pair of knit shorts, his backside was still very sore. As he was pulling his school shorts off MIck walked in and watched Chris change. Mick asked Chris about who drove him home and why. He listened to Chris story.

"Give us a look at your arse." Mick said

Chris knowing better than to argue, turned his back to Mick and dropped his shorts to his ankles showing his bruises from the caning this afternoon.

Mick whistled through his teeth."They're four beauties.Take off your shirt as well. let's have you naked."

Chris did as he was told and took off his shorts and shirt and lay on his stomach on his bed. As he did the telephone rang it was answered by martin. Martin yelledd it was for Chris. Chris rose and went to pull on his shorts to go answer the call .

"No, no clothes anymore, not when you're at home. Only time you can wear clothes is downstairs if the oldies are home, otherwise whenever you're home you will be bare arsed, go get your call."

Chris turned his back to Mick and walked down the hall to the telephone, Martin was talking on the phone to who ever had called Chris.

Martin looked up and saw Chris only feet from him and while still talking to the caller" Fuck me. Love your sausage." The person on the other end must have asked something after Martin's comment and Martin replied back into the phone, "No it 's nothing, I just got a surprise is all tell you about it later."

With that Chris arrived at the phone and Martin handed him the receiver but did not move away. martin totally focused on Chris' cock. The attention from Martin was getting Chris excited again and he began to thicken. Martin continued to stare. He went to reach out and touch the thickening rod, but Chris waved his hand to knock Martin's hand away.

"Hello." Chris said.

"I don't ever want to talk to you again, you Judas." Chris responded

"I'll beat crap out of you Sinclair for what you done, where you been last few days, too chicken to face me."

Sinclair was responding to Chris but Martin could not hear what was being said to Chris. Sinclair informed Chris he was sorry for what had happened but he had no choice as he was physically threatened and assaulted.

"Don't come near me ever, I never want to se you again, If you do I'll beat shit out of you." Chris replied

Sinclair begged Chris to reconsider and asked if they coud at least meet over the weekend and discuss things. Chris told Sinclair it was over between them, Sinclair could not be trusted. Even after he vowed his never ending love for Chris, Chris Thompson remained set in his resolve to never again even speak with MIchael Sinclair. Never had Chris been so betrayed. Chris told Sinclair he was going out to the beach this weekend with his mates and Sinclair was not welcome. As Sinclair started to say something else Chris hung up the phone and stormed back down the hall to his bedroom.

"Mick please let me wear clothes around the house, martin did nothing but stare at me." Chris pleaded to Mick. "He even tried to handle me."

"No he wouldn't , martin get in here" Mick yelled

Martin came rolling through the door, "Yeah mate. You called."

"Chris will not be wearing clothes in house upstairs at all or downstairs but only when Mum and dad are here. You can look but not touch. The only one who says you can handle the merchandise is me, understood. You can stare all you like."

"Not a problem, lose a bet mate did you," Martin looked at Chris

"Yeah something like that." Chris replied.

All went smooth and when called down to dinner Chris pulled on a pair of footy shorts and a t. After clearing up and returning upstairs Chris again pulled off his clothes.

"Good fellow, you'll get used to it. I have some more orders you but they can come later." Mick told him "I'm ducking over to Mahoneys to talk about tomorrow, see you later."

As Mick left the room Chris went to the window and closed the blinds. With the light on and him naked it was like a huge tv screen he was on. Chris sat at the computer and logged on to check his emails. He opened his emails and there was one for him with an attachment from Sinclair, Chris was going to dump it but decided he would scan read it first. Chris opened the email

"Chris take good note of the attachment. I either hear from you this weekend or this will go out on Sunday evening . I didnot want things to get to this but you give me no choice, I love you and need you."

Chris opened the attachement , it showed several photos of Chris in various sexual poses from standing naked showing his schlong to cum flying onto his body from him masturbating. No other boys or parts of them were shown in the photos. Chris sat back mortified. He responded to Sinclair

"Funny way of showing how much you love someone. First you betray them and then you blackmail them. I will contact you aftr I get home from the beach on Saturday."

Ten minutes later a response arrived " Thankyou, I just want to talk and explain things, we can overcome this. PS. If you haven't called me by 6pm Sunday I will send out a photo, but I know you won't forget or try to make any excuses. Love Sinclair. "

Mick turned off the computer and went to the bathroom entering from the bedroom. He returned went to bed thinking about their coming day at the beach tomorrow, he was most excited at the prospect, his first surfing since arriving in Sydney, he would love to surf every day. Chris dozed off to sleep dreaming of the surf and his left hand fondling his genitals.

To be continued

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written.

Next: Chapter 14

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