Chris New Life


Published on Feb 2, 2009


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

Chris - New Life.

Chapter 11

Looking at Chris lester said" You understand I can't allow you to ejaculate on the classroom floor with impunity. I must do something. If you wore briefs your shorts may not be so wet as they are now. You obviously have problems. I don't know yet how to handle this matter or what I should do with you." Lester had moved his eyes from Chris' eyes back to his crotch. Chris looked down and could see a very prominent swelling at the crotch of Mr lester, he was turned on by this. Chris thought he may have a way out of this mess. Chris reached down and squeezed and readjusted his package to lay sideways so the tube now forced out and to the left, the full length of the tube discernable. Lester gasped audibly. Chris again gave several short pulls on the tube as if trying to settle the beast. Mr lester reached out with his hand whilst he spoke "You need to come and see me after school tomorrow and I will determine what to do with you for punishment. In the meantime I have decided I will not mention what you have done to any one else for the moment. Do you understand." and whilst saying this Lester's extended hand several times bumped into the covered pulsing rod.

"Yes sir, see you tomorrow after class," Chris repeated

"No, see me after school. Consider yourself on detention and we will take it from there." Lester said, "Now get to your next lesson before it's over."

"Yes sir. Thankyou sir. Can I have my, briefs please sir." Chris asked

"No, not for now I am holding them for evidence. Now get to your next class."


Chapter 12

Mr Lester watched Chris as he turned and walked from the classroom and headed for the lockers and then his PE lesson. Lester was taken with the physique of the boy and definitley his endowment, and he was good looking to boot. Mr Lester reflected on the last he saw of Chris, those pert arse mounds covered in shorts leaving the room. He would have to think of an appropriate punishment for him tomorrow at detention. He would like to get his cousin as well, he needed to think on it. Lester never dreamt he would be tempted so early and easily in his new career. He knew he liked men but was firmly in the closet, it was something about this boy that was overpowering to him. He knew he must not do anything with the boy or make any suggestions, his career would be over, he had overstepped the mark today, but god he was intoxicating. He knew he must take self control and last the few weeks he was due to be at this school. Maybe he would satisfy his desire just by being close to him or in his company. He would like to be able to strip him bare and just fondle every inch of the lad, top to toe and all stops in between. Dave lester's head swam with his lewd thoughts. How to handle this but remain seemingly detached. He must not do anything to jeopardise his position, an blot on his record would stay forever and stop his career before it got started. He must protect his position and be careful. Lester sat back in the chair fantacising for the boy who just left. He knew he must never leave the closet. Loose lips sink ships.

Chris rushed to his locker grabbed his PE gear then straight to the change room to get ready for PE. As he arrived he walked over to Mr Thomas and told him he had been held up by Mr lester, a new teacher. Mr Thomas told Chris to change and join his cousin and the other boys playing football on the oval. Chris changed into his white PE shorts,T shirt and joggers and rushed out onto the field. Chris was a sought after team member because he was very skilled at football (rugby league). When Chris arrived Mick called him onto their side which was skins. Chris pulled off his shirt and threw it on the pile with the others laying by the sideline. The boys got stuck into a really active game in which Chris injected himself with gusto. Several times as boys tried to tackle him he felt a hard slap across his chest or stomach where he ran through some attempt. He had the red open hand mark outlines on his body. Across both his nipples were the clear outlines of a hand print. When some of he boys noticed it was a source of humour for them. The game continued and as the game went on it became more intense, neither side wanting to lose. Chris was running out the ball when he was grabbed by several of the oppostion who tried to pull him to the ground. Two lads were around his shoulders trying to pull him down when Sinclair, Chris' supposed friend, went in and pulled on the elastic waisted shorts. The shorts went straight to the ground and Chris ended up in the melee with the other boys naked and on display from the waist down. Chris struggled to get free and to his feet but before he could do so he felt a hand firmly holding his genitals and giving them several hard tugs. Chris chubbed and his penis raced to an erection. Several boys saw what was happening and began yahooing but Chris was now free and bounded to his feet pulling up his shorts at the same time. Chris asked the boys who decided to chide him about the show if they wanted to suck him or did they want him to fuck them seeing as how they liked cock so much.

The boys fell away with the others in the class laughing at them with Chris' comments.

One of the boys, a blonde headed lad named Doyle was pissed off at being laughed at and called to Chris, "Don't worry you horse cock it will all come out about you, I know what you are, look you got a boner now." Doyle indicated the large tent in Chris' white shorts which were becoming transparent as they became wet with perspiration.

Chris looked at Doyle and then turned his back on him and dismissed what was said, he had never seen this guy before he couldn't know anything about Chris.

The boys heard the whistle sound indicating the PE session was over.

"OK boys those of you who want to shower away you go, rest of you get on your way home."Mr Thomas directed.

The group of boys for swim team led by Mick went into the changeroom to get ready for the pool. Some were dirty from football and either washed off the a towel, but not one for swiiming .He didn't have swimmers because either because he only found out about going to swim team this morning. He wanted to save his towel for after swimming. Chris sat on the bench waiting for Mick to finish. Chris had intended to swim in his PE shorts. There was a lot of laughing from the shower and Chris heard the showers turned off and the boys emerge from the showers wrapped in their towels heading to put on their swimmers.

"I didn't know you were out here, you should have showered." Mick said to Chris

Chris explained to Mick about having only one towel and no swimmers, and how he would use his PE shorts.

"Can't have you trying out in PE shorts you need swimmers. I"ll get you a pair."Mick assured Chris.

With that Mick raced off down the alley towards the pool. In several minutes he returned with two pair of maroon coloured speedos for Chris to try on.

"I'll catch you guys on pool deck. I'll just make sure Chrisis ok." Mick called to his mates. "OK mate drop your shorts and try these on."

Mick watched as Chris got naked then pulled on the first pair of speedos. They were a little large but Chris was happy with the way he looked. He felt comfortable. Mick handed him the second pair and told him to try them on. Chris didnot argue he pulled off the first pair and donned the second. This pair were much smaller and accentuated every outline of Chris' body. From the rear they showed the top of his arse crack and a small showing of his buttocks crept out of each leg. From the front his cock and balls were clearly outlined. There was the sight of several pubic hairs creeping over the waist band. It accentuated the feint blond happy trail to his navel. This pair were too tight they were very very sexy and revealing and Chris started to find himself with the start of an erection which was further highlighted and put more strain on everything else, dragging the waist lower with the weight and pressure. More pubic showed and was an exhibition to anyone looking.

"OK, they are both yours, you choose which pair you want for swim club and the other pair can be for other times. Up to you." mick said

Chris didn't quite understand what Mick meant but knew he felt much more comfortable going in front of his team mates in the larger suit the other one was very revealing, not one for in public. Chris picked the big suit.

"OK lets go" Mick said and waited for Chris to change back into the larger suit.

Both boys went off to the pool and to speak with the coach. They had a bit of a walk as they were in the gym changeroom and had to walk to another building which housed the pool and pool changerooms and showers.

The coach spoke to Chris, put him through his paces and was very impressed with his ability given he wasn't in any team and was not professionally coached. He told Chris he had great prospects of being a successful swimmer. Chris joined the swim squad and undertook the training programme with the other boys.

At the completion of practice the boys moved to the pool changeroom and showers. Chris realised he had left his school shorts at his locker and his PE shorts over at the gym and he only had a towel with him. He told Mick he would have to go to his locker to get his clothes. Mick said for him to have a shower at the pool and wrap the towel around himself and go to his locker then. Chris started to tell Mick he would rather go to his locker first but Mick told him it was not a suggestion. Chris went into the showers and stood with the other boys and washed the chlorine from his body, Mick did the same. Some boys left their speedos on while they showered. Chris turned off his shower and went back to the changeroom and proceeded to dry off. Mick came out just as Chris was about to leave and go to his locker, he was still wearing his speedos. Mick told him to leave his speedos with him, wrap the towel and go get his gear from the locker. Chris did as he was told and slipped his speedos off and was about to wrap the towel around him when several of the boys snapped their towels at Chris nude body. Two towels flicked him heavily on his arse and when he jumped the third flicked him squarely to his balls. Chris let forth a hurt caused moan. The boys laughed as Chris grabbed his towel, held it in front of him in a bunch and ran from the changeroom to go to his locker. Chris arrived at his locker then realised he had left the key in his PE shorts which were in the gym changeroom where he had changed into his speedos. He was unable to get into his locker to get his clothes or books. Chris took off for the gym to get his PE gear and locker key. When Chris arrived at the gym he was shocked to find it was all locked. He scouted every window and door of the building looking for a place to enter, the building was completely locked, the PE teachers had left early, straight after school and locked the building. Chris was left standing dressed only with a towel wrapped around him. He did not want to go back and tell Mick because he could not trust what Mick might do.

Chris had no money to catch a bus home, so would have to walk home wrapped in his towel. Chris walked across the playground on his way to the exit. As he reached the car park he met Mr Lester walking to his car. Lester spied Chris and called him across to him. Chris dropped his head and walked over to the trainee teacher.

"Where are you off to Thompson, that doesn't look like school uniform." asked Lester

"No sir I'm going home but I can't get my uniform or books cause my locker key is locked in the gym." Chris told the teacher.

"Sounds all very complicated, do you have anything on under that towel." Lester enquired

"No sir I only got the towel." Chris replied.

"Well you can't go walking the streets like that, I'll drive you home." Lester told Chris

"Thanks sir but I'm OK,"

"No way am I taking that risk, get in." Mr Lester told Chris.

Mr lester opened the door to his Mini. He lent across and opened the door for Chris to get in. As Chris prepared to enter the car there were some books on his seat and Mr lester told him to put them on the back seat. Chris bent, picked up the books, then entered the car and knelt on his seat and reached over and placed the books on the back seat. Lester was watching intently waiting for any glimpse he might glean of Chris. With the activity of Chris kneeling on the seat, holding books out in front of him and stretching over the seat to put the books on the back seat Chris' towel came loose and fell from his waist landing on the seat and behind Chris legs. He was kneeling in the teachers car completely naked. Mr lester could not believe his good fortune, boy flesh everywhere. Mr Lester took hold of Chris' towel. Chris grabbed for the towel but Lester had it. Chris looked at Mr lester. Mr Lester slowly handed Chris back his towel. Chris stayed bent and kneeling in the car and rewrapped the towel around his waist. Chris then turned and dropped into his seat.

"You right to go now." smiled Mr Lester.

"Yes please." Chris replied sheepishly and very red faced.

Mr Lester started the car and started to drive home, Chris giving directions to his place. It was obvious to Mr lester there was a large lump under the towel as he looked at the crotch of Chris whilst he sat in the bucket seat.

As they travelled Mr lester dropped a hand high up on Chris' right thigh. He slowly worked his hand back and forth while speaking to Chris. "You seem to have a lot of trouble keeping your clothes young Thompson."

"Yes sir" Chris responded whilst squirming in the seat. The teachers hand was moving up and down his thigh with the fingers just getting to where he could feel pressure at his balls. Although the teacher was making no attempt to touch his privates the teachers' fingers were just pressing and Chris found the feeling and being with the teacher exciting. Chris started to get an erection. He looked down at his crotch and could see the huge tent forming and the outline of the cock forcing up the towel. Chris tried to will it down, the more he thought of it the harder it got. The erection was now so strong the tent was forcing open the towel. His cock started to run precum, Chris was excited by his situation. He could not explain it. He felt humiliated being like this in front of a teacher but his cock said something else.

Mr lester was watching intently the erect penis tenting the towel and the continual bobbing action as the penis pulsed. Lester could only imagine how big this appendage was to cause this sort of swelling. Lester looked at Chris face. Chris looked back at Lester.

"I.m sorry sir it jut happens, I can't stop it, it happens all the time," Chris said with a pleading voice to Mr lester.

"I understand Thompson all boys get erections but not normally when they are being driven home by their teacher."

"I'm sorry sir, I really am. THere's nothing I can do with it." Chris again said seeking the teacher's understanding.

"Well I can't deliver you home with that sticking out like that can I. Your parents will think all sorts of things." Mr lester said to Chris." Any suggestions where we can go and wait for that to subside or for you to do something with it to get it to go down." As Mr Lester said this he parked his car on the far side of park which bordered Chris' house. "How long before it goes down Chris."

"I don't now sir, most times it won't unless I know do something with it."

"What do you mean, masturbate." Mr Lester asked

"Ah.. yes sir... if I don't it just stays hard and starts to get really sore."

"How often does this happen."Lester asked

Chris didnot answer for a minute but when Lester cleared his throat said,"Every day sir."

"So you masturbate every day." Lester enquired

"Yes sir."

"How many times a day." Lester continued to probe

"At least four times a day sir." Chris answered in a very subdued voice.

Lester smiled." My god you are a cock mad hound aren't you." Lester looked a Chris crotch and there was no change to the prominent swelling. Lester moved his now stationary hand from Chris thigh and took hold of the rigid towel covered rod, "Well you need to do sometihng about this I can't stay here all afternoon. If I get caught with a near naked boy in my car I'm in trouble. Mr lester continued to tightly hold the erect penis.

With the feel of the teachers grip around his penis Chris was no longer listening to what was being said, he was again fantacising. Mr Lester continued to hold and move his hand on the penis, he stopped ,removed his hand, then slid it in under the cover of the towel and took and firm hold flesh to flesh. He was amazed at the heft of the cock in his hand. It was hard as steel with a velvet covering. He could not close his hand around this throbbing prong. He felt the precum running onto his fingers. He could feel the cock, he could imagine it, he had to see it. He cast the towel off the prick and stared as he worked his hand along the full length. Without warning Chris tightened his legs and his already stiff cock became granite, seven enormous spirts of cum blew from the tip of this magnificent penis. The cum flew through the air and onto the car dashboard, seat and floor and dribbled onto Lester's fingers. Chris threw his head back against the head rest of the seat. He sat in a teachers car naked, his still hard hard penis enveloped in the teachers hand his eyes closed recovering from a major ejaculation.

Chris opened his eyes and looked across at Mr lester. He sat with his hand enveloping Chris' member looking straight ahead out at the park. Chris looked to Mr lester's crotch, there was a most noticeable bulge.. Chris moved his right hand across and placed it on top of the bulging crotch. Lester closed his eyes and lightly moaned at the touch. Chris took hold of what he felt was an erect penis and slowly worked his hand and fingers over the straining member. Mr lester was wearing light chinos, Chris could feel the tube beneath his grasp. Mr lester slowly started to massage Chris' rod again, bringing it instantly backc to its full hardness. Chris reached and slid down the zipper on the chinos. He fished his hand inside the trousers and found a pair of briefs, he traced his hand around and found the waist band and slid his hand inside. He could feel the coarse pubic hair, he felt the butt of the tube, he forced his hand in further and took a handful of cock. It was hard, it had slimy goo over it. Mr lester at the feel of Chris' hand grasping his cock tightened his grip around Chris and moaned loudly. Chris kept his hand around the erect penis and dragged it out trying to let it see light of day. Chris leaned over with his other hand and tried to loose the belt on the chinos. He kept a firm grip with his left hand on the teachers rod. As he attempted to loose the belt Mr lester released his hold of Chris and grabbed Chris' left hand and slowly pulled it from within his trousers.

Mr lester looked at Chris. "You had better go, can you walk across the park to home."

Chris who was sitting naked in the car, looked down at his crotch and the again erect penis," Sure but I'm back in the same position this won't just go down."

"Surely you can, you just shot your load." Lester said as he looked at the cum over the interior of his car.

"I don't think so." Chris said as he reached for the door handle of the car to get out.

"We have to talk about this later Chris, we must keep this between us. You understand that don't you."

"Sure sir, I ain't going to tell people I let my teacher jerk me off." Chris said.

Mr Lester winced as he heard these words. He had compromised his position. He had to think of how he could recover the upper hand. Chris opened the door and was getting out.

"Here, don't forget your towel." Mr Lester quipped.

"Oh shit," Chris said as he reached out and took the towel and wrapped it around himself."Seeya, and thanks for the ride." Chris smiled. "You going home to take care of that"

"You worry about your problem. Remember not a word to anyone. We'll talk tomorrow." Lester said

"Yeah I got detention tomorrow , remember."

"See you in class." and with that Mr Lester started his car and drove off. He was angry with himself for what he had done. He spent his time driving home thinking about how stupid he had been. He had gone all this time through school and then university and remained in the closet. No one knew he was gay. No one knew he liked young boys. He hadn't known he liked young boys. He began to think of Chris, then his body, his tight rounded arse, his tight stomach and muscled thighs. He could not get the site nor the feel of that great organ out of his minds eye. It looked so out of place hanging off the lower abdomen, something so big off a body that seemed to small to support it. Lester arrived at his unit. He got out of the car, went to his unit, entered, walked through the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge and moved out onto the balcony to sit and think. He sat himself on the balcony and sipped his beer. He looked down onto the pool area and there were several young teens romping and splashing around. He watched them but imagined Chris. He stood, went into his bedroom and stripped off his clothes. He looked at himself in the mirror. Looking back he could see a fit young man of 21 tanned skin, quite good looking he thought. He looked at the chubbed penis, reached down and gave it several tugs to make it seem larger. He knew he was about 150mm (6 inches) when hard, no where near the length or girth of his pupil. His penis strengthend at the thought of his pupil. Lester took hold of his penis and began to slowly masturbate himself his mind focused on Chris. He walked naked from his bedroom to the balcony sliding door and stood before it, slowly sliding his hand up and down erect shaft, imagining he was holding Chris. He gave no thought to being seen standing in front of the doors, his mind was on Chris, nothing else. Precum oozed from the penis, lester continued to slip his hand, his pace quickend, he lent one hand onto the glass door for support, his length was now fully lubricated with precum. With Chris set firmly in his sight and his hand working at a feverish pace Lester ejected his sperm onto the sliding glass door. The eruption over, sperm seeped from the softening cock onto Lester's hand. The hand driven orgasm he had just experienced was the most intense ever. It was Chris but he had to get over him. As Dave Lester recovered from his experience he realised where he was and what he had just done in full view of anyone watching. He quickly moved his naked form away from the door while trying to see if anyone may have seen him. There was only one of the children in the pool area staring at him, surely he had not seen what he had done.

"I got to get control. Fuck living on the ground level, I could be in deep shit." Lester said to himself. Lester began to consider his position. He went back to the fridge and got another beer. Then another. Then another. He hadn't yet thought to dress or clean the cum running down the glass door. All he kept thinking of was Chris. He was becoming obsessed by him. Dave Lester would eat alone, thinking of his new pupil. Dave Lester slept and dreamt the night away thinking of his pupil. He woke and realised he had experienced nocturnal emissions, the first time in years. He was now obsessed by Chris.

Meanwhile ,Chris wrapped in his towel wandered across the park to the back gate that led from the park to the back yard. He had positioned his penis to face towards his his navel andso reduced the considerable tent. He entered the yard and met martin in the back yard.

"What you doing dressed like that." martin enquired

"Long story mate, my stuff got locked in at school." Chris kept moving and moved into the house and up to his and Mick's room. Sitting at the desk was Mick staring at the computer.

"Where you been buddy." Mick asked

Chris explained what had happened to him and how Mr Lester had driven him home. He did not tell him everything that happened that afternoon.

"Could have been embarrassing if he teach had picked you up. What's he like." Mick enquired.

"Yeah ok, not like a teacher once he was out of school."

"What you talk about." Mick probed.

"Not much, just about sport and shit , you know." Chris replied.

"OK cool. Listen with everything back to normal this is how it's going to be. No briefs ever. You travel with me on the bus or however I say. You sit with me. You have lunch with me. You ask for permission to go places without me. Understand." Mick stated.

"Sure mate, I told you I'll do whatever you say. You just keep things between us." Chris agreed

"I won't go public if you do what you're told. Oh and because you're my slave you will wear what I say, go where I say, do what I say and eat what I say. In other words everything I say."

"Where did the slave bit come from." Chris objected

"Don't like the idea, it's slave or nothing. Look at the computer screen."

Chris took note of what was on the screen. It was the photo of Chris that was posted in his locker and ready to be emailed.

"It makes no difference what you call me I got to do what you say anyway. So who cares." Chris sighed

"True, but so you understand your status is slave and you serve who I tell you to serve." Mick said "Now drop your towel and jerk off in front of me. Catch your cum in these." Mick handed Chris a pair of maroon speedos. Chris looked at Mick but dropped his towel and started to work his cock. He knew it would not take long it never did.

After Chris blew is lot in the speedos he went to hand them back to Mick. Mick shook his head," I don't want them, they're what you're wearing to the beach on the weekend. It's up to you if you want to suck the cum out of them or let it dry in there so everyone will see the your cum stains."

Chris knew how the dried cum would show up in maroon coloured speedos, it would be obvious what it was. Chris went to his drawer to get out a pair of shorts but Mick told him to stay naked until he told him to change. Mick had been trying to think of something for Chris to wear around the house that was revealing but could still be worn in public. Chris took the speedos and sucked the cum from the fabric. Mick watched and smiled as he noted that while Chris was sucking his cum he also was getting hard again.

Just before the boys went down for dinner Chris was allowed to put on a pair of shorts. They all went to the dinner table. Uncle John wasn't at home but the four boys and Aunty Mary sat up and had dinner plus lively conversations. In discussions Mick told the others they were going to the beach on the weekend and asked if there was any chance of a ride for him, Chris and some mates. After some debate it was agreed either Peter would borrow his mothers car and drive them or he would get his mates to get them there. They agreed either way they were set for a lift and for all the boys were to meet at the Thompsons and be ready to go at 8 am. Dinner over the boys pitched in, cleared and washed up and went back to their rooms to complete their homework etc and get on the computer.

Mick and Chris were sitting in their room discussing the weekend when Peter walked in.

"Don't you ever knock. How about privacy." Mick snapped at him

"What you might be fucking Chris or one of your faggy mates." Peter retorted with a great chuckle

"You never know ," Mick replied.

The three boys sat and talked for a while, discussing the all matters related to school. peter asked if they had seen any other of the student teachers yet. Mick laughed when he told Pete of Chris being on detention on Friday afternoon for Mr Lester. The boys laughed, pete wanted to know what Chris had done to stir Lester up as he seemed a nice enough bloke. Pete reckoned he looked to young to be a teacher. He thought he looked more like one of them. All boys agreed. While they were talking the boys lay on the beds and Pete sprawled in the desk chair. He was dressed only in nylon footy shorts. For the first time Chris took note of Peter and his facial and physical features. The way Pete had his legs he could see up the leg of the shorts to cotton coveredd balls. Peter had dark hair, on his head and then under his arms, his chest and happy trail leading from the navel into the shorts. He had a light dusting of dark hair on his legs. Chris decided Peter was quite handsome, his crotch began to stir. He didn't understand he never looked at boys once now its all he seems to notice. He is always looking at other guys crotches, sitting , standing walking towards him, everywhere, all ages, Martin's age 13 to grown men, his uncle. He thought of Dave Lesters crotch and the feel of his penis. He immediately went rock hard. In brief shorts it is very difficult to disguise a cock when it's 220mm (8 3/4 inches) long and 170mm (7 inches) in diameter especially when it has two balls the size of plums hanging below it.

"Got a boner mate." pete interupted the discussion.

Mick looked across and saw Chris trying to move his legs to hide the cock head coming out the leg of the leg of he shorts.

"Tell you what MIck I bet you Chris has got a bigger cock than you. You always reckon you're a stud."Mick taunted Pete

"You been playing with him mickey, that how you know its a good size sausage. So, what's the prize." pete asked

"I ain't seen it but just for a bet. Remember you're two years older. I should get start." Mick replied

"What do you want, an inch I suppose." Pete laughed out loud.

"Give me a half inch start and you can bet anything you want, anything at all." Mick replied, he looked at Chris and winked. Chris was about to say something and decided against it , he was only an object in this. he had no say.

"OK you're on, winner can name his prize after the contest." Peter agreed and put out his hand to shake with Mick. Mick and Pete shook on the bet.

"OK drop your shorts Chris and lets measure. You want length or how thick Pete." Mick called out

"If we're the same length then we do thick." Pete replied

The door to the bedroom opened and in walked Martin," what's the noise he asked."

"Just seeing who's got the biggest cock Chris or Pete"replied Mick.

"Got to be Pete he's the oldest, and he's bigger than Chris. i go for pete."

"OK you want in in this. The bet is Chris gets half inch start cause he's younger and the winner can nominate their bet after the contest. So you in."

"Fucken oath, you can be my slave for the week." Martin said "I take pete."

"OK that's what we'll make the prize, the loser is the total slave of the winner for a week. The slave does everything he 's told. All agreed." peter suggested.

Both Mick and martin agreed.

"What about you Chris you're in this, if you lose you got to be slave for a week to the winners. If i win you and Mick and are each our slaves for a week and vice versa if you win."

Chris looked at Mick who nodded his approval. Chris knew he had no say but it didn't matter because he was sure he would win. Chris told them he would agree to whatever they wanted to do.

Mick went to the drawer and took out a ruler," OK boys drop them for a measure."

The boys gathered around and Peter and Chris dropped their shorts. Both boys' boners sprang out of their confines. peter looked at Chris and knew he was beaten but took hold of his cock and jerked on it trying to coax more length. Chris gave his schlong several long slow pulls. Peter measured at 190mm (7 1/2 inches). Peter watched intently as the ruler was splaced along the top of Chris cock and at the end showed it to be 220mm long (8 3/4 inches).

Both Martin and peter stood staring at the oversized cock. Martin reached out and went to feel it. Chris eased away.

"Let him feel it he just lost to you. i reckon you might have him hold it a fair bit during your week with him." Mick said all happy with himself for sucking in both brothers on a sucker bet."Well, all happy. You boys lost. we'll let you know when your week commences."

The other boys agreed saying a bet was a bet, but Peter said nothing was to be said to anyone outside of this four. They all agreed. peter and Martin then left for their bedrooms, Martin through the bedroom door and peter through the interchange door with their shared bathroom,

When they had gone Mick and Chris smiled at each other, that had been easy. Mick reached out and turned off the bedroom light leaving the room in darknesss except for the light coming in through the window from the moon outside. Chris pulled off his shorts and got into bed, he knew Mick wanted him naked. He said goodnight and lay on his side and watched Mick undress in the reflected light from outside. Chris couldn't work out if Mick was gay or just sadistic. He watched Mick strip naked, drop his hand and give himself a quick loosening tug then crawl into bed. Big day tomorrow Chris thought he had to face Mr Lester. He went to sleep dreaming of his hand on mr Lester's cock. Chris thinks he likes him.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written.

Next: Chapter 13

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