Chris New Life


Published on Jan 26, 2009


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

I am sorry for the long delay between chapter 10 and 11, chapter 10 being published

1 December 2008.

My New Life.

Chapter 10

"Fuck you can take some getting through to. We're family, meant to love and look out for each other, that's what we're going to be. Agreed."

The two boys, still looking at each other embraced firmly holding one to the other. Michael's bare penis pressing into the wet crotch of Chris. Chris allowed one hand to slide from Michael's shoulders down onto his arse cheeks, gently patting them.

"Come on let's go back so you can get dressed and we can have supper." Chris said

"I kind of like being like this with you." Michael replied.

The boys broke their embrace and Michael proferred his hand. Chris took hold of the offerred hand and the two firmly shook hands as if broking a sacred pact.

As thery turned to walk back to the Thompson household Chris turned Michael so the two looked squarely into each others eyes, " Lets start from the beginning and I can have the new life I came here for."

The boys turned again, Chris with his arm over Michael's shoulder, made their way home.


Chapter 11

The two boys walked into the house the close family members Chris was wanting them to be. They sat and had supper together then went upstairs to their room changed for bed and both said their good nights and dozed off to sleep. Chris dreaming of how things would now be, Mick plotting how he could take back control and exact a spiteful revenge.

All boys in the house went off to school in the morning, all friendly, the perfect family. Aunty mary stood at he front door and watched them go, Peter, Mick, Martin and Chris all excitedly involved in conversation.

Chris met with Mr Jackson and Thomas and explained he didnot see the boys who had stripped him and even if he did he would not dob them in anyway. He said it was only a prank and he had already put it out of his mind. Mr Jackson, as the senior sports master, wasnot happy initially but relented and accepted as Chris was new to the school this was not the way to establish himself putting in his fellow school mates, who after all really hadn't done anything to hurt Chris. Mr jackson told Chris the matter was now finished but not to come back to him whining if the same boys did something to him again as this was his one chance to do something about their actions. Chris told Mr Jackson and Mr Thomas he would not be back as he was sure it was a one off game and if sometihng did occur in the future he would just cop it on the chin, all the time being confident he now had MIck on side.

Chris left the meeting and went to class to join Mick and his mates in English. When he arrived he went to go to his usual seat but it was occupied by others and Sinclair who would normally sit with Chris was sitting to the rear of the class with Mick, Ando and John Baker. Maybe Sinclair thought the meeting would last longer than it did and that's why he is with Mick. At the completion of the English lesson the boys split to go their various grades for maths. Chris was in this class without his usual companions but had teamed up with some other boys simply to be socialable. Sinclair and Mick missed their maths lesson and instead went to the locker room in the gym as it was not being used this period. At this meeting Mick discussed with Sinclair what would happen to him if he did not swap the 4 dvds Chris gave him, send back the Adobe file he was holding and give Mick back control of his computer. Standing with Mick and Sinclair was Ando who said nothing until Mick had explained himself. Ando moved forward and delivered one huge blow to the genitals of Sinclair. Whilst he was writhing on the ground in agony Ando bent down and took hold of Sinclair through his shorts and fiercely twisted his balls until Sinclair screamed in pain. Mick then bent down along side of Sinclair, whilst Ando maintained his grip on Sinclairs balls and asked him if he understood what he wanted and what would happen if he, Sinclair, did not comply. Sinlcair, with tears flowing down his cheeks nodded his head agreeing to all of the demands. Mick told Sinclair to go home now, swap the dvds and bring the originals back to him, and to email him back his Adobe files whilst deleting all else. He also told Sinclair to print off two photos of his choice involving Sinclair and Chris and to return to school with it by lunchtime, and to get going. Without hesitation Sinclair pulled himself off the floor and left for his place to carry out Mick's instructions. Whatever trouble he may get into at school for being absent he would worry about some later time.

At recess Chris could see no sign of Sinclair and teamed up with MIck and his mates for the break.They discussed what they would do for the coming weekend. Several suggested going to the beach. It was agreed that would be the plan. Chris was included and happily agreed to be involved as swimming surfing was his main love even though he had little opportunity when he was in the bush. He told the other boys he would swim every afternoon if he could. It was then John Baker suggested he talk to the coach of the swim team and see if he could make the team. You had to practice three times a week but it was at the school's own complex so it was really convenient. He told him all the Thompsons were in the team so he should try out. Mick agreed it would be good to have Chris on the team with them. Chris was beginning to feel he was finally being accepted by the others into the inner circle.

Sinclair was torn between telling Chris what Mick wanted and doing what Mick demanded. As he walked home to carry out Mick's orders he tossed around in his mind the varius options available to him and what the impact on him would be. Sinclair whilst he loved Chris he hated what the others did to him and wanted control to stop them bullying him. He was tired of being the butt of their jokes and them always making out he was gay, even though it was true. As he neared home Sinclair resolved what actions he had to take. He knew neither MIck or Cris woul be happy but it would be the best outcome for him and giv4 him back some control. He went through the plan again and when satisfired it was the most beneficial way for him to go and presnted least risk from either party smiled to himself and went inside to carry out his action plan. He completed what he had to do including printing out several photos, two of Chris and two of Mick, put them in his back pack then returned to school. He arrived back just as classes were breaking for lunch. hewent straight to his locker and whilst standing there Mick arrived at his side.

"Gete it all done?" Mick enquired

"I did what I had to do. Before you say anything listen to what I've done OK." Sinclair replied

"Listen you shit head you better have done what I told you or you are in for a load of pain." Mick snapped

"And that's why you're now going to listen and you won't do anything. So you shut up and I'll tell you what's going to happen." Sinclair retorted." Anyone touches me and everything about all of you gets plastered around the school. You hear me."

"Gone on but I'm warning you..." Mick answered being interupted by Sinclair

"You're doing nothing, this is how it is. I have returned your adobe to you, I have wiped the dvds Chris has so neither of you has a copy and I have printed out a photo for you and copies for me, you want them." Sinclair said" So you understand noone has anything on anyone except for me and I got copies of it all."

"Give me the photos." Mick demanded

"This is a peace offerring ok, don't show it around or I will show this one around." and with that Sinclair took from his backpack the photo of Chris laying back jerking himself with his torso covered in cum and one that MIck had taken of himself of when posing of standing with a hardon one hand on his cock and the other hand around under his arse. "Take them , don't say anything, or you know what will happen. I'm going to tell Chris everything is gone so its a fresh start from now."

"OK I hear what you say, we'll treat you as one of the boys, but with Chris that's between us ok and if I come up with anything on him you stay out of it." Mick questioned Sinclair

"Yeah what you two do is up to you just don't involve me and make sure you're goons don't pick on me. OK" Sinclair stated

Mick took the photo of Chris and stowed it in his locker, Sinclair did the same, which Mick noticed. "OK mate let's go get lunch." Mick said putting his arm on Sinclair's shoulder. Sinclair laughed, he was happy he was back in the fold and protected, all he had to do was tell Xhris what he had done.

The boys sat in the playground under some trees in a secluded corner ate lunch and discussed the arrangements for the beach on the weekend. They agreed they would meet at the bus at 9 on saturday and all go out together unless one of them could arrange for a ride from a parent. They could all ask tonight and report back tomorrow, Friday. ANdo then asked Chris if he had thought about the swimming club and Chris told them he was going to see coach after school this afternoon at practice and see if he could get a start. They all agreed that would be good as they would all be there and support him at tryouts. The boys finished lunch, several continued to lay on the grass, namely Mick, Ando and John Baker whilst the others took a football and started a kicking contest.

Sinclair said to Chris " I need to see you for a minute, its really important."

Sinclair and Chris headed towards to the toilets and stopped near them but in the shade of a copse of trees. Sinclair explained to Chris what he had done with the tapes and dvds. Chris was of course furious and threatened to bash Sinclair for being a turncoat.

Sinclair responded."Fuck you Chris. I got bashed and was going to keep getting bashed and picked on. You don't care it wasn't happening to you. Now I got some pics to keep both you and Mick from hurting me and everything else is gone. He didn't tell Chris he had kept a full copy of all files.

"What about you and me ." Chris asked " How will I put Mick in his place."

"It's a;ways about you and maybe you and Mick can get on together. I was getting on OK until you came along. Now I got a photo of you in my locker jerking off just in case you want a memory or you want me to show it to someone." Sinclair replied. " Come on let's put this behind us I got to piss."

"This better not go bad for me you cockhead." Chris warned "Come on I need a piss too."

Both boys headed to the toilets. They entered and stepped ot eh stainless steel urinal and stood side by side. Sinclair unzipped and Chris pulled down the front of his elastic waist shorts, they pulled out their cocks and with no feeling of embarassment began to piss. Sinclair reached over to take Chris' cock whilst he was pissing and Chris knocked his hand away .

"If it goes Ok then I'll give you a reward." Chriis said

"I migth find something to make you give me what I want" Sinclair replied.

Chris continued his leek but looked a Sinclair, reached over took hold of Sinclair's now drained cock and said to him,"You can't believe the pain your cock will suffer if anyone comes up with any photos of me"

Sinclair nodded his head furiously, Chris released his hold on the now thickening cock and both cocks were stored away and the boys returned to their lockers to get books for next lessons. Standing at the lockers was Mick. All nodded a greeting as they approached. Mick was holding a folder, Chris and Sinclair opened their lockers for the books. As Chris opened his locker door taped to the inside of the locker door was a photo of Chris lying on his back covered in cum and jerking his cock, he saw the photo and immedialtey closed the door in case anyone may have seen it. Sinclair was aware of the movement but did not know why.

Mick said to Chris," Hey mate you sit next to me this lesson, I'll save you a seat. OK'"

"I'll be right." replied Chris not knowing what Mick was up to.

"No, I wasn't asking I was saying you sit next to me OK, and if you don't get my drift look in your locker"

"Yeah thanks Mick look forward to seeing you in a minute." answered Chris and Mick moved off to class.

The afternoon session was 2 classroom lessons and a PE to finish the day. Chris arrived at class and sat next to Mick who was seated at the desk in the back row middle. The desk was a share desk at which two people sat on individual seats. Chris arrived and sat with Mick, who smiled when he arrived.

"Good to see you back on old terms." Mick said

"What do you mean?" Chris asked

"Well it's pretty simple. I got photos of you like the one in your locker, and if you don't want the world to know you're a cock hungry fag then you do what I say and no more chances."

Chris looked at Mick not knowing what he did have. He thought everything had been destroyed but with the photo in the locker obviously there was still stuff around which he couldn't have seen.

Mick could see the look on Chris' face " I know you thought everything was gone but you didn't believe I wouldn't have copies of everything did you."

Chris didn't know what to think but the photo in his locker was strong evidence there was more around that would expose him."What about Sinclair."

"Who your little fag mate. I told him I don't care what he does, and as I like the bloke if anyone does anything to him they will have me to deal with."

Chris nodded now understanding Sinclair had got himself protected but left him at the mercy of Mick again. His brilliant plan was finished and he couldn't go back to Mr Thomas as Thomas told him it was his last chance and not to raise the matter again.

"So you understand what you got to do, you understand you're mine." Mick looked directlty into Chris' baby blue eyes. "You put one foot wrong and that photo in your locker is only a taste of what will hit the streets."

Chris returned the deep stare into Mick's eyes which whilst they were the same colour blue as his own seemed to have a cold hard edge to them.

Chris was unsure of what Mick might have had. He couldn't work out why Mick had let him get away before if he had photos of him but here he was with a photo so he must have them. He knew if he caved in now he was Mick's to do with as he wanted and if he didn't and went against Mick and Mick had what he said then he would be destroyed, and end up being sent to juvenile lock up.

Chris continued to look deeply into MIck's eyes searching for some emotion, there was none. Chris couldn't take the chance, he blinked and nodded to Mick he agreed with what Mick was saying.

"say it and mean it, swear to it" Mick ordered," and I mean you swear to it."

"I will do everything you tell me to do.....I swear or I'll let you fuck me." Chris vowed

"Very good, but I can fuck you anyway, anytime I want. But just so you know if disobey one direction and I'll post all the shit I got not just here but to your old school and your parents. So let's get to it. Take your shorts off and then your briefs. remember I told you no briefs." Mick instructed

"What here you mean, in class." Chris stuttered

"yeah right here, no one will see you if you keep it quiet, old Boothy isn't here yet so I'd be quick, if I were you get them off and your shorts back on before he arrives."

Chris looked around, sitting at the back of the class no one would see unless they bent down and looked under the the desk top. Without a teacher present the class was noisily engaged in many talks aroound the room.

"Come on get a move on, I mean what I said." Mick warned

"Yeah, yeah sure, I'm gonna do what you say I was trying to pick the best time." and with that Chris kicked off his sneakers then gently lifted his arse from his seat and very slowly slipped his shorts down his legs and off under the desk.

Mick stared intently whilst Chris perfomed his task. Chris lost conttrol of his cock and it quickly rose to its full size and could be clearly defined through the thin briefs Chris was wearing. Chris looked around no one had noticed what he was doing. He lifted his arse and commenced to slide his briefs off clearing his arse but not his crotch when Mick called out to Bill Mahoney sitting two rows forward of them. Chris froze in his actions as Mahoney turned around in response to Mick's call. He sat sitting on the waistband of his briefs at his thighs but not yet clear of is crotch, his pubic hair only being visible plus the stretched sight of a wildly distended front on his briefs caused by his now pulsing hardon. Mahoney was about to stand and move back to Mick and Chris when the class room door opened and in walked the teacher Mr Booth and another person who looked like a senior grade. Mr Booth quieted the class then explained to the class the young man with him was a trainee teacher. He explained the trainee, Mr Lester to the class, was one of several trainees who would be joining them for several weeks. Some days the trainees would be in the class and watch other days they would actively instruct. The trainees were to be afforded the full courtesies as would a teacher. Mr Booth instructed the class to remove the relevant text books for the lesson so they could commence, and that Mr lester should move around the class room watching what is happening during the coming two lessons. Now everyone should be quiet and get to work, and those not wishing to do so could call down and see the headmaster. There was a shuffle as the class removed their books to begin. The class quieted and as Mr Booth was about to begin Chris began to raise from his chair to try and pull up his briefs. As he moved Mr Booth looked up and asked if he wanted anything, Chris quickly sat firmly in his seat and answered Mr Booth that he was just getting comfortable. Booth responded Chris should sit still and pay attention and Mr Lester might keep a watch on him during the lesson. Chris felt his shoulders slump, everything deflated except his penis , it continued to freely run precum now soaking the front of his thin white briefs. The engorged red circumcised cock head could be clearly seen through the wet material.

"You got to take off your undies pal, so do it soon or they all going to see a lot more than you want." Mick coached

"OK,OK I will I just don't want either of us in shit."

"Listen Chris I won't be in the shit you're the one with his cock out." Mick chuckled

Mr Booth continued on with his English class and the trainee Mr Lester settled himself half way along a side wall and watched as the lesson progressed.

Chris taking note of what Mick said eased forward and put weight on one elbow on the desk and with the other hand slowly slid his briefs down over his crotch over his thighs then down his legs. His underpants now rested on his socks. Chris used his foot to push his briefs free from his feet and pulled them around to where he could reach them with his hand. He reached down picked them up and slid them into the open drawer beneath the desk. Chris was sitting in class with only a shirt and socks on, his crotch completley bare and only covered by the desk. Chris was petrified he would be discovered but at the same time unexplainedly had never felt so excited with his cock aching it was straining so much for release. Mick looked across at Chris and could see the bulbous pulsing cock head looking at him from Chris' crotch. The one eyed snake was close to emerging above the level of the desk top. Chris was about to feel for his shorts when Mick yelled a question to Mr Booth about something he had just written on the blackboard. Chris froze in his position as all eyes in the class turned to their desk. Both Mr Booth and Mr lester turned and looked at the desk with the Thompson boys. Chris could feel his penis strengthen if it had been injected with steel. His cock was now a solid rod on which he pushed his hand to keep it from view. With his hand on his knob he could feel he precum leaking over his fingers, he subconsciously spread it across his cock head massaging his piss slit. Chris was now in two worlds.

"Stand up Thompson." Mr Booth ordered

"Which one sir," called back Mick

"I don't care you can both stand." Booth replied

Mick stood from his chair and leaned forward so that his shirt, that was not tucked in, would cover the tell tale signs of his erection. Chris did not move, he stayed glued to his chair. Mr Booth did not pursue both boys standing but said to Mick "Which one are you. I can't tell you two apart. What was it you wanted Thompson."

"I'm Michael sir, the nice good looking one." Mick replied

the class laughed as did the teachers. Booth answered Mick's question and turned back to the board and resumed his lesson. Mick sat again, looked over at Chris with a booming smile and placed his hand on Chris thigh. Chris unintentionally spread his legs to give Mick access. Mick smiled again. Chris might not realise it but he is one cock hungry fag. Chris resumed his reaching for his shorts. he could not feel them. He began to panic and continued to blindly reach under the desk. Still not feeling his shorts he dived his head under the desk to look for them and in so doing caused a banging of his head on the desk.

Mr Booth spun around from the board, annoyed at the interuption "Stand up the boy who made that ruckus." he snapped. No movement. "Stand up the boy who made that ruckus."

Several of the class began to turn to the rear of the class where the noise came from, and as they did Chris realised he had no choice but to stand. He very slowly began to rise bending at the waist and pulling his shirt down for maximum cover. As Chris continued to slowly edge up and the class turned to see who had caused the disturbance Booth angrily barked" You again, sit, not another sound or you'll be out and down to the headmaster."

"Sorry sir." Chris uttered as he immediatley began to lower himself into his seat.

Mick sat with a grin from ear to ear feasting on Chris' embarrassment.

"Where are my shorts " Chris enquired

"Over there' Mick pointed to the next desk which was vacant

"Pass them over please" Chris asked

"Got to do something else if I do." Mick said

"Anything just pass me my shorts." Chris agreed

Mick reached across and picked up Chris' shorts from the floor and passed them to him. Chris took the shorts slipped them over his feet and was about to pull them up when Mick told Chris he had to blow his load before he could pull up his shorts. Chris didn't argue he simply fisted his cock and using the free flowing cum took several full length strokes, Chris felt his balls tighten in his scrotum, the excitement of jerking off in a class full of people overpowering for him and he loosed his load. He fired seven major shots of cum all caught in his hand and dripping to the floor. Chris had closed his eyes and opened them to see Mr lester watching him from the front of the class.

"Well done now lick your hand clean" Mick instructed.

Chris slowly withdrew his hand and began to lick his palm and fingers clean. Mr Lester continued to watch Chris. Chris noticed him begin to move from his position at the front of the class leaning against a wall and start to slowly walk back towards where the Thompson boys were seated. Chris was conscious he still had a pair of shorts at his ankles and nothing covering his crotch. He determined he could try to slowly slide his shorts up or go for a quick grab and to hell with the consequences.

Chris slid his chair back slightly, reached down with both hands and wanked up his shorts and as they reached the top of his legs he slightly stood and reefed his shorts up catching his balls and cock in the elastic waist band but kept pulling finally pulling the band over the still bulky obstructions. Mr lester saw this happen and was sure he just saw a very large cock and huge set of balls bouncing around in the crotch of the boy Thompson.

As Mr lester tried to again visualise what he had just seen he moved alongside Chris at his desk. he stared down at Chris noting his shirt was untucked and the boy had no shoes on. He noted what looked like a white cloth poking out of the open drawer under the desk top. He went to reach for it but Chris realised where the hand was heading and moved to block it. Lester looked down at him

"Mr Thompson see me after class." Lester instructed

"Yes sir, but I got PE next." Chris replied.

"See me at the end of this lesson or would you rather stay back this afternoon."

"I can't sir I got to see coach about the swim team," Chris explained

"Well you better see me this afternoon after lesson then ." said Mr Lester as he moved away he noticed a mass of a shiny substance on the floor under Chris. Mr Lester moved slightly back to the desk focusing his attention on the substance on the floor. He moved alongside Chris staring at the floor. He moved his shoe under the desk and dragged the fluid out and across the floor. Mr lester continued to study the slimy white liquid before him. Chris feeling Mr Lester beside him looked up at Mr lester. Mr Lester moved his attention from the floor to look directly into Chris' now fear filled blue eyes. Mr Lester slowly shook his head and quietly said to Chris "You know what this is Mr Thompson."

"I, err, sir... I don't.." Chris could not respond.

"You see me after class Thompson."

"Yes sir I will," Chris responded.

Mr Lester then moved back to the front of the class but continued to watch the Thompson boys seated at the rear of the class.

Mick whispered to Chris "I want to know everything he says to you. Every so often reach down and give yourself a rub up."

"What if he sees me." asked Chris

"So what he already knows you wanked off in class and you're a fag." mick replied

"I'm not a fag don't keep calling me that." Chris hissed at Mick

"Admit it will ya, you keep getting hardons all the time, you blow when no one touches you, and as soon as something happens or you see a cock you explode. You want to be touching your cock all the time, you're a cock starved homo pal. Look you got a semi now."

Chris looked down and sure enough the crotch of his shorts was distended and a wet spot was noticeable where his cock head forced against the material. Chris hung his head. What Mick said was right his cock never stopped leaking cum or exloding. Maybe he was a fag. He sat at the desk not hearing the lesson but reflecting on his life in the bush. He tried to recall if he ever wanted to have sex with any of his mates up there. He couldn't recall wanting to but his cock has always had a mind of its own and he has never been able to control it. He has always leeked cum everywhere, and shot his loads. He remembers often washing his briefs out before his mum would seee them so she wouldn't know what he had done. That's why he used to jerk so much to try and keep his balls empty.

"Alright gentlemen the bell is about to sound that will do for today. Tonight for homework please read chapters 15 to 35 and we will discuss the author's intentions tomorrow. Sleep well." with that said the class groaned at the homework assignment and cleared their books ready to head to the next class.

Chris picked up his books, stood straightened his shirt and pulled it down over his shorts to cover his crotch and wet spot and moved to the front of the class to speak to Mr lester who was now sitting at the teacher's desk.

"You wanted to see me sir," Chris asked as the class filed out of the room to their next lesson. Mick stalled as long as possible before emoving out hoping to hear Chris getting a rag from the teacher.

"Do you want to be part of this as well." Mr lester directed towards Mick ,"If not get to your next lesson."

Mick got together his things and as he was about to leave he noticed a white piece of material poking out of the the desk drawer, he reached down and retrieved the material which as he knew were Chris' white briefs. He balled them into his hand picked u phis backpack in his other and moved to the front of the class to exit the room. He could hear Lester speaking to Chris but could not deternine wha the was saying.

As Mick got level with Mr lester sitting at the desk and Chris standing before him Mick interupted saying "Excuse me sir, Chris you left this in the desk, see you at PE. Thanks sir." Mick thrust his arm forward and offerred to Chris the scrunched up white briefs. Mick opened his hand to let them drop on the desk but Chris was too alert and plucked the briefs as they began to fall. Mick smiled and went on his way "Seeya in PE." he called back

"What's that Thompson." Mr lester asked

"Just a rag sir." Chris responded

"It seemed important to your brother he gave it to you."Mr lester said

"He's not my brother sir he's my cousin, we live together."

"Oh, I see you look like twins, sorry. How come you live together."

"Its a long involved story sir some other time I got to get to PE>" Chris answered not wanting to explain his previous troubles andget away to PE.

"OK some time later, now give me your rag and tuck your shirt in and be responsible." Mr lester directed

Chris lookedd like a rabbit caught in headlights. He pushed the white briefs into his rear pocket and tucked in his shirt. When he was finished he stood before Mr lester slightly bent at the waist.

"OK you're getting closer. Now give me the white cloth your cousin gave you and stand at attention." Mr Lester instructed.

Reluctantly Chris straightened himself and stood upright looking straight ahead with his arms by his side. Mr lester looked Chris up and down. He was a fine looking lad built almost as large as he was and only 15. Fine strong shoulders and torso, nice firm thighs. He noticed the obvious now drying wet spot on the front of his shorts and the very prominent bulge. He could see the faint outline of a cut cock head pressing against the fabric of he shorts. He could get some idea of the outline of a tube. He was amazed at what seemed the size of this lads genitals. He was much bigger than Lester himself and here he was six years older. He admired the very well developed and endowed lad.

Lester returned his eyes from casting across Chris stature to looking directly into the boy's eyes and cast forward his open hand. Chris realised there was nothing he could do to divert Lester from wanting to see the white cloth. Chris reached into his back pocket and withdrew the scrunched up white material and handed it to mr lester. he took it between two fingers and allowed the balled material to fall displaying exactly what it was Chris had been hiding.

"Tell me Thompson, wht were these in your desk," Lester asked and while doing so swirled them around so the briefs turned inside out. As Lester slowly rotated the briefs he could see a small skid mark in the seat of the briefs, and at the crotch, a little yellowish stain, but a lot of grey whitish crusty material. he held the briefs so this is what you focused don when you looked down at them.

"I had to take them off because they were too tight." Chris said. "They're too small."

"In what way." Lester asked

"In that they're too small sir," Chris again repeated.

Lester turned the briefs and looked at the waist tag noting the waist measurement. "Come around here and turn around." he directed Chris

Chris not being sure what to do moved around to the side of the desk Lester was on. Lester put his hands on Chris' waist and then took hold of the waist band of his CHris' shorts. He pulled Chris closer and when Chris' knees were against the knees of the sitting lester, "Lester said "Well let's check." and with that pulled the waist band and looked inside of Chris shorts. Chris gasped and looked to the ceiling. Lester pretended to be looking for something. He peered inside the shorts. He could not see a great deal but saw the blondish patch of pubic hair and the thick tube facing down nestled on large plums. He let the band snap back and turned Chris around so Chris had his back to him. " Maybe there is a label here." and with that he dragged the back of Chris' shorts back and down completley exposing his perfectly shaped mounds. Mr lester put one hand on a fleshy mound with a finger resting between the two buns. Lester looked for a label on the shorts. Chris with the attention he was receiving and the touch on his arse mound and crack immediately sprang a steel like hard on. Chris was perplexed. He was scared and humiliated at what was happening but never more excited and this was showing with his penis response. It strained unashamedly on the fabric trying to break free and emitted precum as if this could allow it to slide free of the restrictive shorts. Lester slowly and continually moved his small fingerr as it rested in the valley of he buns.

"These shorts are the same size as your briefs you say are too small for you Thompson, what do you say about that." Lester asked whilst he turned Chris to face him again. Chris was now standing knee to knee with his teacher who was staring directly at crotch level at the obvious hill caused by a massive hardon. The cock head outlined itself through the wet fabric. Moisture continued to soak the front of the shorts. Chris looked down and was totally humiliated and began to feel tears fall ontot his cheek. He had been exposed to a teacher. He would surely tell all teachers by the afternoon that Chris Thompson was a homo cock slut. As he looked Mr lester astounded by the sheer size of the endowment this lad carried. It outlined bigger than anything he had seen on anyone. Lester was in awe. "If you say your briefsare too small and you took them off then maybe we should also take off your shorts." and with that Mr lester moved to lower Chris shorts to rest on the but of his cock. Lester could feel the pubic bush of the lad before him. Chris moved and shuffled but did not back away.

Looking at Chris lester said" You understand I can't allow you to ejaculate on the classroom floor with impunity. I must do something. If you wore briefs your shorts may not be so wet as they are now. You obviously have problems. I don't know yet how to handle this matter or what I should do with you." Lester had moved his eyes from Chris' eyes back to his crotch. Chris looked down and could see a very prominent swelling at the crotch of Mr lester, he was turned on by this. Chris thought he may have a way out of this mess. Chris reached down and squeezed and readjusted his package to lay sideways so the tube now forced out and to the left, the full length of the tube discernable. Lester gasped audibly. Chris again gave several short pulls on the tube as if trying to settle the beast. Mr lester reached out with his hand whilst he spoke "You need to come and see me after school tomorrow and I will determine what to do with you for punishment. In the meantime I have decided I will not mention what you have done to any one else for the moment. Do you understand." and whilst saying this Lester's extended hand several times bumped into the covered pulsing rod.

"Yes sir, see you tomorrow after class," Chris repeated

"No, see me after school. Consider yourself on detention and we will take it from there." Lester said, "Now get to your next lesson before it's over."

"Yes sir. Thankyou sir. Can I have my, briefs please sir." Chris asked

"No, not for now I am holding them for evidence. Now get to your next class."

To be continued soon.

I appreciate your email feedback on this story and thanks to those who have previously written.

Next: Chapter 12

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