Chris New Life


Published on Dec 2, 2008


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

Please do not distribute it to any newsgroups and/or web-sites without permission from the author. You may, however, send it to your friends in any form you wish, as long as no changes are made to this file.

This story is a blend of my experiences and fiction

My New Life.

Chapter 9

"Leave it will you. You'll wear me out." Chris said to Sinclair.

"I can't help it , I just want to touch you all over." Sinclair responded

"Listen Sinclair I got an idea, I'm going home now, when Mick arrives he'll want to know what happened to me. He's going to want to boss me around so you get over there about 4pm and we'll."

"Bullshit, I'll come with you now, and you can tell me your plan on the way over." Sinclair interrupted " I want to see that prick really suffer somehow for what he's trying to do to you."

"OK lets move then, I want to be there when he gets home. I reckon I got him fucked"

The boys stood, left Sinclairs' house and jogged across to the THompson household. The boys went upstairs, there was no one home, the oldies at work and the others still at school. Chris changed intot a pair of briefs, shorts and a t. Sinclair ogled his body while he was bare.


Chapter 10

The front door opened and Chris heard Michael and Martin enter and make their way to the kitchen. Chris could hear noise but not what was being said. He had Sinclair sit on the chair at the desk and he lay back on his bed waiting for MIchael to come up to their room. Chris heard the two boys come up the stairs, neither were aware he was at home. Martin spoke to Mick and then went on his way to his bedroom to do whatever he did each afternoon. Michael entered the bedroom throwing his school bag onto his bed as he did, he stepped into the room and had a hand on his belt about to release its hold. He saw Chris and stopped, recovered and moved forward to sit on his bed.

"Where did you get to." Michael asked" Didn't want your gear eh, I told you I would bring them back to you after lunch."

"No need to ." Chris replied " Sinclair here saw to that for me."

"Did he, well I might have to get a surprise up for him too." Mick responded.

"Speaking of surprises, how about you get all of your photos and videos of me and make a present of them to me." CHris said to Mick.

Mick stared at Chris, then across to Sinclair and began to laugh," Why in fuck would I give them to you, I am going to publish some tomorrow now just to prove a point. The ones of you and your fag mate there. As a matter of fact you can both get naked, right now."

Sinclair looked across to Chris for direction. Chris motioned for Sinclair to remain seated. Chris stood removed his t and dropped his shorts. He stood in front of Mick in his briefs, then sat back on the bed.

"What you doing with them on, I told you, you never wore them again. Fuck you, you won't learn. You either do as I say now or I release all of the videos to the guys. Got it, come on, Move fuck you."

Chris remained on the bed and looked at MIck who was now scarlet in colour and seemed about to burst with anger. "Ok, you finished with your threats. This is how I see its going to work, you got two minutes to think this through." Mick went to interupt but Chris said," Hear me out, you said your bit. I got to meet tomorrow with Mr Thomas and Mr jackson. The meeting is for me to tell them who assaulted me and stole my kit. Who ever I nominate will be expelled. Ah.. no interuptions. How do they know." Chris then laid out for mIck how they had been caught in the toilets by Mr Thomas. "Up to you Chris, I either get back all of the photos and videos or I tell them it was you who assualted me. I got to tell them something tomorrow. We're going downsairs to get a drink, I'll be back in ten for your answer. I will put you in. Believe me."

Chris and Sinclair stood and left the room heading downstairs to get something for their afternoon snack. Michael sat on his bed pondering his plight. What to do. he did not know if Chris was bluffing or being honest with him. He knew he could not take the risk of being expelled but he had such great material on Chris, to have to hand it back. He thought he might be able to keep several photos and get him again but then realised Chris would still report him. He continued to think of a way out of his dilemna. Meanwhile Chris had a smirk from ear to ear confident he now had Michale where he wanted him and he would be able to get control of the incriminting material. This was a good day. Sinclair was looking at Chris but not as confident Mick would give up as easily as Chris thought. The boys finished their snacks and headed back up stairs to the bedroom and Michael.

"Tell me MIck what do you reckon your old man would say if you got expelled, especially for sexually assaulting another boy." Chris asked

"You didn't say sexual assault" Mick replied

"Yeah I know but when I tell the story that's how it will come out. You being a cock hunter." Chris looked at Mick."I think I could colour this pretty well. Might even involve Ando, he picks on Sinclair all the time. You two stripped me and tried to fuck me but I got away into the cubicle. Not long after Mr Thomas entered. I could tell Thomas you had your dick out trying to plant me. Good story."

"You wouldn't be game." Mick challenged.

"Is that right. Well you listen to me, I got nothing to loose, think on that. I got a teacher who walked into the toilets and found me naked and to prove I didn't do it, all of my clothes were gone. That proves somebody did it to me and took my kit. I couldn't have done it myself. See, so I got credibility. You got shit."

"You grub, you are just trying to get me in shit." Mick argued

"Really." exclaimed Chris."What you been doing to me. Fuck you. It's always about you well that's just changed. You've taken too long to decide. Keep your photos and do what you like with them and I will go to Mr Thomas tomorrow and tell himm about them as well and that will prove you and Ando are sexual predators and you've got it in for me. Do what you like. I hope you do show them around. Makes my case stronger. Whatever you dod I got the upper hand. You're fucked. Checkmate."

With that said Chris got up and walked out of the bedroom, Sinclair got up and followed him. Mick remained sitting on the bed his head now in turmoil. He closed his eyes and flopped back onto the bed thinking his situation through. Chris and Sinclair continued out to the rear patio and sat on the garden furniture.

"You think you might have gone to far." Sinclair asked

"No mate, he's rooted. I meant what I said, there's nothing he can do that won't strengthen my case. That worked out good getting caught in the toilets, eh. I'm glad you thought up the story I would never have thought of it."

"Just be careful that's all MIck is really vindictive. He'll never stop trying to get even with you. I've seen what he's like with kids who just put some idle shit on him, man he squares up ten times over." Sinclair warned.

"You're right. I need insurance. I need to get square with him for what he put me through. I need something damning over him." Chris answered.

"Let's go to my place to discuss it." Sinclair suggested.

The two boys moved back into the house to leave for Sinclair's when they realised Chris only wore the pair of briefs he stripped to earlier in the afternoon. Neither had noticed, the afternoon had been so tense. Chris signalled for Sinclair to stay where he was and Chris ran up the stairs to complete getting dressed. He walked into the bedroom and Mick sat up and looked at him.

"You can't do this to me," Mick complained, "It will destroy my rep at school and at home. please Chris let's start fresh, I got it screwed from the start when I heard you were coming to stay. How about we just shake on it and be mates."

"Where are the dvds?" Chris enquired

"I'll get them ." and with that Mick rose from his bed went to his drawers, pulled out the bottom drawer completely and in the void left by the missing drawer reached in and withdrew 4 dvds. He handed them to Chris and then put his hand out to shake whilst saying "That's all of it, honest. Check on the computer if you like. There's nothing at all stored anywhere else, it's all on these discs." Mick went to the computer and logged in and then stood up away from the computer offerring Chris to take his place to check all of Mick's files.

Chris took the offer and sat at the computer and looked through all saved files. Sinclair entered the room, " What's taking so long."

"We just having a bit of a honest one on one chat. Mick asked me to check he was being honest and not holding out on me." Chris said holding up the 4 dvds.

Sinclair moved to the computer and started fishing around, he couldn't find anything extra either. He looked further and nearly by accident clicked to Adobe and up popped his photo file manager. Sinclair clicked on it to access the files. Hundreds of photos. Photos of his brothers Peter and Martin in the shower doing all sorts of private stuff. Peter had a good sized cock. Good photo of him shooting his wad. Photos of some of the guys from school, Ando, lots of him, Baker, some guys only Sinclair could recognise. The photos were all taken either in the shower or when the person was in bed.

"Wo, what have we here, the man himself." Sinclair exclaimed as he looked at photos of Mick in all sorts

of incriminating poses. Very arty. Thats why you took them wasn't it for art sake. Not because you're a sick twisted fuck."

Mick did not try to respond to any of the words from Sinclair, he sat with his head bowed sitting on the bed. Tears began to run down his cheeks, his head now slumped, he began to whimper.

"Oh stop you great sook. Lets have a look at his email history and see where he's been and what he may have sent." Sinclair suggested.

"You got no need to do that," Mick quickly jumped in.

"I have now." said Chris

Mick eased back down onto his bed and resumed his slumped position. Sinclair clicked on history and all was laid bare before them. They gained from MIck his password. The gay sites, the story sites, the yahoo groups, all of it there. Mick was now openly sobbing.

"Stop. You're only feeling sorry for yourself, nobody else does. Think what you were trying to do to everyone else." Chris reminded him. "You get no sympathy here, I got to think of an appropriate square up for you." Chris turned to Sinclair," Send all of that shit to your computer and change the security settings on this computer so he can't change anything. I'll look at it again later after I think further what to do with him."

Chris then turned to MIck "So how much of this to do want to be known by your friends and brothers."

"You can't show them I'll never be safe anywhere, they'll beat me up." Michael responded

"I agree, well you did do this to me so now it's my turn." Chris smiled at Michael. " They reckon retribution is best served cold."

"What, what are you talking about." said Sinclair

"Don't worry Sinclair, it's too much for you. You just fix that computer so only we can get into it."

Chris directed. "I'll be back to chat to you later, come on Sinclair let's go to your place."

"Sure. Sounds good to me," grinned Sinclair , " It will be ages before the oldies are home."

The two boys left for Sinclair's place leaving Michale sitting on his bed pondering his future through teary eyes. He could not see any way clear for himself. He knew he was in a position that had fully compromised him and he would have to wait and see what Chris decided would be the price for him ot keep the information to himself. Given what he had already done to Chris he knew Chris would demand a high toll for his silence.

Chris and Sinclair excitedly discussed all of the happenings of the afternoon on the way to Sinclair's house. Sinclair was suggesting what suitable punishments he could think of for Chris to exact against Michael. Chris reflected what Michael had caused to happen to him, being masturbated, being cum on, being made to masturbate in public, being stripped in public, being made to walk home without his clothes, being pissed on , beat up and cum on. Chris's attitude hardened further to Michael as he reflected on what he had endured in his short stay at his cousin's place. Fuck him he thought, I will square up.

As the boys approached Sinclair's house they saw his father leaving in company with a teen dressed in public school uniform. He had his arm draped over the boy's shoulder. They then got into his car which was parked in the driveway. The car reversed out of the drive and passed them on the street. Mr Sinclair did not register seeing his son with Chris as he was busy in conversation with the other lad. Both boys stared at the passenger in the car in an attempt t orecognise who was with Dr. Sinclair.

"Who was that, "asked Chris

"Not sure but I think it was one of the guys from the BH Sports Club dad is inolved with." Sinclair replied

"Why would he be here." Chris enquired

"Sometimes dad uses his study as a surgery for consultation," Sinclair responded."Maybe he was seeing him like a patient."

"Yeah sure he was and the sun won't go down tonight. I bet he was doing him." Chris retorted," He's a fucking deviate."

"Don't say that about my dad, if someone hears you they'll believe you." Sinclair snapped

"He's not your dad to start with and he is a deviate, look what he does to you."

"He's been real good taking me in, he gives me everything I need. He calls me son and I call him dad. No one knows about this except you remember." Sinclair answered, " And he doesn't hurt me. Just does some studies and stuff."

"Yeah he stuffs you." Chris rebounded "Come on I got something to show you."

"And I got something for you too." Sinclair grinned back.

The two boys entered the house through the front door. As soon as they were through the door Sinclair moved to Chris and started to remove his shirt, Chris lifted his arms and the shirt slid off. Sinclair moved behind Chris, rubbing his extended crotch into his rear, hooked his thumbs into the elastic waist band of Chris's shorts and briefs and in a quick definite movement had them at Chris's feet. Chris continued walking and stepped away from his clothes and left them lying in the hallway. Chris was now completely naked. Sinclair followed Chris to the kitchen and stripped off his clothes. The two boys embraced,, naked, lips sealed to each other, tongues probing, chests clamped together, excited nipples standing up poking each other, cock to cock squeezed between their abdomens. Their passion exploded with a long tongue fuck, while both oozed copious precum onto the other, soaking each others body and pubic hair. Chris lifted Sinclair to sit on the kitchen bench, he bent his head and took Sinclair's nipple into his mouth. He sucked forcefully, he rubbed his teeth across the sensitive tip, Sinclair was in his own sexual utopia. Without warning he exploded, his cum surging from his penis, volley after volley finding a home on Chris's chest and face. Sinclair threw his arms around Chris. Chris continued his ministrations to Sinclair's nipples, him being coated in cum not interupting his rhythm. His tongue continued to rasp across the teet, Sinclair was left speechless. Chris stood up straight and Sinclair and he embraced, the cum on Chris now forming a seal between the two boys bodies. They continued their long deep kiss of passion. Chris pulled Sinclair off the bench to stand again on the floor and as their bodies and cocks again came into contact the throbbing organ could take no more, could hold no longer, could exercise no more control. It fired its load between the two boys adding to the personal juice they shared. Sinclair felt the warm body fluid forcing its way between them, and looked at Chris and smiled. The two held their embrace for what seemed an interminable period of time.

They finally broke and each surveyed the other, Sinclair whilst still erect had lost his full hardon Chris on the other hand appeared as if nothing had yet happened and his cock stood pulsing, bobbing to the heart beat, still oozing its sticky fluid. Sinclair smiled at Chris and stared into his sky blue eyes.

"What" Chris said, returning the gaze int othe black ponds of Sinclair's pupils.

"You went off without me even touching your thing." Sinclair pointed out to Chris," Do that often."

"Yeah I know, once it starts to build nothing stops it, especially when I got hold of something good. That's why I keep blowing in my jocks all the time it goes out of control."

Sinclair dropped his hand and gently took hold of the massive penis," I wish I had it." gently squeezing the tube and idly running his thumb over the oozing piss slit massaging the slimey liquid across the head and around the glans. Chris closed his eyes and sighed. He was building for another ejaculation. Sinclair continued to gently finger the penis, Chris leaned back against the kitchen bench, eyes tightly shut, he moaned. Sinclair dropped to his knees, he was positioned directly in front of the pulsing cock, his tongue flicked out across the head, Chris felt the action and moaned loudly. Sinclair opened his mouth to its fullest extent and sucked in the head of Chris' mammoth schlong. He ran his tongue around the head

"Oh..Oh..O..O.."Chris groaned as if in a drug unduced trance'"Oh god, oh" and with that he again released his pent emotion into Sinclair's waiting mouth. Try as he may Sinclair was unable to contain all of the liquid shot into him, it dribbled out the side of his mouth, down his chin dribbling onto his chest. He smiled at Chris then leaned forward and took Chris in his arms and again they embraced, passionately kissing, Sinclair forcing his cum soaked tongue into Chris' mouth. They shared the cum together. Chris leaned exhaused against the kitchen bench, emotionally and physically spent. This was his most splendid moment. As Chris leaned against the bench Sinclair gently massaged his hands over Chris body working the cum into Chris' skin as if a soothing oil. The boys placed their heads on each others shoulder and swayed together. Sinclair allowed his hand to sneak to Chris' arse cheeks and softly hold them letting his fingers creep into the arse crack, waiting for attention. Chris did not react but allowed Sinclair free exploratory rights to his body. Chris placed his arms around Sinclair's shoulders and gently kissed his cheek and nibbled at the lobe of his ear. Both boys were experiencing true love for the other, nothing would ever break this bond.

"Come up and shower," Sinclair said to Chris. Chris moved back into the hallway and picked up his previously discarded clothing and then moved to Sinclair's room. Sinclair was in the room, sitting at his desk fondling his genitals. " I really love you , you know that don't you. You won't let anything happen to us will you." Sinclair stared longingly into Chris eyes again.

"Don't be so melodramatic Sinclair, you sound like a girlie." Chris responded.

"Do you love me Chris"

"You know I do, and no I won't let anything come between us, but we got to be a bit careful people don't see us as a pair of gays. No one must know" Chris warned

"What do you think we are , what you reckon our feelings for each other is normal do you."

"You know what I mean, we just can't be seen to advertise we're poofs. It's ok for you people expect it but not me." With that Chris punched Sinclair in the arm and went into the bathroom to have his shower.

"Not without me you're not." Sinclair called and followed Chris into the shower, the two standing beneath the water together. "What you going to do with Michael."

"When I get finished here I'm going home to talk to him and see what he wants to do, not that he has much choice. Depending on his replies will depend how shitty I make his life. But no matter what he will pay a fucking hefty price for him being like he was to me. I'll fuck him. Come to think of it I might just do that, practice for you" Chris smiled at Sinclair,grabbed the soap and began to feverishly lather himself to remove any evidence of their afternoon activity.

The two boys stepped from the shower towelled off and returned naked to Sinclair's bedroom where they lay on the bed and talked for a while. It had been about an hour since their shower when they heard the garage door closing and a car door slam. The boys looked at the desk clock, it was much later than they thought, Sinclair's father was home the boys jumped to their feet and quickly pulled on their clothes. They fell back to the bed and continued talking. The bedroom door opened and it was Sinclair's father.

"Hello boys, what you two studs been up to I wonder." the father asked

"Nothing to that would interest you I'm sure," replied Chris

"I wouldn't be too sure about that Christian, everything you do interests me." Mr Sinclair responded

"No nothing dad, just some school stuff and talking about classes and stuff." Sinclair added," Who did you have with you this arvo."

Mr Sinclair looked at Sinclair with a start, "OH. ah, that was a fellow from the club, he required a medical clearance that's all and couldn't get down to the practice in time."

Sinclair looked to Chris then to his father " I thought so. That's what I told Chris."

"I got to get going I'm going to be in trouble for being late for dinner," Chris said to both Sinclairs "OK seeya tomorrow mate." and with that Chris left Sinclairs and headed home.

"You both had showers have you, I can smell the soap" Mr Sinclair asked of his son.

Sinclair stuttered for a minute and said"Yeah we were wrestling outside and got all hot and sweaty so jumped in the shower to clean up."

"You should of had a swim, you know your friends are welcome to use it any time and that would cool you down. You have a lot of fun in the pool and nobody will interupt whatever it is you're doing" Mr Sinclair said

"Didn't think of it, we will next time." Sinclair replied

With that Mr Sinclair left Sinclair in his room and headed to his study. Sinclair sat at his computer and logged on. Meanwhile Chris was beating a hasty path home, not wanting to be too late for dinner but also wanting to make sure he could put Michael under pressure. While he walked he imagined all of the power he would have over Michael and what he would force him to submit to. He started to swell at his crotch, the thoughts exciting him. He became completley hard just thinking about Michael. Chris continued on his way, hands jammed in pockets attempting to disguise the distortion of his shorts at the crotch. A casual observer would see what was the cause. Chris was torn in what to do. He could not control his emotions and began to freely flow precum from his excited organ. He quickened his pace to get home before his penis decided to take control and loose its fluids.

Chris walked into the house and to the kitchen saying hello to his aunt and uncle and the boys who were all milling around waiting for dinner to be served.

"Just in time for dinner Christian." Aunty Mary said

"Thanks aunt I thought I was running a bit late, sorry if I held you up." Chris said hands still in pockets.

"Not at all lad," said uncle John."OK boys go sit and we can eat."

The boys all took their places, Peter next to Chris, whilst Chris was directly opposite Michael and Peter opposite Martin. When seated Chris kicked off his flip flops and casually raised his leg and placed his foot into the crotch of Michael. Michael glared acrosss the table at Chris but did not say anything or try to move, he acted as if all was normal. The family sat around the table all discussing the days events, only Michael and Chris not telling the full story of the day. Chris continued to massage his foot into Michael's genitals. He could feel with his toes Michael had sprung a hardon and he concentrated pinching at it with his toes and slowly pushing his heel into the soft bag of testicles and grinding it against the body. Michael completely stopped all conversation his attention taken by the feelings coming from his groin. He began leaking from his hardon. He could feel he was not long before release. Chris too had developped a raging hardon, something he had not counted on.

When dinner was finished Uncle John directed Chris and Michael could clear the table, put away the condiments and stack the dishwasher. The others were going to the family room to watch TV. The boys waited for the others to leave before standing, both showing to the other the extent of the swelling to their crotch.

"Enjoyed that did you." Chris said

"Fuck off."Michael said

"After we finish here you and I are going for a walk in the park to discuss your future." Chris announced to Michael."You understand your position, and you know what I'll do.'

"I know , I know, I'll do whatever you say, lets talk outside." Mick replied.

The boys cleared the table, stacked the dishwasher and wiped off the benches, they then called they were going for a run, and would see them when they got back. Martin called he would come as well but Mick told him he couldn't as this was a race between him and Chris and they wouldn't wait for him. The two boys left through the rear door, into the back yard then through the rear gate into the park behind. The park had perimeter lights and stadium lights around the oval but the lighting did not extend to the natural bushland that adjoined the park and oval. As the boys entered the park from the house yard Chris told Michael to sit on the grass and they could talk. The two boys sat on the grass and faced each other. Michael waited for Chris, not knowing how this meeting would end up.

"OK you understand I've got to see both Mr Thomas and Jackson tomorrow don't you." Michael nodded and Chris continued."You know all the material I have got and what it shows." Again Michael nodded saying nothing. "You do understand the shit you would be in with every one if I let it be known what you have been up to." Michael nodded again, looked at the grass but still did not speak." I don't think you're taking me seriously Mick so just to get yoyur attention, strip all your gear off and then we can talk further."

Michael didnot say anything but stood and removed his short, then his shorts. He faltered with his briefs, looked at Chris, then slid his hands into the waist band and slid them down his legs and stepped out of them. He stood before Chris with a semi hard on which Chris became uncomfortable with as he found himself appreciating the look of Michael naked, feeling he wanted to take hold of his penis and do things with him. Chris immediatley hardened with the thoughts. Chris found he was much harder than was MIchael.

"Can we move out of the light." Michael asked

"Sure let's go for a walk, just drop your things at the back gate, you can pick them up when we get back". Chris instructed.

Michael did as he was told after which he trailed alongside Chris as they walked towards the bushland.

"Can we stay out of the light please , just in case." Michael near begged

"I understand so you can either walk in the light or walk in the shadows but jerk yourself while we walk and talk. Your call."

Michael moved into the shadows and fisted his cock. Chris smiled at the control he knew he had. Michael had capitulated easier than he thought. As they walked and Michael slowly pulled on his cock Chris pointed out all of the things Michael had done to him since he had been in Sydney. He told him he had not deserved any of it and how he had been humiliated and demeaned. Michael just nodded, his eyes looking down, he continued slowly wanking his very erect and straining penis. Michael was not as well endowed as Chris but Chris continued to look at the protruding penis and felt a strong longing to physically take hold of Michael as he did with Sinclair. As they walked and spoke further of the actions of Michael and why, Chris started to understand MIchael had felt threatened by his presence and would lose his position within his group of friends and colleagues. Chris was falling for Michael. Michael stopped walking and put his back to a tree, his grip quickened, he began to moan, he felt his balls tightening in their sack.

"Hands off, now, come on let it go." Chris told MIchael, and physically hit MIchael's hand from his penis, "No relief yet, you got a lot more to do."

They walked on both sporting hardons , Michael naked and bobbing in front of him, his balls jangling as they walked. The freedom keeping Mick excited as well. Chris clothed but sporting an obvious hardon in his shorts. Michael eyed it but said nothing. After a time Chris asked Michael how he had videoed and photographed them all in the shower doing their thing. Michael told him he had climbed into the ceiling through the manhole in their walk in robe and positioned himself above them in the shower where he had a clear vision through the exhaust fan. He said you could see everything and nobody ever looked up. Chris shook his head as Mick told him, marvelling at the ingenuity of the deed and how truely sex craved Mick was.

The boys reached the very edge of the bushland where they stopped and sat on a picnic table.

"Suck me off." Chris said to Michael.

Michael did not hesitate, but got off the table, walked in front of Chris and reached for his shorts. Chris raised his arse and Mick pulled the shorts free. Before him was a pair of briefs with the very clear outline of a very, very large cock pointing out and to the left with the fabric trying to withstand the pressure the cock was bringing to bear. There was a very clear damp spot at the end of the bulging rod. Michael reached forward and took hold of the rod within the briefs, Chris moaned. Michael tightened his grip to strongly squeeze the rod. Chris again groaned and immedialtey loosed his load within his briefs. The briefs quickly showed the wet spot growing and the slime beginning to seep through the fabric of the briefs. Chris stood throwing his hands behind him onto the table as support for himself. Michael continued holding Chris' s cock encased in the cum soaked cotton. Michael had cum on his hands where it seeped through the material. He wiped his hands on Chris shirt front and again took hold of the still oozing penis. Michael was squeezing Chris with one hand and took his own member and stroked but several times to have him shooting his load onto the front of Chris, his briefs and his lower stomach trailling to his pubes. Chris realised this is not what was meant to happen, Mick wasn't supposed to blow on him. He looked down at himself and noted his cum covered briefs and stomach, and the wet mass he knew was within. He pushed Mick's hand away and sat himself back at the table. Neither boy said anything for several minutes.

Chris looked across to Michael and said to him," I'm going to tell you something and I don't want to be interupted, you can wait until I've said my piece, you understand." Michael nodded and sat alongside Chris his once erect penis now subsiding to be chubbed and hang between his thighs whilst he sat and listened to Chris. Chris did not look at MIchael's cock but directly into the blue eyes of his cousin and his near mirror image. " You know everything you done to me and I will be entitled to do anything I choose to do to you. You know I got all that other shit on you. I won't show any of it to anyone and I won't tell the teachers tomorrow how I got stripped, but there is a trade off. You will do anything and everything I say, if you question me once I will show the stuff around school no second chances. Next, you leave Sinclair alone, treat him as a friend, at least my friend, no picking at him. You treat me as you should, like I'm your cousin who has moved in to stay, we're family. You agree."

"Haven't got much choice have I." Michael responded

"No you haven't. Understand, you do the right thing by everyone and no one will ever see or know about your stash of pictures and vids."

Michael nodded.

"Look at me." Chris ordered. Michael lifted his eyes to look directly into Chris's eyes."We're going to start over, you and me. I'll respect you and you respect me."

"Yeah but I'm still like your slave when you say." Michael complained

"I could make it that way, but that's not what I mean. None of that other shit will happen. I told you, you respect me and I'll respect you. We're family I'm not a threat to you, I want to be part of what you are. You understand."

"I think so. So we going to bury the hatchet you mean." Mick said

"Fuck you can take some getting through to. We're family, meant to love and look out for each other, that's what we're going to be. Agreed."

The two boys, still looking at each other embraced firmly holding one to the other. Michael's bare penis pressing into the wet crotch of Chris. Chris allowed one hand to slide from Michael's shoulders down onto his arse cheeks, gently patting them.

"Come on let's go back so you can get dressed and we can have supper." Chris said

"I kind of like being like this with you." Michael replied.

The boys broke their embrace and Michael proferred his hand. Chris took hold of the offerred hand and the two firmly shook hands as if broking a sacred pact.

As thery turned to walk back to the Thompson household Chris turned Michael so the two looked squarely into each others eyes, " Lets start from the beginning and I can have the new life I came here for."

The boys turned again, Chris with his arm over Michael's shoulder, made their way home.

Next: Chapter 11

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