Chris New Life


Published on Oct 18, 2008


This story contains sexual acts between boys and between men and boys. It also contains forms of humiliation. If this is not to your taste, and/or is illegal in your area please do not read any further.

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This story is fictional.

My New Life

I live in a small country town in outback NSW Australia. My father owns and runs a large wheat and sheep farm. In his own right he is successful and our family could be considered reasonably well off although dad does not spend money easily and only buys what he considers necessary. I earn my pocket money by working out on the farm which is about 25 kms out of town where we live. The district has a population of about 800 people. There was no full high school in the district and I had to travel a long way to do my senioir years. I was going to be moving to Sydney to finish my high schooling at the end of this year and go into year 10. I was already enrolled. It was intended for me to live with my uncle, dad's brother, and his family until I finished year 12. Through boredom with nothing to do I got into some trouble with the police in town playing up with my mates. It wasn't anything too serious but dad said if I did it again I would be shipped off to Sydney straight away. I didn't take any notice and got caught joy riding, being drunk and indecent exposure. I went before the childrens court, the police gave evidence of my indiscretions,in particular the indecent exposure, which was where my genitals were on display because I had not tucked in and zipped up after I went for a leak. It turned out to be extremely embarrassing with the word spreading around town as it does in small communities. The worst part was, my mates started making fun of me calling me "Horse" because my penis was the size of a stallion. Unlike the city, as I was to find out, we did not shower at school after sport or gym and none one had seen my cock in many years. The police also gave evidence i was a decent young man gone astray. My father gave evidence I was to be moving to Sydney to be involved in a better environment with family my age, to go to school and be involved in more activities afforded by city living. The magistrate took into account my previous indiscretion of joyriding plus these offences, the good references I had supplied and the plans for my future. He sentenced me to 24 months in youth detention but suspended and placed me on a good behaviour bond for the next 2 and a half years until I turned 18 ordering I was to remain in the care of my uncle as guardian in Sydney and continue my schooling through to completion of year 12. He also stated were I to come before the court in that period I would be placed in custody to complete my original sentence. My father and I agreed to the conditions of the bond. Next thing I knew telephone calls were made and I was informed I was moving to Sydney, now. I was finishing school term holidays and it was the beginning of October. I was not given the option to finish out the current year with my mates. I had my things packed, said my goodbyes to Mum and young brother Bill who was just 14 and Dad took me to the rail station for my trip to Sydney.

At the station dad said "Chris your're 15 years old don't muck your life up at this time. Keep your nose clean and do whatever to stay away from the police unless you want to go into detention. You get no extra chance, you got to stay out of police notice. Got it."

I told dad I understood and that no matter what I would keep clear of the police and settle in to school. With some luck I hoped to get into the football and swim teams. I was a first pick for the district team at football and always played above my age. I also wanted to try swimming and surfing. We hugged and I boarded the train, which is a bus now, and left for the big smoke, Sydney. Once in my seat I settled in and thought about what had happened and what the future held for me, new house, new school, new surroundings, new mates. I was worried that I could accept it all and keep out of trouble not wanting to break my bond and go to detention. I vowed to myself no matter what I would keep my nose clean and not give anyone any reason to put me into the coppers. I thought of where I was going, I hadn't seen Uncle John or Aunty mary in at least 5 or 6 years. I remember Uncle Bill looked like a twin of dads, both big blokes except dad was fitter and browner skin because of being outdoors all the time. Dad was about 185cm (6ft 2in ) tall. The cousins from memory were Peter the oldest who I think is 17, Michael who is 15 same as me and Martin is about 13 or 14 I guess. I haven't seen them or a picture of them in the last 6 years either. I hope they got a bedroom for me when I get there. I put my head back closed my eyes and dreamt of now me in a bus with two asuitcases with everything I own in the hold of the bus and the future with the family in Sydney. Another 6 hours and I'll be there to start my new life. I won't cock it up.

While I was travelling the family in Sydney were in fierce debate about who had to share a room, why did it have to be them and how it sucked having a country cousin come to stay with them for the next two and a half years. It wasn't fair he wasn't one of them they didn't even know what he looked like it was so long since they had been in contact. Not a close family. It was decided Michael would share his room as he was the same age as chris, going to be in the same year, he could introduce him to his friends and he had the biggest room.

Michael roared his disapproval " I don't want to share with anyone else, and I'm not introducing my mates to a flasher!"

Uncle Bill reacted violently to this comment and told them all they were not to refer to the trouble Chris had had whilst in the bush. They would accept him into the house as one of them, as he is family, and the court has made him responsible guardian for Chris whilst he is in Sydney staying with them until he completes school and in any case he was coming to stay next year. He told Michael to get over himself, and get used to the idea he was to include Chris in whatever he did with his mates or else. He also told them but directing his message to Michael, if they didn't get him involved and treat him like one of them then they would be long term grounded. It was with disgruntled resignation they accepted what Uncle Bill had told them and prepared for Chris's arrival. Michael and his father set the bedroom up to accept Chris, making available half of a walkin robe, a chest of drawers and a bed. The room now had an entry door off the hall at the top of the room with a bed and at the foot a desk on a side wall and on the other side wall another bed and drawers. On the bottom wall another set of drawers under a large picture window over looking the house next door, the back yard and the large park area which adjoined it. Everything was in readiness for the arrival of Chris, they just had to go to the station at 3pm to pick him up. It was decided Michael and Martin would accompany Uncle Bill to pick up Chris, Peter wouldn't he would catch up later as he was out with his friends and Aunty Mary could make the final arrangements and prepare dinner. Whilst waiting to go to pick up Chris Michael lay on his bed mulling over his situation and how we would assimilate Chris into his circle of friends. Michael was the leader of this group being the biggest built, very assertive and domineering. He did not want his power base undermined and if Chris had to be intergrated into his group then he would have to get him under control like the rest. He closed his eyes to think of ways he could reduce Chris to do as he wanted. He decided it would be a great challenge. Sharing a room meant the only place he could masturbate would be in the shower, at school or in the park and public toilets behind them, he wouldn't be able to lie on his bed anymore and just stroke to his hearts content in front of the mirror. Michael thought bugger Chris, it's his fault this upheaval to my life. Michael wondered what Chris was like, big or small, tough guy or pussy, stud or nerd, outgoing or shy. Didn't matter Michael decided, he was going to have him under his control no matter what. He decided he would somehow humiliate Chris and have fun at the same time. He might even get his brothers involved, given they're not very pleased about the upheaval to the house either.

Meanwhile the bus carrying Chris moved to outer Sydney , not long now before he would start the next phase of his life. How he hoped it would go well and he would be accepted by all in the family and at school so he could make some friends and keep out of strife and prove himself to his dad on the farm. Chris understood the disruption he would be causing to the household and hoped they wouldn't hold it against him. He sat trying to imagine what the family looked like, no firm ideas only about Uncle Bill and he was like dads twin he remembered. Chris sat in his seat when again for no reason his penis began to fill and quickly harden to a solid mass within his Levis. For relief Chris would run his cock out of the leg of his briefs and down his left leg. His erections seemed so strong when this huge muscle of his filled. It would get hard and then continue to expand in length and girth finally reaching its full development. It would stay rock hard for so long it would throb with pain and often the only way to get relief was masturbation. He had already done so at the last comfort stop which was the third time today he had masturbated. Not unusual he thought he would usually jerk off at least four times day. His penis definitley had a will of its own and would spring to attention continually during day and night and require attention. When upstanding it was impossible to hide and caused him embarrassment for it became obvious what was happening in those briefs, briefs that could not provide enough room or support for those egg sized balls and his "horse" cock. He hoped he wouldn't be noticed at this new surroundings. At the old school it was noticed but nobody said much because it would have been gay to say you were looking at his crotch, such was the country way. The only comments came after his charges were laid for exposure and he also realised he was much bigger than any of his friends, those he had accidentally seen at the urinal at school. A movement across the aisle of the bus caught his eye and when he looked across he saw a man of about 30 years of age smiling at him and nodding acknowledgement to the impressive and unmistakeable bulge and outline in his Levis. At the same time the man was running his hand over his own bulging crotch. Chris looked around him there were no other passengers nearby to witness the actions of the other man. Chris began to sweat with concern, he had never seen anything like this before, this man was obviously doing something very wrong. Chris looked back to the man and saw the man was openly stroking his erect penis whilst looking at Chris. Chris panicked afraid he may get into trouble and break his bond, he jumped up from his seat and moved to another seat down the aisle. The bus driver saw Chris moving in the internal mirror and told him to return to his seat and not move whilst the bus was in motion. Chris returned to his seat, the man opposite had zipped up and was reading his paper as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

Michael had now decided on some actions he would take with his new roomy, his cousin. He smiled satisfied he would get Chris into his web and control him, it might just take some time. His father called out to Michael and his young brother Martin, come downstairs it was time to go to pick up Chris.

Michael thought to himself" I can't wait, let's get this on the road."

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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