Chris in High School

Published on Oct 9, 2016


Chris in Highschool 2

Chris in Highschool


  This is an homosexual content which may contain sex between underaged guys. If you can't stand it don't read it. If reading this content is illegal in accordance with the law of the place you live, don't read it.

  If you're looking for a story only with sex, this is not for you to read. This story is going to be mostly about finding true love (of course it may have sex but always as part of a context).

  Any similarity is coincidental as it comes all from my imagination.
You are not allowed to copy this story nor any part of it.

  Chapter 2

Being pop is right, right?!

November, 5th, 2008

    There was this hunk guy, like Trevor, but stronger, blond like Bruce, but blonder and he was in a smoky place. He was naked and I guess he was aroused. Other than that, he had piercing blue eyes, but had that intense look, strong jaw, bulging biceps... what else... ah, very flat abs, very broad shoulders, very well-built chest... for whatever reason he was wearing nothing but had black boots... he was aroused but there was no girl close to him... and he was coming in my direction.

    He was looking at me, coming close. I don't know what I should do, or if I wanted to move out of the place... it's like I couldn't... it's like he hypnotized me in the blue of his eyes, I could see the reflection of the sea in them... so pure... but at the same time, he didn't seem pure at all!

    He moved behind me and next thing I was tied with a rope, lying on my stomach and I felt his breathing behind my neck... gee, why would someone do anything like that?! And it was getting hot...

    I felt a breathing behind my back, and the tip of a nose. That gave me goosebumps. I should be afraid, I shouldn't let any of that happen... but I just did and what was that hard thing I was feeling on my back... gee the guy was hard and that was... gosh *blush*

    He grabbed my both triceps in his big hands, and I resisted but only for two or three seconds because `I knew I should' but then I stopped and let him be there, and I guess he put his tongue on my neck and... I woke up!

    `Gee, what a weird dream. Chris, you really need to relax.' `And the best way to relax is...' I was thinking as I opened my eyes.

    I giggled as I realized I came in my briefs... I didn't `need' to do anything else.

    `Weird dream.' I mentally repeated to myself.

    But what matters is reality. You're making the old man proud, you made it to the team, when everybody asks you how you made it, you reply that's `cause you're the best player for you position not `ow, I study a lot and I play fairly so I make it'.

    I woke up, only in white – with one darker spot *blush* – briefs. I got up and stretched in front of the mirror.

    I was admiring myself, actually checking myself out. Flat abs, legs ok, nice thighs as I was not the thin type, though I know I was less built up than most of the guys in the team... still better than two or three. My chest was getting well defined... I flexed an arm, not great but not bad either.

    `You could use some color' I thought to myself, in front of the mirror... I looked again at my body and the spot in my briefs and mentally laughed at me.

    Along with that, my light brown hair was all messed up, as it had a reddish shade when the morning sunlight hit it. I have green eyes and they say they remind of mom's. I like my nose, it's not big, not small either, just `right', you know... I'm not skinny but I wish I had a larger jaw... but you could say I have a fairly large jaw. So, my eyes are green, my hair is light brown (almost `hazel' if it exists for hair) and, today, I'm kind of pale, what makes my lips look even more reddish. In the last school they made fun of me saying I used to use lipstick... yeah, you need a tan, maybe.

    `On the other hand, keep up the attitude and no one is gonna have the nerve to say anything about your red lips' I thought to myself. And I don't use lipstick! And off to the shower! And, downstairs for breakfast before you get late.

    "Good morning, dad."

    "Hey, that's my champ."

    "Hey, dad..." I started as I opened the fridge to get some milk and then, the door click... and dad was off to work... sigh, okay. Oh, damn it, I forgot to ask for the lunch money.

    And as I turned back to the counter, that was fifty bucks... dad always knows *smile* and that's enough for three days, but I know I can use it all today, so cool!

    I know dad isn't rude, it's just that he works so much, sometimes I don't even wait for him for dinner, because he gets back home really late, but he talks a lot about his company, how he started it with little money, how proud he is, etc. If it makes him happy, I support him. I know he supports me, worried about my grades, avoid bullying, `how to be a sport', `how to get girls' and stuff like that. Usually when he talks to me it's kind of fast as he's always busy and rarely he's home before nine, but when he does he pretty much covers it all.

    Oh, I guess the counter money... I can go to school by cab, sweet! Call the cab man!


    When I arrived at school – I asked for the cab driver to stop by the corner, close to a café... so he'd think I'd buy coffee and people at school wouldn't see me arriving `by cab', everything settled ok. So, when I arrived at school, the guys were chatting in front of school.

    "S'up." Usual greetings and here we go one more nice day starting. Ashley and Linda were already there.

    "What a smooth hair." Linda said, ruffling my hair and kissed my cheek. She noticed I dried it with the hairdryer before leaving home this morning *blush*.

    "And this Michael Kors t-shirt... nice." She said as she passed her right hand on my chest, slowly. Sure thing the guys like coming to school with the school team uniform, but gee I have to use other clothes sometimes too, alternate, you know... the same clothes every day. I don't want to leave the impression I don't shower, or they don't wash my clothes at home...

    `Gee, Linda, quit saying those girl things about hair and clothes.' I was thinking and smiling at her.

    "It's so stupid, they make us come only to watch the first class and then there's this excursion to the water station." Bruce was saying.

    "I'm not going. We'll meet behind school, right?" Ashley winked at Bruce.

    "Right." Donna added.

    "Are you going, Chris?" Derek asked.

    Actually, I thought it was very cool when the biology teacher mentioned. I didn't say anything to dad, I wanted to go, so no big deal. I know I said it's not important what I like, but the team rules. But in this case I was having my neck around the situation and I could go to the excursion, so no problem, right?!

    "Oh, the old man didn't let me skip it... I'll have to go." I dismissed.

    In the halls on the way to class, I bumped into Peter, to make a statement, as it's `usual' to bump someone on the way to classes... but, damn it, he didn't even notice it!

    Peter isn't part of any team at school – I mean, not part of any cool team, as football, baseball, basketball... I don't know if he's part of something like drama or school journal, but I don't know anything about the `non cool' clubs either.

    I `shouldn't know' the uncool kids names, but he wasn't bullied like the nerds, or the weirdos, so I guess I `could know who he is'. For one thing, I have most of my classes with him.

    Peter is my height, he's blond, has very blue eyes, his hair is always cool, he dresses okay, he has a good body built, not hunk, not skinny, I'd say more to the well-built side, his abs are flat, at least what I can see with him wearing a t-shirt... anyways, I guess his looks help him to avoid the bullying. What bothers me sometimes is that he knows the answers in classes before I do like he `tries to steal my spot' and that, actually, bothers me a little. So, summarizing, he seems cool, but I don't really know `cause I never kept a conversation with him, but I'm sure he has the standards to try out for the team, if he wants to.


    On the bus to the water station I was sitting beside Mr. Thompson – to the others, the P.E. teacher, for me it was `coach'. Of course I would meticulously have my way to sit beside him because he was the coach and I wanted to socialize and be sympathetic at him, if it helps getting a place in the team, next season. Besides, he's very cool to talk to.

    Mr. Thompson is tall, has short black hair, a very large jaw, very broad shoulders, chest bulging out of his polo t-shirt, bulging biceps. He was wearing blue shorts, showing his very hairy legs, even showing a piece of his thighs, close to his knee. I'm sure he was very successful with the ladies.


    Can you believe Peter sprained his ankle walking during the visitation to the water station?! I guess someone has to be stupid to do that, with all the instructions in a guided visitation!

    On the way back to school, he took `my place' close to Mr. Thompson and I had to sit beside this kid named Nick. He's the quiet type so he said nothing to me. Actually, Nick wasn't even sitting, he was kneeling talking to Peter all the way back. The thing is, I didn't take my place on the way back and didn't talk to anyone.

    After that, I went home. I had to study for the math test, because, you know, the teacher can give us a surprise oral test, or an extra exercise any time.

    Oh, I had to check the sports news in the Internet. I don't like watching football on TV, I mean, when I have free time I can watch other programs with more information, you know, real entertainment, `cause I get really bored seeing those guys tossing a ball, so I see the news, this way I can follow the conversation with the guys next day.

    So, this afternoon there was that cool program where the host teaches the guests how to dress better. One may think it sounds silly, but it's valuable information, besides, after that, there was that show on TV, where the very beautiful top model guy `kidnaps' the women at the supermarket to teach new dishes for dinner. It's obvious that guy didn't even have to know how to cook, because he's `TV gorgeous'! But, of course, I don't talk about that at school.

    I kind of like playing football. Actually it was much more fun when we played at my former school. I never made it to the team, back then, but I played with my mates just for fun... now I have this team pressure and I get to be in the bench most of the games.

    Anyways, that day, in the evening, I even got to go to the church. I saw one or two people getting bullied at school `because they talk about church' and that's not a `cool subject' so I never bring it up there either, but I really like going. My father says he never has time, so I go by myself.

    The last couple of days, I threw a guys tray during lunch, I shared ice cream we bought with money from this other bullied kid – I didn't take the money myself, but still, participated somehow, and I guess I was mean with one or two comments with the teachers, and they're so cool, some are so sweet, others seem really concerned about my mates... so I took the opportunity to confess myself to the priest. He said it was okay ... well, not exactly okay, but for me to pray and he would forgive me this time.

    About my weird dream this morning, I felt it could be wrong somehow, but it was too embarrassing to tell him *blush*, so I got the opportunity to pray. I got on my knees in front of the tabernacle, and somehow I felt like crying. Actually I cried a lot. I thought that would help me to feel lighter maybe... it didn't.

    I arrived home for dinner, but there was nobody home, so I got a sandwich in a nice place close to home, but I brought it to eat at home.


    That night, I was by the window, watching the moon and singing a song, from my head... or my heart... dunno.

    "Loneliness, sadness... let it be
Just don't let me stop being
Just don't let it make less of me..."

    After a few minutes, I decided it was time to go to bed, but before that, I took a look at the mirror again.

    Most of the guys from the team are stronger than me... the guys who play most of the games, most of the times are stronger than me. Bruce, for example, blond hair, reddish face, strong jaw, big lips, large shoulders. Derek, so wide shoulders and narrow waist... his confident way to just stand and be in one place as we all chat... they look they're twenty five or something, they're all big, well-built... I guess they even have to shave every morning...

    And that kid, Peter, he's so stupid. I bumped into him and he didn't notice, he didn't even look back at me to give me a chance to say something, have some fun and make my school social chain statement... besides, sometimes he tries for my spotlight during class... I'm a competitive person, what can I do...

    He's not buffy like some guys in the team, but he definitely has the looks to be in the team, to be part of it, you know. He's blond, his hair always looks nice, he is well built up, his chest seems to be defined, his abs seem to be flat, under his t-shirt, I'd say he has nice thighs, that would fit nice in the football pants uniform, and the blue eyes through the helmet facial protection, deep gaze on the opponent with some black in those rosy cheeks...

    Yeah, Chris, quit thinking about that stupid guy and those stupid things, because that's how you end up having weird dreams, right?! And drift off at once... you're avoiding the bullying, keeping this new image, keeping your friends from the team, you're doing everything alright... I guess.

  My note

  So, do you wanna know what else happens in the next month from Peter's point of view? Read Peter in Highschool
The title is 'clickable' The story has the date in the beginning of each chapter for you to know where to keep it up between Peter in Highschool and Chris in Highschool, as they happen about the same time and, mostly, about the same facts ; )

  Feel free to write me at

  And these are from a few years ago, but here they are, my other series (the titles are 'clickable'):
Through the rain
My angel   and
I want a friend
Take a look if you feel like.

Next: Chapter 3

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