Chris in High School

Published on Aug 8, 2023


Chris in Highschool Chapter 16

Chris in Highschool


  This is an homosexual content which may contain sex between underaged guys. If you can't stand it don't read it. If reading this content is illegal in accordance with the law of the place you live, don't read it.

  If you're looking for a story only with sex, this is not for you to read. This story is going to be mostly about finding true love (of course it may have sex but always as part of a context).

  Any similarity is coincidental as it comes all from my imagination.
You are not allowed to copy this story nor any part of it.

  Chapter 16

Do you wanna learn it with me?

December, 20th, 2008, Saturday.

    So, yesterday, was the coolest day ever... well, maybe not ever... as Peter kinda wanted rushing to get out of here when I got hot and he was all over me *ahem* but it was kind of cool, because he said goodbye for me phoserly, I mean, he held my hand by the door... *sigh* I guess I just wanna cry right now... I mean he's straight and even knowing I have zero chance... I mean... if he told me to kneel in front of him just to mess with me, I would gladly do it... even if it was just to touch his skin one more time... *sigh*

    But I mean, who can blame me... the little brat is like a demi-god, straight blond hair, with so charming locks, blue eyes, like the sea, like the sky... like those I want from the core of my heart *blush*... not skinny, not build up... just lean sexy... *sigh* I know it gets repetitive at some point me talking over and over about how beautiful he is... ah, and his smell... OMG... anyways... it's just not fair... on the other side, it's ol'plain me... I mean, I *know* I'm not ugly, light brown hair, green eyes... maybe a little too pale, trying to look better in the gym, hard time... maybe getting there *sigh* maybe... I mean I'm not ugly but I don't have... argh... his waaay to be, you know? Damn it, I'm so in love with so much of a zero chance... and the thing is... before I think with my head, I think with my... heart *giggle* and I'm already stumbling on actions and words all the time around him... but... did I tell you how intoxicating... in a good... the best way... is to be around him?!

    Anyways... this morning I... played with my shaft *blush* and after that... I love having breakfast at the bakery on weekends but there was just so much food from yesterday I decided I would just eat at home... then, I don't know what I would exactly do.

    So, I had only loose regular clothes on, like `stay home' clothes (I mean, when last trend isn't last trend anymore then they turn into home clothes and the real last trend are the last trend clothes... got what I mean, right)... anyways, I went to the porch and across from the street guess who... Peter, magnificent Peter was... what was he doing... ah, he was mowing the lawn.

    "Hey, Chris!" he waved, putting the other hand on his forehead, as it was a particularly sunny morning.

    He raised his right hand up for a high five, holding the lawn mower with his left hand. He let go of the lawn mower and pulled me into a hug... and damn it his scent, his hair... gosh... it was a `straight hug', quick with a pat at the end.

    "So, what's up?" I asked and tried... tried... not to avert my gaze to the floor as he looked at me with angelical-devilish blue eyes...

    "I'm mowing the lawn... this weekend I didn't get to have my neck'round it, you know?" he replied.

    "Ah, and what's that?" I said, pointing to the ladder beside Peter's house.

    "Ah, that. Dad wants to paint the house on the outside again... mom said he should hire some people who know how to do it, but he insists on doing it... so I have a peeled wall on my bedroom wall and... that's all *giggle* And you, what are you up to?" he returned the question to me.

    "Ah... me..." I thought `I'm here to stare at you and make my day happy but I had to think of something else, quickly...' while I had my hand on the back of my neck, averting my gaze, making a circle on the ground with my foot, thinking... gee, what a dork *mental note*

    "Ah... I was thinking about hitting the mall." I replied. "Wanna come?" I asked before thinking.

    "It's still early..." Peter continued.

    "Yeah..." I trailed off.

    "Besides, mom is gonna let me go only after I finish this..." he said, and continued after a pause, with a smile. "You could help me... this way we finish faster and I guess we can go."

    "Suuure." I said, a little too fast, with a smile of my own.

    "Here, take the mower, I'm gonna take the hose and open the tap." he replied.

    He got back and I was waiting... "So?" he asked, looking at the mower.

    "It's just that... I've never used this... so I don't wanna break it... if you can... give me instructions... the basics... *giggle*"

    "Here, let me help." Peter continued.


    So, after a while, despite it wasn't a particularly hot day, it was very sunny and it was quite tiring mowing the lawn after all...

    "It's getting hot..." Peter commented and brushed his hand against his forehead.

    And with the rose in his hand, he started spraying water over his head and then his chest, making his white t-shirt almost transparent. I was only staring as he was shaking his head, brushing his wet dark locks of hair and after removing the water from his face with his hand, he smiled at me with a devilish look. In one motion, he was spraying water all over me.

    "Hey, quit it, quit it." I was laughing.

    As I was fighting for the rose, I dropped him on the grass and he wouldn't give me the hose and spray water on me on every opportunity, even with me on the top of him.

    Damn it, that wet hair, those wet eyebrows making his eyes even bluer... if that was even possible... he took advantage of that distraction moment and rolled on the top of me, trying to put the hose close to my neck, and under my t-shirt.

    And in another motion, I was on the top of him, we were laughing and I was fighting him, and I was getting out of breathe... and damn... our wet bodies were touching, the wet fabrics of our t-shirts and our wet crotches with wet shorts over them... I got serious for one mere second but then I thought `he knows... to the hell with it' and it was so so good rock my abs against his... my crotch against his crotch. For one moment, I bet he was pulling me against him other than trying to pull in our fight play... Anyways, he rolled on the top of me and let go as he rolled and we both were lying on our backs, on the wet grass, on wet clothes... taking our breathes, as the laughter subsided.

    I guess I my shorts were kind of tenting, even more because they were wet... Peter got up and I was lying on the grass. I put one hand on my forearm to look at him, against the sunlight as he was standing and took off his wet t-shirt.

    I would've gasped but I was with my mouth kinda open as I was looking at him shirtless for the first time... He only looked at me and flashed his white smile.

    "Guys, there's lemonade here on the porch." Mrs. Hershey yelled from the door. She was always so beautiful and considerate.


    So, in about 40 minutes we were meeting by the front door to go to the mall. I tried new clothes and, no need to mention, Peter was his usual charming self, with his teenager devilish aura along with his super sweet kindness.

    I didn't really wanna go by bus but I didn't want Peter to think weird stuff about me so I decided not calling a cab...

    "So, let's go?" I said as Peter approached me.

    "Sure". I replied and with that Peter got the keys and went towards the car.

    "Mom borrowed me her car to the afternoon. Sweet, huh?" Peter winked at me.

    I allowed myself to think for a moment it would be like a prince charming in a horse... but damn it I would mentally kick myself always when I had such kind of thoughts... as he already said to me he's straight... *sigh*

    It was so cool, we walked all around the shopping mall... but he wasn't just wondering with that passive aggressive teen posture... he would actually feel the fabric of the clothes, inquire himself and at me, which would be good, and we would walk and make conversation about all the topics, from school to movies, to TV shows, to games... So, of course in no time it was time to get back home


    So, lately, Peter turned out to be my friend, the perfect next door boy... ok, I admit I had to `interfere' a little for dad and me to move to this new house... not so coincidentally right across from Peter's... and ok, I kinda regretted it after he `found out'... I told him, I mean *argh*... but now it's all so cool... he's so cool, and beeeautiful, and sweet, and kind... and so different from the guys from the team, or the guys from my old school...

    And I was looking at the ceiling and I couldn't stop looking at him and it was late at night... I could watch a movie or something on TV, as it was a Saturday night but I didn't feel like doing it... and when I realized I was sitting on the doorsteps with my elbows on my knees and resting my chin on my hands, thinking about seeing Peter again...

    And I was looking at his bedroom window, and the ladder placed in front of it and a mischievous thought invaded my mind `what if I climb and only take a look... no not stare Chris, something really really fast, sneak a peak... it wouldn't take a piece of him... I mean...' and another part of me was saying `yeah, he's gonna think you're a psycho...' and I was walking on the night air as I was thinking. Walking?!

    When I realized I was by the ladder... it was like if Peter was hypnotizing me, attracting me to him... his energy, his sense of humor, his blond straight longish locks falling in his eyes... argh, not again... you know that movie "Sleeping Beauty" in that part the girl follows the green ball up to the tower... I was kinda feeling like that *shrug* `OK, Chris, a quick glimpse and that's it, you'll know he's there and you're getting your butt back to your own bed, right? Right'. Yeah, that was me talking to myself inside my mind... you do that too sometime, right?! *giggle*

    So I slowly and silently climbed and I was by his window and there he was... he wasn't sleeping, he had a magazine I guess in his hands and was lying on the bad, with his reading lamp on, so I could trace his beautiful features, it wasn't dark... yeah, and that was it, I should get back... but it was so so beautiful staring at what he was doing, so naturally.

    And he got up to drop the magazine and get a book from the shelf, I don't really know... well, he wasn't sleeping... so he could at least drop a `hi' to me ("oh, Chris, did you think about what he would think, etc... nooo, of course", mental note)... with that, I lightly knocked on the window glass... He didn't listen so I should go, I said on my mind and my hand had a `life of its own' and knocked again. He looked and opened the window.

    "Hey, what are you doing?" he inquired, not in a judging tone, but with the sweetest smile and sleeping clothes... I mean *I* was in sleeping clothes basically in the street *giggle* Oops, busted, I hadn't thought about that part...

    "Er... I..." I started and mmm... only that... my gaze lost in the blue of his eyes... the white of his smile and his pink cheeks...

    "Gee, it's chill out there, come on in." he said and offered me his hand to push me in his room.

    You know, we ended up playing cards as he said he wasn't sleepy either and it was so cool, of course after one hour or two... I mean, who's counting *hehe* of course, I had to get back... by the ladder... I mean, I would *die in shame* if his mom saw me walking inside her house at that situation... but it was so so much fun!


December, 21st, 2008, Sunday.

    Next afternoon, I heard the doorbell and it was Peter, can you believe it?!

    "Come on in!" I said.

    "So, what's up?" he said, with his hands on his pocket (skipping describing hooow beautiful he was at that moment *giggle*).

    "Ah, not much I guess." I sincerely replied with a hand behind my neck and averting my gaze not to stare at him... one of these days he would catch me staring and come to the conclusion I'm a psycho and never see me again *sigh*

    "So, let's go to my room".


    "Oh, do you have a guitar or... what's the name of that again..." he asked.

    I was playing the Spanish guitar, trying a new song in a calm boring Sunday afternoon you know, on my bed, when Peter rang the doorbell.

    "It's my Spanish guitar." I replied.

    "Do you play any instrument?" I asked him. I mean, wow, we talk so much lately and there's still so much I don't know about him, right?!

    "No, `though it sucks... I'd really like to know how to." he said.

    "People say learning how to play the Spanish guitar is easier than learning how to play the guitar, you know?"

    "Ah, not really. I guess I don't understand much about music... I mean, I love music, concert DVDs, etc., but I don't know much about the technical stuff..." he trailed off as he was sitting on my bed.     "Do you wanna learn with me?" I asked.     "Yeah... it would be awesome... like... ever!" he replied.     "Here, take it in your lap." I said. Well, at least he knew how to hold it. So I kneeled in front of him to place his fingers, from his left hand, on the cords.

    "Like this?" he asked with a smile and then he looked back at the instrument and a lock or two of hair fell on his eyes. As he didn't wanna misplace his hands on the guitar he looked back at me, with hair on his eyes.

    "Here, can I?" I said as I brushed his hair with my hand and combed it behind his ear.

    "Thanks." he said with a light chuckle. Gee, so pink cheeks, so close to him... `focus Chris, focus' I was mentally saying to myself.

    Each time I would teach him something his eyes would shine like one's eyes can only shine when they genuinely want to learn something new and achieve it... actually he was getting good pretty fast... I mean, he was perfect, he was Peter! Did he already know how to play and didn't tell me? I mean, no, Peter would never lie to me... he had no reason for it...

    And with that we practiced that afternoon and it was so much fun before we realized it was getting late... again!


December, 22nd, 2008, Monday.

    Next afternoon, I ended up being at Peter's, and we were watching TV at his living room and the phone rang.

    "Let me see who's calling." Peter said as he got up from the couch.

    "Ah, hi". He was saying on the phone.

    "Yeah, yeah... everything is great." he replied to the person on the phone.

    "One moment, I'll go to my room, be right back." he said above a whisper to me.

    "Who's that?" I inquired. Gee, I know, so impolite... but it was just a naïve question.

    "Mmmm.. it's mom." he said, covering his phone with his hand and with that he went upstairs.

    I was there, kinda lying on his couch, not exactly paying attention on the TV as I was thinking how Peter was being so cool to me... I don't know if I was behaving well, what if got `tired of me' you know... whatever, crazy me huh?! *giggle*     After five or ten minutes... dunno, I was zoning out *giggle* he got back and I would be better get going, you know.

    As he opened the door, he stood by the door, so did I, it's like I couldn't leave... I know, it sounds silly *blush*.

    Out of the blue, he took me in a hug... I mean, he hugged me before and, no it wasn't because every time he does it, it feels special, I mean, that too but, he hugged me tight, so tight, almost suffocating and I just let myself get lost in the moment... I mean, I guess it was like 15 seconds, tops, however, it was so full of energy... and heart... and, I don't know... maybe he was... sad/worried after the call... you know, sometimes you `transmit it' in a hug without words I guess... well, I'm not used to hug people so whatever... but it shouldn't be anything important, after all it was only his mom probably talking about errands.

    And with that I said bye and he said bye again... and *sigh* I was getting so used to Peter in my days *sigh*

  My note

So, Christmas is coming for them... Nick is getting back from his trip... things will start getting interesting here! Thaaanks for reading of mine.
Your comments can be very motivating to keep the story going, at

This is the related story for you to know better about what's going on
Peter in Highschool
The title is 'clickable' The story has the date in the beginning of each chapter for you to know where to keep it up between Peter in Highschool and Chris in Highschool, as they happen about the same time and, mostly, about the same facts ; )

  And these are from a few years ago, but here they are, my other series (the titles are 'clickable'):
Through the rain
My angel   and
I want a friend
Take a look if you feel like.

Next: Chapter 17

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