Chris in High School

Published on Jul 31, 2023


Chris in Highschool Chapter 15

Chris in Highschool


  This is an homosexual content which may contain sex between underaged guys. If you can't stand it don't read it. If reading this content is illegal in accordance with the law of the place you live, don't read it.

  If you're looking for a story only with sex, this is not for you to read. This story is going to be mostly about finding true love (of course it may have sex but always as part of a context).

  Any similarity is coincidental as it comes all from my imagination.
You are not allowed to copy this story nor any part of it.

  Chapter 15

Close moment

December, 19th, 2008, Friday

    Apricots, shrimp chips, blackberry jelly, chocolate cake, mmm... cherries, ah, soda, I'll take two... no, three... juice cartons, here, check on the list...mmm... what else, coconut drops, peaches, does he like it... I hope so... cream cheese, the big one, that's it...

    School was officially over for winter break but that was me, on the supermarket... This afternoon, I saw Peter at school and he was all by himself... I guess Nick's family must've hit the road as it's upcoming holiday and everything... so, as the we were talking I ended up inviting Peter to come over after class. He said he had some errand to do first but that he should drop at home around five. You know, it was the first time Peter would come over to have a snack at home, so I was buying a lot of things to be a cool host!

    So, I had a shower and my hair was wet brown, as I didn't even have the time to dry it and maybe that would make my eyes sparkle greener, maybe I would look stupid the same... never nearly as beautiful and confident as `straight' Peter... sorry saying it that way, but I gotta tell myself... every time I think about him... `Chris, he's straight, you already told him about you... for nothing... so let's play cool, shall we?!'

    Peter has that aura, you know, some people don't have to make an effort to be charming and kind and cool and polite... sigh... well, that's Peter's case. I mean, tall, lean, light blond hair, blue eyes to die for... his look can be so intense when we are talking, you know, not an intimidating one, a dumb jock one... but just sincerely paying attention... it's so difficult to be listened to these days... sigh... well, that's so non intimidating and perfect that it ends up being... intimidate... Aargh... I am not making sense anymore... and hurry... `cause Peter must knock the door at any moment... after all he lives just across the street... a white t-shirt... the loose or the tight one... no big difference ...mmm... the tight...mmm... white (how non original) jeans... sneakers, flip flops... ah sneakers, I don't wanna cause the impression I'm tired for him to stay little... and the door bell rang.

    "Hi." Peter waved, as he was by the door.

    "Hey." Open smile and high five. Yay!

    "So, do you wanna have a snack?" I started.

    "Mmmm... no, thanks." he replied

    "Oh, but I got the food already all settled on the table." I said before thinking, disappointment showing on my face. The next thought was `dumb Chris... be cool... if he doesn't wanna eat... argh... he must not know you were buying special food on the market just because he's here... be cool, don't be a freak... don't be stupid... he replied that out of politeness... or maybe he isn't hungry at all... maybe both... whatever'... before I could think of something else to say, he replied again.

    "Oh, in that case, I can eat something, if you insist." he finished with a light chuckle.

    "Wow, that's all so beautiful." Peter said, as we were in the dining room... yeah, maybe the stone supports under the big glass table or the chandelier on the ceiling helped... or maybe he's just saying that to make you feel better about the food table, after you opened your big mouth... I was mentally kicking myself. Whoa, stop hyperventilating for nothing, Chris! I was also mentally repeating that.

    Actually I barely touched the food as I was watching Peter, in my house... sigh... who would say that... besides, it wasn't fair Peter was wearing a blue t-shirt, and his eyes were the bluest eyes I've ever seen (stared) and his lips were so red from the strawberry syrup...

    "So, do you have it? Chris?" Peter insisted.

    "What?" I dumbly replied.

    "The new Westlife Concert DVD? Do you have it?" Peter asked again.

    "Oh, yes, I just bought it." I replied.

    "You look distant, tired... I don't know..." he said.

    "Ow, that... it must be... er... school... it's finally over, now only next year.. right?!" I replied.

    "Yup, sure." he said, after chugging and taking a sip of juice.

    "And what about the new GranTurismo? Do you have the game?" Peter continued.

    "Sure. The race games are the best, I just had to have it!" I replied.

    "Cool! Dad didn't let me buy it last time we were at the mall."

    "So, let's play!" Peter said and continued. "Oh, but we should clean the table first and settle all... I mean aaall *chuckle* this food back in place, right?!"     "Ah, never mind, let's have more time to play!"

    "Where are the video games?" Peter inquired, with an excited smile.

    "Oh, the console is in the TV room." I replied.

    "Your dad doesn't mind?" he inquired in a disbelief tone.

    "Not really... actually he's never home to watch TV." I shrugged.

    Peter was actually better than me... or maybe that is because I was staring at the blond hair of his legs, as we were sitting on the rug, playing video games...

    And after that, we were watching the Westlife concert, the new DVD that was just released...

    "Hey, Chris, did you know these guys were all friends in their hometown, and started singing together?" Peter asked.

    "Yeah, I know... as a super fan! A few days ago, I was watching an interview on the Internet, and Shane [the vocalist] said he decided he wanted being a singer, or being part of a band watching a Michael Jackson's concert."

    "Hey, cool." Peter replied, with those blue eyes looking at me and that white smile... sigh... back on the screen Chris... back on the screen. And his shoulder would touch my shoulder... I didn't wanna brush my shoulder against him not to `look weird'... or `gay'... but I didn't wanna move either because it wouldn't be `natural', you know... so I just stayed there... enjoying the heat from Peter's arm... dreaming I would rest my head against his shoulder and sing along... but for now, having his company, wow... that was already a lot.

    "OMG, I love that song." he said as all the girls on screen started screaming... it was the climax to the big ending... of the concert.

    He playfully started screaming too and he was so funny and beautiful at the same time I started laughing... you know when you laugh so much you start crying from laughter... as I was laughing so much, he took my arms on the floor and we start play fighting... actually he did because I was already out of breath.

    Damn it I could feel his crotch against mine and I started breathing heavily... to catch my breath... but also to inhale in his ear.

    I was looking at the blue of his eyes... thoughts lost in there... deep blue as the sky... as the sea... as the sea of emotions inside of me at that very moment... as logics told me a straight guy couldn't be mine as I wanted to... as my heart told me to kiss him... but as our laughter faded and there were only serious expressions... Peter managed back a sitting position and the ending credits were rolling on the screen.

    "Great concert, huh?" Peter said, still a little reddish on the face, his hair on the most messed up way as he passed his fingers on it to comb it back in place, and he was smiling at me.     I shouldn't push luck but damn it... I could imagine that face reddish from other kinds of effort and... aaargh... I wanted more time with him! Gee, I was getting `Peter addicted' in no time!

    "So, do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked and my heart started beating faster.

    "Er... hey, it's getting late, I can't." he said and was getting up´.

    "Open the door for me?" he said, holding a hand for me to get up as well.

    As we were by the door I stopped and he stopped too. I was looking at his features, his hypnotizing eyes, the locks of hair falling on his face as he just combed it back with his hand.

    "It's so cool we live close now..." Peter said to fill the silence, I guess.

    "The coolest, ever!" I replied. `Cool it off, Chris, be casual.' I was mentally saying to myself.

    "So, it was a lot of fun." Peter continued.

    "So I gotta go now." he was finishing. I offered him a hand and he offered a high five. His eyes were shining so much and that smile...

    "Oh, come here." he said and pulled me into a hug. He said above a whisper in my ear "No more crying huh... I'm here just across the street, anything you need... anything."

    Gee it felt so soothing and it was like we were by the door and the much I didn't want him to leave he didn't wanna go either... but that was only me and my big imagination... that was only me not wanting him to go *giggle*     I giggled in reply and kinda averted my gaze to the floor, then after after a second... or two... I looked back at his face.

    "The door?" he inquired with big eyes at me. I *giggle* when I remember that...

    "Oh, ahem, ok..." and with that I opened the door.

    "Ow, it's getting colder outside." he said.

    "Yeah, I replied and smiled." he replied with a small smile.

    I don't know why I offered my hand again for him to shake and he lightly took it and with that he waved good bye three more times in the lawn and on the sidewalk and... got inside his house *giggle*     I closed the door and was hugging myself and sighing like a lunatic and I went back to the TV room to turn the TV off and laid back on the rug... there was the pillow Peter was using to lay his head on and damn... it smelled of his shampoo...

    `Wow, Peter's scent... it's just got hot in here... let me take my t-shirt off'... I was thinking to myself' and as I took my t-shirt off and laid on the rug, hugging the pillow I started *blush* humping the pillow on my crotch and well... removed my pants and *blush* boxers too...

    Gee, he must have a superpower... I was oozing precum in no time, had my eyes closed and a picture of Peter's face came in my mind and... *riiing* Geez, that was the phone!

    "Mmm.. ahem... hello" I answered... my raging leaking boner never subsiding...

    "Mm... hi... Chris... it's Peter." he said and I instantly blushed.

    "So... he continued... did I forget my... er... watch there?" he asked.

    "Mmm..." I got up, bouncing erection, and looked around, close to the TV, the console... "no, I don't think so." I replied. Gee, it was so good, his scent and now his voice *blush* I so know I shouldn't be with my hand *bluush* there while he was talking to me but... well *blush*

    "So... I'm choosing a t-shirt here... can you give me your opinion?" he asked. Odd, I thought... but I was in *no* position to say that, at that very moment.

    "Yeah, sure." I said, breathing kinda heavily.

    "Are you running or something? You're breathing.. differently..." Peter inquired.

    "Ah, it's just that I'm ... cleaning the TV room in a hurry before my dad arrives." I replied, evasively.

    "Oh, so I should call later..." Peter trailed off.

    "No, no... I can talk to you in this meanwhile..." I trailed off.

    And with that, I held the phone with the upper part close to my hear, but the speaker a little further, for him no to listen to my gasps... that I tried so much to suppress... I mean, I was listening to his breathing, you know! And he said like, nothing, for like thirty seconds...

    "So, I should call later." Peter said after the long silence, only breathing.

    "Ah... what about the t-shirt?"

    "Blue, just chose it. Talk to you later, bye." he said and did not hang up.

    "Er... *deep breath as precum oozed on my hand* bye." I said... after like fifteen seconds he hang up and I gasped loud.

    I closed my eyes as I ran my hands on my chest and navel and... Damn it I could only picture him in my head... over and over...

    A knock on the TV room's door, that was open, by the way... "Hey, champ. Chris, I..." and that was the loud voice of the old man.     "Whoa... daaad!" I shouted and put the pillow kind of in front of my lap... as I was naked sitting on the rug.

    He scratched his head, looking at me... "That's my champ... big there like the old man." Gee, I blushed big time.

    "So... er... finish what you're doing there... I don't wanna see that *laugh* I'll be upstairs to take a quick shower... decide where you wanna go out for dinner... only you and me." and he went upstairs laughing, echoing the house. Damn, straight men, go figure!

  My note

I'm sorry for the huge delay... warming up chapter to the stories get back on track for the big things to happen!
Your comments can be very motivating to keep the story going, at

This is the related story for you to know better about what's going on
Peter in Highschool
The title is 'clickable' The story has the date in the beginning of each chapter for you to know where to keep it up between Peter in Highschool and Chris in Highschool, as they happen about the same time and, mostly, about the same facts ; )

  And these are from a few years ago, but here they are, my other series (the titles are 'clickable'):
Through the rain
My angel   and
I want a friend
Take a look if you feel like.

Next: Chapter 16

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