Chris in High School

Published on Jan 7, 2017


Chris in Highschool 10

Chris in Highschool


  This is an homosexual content which may contain sex between underaged guys. If you can't stand it don't read it. If reading this content is illegal in accordance with the law of the place you live, don't read it.

  If you're looking for a story only with sex, this is not for you to read. This story is going to be mostly about finding true love (of course it may have sex but always as part of a context).

  Any similarity is coincidental as it comes all from my imagination.
You are not allowed to copy this story nor any part of it.

  Chapter 10

New friend?

December, 5th, 2008

    Thank god Friday! Well, what a hectic week and with a blast of emotion, but this time – mostly – good ones I guess.

    That day, Mr. Thompson was calling one by one the guys who made it to the team to go to his office so he could fill some forms for the next season, I guess. Well, that was really fast, like five minutes each, nothing like the half an hour I used to spend in his office...

    "Christian Dubois." he called, just as Derek was back, with his head close to the class door. It was during Geography class so I was very thankful as that morning it was especially boring. I was kind of surprised because I had the exam yesterday, but, soon I realized he didn't fill any papers yesterday.


    "Hi, coach." I said with a weak smile as he closed his office's door.

    "Have a seat." he said to me and put his chair close to mine.

    "Did I do something wrong?" I asked. What a serious tone the coach was using... definitely very different from the last couple of days.

    "No, nothing at all." he said with a warm smile. Gosh, so beautiful. Well, that calmed down a lot.

    "So, it's to fill the forms for next season?" I asked with a tentative smile of my own.

    "Oh, that. I filled yours for you, k?" he replied.

    I had a quizzical look on my face.

    "So, Chris, I would like to tell you we can't keep doing `things' as we have been doing." he bluntly said.

    He looked at me and continued. "I noticed the way I could lead you to some uncomfortable situation, yesterday, you know?" he continued.

    I just nodded. I'd had a thought about it and I guess his conclusion was pretty reasonable.

    "It's not even about not letting other people know, as for what I see you wouldn't like that either." he continued. I quickly nodded. Gosh, no one could ever dream of it. "It's just that I wouldn't like you to feel bad about something you do, I wouldn't like it to interfere in our coach-player relationship now that you have a place in the team again *smile* *wink* and" he continued "there's this chick... ahem... lady I'm starting to see and things are getting serious..." he trailed off.

    Wow, coach was already so considerate about me, about not making me feel bad, he didn't have to explain himself.

    "Thanks coach." I said and as he was sitting I hugged him, resting my cheek on his chest. I know he just said I shouldn't but... *giggle*

    "Hey!" he said with a light laugh and ruffled my hair. He pulled me to his chest for a moment and then pushed, lightly, putting a finger under my chin for me to look him in the eye.

    "I want you to know you can count on me for anything, any doubt... er, serious doubt, you have. If you have any trouble, here or at home and feel like you want to let me know, just come here, okay?" he said seriously, with a shiny look in his eyes.

    I nodded and smiled. He gave me a light smile back. I got back to a sitting position across from him.

    "Chris, is everything right at home?" he asked, in a serious tone, looking at me. Actually checking my arms, legs, quickly. I guess he meant the bruises from the other day... days...

    "Yeah, coach, things are better... `nothing' happened again, since last `time'". I replied and kind of looked down. It felt kind of embarrassing letting him know of that.

    "Hey." he said, lightly lifting my head with a finger under my chin. "Anything you come to me, anything, remember?" he insisted.

    "Okay." I said, still a little bashful, but with a weak smile this time.

    "Alright." he said with a light – not so light – pat on my shoulder. "Now, Dubois, get back to class and call McCormick for me to continue my form routine."

    "Okay." I said with a smile. He winked at me and that was it.

    I still felt a little confused but it ended up much better than I was picturing in my head. I didn't feel `rejected', I didn't feel bad for anything I did and I didn't have to come up to him and tell it wasn't right what we were doing. I mean, he was so big, I guess I wouldn't have the courage to say it and... and even if I had, with any move he had with me being a horny teenager I would end up, willingly, giving up on that plan.

    However, now things were straightened out and I was er... okay... alone again... and, to make things worse, Peter has been completely avoiding me since the fight we had. I mean, I'm not his best friend, far from it, but at least he's polite enough to say good morning, lending a rubber, and small things like that.

    I mean, I tried to apologize and he didn't even look me in the face.


    Lunch arrived and I felt I really didn't want to be in the middle of problem with the guys from the team. I don't know, maybe I didn't want to talk about `what coach asked you during the interview', otherwise I would have to lie, so that, I just avoided having the usual lunch with them.

    With that thrill of emotions and events – most important, I remain at the football team *grin* - I even forgot I was hungry for a moment and was there, in the middle of the patio, just zoning out, you know those moments?

    That's when Peter arrived, close to me. He wasn't with Nick or anything. Actually it was only him.

    Well, not only him, it was his usual self. He had this white jacket with a blue stripe, along with jeans and red sneakers to contrast. That along with the deep blue of his eyes and his shining, silky blond hair... sigh. Gee, Chris, why do you look at him that way, you don't have a chance *shrug*

    And as the wind blew, he was smelling so great, of shampoo, you know? Anyways, not to trail off, he was standing in front of me and he offered me his hand.

    "Good morning." he said. It was already noon, but as he didn't greet me in the morning I guess... I wasn't understanding, but I just took his hand.

    Wow, soft and warm. No, Chris, don't rub your thumb in his hand, and don't stare! Okay... ahem... I let go of his hand. I ruffled my hair to make sure it was right. Geez, stop doing that too!

    "I'm sorry." he simply said. I didn't get it. I guess it showed on my face.

    "I mean, I'm sorry for the... punch." he said and was looking at me. "At your nose." he continued as I said nothing.

    "Oh, *I* am sorry. I started it. I didn't mean to..." I trailed off. "So, do you accept my apologies... from the other day?" I inquired.

    He was looking with a face of... surprise. I mean, what did I say of wrong now?!

    "So, you're not having lunch with your... friends... from the football team?" he asked.

    "Um... no, not today." I replied.

    "Er..." he started and then said nothing else.

    "Can you have lunch with me?" I blurted out.

    "Er... okay!" he replied. "We'd better get the line." he continued.

    "Oh, alright."

    So, we were in line and I had to fill and awkward silence, not more awkward than Peter wanting to have lunch with me.

    "So, do you like anime cartoons? I'm watching Sukysho this week..." I tentatively started.

    "Mmm... I'm not really a cartoon's fan..." he replied.

    "Er... what about music? Westlife is my preferred band." I continued.

    I don't know why I was blurting these things out but I had to make conversation. There should never be that awkward silence that makes you nervous but I was getting more nervous than normal. I mean, I was getting really kind of nervous, but that's Peter's fault. Why is he so beautiful?! And that day, especially, he was rolling a blond hair lock while talking to me, waiting in line... damn it, so cute! Okay, I guess I was nervous because of it, because no one could ever dream I like boys, because he could never know what I was thinking...

    "Really?!" he said with a huge – so beautiful – smile. "I've watched all the concerts on the Internet. I mean, I love'em, but they say it's easier to find the DVDs only in Europe." he said. "It sucks." he finished.

    "Yeah." I agreed with a smile.

    "Hey, it's our turn to get lunch." he said as the line moved again.

    Damn it, and lunch turned out to be so fast. I mean, I always tease him, I'm always very competitive about him, but I never got to really talk to Peter. Other than deadly gorgeous he's so fun to talk to!


    After school I had French class, at the French course, that day. Dad said I shouldn't `forget our roots' or something like that, you know. Well, actually he asked these days what else I wanted, like new sneakers or a new video games console. As I didn't have anything specific in mind I asked for some French classes and he has it already paid you know? Cool!

    It seems crazy when you take your time to think about it... being able to say the same things in other ways... like different people from those who you know, I don't know, maybe through Internet, or when you go traveling, or when you listen to music, can understand you and you can understand too. Okay, I hate to admit it but I really like studying, but I can't say that out loud at school, so why not taking a fine course elsewhere *giggle*

    Mrs. D'Orlèans is a really nice. As I've had classes at school we've already been past the review part. She asked me to write an essay.

    "Excuse moi, Mme D'Orlèans." (excuse me, Mrs. D'Orlèans)

    "Comment allez vous?" (how are you [formal]?)

    "Je vais bien. Je vous remerci d'avoir posé la question. Et vous, professeur?" (I'm fine. Thanks for asking. And you, teacher?)

    Spare comment: I would never been able to say this much in a regular French class at school. People just don't take it seriously. It's a shame!

    "Je vais bien, aussi. Merci. Est-que vous avez faites votre devoir?" (I'm fine, too, thanks. Have you done your homework?)

    "Bien sûr, professeur." (Of course, teacher) *handle the paper*

    "Ah, avez vous écrit une chanson? Superb!" (Have you written a song? Great!)

Le monde c'est très coloré
Il'y a beacoup de personnes
Je voudrais être ensemble
Mon bel ami

Mais il'y a cet espace dans mon couer
Donc le monde c'est pas coloré
Pour moi... seulement pour moi?
Je voudrais... je voudrais avoir
Un ami...
Pour finir mon chagrin
Pour colorer mom plaisir

La nuit... ne serait pas noir
Je... je serais avec toi
Je serais... je serais mieux
Ce chaud dans mom couer

Mais il'y a cet espace dans mon couer
Donc le monde c'est pas coloré
Pour moi... seulement pour moi?
Je voudrais... je voudrais avoir
Un ami...
Pour finir mon chagrin
Pour colorer mom plaisir

Mais il'y a cet espace dans mon couer
Donc le monde c'est pas coloré
Pour moi... seulement pour moi?
Je voudrais... je voudrais avoir
Un ami...
Pour finir mon chagrin
Pour colorer mom plaisir

_(The world is very colorful
There is a lot of people
I would like to be together
With my beautiful friend

But there's a hollow in my heart
So the world isn't colorful
For me... only for me?
I would like... I would like to have
A friend
To finish my grief
To color my pleasure

The night... it won't be dark
I... I will be with you
I will be... I will be better
This warmth inside my heart

*properly read, the words are supposed to rhyme in French)_


December, 6th, 2008

    So, on Saturday, after Mrs. D'Orlèans positive feedback, I felt like returning to the beach house, maybe sit on the beach sand and write a few more songs. I lazily woke up late in the morning, but that wasn't a specially sunny nor warm day, so the timing was perfect. So, I decided to go to the beach. With that weather there would be no crowd.

    I put my white t-shirt off and I was only in gray sweat pants, sitting on the almost-white beach sand, looking at the sea while the wind ruffled my hair.

    I'd brought some paper and a pen, maybe to write a new song of my own – I mean, my humble scratches as they were not actual songs, like songs that someone would play... mostly because I wouldn't take them from the drawer *shrug*

_I take you in my arms
It seems I've been waiting
Waiting for a life time

Pleeease, let me hold you
Forgive me... I insist
It's once in a life time
Let me make you mine

    "Hey, Nick, stop kicking the sand." I stopped writing and looked up as I heard the yelling and the laughter.

    "I'm sorry." he approached me as some sand landed close to my face.

    "Peter?!" I said, taken by surprise.

    "Chris?! Hi!" he said all high-fives with a huge smile. Wow, it really was wonderful the way the sunlight was shining from behind him, all across his hair locks.

    "Hey Schaeffer, I mean, Nick. S'up?" I said with a smile and Nick greet me.

    "We're by the beach, only for the day, you know?" Peter said.

    "Nice." I replied with a genuine smile. "I have an idea. Do you wanna drop by at my beach house?"

  My note

Your comments can be very motivating to keep the story going, at

This is the related story for you to know better about what's going on
Peter in Highschool
The title is 'clickable' The story has the date in the beginning of each chapter for you to know where to keep it up between Peter in Highschool and Chris in Highschool, as they happen about the same time and, mostly, about the same facts ; )

  And these are from a few years ago, but here they are, my other series (the titles are 'clickable'):
Through the rain
My angel   and
I want a friend
Take a look if you feel like.

Next: Chapter 11

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