Chris Hemsworth and Idris Elba

By Ryan Smith

Published on Mar 21, 2016


This is a work of fiction. Thor: The Dark World and related characters are property of Marvel. If you are offended by scenes of homosexual male sex, then navigate away from this page immediately.

This scene takes place during the filming of Thor: The Dark World in 2012. I know I probably should have gotten around to this earlier, but sometimes things just happen :)

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--Part 3--

Idris lowered his zipper to reveal the burgundy boxer briefs he wore underneath his jeans. The bulge contained by his briefs bordered on obscene, but Idris couldn't help but notice that Chris eyes were glued to his crotch, the bulge almost acting as a magnet for his crystal blue eyes.

Idris cupped his bulge, giving it a few tugs through the fabric. The lifting and manipulation of his cock acting much in the same manner as a pocket watch does for a hypnotist; Chris was entirely entranced. "You want this, boy?" Idris asked. Chris could only muster a mute nod in response.

Idris reached down the front of his boxer briefs and hoisted out his impressive dick. Lowering the front of his boxer briefs down past his cock, he tucked the band underneath his plum sized balls before letting go and allowing Chris his first unfettered view of his impressive manhood.

Even at only semi-erection, Chris knew Idris' cock was bigger than his. The cut penis was mere inches from his face, the smell of sweat, musk and even a slight scent of piss combining in Chris' nostrils to form a potent aphrodisiac. Idris cock hung there the same way the trunk of an elephant hangs; thick, massive, and intimidating. The exposed mushroom head of Idris' dick was slightly lighter than the rest of his dick, almost pink, before the color darkened along the remainder of the shaft and matched the same dark onyx color as the rest of Idris' body. The shaft was shaped like a railroad spike, tapered at the head and only growing thicker until it reached the dark, course pubic hair. The balls were tight in their sac; Chris could only imagine the load of hot molten cum that was brewing in them as he examined their heft and weight.

Idris loved the look on a boy's face the first time they saw his cock. That same look of wanton sexual lust he was so used to seeing now appeared on his new conquests' face. Idris snapped Chris out of his stupor by taking hold of the base of his own cock and swinging the impressive length against Chris' stubbled cheek, slapping him with his dick.

"Now, like I said earlier, open wide Bitch" Idris commanded as he thumped his hefty cock against his own hand, the sound of cock-on-hand resonating and echoing off the walls of the small room.

Chris looked up and down the impressive body above him before his eyes settled back on the pulsating cock before him. What choice did he have? Idris had already demonstrated that he had the better body, had more physical strength, and had now revealed his monstrous cock that even dwarfed the Thunder God's impressive manhood. How could Chris resist? Chris parted his lips ever so slightly.

Needing no more encouragement, Idris took hold of his cock with one hand while simultaneously placing his other hand on top of Chris' blond hair, taking a firm hold of the head and making sure he could control it however he liked. Moving forward, Idris dragged the tip of his cock across Chris' pouty lips, leaving just the slightest trail of precum on them, as if he were applying lip gloss to his new found toy.

"Stick your tongue out" Idris commanded. Chris obeyed.

Idris slapped his cock against the outstretched tongue before him. Those big blue puppy dog eyes looked up at Idris, the whites of Chris' eyes showing just the same way a dog's does when begging for a treat from his master. Idris used Chris' tongue as a slide and slowly slid his cock into Chris' warm mouth, eager to see just how deep he could go before encountering resistance. It took only a few inches, just about a third of Idris' ebony cock before Chris tried to pull back as his gag reflex kicked in; it was now clear to Idris that Chris was a novice to taking cock and had never sucked on dick before, a thought the aroused the Englishman even more. It was undoubtedly going to be a night of firsts for the blond stud.

As Chris knelt on the tile floor of the bathroom, he peered up at Idris from his new vantage point. Chris was once again overcome by the sight of the flawless body that towered above him. Peering up at Idris' face, Chris' eyes took in the totality of Idris' body which reminded Chris' of a majestic landscape, Idris' pecs more impressive than mountains, his cut abs more amazing than canyons. Soaking in the sights stirred in Chris the same wonder and amazement he felt when taking in a breathtaking view. The only difference being that the sight of Idris' boy stirred feelings of lust deep within him he never experienced when taking in the terrain.

Idris was eager to break Chris' virgin throat in, but resisted the urge to force his entire cock deep into the recesses of Chris' esophagus; at least not until the kneeling god had a little more practice. Continuing to pump his cock in and out past Chris' swollen lips, Idris had been able to work Chris up to being able to take half of his onyx spear, the first half of his cock now shiny with spit from his new cocksuckers' labors. Idris was now fully erect, and that fact had not been lost on Chris. The cock nestled between his lips had continuously plumped and lengthened the entire time he had been sucking it, making him wonder if Idris' cock would ever stop growing. He could feel his jaw opening up, his lips parting even further as more and more of the cock was forced down his hungry throat.

Even as Idris pumped in and out of Chris's lips, Chris couldn't help but once again reach up and run his hands all over Idris' exposed body, feeling the soft skin covering hard muscle; Feeling and appreciating the hours of work and dedication Idris had put in to achieve this body. Idris could tell from Chris' eyes that he was in awe of his body, and he wasn't the first. Experience had taught Idris that powerful, muscular guys respected other men with power and muscle. If you were able to demonstrate your power, your superior physique to them, then they lost the alpha attitude and took on the role of the subservient. The exact role that many of them craved. Idris recognized this trait in Chris and decided to put on a little show for the kneeling blond demi-god to drive his point home.

Backing off so just the head of his cock lay in Chris' mouth, Idris began to flex and tighten his muscles, making sure his already impressively toned and sculpted body became even more striking. Lifting his arms to give a double bicep flex and pose, he simultaneously flexed the rest of his body. Chris shuddered as he witnessed the performance, his eyes soaking in the sights even as he began to realize that the black Adonis before him clearly had the superior body.

"You like this, don't you? You like feeling my muscles? Like feeling my hard body, don't you, boy?" Idris asked Chris, bouncing his arms as he made his biceps bulge.

Chris could only nod as his hands reached up to cup Idris' pecs, amazed at how defined they were, his mouth otherwise preoccupied with nursing on Idris' cock, becoming accustomed to the sensation of a cock in his mouth as his tongue swirled around Idris' cock head, his taste buds enjoying their first taste of pre.

"I'd even go so far as to say that I've probably got a better body than yours, wouldn't you say? I definitely look to have the bigger muscles" Idris stated.

Letting the impressive erection fall from his mouth, Chris dropped his eyes and looked down at his own body. While he had been so proud of it, so proud of the pounds of muscle he had been able to put on, it now looked weak and puny when compared to the tower of muscle above him.

"I guess" Chris muttered, disappointed and a little embarrassed to have his own impressive body dismissed so easily by Idris, to be so quickly overshadowed.

Idris reached down and took hold of Chris' chiseled jaw and lifted his face so that the two actors were looking into each others' eyes. "You will refer to me as Sir from now on, you understand that, boy?" Idris said.

"YesÉSir" Chris uttered. Idris thought it might take a little more convincing of the brawny actor to admit his place, to come to terms with his inferiority, but Idris' impressive physique clearly had removed any remaining barriers that may have prevented Chris from truly submitting.

"Good boy" a smirk on Idris' face. "Now I'll ask you again; which of us has the more impressive body?"

"You do, Sir" There was no hesitation in Chris' voice. He had accepted defeat.

"I'm glad we're in agreement" Idris said with a smirk on his face. "Now, that we've settled that, what do you say you get back to servicing my cock"

Now knowing he had a full-fledged bitch on his hands, Idris was no longer content with merely having half his cock sucked. He needed to feel Chris take the whole impressive length down his tight and contracting throat. Lifting his fat dick up to Chris' mouth, the blonde stud quickly gobbled it down, eager to serve the man who stood before him.

Idris began to slide more and more of his manhood down Chris' throat, quickly getting half into the slurping mouth before he encountered resistance. No longer content with respecting Chris' natural gag reflex, Idris continued past that point, Chris' eyes bulging in their sockets as he began to realize what was happening.

Taking hold once more of Chris' head with both hands, Idris began to face fuck his now subservient friend. Hearing the gags and coughs coming from Chris as he began to forcefully pump his prick in and out of the sucking mouth didn't cause him to slow down, on the contrary, the sounds emanating from Chris only spurred Idris on, a battle cry to thrust harder into the blonde's mouth.

Looking down at Chris, Idris saw those blue eyes of his looking up at him, a hint of panic in them as he sputtered as more and more of the thickening cock was forced past his swollen lips and down his throat. Chris' eyes broke with Idris' as his eyes darted down and looked towards the cock that was pistoning in and out of his mouth trying to gauge just how much of the dick he had managed to take; an air of disbelief that he had not successfully been able to take the whole length in his mouth yet given that fact that Idris fed him more with every pump.

"Come on bitch, relax that throat of yours. I'm not going to stop until I get my whole hog down your throat anyway." Idris encouraged.

Chris was sputtering as he took more and more, saliva now drooling out of his mouth and around Idris' cock and down his chin. Idris' cock was slick with saliva and mucus that was being brought up from Chris' struggle with handling the monster cock now firmly planted between his succulent lips. Idris felt Chris consciously relax his throat muscles and he instinctually knew this was his chance. Pushing his hips forward, Idris pushed through Chris' gag spot and impaled the young actor on his gargantuan cock.

Throwing his head back and letting out a guttural moan, Idris felt his cock exit past Chris's mouth and just begin to curve down to enter the blonde's throat. Idris was in heaven. He could feel his balls resting against the stubbled chin, now slick with saliva. He could even feel Chris' nose buried in his public hair, could feel the blast of air exiting those nostrils as his new cock sucker panicked with the new sensation of having a cock buried deep in his throat. Chris tried to pull back, tried to pull off, but Idris hands held him there, even as Chris grabbed on to Idris' muscles thighs for support; nothing was going to deter Idris from enjoying this sensation. As he looked down, he saw Chris' face flushed crimson, his blue eyes watering, he could even swear he saw the throat of the Thor actor bulge a little where he imagined his cock to be lodged in his throat. Worried his new toy would pass out, Idris let go of Chris head and let the muscle bound stud up for air, gagging and sucking in air with just as much enthusiasm as he had had for sucking down Idris' cock.

Idris patted Chris on the head, brushing the few blond locks of hair that had fallen onto his brow, pushing them back. "See, now that wasn't so hard, was it? You've proven to me that you can take my cock, but now I want you to prove to me you want my cock. Understand, bitch?" Idris said as Chris recovered from having taken his first face fucking.

Taking a deep breath, Chris more than adequately began to prove how much he wanted the fat cock that quivered before him. Wrapping his hand around the black shaft, Chris began to jerk Idris cock while his face and mouth delved down to explore Idris' balls. Sucking on them, tonguing them, batting them around with his tongue as though they were a set of tetherballs attached to an ample pole, Chris bathed Idris balls with his tongue and mouth while his hand firmly grasped the cock, using his own saliva as lube to slide up and down the slick shaft, pausing to allow his thumb to press against the dribbling piss slit when it was close by.

Letting the balls fall from his mouth with a faint "plop", Chris began to lick up and down the thick shaft, letting his tongue follow a vein on the underside of Idris' cock until he found his way back to the head. Flicking his tongue against the sensitive head, Chris once again tasted the slightly sweet and salty precum leaking from Idris' cock. Eager for more, he began lapping at it like a dog does to water, hoping to fill his greedy belly with the concoction made in Idris' glands.

Finally, Chris began to fondle Idris balls with his one hand, took hold of the thick base of Idris' shaft with the other and navigated the black cock back into his salivating mouth where he proceeded to administer the blow job of his life. Chris twisted his hand that was jerking the cock like a corkscrew while his other hand alternated between tugging on the hefty balls and rolling them around in his big hand. And while his hands were busy manipulating Idris' dong, his tongue continued its work on Idris' cock by pushing against the piss slit to coax out more of the pre, flicking the underside of the mushroom head and sending shivers up Idris' spine, and letting his tongue swirl around the cock firmly planted in his mouth, dancing and darting around it and making sure to hit ever sensitive spot on it that he could find; it was no wonder that Idris' continued with a constant stream of compliments and obscenities as the Norse God of Thunder worked his cock like a champion.

Idris looked down at his cock sucking protŽgŽ and was in awe. The boy had taken to cock like a duck to water. The blond stud's muscled body was at his disposal. What he lacked in experience, he more than made up with in enthusiasm. Idris stood there, one hand on Chris head, the other on his own ass, as he pumped in and out of the talented mouth before him, occasionally exerting control by making Chris deep throat his ample prick again Ð both because he loved the feeling of the tight throat gripping his cock and the sounds that Chris would make while trying to swallow the entire length, and also to make sure Chris knew who was in charge, who was calling the shots.

Idris was getting close, and as satisfying as the blow job was, Idris knew he wouldn't be satisfied until he had sampled everything Chris had to offer. Pulling his cock from Chris' mouth and grasp, he took him by his brawny shoulders and pulled him up to a standing positon and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss, tasting just a hint of his own cock on Chris' moist lips.

"Good boyÉVERY good boy!" Idris exclaimed as he broke the kiss, his own hand now lazily stroking his own cock, eager to maintain the rock hard erection Chris had worked so hard to achieve in him.

"Now, you want to make me happy, right? You want to be a good little bitch, don't you?" Idris said. Chris could only nod, his eyes darting back and forth between Idris' eyes and cock.

"Good. Get naked so I can see what I'm working with." Idris stated. Chris hurried to undo his jeans, pulling them down along with his underwear and kicking his shoes off until he was fully nude and standing in front of Idris Elba.

Idris sucked in a deep breath as he saw the fully exposed Chris Hemsworth for the first time. Perfection was all that came to his mind. Ever muscle was in perfect proportion, his unblemished skin glistening with sweat, even his albeit smaller cock did this demi-god justice. And while Idris could have stared at a naked Chris for hours on end, there was something else he was interested in even more.

"Turn around." Idris said while twirling his finger in the air, giving the universal sign for his command. Chris complied.

Idris was in awe. Chris' ass was a thing of beauty. Full, round, muscular, high, beefy, perfect. Idris dropped to his knees and pried the muscled buns apart as one would open an oyster to get to a pearl. And Chris' hole was a pearl. Pink, tight, and untouched. Idris was going to enjoy this.

--End Part 3--

Hope you enjoyed the third part of this story. Sorry it took a little while to get out. I Would love to hear back from folks on what they thought, both praise and criticism are welcome. You can email me at I'd also love to hear what people would like to see happen in later chapters.

Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from you!

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