Chris Hemsworth and Idris Elba

By Ryan Smith

Published on Feb 26, 2016


This is a work of fiction. Thor: The Dark World and related characters are property of Marvel. If you are offended by scenes of homosexual male sex, then navigate away from this page immediately.

This scene takes place during the filming of Thor: The Dark World in 2012. I know I probably should have gotten around to this earlier, but sometimes things just happen :)

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--Part 2--

As Chris strode across the bar, making his way to the bathroom for his rendezvous with Idris, he began mentally preparing himself for the impending encounter with his English co-star. Sure, Idris held all the cards, knew his secret, knew that he fooled around behind his wife's back with women, but Chris couldn't let Idris see him sweat. He figured Idris was going to ask for money, maybe for some help in getting cast in some of Chris' upcoming movies, hell he might even ask to join Chris with some of his more enthusiastic female fans and enjoy Chris' sloppy seconds. Chris didn't know what he wanted, but he did know that whatever was proposed by Idris he'd have to agree with our risk the destruction of his family, his career, everything he had worked so hard to forge these last few years.

With a deep breath, Chris pulled the door to the restroom open. The bathroom was small, square, only a few feet wide by a few feet deep. The bar had a series of unisex bathrooms, this being but one of them, and came equipped with a toilet on one side of the compact room and a wall mounted sink on the other side with a mirror above it. A few hooks hung on the wall so that folks could hang their backpacks, purses, briefcases, whatever, without having to place it on the floor of the restroom.

But it wasn't the dimensions and layout of the bathroom that caught Chris' attention. It was Idris. In the time that Chris had taken to put Layla on hold and make his way to the bathroom, Idris had removed his sports coat and hung it on one of the hooks. Idris was simply standing there in just his tight V neck t-shirt with his arms crossed across his chest; an imposing figure that made Chris swallow hard, his Adam's apple bouncing in his thick neck.

While Idris had always been in good shape, Chris couldn't help but notice the way Idris' biceps bulged as he stood there, the way his tight t-shirt clung to and showed off every ripple of muscle, the deep cleft that was visible between his pecs thanks to the low cut shirt. Like Chris, Idris had recently been cast in a series of action films as of late that required the black actor to put on some more muscle, and just like Chris, the results did not disappoint. Taking in the sight of his co-star, Chris almost began to unconsciously take notice of Idris body and began comparing it against his own. Were Idris' pecs bigger? Were his biceps stronger? Who had a deeper cut set of washboard abs? Without even thinking, Chris instinctively flexed his muscles as discreetly as possible, wanting to feel like the bigger man in the room, the alpha.

"We have some things to discuss" Idris' deep voice brought Chris out of his inspection of Idris' body.

As Idris spoke, he sauntered across the room, making his way to the door behind Chris to turn the lock. "Don't want to be interrupted during our negotiations." He smiled and wink, putting Chris at ease.

Leaning back against the door, almost as though he was purposely blocking the only exit out of the compact room, Idris began to run his eyes up and down Chris' body. Chris couldn't be sure, but it was almost like Idris was measuring him up, almost like he was being undressed by his co-stars' eye.

"So, tell me Chris, how long has this been going on? How long have you been fucking other women without your wife knowing?" Idris asked, his voice stern and direct.

"Fuck, I don't know, nine, maybe twelve months? I'm not really sure." Chris already didn't like where this was going.

"And in that time, how many women have you fucked?" Idris' voice was emotionless, like a prosecutor trying to get a witness on the stand to crack and admit everything.

"Really, man?" Chris responded incredulously, almost not believing the questions that were coming out of Idris' mouth. Idris' didn't flinch; he clearly wanted an answer.

Running his big hands through his blond locks and pushing his hair back and out of his face, Chris gave a sigh and an "awe-shucks" shrug of his shoulders. "I don't know, ten, maybe twelve?"

Idris was stoic, his face not betraying his thoughts to Chris in the least. "So, what I'm hearing is that you have a loving, beautiful wife at home, who literally worships the ground you walk on, and you reward that love by fucking around with other women; why?" Idris asked.

Chris felt a bead of sweat slide down his forehead. He'd come in here thinking he was in store for a little gentle ribbing by Idris and and a little quid pro quo Ð Idris won't say anything if Chris just agreed to help him out in some way. He had not come in expecting the grilling he was receiving.

"It's like you said earlier, man. It gets lonely out here, it gets to your head. All these women throwing themselves out you. You don't think straight. You think less with your brain and more with your dick." Chris responded.

"Not good enough" Idris responded coldly. "I understand you need to get off, but why with these women? You've got the best thing going at home. Why ruin that by simply doing the same thing you do with your wife but instead with an inferior woman? With women who barely know your name and just want to say they screwed a movie star?"

Another shrug, followed by a wiping of his brow. Was it getting hot in here or was it just him? "I don't know." Chris said "It's just sometimes jerking off doesn't cut it, you know?"

Idris pushed himself out of his leaning position against the door and took a few steps towards Chris, getting so close that Chris could feel his warm breath on his face, smell the faint scent of cologne mixed with hints of sweat and musk. Idris got so close that Chris wanted to take a step back, reclaim his personal space, but he stopped himself. Surrendering ground now what send the signal that he was weak, meek, bowing to the pressure. Best to stand his ground and make sure Idris knew he wasn't dealing with a pussy.

"I know jerking doesn't satisfy the urge. Doesn't satiate the craving to be with someone else, to feel them react to your touch, your kiss. I just don't believe cheating on your wife with another woman can be justified. Now if you were to cheat on her by doing something you can't do with her, I guess that I would understand." Idris said.

Chris scrunched his face, not following exactly what Idris was getting at. "I'm afraid I don't really get what you're saying, man" Chris said.

"Let me put it this way. If all you're doing is fucking some other woman's pussy, I can't condone that. You could and should be doing that with your wife. Only your wife. Her pussy should be enough. But if you wanted to do something else, experiment with something your wife couldn't do, couldn't offer you, then that I could understand" Idris explained.

Chris cocked his head to the side, like a puppy trying to learn obedience commands. "I'm still not understanding you" he muttered.

Idris sighed and gently shook his head. How dense was this guy? Did he have to spell it out for him? He took another half step closer to Chris, getting almost impossibly close to the blond stud. "I'm talking about cock, Chris" Idris flatly said.

The expression on Chris' face went from confused, to comprehension, to panic in record time. Chris began backpedaling away from Idris, forgetting the stand your ground mentality he had just a few moments earlier, and wanting to put some distance between him and his friend. After only two steps he felt his back hit the wall. Idris still stood between him and the locked door, there was no escape.

"Don't look so freighted!" Idris responded with a laugh, loving the look of sheer terror that had appeared on his handsome friend's face. "I'm going to guess from your reaction that you've never tried anything with a guy before, am I right?"

"I'm not gay!" Chris retorted. And he wasn't, right? I mean sure Chris enjoyed looking at his newly muscled body in the mirror, and sure he admired other guys who had similar looks, who clearly took the necessary time at the gym to craft their bodies into works of art worthy of ancient Greece. But it was just admiration for their bodies that made him look and stare, right? It was just the understanding he had of all the hard work that went into getting that body so fit and perfect that he enjoyed, right? Right!?

"I didn't say you were gay" Idris responded. "Fuck, I'm not gay myself, but I've experimented a little with guys, fooled around a little on the side. You really shouldn't knock it unless you've tried it".

Was this really happening? Was Idris Elba coming on to him in the bathroom of a London bar? He was Chris Hemsworth, he was a stud, a hunk, the man of women's wet dreams. He was the fucking God of Thunder for Christ's sake. Still, the only thing he could get out was another feeble "I'm not gay".

Idris smiled as he strode towards Chris, closing the gap between the two and Chris with nowhere to go. "I hear what your mouth is saying but that doesn't explain this". Idris said, as his hand came out and cupped Chris' bulge through his tight jeans. Chris tensed up as he felt Idris' big hand fondle his cock through the denim.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Chris spat out as he tried to back up from Idris, to escape the hand that was clasped around his junk, but to no avail.

"It's just that the cock doesn't lie man. And it seems to me like your little hammer here is getting plenty excited at what I'm saying here" Idris said with a wink and a smile, his hand giving Chris' ample bulge a squeeze.

Chris had been so wrapped up in processing the words coming out of Idris' mouth that he didn't have time to assess how the rest of his body was reacting to Idris' pronouncement. And sure enough, just as Idris said, his cock had begun to plump up at the thought of what Idris had suggested; the blood vessels in his dick began to expand as he processed what exactly Idris was laying out. Was it true? Did Chris want to be with a guy? Was his dick telling the truth while his mind simply told him the same lie it had been telling him for years, that he was a 100% hetero male?

Now, to be honest, Idris has stacked the deck ever so slightly in his favor. You see, Idris had known he was bisexual for quite some time, and while it was so easy to convince women to share his bed, it sometimes was a little more difficult convincing self-proclaimed hetero man to give it up. That's why he had worked out his special deal with this bar.

This bar was close to a university, in a relatively affluent section of London and therefore was always full of hot and beautiful people from diverse backgrounds. He had been coming here to prowl for years, ever since he first began acting and he worked out a little deal with the bartender. Whenever he sat down with another person at the bar and flashed his special gesture ordering drinks, the bartender would slip a little something extra in the drink of his companion. At first the bartender protested, but as Idris' celebrity continued to increase, he eventually acquiesced to Idris' wishes; it was nice having a bonafide celebrity as a regular in your bar.

Now, what the bartender added to the drinks wasn't roofies or some other date rape drug; Idris wasn't interested in taking advantage of individuals who couldn't say no. It was just a mild relaxer; one that made people forget their inhibitions, the lies they'd been telling themselves for years and instead trust their bodies, trust in the fact that if something felt good and they were enjoying it then that was enough. Made them believe they shouldn't stop what was happening merely because they thought they wouldn't or shouldn't be into it. It didn't always work; sometimes the men really weren't interested and Idris respected that. But sometimes it worked just as he plannedÉand imagine his pleasant surprise when he walked through the bar's doors that night only to find the sexy Chris Hemsworth.

Chris put up a feeble defense in light of his cock growing ever harder in the exploring hands of his stud co-star. "I'm sorry man, I'm just not into it" Chris uttered, a pathetic attempt to convince Idris otherwise.

Releasing the now chubby package from his grasp, Idris decided to try one last bargain with Chris. "Listen, I don't believe one word you're saying, especially in light of the lump in your jeans" Idris said, his eyes gesturing down to Chris' dick. "But I'll make you a deal. Just experiment with me, right here, right now. Let me show you what you've been missing, what you could be doing instead of fucking some easy pussy. If you like it, great! If you don't, just say the word and I'll stop and we'll never talk about this again, okay?"

Idris could see the wheels turning in Chris' head. He could clearly see the outline of Chris' semi-erect cock in his pants which was showing no signs of softening. Idris knew Chris wanted this, knew he needed this, but he also knew he needed one more little push to convince him.

"You experiment with me for a little and I promise I'll never tell your wife a thing about your cheating. Deal?" Idris offered.

Idris could see Chris' eyes soften as the Thor actor knew he would have to acquiesce to Idris' proposal. But deeper in those eyes, past the feigning look of defiance Idris saw a flash of lust and desire. Idris knew that Chris really wanted this.

Silently nodding, Chris agreed to Idris' proposal.

"Good, now just relax and enjoy it man." Idris soothingly said as he leaned forward into Chris.

Chris tightly shut his eyes, resigned to do what was necessary to keep his secret intact. While he came to the conclusion that he enjoyed men's bodies, that was a far cry from wanting to engage in sexual acts with them. At least that's what he thought, right? Right!? Of course, it had to be. He would let Idris have a minute or two of fondling his impressive body before he put an end to this and put this whole experience behind him for good.

Imagine Chris' surprise when he felt Idris lay his first kiss on his neck.

Chris hadn't known what to expect, but he was almost floored by the touch of Idris' soft lips against his own skin. It was like an electric current had entered his body at the point of contact and spread throughout, setting fire to long held passions that he had long suppressed. Idris continued to lightly kiss up Chris' neck, pushing the long blonde hair out of the way and behind Chris' ear. He felt Idris' warm breath against his skin. Each kiss sending a new jolt through Chris' body, each one stronger than the last. That is until Idris reached his ear.

Idris' tongue ran around the base of Chris' ear lobe, sending shivers down Chris' spine. Was this really happening? He had never thought it would be this sensual, this erotic with any one other than his wife, but as he stood there, back literally against the wall in some London bathroom, he felt himself giving in to the erotic and gentle touch of Idris Elba.

Idris continued his manipulation of Chris' ears, alternating between sucking on the lobe and gentle nibbling, finally giving one moderately hard bite to Chris' ear just to show he meant business. He smiled to himself as Chris tensed as the slight sensation of pain rushed to his brain, only to be almost immediately replaced with a shot of adrenaline and testosterone that seemed to course through his body. Idris had him.

While Idris' mouth was busy up top, his hands were not being idle down below. They had begun to explore the full length of Chris' body, and judging from what they felt beneath his clothing, there was no doubt that his body was worthy of a god.

Breaking off from his licking and sucking of Chris' neck and ear, Idris looked into Chris' face, only to find the face of a man who had just had his mind blown. Chris' looked to be in a fog, his eyes tightly shut but his mouth slightly agape. Idris had seen that look before. He'd seen it in the face of men who let go of their inhibitions and embraced the feelings they had buried for so long.

Idris took a firm hold of Chris' chin, lifting the stud's face up so their each could look into the other's eyes. "Hey" Idris uttered. Chris' eyes fluttered open as though waking from a pleasant dream. "What do you say we lose your shirt, okay?"

Chris could only nod. Idris took one small step back to allow Chris the room to remove his tight fitting t-shirt. The sight he saw nearly took his breath away. Chris crossed his arms in front of him as he reached down to take hold of the hem of his shirt and slowly began to pull it up and over his head. It seemed to Idris like it was all happening in slow motion. As Chris slowly pulled the shirt up, more of more of his body was revealed and it only seemed to improve with ever inch of flesh and muscle that was revealed. It just seemed to go on and on until Chris' arms were fully extended above his head, only his head concealed by the fabric; the rest of his body on full display.

Idris was mesmerized by Chris' Apollo's belt, his cut abs, his defined oblique, his strong pecs, his rippling arms; Idris now understood why he had been cast as the Norse God of Thunder.

Throwing his shirt to the floor, Chris stood there, motionless, almost embarrassed. Idris hadn't said anything, his eyes were just taking in Chris' body, drinking in the sights. "Is something wrong?" Chris muttered, wondering if he had done something to ruin the encounter before it had truly begun.

Idris always believed that actions spoke louder than words, and rather than using his words to allay any fears Chris may have had of doing something wrong, he instead lunged at the 29-year-old star, grasping the back of Chris' head with his hands and entering into a long, passionate kiss.

Chris' eyes bulged in their sockets. The kiss was so sudden, so unexpected, soÉhot! He didn't know what to expect, but the feel of Idris' beard against his own stubble, the feel of his soft lips against his own, the way Idris' strong hands ran through his blond hair and controlled his head, making sure his head was craned ever so slightly so that their mouths were in perfect unison. Chris didn't know how to describe these feelings he was experiencing, but it just felt so right to Chris. No sooner did Chris part his lips ever so slightly then his mouth was invaded by Idris' own tongue entering his own mouth, exploring, rubbing along his teeth, his lips, his own tongue, entwining the two in one of the most passionate kisses either had ever experienced.

Idris broke the kiss, leaving Chris' breathless, his pecs heaving as they sucked in air, making them to appear even more massive than they already were. They rhythmic rise and fall of Chris' meaty pecs were almost hypnotizing to Idris and he knew he wanted them. Kissing down Chris' body until he got to his right pectoral, Idris began to manipulate the nipple in such a way that drove Chris wild. Idris kissed, sucked, licked, flicked, nibbled and even bit the pert pink nipple that crowned Chris' pec, all while Chris looked down and watched the black actor worship his body. The first time Idris bit onto his nipple, Chris saw stars. He flung his head back and let out a deep moan. Idris had heard plenty of men moan under his touch; some of those moans were merely for show, others came from the very essence of a man's being, only conjured up when he is so lost in pleasure and lust that nothing else mattered. Chris' moan was definitely of the latter kind.

Idris removed his lips from the slightly swollen nipple he had just bit. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

Chris brought his head down to look at Idris. A look of pure pleasure and lust on his face. "Huh?" was all he could get out.

"I thought I heard you say something. Did you want me to stop?" Idris of course knew the moan he heard escape from Chris' lips was one of pleasure. He just needed to hear that from Chris, needed to have Chris admit he was enjoying having his body explored in a way it had never before.

"No, no, don't stop, it felt good!" Chris exclaimed, to late to downplay it, to try and keep his hetero appearance intact, the pleasure of Idris' mouth, lips, teeth on his nipple overpowering anything that was left of his rational self.

"Oh, so I can continue to do this" Idris said before he went back down and flicked the nipple with his tongue. Chris's head immediately snapped back and another deep moan cam out of his lungs. Idris smiled as he continued to flick Chris' nipple; he had him.

Chris' hands rose from his sides and took hold of Idris' head, feeling the course short hair through his fingers. While Chris' was trying to make sure Idris continued to pay attention to his nipples, to continue to pleasure them in a way no one had ever done before, Idris was having none of it. While a passionate and sensual lover, Idris was not one to surrender control in the bedroom (or bathroom in this case). Taking hold of Chris' wrists with his two hands, he pulled them off the top of his head and pushed them against the wall of which Chris was up against, one on each side of the blond stud. He then continued further down Chris' body, kissing down the cleft of his chest and continuing down the vertical line of Chris' abs.

As good as Idris' lips and tongue on his abs felt, Chris' wanted him to continue to suck his sensitive nipples. He had never explored nipple play before on himself, enjoying the feel of a woman's tit in his mouth but never thinking to ask for her to reciprocate. How he wished he had now. He wanted Idris back on his pecs, flicking his erect and vulnerable nipples with his expert tongue.

But try as Chris' might, he wasn't able to raise his hands from against the wall. Idris' hands were locked around Chris' wrists as he continued to tongue worship Chris' body, and though Chris was pushing against Idris', his arms and biceps at exerting their considerable strength, Idris' didn't budge. While Chris had a momentary flash of realization that this man was stronger than him, it was immediately pushed out of his mind as Idris had already completed his exploration and had begun ascent back up Chris' body, this time stopping to suckle and tease the left nipple; Chris' body going taught once again with pleasure.

Idris removed his tongue from Chris' pecs, leaving him panting with lust. Reaching down to remove his own shirt, Idris lifted the bottom hem of his shirt up and over his head, but not completely removing the shirt altogether; leaving his arms in the sleeves and creating a sort of vest.

Chris was paralyzed with desire. Before him stood the hottest, most masculine, most muscular body he had ever laid eyes on. Chris thought he looked good with his new physique, fuck he knew he looked good, but what Idris had concealed under his shirt was something without comparison. Every inch of Idris was muscle and sinew. How was this possible!? Idris was more than ten years his senior and yet he had every bit the body Chris had Ð better if Chris was being honest with himself. Idris' pecs popped, his biceps bulged, his abs were like the proverbial washboard. Chris couldn't help but reach out and touch it, almost reverently as though the body displayed before him were a sacred object. His white hands contrasting so deeply with the dark skin. Chris shuddered when he felt the rippling muscle, felt it move beneath his touch. Chris knew he had met his superior.

Idris knew the look he was seeing in Chris' eyes, knew the expression on his face. He knew Chris was so in lust, so horny, so in awe of his superior body that Chris would do anything he wanted from here on out, that Thor was putty in his hands.

"On your knees, boy" Idris commanded.

Chris heard the order and resisted. He was no fool, knew what such an action would mean, what he would be submitting himself to, what it would mean going forward. But as he removed his hands from Idris' hard body, looked down at his own impressive frame and then Idris' superior one, he knew what had to be done. Chris obeyed. He slowly sank to his knees in front of Idris Elba, dropping to his knees in the grimy bathroom of a bathroom bar and looked up at his friend, looked up with those baby blues and the whites of his eyes showing, like a puppy begging for a treat.

Idris undid the button on his jeans and began to lower the zipper that was already straining to hold back his manhood, like a dam trying to hold back the flood waters.

"Open wide, bitch" Idris said. Tonight was just getting started.

--End Part 2--

Hope you enjoyed the second part of this story. Would love to hear back from folks on what they thought, both praise and criticism is welcome. You can email me at I'd also love to hear what people would like to see happen in later chapters.

Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from you!

Next: Chapter 3

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