Chris Hemsworth and Idris Elba

By Ryan Smith

Published on Feb 20, 2016


This is a work of fiction. Thor: The Dark World and related characters are property of Marvel. If you are offended by scenes of homosexual male sex, bondage, then navigate away from this page immediately.

This scene takes place during the filming of Thor: The Dark World in 2012. I know I probably should have gotten around to this earlier, but sometimes things just happen :)

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-Chapter 1-

Chris Hemsworth still couldn't believe his luck. When he first began acting, it had just been a way to pay the bills. He was good looking, charismatic, charming; traits that all his friends jokingly told him were his only good qualities which meant he could probably only find paying work as either a model or actor. Though joking, Chris thought his friends might have a point. Chris couldn't stand the idea of standing around all day waiting for photographers to capture that one perfect image, and so decided to give acting a shot. He had auditioned for an Australia soap opera series just because a friend had pulled a few strings and got him a long-shot audition. Imagine his surprise when he actually won a role.

Now near a decade later and everything had changed. While Chris had been happy acting on Australian television, one opportunity after another just presented themselves to him, letting him move from soap operas, to other television shows, to American small budget movies, and finally to blockbusters. And that's where he found himself now, on the set of Thor: The Dark World.

Chris' casting as Thor had changed his life. People who previously had no idea who he was now began to stop him on the street. His face was everywhere; on posters, snack food bags, action figures, everywhere. And it didn't show signs of slowing down. Being part of one of the most ambitious cinematic projects of all time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ensured that Chris would have plenty of work, plenty of exposure, and that his fame would only continue to rise.

And that's exactly where Chris found himself tonight. He was in London, tired from having been on set for most of the day as Thor, filming the sequel to his solo Marvel project, but still able to recognize that the ache in his balls was not going to be satisfied by a quick jerk alone and a good night's sleep in his hotel room. He told his co-stars that he was going to turn in early, take advantage of having the next day off from shooting to catch up on some much needed rest, and call it a night...but of course Chris had other plans.

Chris jumped out of his hotel shower and reached for a towel to dry off. Standing in front of the mirror, Chris begun to rub the towel over his body, the terrycloth material feeling good against his skin. As he toweled off, Chris still had a hard time believing that the man staring back at him in the mirror was him. Chris had always been athletic, outdoorsy, and always took pride in his physique and body, but the muscle he had put on to play Thor had dramatically changed his appearance.

His shoulder-length blond hair hung slightly damp and framed his perfectly symmetrical and masculine face. A pair of bright, steely blue eyes stared back at him, his face covered with just enough stubble to qualify him as being in the "ruggedly handsome" category. His eyes travelled further down his body, still amazed at all the muscle he had been able to put on his 6'3" frame to play the role that would most likely define his career. His shoulders were broad, his arms rippling with muscle, his smooth pecs pronounced and crowned with two pert nipples, his abs cut and defined. Chris was most proud of the deep Apollo's belt that he worked so hard to achieve and now took so much pride in. He loved the way the two deep lines formed a V leading directly to his cock. Flanked by his strong legs, his cock hung there limply though still impressively, resting on top of his ample balls, his uncut cock lay hooded and crowned by a small thicket of trimmed blonde pubes. Chris was no narcissist, but even he couldn't deny that he looked fucking amazing.

Pushing his hair back and throwing on a pair of jeans and a tight form fitting t-shirt, the kind that clung to every muscle and sinew he had developed in order to play the role of Thor, Chris made his way out of the hotel as discretely as he could and jumped in the back of a cab, telling the driver to take him to an out-of-the-way bar where the women were beautiful and the liquor flowed freely. The driver did not disappoint.

It was not long after arriving that Chris found himself inundated by beautiful women. This was nothing new to Chris, but the sheer number of women that had begun to throw themselves at him since he had been cast as Thor was almost unfathomable, but Chris didn't complain. Who was he to argue when a beautiful woman told him he was the sexiest man alive and that she would do anything...ANYTHING...just to be in his presence.

When Chris first began to experience women throwing themselves at him, he at first resisted. He was flattered, truly, but he was recently married, had a baby on the way, and had no intention of cheating on his beautiful wife. It was his agent that gave him a bit of advice on his wedding day, telling Chris that he was now a married man and could therefore never be caught cheating on his wife. He wasn't established enough to get away with a scandal of that magnitude and the audiences would steer clear of his movies if they thought him to be a male chauvinist philanderer. With a wink his agent stressed the "caught" part, figuring that Chris was going to be a superstar and "boys will be boys" but Chris was in love and had no intention of ever sleeping with another woman other than his wife for the rest of his life.

While Chris was still a happily married man with three small children he adored, married life certainly had its struggles. His wife and children lived in Australia; he was committed to keeping them out of the spot light that life in Los Angeles would undoubtedly bring and wanted them to experience the carefree and outdoor centric life he and his brothers had enjoyed growing up. But that meant that while he was flying around from city to city, continent to continent, he often found himself horny and alone; his wife half a world away. But fame certainly had its perks.

While Chris didn't want to admit it, he loved the attention that the role of Thor had brought him, and even more so, he loved the women who threw themselves at him because of it. Chris never tired of it; blonds and brunettes, Asians and Africans, tall and athletic, short and curvy. It seemed like every woman he met was instantly smitten with Chris, no doubt partly due to the shirtless scenes which showed off his drool worthy body that had become so ubiquitous in each of his movies. And while he loved his wife, life on the road got lonely and even the 29-year-old God of Thunder sometimes needed a little release.

And so here he was, famous, buff, and horny as fuck. What was he supposed to do? Chris always made sure that all his liaisons were as discreet as possible, in bars and clubs not frequented by celebrities and free of the paparazzi looking to take that next big photo of a star in a compromising situation to sell to the tabloids. And the bar his driver had taken him to fit his requirements perfectly.

Chris had been at the bar for about an hour and had narrowed the harem of women that had approached him upon his arrival down to one; Layla. She was easily the hottest girl at the bar that night, petite and curvy, beautiful. Once it became evident to the other girls that Chris wasn't interested in them, they fell off, leaving. Coupled with the fact that it was late on a Tuesday night, the bar was mostly deserted, just a couple of folks spread throughout the capacious establishment.

Once Chris had gotten Layla alone in one of the corner booths, she seemed to have no inhibitions and quickly found herself moaning as Chris' roaming hands began to explore her body, allowing him to run his hands all over her tight and athletic figure, cup her full and luscious breasts, even let his hand explore up her skirt where Chris was pleased to discover that she wasn't wearing any panties. The two of them sat there, making out, Chris' strong arm wrapped around his prey, his hand up her skirt diddling her shaved pussy, her hand rubbing his growing cock through the denim fabric of his jeans, both oblivious to anything going on around them. Chris was just about getting ready to suggest the two of them take the party somewhere more private when he suddenly felt another presence at the table and heard someone clear their throat, clearly in an attempt to get his attention.

Chris had dealt with this before and with his past experiences as his guide he figured it would be either another woman trying to get his attention or a bar manager suggesting they tone it down or take their rendezvous to another location. Breaking off his kiss with Layla, Chris pivoted and prepared to offer up whatever apologies or compliments would be needed to get the person to leave them alone so he could have his way with his new found female conquest. However, Chris was not prepared to see the person who was standing across from him at the table.

Standing there, arms crossed across his chest with a hint of a smirk on his face was Idris Elba, his co-star in the Thor franchise. Idris was wearing tight jeans, a tight low cut V t-shirt and a sports coat. Chris' mouth nearly hit the floor. He just sat there, his mind racing to process what Idris' presence meant but unable to come up with anything before his co-star spoke.

"So, too tired from filming, eh? Just going to back to your room to hit the hay? Looks like you're planning on hitting something tonight, all right." Idris smugly said, but with just enough sarcasm that Chris didn't know if he was being reprimanded or congratulated by his co-star.

Chris flashed one of those dazzling smiles and attempted to smooth talk his way out of the situation he found himself in. "Listen, Idris, this is not what it looks like. I want you to meet my old friend Layl..."

Idris raised a hand and stopped Chris before he could finish. "Listen, Romeo" he said "I don't want to hear some lame excuse for what I just witnessed. How about you just come and join me for a quick drink at the bar and we'll discuss what I think I just saw".

Before Chris could answer, Idris simply turned and left, leaving Chris and his paramour alone. Chris turned to Layla, who looked totally unphased by the encounter and was eager to continue her make out session with Chris and having his strong hands once again explore her wet pussy. "Listen" Chris began "stay right here, I just have to clear something up with my friend over there, I'll be right back."

As he got up to follow Idris, Layla let out a pouty moan, hoping it would be enough to convince her new found hunk to stay. It didn't work.

Chris followed Idris and sat down on a stool next to him at a deserted end of the bar. Idris put two fingers in the air and the bartender quickly responded with two whiskeys being put down in front of the pair of actors. Chris looked over at his co-star and tried to start his explanation over again. "Listen, I know what you think you saw, but it was nothing like that, all you saw was simply two..."

He was cut off again.

"Listen, Chris, you don't have to explain it to me. I know what it's like. I know what it's like to be on the road for months at a time. I know what it's like to be away from your wife for just as long. I know what it does to a guy. We all have needs man, I get it."

Chris was relived.

Chris had first met Idris two years earlier when the English actor had been cast as Heimdall in Thor. Though a few years older then him, Idris and Chris quickly became friends. Both of them were at the cusp of superstardom, the only difference being that it had taken Idris a little longer to reach that point in his career. Chris was full of questions and Idris was happy to impart any knowledge or tips he had to the young actor. When Chris' wife had come to the premiere, she and Idris had hit it off and even still remained casual acquaintances.

This was all the more reason why Chris was so panicked. If Idris told his wife what he just witnessed, it wouldn't only ruin his marriage, but possibly his acting career before it had even really started. Hearing that Idris understood what he was going through, Chris let out a long, low sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much, man. That is such a relief. If my wife ever heard what I was up to, she'd have my balls among other things" Chris uttered.

Idris smiled "Like I said" he began "I know what it's like. We all need to get some action from time to time or we'll end up going crazy. It's why I've been coming to places like this for years. Plenty of people looking for a good time away from prying eyes and cameras"

Of course. At first Chris had wondered what were the chances of Idris showing up in the same exact bar as himself, but now it made sense. Being a native of London, Chris figured Idris knew all the tips and secrets of where to go so as not to be seen. If Chris' cab driver had known about this place, no wonder Idris knew about it too. Probably explained how the bartender knew exactly what drinks to pour even though all he had gotten was an order through a hand signal.

Chris took a long swig of his whiskey, throwing his head back, his long blond locks cascading down the back of his neck. Putting down his drink, he patted Idris on the back like a true bro would do. "Well, now that I know my secret is safe with you" Chris said "I've got a little unfinished business I need to take care of if you know what I mean". He flashed a shit-eating grin at Idris and got up from the stool, eager to get back to Layla and her hot snatch.

"Hold on, hold on" Idris said while taking a hold of Chris' arm below his sleeve, feeling the strong muscles just underneath the surface of his warm and soft skin. "I said I understand what you're going through, but I sure as hell didn't say I condone what you're doing. You got a wife man, just imagine what she would say if I were to call her up and tell her what you've been up to."

Panic flashed across Chris' face. "Listen man, you can't tell her! She'd leave me, take the kids! This has to be between just the two of us. Please man, you're my friend. I'll do anything you want if we can keep this just between the two of us, between friends." Chris pleaded.

Idris' eyebrows arched. "Anything, you say?"

Chris vigorously nodded. "Anything, yes, anything. You name it you got it. Just please don't tell me wife". Chris sounded almost pathetic in his begging.

Chris noticed that Idris reached down and adjusted his jeans before pivoting in his stool to look the Thor star directly in his face. "Listen" Idris began "we all have needs. You have needs and I have needs. I'm going to go into the bathroom over there and I want you to come in behind me a few minutes later, you got that?" he asked.

"Sure man, sure, I can do that, anything you want" Chris uttered, not sure what exactly Idris meant but just happy to hear that he would be able to count on his friend to keep his secret.

"Good, I'll see you in there in minute" Idris told Chris, squeezing his arm before letting go and giving him a little wink. Idris got up and crossed the mostly deserted bar before going into the bathroom, looking back over his shoulder one last time to make sure Chris was still there.

Chris gave a little nod before the door shut behind Idris. Finishing his drink, he went back to Layla who was still sitting there, though looking none to pleased.

"Sorry about that babe, just talking business, you know actor stuff." He said. She didn't look impressed.

"Listen, let me go take a quick piss and then how about you and me get out of here and go back to my place and get the real party started, how does that sound?" As he said those words, he flashed one of those blue ribbon smiles and even flexed a little, making sure his muscles popped through the thin fabric of his t-shirt. That perked Layla up a little bit; she nodded and began to gather her things.

"Good, stay right here and I'll be back before you know it" Chris said with a wink.

It was only as he began to walk across the bar to make his way to the bathroom to meet Idris that Chris again began to wonder what Idris could possibly want with him in the bathroom. He was about to find out.

-End Part 1-

Hope you enjoyed the first part of this story. Would love to hear back from folks on what they though, both praise and criticism is welcome. You can email me at I'd also love to hear what people would like to see happen in later chapters.

Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from you!

Next: Chapter 2

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