Chris' Friend Ben

By Jack Santoro

Published on Mar 13, 2005


Chris' Friend Ben, Part 4 By

That afternoon I was the first to awake after our nap. Ben, Frank, and I had spent the morning stroking and sucking each other, driving us to exhaustion, and now that our batteries were recharged, we were ready for more. Ben's penis was hard, because his bladder was uncomfortably full, the result of the coffee he'd drunk a couple of hours ago. Ben had about six and a half inches, compared to my straight six, measured from pubic bone to the end of the glans. Frank's was also longer than mine, by about a quarter-inch. Limp, we were about three inches, more or less. We'd all found that the size of our limp cocks varied, depending on temperature and other factors. In cold weather, my skin, especially the forward end of my foreskin, tightened down, and my penis was less than three inches. The foreskin nipple comprised about an inch of that. In warm weather, the shaft and head tended to fill out, and my big helmet pushed its way into the foreskin nipple, filling it partway and leaving perhaps a half-inch overhang. Our balls also tightened sharply with cold weather, an experience all males know. Frank stirred and opened his eyes, which immediately went to my crotch, and then to Ben's. "Looks like he's ready for a hot piss," he said as he grasped Ben's penis by the half-retracted foreskin, which ringed the head. Frank jiggled the fleshy jacket a few times, and the stimulation made Ben wake up. "Guess we all need a shower," Ben said sleepily. He got up and led us to the bathroom, where we crowded into the stall. We stood under the spray, enjoying the feeling of hot water coursing over our bodies, languidly soaping each other. Ben's erection had now subsided, and his penis arced forward over his large, low-hanging scrotum, the foreskin covering most of the head. "We all get a lot of fun from our foreskins," Frank said. We were all intact, with fleshy shrouds of varying lengths and thicknesses covering our cock-heads, and we studied the obvious differences between our cocks. Frank's foreskin covered the head completely when he was limp, Ben's provided full coverage plus a tight pucker at the end, and mine was long enough to form a tight nipple beyond the end of my glans. "I'm ready to pee," Ben said. "Any objections if I do it right here in the shower?" "A gentleman steps out of the shower to pee," I said with a laugh. "No, go right ahead. Just don't do it on me." Ben pinched the end of his foreskin shut and we could tell that he'd let go because his hood began to distend. The, a heavy trickle poured from Ben's puckered foreskin as he let go, and immediately Frank pinched the end of his tapering hood between thumb and forefinger, stopping the flow while the stream distended Ben's hood. Frank then released it, and we watched a thick yellow gush pour from his foreskin, dropping to swirl down the drain. Frank now stretched his foreskin out enough to pinch the end. We watched his foreskin distend like a balloon until he let go and a torrent of yellow poured forth. Now it was my turn, but before I could touch it, Ben's fingers closed over the end of my foreskin's nipple, trapping my stream and making my hood swell. I sighed with delight as I felt the heavy stream swirling around my helmet with pleasing warmth. When he let go, my thick gush erupted from the end of my foreskin. "I'm really into cocks," Ben said, "but you both know that. I can't get enough of your cocks, especially your foreskins." "I'm also into cocks, especially cocks like ours," said Frank. "I like to experiment with all the things we can do with our skins. Pinching the end shut while we pee is one way to get a thrill. I guess we've all done that since we were kids." "Oh, yes, me too, that's the way I stretched it out enough to skin back," I added as I peeled back my hood to rinse the glans under the hot water. I left it locked behind the flaring ridge and watched Ben and Frank do the same. My big purple helmet began to swell. "I noticed that your foreskin's nice and tight," Frank said to me. "I like the way it acts like a tourniquet when you lock it behind the ridge. Some guys have small tips, and can't keep the skin back, but your head and rim are nice and thick. The way the rim curves up makes it larger, too." "Mine is too," Ben said. His beautiful purple bell-shaped head stood out proudly from the collar of skin behind his rim. "The skin stays back when I pull it behind my rim." Frank had also skinned back, and I saw that his tip was red. His glans was helmet-shaped, like mine, but the front dome was parted by a deep cleft, so that it looked slightly like a pair of buttocks. Inside the cleft was a long slit, but unlike mine and Ben's, it did not pout when his glans swelled. "Our heads are different too," I said. "All different shapes and colors, but all very sensitive." As I spoke, I reached out to run a finger under Frank's, glans, rubbing the sweet spot under the head, the seat of his sensations. His helmet began to swell. "Well, let's get into the kitchen to have some more coffee," Ben suggested as he turned off the water. "Let's keep our skins back this time," Frank added. "I want to get a closer look at your heads." I realized that I wanted to examine Frank's glans up close as well, unshrouded by his long foreskin. After drying each other, we sat down in three chairs grouped around one side of the table, so that we could be close to each other and not separated by the table. "Personally, I think the head's the most beautiful parts of the penis," I began. "The foreskin's nice, too but mainly because it keeps the head moist and sensitive, and has a lot of nerve endings. You can do a lot with the foreskin in sex." "Oh, sure, I really love having a foreskin. I can do so much with that foreskin. Let me get a good look at your tip. It's really attractive," Frank said as he moved his chair closer to mine and leaned forward. He picked up my penis by the shaft, raising the head for examination. "You've got the same thing I have," he exclaimed. "Right on the ridge you've got these little bumps, and the ones on my head are very sensitive." He lightly ran a fingertip around my corona, caressing its fiery nerve endings, and my helmet swelled to full size even while my shaft lagged. "Those bumps contain the nerve endings. You see I'm really sensitive there too," I said. "Even the lightest touch makes my nerve endings tingle." Now my glans was swollen to full size, although my shaft was not quite fully engorged. "That's cute," Frank said. "the way your slit forms that teardrop shape. Not many guys have that. It looks pretty sexy. You've got a nice big head too." "Your slit's down inside the depression in the front of your head," I replied. "I guess it stays a slit." I had picked up Frank's cock by the thick ring of foreskin locked behind his ridge, and was peering at the front of his helmet. "It does," he said. As he spoke, a drop of clear fluid had parted the long lips of his slit. I leaned forward to flick my tongue into his cleft, tasting his juice. "Tastes salty, really nice," I commented. "I don't have much natural lube." "Yeah, Ben told me you don't lube the way he and I do. You use Astroglide under your skin to keep it lubed." Ben had gotten up to get the carafe, and now as he poured his cock came between me and Frank. "Now Ben's got a hot looking ridge," I said. "See the way the flare goes down around the head, right to where the two sides meet underneath?" The compound curves of Ben's bell-shaped glans made it the most attractive one in our little group, I thought. "That's very sexy," Frank said, letting go of my penis and grasping Ben's by the glans. He gave it a slight squeeze between thumb and forefinger. "His slit opens up in an oval when the head gets hard." As he spoke, Ben's bell-shaped head swelled between his fingers. I reached for Frank's prick again and began squeezing the head rhythmically, watching it swell. Frank squeezed Ben's head as he held it, until Ben's rampant erection jutted between us. "We all like having the head squeezed," Ben remarked. "It works for me even through the foreskin." "That makes my cock-root throb," I said. "Squeezing the head always gets me hard." Frank's erection was now full, and pointing at my face. "It did for me, too," Frank said. "I get the same throbbing deep inside when you squeeze my tip." Now we let go each other's cocks and picked up our coffee cups. Ben sat next to Frank and sipped the hot liquid slowly. "You know Chris taught me this trick of drinking coffee before sex," he said to us. "We all saw this morning how the caffeine stimulated us, and our full bladders added to the sensations." "Yeah, but I can't hold off as long when that happens," Frank said. "I do the same thing you guys do, try to relax and make it last, but the caffeine and the pressure in my bladder make me tense, and I shoot quicker than I usually do." "Same here," I said. "I can't hold back as long either, but it makes it more explosive when I come." "You can say that again," Ben added. "This morning I had a really hot come, and I mean hot," Frank said. "The cream felt really hot when it shot through my shaft." "Afterward, I get a really hot piss," Ben contributed. "It almost feels like it's burning when I pee." Although we'd stopped fingering each other's cocks, we were all still rock-hard because of the stimulating effect of the discussion. "You've got the longest and tightest skin of us three," Frank said as he pulled my hood forward to shroud the purple helmet. "It's thick, too." "That tightness squeezes the head and it feels really good when I slide it," I explained. "I like having a long foreskin." "More to play with," Frank commented. "Ben's smart, using tape to stretch his hood." "I have to, Ben said. "Part of my foreskin was cut off when I was a baby. You remember last year, when it would cover only half the head, even when I was soft." "I was never cut. Mine always covered the head, but I'm going to start stretching because as far as skins go, the more the better." Frank said. He pushed my hood back again to bare the head. "I always had a long foreskin, so I know what you mean," I said. "A really long one lets you take longer strokes. Just don't stretch it so much you trip on it," I laughed. "More to play with, more to dock with," Ben said. "I've already got full coverage, but I want to stretch it into a nipple, like Jack's." "One thing we haven't done is dock while peeing," I said to Ben. Months ago, I'd docked Ben's big purple bell inside my hood and he'd had a throbbing, mind-bending orgasm as a result. "We'll have to try that next time we shower." "That would be nice," Frank responded. "Your high-pressure hose washing the cream from my tip and skin." "I know I'd love that too," said Ben. "With our dicks soft, we should have no problem docking that way." "I don't have enough skin to dock a guy," Frank said. "I always wanted to know what it feels like having a guy's tip inside my skin." "It felt great when Ben came inside my foreskin," I explained. "His hot cream swirled around my head and rim, and it made my foreskin balloon, just like when you pinched it shut while I was peeing in the shower." We finished off our coffee and headed once more for the bedroom, our hard cocks with their clearly defined heads pointing the way. We sat in a triangle, facing inward, so that we could easily touch each other. Frank reached for my prick, rolling my foreskin over the rim to cover the helmet-shaped glans. He grasped it by the tip and pulled outward. "Nice and stretchy," he said. "No wonder you were able to dock Ben." I reached for Ben's penis and pulled his foreskin forward. It covered only half the head, and I began to squeeze his g lans through the fleshy envelope. "I had to dock him while I was soft," I said. "There was no way both our big heads would fit inside my foreskin." "I made Jack come first, and then he was completely soft when he docked me. We were able to pull his foreskin all the way over my swollen head." Ben's cock was jerking with every squeeze as his cock-root responded to my stimulation. As the end of the head was bare, I could see a drop of fluid filling his oval orifice. Frank touched a finger to the tip of Ben's glans, scooping up the drop of lubricant and bringing it to his lips. Ben began to moan, and he reached for Frank's cock. Frank's hood was completely retracted, and Ben grasped the thick fleshy collar behind the head and stretched it forward to compress Frank's rim and partly cover his helmet. "I want to see you shoot through your skin," Frank said to me. "You're the only one with enough skin to keep the head covered when you're all the way hard." "I like to watch a guy come to orgasm with the skin back, so I can see the head change color and then shoot. That's the way Ben and I usually do it." The combination of sex talk and tactile stimulation was getting me very aroused, and I knew that Frank would be able to bring on my orgasm very quickly if he persisted. He was working my cock's skin jacket in long strokes, and this seemed to excite him as much as it did me. "I like to see the naked head spitting its load too, and sometimes feel it shoot in my mouth," Ben contributed as he kept stroking Frank's hood up and down. Frank's cock-eye was now weeping slippery tears, and I dipped a finger into the liquid and tasted it. "I love the taste of cock lube," I said. I kept squeezing Ben's glans, feeling his cock throb in response, and I wondered which of us three would come first. Then I pulled Ben's skin envelope back behind his ridge, locking it in place, while I strummed his gee-string, the sweet spot under the head. Ben's penis jerked hard at my touch. "Your balls are tightening up," I said to both of them. Their normally slack scrotums had drawn up against their bodies, a sure sign of excitement. "Yours are always tight, right, Jack?" Ben said. "Usually. My sac only relaxes when I'm taking a hot bath." "Frank, hold up a second," Ben said. "Since you're working Jack's foreskin like that, I'd better give him some Astroglide to make it slide better." He reached for the squeeze bottle as Frank stopped stroking me, holding my hood back half-way down the head. Ben poured several drops on the naked dome of my glans, letting it run down to where my foreskin was. Frank stroked my hood in a slow upward motion, spreading the lubricant over the head. "How about giving me a little, Ben?" Ben poured some Astroglide over Frank's glans as well, and gave his bunched-up foreskin a few strokes to spread it in a thin film over the purple helmet. "That feels really nice, Ben," Frank said. "That Astroglide gives me a warm feeling in the head." Ben poured some onto his glans, and I worked it in with a few slow and sensual pumps of his foreskin. Now Frank was pumping my cock more vigorously, and I felt myself responding. Even as I worked on Ben's foreskin, I felt my glans swelling even more, an unmistakable sign of my excitement. Frank sensed this because he snatched a wad of Kleenex with his other hand, ready to catch my cream when it erupted. "Your head's swelling, and the ridge is harder and thicker," he said to me. "I can feel it through the skin." He was right. I was on the knife edge of orgasm, and I put my hands on Ben's and Frank's shoulders as my eyes closed. The world around me faded. All of my attention was focused on my cock now, and I knew that I'd be shattered by the acute sensations of orgasm any second. My glans was hard, swollen, and aching for release. My full bladder ensured that I wouldn't be able to relax to hold off the event for a few more precious seconds of anticipation. "I'm going to make you cream!" Frank shouted as he yanked my foreskin back hard, sending shock waves of sensation through my penis as the nerve endings stretched. Now he pulled it forward, pinching the end, as he snapped a finger against the foreskin-shrouded underside of my glans, sending a shock wave into my hot spot. Red lights flashed before my tightly-closed eyes as my world exploded, and I felt the first hot stream racing up my shaft. My cock-root throbbed hard, sending another torrent of cream through my throbbing prick. Frank's snapping finger sent several more hot shocks through my glans, keeping my orgasm going. I felt the hot lava swirling around my glans, adding to my sensations, as Frank kept the opening of my foreskin pinched shut. I heard myself crying out in the distance, helplessly, as I floated in the higher world of orgasm. My frenzied cock-root kept pumping out streams of fluid until I was almost empty, and then the spasms changed to a steady seepage. Recovering from the shock of orgasm, I opened my eyes to find myself hanging on to Frank and Ben, leaning forward and kept from collapsing only by my grip on their shoulders. Looking down, I saw thick gobs of white cream pouring from the end of my foreskin onto the Kleenexes in Frank's hand. When I looked up, Ben leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, a dry kiss that was more affectionate than erotic. My penis was still super-sensitive, which was why Frank waited a minute before he lowered his head to my crotch and began sucking the remains of the discharge from under my foreskin. He steadied my shrinking penis with his hand while his lips engulfed the front half, his tongue probing deeply into my foreskin to lap up the cream. "I love the taste of your cream, Jack," he said when he'd finished. "When I saw it boiling out of your skin, I knew I had to taste it." By now, I was fully recovered from the daze that follows orgasm and I wanted to make Frank's penis jerk and twitch, as it spewed its juices. "Ben, you mind if I do Frank now? I'd love to make him come after what he did with my cock." "Sure, go ahead. I can wait." We were still sitting facing each other, and now I lay down to get closer to Frank's staff. His foreskin was fully back, sunken into the deep groove behind his upturned corona, and I grasped it and gave it a couple of flicks to get his attention. Frank moaned in delight, and now I let it slide back to uncover the entire glans. "I'm going to give you a finger job, so that Ben and I can watch the head change color as you get close." I began by running my fingertip down the cleft at the front of his glans, spreading the viscous liquid I found there up and down the cleft, finally caressing his sweet spot under the head. My fingertip strummed his thick gee-string, making him gasp at the sudden sensation. "That's really reaching him," Ben encouraged. "Keep at it and you'll have him spewing in no time." "No, I want him to relax and enjoy the ride," I said as I brought my finger around to caress his helmet's rim. I touched the little bumps I found on the rim, then pulled back on his shaft skin to bare the back face of the corona, also studded with little bumps that contained fiery nerve endings. Each touch made his penis jerk, and more liquid flowed from the slit. I returned to probe the cleft in his glans, picking up more lubricant, and then pulled back on his shaft skin again. His beautiful helmet was completely bared, not shrouded by foreskin, and we watched it avidly. This time I pulled back hard enough so that the tension on his thick gee-string pulled the front of the head down towards his tight sac, and strummed the taut frenulum lightly, sending shock waves of sensation through the straining head. More tears flowed from his cock-eye, distending the lips and running down to keep my fingertip well lubricated. I was glad he was seeping so much, because the viscous fluid masked the sensations somewhat, keeping him from going over the edge before I wanted him to. For the moment, he was enjoying my delicate teasing touches. Now I worked my finger up one side of his corona, tracing the rim, until I reached the top. Now I began tapping on the blood-filled, straining corona, because I knew the taps would penetrate the tissues and stimulate his deep-seated nerve endings. I worked my fingertip down the other side until I came back to the tightly-stretched gee-string. Several taps on this seat of sensitivity made his cock jerk, and provoked loud moans. Meanwhile, Ben had cupped Frank's balls, kneading them slowly, and then changing his grip to pull down on his sac to create more tension. Our teamwork was effective, and Frank's eyes closed because we were pushing him to the knife-edge of orgasm. The color of his engorged helmet had changed to a deeper red, and the surface was no longer spongy, but had hardened under my fingertip. I picked up more lube from his cleft and spread it over the broad upper surface of his glans for a change of pace. I traced small circles over the top surface of his glans, then returned to the triangular groove underneath, where I snapped my finger several times against his tightly-stretched frenulum. Now Frank was moaning steadily, overwhelmed by the rush of sensations, and lubricant was pouring from his slit in a steady stream. I brought all five fingertips to encircle his glans and began the insistent friction I knew would drive him to orgasm. "This is it," I muttered as my fingertips danced over his hot, straining helmet. The flow from his slit had changed from clear to milky, and I knew he was leaking semen even though he was trying to relax and postpone his climax. Ben pressed his other hand against his abdomen, compressing the bladder to heighten his tension, and this sent Frank reeling over the edge. "HAH! HAH! HAH!" he grunted as the full force of the orgasm swept through him, and I felt the hard glans throb under my fingertips. His shaft pulsed in my hand and the first hot jet spewed from his slit onto my face. I engulfed the front of his helmet with my lips, just enough to catch the next stream, and scraped his gee-string with my lower teeth. Frank howled in blissful agony as the shock waves of sensation filled his penis, causing his cock-root to contract and sending another torrent of hot sperm pouring into my mouth. I pulled back harder on his shaft-skin, making the head dip even more, almost to the point of pain. "That red tip spitting looks so hot, so beautiful," Ben commented as Frank's orgasm continued with another hot blast of cream that I swallowed avidly. His pulses slowed, and I knew that any second his helmet would become too sensitive to touch. I removed my mouth, but began a jerking motion on his shaft-skin, making his glans bob rhythmically to keep up the stimulation. Frank's helpless cries filled the air, and his penis continued to spew, though the jets were weaker. When the jets stopped, replaced by a thin seepage from his long slit, I let go of his prick. Frank's penis was still throbbing lightly, and his glans bobbed with each pulse. He was leaning against Ben, and I knew he would have collapsed otherwise. Nobody moved or said anything for a couple of minutes as we waited for Frank to return to reality. When he opened his eyes, Ben leaned in to kiss him on the lips, warmly and affectionate, as he'd done with me. I sat up, and Frank smiled at me. "That was unreal, Jack. I didn't know if I was coming or going." Ben touched my face, coming away with a glob of Frank's cream. "We enjoyed it too. I wish we'd videotaped it, so that you could see what we saw. "Your helmet was so dark red, shooting white streams, and we saw it all." "Somebody put pressure on my bladder, and that set me off," Frank said. "I just couldn't hold back." "I did that," confessed Ben. "I knew it would trigger your come." "Thanks. I really loved it. You both did a number on me." He smiled blissfully. "Now how about Ben? You've been waiting the longest, and you're really hard." Ben's prick was fully hard, the skin drawn back half-way off the head because of the fullness of his erection. "I've been hard watching you two come," Ben said. "That was a real thrill." Clear fluid was seeping from his oval slit, running down to the underside of his glans. I gently stroked his gee-string, my fingertip lubricated by his pre-come. Frank reached down to cup Ben's sac, already tight against his body because of his excitement. "I want to do you too, Ben," said Frank. "I did Jack with his skin over the head, and now I'm going to do you with your skin back, since it doesn't reach that far. We'll both watch your big tip shooting." "Go ahead, Frank," I urged. "You know I'm into cock-watching as much as you, and I'd like to see Ben's big tip spurting when you make him cream." Ben lay back, spreading his legs, and Frank's fingers closed delicately around the half-retracted foreskin, gently jiggling it. Ben quivered at his touch, which was sending erotic sensations down his shaft. Frank skinned him back in stages, first pushing the hood back slightly, pulling it forward, then pushing it back a bit farther to stretch the nerve endings of the taut foreskin. I watched avidly as Frank slowly revealed the full length of Ben's bell-shaped head, glistening with wetness and becoming darker purple. "He's not going to last long," Frank commented to me. "I can feel the head getting harder through the skin." Now he had Ben's fleshy shroud peeled back and snapped into the deep groove behind the rim, locking behind the prominent ridge, and his fingertips began a slow, methodical caress of Ben's straining glans. Frank lovingly touched all the nerve endings, from the ridge down to the gee-string underneath. Ben was primed for release, and his eyes closed as his legs began to tremble. I saw his stomach muscles tighten, and he began grunting as the flow of sensations poured into his prick. "HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" he grunted as Ben's fingers swirled around his hot hard glans, sending shock waves of sensation stabbing deeply into the tender tip. His hips bucked, and Frank's lips descended to seal around the round front dome as Ben's first jet erupted. Frank kept fingering the fiery nerve endings in Ben's glans as his lips sucked hard, extracting the juice that was racing through his cock. Ben writhed on the bed, caught up in the full frenzy of release, as his cries filled the room. I knew that Frank could feel every throb of the dark purple glans in his lips and fingertips as Ben shot load after load into his mouth. Frank struggled to swallow the creamy torrents, and finally pulled his mouth away and let Ben's penis flop back onto his stomach, still seeping his white discharge. "He's too sensitive now," he said to me. "He really drained himself, and fast, too." "He'd been waiting a long time," I said. We watched Ben's body slowly relaxing, and heard his breathing return to normal. After about two minutes, he opened his eyes, and I quickly leaned down to kiss his lips affectionately. Nobody said anything as we savored the delicious moments of Ben's afterglow and watched his erection subside. Frank gently pulled Ben's foreskin forward to encase the precious head, and Ben spoke: "Shower time, guys. "I think we all need to pee." "Dock too," Frank added as we went to the shower. Under the hot water spray, our needs became urgent. "I've got to let go," Ben said in an almost agonized voice as he stripped back his hood. I quickly stretched out the orifice of my ample foreskin and eased it onto his shrunken glans. Ben seemed to hesitate for a couple of seconds, then I felt his hot gush fill my foreskin, splashing against my glans and rushing around its contours to fill the groove behind the ridge. My foreskin swelled and then the yellow liquid poured out from between my hood and his head. The hot fluid bathing my glans prodded my reflexes, and within a few seconds my stream joined his, swirling around our trapped tips and pouring out to the shower floor. When we'd drained ourselves, under Frank's watchful eyes, we slowly parted and milked our shafts, running a finger under our balls and working them up the underside to force out the residue. I turned to Frank, who had been standing back, out of the shower spray, trying to hold back his urine. He thrust his soft cock towards me, peeling back his hood, and I enveloped his glans lovingly with my foreskin, waiting for him to release his stream. It came a moment later, a hot torrent that flooded my foreskin and eddied around my glans. We all watched my foreskin distend with the trapped fluid before it poured out around the ring of foreskin that lodged behind his glans. Although I felt drained, the hot gush stimulated my reflexes and I felt a trickle pouring up my tube to mix with his heavy gush. Finally, we were both finished, and Frank drew back, pulling his soft glans from under my hood. Now we skinned back to rinse, as did Ben. Frank reached between my thighs to milk my penis, and I did the same for him. Then we rinsed ourselves, slipped our hoods into place, and stepped out of the shower to dry. We'd worked up tremendous appetites, and we went out to a late lunch, or early supper. In any event, we gorged ourselves on pizza and beer before turning in and sleeping until dawn.

The end of Part 4

Next: Chapter 5

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