Chris Evans Slut

By Ryan Gora

Published on May 28, 2008


Chris Evan's Slut Part 7 By Ryan Gora

Disclaimer: Ok we know the drill. Do I know any of this people know. So all of this is a fantasy and does not reflect on the person real life or preferences. If you're under age, wait until you're of age to read this.

Wow, it's been a long time since I've gotten anything out, talked about it or even discussed it. I know a lot of people are familiar with the story, but for my own sake I think I should recap a little. It'll be brief and quick and I promise not to linger. Let's see. Boy has friends. He and his friends are really close. Boy has obsession with Chris Evans. Boy has opportunity to meet Chris. He and Chris meet and fireworks happen literally for hours until both are sated and Chris has him right then and there. Boy finds his lust turns to love. Chris lust had always been love. Chris takes boy for his own. Boy doesn't mind one bit because something inside of him has changed and his entire life changes. He finishes school and becomes a permanent fixture in Chris' life. The carnal pleasure they provide one another is only overshadowed by their sexual appetites. New friends and stars are brought into the mix, but Chris and the boy have always remained faithful to one another. Odd as it sounds given the various partners that they have been with together, but in the end it was always them, well almost just them.

What can I say things happen. They change and you make adjustments and you find yourself becoming open to new and different things. That's what I told myself as I lay in the arms of my gorgeous lover as he cradled me in his arms. He drew me close and I could feel the beating of his heart. Hours ago he was giving it to me hard and raw the way I like it after we had been apart, but before that I had come home to the house we bought together, yes together. I had started working on writing. Just a few things here and there and who knew it would take off. It started with a few freelance articles for a few travel magazines and then I went on to do a novel that lead into three. Believe me what I wrote was far more tame that what I write here, but people enjoyed it. I found myself having a life of my own one that sometimes kept me apart from Chris, but when we got back together it was always hot times explosive, but just when you think I was alone and the bed was cold it wasn't. Remember when that night with Brandon Routh? Well, that night turned into a few more. Chris and I had really taken a liking to him, what was there not to like? He was charming and innocent, but behind closed doors he was eager to please and just as insatiable. Was he another one of Chris' boys? Yes and no. He wasn't a Jesse McCartney, but he wasn't a Chris. He knew his place, Chris was King and pardon the pun I was his Queen. He was our Prince or perhaps our lusty Duke.

I love our house. I love the life that we have. It's not a quaint little cottage or a big obnoxious mansion. It's a house. It's a place where we go to get away from everyone. It's secluded and off the road. There are trees everywhere and there are many days when Chris goes out and chops up wood for the fireplace. And let me tell you if that doesn't get you going nothing will; seeing your man outside shirtless bringing the axe down time and time again. The grunting and groaning and if one wasn't enough when Brandon is there I think I might pass out; the both of them going at it just for my pleasure looking over at me with Cheshire grins and lecherous smiles.

While the house is a decent size not too small or two large there's stables for a few horses, because I always wanted horses. Chris says it's because I want him to be my stable boy. I couldn't disagree. The tack room and the hayloft have seen a lot action. However I will get into that another time. Life is about change and accepting that sometimes things may not always go the way you thought they would. Sometimes that can really be hard to deal with, but the changes that Chris and I went through weren't bad they were good. They also made is stronger as a couple. One of the things that we agreed to was to be open and honest with one another and I know there was very little that Chris would deny me and the same for me. He would ask and talk to me about things I would be supportive. Sure there were some vetoes, but for the most part we had a good relationship. So good that when Chris came to me and asked me really what I thought about Brandon I honestly told him that I didn't think I would ever see anyone become so close as the three of us had. Brandon was refreshing, because he was down to earth and there was a lot for him to take on. He was hungry for the art and had the passion. The overall response to his Superman was positive, but he wanted to do more show that he could be more than Superman that he could be Clark. He wanted to tackle other roles like Chris and we had been helping him getting him ready for different roles, letting people see his range. Chris was good about this, because while Brandon could be competition Chris was always one to be supportive. He was the one that convinced me to start writing.

Well, where is this going? Well we wanted our Duke to be with us full time and we brought him into our home. The house was big enough for all three of us. Chris wasn't sure how I felt about it. He thought I would freak out and think I was being replaced. To be honest I thought the same thing actually. I mean me in an open relationship. I know this is the weirdest thing to have ever happen to me, another person in a relationship; a relationship of three? Things like that do not exist. Or do they? What would Brandon think, because he would be on the outside a little? It was inevitable in some ways, because when you saw us together, Chris and I. You knew what we had was special. The sex was ohmygodamazing, but there was something more there. When he would touch my arm, letting the tips of his fingers ghost along my skin I knew something was wrong. When my eyes shifted to the floor and the corners of my mouth trembled he pulled me into an embrace, no words at all. Two fingers upon his lips brought silence followed by a soft kiss. Everything was ok. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Never think about that. Never ever think that I was going to abandon you. That is what that meant when I did that. He knew that I loved him, worshiped him. He had me in a way that no other man could ever possibly hope to have me, but how could anyone else compare? How could anyone else be brought in?

Through love, compassion and understanding that's how. It had been building over the last year and while we having dinner one night when Brandon had found out the next Superman script was almost finished we had decided to celebrate. Chris and I had also decided that that night we would ask him to move with us. It was a good night filled with good conversation and few glasses of wine. Far cry from the pizza we had had the first night Brandon and I had met and Chris and I took him to our bed. After a few hours Chris told him that he shouldn't go home. That this going back and forth was silly and that he should be here with us where he belonged. I was taking a sip of my wine when Chris had said it. Always straight to the point my lover, but I agreed setting the glass down. We waited to see what Brandon would say and I could already see it. He wanted to say yes, but his lips merely parted, there were no words instead of asking him to speak I moved towards him to slide my hand along his shoulder. His hair had been grown out for another role he was going to be cutting it soon, but I slide my fingers through the dark strands of hair letting my nose go down to take in his scent. Slowly his arm came around my waist drawing me close to him as he held onto me tightly.

Chris watched us and moved over towards us. His presence was commanding and Brandon while not exactly his boy knew when to look up. He was trained without being trained. The King was here. The lord of the manor was before him. He had to look up, he had to show respect. Chris touched his face drawing his thumb along his cheek and spoke. "You belong here. You belong here with us. You belong to us. There is no where else that you need to be right now. We want you here, Routh. This is your home. Don't fight it. Don't over think it." Chris had shown his range many times over. People were surprised by the performance that he had given in Sunshine. I had experienced that many times over. There was a lot of Chris in Mace. His thumb ran along Brandon's lower lip who kissed and bit it gently.

"I just..."

"You won't, BJ," I assured him. I was worried, but I knew that we would do right by him. "You won't. We wouldn't be doing this if we weren't sure." I could feel his hand shaking at my side a little before lowering to my hip. Turining my head towards Chris he his blue eyes moved from mine to Brandon's. "So..."

"Yes," he said finally and the moment after he said it his lips were rewarded with not one kiss, but two. The first was from kiss. It started out sweet, but soon became more and as it did I could feel Bradon's hand slide along my hip down to my thigh and around so he could cup my rear drawing my closer. When the kiss finished I kissed Chris and could taste our new lover on his lips. Moving down I kissed him and I felt myself pulled into Brandon's lap. He held me close as Chris came up behind me letting his hands slide along my shoulders as he kissed along the back of my neck to my ear whispering softly the things that he was going to do to both of us, to me, and what he was going to let Brandon do to me. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as it fell back. Brandon's lips found my neck kissing it lightly why his teeth nipped at the flesh while Chris and I made out.

That night, it was heaven. Pure heaven and we were one truly with me in the middle. I'll let your minds wrap around that one. I know I should give details, but Brandon was on the bottom and he was inside while I lay on top of him and Chris was on top of me. It wasn't the first time that happened. Remember those Pillars of Heaven from the first night we met they were shattered and I couldn't walk for a day and a half. However this night the night Brandon was brought into our home permanently and it became his home as well, we broke those pillars down again. There were scratches all over my body from what happened and I couldn't be happier.

Brandon moved in the next week and life went on. There were definitely hot encounters that occurred. Steven Strait, the hot young star from Sky High, The Covenant and 10,000 BC definitely had fun the weekend he stayed with us. His voice sent chills along my spine. Let's just say as gruff as it sounds. He was definitely putty in Chris' hands. He has officially become one of his boys. He was broken in by him and trained by Brandon. It's a family affair to say. When I came home they had him in the game room on the card table I thought I was going to faint. They had been playing poker and Steven had pretty much lost his shirt, his shoes, his pants everything and as he was getting filled with a snooker cue while worshiping Brandon with his lovely lips I thought I just might explode right there on the spot. Chris came over and told me what happened decided I should watch for a change as he and Brandon put Steven through his paces, but they weren't alone as I came to find out.

Hands came over my eyes. Strong hands and I let out a small sound and I could hear Chris laugh. "Bale, cut that out!"

Bale? "Christian," I asked as the hands came down and there was a kiss on my cheek. Christian had become good friends with us during the Batman Begins mania and now that The Dark Knight was coming up in a few months he needed a little time to recharge. Turning towards him he kissed me and he slipped around towards the couch. He still had the physique which made him amazingly sexy. He was all man and he was gentle and I knew it. It was always interesting when he came to visit, because he and Chris did a lot of posturing. They were alpha males that wanted to dominate one another and usually ended up sending me to a new state of awareness when were in bed together. His hand was already up my shirt as he watched Brandon and Chris used Steven.

"I really wanted to take him for myself, but it seems you guys really have him in place he wants to be," Christian whispered to me. "Though I think I got a fair trade out of it with Mosley." William Moseley for anyone who was curious was Peter-- King Peter from the Narnia movies. Those lips, those eyes that voice what wasn't to like about him? Christian wanted him and when he came one day he had him with him and he was, let's say that William knew how to make Christian happy when he played poker; on his knees worshiping him under the table wrapping his pink lips around Christian's sizable talent. Several times we had to pause and tell William to quiet it down, because the dirty little fucker is a little pig when he's down there. Slurping and licking like there was no tomorrow. He made noises that made me just want to get down there and help him.

Leaning into Christian he smiled and Chris looked over and drove the snooker cue deeper into Stephen. It always turned him on when he saw me and Christian being cozy. It meant that they might wrestle a little to see who was the first to get to do me. Sometimes up stairs, sometimes right there on the spot.

"Oh see the fire in his eyes. The blue flame comes alive and he wants to come over here and take me out so he can have you all to his self." Christian chuckled while Brandon slowed his hips letting the tip of his flesh tease Steven's lips.

"Cut it out, Christian. Steven will start to feel a little left out." I teased while leaning into his touch. I could feel nimble fingers at my nipples pulling and twisting them causing me to arch my back some. "Is William here?"

"Mmmhmm. He's resting. He saw Steven and he wanted to have some fun. My angel can be such a little devil at times. Stephen lost his mine while he felt William's tongue slip inside of him while I let Chris and Brandon take turns using his bottom. Then I took him upstairs and reminded him why he has my name on his ass." Looking towards me Christian smiled and stole a kiss.

"So tell me is this how it's going to be even after you and Chris do the ceremony," he asked.

"Ceremony?" My head tilt for a moment as I drew back a little and beleive me it takes a lot to draw away from Christian Bale. Looking towards Brandon who was driving himself hard on Steven he looked at me and said nothing, but when I looked towards Chris his arm was working driving the cue deeper and deeper inside of Steven who was trembling, wiggling and damn near thrashing on the card table. My eyes locked with Chris' and he smiled a little and I don't even know what to say right now. I doubt that he wanted it to happen like this then again it is us, but when I thought about it. Christian was here. His hand was flat against my chest.

"You love him so much." My heart was pounding in my chest.

"Chris." I felt a kiss at my neck.

"Not right now. Go get cleaned up. They need to finish up Steven and get cleaned up." That was what I was told, but I wanted to talk to Chris he was still working Steven, but his eyes were on me. Bale hadn't been soft when he said what he said. Ceremony? I began to chew on my lower lip incessantly. I was starting to get nervous, because this was something that I thought we would talk about at one point, but we would talk about. I wasn't mad, I wasn't upset. I just wasn't sure what was going to happen, not yet. Christian moved his fingers along my neck and I looked towards him.

He smiled at me and those brown eyes of his lit up in a way I had never seen before. He kissed me softly and stroked my hair. It was like he was proud of me. It made me smile and when I moved to my feet he stood up behind me and held me close to him for a moment. I always liked how he felt, because he was taller than me and he had a solid body. When he released me I moved towards Chris who stopped moving the cue and took my face in his hands and kissed me. His lips touched mine and they were like fire. Filled with heat and passion and I could feel his hands move along my back until they were cupping my ass. He pulled me closed to him and I wanted to ask, but I didn't he pulled me up and my legs wrapped around him and he moved towards the pool table laying me back and kissed me hungrily. He slid his fingers through my hair as he pressed himself against me. He was in jeans and I was in dockers and it felt so wonderful.

Steven didn't have to wonder, because his private channel received the pleasure it wanted as Christian took over for Chris driving it back and forth out of the hot stud as I made out with my lover. My hands moved down along his back and when my eyes opened I saw Brandon there and he slid his hand over mine and Chris kissed the inside of his arm before turning to me again kissing me softly. "Go take a shower, better yet a bath." He touched his fingers to my lips.

Just do it. No questions. That's what it meant for him. It was a request. Kissing the pads of his fingertips I could taste the sweat on them and it was addicting. My response and complicance as he moved aay. I turned towards Brandon and he kissed me softly on the lips. A gentle welcome home kiss. I couldn't ask questions only move out of the room and head towards the stairs.

Ceremony? It lingered in my mind as I headed up the stairs. There were tasteful pieces of art that lined the wall, but at the top it changed. Black and white photgraphs lined the hall. There were some of me and Chris, some of Chris and Brandon, some of me and Brandon and some of all three of us. I checked some of the guest rooms and I saw bags in one, which had to be Christian and William's, but there was no William's. The covers were all over the place. William must have been clawing at them like he usually does. Christian calls him kitten for a reason. Reaching the room that Chris, Brandon and I shared I saw someone moving on the large, king sized bed. There were sighs and I moved towards it and I saw the blond hair at the head of the bed. Pulling down the covers there was William curled up with a pillow.

"I promise to be good. Chris. I promise." I smile. He was dreaming about Chris, as it should be. Christian liked seeing William used by him. Turned him on and they often did little shows for us to watch. The image of Chris in leather pants and fingerless gloves crossed my mind. He led William along the floor having him crawl around before he led him to Christian. He spanked him he even took him on the bed in the bedroom that was more of a play room. Sometimes we let William crawl into bed with us. He's spent time here alone when Christian was on shoot and he couldn't spend quality time with him. William was still becoming a man. His face still held a little baby fat, just a tad, but his body was smooth and limber. Stepping out of my shoes I moved onto the bed sitting beside him as he hugged the pillow shuddering when my finger ran along his skin.

"Chris.." His body shifted and I knew what that was because I had done before. Had dreams that were so real, that I was being plowed so hard that my body moved. I pulled the covers down more revealing more skin and leaned in to kiss the flesh. Drawing his nipple into my mouth I suckled it until it a deep read color. The moment I did it he cried out and his arms slipped around me drawing me close to him.

"Like that," I whispered looking up at him. He was happy to see me. "Hey, William."

Leaning forward he kissed me and pulled himself closer. "Missed you," he said in that lovely accent of his.

"Missed you too." I whisper. "What are you doing in here?"

"Christian told me to stay up here."

I thought on it for a moment. "And..."

"I wanted to be near you and Chris."


"Stay away from Steven," he said with a pout which made me laugh.

The last time William and Steven saw one another they couldn't help it and they went at it in the kitchen. William had his legs around Steven as the stud pounded him for a good thirty minutes. William couldn't just be done, it had to be permitted. Christian had to say yes. Steven went without sex for a month and William couldn't sit for hours. Course Steven had to endure seeing William being taken by Chris and Brandon and Christian while I teased him a little; if he lost it and orgasmed he would be on punishment for another month. Four months without sex had made him remember not to touch William without permission, but William liked to test the waters.

"Christian knows." He said softly.

"He was here." He said. Letting him go I move my finger along his legs teasing him as I draw my lips down upon his.

"I know. I think we should get cleaned up though." I told him and he pouted, but only for a moment as I pressed two fingers deep within him making him arch his back. "So did you get it on with Barnes?" He opened his eyes. "Hmmm.." He shook his head.

"Not yet. Christian said he wouldn't be able to taste until he could handle him. Bloody wanker can't hold it in. He loses control every time Christian does him." That made me laugh which was followed by a kiss on the neck.

"Sounds familiar." I remind him moving from the bed pulling off my shirt. "I believe the words you used were fantastic." Christian has that effect on him. It seems it's shared by Ben Barnes. I tease him a little more tickling him as I start to undo my pants. "I've been told to take a bath so you can rest a little more, but then you need to get cleaned up." He got that look in his eye and I shook my head. "Not right now, but maybe latter." There was an instant pout, which brought a laugh.

"William do you know anything about a ceremony?" His face softened a little while his eyes shifted away. "You do."

"Maybe, but I can't say." Which meant that he wants to, but Christian said no dice. Given that I looked over my shoulder as he began to move around on the bed.

"Aww too bad." Pressing my fingers again the door it shut behind me and I proceeded to take a bath. I knew what it meant, but I wanted someone to say it. I wanted someone to make it real. Christian had let the cat out of the bag and Chris didn't seem to upset over it if anything it was like what he wanted. Why Christian? He was a good friend and we had talked about a lot of things when he visited. What about Brandon? What did he think? I sat in the tub thinking about this while resting my head on the back of it. I had to have been there for over thirty minutes when there was a knock at the door. Looking up I see Steven there and he moves in heading towards the tub shutting the door after him.

"William's back in the room with Christian." I watched as the New Yorker moved to his knees and slid his hand along my shoulders touching them lightly humming as he did so. He had a nice voice. I closed my eyes.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah." He told me. "I'm good." He kissed my temple and I closed my eyes.

"Steven." I looked at him and he kissed me. Those lips those soft luscious lips. His breath always smelled nice, like oranges and spice. Kissing him deeply I was the one that suggested that Brandon look after him to give him a little more presence in the house. He wanted to up his game and he did when Steven came into his life. Not everyone would understand, how things worked, but Steven belonged to him. I said it before and while Brandon Routh wasn't an ultra hard core dom there was a certain understanding among us all. If there were alphas of course it would be Chris. Second alpha would be Christian. If there was a beta it would be Brandon. I'm not sure where I would fit. I just know my side is beside Chris. Stephen would be below Brandon and William he would be on the bottom along with Jesse when he comes to visit. My friends tend to find it all very interesting when I tell them about it. Not to mention that they tend to all have bulges, but none have really asked to cross that line. You know be apart of it. They respect what I have and I love them even more for it.

Steven continues to brush his fingers along my neck kissing me ever so lightly. "I'm glad I'm here," he say softly. His career was in the beginning stages. He was going to go places if he kept making the right decisions. He started as a model and singer and now acting was becoming a larger part of his body of work. He was the one that took some of the pictures that lined the hall. He has an eye for photography. It took me a while to settle and actually pose, because while I'm confident in my looks having someone just take a picture of me being serious or taking direction that was different.

"I am too." Looking up at him his hair was hanging around his face. He had begun growing it out again. It wasn't like it was in Sky High closer to what it was in Undiscovered, because Steven has naturally curly hair, more wavy than curly. It framed his face in a way that you couldn't help but melt. Leaning up I kissed him and he returned the kiss. Despite being below Brandon he wasn't exactly submissive. His hand reached down to hold me and stroke my skin and I felt myself being pulled from the tub. He lifted me up and carried me towards the bed laying me on top of it.

Why he had to ask about William if it was any one of us and we consented he could proceed and right now I wanted to feel him against mine. Flesh on flesh, body to body, skin against skin. Bending my leg at the knee I slid my hand along hi back which was free of a shirt. His pants however were in the way, but I didn't mind at the moment. He was nipping and chewing at my neck making soft growling noises. My eyes stayed closed for a moment until I heard him cry out. Looking up at him his eyes were in the back of his head as he shuddered. His pants were down and being pulled off. Looking over the shoulder I saw the reason. Chris was there and he looked down at me and pulled Steven back until he was on his knees on the bed. His fingers were curled tightly into the darker man's hair holding him still while his other hand moved a little, his fingers disappearing into his already stimulated depths. Each time his fingers dipped into Steven's body the dark hair youth shuddered. I didn't say a word I moved forward to my knees feeling the water roll along my skin until my lips were upon Steven's swallowing all the sweet sounds that came from him. Chris didn't release his hold on him for a moment until he was sure that Steven wouldn't move. He moved down onto his knees and turned around so his head could rest on the bed and he was looking up at the winking bud of Steven's private entrance.

I on the other hand was moving down letting my tongue run along his chest while I teased his nipples. Taking them into my mouth I suckled them each for a moment before moving further down teasing his navel as Steven was pulled back. His cheeks were parted and Chris began to stimulate him from behind. His tongue danced around the tight ring of flesh. Teasing and dancing along it until it plunged inside of him causing Steven to grip the sheets. Chris growled softly as he enjoyed his meal and I moved down further to run my lips along Steven's hardened flesh. Brushing my lips back and forth several times I teased the tip and the slit, suckling the end of his manhood for a second before I leapt up to capture his lips with my own as he began to hum, sing and chant a little at the pleasure he was receiving. Rubbing up against his body he could feel my length against his making tremble and then it was over. Chris was pulling away and pushing Steven down on top of me laughing a little as he climbed over the young pup. He rubbed his pants covered crotch over Steven's ass while he sought me out and kissed me.

My tongue dived into his mouth and he grinned. "Someone missed me." He whispered and as Steven remained trapped between us he ran his tongue along my lips and pulled off him and pushed him off to the side. "Down boy," he said to Steven good naturally. I was pulled up on to Chris to straddle his body. His hands ran along my skin starting at the sides then down to my hips and along my thighs and back to my rear which he bounced with the thrust of his hips every now and then. Steven lay on his side watching us as he touched his length stroking it ever so often as I looked down at him. I wasn't sure if I wanted to ask. I just enjoyed the moment.

"You know I did. Missed you with every breath," I shared causing Chris to grin before his hand caught me at the back of my neck and he drew me down kissing me hungrily. I reached out to stroke his arm as is tongue explored my mouth. Sighing into the kiss he slapped me on the rear making me cry out and Steven's breath hitched a little as he did it again. I felt my eyes close as his hand continued to come down on me several times reddening my eyes until I felt I would lose control and just when I thought I would there was a rush of cool air over the heated flesh. I didn't look back. The hands on my hips told me who it was as he moved down to run his tongue over my flesh.

"We missed you a lot. Book tours suck, but you look so cute on the shows. You looked really good on The View. I wanted you home then. Brandon thought he was going to split in two." Chris's voice could become growly whenever he wanted and right now it was all growls and when I felt the nip at my shoulder I looked over at Brandon and he nodded.

"Definitely. I think I blacked out," he said to witch he got a poke ont he side.

"You know you did Routh."

I couldn't help but laugh. I was pulled down close and Brandon lay on top of me and we looked at one another for a moment before kissing softly, passionately. Bradon's hand reached over to stroke Steven making him sigh and whimper.

"You should be getting dressed, at this rate you're going to be a mess and you're going to have to take another bath all over again," Chris whispered between kisses. "Bale and Moseley are getting ready. We're about to take a shower," he continued. "You should wait in the living room." I looked at him. "Only the living room." He teased.

Brandon pulled back off of me sliding his fingers along my back and teasing me a little between the cheeks before he moved towards the bathroom. Steven was already there as he reached it the two of them lingered in the doorway letting their hands roam. "We'll be down in a few," Brandon stated before disappearing into the bathroom with Steven. Watching as Chris disappeared after shutting the door I moved to get some clothing on deciding on something loose. I slipped on a pair of loose fitting jeans and a polo shirt. No shoes. I wasn't sure what was up so I wasn't sure how I should be dressed.

Walking down the hall I saw the door opened to Christian and William's room and there was panting. Moving towards the door there was moaning and I knew it was William. Looking inside I saw one of the most beautiful things, sexy too. Christian Bale's ass as dimpling as he thrust hard into William who was face down on the bed with his ass in the air as it was pounded into over and over again. His fingers were at the sheets pulling at them, tearing at them calling out Christian's name several times. The man had been referred to as 'Sex on Legs' and now he was reminding William who he belonged to. He reached forward and pulled him to his knees while deep inside of him and continued thrusting. Licking my lips I watched as Christian turned towards me while bouncing William about wildly and smile at me. He pushed William back down roughly and climbed up on the bed bent down and working him over. That way you could see all his muscles at work and his ass was heaven, two tone globes of flesh that were moving in time with the thrusts as William cried out, he wasn't touching himself because he was pulling at the mattress. Christian moaned and growled before he seeded him deep. His hips thrust hard and he leaned forward his body jerking about several times. He looked back once and he pulled William back to kiss him hungrily. I watched for a moment longer before continuing downstairs.

Heading down the stairs I headed towards the living room which was empty, cool and silent. If anything was going on upstairs I didn't know. I thought about a few things like how Christian came here the first time with William and he and Brandon truly had a Batman v. Superman contest. Brandon took it like a champ. William had told him that he wouldn't win, but he couldn't say much more as he was filled from both ends by Steven and Chris. I watched and just enjoyed the entire show. Now it was silent and I found myself becoming anxious. They said they would be down in a few minutes, but the minutes ticked by and I laid out like I do sometimes when I take a bath and passed out.

An hour or so later my eyes opened. The sun was gone, but there was light, there was light everywhere around me. It was along the walls. There were candles all around. Looking around for a second I started to say something and there he was in the middle of the living room on his knees. He was dressed in a pair of off white pants and nothing else. He looked at me and I couldn't speak. The words were there, but they were trapped inside. My eyes moved around the room and everyone was there. Brandon was wearing pant similar to him with an open shirt. Christian, Steven and William were dressed in black and a little further off to the side.

"Chris." I finally got it out.

I moved towards him and I knew what this was, but just to see him like this caught in the light of the candles I moved down towards him, but he stopped me and looked up. He stared into my eyes with a smile that would break someone's heart.

"Three years ago if someone told me that I would meet the love of my life by chance I would've laughed. I had everything and everyone I could ever want, but I was wrong. Man was I wrong. I never thought my life could ever be this good and each year gets better. Each year that I share with you and Brandon gets better in ways that I can't describe. When I see you my heart stops. When I'm with you I'm complete. You were the first and only and then there was Brandon. People don't get it, but a few people do. I do, you do. Some of our friends. I had to be sure, because I didn't want to hurt anyone not you, not him. Not anyone, because you are my life. You make waking up worth it. You make me want to come home. You make me want to be here and that's a hard thing to do. I never saw myself living in a house not right now, but here I have a home with the people I love and I never have to think about losing them. I never have to worry that they will walk away, because you are here through the good and bad and the odd." There was a chuckle. "People may think I'm the boss and then there's Brandon, but Ryan it's you that hold us together. It's you that pulls us all together. I know that it would be perfect if your friend from school could be here, but I talked to them all and they said that they were ok. I talked with your family and they're ok. I want you to be mine, Ryan. I want us to be married. Commitment ceremony or whatever someone wants to call it I want it. Me and you forever."

My eyes were filled with tears and I looked towards Brandon who merely nodded as I felt a hand at my cheek.

Chris turned my face back to his after he got to his feet. "He's not going anywhere. Remember nothing would change there, but you are first in my heart and everyone knows that."

"And you're first in mine, Chris. That will never change. It will always be that way. You are my air," I whisper as he kisses me. Our lips come together and I can feel his arms, those strong arms draw me cllose. "I loved you from the first moment I saw you."

There was a slight chuckle.

"I didn't say that there wasn't lust, but..." His fingers came to my lips and I kissed them.

"So is that a yes?"

"Yes. Hell yeah." I said with a grin before I kiss him again. He pulled me up letting my legs wrap around him as the others looked ok.

"So Ryan Evans," he asked looking towards me with a smile. "I think it has a nice ring to it." He smiled and touched my face.

"It does." I don't think I've ever been happier in my life.

----- Later that Evening ----

There was a ring and it was placed on my finger during dinner. It was a titanium band with an inscription written on the inside something simple, something that I would like. 'All my love' was inscribed on the inside of it. That's all I needed. All I wanted, but after dinner and some talking and everyone retired for the night I was carried to our room. Brandon was there and he shut the door behind him. This evening was for us. He was ok with everything. He told me and when he moved on to the bed with us I felt his hand at my side. I don't think I could speak I had so much going on in my mind. Hands ran along my skin on either side and I could feel my body heating up.

"Shh." Chris kissed my lips as my legs were spread. The clothing had come off a while ago and Brandon was there between them on his knees. Chris passed him the warm flavored oil and he began to massage me between my legs causing me to cry out as he slide his hands along my erection. It jumped in his hand several times as I arched my back. Chris kissed me several times as he moved his fingers to my nipples twisting them ever so slightly as the warming sensation from the oil began to spread across my body. Dipping his fingers in the oil he teased my nipples while licking my lips.

"Mr. Chris Evans," he whispered causing me to giggle a little as he slipped of me and began to remove his pants. He slipped them off and brushed the tip of his cock along. "I wonder if my husband to be would do me the pleasure of sucking me of." He grinned and my baby was back. The man that I love and knew was ready to remind me why he loved me and why I loved him. I was about to say something when I felt slick fingers at my ass slipping inside. Brandon drove them deep inside of me and began to work me like he always did. My body rocked and Chris' fingers slid into my hair as I opened my lips. He took it as his cue and slipped his throbbing cock inside my mouth. He growled as it happened. He could make sweet, sweet love to me later right now it was back reminding me what we had and knowing that it was never going to change.

My lips pulled along his throbbing cock right to the tip as I savored the taste of his precum. It made me curl my toes, but Brandon made me arch my back as he touched that secret place inside of me. He began to run his fingers in and out of me as I flicked my tongue over Chris' cock several times. Pulling off I went right for the sacks testing to see how heavy they were.

"Someone wants Daddy's cream don't they? They want it real bad don't they? He said as he rocked his hips." He smiled down at me and he looked like a god. He was King and I was his Queen. I would always remember that. Brandon moved down to take me into his mouth as he continued to tease me with nibble fingers.

"Yes." I panted out as he thrust his cock back into my gullet. He assaulted my throat and I had almost forgot that the three of us hadn't been together in so long. I was staring to slide up when I felt Brandon tickle my tip with his cock. I didn't say anything at all for a moment, could I had a mouth full of Chris in my mouth. His balls were filled with cum and he wanted to share it all with me. Rocking my hips back and forth I felt my cock thrust forward into Brandon's sweet lips. He gripped my hip with one hand while working two then three fingers into me making my body break out into a sweat. Chris grinned as he saw it. "Oh look at that he missed you too BJ." He slipped his cock from my mouth and turned looking over his shoulder at Brandon as he sat on my face.

Cheeks spread and my tongue slipped deep between them. Gripping the headboard of the bed he began to feel the touch of my tongue teasing him as I ate him out. He whipped his head about growling. "Fuck I missed that baby. Damn. Yeah right there. Daddy needs that hot tongue. Fucking hell, Ryan!" He began to rock faster and faster on my tongue. "Yes. Oh Brandon's gotta be working that ass then if you're on fire like this." Chris let out a roar and I knew what that meant. The headboard was painted with his seed. Gasping several times he moved down and I began to lick him clean and I heard the door open.

"Damn it Evans can't you keep it quiet?" It was Christian. He grinned a little walking over towards the bed and Brandon looked up only to have his lips parted by a pair of fingers that was slipping into his mouth. "Suck'em baby." Christian said with a devilish grin as he watched me lick Chris clean.

"You tell him his wedding present yet?" I was panting and I hadn't even cum yet, but Brandon was already lucking and slurping on fingers. Superman was being Batman's bitch and he loved it. He moved his ass up into the air and Christian went around his eleven inch cock throbbing as he lined it up with Brandon's ass and he sank inside. Brandon moaned and I felt my legs spread as he slipped his tongue inside of me. My body arched and Chris fell next to me.

Sounds could be heard coming from another room. It was William he was getting corked screwed by Steven and he was loving it. He squealed and Christian smiled. "Just a moment." He walked over towards the door and shut it.

"Damn kids." He said. "Now where was I."

"You were fucking Routh's ass."

"Score!" Christian drew back and shoved his cock deep into Brandon who's tongue shot deep inside of me. Chris' lips were own mine kissing and teasing as I moaned into his mouth. I could feel my legs being spread wider as I shifted several times as Christian slammed into Brandon who's tongue was pressed deeper into me. Panting into Chris's mouth Brandon was whimpering and I could see why. Christian was pinching and twisting his nipples as he moved him up pushing me up further on the bed as he got into the position he had William in earlier. Brandon's mouth went to my cock and his ass was in the are and Christian was mining it like it held gold.

"You so want to dive in there when Christian's done with it don't you," Chris chuckled. Nodding I had to wonder for a moment.

"But.." Christian said something about a wedding pressing as he let out a sigh. He pulled from Brandon and slapped him on the ass causing the younger man to moan .

"Fuckin' A, Bale. Fuckin' A, Bale." He smiled and slid up on the bed and Brandons' cock was leaking and I went to move to go suck it.

He slipped off the bed and I already knew that I was leaving myself open, but I didn't care. I wrapped my lips around his sweet candy dick and wanted to get the cream inside. It was my tasty treat. Throbbing and pulsing and it tasted like candy. Carrots are heaven and Brandon was bulking up a little for the next movie. Gripping his ass I could tell.

With my ass in the air I felt fingers there one each from Christian and Chris and the next thing I knew there were more fingers teasing me making my body move as they thrust them into me. I loved it I couldn't believe this was happening, well I could, but this was a good night, a good day and a good night. Scratch that not good, amazing.

Brandon pushed me back and I thought for a moment he was going to join us on the bed, but instead he stood there stroking his cock as I was pulled back by Christian who kissed me on the neck. I could feel his lips at my neck, teeth at the skin as he pressed against my ass. He was thick and leaking I slipped up and Chris kissed me. "Slide back baby." he told me. I pressed back and gasped as Christian slipped inside of me. He pulled me back and I closed my eyes. He didn't say anything he kissed my neck like he always does when he takes me from behind. He pulled out and then Chris moved in front fo me and slipped in. My eyes closed and they began to fuck me like that first Christian and then Chris. Bale then Evans then Evans and Bale. Their cocks continued to slide in and out of me never leaving me empty. My heart was racing and Brandon was watching hungry for it. He kept back and moved around stroking still.

Chris and Christian kept this up for what had to be twenty minutes and I was spilling precum all over the place. "He's good," he panted.

I was pulled back and Chris moved to lay on the edge of the bed. Brandon sucked his cock nice and good before pulling me back and sliding me onto his cock. "Oh Daddy." I closed my eyes and cried out, because Brandon moved his cock inside with Chris'. They both gasp and we started to kiss; lips, tongues all over one another as they began to move their hips finding the rhythm. They slid their hands all over me and I them and we just moved as one then into a machine until I was whimpering and moaning and their seed filled me. I cried out and came between and Chris. Christian watched the entire thing and his dick exploded.

"FUCK!" He cried out and Chris was laughing against my lips as Brandon chewed my neck.

"Now?" Chris asked.

"FUCK YEAH!" Bale cried out as Brandon moved away letting the cum run from me, but it was caught by Christian Bale's mouth he slid his tongue right back to my ass and along Chris' dick which as always was forever hard.

"I love you," Chris whispered and I cried again my eyes widening as Bale pressed himself into me. Chris grunting and I was spread in ways that I could barely comprehend. He pushed himself into me until he was balls to the walls. Brandon fell beside us and kissed me and Chris and then it happened I began to get double dicked by Chris Evans and Christian Bale. Hell of a wedding present if you asked me. My body was rocked between the two of them and they were hot active tops that didn't think twice about doing what they wanted. Christian began to mine my ass and Chris cried out in pleasure and wiggled his hips and my mind went to a happy place where everything was right and I was filled with cock and soon come. They had creamy surprises waiting for me and they just continued moving, growling as they did. The passion was going to drive me to an early grave.

But what a fucking way to go!

"Take it baby, take our dicks," Chris ordered and I did. My head thrashed about a few more times as I felt myself getting closer and closer. I kissed all three man as Chris and Christian drove their cocks deep into me as I came tightening around them which brought their come with a roar. I was whimpering losing myself between them and then I felt Christian heavy at my back and Chris was holding onto me kissing me until I passed out.

I was out for about five minutes, but they were all there, Brandon, Christian and Chris. I leaned into them and smiled. They stroked my body and held me close. Christian had to see to Steven and William and kissed me hungrily telling me that they were going to stay the weekend, which left Brandon, Chris and me alone. I didn't know what to say, what could I say?

"I love you." Chris smiled and kissed me followed by Brandon as I lay up between them. I was getting married. Our lover was still our lover and I just got my ass banged by two of the hottest men on the planet. Life was good, fucking good and even though I will be Ryan Evans soon, I will and always will be, Chris Evans' Slut.

That's it for now. Sorry it took me so long to get it out. I started working on it and then things came up and then I got behind. I don't know when the next part will be coming out hopefully before the end of the year. However I want to thank everyone for the encouraging emails. If you have comments, requests or the such email me at I promise to try and get to as many as I can. If you want to talk about celebrities especially Chris Evans definitely give me a shout and we can talk and talk maybe other things ;)

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