Chris Evans Slut

By Ryan Gora

Published on Nov 1, 2006


Chris Evan's Slut Part 7 By Ryan Gora

Disclaimer: Ok we know the drill. Do I know any of this people know. So all of this is a fantasy and does not reflect on the person real life or preferences. If you're under age, wait until you're of age to read this.

Things changed quickly for me after that night with Chris and Jesse. I found myself in something I never thought I would be, a relationship. Go figure. I don't even know how that happened, but I was happy. I loved it. It was more than sex. Chris and I would go out together. He even went as far to take me to some of the big premieres, even after I told him that he didn't need to. I was secure in our relationship to know that I didn't have to wonder about him finding someone else. I knew what he needed and I could give it to him. Sure I wasn't the only guy that could give to him, but I was the only one that he wanted to be with him when he woke up everyday. I was on cloud nine and loving it, but it did mean that my life was changing. I was still going to school even though I thought about transferring a couple of times, but I decide that it was probably better this way. Well, Chris and I felt it was better this way. It allowed me to do something that I promised myself, get a degree, but at the same time maintain a sense of self. We knew it wasn't going to be easy, but we could make it work. That's what mattered. He had his career and I had college and after I was done I would go from there. However we did have to be discreet, because with fame comes recognition. It wasn't a drawback it was a high, but there was a time and place for it and last thing I wanted was to become the object of discussion wherever I went. I think it was one of the reasons I shied away from going to a lot of the events. Chris and I actually sat down and discussed while we were watching a movie one night.

The reality of it was that he was an actor, an actor who was doing an increasing number of films. He was going to be recognized just about anywhere he went. If I was going to be with him, if I was going to commit to being his boyfriend then I had to accept this. I told him I could, but being in school meant that I would have to focus on my studies. What good am if I'm failing classes? There was going to have to be some type of middle ground it was a matter of finding it and we did. Chris wanted me there sharing in his success what's success without having someone at your side, someone that matters that is. I would attend some events, but I wouldn't disclose my name. It's not like it was ten or twenty years ago; most of the time you're a click away from anyone finding out who you are with a picture and some information. If they had a first name and my face they could find out who I am. If they had a last name and a location they could find out. It was only a matter of time before I had someone learning everything about me and having it put up on a forum.

Chris was more than an actor he was a celebrity and being a celebrity meant that your life was going to be invaded here and there. It was a lot to deal with, but some how I managed, some how I made it through that year. I'm not going to lie it was frustrating at times, because at first it was like nothing and then as more and more people found out there were questions even around campus from people who had knew me from years. I guess part of me was excited that people knew, but another part of me just didn't want all the attention which is a trip and a half given all the fun that I've had on campus, because those questions came from the people who knew me best. Chris knew all about it and he didn't care. I mean we both loved sex so we knew about one another up front it was more of a turn on than a turn off. It's how we met, because of our love of sex, but I never thought I would end up in relationship. I never thought I would be in love. I mean idolizing someone is one thing, but when you met them person to person you have to brace yourself for the fact that they might not live up to your expectations, but Chris more than lived up to them he exceeded them and the more time we spent together the closer we got and the more I realized that I wanted to be with him. Just goes to show you that if you want something bad enough you'll make it work even when you have those moments when you want to pull your hair out, because it got to be too much. My friends still see me, but during the summer I was everywhere with Chris. I stayed in the same place he was staying when he was on location and when he came home exhausted we usually ended up talking or fucking or doing a little both. We even had those tender moments where he just held me and we talked or watched a movie. Sometimes he would hold me and he drifted off and there were those times when he didn't have to show up where we had a little extra fun and included a friend or two, but nothing prepared me for what was going to happen when I hit spring break during this year. I was going out to California to spend the week with Chris I was stoked, but I wouldn't be going out with my friends. That was the only part that sucked, but we'd see each other in a week so it wasn't that bad. I was going to be staying in the LA or at least I thought I was. At the last minute Chris told me something came up and that he was going to be New York for a week doing a couple of auditions. I was bummed for a minute until he told me he wanted me to fly out there. It wasn't like I hadn't been to LA before so I picked up the ticket he had waiting for me at the airline counter a couple of hours later and then I was on my way to New York. Flight lasted a couple of hours and when I landed in LaGuardia I had already caught a nap. I already knew that I would be meeting Chris at the hotel, because he had a few things to take care of so I was set to catch a cab when I saw chauffer holding a sign with my name on it. I paused for a moment and smiled walking over towards the driver.

Giving him my name he checked my identification and proceeded to walk with me towards the baggage claim. We chatted a little and he told me how long he had been driving and how long he had been in New York. It was just normal stuff. He told me that he had been given instructions to take me to the hotel, but if I wanted to make any stops along the way that it was fine.

Hotel was fine with me I wanted to freshen, maybe grab a shower, bath would be even better. Only thing about being college, all you can do is take a shower unless you have a single. They had bathtubs in those. I guess if you pay for it you get a little more. Getting the bags we exited the airport and walked to the car. I told him I didn't mind. Hopefully the drive would go well. I had gotten here during the middle of rush hour so I know that anything can happen right now. Reaching the car he put the bags in the trunk and moved around to open the door for me so I could get in. Once I was inside the door was shut and he moved to get inside so we could leave. We were off and I was looking out the window. I'd been to New York too, but every time it felt like the first time. I've driven in, flown into both airports and it never looks the same, it's like there's always something new to see. The drive only took about forty-five minutes, but it was long enough for me.

Arriving in Manhattan the driver pulled up to the hotel and gave my bags to a bellhop who was waiting. Stepping out I looked up at the hotel and smiled, because it was a real nice hotel, had to be four or five stars. The door was opened for me and I walked inside with the bellhop in tow. Moving right to the front desk I waited for the person ahead of me to finish wondering what I always did at this point. Was someone staring?

I know that I was invited here and that I was Chris' boyfriend, but sometimes when I walked into ritzy places like these I wondered if someone was watching wondering why I was here. I mean I was in jeans and a t-shirt with a jacket on. It was pretty cool out so I knew I packed the right stuff. However sometimes I wondered if I should spiff it up a bit. Chris told me that was being overly self-conscious. I couldn't help it sometimes. I could've changed, but there's always this part of me that ask why? This is who I am. It's not a function it's just a hotel. Besides I should be comfortable on a plane. When I stepped up to the counter the desk clerk looked back at me and I smiled when he did. "Ryan Mason." I gave him my name. "The reservation is probably under Chris Evans," I explained as I passed over my ID.

"Yes, Mr. Mason." He said looking over at me with that same smile. "I believe that the penthouse suite is ready for you." He passed my identification back to me while encoding the key cards that would open the door. "One card has been picked up already. Here are two more for you and Mr. Evans." He say handing them over to in a nice little card holder. Two? If one had been picked up why was I getting two? Then again he didn't say that Chris had picked up one only that one had been picked up. Was someone else staying with us and if they were why didn't Chris tell me? I could ask right, but I decided not to. It's possible that a friend of Chris came here. Walking towards the elevators with the bellhop I pressed the button and walked into the elevator. Upon entering the elevator the bellhop proceeded to ask for one of the key cards which I produced for him watching as he slid it into the slot that was at the bottom of the column of numbers. I watched PH button light up and realized that it wasn't a button only a light. Only way you could get to the penthouse was with the key card that or if someone sent the elevator down I guess. The doors closed and the elevator began moving. Usually I might chat the bellhop up, but I was still trying to figure out who had the other key? When the elevator stopped the doors open and I walked out first. There looked like there were maybe two other penthouse suites on the floor and that's it.

"You'll be staying in Penthouse One," the bellhop said. If the desk clerk had mentioned it I didn't hear it. I simply nodded and followed along as we walked down the corridor. Reaching the double doors he slid the card in and I could hear the buzz sound of the door opening. The bellhop opened the door and let me enter first and he followed with my bags.

I had been to a lot of nice places with Chris, but when I passed through the door it was like walking into another world. I was expecting, I don't know. I guess anytime I hear penthouse I think Different Strokes with the slightly winding staircase, but this was more like Veronica Mars Duncan and Logan penthouse, but even better.

"Are you serious?" There were a set of stairs that lead upstairs and I just wanted to run up, but I did a slow turn so I could take everything in. The bellhop watched me and he smiled a little. "Sorry," I said with a sheepish smile.

"Quite alright, Sir. Not everyday we get that reaction." I blinked when he said that. "Most of our visitors wonder why there isn't more."

Isn't more? "Are you serious?" I know I said it before, but I can't imagine someone thinking that it would be more. Then again some people set high expectations. "Believe me this puts the "S" in sweet. I mean this is a palace compared to my dorm room." I'm still waiting for Robin Leach to pop out and start talking about champagne and caviar dreams.

The bellhop shut the door and asked if I would like a tour. I thought about it, that would be the right thing to do, the responsible thing to do, but I thought I could use a little adventure. "No, if you could show me where the master bedroom that will be fine." He nodded and moved towards the stairs with my bags.

I followed him like a kid in a candy shop and I still can't believe I had the key. Reaching the top of the stairs I looked back and moved down the hall to another set of double doors that opened into a huge bedroom. "Nice." It had a wonderful view of the city. I was looking down on almost everything. The bellhop set the bags down near the closet and waited.

"Sorry." I said again. I just wasn't used to anything like this. I mean I had friends who had money, but this was different. Heading back downstairs with him I showed him to the door. He handed the keys back to me and I tipped him ten dollars and he told me that was more than enough. I wasn't sure. I mean he probably had people that might have tipped him twice that much maybe more on a regular basis. After he left I shut the door and ran up the stairs. Walking back into the room I moved to the door which I thought would lead me to the bathroom. The moment I saw it I was in love again. Nice deep tub, big enough for two hell maybe three, the shower stall definitely could fit three. I thought about it bath or shower. The prospect of exploring the penthouse suite was too much so I turned the shower on and went to grab my bags to get some of stuff out. Opening the closet I found a nice fluffy robe inside, two actually. Pulling one out I grabbed one of my bags and went to go enjoy a nice quick shower. Fifteen minutes I emerged from the bathroom refreshed and relaxed with one of the robes on. They probably got some nice slippers too, but I think I can manage with what I got. Walking out of the bedroom I thought about heading down the hall to what was probably another bed room, but decided against it. There was a third room and just when I thought it was another bed room it was. It was more like a lounge area complete with a TV and sofa and table, nice high end stuff. There was a bar as well. Heading downstairs I found another bathroom that was off to the side form the living area. There was a small hall that lead to a kitchen causing me to if people had things sent up or they had someone that made it for them. The kitchen wasn't huge, but it was big enough to prepare meals. Moving across there was a dining room area. I was about to hit another room when I heard the door open. Chris!

"Chris you got see this!" Maybe he did. I came running around the corner into the main room area when I stopped in my tracks. I was dressed in a pair of briefs and the robe. That was it. Chris was dressed in a pair of slacks and button down shirt and jacket on. The guy with him was dressed in a pair of jeans and solid blue t-shirt.

My lips parted, but nothing came out. "Oh..." I started smiling instantly and Chris laughed a little. "Brandon this is my boyfriend Ryan Mason. Ryan this is Brandon Routh." I paused for a moment. Brandon Routh? Why did that name sound familiar. He was about 6'2" and looked like he weighed two ten. I couldn't figure out where I saw him before. "One Life to Live." Yes, I watched the soaps people knew it. "You were Natalie's boyfriend that started to get into Jessica."

Brandon laughed a little and nodded. "Yeah." Then it clicked in my mind.

"Holy shit!" Chris said it for me and I couldn't help the blush that appeared on my face, because he knew that was coming out of my mouth. My lips pressed together as I tried not to laugh and give him a mock glare.

"Aw babe you can do better than that." He let the door close and walked over towards me. My eyes fell right to his as he approached. He had been letting his hair grow out again. Gone was the buzz cut for Fantastic Four. When he reached me he slide his hands to my hips pulling me close for a kiss.

"Look, Ryan, it's Superman." Brandon did a superhero pose and I started laughing before Chris pressed his lips to mine. Pressing my body up against him I stop thinking for a moment and enjoy the kiss being offered. The hands at my hips move to my rear cupping it and drawing me closer as Chris starts to grind against me.

"I missed you so much," he whispers.

"How much," I ask.

"So much it hurts. Literally." Looking down at this crotch Chris smirked and pushed up against me.


Growling some he brushes his nose along my neck. "You know it, baby."

Clearing his throat Brandon leaned against the door looking over at us. "Should I be going to my room?" He said looking towards the stairs.

"You have the key." That's who picked up the key earlier.

"Mmhmm," Chris says while brushing his lips against my neck. "Met Brandon a while back." My first thought was he didn't tell me, but I didn't voice it. "I knew he was going to be in New York this time doing some spots for Superman Returns. Told him that he could crash here. I thought you would like to meet him before he got swamped."

"Yeah, he talks about you all the time. He said that you would like to meet me, but he had to keep it hush- hush, because he likes surprising you," Brandon added.

Surprising me? What the hell? He surprises me all the time. I look at Chris and he's grinning at me. "I don't want you to get bored with me?" My eyes widen at that one. Bored with him? He has to be joking. "You're going to make me hit you or something. I could never get bored with you." I feel him squeeze my ass a little more making me moan a little. "And I missed you a lot too." I tell him. Pressing my forehead against his I shut my eyes and remembering that I'm just in the robe. Crap. Not how I like to meet most people, but I've met them in far more compromising position than this. Sometimes even less clothing.

"Have either of you had something to eat yet?" I don't know about them, but I'm famished.

"Got a little something earlier, but.." He patted his stomach. "How about you, Evans," he asked.

"Oh I got everything I need right here, man. Everything." He pulled me close and kissed my neck. "But I need to keep my energy up. Pizza?"

"Sounds good to me," I said watching Brandon push off the door.

"I'll order it," he called out. "And grab a shower."

I could kiss Brandon right now, because he's excusing us without even us asking him to do it for him. Before I can do anything else I'm lifted up and tossed over Chris' shoulder caveman style and carried up the stairs. I'm half laughing and half swooning at the same time. The doors pushed open and I'm deposited on the bed.

"I need to get one in." He said shutting the door and moving back to me in one breath. "Before the food arrives and while Brandon is taking his shower. His hands moves towards the sash of the towel pulling it open while he kicks his shoes off. Fingers slip into my boxers and they get ripped off my body. I'm about to shrug out of the robe and Chris moves down to kiss me. "Leave it on." He tells me before he's opening his pants. He lets them and his boxer briefs slide down while he lifts my head up. "Lube. Lube. Lube." He starts looking around.

"Small bag on the sink counter," I tell him.

My legs go down and he moves into the bathroom retrieving the small bag. Coming back out he's already got the lube out and he's smearing it over his erection. My legs lift up at the sight of it and Chris can't help, but smile at the reaction he has on me. Lining up with my tight pucker he slides back some and thrusts forward and all I can do is scream. I'm in heaven. He sinks himself into me in that first thrust. "FUCK," he yells out holding himself still. His hands go to ankles, his head leaning against the inside of my thigh while we both take deep breaths. "Too long," He tells me. I agree, but I can't quite talk now. My mind has gone on overload for a second. The bright lights start to fade as I start to come back down, but it's only for a moment, because the moment I look him in the eyes Chris draws back letting his cock slip completely out of my tight, warm embrace only to fill me again. When he slides home again he pushes my legs back my knees are touching my chest and his lips capture mine. Kissing him hungrily I slip my tongue into his mouth moaning as he slips from me again re-entering me only after a few brief seconds. He keeps this up for a couple more strokes before he starts thrust back and forth with long even strokes sawing himself into my ass. I'm helpless to do anything, but thrash my head around as the sensations rush over me. My lashes flutter a few times as I go into a bit of a sex induced stupor as Chris plows into me. The slap of his hips against my ass is reminder of what I've been missing. It's been at least three months since we saw each other last. I remember every moment of it. I have to admit I had started to climb the walls, but now that need that was in me, the hunger that was starting to grow is getting satisfied. Chris continues to crash his hips into, thrusting forward hard enough o move me across the bed a little. When he had his fill of this position he pulled out flipped me over and I moved up my hips so my ass was in the air for him as he mounted me. Curling my fingers into the sheets I pulled at them crying out as he began to thrust into me. He only waited a second or two before thrusting himself completely forward. He filled me up and exited and filled me up. I felt a slap at my rear and I cried out and he moved down to bite at my ear while he pumped his superstar dick into me. After a few minutes of this he stopped and began to grind himself against me, moving his hips in a slight circular motion with the tip of him pressed against that magic spot that he was so intent on drilling for before. He moved his hips a little more while pulling my hips back against him some. I didn't know if I would be able to handle that much more with out spraying my load all over the comforter. "Chris." I whimpered to which I got a pair of fingers shoved into my mouth. I began to suck on them while my passage tightened around him. I thrust back harder and faster while my lips worked themselves back and forth over his fingers a few times until I couldn't take it any longer and I felt myself come. Chris pulled me back more so he could kiss me while I whimpered and moaned myself through my release feeling it rush through my erection to the tip spurting out. The entire time I felt my ass being battered from behind as Chris thrust into me over and over again as if was pumping the cum out of me each pump of his hips. Thrusting back a little he slid his spit slicked fingers to my nipples and began to twist and pull on them as he began to groan out. I knew what that meant. I could feel his hips picking up the pace some as his groaning became louder and more animal like until he pushed me back down and pounded me into the mattress until he reached his own release. He thrust once more and cried out as he came. I could feel the pressure against my prostate causing me to whimper and pull at the sheets. He continued to thrust himself into me the entire time hips jerking and spasming from time to time until he deposited his entire load inside of me. Pulling at the covers I could feel him kissing and licking the back of my neck as he laid upon me. And that is how you claim someone ladies and gentleman.

"Sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I just wanted you to be surprised," Chris whispers against my skin.

"Huh?" Are we talking now? I have to form intelligible words? Sentences?

"About Routh? That I knew him."

Smiling I shut my eyes and sigh softly, it's a happy sigh.

"It's ok. It was a good surprise. So is the penthouse."

"All for you, baby. All for you. I want you to have the best. You deserve the best." He murmured against my skin. "I got the best." I tell him. Corny yes, but fuck the world if I'm not going to tell him. I loved these moments, feeling his body against mine. It's so warm and heavy, but not in a bad way; just knowing that another person is there, that I'm connected to someone else. There are no words for it not any that would do it justice. Knowing that I'm not alone, that this man loves me body, mind and soul and that we grow closer every day despite our lives was the best feeling in the world. I wouldn't trade this for the world. "So did you miss me?" The lips on my neck shift to a smile and I snicker a little. "Hmm. I don't know we just had amazing sex and you're asking me if I missed you. I must've done something wrong. Fuck!" There's a smile on my face the entire time. "You know they say practice makes perfect." Moving his hips a little I press back. "Then again you could be rusty."

I got a scoff at that and slap on the ass as he pulled out of me. "Rusty?"

Me I'm still humming from the slap on the ass that I got.

"Oh yeah there's more where that came from." He slapped my ass again and I start pulling at the sheets as he just went slap happy on my ass until it turned red. "Now who's rusty?" He asked almost breathlessly while rubbing my ass. "Definitely not you."

"Damn right!" I couldn't move, didn't want to move. I just laid there enjoying the sensations as they ran back and forth over my skin. "I'm going to need another shower." I said finally. "You and me both." Us in the shower, we'd be in there for an hour at least.

"Brandon will start to wonder."

Chris laughed. "Like he doesn't know. The way you carry on." He reminded me. "The walls aren't that thick." He laid down beside me looking into my eyes.

"You know what I mean." I know how loud I could get. I wasn't one for quiet sex.

"Yeah, but I need to work up an appetite." Reaching over Chris began to brush his fingers through my hair. "Especially for tonight. Three months of being without you does thing to a man."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." He said with that look in his eye that said that if he had his way I would be the meal on the table not the pizza.

"Course I did plan something special," he teased tracing his finger along my neck.

"Un huh." My brow arched for a moment as I slid up. I swear I'm not slow, but I just wasn't thinking about it. I have an open relationship with Chris. We're together that's just the way it is, but we have been with other people and been with other people together so this wasn't a shocker to me, but it makes me wonder now, because Chris is the dominant. He's the one that sets the rules when it comes to people being with us since we got into a relationship. We can have fun and do things, but if someone wants to be with us they have go through Chris. Meaning how long was this in the works?

"Have you and him," I start and he shakes his head. "So how." Chris smiles and moves to sit up.

"Well, you see, Routh knows Jesse and Jesse told him a couple of things." To which I chortle. "Yeah, I know. Jesse can tell him a lot of things." Jesse McCartney belongs to Chris and when I say belongs to Chris I mean it.

He gave it up to him a long time ago and has been coming back every since and Chris fucks him when ever and wherever he wanted. When we were together that time at the hotel, the first time I knew what Chris was about. I knew the type of power he could hold over someone and I loved it.

"So, what about Brandon?" I noticed that they call each by their last names more so than their first names.

"He heard things, but he wasn't sure they were all true. He knows that we're dating, but he heard other stuff." Other stuff. I can imagine what that was, sex clubs and the sort. All of it true, Chris would admit it to people if they knew how to ask and not be asses about it.

This was the way it was with us sometimes, moments of closeness and then these moments which I lived for as well, because we always did have fun. "Maybe you should tell me the rest later." I say after giving it a little more thought. "Oh?"

Nodding I moved across the bed towards Chris moving to my knees when I was in front of him. "It's always better when we fall into it." We don't name a day of when it's going to happen, it's just that once everything has been agreed upon we sort of fall into it. "I can do that." Leaning into kiss him Chris pulls me on top of him running his hands along my back. "You're too good to me." He says with smile. Brushing my lips along his I smile back. "I told you I understand. I know what you liked, Chris. When you told me, more so when you showed me I got it." I didn't run away or anything. I guess that sometimes you have to know what you want. You have to know what's right for you and this is right for me. "Also it's not like you didn't know about me and my exploits." It's one of the reasons why he said he wanted to meet me. He knew what he was walking into, we both did.

"We should grab that shower," I tell him.

"We should shouldn't we." But neither of us moved for a moment. We laid there enjoying the fact that we had each other and we were where we wanted to be at the moment. After thirty minutes of laying there and grabbing a shower afterwards we came left the room and made our way downstairs where food was waiting for us and a refreshed Brandon Routh. I had to play it cool. We didn't want Brandon to know that I knew.

"Smells delicious." I wondered where he got it from. As long as it had no anchovies I was fine.

"I would've waited..." he started, but Chris waved it off.

"It's cool, man. Glad you did it. Where'd you set it up?"

"Game room," he replied. Wait there's a game room? I hadn't gotten to all the places down here. Brandon motioned for us to follow him and we walked down the in the opposite direction. Opening the door there was a game room complete with pool table, dart board, bar, flat screen TV on the wall and a poker table. Poker table? That could get interesting if we did it right or the pool table. We don't have enough for teams, but I could think up a couple of things. The food and drinks were set up on the bar and I moved towards it to grab a slice. I was starving. Flopping down on the couch in the room I turned the TV noticing there was a nice stereo in the corner as well. This place thought of everything, but at the moment I needed a little noise to fill the silence while I gave everything a little more thought. Finishing my slice, Brandon was still working on his first and Chris was moving onto his second while I moved to get another for myself. "You know, Chris plays a mean game of pool." Chris simply took a bite of the pizza looking over at me for a second as I poured myself a glass of pop.

"Really?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah. I suck ass. He beats me all the time, but pool isn't my game really.

I didn't practice the way I should. I'm better bowler though." It was the truth. I always got a higher score than Chris.

"So how about it, Evans? Best two out of three?" Chris took another bite of his food and nodded.

"I'll rack," I offered walking over towards the pull table pulling out the rack and gathering the balls from the various pockets. Chris leaned against the bar taking another bite of his pizza his eyes moving from me to Brandon from time to time. I was dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, not much else didn't think I needed it. Chris was in a pair of black jeans and a tank top and Brandon had on pair of blue jeans an Iowa State T-shirt. "I gotta know," I asked Brandon. "What was it like when you found out you were going to be Superman? I mean that's gotta blow your mind." Chris smirked a little and Brandon laughed a bit.

"Pretty much. I mean one moment I'm still trying to make it and the next I'm auditioning for Bryan Singer. Out of this world, man. When I got the call I couldn't believe it. Couldn't speak for a moment, but he said it was me." The smile was genuine and I could tell it meant a lot to him. It was going to be a lot for him to carry. He was still a relative unknown taking over an iconic part.

"Best fucking feeling in the world, if you ask me. Knowing that you got the part," Chris added. "I haven't gotten anything like Supes and the Torch is part of a team so I don't have to carry the film, but hearing that you got it, that you made it they liked you over everyone else. I don't think it's a feeling that you can beat. It's better than getting picked for kickball." I couldn't help but smirk at that, because I knew what that felt like. I think the kid in us all knew what that felt like. "You're about to be everywhere, Routh. Everyone's going to know your name. Know your face and people are going to be throwing themselves at you to be near you to know you." Taking another bite of his pizza he set it down and went to go select his pool stick.

"Yeah." Was all Brandon could manage to get out. He sounded a little overwhelmed, but who wouldn't be. Everyday he was on set he had to give his all, but now that it was over and only a few months away from release I could only imagine what was going through, the anticipation, the waiting for the movie to come. Then there were the fans were still waiting to see if he as good as Christopher Reeves. He was about to hit the big time with this movie.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes." It came out quickly and Chris looked over at him. "No, I don't know. I want to say yes, but I really don't know. I've been to photo shoots and we're starting to do more interviews now. It's starting to become more..."

"Real." Chris finished for him as I removed the rack from around the pool balls. Reaching in to one of the pockets I pulled the cue ball out and set it down for him.

"You'll be alright. Just take it all in stride. Don't let them boss you around and don't forget to be humble." I said it like had experienced this all myself and I could already hear the rising laughter coming out of Chris.


"Nothing, babe. It's good advice. I just funny." He left at that as I looked around for something and Brandon pulled out a quarter from his pocket. Walking over to him I take the coin smiling. "Thanks." He gives me nod and goes to get his own cue. When he comes back I set the coin and flip it. "Someone call." "Heads," Brandon called out as the coin flipped in the air. Catching it I slapped it on the back of my hand revealed the outcome to myself first then to Chris and Brandon. "Tails. Chris is up first." I said moving towards the bar to take a seat on one of the stools. Brandon walked over as Chris moved to take his first shot lining up the pool cue with the cue ball. He took the shot and sunk three balls. Two stripped and a solid. It was a no brainer which one he was going to be. Chris walked around the table stopping from time to time to see if he had a shot or not. Sometimes he would lean over giving Brandon and I both a nice view of his tight, muscle ass. The black jeans he had on were good fit and I could already feel myself wanting to move down on my knees pull the jeans down and start to do what I do best sometimes when I see Chris' ass in front of me. I wasn't the only one that was burning a hole in the back of Chris' jeans. Brandon shifted his weight from time to time watching as Chris shifted his legs some causing his rear to shift under the jeans as he leaned over the pool table. When my eyes glanced in Brandon's direction he I could see his lips part slightly revealing the pink tip of his tongue as it ran across lower lip. Chris moved around to take a shot and when he leaned over he had us both in his sights. His eyes went to Brandon first before they traveled down his torso towards his waist stopping at the rapidly growing bulge in the front of the other actor's jeans. His lips parted but instead of taking the shot his eyes switched to me. Leaning back against the bar I parted my thighs a little more teasing him some before he finally took the shot.

I think we were going to have a lot of fun tonight especially if Brandon was looking to get broken in. I'm pretty sure that he already cashed in his v-card with both guys and girls no matter what he said, but he wanted some of the man I loved and I think most people would be fuming about that, but not me. Me I couldn't help but smirk to myself. I mean I used to be one of those people lusting after Chris watching his movies, jerking off to him wondering what it would be like, but I didn't have to wonder any more. Chris was in my life, I was in his and he wanted me there. If he was a real player he would've done Brandon and told me about it later or I would've heard about it from someone else, but no he brought him here and told me about it. That meant something to me. It did. It meant he cared. Sure a couple of people might go, `What the fuck,' but I knew what I was getting into when I decided to be with Chris. He showed me a side of him that I didn't even know about. That's how much he wanted me to know and common sense had to tell me that he would want to be with other people. I'm not crazy, but the only person he wanted to come home to at night was me, that was something that I could either accept or walk away from. I didn't chose to walk away, because in my heart I wanted to be apart of this, apart of this relationship so even now as Brandon moved around a little trying to alleviate some of the discomfort in his pants I smiled. My eyes traveled along the pool table wondering about the things that we could do there and I smiled a little so much so that I didn't hear Chris' voice at first. "Babe," my eyes flickered to him and I smiled couldn't help the blush that began to spread across my cheeks as I moved towards the table. He made the shot and sunk the ball, but my mind was so off pool right now that I didn't know which ball went into which pocket. Blue eyes meet my mine and a smile moves across my boyfriends lips as he set the pool stick down. "Dirty thoughts," he whispered to me as he moved along the pool table. "Dirty, dirty thoughts. You're such a naughty boy." And he loved it. I could tell from the bulge in his pants that he loved it. Reaching me he slide his hand along my shoulder until it met my neck and he began to rub the spot slowly. "Are you going to share or are we going to have to guess," he whispered into my ear. His breath caressed my ear and I could feel his fingers at my pants tugging me closer. "I think you know," I answered finally my eyes closing at the touch of fingers. They were like magic. There were times when I could spend hours with my legs spread and Chris fingering me like it was his favorite thing to do. He told the best stories and I think he liked watching me as he continue to prime me for a good fucking. It wasn't rare for me to cum over myself just from him thrusting his fingers inside of me telling me of all the things he wanted to do to me or all the things he had done. Brandon didn't make a sound. I don't know when, but he had moved across the room and was behind me. I was pretty sure he was looking at Chris, but when I felt his lips at the back of my neck I let out a gasp that was only made louder when Chris' hand dipped down between me and him to caress the bulge in my pants. Caressing me he chuckled and pressed his palm against my trapped erection while Brandon pressed against me from behind. Heaven, hell I didn't know where I was at the moment, but I didn't want to be anywhere else. Now don't get me wrong having fun with Chris and Jesse McCartney, was awesome, but nothing beats the feeling of having two hard bodied men against you. They were both were good height, solid, apparently well hung and their hands. Oh.My.God. Let me tell you there are a couple of things that will do it for me. One is a man lips. I like a man with nice set of full lips that are soft to the touch even when their kidding you aggressively. There's nothing like a man with nice lips to make you shiver, which Chris has. Next is a man legs. Strong, muscular, if their thick they'll make me shake, like Brandon's are, because he bulked up for Superman. Then you have the ass. The lovely gluts that tell you how much power a man could be working with. Dented at the side promises of power I say. Thinking about is making my legs spread at the moment, but those are key points for me, because mostly everything else falls into place. Oh and if a man has a sexy calf mmm, but I'm digressing. However before I get back I almost forgot to talk about hands. Have you ever looked at a man's hands and imagined them running over your body. Holding you down as he kissed you making you surrender to his will, because you wanted to. I'm not talking about forcing you, forcing you, but you being tamed by the raw power and sensuality of another man; to feel the power in the grip knowing that it takes that much to make you his. To know soon that he would be sliding himself inside of you stealing your breath and thoughts away until you became a mess of screams and moans. To know that just as powerful as they could be they could be just as delicate and light. Just think about it and them knowing that those long, thick digits could be sliding into either orifice to you endless delight. It gives me chills thinking about. Now back to the encounter.

There I was trapped between Johnny Storm and Superman, talk about hot. I mean they both were playing superheroes and the thought of them being in their costumes just whipped through my mind sending a charge down my spine. Pressing my hips back I felt Brandon there ready to go even though we were all clothed and then there was Chris at the front grinding against me. I could feel fingers curl into my shirt pulling at me while another set of fingers gripped my hips pulling my rear back. My body didn't know which way to go, because each touch was just as electric. I felt like I was on fire and I didn't want it to stop. I was a series of moans and groans at the moment as I heard something, the click of pool balls. Opening my eyes finally Chris had one hand at my shirt and the other was trying to work at getting the pool table cleared. I wanted to help, but Brandon had a grip on me that wouldn't let up. He rocked his hips forward and I pressed back letting my head fall back and he let out a gasp. I knew what he wanted, Chris did too and he was going to get it. Chris' other hand left my shirt and I was all Brandon's for a moment. He wasn't all thumbs either. His finger traced along the sides of my body until they moved to my stomach and up along my chest. When he reached my nipples he played with them through my shirt causing me to press my body back up against trembling under his touch. Every now and then there would be a light brush of his lips and the tip of his tongue along the curve of my neck as he moved us forward to the now clear pull table. My heart was pounding and my chest was heaving as he turned me towards him and I looked into those brown eyes of his and he went in for a kiss. It was nice and gentle, before he deepened it and became all tongue. His arm came around and he pulled me closer while our tongues danced in and out of each other's mouth and I started to work his shirt off. Just as I got the shirt off and I was about to attack his chest I felt Chris' hands at my wrists. I looked back at him and he was giving me his best devious grin as he pulled me back until I my back was sliding along the table. I felt hands at my ankles and there I was being pulled out by them. Chris' hands went for the edge of my shirt pulling it up and off my body while Brandon worked at my jeans. He got them open and pulled them off tossing them onto the floor and then made for my boxers. They came off and I felt my manhood slap my stomach. Finally it was free and leaking like a broken faucet. I laid there like a little minx, sex starved and ready to play. Sliding one leg into a bent position Brandon moved in to slide the tips of his fingers along the top of the leg starting at the knee then moving back until he reached my thigh. I could feel him shift his movements inward and upwards, leaning towards me with a Cheshire smile of his own as his tongue darted across my stomach sighing in satisfaction as he tasted the clear liquid that leaked from the tip of my erection. The touch of his tongue caused me to jump, but instead of being able to slide my hands along broad shoulders I felt a pair of hands gliding along my arms. The tips of the fingers were traced lightly along the skin making the sensations I was experiencing at the moment even more intense. Arching my back under Chris's light touch and Brandon's tongue I felt myself becoming even more relaxed as my thighs parted. It was then that Chris leaned over and began to kiss me.

"I love you," he whispered. It was like food for my body as I leaned up to capture his lips with my own. He kissed softly tenderly even as Brandon slid his hands between my thighs as my other leg matched the bent one. Gasping Chris leaned into kiss me again this time running his tongue across my lips as Brandon's hands began to push at my thighs. He gripped them tightly and I could feel my self throbbing against my stomach as he did so. He parted my thighs without so much as a please or thank you. It's what he wanted and he added some force to the movement when I gave him a little resistance, just enough to test him. Spread open for him he moved up and began to tease my sac making me whimper until he ran the tip of his tongue from the sac along the bottom of my throbbing meat to the tip which disappeared between his lisps a moment later.

"Oh God," I cried out and Chris was right there kissing me and stoking my face and looking into my eyes the entire time. "I love you," I answered him finally. I loved him so much. I wanted him to know how much I loved him, but he knew. He could see it in my eyes. Fluttering lashes obstructed my view when Brandon's lips began to slide down my flesh taking all of me down his throat until there was nothing left to give. Feeling the touch of his tongue and the moist wrap of his mouth around me was incredible. Slowly he began to hum letting his lips travel back up the way they came until they reached my tip which his so graciously caressed with the tip of his tongue while I panted and moaned my way through wave after wave of pleasure. Under the watchful eyes of my lover, Brandon repeated the motion letting his eyes move towards Chris while my own shut themselves waiting for the colors and lights to come to them. Waiting for my brain to drag all of my senses where there was no top or bottom, up or down, or left or right. It was like falling down an endless hole, like Alice descending into Wonderland doing her best to catch the White Rabbit. I did my best to steady my hips as Brandon repeated the motion over and over with his lips while Chris watched smiling as he watched my cock disappear into this rising stars mouth. I could feel him moving behind me a little, shifting every now and then, but always keeping contact with his fingers. They moved along my navel tracing it along the edge then along my stomach until he reached my chest. There his hands went in opposite directions attacking both of my nipples at the same time pulling at them before massaging them with his thumb and forefinger before starting all over again by tracing the steps he took to get there, literally.

When Brandon worked up a steady rhythm the slurping sounds of his lips could be heard and my hips couldn't be held back any longer. They thrust forward every now and them until they were caught in Brandon's hands, who did his best to steady them, but he was giving me one hell of a blow job there. Opening my eyes finally I feel Chris's fingers lose contact with my skin, but I was focused on the bobbing head of the Brandon Routh between my legs.

I could feel the pressure of his fingertips along my hips as he kept them in place while he worked his lips back down to the base and held himself there letting me catch my breath after a rather loud moan erupted from my lips. Curling my toes some I looked back to see Chris there sliding his boxer briefs off as he finally let himself hang out completely. My eyes moved along his body smiling as I saw his cock stranding out in front of him and I already knew that I had to do something about it.

Hearing a pop from his mouth I glanced to Brandon who licked his lips and smiled at me after enjoying his new tasty treat. He blew a stream of cold air along my glistening flesh making me jump and watched as I leaned back some pulling myself further onto the pool table until I let my head lean back and he watched as Chris moved around and slide his cock into my mouth and down my throat. "Damn," he said awed by the maneuver that could make others gag for a moment. Chris wasn't a small man. He spent many a night making me squeal like a pig. (Oh to have thirty minute orgasm. I think I would black out for sure, but damn it would be worth it.) "That's it baby take daddy's cock," Chris gruffed out. He pulled his erection from my mouth again giving me a moment to breath before he did it again and again four times in a row making my body jump each time he slid in. He held himself there for a moment before pulling himself out slowly so I could get another breath of air in. "More," he asked. "More, "I answered and spread my legs like the good little whore I was right now. Brandon glanced down and give me another lick across the tip while I took Chris' cock down my throat several times again before he found a rhythm and Brand began to lick his way down to my puckered entrance. He moved along my sacs and along the perineum making my body shudder before be reached that tight ring of flesh. He teased it with the tip running it around in a circle a few times before he moved his tongue in the other direction. I press my hips forward some and there his hands went again even as my body shook from the thrusts of Chris's body. He pulled my hips up some so he could get a good angle and moved in to slide his tongue over my hole several times teasing the tip inside a few times causing me to moan over Chris as he rocked himself and out of my mouth.

My hand reached out for the sides of the table gripping them tight as Brandon licked and licked and thrust his tongue inside me a few times while Christ plowed on. They found a tempo that each of them could work at and soon after a rhythm and they rocked my body back and forth for a while until Chris pulled his cock from my mouth and smiled. He moved around turning so he could spread his cheeks and I licked my lips. He pressed his ass against my mouth and I began to eat like I hadn't eaten in months. Chris's words began slurs of obscenities and other foul words. He just press himself back on my tongue as I tongued him good letting my tongue slide between his cheeks then down to his perineum while Brandon did the same, but for me it was so much more. My tongue didn't tease Chris with the tip it slipped inside and tongued him nice and good until he was satisfied and cried out his body shuddering after twenty minutes of being treated to my tongue and lips. He turned around and I began to lick what was left of what I caused. Brandon looked up for a moment again as I cleaned Chris' cock clean.

"No shit?" Chris smiled and stroked my neck like a person strokes a cat. He moved away leaning over to kiss me while my feet fell back to the table as Brandon backed off a little so he could come around. Chris smirked and looked at Brandon. "Fucking amazing," he told Brandon and smiled at me. "I need to get something from our room," he said trying to catch his breath and with that he was walking out of the game room and both mine and Brandon's eyes were on his ass. Brandon for his part began to pull of his pants finally and get his underwear off. He was the only one left clothing. He had to rectify that.

He looked towards the door then towards me sliding his fingers along the side of my neck. "Are you two always this."

"Intense," I answered to which he nodded.

"Sometimes more." I said catching my breath as Brandon moved to the bar to get a bottle of water. "You want one," he asked and I nodded. We had barely begun in my eyes we hadn't made Brandon come yet and I was looking forward to that. He walked over with three bottles of water figuring that Chris would want one when he got back. Opening one I took a sip and looked at him sucking on my lower lip. "Maybe later you can take a ride." I slide my tongue out at him and smiled devilishly to which he slapped my stomach playful. "You're trouble."

"That's what Chris keeps telling me." Taking another sip of the water I set it down and decided that I should have a little fun while my man was upstairs getting whatever he needed from the room. Taking Brandon's water as he drank from the bottle I tipped it on the side letting it splash onto my chest some. Leaning back I gave him a pair of eyes that told him everything he needed to know. I tipped the bottle again and this time he was down on my skin licking away the liquid as it covered my body.

Taking a deep breath my fingers slid through his hair as he climbed up on the pool table so he was on all fours over me. He continued to lick away the water as I tipped it over until I set the bottle down and pulled him into a kiss. My hand slide down his body to his nipples and he gasped some, but I didn't stop. They went further down between his legs to see what the new `Man of Steel' was made off. "Very nice," I whispered while he sucked in a sharp breath. Running my hand back and forth along his erection he looked up at me and I pulled him into a kiss and smiled because I heard the sound of feet along the floor. Chris was coming back. When he got to the room he didn't say anything. One hand continued to pump Brandon the other was stroking his ass.

Chris moved around until he was in sight. Kissing along Brandon's shoulder he showed me what he got and I smiled. My hands moved to Brandon's globes of hard marble flesh pulling them apart slowly while my knee continued to stimulate him. Kissing the brown hair Adonis my tongue dipped into his mouth so I could capture the gasp he gave while Chris slipped oil slicked fingers between his cheeks. He moved them back and forth until he zeroed in on the tight pink entrance of the other man. He massaged it with the tips of his fingers and began to press them inside which caused Brandon to moan and shudder over me. Breaking the kiss he gasped for air and I licked his throat and then his chin then his lips as Chris got two fingers inside of him. He held them there for a moment then curled them before scissoring them slowly. He smiled and continued with this for a moment while I resumed stroking Brandon's erection, this time in a very lazy manner. My thumb brushed over the tip several times until I knew Brandon was so close that he was going to blow. Releasing him I moved my hands back to his cheeks holding them apart as Chris pulled his fingers from the other man slowly. Leaning over he kissed the small of Brandon's back who grit his teeth over the pleasure he was feeling at the moment. "Take a deep breath," he warned him before he pressed something inside of him. For a moment Brandon thought it was Chris, but it wasn't. It wasn't as thick as Chris or as long, but it was definitely phallic shaped. It had ridges, no it was shaped oddly, but it definitely fit all the way inside of him right against the magic spot that made men whimper.

"It's called an aneros," he explained. "Designed to stimulate that part of a man that makes life worth living sometimes." It was pressed right up against the prostate and then there was another part it touched the perineum. It was dual stimulation device that increased the intensity of orgasm without actually ejaculation. Chris had used it on me many times just to watch me experience orgasm after orgasm. You controlled the movements with the muscles of your ass and stimulated yourself. Chris used it once while fucking me. I didn't leave the bed for a day and a half. Brandon shudder as Chris positioned the aneros correctly allowing Brandon to test it out on himself. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, he cried out.

"But nothing is going to come out. It just stimulates those pleasure centers, without you having to be stimulated her," he explained caressing Brandon's rigid cock. Pulling Brandon back he let me slip out from under the man and turned Brandon on his back so he could experience this pleasure.

Also so we both could watch as Brandon laid back and began to move his hips and push and pull the aneros with his anal muscles stimulating himself to no end. I watched as Brandon gripped the sides of the pool table and his hips moved as if he was being fucked. It was amazing. His head thrashed about as he continued to stimulate himself. He was panting and I felt Chris move in behind me. He kicked my legs apart and dipped his fingers between my cheeks.

They were slick with oil again and I could feel him working one then two inside of me as we watched Brandon worked himself into a frenzy. If I had a broken faucet at the tip of my erection before, Brandon was a geyser. Every five seconds a spurt of clear fluid would erupt from the end of his erection and I know that he was getting close. It would be a dry orgasm, but it was going to be big.

I had to steady myself as Chris's gentle teasing became more certain and strong thrusts. Leaning over on the pull table to give him better access his arm began to slip into piston mode as Brandon whimpered and whispered then yelled both of our names. Chris continue to thrust his arm into me driving his fingers against that spot inside of me that was going to make me fall until Brandon cried out and curled his toes as his body shook as he felt the orgasm. Chris moved up behind me and held me close stroking my stomach with his free hand while pulling his finger from my tight channel. It was a moment or two before Brandon recovered and I started at his hard cock. I was primed, pumped and lubed. I moved up and Brandon watched as I move on top of him to straddle him and his hips moved a little as he moved the aneros inside of him panting and his erection disappeared into my body as I descended down onto it. Chris growled appreciatively as I speared myself on Brandon's erection until there was nothing left to see. Gasping Brandon was panting up a storm. I looked into those deep brown eyes and began to slide myself up ever so slowly as I until he was almost clear of my body until to drop slide back down just as slow; the second time I dropped down onto him taking him quickly inside of me. My body tensed for a moment allowing me to take in the pleasure I felt there. I could feel fingers traveling up and down my spine slowly as I began to rock myself back and forth along Brandon's erection. My eyes glanced down at Brandon's hands which were still gripping the sides of the pull table. Leaning into Chris touch I moved a little faster as Brandon tried to move with me, but he found himself being tormented by the pleasure his body received from the movement of my own body and the aneros which was doing an exquisite job of turning him into a pile of jelly. Working my hips a little faster I moved my hands to Brandon's nipples pulling at them while his hips found a shaky rhythm. "He's not going to last long," Chris whispered to me. We both knew this. Stimulation of this sort could only end one way. I moved my hips faster until I knew that Brandon was going to blow. I gripped him tightly with my channel and milked him for all he was worth as he fell over the edge his hands moving to my shoulders to pull me down on him, holding me there while his hips spasmed and his seed unloaded inside of my body so much so that it began to leak back out when I relaxed my grip on. Panting myself I slide my hands along his chest and I felt Chris' kiss at my neck licking at gingerly, his hand pumping at my erection a few times. Taking a deep breath moaned as Chris' hands came around to my chest and played with my nipples some. "You ok down their Routh," Chris asked with a smile on his lips while he kissed the side of my neck. "Yeah," he panted. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he smiled some taking in gulps of air his grip relaxing so I could move again. Pulling off of him I leaned down to kiss him deeply and I felt a slap of a hand on my cheek. "Yeah big daddy." I looked back at Chris and he smiled at me. I kissed Brandon again and I felt myself being pulled off Brandon's body. Chris pulled the aneros from Brandon's body and set it on the edge of the pull table. Coming back to me he pulled me off the pool table sliding his hand along my stomach stroking it gently. He was feeling it. He wanted it.

Someone was about to get bred and put away wet and from the looks of things it was going to be me. I pressed myself against Chris and he bit at my neck sliding his right hand along my stomach to my chest.

"Need you." It was said in a tone that always go week in the knees. He kissed the side of my neck and began to pull me towards the door. "When you're ready come upstairs, Routh," he called out.

Brandon could only watch from his spot on the table still winded from his orgasm as I was being pulled on by my man. He was getting possessive, not in the way that says hands off everyone else. Not in the way that would make Brandon think he couldn't play. It was in way that told me one thing and one thing only as Chris tossed me over his shoulder and carried me up the stairs I was about to get fucked.royally. The pillars of heaven were about to shake and I was the altar upon which it was going to happen.

To be continued.

That's it for now. Sorry it took me so long to get it out. I started working on it and then things came up and then I got behind. I don't know when the next part will be coming out hopefully before the end of the year. However I want to thank everyone for the encouraging emails. If you have comments, requests or the such email me at I promise to try and get to as many as I can. If you want to talk about celebrities especially Chris Evans definitely give me a shout and we can talk and talk maybe other things ;)

Next: Chapter 8

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