Chris Evans Slut

By Ryan Gora

Published on Jan 24, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is about young men having sex together. If that's not your thing or you're too young to read it, please leave now. The author has written this purely as a work of erotic fantasy fiction, and implies no specific knowledge of the celebrity personalities who are described. Enjoy!

Chris Evan's Slut - Part 5

Ryan opened his eyes slowly trying to remember the night before, but that wasn't an easy task, since it ended several hours before and he was still a little dazed and confused from the events that transpired. Licking his lips he began to slide out of bed freeing himself from the two bodies that he was caught between. Sliding onto the floor he looked over his shoulder for a moment with a smile. He was definitely sore, but sore in a good way. "Where are you going gorgeous," came the familiar voice. Turning around so that he was sitting on the floor Ryan smiled as Chris entangled himself from Jesse joining him on the floor. "Just wanted to get something to drink," Ryan whispered doing his best not to wake Jesse. Looking over at the sleeping blonde he smirked to himself remembering everything that they did last night. "Sweet isn't he," Chris whispered, but even then it sounded like a bit of a growl. Running his hand along Ryan's chest the other responded with a smile leaning back some so he could pull the movie star up on him some drawing him into a long, sensuous kiss. "Fucking amazing is what he is," Ryan said against Chris' lips. "So are you," Chris answered, surprising Ryan some. It wasn't something that he would expect. He was still trying to deal with the fact that he had been with two not one hot studs and both of them were really into him, especially Chris. He could feel Chris knee coming up between his legs spreading them gently until he could feel his knee brushing along the bottom of his hardening manhood. They didn't say anything they just looked into each others eyes and knew as they moved around a little, Chris reaching for a blanket and pillow from the bed and Ryan sliding the pillow under his hips. The blanket was wadded up and slid under his head between a series of passionate kisses that led to one long one covering the moan he made as Chris slide inside of him. Ryan was beginning to think Chris never went soft and it was something that he could get used to. "Chris..." He cried out, because it was different from the other times. It was slow and sweet, gentle in a way that it had never been before. Chris' hand slid along Ryan's body, caressing it in a sure but gentle motion, making sure that he touched every sensitive part from the erect nipples to his belly button. Their lips met once, twice, three times before Chris' tongue slipped into Ryan's sweet mouth tasting and exploring, swirling and caressing while his hips moved in such a way that Ryan hand to grip the strands of the plush carpet beneath them. The sounds of their love making could be heard all throughout the room, but none of it disturbed Jesse who was pretty dead to the world at the moment lost in dreams of flesh and penetration that made him shift every so often. Ryan looked up into Chris eyes trying to control himself, because there were so many things that he wanted to say, but Chris shook his head as if to tell him that they didn't need any words, not right now. He captured Ryan's soft lips in another kiss letting him know then how he felt while his hips rolled a bit driving himself further into the tight velvet heat of Ryan's passage wanting to enjoy ever moment of it hoping that Ryan was doing the same. Ryan took the opportunity to spread his legs a bit more so he could feel Chris' hips move back and forth along his thighs causing him to whimper and he hadn't done that in such a long time. A true whimper like the time when he first lost his virginity and the pain of it finally turned to pleasure he didn't want it to end. His hands slid along Chris' peck caressing the nipples so gently until he they went hard under his touch. He smiled at the sweet sounds that fell from his lover's lips. Sounds that he caused him to make, sounds that he wanted him to make continuously throughout this moment. Running the tips of his fingers along Chris' arms he traced along the tattoo on his shoulder before sliding them around to his back caressing it tightly when the man of his dreams thrust deep into him. His entire body moved with him and he let out a cry of pure pleasure whispering for him never to stop. Touching the side of Ryan's face Chris kissed him several times while his hips continue to work in that slow pace drawing out the sensations and the experience wanting it to last forever. "I love you." It came out, but Ryan wasn't sure who said it. At first he thought he only heard it in his head, but it wasn't in his head. It came out of his mouth and for a moment he froze. He didn't know what to do with that. He said he loved him. What was Chris going to say? Chris looked down at him his hips still moving, pumping himself in out of his tight heat. He could see the fear in Ryan's eyes. He hadn't answered. Truthfully he didn't know what he had gotten himself into when he started this entire thing. It was supposed to be hot fun and that's exactly what it was. He wanted to own this boy making him his little pet and Ryan was so close to being that, but at the same time Chris could feel it building inside of him. He wanted to see Ryan all the time, be with him, he wanted him to be his and only his in that way that his heart would only be open for Chris and no one else. What they did in bed with Jesse was amazing, but this was even better. He knew he could have the type of life that he wanted with Ryan, but not give up the type of lifestyle he had grown accustom to. Leaning down he brush his lips along the trembling ones of his lover. "I love you too." Ryan blinked a few times not sure if he heard the other man correctly, but he said again and Ryan leaned forward losing himself in the kiss that Chris was offering him right then and there. Ryan body began to move a little more as Chris picked up the pace. His hand slid down under the left leg drawing it up so he could slide into him at a different angle. Chris smile down at him as he continued to thrust into him. Their eyes stayed looked with one another and as much as Ryan wanted to touch him right now Chris moved his body harder and faster against him working himself into frenzy as he began to hit that magic spot that made all men see stars behind their eyes. Ryan's were no exception as his eyelids slide close. He bit his lower lip trying to hold back the moan then decided not to care as the cries of pleasure rose from his throat to his lips. Their pants matching one another Chris touched Ryan at the neck, the tips of his fingers slide down to his chest as he rode the boy as hard as he could from this angle until he felt his erection swell within the tight warmth of Ryan's body and he cried out his name and began to fill him with his seed. Ryan's mouth opened as a serious of grunts and moans slipped out of him joining Chris in a mutual orgasm until they were all freshly spent. Chris fell on top of Ryan, his lips searching for his new lover to pull him into a kiss. They didn't speak; they didn't say anything to one another they just kiss smiling as they did it. Ryan was relishing in the new found feeling of love and Chris doing the same knowing that Ryan could accept him for who he was. When they finished the only sounds that could be heard was that of their panting as they rolled around until Ryan was on top looking down at Chris. Both of the boys were sweaty, and covered in cum. Leaning over he kissed Chris gently when he felt a pair of fingers sliding through his hair from above. Looking over he saw Jesse smiling over at him then down at Chris. "You two can't get enough of each other can you," he didn't sound the least bit jealous either. "Told him he was my boy and now he knows it," Chris said in a sexy tone. Ryan looked down at him and smiled. He was exactly where he wanted to be. He pressed against Chris a little feeling his still hard member slip between the cheeks of his rear making him shiver a little. "Yeah, I am," he whispered, but there was something about the way Ryan said it. He sounded more sure of myself. At one point it excited him to be called Chris' boy and now he felt comfortable with it. Not that he wasn't excited, but it felt like it was real and before he was still caught up in the moment trying to figure out if it was an act or was this all a dream. Sliding his hands around to Chris back he leaned forward to steal another kiss. He had been on his way to get something to drink before this all happened, but Chris' arms wouldn't let him leave. The circled around him drawing the other man in close. Ryan leaned into him wondering if something was wrong. Threading his fingers through Chris' hair he got him to look up at him and he could see a smile on the movie star's face. "So, are you gonna to keep me here," Ryan questioned with a little smile of his own forming on his lips. "Damn right I am," Chris growled before looking over at their guest, he resumed frigging his cock. Jesse licked his lips knowing that he wanted some more action, but he had to wait until Chris said it was ok. He was his boy too, but in a different way. Chris didn't look at him the same way he looked at Ryan and it didn't bother him in the least. All he wanted was some hot meat and he knew he could get it from Chris again if he was patient, but he didn't know how much longer he could keep that up. Seeing Jesse's predicament the expression on Chris' face changed, morphing from pleased to impish. Ryan saw it and glanced in the direction that his lover was looking and knew that Jesse was probably going to beg before it was all over. Turning his attention to the boy in his lap Chris leaned in letting the tip of his nose trace along the curve of Ryan's neck deciding not to say thing even when Ryan let out a gasp. He loved the sounds Ryan made, usually commented on them, but at the moment he was doing everything in his power to make Jesse lose it. Brushing his nose along Ryan's neck a couple of times he moved closer until the pink tip of his tongue began to trace along the sides of Ryan's neck, moving in slow, delicate movements stopping every now and then to lap at the skin.

Ryan was in heaven, his body reacted the way he knew it would, but Chris kept him close making sure that Ryan stayed perfectly still as he continued to pleasure him. Reaching the base of the neck he began to chew at his flesh slowly making sure that Jesse could see him. He sucked and kissed at the skin before he started at the beginning again, lightly nipping at the skin before falling into chewing and pulling motion with his teeth.

Gasping Ryan let his head fall back making sure not to move to much as Chris continued to chew at the flesh stopping only to kiss his way to the other side where Jesse couldn't see as well, but the entertainer didn't let that stop him. Sliding off the bed with the grace of a cat he moved around so he could get a better angle of what Chris was doing. Running his tongue over rapidly drying lips he didn't think he was going to take much more of it. He was hard as is and didn't think he could get much harder than that, but ever so often his cock throbbed an a copious amount of clear liquid would leak from the tip onto the carpet. He wanted to control it, but touching himself was out of the question. "Chris," he whispered trying to get through to the man of the hour while focusing not losing his load. He wanted to lose it while he was getting his tight, round ass banged by the cannon that swung between Chris legs. He hoped he would. Chris patted the spot beside him a couple of times and Jesse moved in. He slinked his way beside the couple his eyes finally lifting off the ground to meet Ryan's who were filled with lust. Now he was envious, because he wanted to share in that feeling. He could feel a knot starting to build in his stomach as he got closer. He didn't want to watch he wanted to participate. "Chris." This time he purred like the adorable little sex kitten was. He moved around so he could try and catch Chris eyes and when he looked at them he could seem them narrow a little causing him moan a little. Just that look was enough to make him want that man. Ryan took a moment to catch his breath, glancing over to see what Jesse was doing, but that was short lived when Chris leaned him back so he could start running his tongue across his chest, nipple to nipple and back again. Ryan pressed his hips down making Chris growl a bit giving him a slap on the ass.

The moment the palm of Chris hand stroke Ryan's rear the boy let out a yelp that could be heard all the way around the room. He looked down at Chris who kissed the center of his chest. Running his hand back and forth over the heated flesh Chris it did again making Ryan moan this time, because he had begun to chew along one of his nipples. Feeling the flesh harden between his teeth Chris drew his head back some pulling on it before repeating the same procedure to the other. He gave Ryan's ass another swat and heard a dual moan knowing that Jesse was getting off on it. Jesse loved to get spanked sometimes and Chris had to confess he did love the sight of a night red ass sometimes. "Up..." he whispered over Ryan's nipple and Jesse moved up on the chair a little thinking that he was going to get some of the same treatment. "Spread." Came the next command and Jesse spread his knees a little and looked over at Chris. Chris kissed Ryan's nipple and smiled up at him. Leaning up a bit he slid the tip of his middle finger along Ryan's lower lip a couple of times before pressing it inside. Ryan sucked it down without a second thought. He treated it like it was another cock making sure he ran his tongue along it, teasing the tip and massaging the length of it with the broadside of his organ. When he felt Chris begin to withdraw it he sucked it back to him with a smile on his face knowing what Chris was going to do.

By this time Jesse's eyes were shut tight. He couldn't take them playing right in front of him and him not able to join in. He saw the look in Chris' eyes. Look but don't touch, at least not yet. His member was straining and it wasn't even his pants. It was pressed tight up against his stomach throbbing every few minutes releasing more precum onto his stomach and onto the floor. Gripping the arms of the chair he just wanted something, anything when he felt something at his rear. He could feel his body tense and his knuckles turned white. He didn't turn around, because he knew it was a fingertip. It slid around the tight, ring of flesh that lay between his round cheeks. He wanted to push back but he didn't he simply held onto the arms of the chair gasping and moaning every so often wanting to feel more. Drawing his lower lip between his teeth, he began to chew at it incessantly trying to control himself, but the more determined he became to hold it together the more determined Chris became in making him lose control. Chris smiled kissing along Ryan's neck while playing with Jesse's ass. He watched as each stroke of Jesse's hole caused the boy's body to shake and twist. He could hear moans rising from the teen idol knowing that he was doing his best to keep control. Looking up at Ryan he kissed him softly and presented him with two fingers for him to suck. Ryan this time worked a little faster eager to see Chris penetrate Jesse. He could also feel his hips move a little, slowly growing a mind of their own. It could be helped. He didn't stop them and Chris didn't seem to mine. He let out a bit of a grunt removing his fingers from Ryan's sweet orifice before firmly implanting them Jesse's rear. The moment Chris' fingers breached his private entrance Jesse's head fell back. His eyes screwed shut and he let out a moan of pleasure at the invading digits. He had to still himself or he knew Chris would remove the fingers. He wanted the pleasure to last as long as it could. Running his tongue across dry lips he looked back and saw Chris continuing to kiss along Ryan's neck who was enjoying the attention that Chris was given to him and Jesse. Leaning over towards the pop idol he ran his lips along Jesse's mouth making sure that his tongue invaded the boy's sweet mouth. As theirs tongues danced Ryan ran his fingers through Jesse's blonde locks smiling when he heard the younger boy whimper when Chris began to work his fingers in and out of his tight orifice. For a moment they slipped out and Jesse thought for a moment that it was over, but it wasn't. He felt them slip back in and this time Chris curled and moved them in a scissor like motion making the younger boy shudder from time to time. Ryan on the other hand felt Chris member throbbing between the cheeks of his rear seeming ready to go for another round. He moved his hips a little making Chris moan a little while his lips continued to move slowly along Jesse's neck. Sucking at the flesh he moaned when he felt Chris' tip at his entrance teasing him a few times before it slipped back between his cheeks. Looking back to Chris he saw that glint in the movie star's eyes. He was definitely enjoying himself. Leaning forward Ryan took the liberty to capture Chris' lips in a sensual kiss. "Enjoying yourself," he whispered to which he got that charming smile that made him melt inside. Chris didn't need to speak, Ryan already knew. Brushing his lips along Chris a few more times he felt him press up against him teasing him a little more while he continue to assault Jesse's ass with his fingers. Drawing his fingers from Jesse's rear Chris pressed them into his own mouth sucking on them hungrily knowing exactly where they been. He moaned a little as he did it knowing that there had been times when he spent hours munching on Jesse's hot ass making the boy cum with his tongue and teeth alone. Leaning forward he shared his fingers with Ryan who was happy to run his tongue all over them taking them into his mouth slowly moaning as he did. Slicking them up again Ryan watched as the fingers were pulled from his mouth and shoved back into to Jesse who simply grunted at the invasion this time. His hair was sticking to his forehead and his hot cock was hard against his stomach. "Chris I need it, please. I need you," he whimpered, begging to feel what was swinging between Chris legs. He needed it deep inside him. "Fuck me." Chris simply pumped his ass a little harder before he drew his fingers out again. Just as the tips of them were free of the tight ring of flesh he pressed them back inside Jesse shoving him further onto the chair he was holding onto. "Suck my boy's dick and I'll think about it." Came the reply. Ryan didn't say a word he slid off Chris, kissing his way down his chest as he did it. He looked up at Chris was into everything he was doing. His legs spread and Ryan simply slid his lips down further until they were right at Chris' navel. His boy, this time when he said it sent a spark through the college student. He moved down kissing around Chris' throbbing piece of meat knowing that he was teasing the stud with each touch of his lips. Deciding to draw the moment out a little longer he drew Chris' balls into his mouth and bathed them with his spit. He sucked on them a little which made Chris thrust his fingers deeper into Jesse with each thrust of his arm until he stopped and brushed the tips of them along the boy's sweet spot. The more Ryan sucked the more faster Chris' fingertips moved until Jesse was close to crying at the amount of pleasure he was receiving. He could barely breath his heart was pounding so fast. He thought he was going to black out, but every time he thought he was reaching that point the finger tips would stop. They didn't moved they simply laid still inside of him. Seeing this Ryan would let Chris' balls slip from his mouth only to start the process all over again until the pop star cried out time and time again that he needed more. Chris smirking a little drew his fingers out and ran his hand along Jesse's ass. "Who's your fucking daddy, Jess?" Ryan stopped licking at Chris' sac upon hearing that. Chris voice had dropped an octave when he said it. There was so much bass in his voice at that moment that Ryan's own piece of meat throbbed.

"You are," came Jesse's reply. He was definitely owned at the moment and a loud slap could be heard as Chris' hand came across his ass. He did a few more times and Jesse's head start thrashing about and the boy came right there. His cock throbbed several times and he lost the load he had been holding on to. It's not exactly what he wanted, but it was enough. "You are Chris. Fuck!" He cried out in his voice, it went up an octave as he continued to receive the slaps across his rear. Ryan watched in a lust filled dazed as Chris made Jesse submit to him. He continued spanking him until Jesse's cock finished spurting it's seed. Panting Jesse's head had fallen, but he didn't seem like he wanted to go anywhere. Chris glanced down at Ryan and slide away running his hand along Ryan's face as he did so. He moved around so he could move towards Jesse letting his tongue run along the boy's ear. "You still want it," he whispered into his ear, heated breath caressing it lightly followed by a few swipes of his tongue. "Want me?" He moved his cock between the boy's red cheeks letting Ryan take everything in. "Yes." It was two voices, Jesse's and Ryan's. Ryan was transfixed on the image in front of him. "Take him Chris." He whispered. "Please." He wanted to watch him fuck Jesse McCartney right then and there. Ryan didn't think it could get any better. He was so hard. He pulled his legs towards him watching him wanting to see what was going to happen. Chris gathered some of Jesse's hair in his hand yanking his head back so he could kiss along his neck. He didn't say anything he just kissed along the boy's skin, his tongue gathering the sweat from it from time to time. Moving to his feet he pulled Jesse up with him and when he turned him towards Ryan, the college student could see that Jesse was still hard despite the long orgasm he just had. He moved Jesse towards the bed pushing him down on it face first. Jesse hit the bed and already slid his hands along the sheets his rear moving up into the air, like a mare ready to receive her stallion. He submission was far from over. He had to take whatever Chris had to give him. Sliding his hands back to his cheeks he spread them turning his head on the side so Ryan could see him. He was enjoying every second of this. Chris was giving him what he wanted. "I still need to take your lover's cock in my mouth," he said in soft tone. Wet dream came to life is what it was for Ryan. He moved to his hand and knees making his way over towards Jesse to kiss him. "Later, baby." He whispered looking up at Chris who smiled at him. "Later." Jesse's body was covered in sweat and he just wanted to feel Chris cock inside of him again. "Please," he begged again. His cheeks were an angry shade of red. It would take some time before they turned white again. He wanted to be mounted and taken in the worse way. Ryan ran his fingers along the younger stud's rear massaging the right ring of flesh and it made Jesse flutter his eyes, lips parting to allow light gasps to escape over them. "Drawing his fingers away he moved towards Chris letting his hands slide along his lover's thighs. He was everything he ever wanted. Leaning forward he began to run his tongue along the sides of Chris' spear of flesh.

Lips parted and he took it down his throat in one movement. His eyes closed as he moaned over him. Working his lips back and forth over Chris for a few moments he pulled his lips off leaving the cock glistening with his saliva. Moving back he moved down towards Jesse and smiled. He leaned in to kiss him again and Jesse started to whimper, but the whimper because a scream of pleasure. There was no need for him to hold his cheeks apart. Chris moved forward and speared him with his huge cock spreading him wide with one movement. His hands moved to the bed, but he didn't push himself up he only gripped the sheets, his body lurching forward. Ryan licked Jesse's lips and watched as his lover pulled himself completely free of Jesse's body, hands at the boy's ass spreading those lovely cheeks as he slide his cock back into the pop star making him cry out to God as Ryan felt his stomach tighten and he blew his load eyes fixed on Chris as he did so. To be continued. That's the next part of the story. Sorry it took so long, but with the holidays I didn't have much time to work on it. I also wanted to see what I could bring out of Chris and Ryan this time around. Something sweet to cement what they feel for one another and then something to bring out Chris' aggressive side, the stallion that he is. I also decided to experiment with third person a little to see how things would flow. Comments are always welcomed at I'll try to get the next part out faster, but I can't make promises.

Tell me what you think guys.

Next: Chapter 7

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