Chris Evans Slut

By Ryan Gora

Published on Nov 19, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is about young men having sex together. If that's not your thing or you're too young to read it, please leave now. The author has written this purely as a work of erotic fantasy fiction, and implies no specific knowledge of the celebrity personalities who are described. Enjoy!

Chris Evan's Slut - Part 4

The kiss lasted longer than I expected, but I wasn't complaining. My hands slid along his back and he was pulling me closer. I wanted to wrap my legs around him and make out all over again, but there was a problem, my friends were here, Chris went out to do something, there had to be a reason and I needed a shower. I let the kiss linger for a little more before I began to draw back from him, not to far, because I liked where I was right now. My friends for the moment were a few million miles away and I was in heaven.

When his hand touches the side of my face I leaned into it and I felt myself wanted to dive back in to feel his lips against mine. "I should grab a shower." I started, that's what I needed to do. "And maybe you'll tell me what you were up to?" Because I was supposed to be his for the entire weekend so I automatically assumed that he would be mine for the entire length of time. Chris smiled pressing his hips against mine and I could feel him there beneath the fabric of his jeans.

"Damn, their not going to do it," I heard from behind me. My head fell forward against Chris shoulders and he began to shake with laughter. "Your friends are a trip." That made me smile.

"More like they're hot mess," I replied.

"That too." He got them, that's all that mattered to me. Looking over my shoulder at them I saw Josh and Tyler sitting there with grins on their faces and Paul try as he could to hide it had a smirk plastered on his.

"You. Shower." He slapped my rear and I let out a yelp, because it was hard but it made my eyes haze over a little. Chris' eyes narrowed and I could feel him sliding me closer so he could whisper in my ear. "If you're good you could get more that. If you're bad you could get more of that," he said in a husky tone that just made that part of me that wanted to be his boy start to uncurl and really wake up. His fingers came into my mouth and I pulled one in instantly, sucking at it tenderly like I was made to do just that, serve him in any way, shape or form.

When the finger slipped from my lips he ran his thumb along the bottom one and I bite it lightly making sure not to bite it too hard. I was having too much fun. Shower? If he kept this up I was going to be on my knees making him shower me with his cream. My lips began to slide over the tip of his thumb and I heard a soft groan from the man in front of me.

"Oh baby." He was into it just like I was. My cock started to twitch and I knew that if I didn't stop it was going to be over, but it was hard, so fucking hard.

"Ryan..." I heard the voice, but I didn't respond. It wasn't Chris'. I began biting down on Chris thumb. "Ryan." That time in addition to the voice there was a hand at my shoulder pulling me away from Chris. I almost wanted to whimper. Paul's voice finally registered and he pulled me away from Chris leading me towards the bathroom. I was just that turned on and ready to go at it. Josh and Tyler were definitely aroused; I caught that from the corner of my eye. They slid of the bed, but didn't follow me or Paul. I think they were just surprised at the way I was acting. I mean honestly all of us had seen us in top form, but this was different it was more intimate and I felt I was going to get a lecture from Paul.

We reached the bathroom which was bigger than my dorm room, it was huge! The door shut and Paul looked at me. "Are you ok?"

Was he insane? I was better than ok, but I guess it was a little weird just seeing me respond to Chris that way within hours of meeting him and getting fucked by him. He bedded me within an hour and I loved it.


I heard the water running and he brought me a glass of water over. Taking a few sips I smiled over at him. "Paul are you worried about me?" Couldn't help but ask, because he had this concerned look in my eye. "Getting in over my head huh? A one time thing that I shouldn't take so seriously, but shouldn't I; even if it never happens again."

Paul stayed silent the entire time while I chattered along. I looked over at the mirror and smiled at myself. It was a beautiful dream, a beautiful fucking dream that I didn't want to end.

Turning my attention back to Paul I started for a moment and I knew when Paul was aroused. It was just that easy to tell. "Oh."

He didn't blush or anything he just looked at me. "Was it like that last night," he finally asked.

"Yeah." I whispered. I know I should be talking to the other guys too, but Paul brought me in here to break me out of the trance. "Just like that. It was just that easy. I just fell into it. It was kind of like Steve from the Pike House." Steve was someone that we all had a good time with on more than one occasion. Vice President of the frat, football player with a great body, big dick and knew how to use it. He spotted me on the quad one day and then made it his business to make sure he ran into me. I was surprised at first, but after we chatted for a while he had me in his room on the bed balling me hard. I didn't make it home that night. He used me at least three different times before telling me about all the hot action he used to get when he was in high school.

I was just a freshman then and he always gave me a call at least once a week, but he's already gone. Graduated during my sophomore year, hot party and we see him at least once year just to catch up, but he was someone that you just wanted to please in a way. Chris is that way, but it's different.

"He just starts talking and everything else, because white noise. I'm watching his lips, looking at his eyes, focusing on his voice. When it goes husky like that it's like the submissive side in me comes out and just wants him to do whatever he wants. He's not that much older than me, but I know he's in control and he knows it. My cock twitches and my legs want to go in the air. I can feel myself getting moist in my boicunt and I just want to go at it."

Paul was rubbing the front of his pants by the time I was done and I wondered if it was like that with him and Chad. I mean they were dating even if it was hush-hush and they were taking it slow. I wanted to ask, but I didn't want to embarrass him.


"You don't know if it's all an act."

He moved to the tub to start bath so it didn't seem like were just talking or anything. I was supposed to be showering, but a bath would be nice. I look over at him for a moment. "Is there something you're not telling me, Paul?" I looked him square in the eyes trying to see if I was missing something.

"I don't know I all..."

"What?" I wanted him to spill whatever it was that he knew, because he knew something.

"Chad wants to ease me into this." He said finally. "Ease you into what?"

"Into being his guy. He said that he thought he could do it for everyone else, you know marry..." He muttered little.

"I know. I know." I smile. "Were you two together before all that?" Paul nodded confirming what I had suspected. "I see..." So he was worried something like that could happen with me, because Chris did have a thing with Jessica Beil, but they broke up, but it could be on again, off again type deal.

"Is that why you're a little worried," I continued.

"A little, but there's more, see Chris..." Chris what? How well did he know him?

"Doesn't commit?" That doesn't bother me, though he makes me feel special when he looks at me. The way he talks to me makes me feel like the only person in the room. "We only just met..." Paul sighed pressing his fingers to my lips to shut me up. It was the only way to do it sometimes, because sometimes I just went on and on not really letting someone get a word in edge wise. I know bad habit, but sometimes it can't be helped.

"He seems really into you." That prompted a quizzical look from me. "Yeah he does." Paul knew the look well. "I mean it could go somewhere and then you could end up alone and I don't want to see you hurt." And even though he said that and I knew he meant it there seemed to be something else.

"When was the first time that you met Chris?" Paul froze at that. "Or the first time you saw him and knew that he would be into me." Because I mean I didn't know, I didn't suspect. In my mind I assume everyone's gay until I'm told otherwise. Ok that's not necessarily true, but its fun to make believe.

"At a friend of Chad's house one night a couple of weeks ago, more like a month or so ago," his eyes slide up and over a little as he gave it some thought.

"And?" Now he had me curious. Setting the water down I looked at his eyes and down at his crotch because that could always tell me something and there was definite twitching.

"It was a party like one of the parties that we would have at the end of rush week at Pike." That made the corners of my mouth twitch into a smile, because I knew what those parties were like. They were fun lots of fun; music, dancing, and tons of sex. How the new members became full brothers, well, those that they could trust and thought would love it. I can remember taking Brian's thick eight inches in me and he was a virgin, but he wanted that bad. To be a member and then he saw me and Josh every other month just for fun.

Paul was looking down at his hands and my hands went on top of his. "Paul, remember who you're talking to." Sure when I talk to Chris I have stars and lust in my eyes, but it's not like he popped my cherry and everything. Ask the right person on campus and around town and they'll tell you who to go see for a hot piece of ass, me and my friends. Believe me the running joke for a while was that my friends found something in the street, 'My Virginity' but it was gone a long time before that.

I like sex, I love it and the idea of me not having it is just one of those 'Does not compute' equations. On my back, on my side, on my stomach squealing like a pig as I get it, it's just me.

"Let's face it Paul, I'm a cock and cum hound and we all know it. I love getting it anyway I can. Chris is a dream come true and he really knew how to do it and I can't wait for more, and yes I want to be his boy. It would be a dream for him to come home to me, hot, horny and ready to fuck. For him to rip my jeans down and mount up and fuck me against the kitchen counter until he's good and done." Believe me that would make my day.

"But..." I don't know. There was this part of me that couldn't say it wouldn't happen, because look at me. He said I was his. I decided not to focus on that...if my mind let me.

"He was doing this kid good and hard. Making him squeal like a pig. He was asking for more and taking it like a trooper. He was on this bed, before they moved him to the sling and Chris started at him again while Chad slid his cock in his mouth. He wanted me to see what he liked and what he was into sometimes. He said that if I wanted it could be me in there with him and another stud just being used like that. Just giving into everything I wanted.

Paul shifted a little. It didn't scare him, it excited him. It excited me. "Chris and Chad switched placed when Chris unloaded in the boy's ass and you could see some of it dripping down." And that just made me moan a little, because Paul knew I would've loved to burry my face between the cheeks of the boy to eat all of it out.

That made him smile. "Chad slide in him and the boy moaned over Chris as they slide into him at the same time and started rocking him back and forth in the sling." Paul moved over to the tub to turn off the water but it was obvious that he was turned on watching everything.

"Chad said that it was Chris personal little boytoy." And it all became clear. That's what Paul was concerned about.

"I see."

He looked at me. "It's ok, Paul." I told him moving up from where I was sitting. I kissed him on the forehead. "It's ok." I repeat. Part of me does sink though. He has a boytoy. No wonder he knew what to say. Figures.

"I mean it's Chris "fucking" Evans wouldn't he have one?" I say honestly before I poke him in the side. "Let me grab my bath and I'll be out in a little, K?" He nodded and slipped out the bathroom as I slipped of the pajama bottoms. I realized I didn't even ask him if knew who it was. Moving towards the tub I slipped in letting my eyes close.

The water was the perfect temperature and did wonders for my body. Laying my head back against a towel I rolled up I shut my eyes enjoying the heat of the bath. A few moments later the door opened and shut and I could hear someone walking over towards the tub.

"Don't open your eyes." It was Chris. I wanted to open my eyes, because I wanted to look at his. I wanted to see if I was imaging things or not. I wanted to see if I was thinking was real or wasn't. It was hard to judge. I could hear him moving closer until he was right beside the tub. I fought the growing urge to defy him and open my eyes. He had a boytoy, why should I be compliant? Why should I be jealous?

Was I jealous? I didn't feel jealous, I felt something different. I felt like I wanted to talk to him about, I wanted to know the truth. Were they still together, because after everything he said to me I wasn't sure what to say and Paul wouldn't lie. I guess if I had acted differently, if I didn't have that look in my eye that said that I could really be falling or something, Paul wouldn't have said anything.

I guess what concerned me the most was whether or not this was an act? Was this something that I could believe to be the truth or was it something that was just a fantasy. Was it all stage and was he doing it for my benefit, because he could get hot free sex with no strings. It shouldn't matter. We were both using each other right?


"You and Paul were in here for a while." Were the first words out of his mouth as his fingers dipped into the water near my thigh. I could feel the back of his hand slide along wet skin. "I'm guessing he talked to you about some things he saw a few months ago." I was completely aware of where his hand was. It was right beside my thigh he could easily slide to the inside of it and caress me. I was already starting to respond to the light touch that could've been accidental.

His fingers slipped from the water and went to my hair, sliding into it with ease while caressing my scalp.

"Yeah." Why lie?

There was a slight sigh, but I didn't respond. There were a few things I could've said to that, but I chose not to. He repeated the process with his hand, from dipping it into the water and gracing my thigh to weaving his fingers into my hair so the tips of them could caress my scalp. The touch of his fingers along my scalp felt nice. It was relaxing.

"He was just worried," I finally said.

"Worried, that what happened with him and Chad would happen with me if we got involved." Got involved? I could feel my eyes twitch, but I didn't open them. He told me to keep them shut. "Chris..."

"Let me talk first, Ryan." My face tensed a little, but instead of fighting it I nodded letting my eyelids relax.

"What happened with Chad and Paul that was something that couldn't be avoided. It happens, there's pressure from agents and other people to do the acceptable thing, because of fan base and shit like that. I know I have a fan base, girls and guys. I love it. I love sex, but there are things about me that people aren't going to get or understand, because they have this idea of what I'm like and they don't know me so when they find out certain things...they kind of..."

"Rethink the situation and decide that you're nothing like they thought you would be," I interject.

I don't open my eyes, but my lips shift, because I couldn't help it. His fingers slide from my hair and go back into the water, but this time instead of going into my hair they move to my lips.

I let out a soft sigh letting my lips brush along the tips of fingers.

"Something like that," he says finally. "So when Paul arranged for you to meet me and your friends told me about you, I thought I could be myself. I could be the way I wanted and not have you care one way or another." But I do care.

"You mean..." Before I could finish Chris' thumb slide along my bottom lip and I went silent.

"Your friends told me that you were really into me, but I didn't expect it to be so intense and we barely scratched the surface." I could feel my eyelids starting to tighten a little. "I mean the things we said. The way you said it, the way I said it. It was" He said wow again. I almost wanted to laugh, but I didn't. He was trying to be up front and honest with me.

"I meant what I said. I want you. I want you to be my boy." His boy, he said it again. "My man however you want to put it."

Boy's fine in my mind, but what about his boytoy? What type of relationship did Chris have, monogamous? I don't know what type of person I was when it came to relationships. My sexual appetite usually got in the way of things like that happening. "But I want you to experience everything, Ryan. I want you to be comfortable with who you are and who I am." Just who was he and what was he afraid off. If last night was indication of the person that he was, I had no problem with that person.

"I don't know where we're headed, but what happened last night was fun and I want to have more fun and I want you to be there." His hand shifted from the front of my face to the slide caressing it lightly while his thumb stroked along my jaw line. "I like what Paul told you about and more. I like feeling the tight hole of a boy around me. I like thrusting into them hearing them moan and squeal like that. I like it when they cry out for more. I like the way you talk to me and I like the way I talk to you." He said and his voice lowered.

"I like it when you respond to my touch without me having to say much more." He pressed his palm against me and I rubbed my cheek against his hand a little. "I like it that you shiver when I speak. It's a fucking turn on to know that you like it that much that you're that turned on." I could hear him shifting as if he was moving from a chair closer towards me. "I like it that you didn't pull back when I started kissing you in front of your friends that you would've probably let me fuck you right there with all of them watching." I shifted in the water a little. "Because you would've wouldn't you. You would've let them see me slide my big dick inside that tight cunt of yours wouldn't you?"

My eyes fluttered. Couldn't help it, because I would've. "Yes." I whispered.

"I know and I would've done it too given have the chance. Paul was probably good to pull you away, because I would've pulled those pajama bottoms down and slide home and fucked you like a bitch." His fingers slid into my hair pulling it back and I knew what was coming. I felt his lips on mine. It was a small kiss, but one that caused my lips to part allowing his tongue to slip into the sweet heat of my mouth. His fingers slide along my scalp pulling me close to me. He kissed me so long, so deep that when our lips parted I was gasping for air.

"That's what you want isn't it. You want that and more. They told me everything, baby, told me how you liked to be used and how you love it." His hand drifted down to my chest caressing my nipple and all I could do was shift around in the tub, because every time I started to reach out to touch him I felt his hand move to restrain me.

"There's so much that we have to learn about one another and I want to see. I want to see what you like what you do." Chris sounded like he was trying to hold himself back. The grip on my body tightened and I leaned in to kiss him. I kissed him just like he kissed me deep and soulful. I didn't try to touch him. All I used was my lips. My eyes remained shut the entire time. I didn't need to open them to see him. I knew what he looked liked. Sucking on his lower lip a little I released it from my grip allowing our noses to trace along one another.

"Chris..." My lips moved down to his neck to kiss it. All this time I thought about my fantasy coming true and I never thought about his fantasy. Me his fantasy that would be a trip and a half, but if I could let him be free in a way that he couldn't experience normally then I could start to understand a little.

"I'm yours all weekend and longer." I laid it out all out there for him. Turning my face to his hand when it fell there I kissed and nipped at the heel of his hand.

"Ok." He said. "I want you to do something for me babe. Just do it, don't think or anything. I want you to do what you feel comes natural." He said to me. "Get cleaned up and when you're done let me know." He kissed me again before slipping away. When the doors shut I could see my erection pressed against body. I needed a moment or two to calm down. Resting my head against the towel behind me I shut my eyes again remembering what he said and just wondered for a moment. Did I just dream that?

It did happen and he did open up to me in a way I didn't expect. The next thirty minutes were spent in quiet contemplation. Which wasn't that difficult, because no one barged in nor could you hear anything through the walls. By the time I was done with my bath I was feel clean and refreshed. I realized that I didn't bring any clothing with me. All I had were the pajama bottoms or at least I thought I did. Looking around I noticed they were missing and decided to grab one of the complementary robes.

Slipping it on I moved to the door and called out for Chris. I took a step back wondering if everyone was still there. When the door opened it was a quick open shut and he moved towards me. He changed. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans and I could see the light sheen of sweat covering his body. He moved towards me with a scarf in his hand.

"For me?" He nodded and proceeded to cover my eyes with it after folding it over several times. When he felt it was sufficiently in place he moved me to my feet.

"You can't take it off." I kind of figured that. I smiled and he poked me in the side. "I mean it."


"No questions." Damn. He's reading my mind.

The door opened and I couldn't see anything. It was all dark and I was still curious about where he had been all this time. If someone else was in the room I didn't know. There was nothing but darkness. I could smell a few things. It smelled like orange and spice, interesting combination. Chris stopped me once we were clear of the bathroom. His hands moved towards the belt of the robe and began to undo it.

My head turned, but he didn't stop. I could feel the robe being pulled from me and then his hands at mine.

"Remember what we talked about, baby." And there was that voice again, that tone and timbre that made my legs go weak. Guiding me through the bed room he stopped when we were near the bed. I could feel it at my legs. He pushed me back and the sensation was odd. It's always odd when you're blindfolded for some reason. You don't see anything passing you by, there's nothing but darkness. It's been felt before, but each time it's like the first time.

Landing on the bed my head moves trying to figure out where Chris has moved to. When my body moves from him climbing on the bed I know instantly where he is. He's moving over me and he starts to pull me up some so my head is resting on one of the pillows. My hands come around to slide along his back down to his rear. Squeezing his rear I feel his knee come between my legs knocking them apart.

"Just relax." He whispers to me. I feel his lips at mine and then he's sliding his hand down between my legs stroking me slowly with his hand. I can feel his palm slide along the length of my cock which has already began to harden. Responding to his ministrations with small kisses he moves down to pull my nipple into his mouth causing my body to arch back instantly as he pulls his my hardening nub into his mouth.

"Fuck!" I cry out, hands pressed against the bed. Licking my lips he pulls away leaving me wanting for more. "Chris..."

"Daddy's still here, baby." He purrs to me, but he's further away. There's movement and I start to move when I feel a hand pressed against my wrist. From the size and pressure I can tell it's not Chris. It's smaller, not tiny, but slight smaller. I don't right it, but when I feel his body against mine. It's firm. Reaching out with my hands I slide my fingers through his hair and then down along his back and down to the shorts he's wearing. Feels like a pair of running shorts. Sliding my hands over his tight, round ass I pull him close to me and he starts to grind against me taking in a sharp breath at the same time.

He moves up a little so he's straddling me a little and his hands start to move along my shoulders to my forearms down to my hands. I press myself up against him and he presses back making me gasp the way his moving his hips around in a circular motion. When I part my lips his fingers slide into my mouth, two of them and he starts to pump them in and out slowly not saying a word or fighting not to say anything.

My toes start to curl and he moves his hips a little more before sliding down below my erection. He slides down until he's between my legs sliding them up into a bent position so he can start the slow torture of my body. First he kisses the inside of one knee then the other before the edge of his tongue traces from the knee to the inside of my left leg. I left it up so he can get at it a little and then he does the right before he moves down to kiss along my waist making sure he misses the most obvious part of me that's aroused.

He rolls off me quickly and slides up along my right side pulling my nipple into my mouth proceeding to bite, nibble, suck and suckle at my nipple until it's red, hard and throbbing. My cock jumps and when it jumps it spurts a bit of clear liquid. He moves to do the same to my other nipple while teasing my belly button with his wet fingers. Reaching my lips he brushes them across lightly with his own before he gives me a longer kiss.

He presses himself forward and my hands slide to his rear caressing it. Sliding my hands up the legs of his shorts I run my nails along his skin and he takes in another sharp breath before I capture his lips again and start kissing him in earnest. I know we're both leaving wet spots on those shorts of his. I can see him, but he's fucking hot.

He starts to grind me through the shorts and I just love it. I moan a little and he smiles against my lips tracing them with the tip of his tongue before I suck it back into my mouth. I can feel his hand moving between us to slide along my balls caressing them in the palm of his hand, the tips of his fingers sliding along them before his hand moves lower and my legs part and he strokes that sensitive area between my balls and private entrance. He moves lower and begins to stroke that tight ring of muscle while his lips begin to descend along my body.

"That's it Ryan let him explore," Chris says and I try to block everything else out so I can get an idea of what he's doing and I barely catch the sound of him stroking his thick meat. "Lower." He says to the person working on me and they move lower until their lips slide along my erection and my entire body bucks.

"Yeah, that's right," Chris says and he doesn't whisper. I can't see what he's doing, but there's a muffled moan around me as the mystery person slides his lips over me. He starts to hum softly while still massaging my opening.

"Tastes good doesn't it," Chris says and my body continues to shiver at the sound of his voice sending a nice spurt of precum into the others mouth. He takes it down and proceeds to lick my cock like it's the best treat he's ever hand. My legs part a little more, because I know where I want him. He takes the hint moving down between my legs and sliding them up so he can get at my hole.

"Nice." He says and it's so short and brief that I can't tell who the other person is. I know it's not one of my friends. That much I know but then I feel his tongue there on my hole and he starts to press it the bud before running his tongue along the length of the crack. He moves it back and forth before he slips inside of me and my head falls back and I let out a soft cry as this guy starts to eat me out. He pulls out all the stops thrusting his tongue inside of me making sure that I feel it all along the way. His hands slide along my thighs stopping at the back of them before he dive back in moaning against me as he does it. He moans a little and I can feel the movements change and then the thrusts begin. He's getting it in the ass.

Chris is fucking him. My eyes want the scarf off and I continue to think over what's happening as the man at my ass greedily dines on it as he gets pummeled from behind. I want to see Chris. I want to see them both, Chris and the other guy.

"Looking right at you, Ryan. Right at your sexy body as he eats you out," he grunts out causing my cock to jump a few more times.

I can feel him slowing down in his thrusts, because they guys face isn't being pressed against me so hard, but then it starts again and I can feel the tongue thrusting into me over and over again until I can't take it again more and my cock explodes. I can feel my body jerk and the tongue still going at me as spurt after spurt of my white hot seed flies everywhere. I can feel some of hit onto my stomach and then more onto my chest. I can hear the other guy moaning and his body jerking as he starts cumming and Chris cries out my name and he thrusts hard into the other guy and I know he's spraying his hot load into the other guy. He grunts a few more times before pulling out.

Panting I feel the other guy slide his face from between my cheeks and there's a slapping sound and moan from him. He just got hit on the ass.

"Clean him off." Chris orders him and just then I start to feel the other guys tongue running across my body slowly licking away all the remnants of my release. When he's done he moves up to kiss me.

I feel Chris move up on the bed, has to be him. He moves down and starts to move down and I feel his tongue at my hole and he moves and I hear the other guy moan as he starts to run his tongue over and in both our holes, using us for his own pleasure. He slides two fingers inside of me making me moan.

From the sound that the other guy was making he must've been tonguing his hole. I guess that's what he was doing, because he then switched up and his fingers left me, but his tongue went in and the guy on top of me was rocking his hip back and forth.

I heard a groaning sound from Chris before he moved from between my legs. "So how did he taste, Jesse?"


I felt a hand at the scarf pulling it off.

"Fucking excellent." I saw a grinning face at me. Blonde, grin eyes. "Care to return the favor while Chris fucks you like there's no tomorrow? Because I'm game if you're game," Jesse McCartney said sliding up a little more, cock hard as board already and Chris sliding his fingers at my as smiling at me in a way that just made me want to cum right then and there and I did as he plunged his fingers into me worked over boicunt.

To Be Continued

So what did you think? Not enough, too much? Any suggestions? Let me know. Email me at All flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 5

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